Crossing Agreement with United States of America for Water and Power11^`ITrD STMT ~.~ n _7A~TM=ri '^ .~-- 'r Ll t' TF~!TrQ T~'~ i ~ rl a^r ~~- ~ iOrr,. ~_.-,may ~.,- Sose ?roject, Ida^o CROSS IN AGREEN'ENT ''HIS AGREEMEN~-, made this day of I9 , pursuant to the 1'~ct of Congress approved Jur;e 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388), ~:nd acts arnen.datory thereon or su?plemen.tary thereto, all of which acts are commo~ :~; known ar.d refer»ed to a~ the Federal ~ ecl arnati on Laws, '~etween the °.1NITED STATES 0E A~?ERICA, hereinafter called the United States, represented ~~y the officer executing ~(?is agreernent, hereinafter caller' thsn Contracting Officer and the CITY Or= M:rPIDIAN, a body politic, hereinafter called the Grantee. 2, WHER'~AS, in connection with the Boise Project, Idaho, hereinafter referred to as the Project, the United States t:~~rough the Water and ?ower Resources Service, Department of the Interior, has pursuant to '=ederal Reclamation Laws, constructed and owns certain power, communication and irrigation works, hereinafter ca-~~ed Project facilities; and 3. ~~'HEREAS, the Project facilities are being operated and maintained under a repaymen~~ cor:t~^act betareen t~.e Un~td States and t^e Nampa and ~':~ridian Irrigation District of the Boise Pre~._'., hereinafter called the District; and 4, ~,~'-!E?EAS, t%~e Grantee desires to construct, operate and maintain ~~• 5-inch sewer, i ne u:~der ar.c: across the Prod ec t gate±~•~:~.; / kn-~wn as Ninem~:e Dray n. !4O'r~', THEREFORE, i n cons i •~erati on of the mutual covenants a.nd sti pu? ati ons _: ~Ci n~•.~ ter s ~_~. ted, the ~ _.rti es hereto acree as 5. The !'ni ted States her^~y grants to the Grantee, s:,~5 j ect to the terms and conditions of this ar. ~~~~ ~.:~ nt, the ri g`'t ~=r: ~~:struCt, operate >.nr' ma r:ta-~ n a 5-inch seu::~>> : i to unc:v==~:~ and across the Ni Hem-: l e Dra-':, and right-of-way i n t!~e E 2NE4 of Section 1., Tcwnshi o 3 North, Range 1 'n'est, 8a i se mer-~ d i an, Ida':~e, as the 1 ocati on i s shown on the attached -~:'~; bi t "A" and i n the manner shown on the at :ached Exhibit "B" said exhib-~ts are by this re-;=erence made a Hart hereof. 6. 7,,e .,~ n+ep ,~~a~? ary~.Q~"e o '~~~ followinc, s~ecia' reauire- S'wF'r~''~e ., ., ~ ~ r ` ,...., r€?r ~. "s C; ~r,' :." 0:"' and ma' ~!'.~ _..",Ce Q~ :,~1e Gr s ~:.p.~....On Of + a. The ar.tee ~ oor c~:~ ? ~+~ cons true .ion of its fac*lities, sha'l 'instal' c-'~inctive;y ra-:~ted and iden~`ified meta' p~_s~s ex~endir,g not less than fo~,~r fee{ above ground surface :,t the outside toe of each emban~ ;gin or ~-. ~ . ~'ac, 7 , t . ~ i, _ t o ~r:er phys~ cal extre.~i ty of the ~ i es o-~- ~:7e ~ni led States end f; ve feet measure-~ at ri gh angles t +~ N r ~_ - o ~}e g;.t-o : way o ` t~~e sewed -' ne cen±,. ne when l ooki r.g '~ t'?e darer ,n in whi'Ch ihC Sral'oy ~:~~creases. ;,c.C ~~-'s,~; shat' be see ,~ri. ~-~„ ~. al posts s by the a: an ~~. _ s di rectec by *he rontract~° ng Oft; cer to mars each a.rrg`e point and points of curve and tangent on said water' ~ ne wi thi r the ri chts_O ~_Wcy pf t"~e ,rni tec Sta yes, b• T`'"ior to actual construction or r~<°~-;-'r, the Grantee shat ? no±~ ~y ~-,o Con ~ract~ na Off; c s~. ~; - - ~ ~ cr ~ , stri o ~ so that the,~~ or thei r represan~~a~-ve can inspec;~ she wo^~<. ~=. T'~ere shallti~e no `?laslin~ within or adjacent to drain r i ght~-o= -way. - ~. The sewQr'in sha'l be constructed, operated and maintained '~~;~ the Grantee w tho~~t cost lc ~-he ~ni led States or ±he Oi stri c~~ or t`~e~~r assiens and in such a manner as to c~~use no in~.:er~'=~Ner,ce or stoppage of the fl cw of v~ra ter i n canal s , ' atera', s , di tche, , or other i r"~° ,,a ,ion face ? i ti es, or interference ~r~i t~? the norma' operation of y,~or~s of the Jnited States or District. All construction, rec~~~- struction and ~Tainlenance L~ '; performed by the Gran~ee ~thi. + riah~-o' '.hey of the ~'n;led J: ales sha'~ be undert~:zen en~ ~,n+thP ac d: ~ ~o ~lan~ and ~:n a m A ~-;rr 'Y ~im_s, an.n..r sa , ,~ actor +,~, +' p r„ ~ Officer. fall ~-~ .., ~ ~ Y ~ :.n~ ~~n..racting n;aced by he Grants ~n t;:e drain or other waterway e'rban{'Y= Its Spa'. ~ b ,,~+~r _r ,,,, n - ~ ,o:.c any other compaction to Insure _. nc voids ex : st a: ytir7efe anc:` espec i a? ly around the pipe. ~he dra and a^o~ar~.;er,anl ;f~r~s seal? :e Nestored by tho G~anlee to U Cpr''~^ti On at . vuSl aS gooc '.S =~~_'~~~`"C th~~ cross nc: way ~ '-:d~. 8• Th.e r.,..` " :°e s%ra?' construct,, Ope^dte and maintain ~ tS sPwer- l i ne crossing an~~ ~ ~_•r _.~nances i n a good wor~mar' i ke manner and C ~r ~ C: } insure compl~an,ce wtt:h ^e '~~~•- "the St ~-Q ~ „~ + , a ~~ o Idaho a:.,. W _h al . laws, recula± ons and orders ~~ :~e Jnited S±~,~~~ and n r ,~ ~~_~,or-'~ _ afs~.~f. a:y ~_..er pab:ic ~. ' ng such ~.~ror:~cs. Tie fai ~ use of the Grantee after c:ue notice to ,bide by a~~y c~ ~'^e terms a.r,,_ cc~dilions of r; laws, ru':es ~,~ sego°,- inns sha-:, =h° ap.'icab~e cause ~n;s acreement to be ~~,`. u ~ t: ° .: ~~ ~ of the contract ~ n^ ., ^{~ ~ cer. -. T'~-s ac?r~Pmen} is n~^a"':Ed subject +o all riches orevicus'y. a.~~qu .red by ~ .-` rc: ,.;~:~,t~ ~~s. ~ - LL. The United ~~ates has on?y an easement right at +he crossing covered by ~:~-is agreementy t~~e •~~`oY•` the n n•~ l y ~ra.• ~ee sha ~ 1 05 ta- ~~ an r;;n°r ~' earance i t magi ren'~' r"~ from the part-i es ^u,'n: nn '- :e n '°y' ee to the lar,v on why c~~ t~^c cross-`ng i s -`ocated. ~~ ;y i ng ?I. The Grantee nrea~ as fe?lows: a. There is res~~^vod ±o the United States aid i+s assigns, tie prior right to use any of the right-of-way herein describes to construct, operate and maintain all str,.Ctlr faci?,°ties, includ:~r~, s + - ,,,,,~ es ar.4 bJ~ "rot ~:~:~ter tc cana?s, wasteways, laterals, ditches, roadways, e?ectr•;ca' ±ransm::ssion ;es, communication structures+generally, substatryonr, switchyards, powerplants and other appu.~enan~ 7:rrigaticn and power structures and faci?;ties without any payment made b :•u ;,n;+_ ~-,a_ .~ y ~.,.. .. c:. S ~~ ~es ~ o;~ such r ght. `'. The Grantee further agrees that if the construction of any or a?' of s~ch structures and :~aci?it;es, across, under or upon said right-o'~_way shoulc be made more expen,s've by reason of tha existence of irr~rovements or works of he r ~-° additional exoe use i s to be es t; t ~ ~` an ~ ~-~ :.hereon, such ' mated by the Secretary o* the interior, whose estima±~ is to be final and binding upon the parties hereto. Wi :~i n t~~i rty days after demand i s mace upon the ';rantee for payment of any such sums, the Grantee ~rril? make payment thereof to the United States or any of its assicr~s constructing such structures and facilities across, over and under said r~ght-of-way of the United States. r~s an a'ternative to ayment, the Grants + and expense and within the ti ° -" • r + e, ~ ~ its so? e cos _ m.- ~':m-~s es:,ablished by the G^vernment, may remove or adapt faci :~ -i t-':'s constructed and operater:' ' said rlr~'?t-of-way ~,;o accommodate the aforementioned s-`rucyurtsoand f,.cilit~es e~ h~ ~~ ;~ +, _ n ~ ed S ~.~ ~ _ C • The ~~Y•.;ntee sha? 1 bear the cost to tie GcvF nmcnt o ' ;y cam;-~s occasioned by the fai ? ure of the Grantee to remo Y~e or adapt its : ac i 1 ~ t ~~ ' ','~i~',::~' t:'~e time ?units specified, c. There is also reserved to the United States the right of -:•ts of~cers, anents, r~~rp'o~y~.es, licensees and errr' - o proper t mss anr' ~ •ces f . ~.y ~, ~ p ~ .: e,, at a„ ,,ave ingress to, passage over, and egress ~'ro;~, a ~ o r . c r~ ~ ht- f enforcing anc pro-ect- t~ ~.o~-w .,, ~ ~ -~e purpose of exercising, ng e . ~'''- .5 rLS~rVed herein. d• '~`"' Gr2r'te° `~;~r+'^pr agrees that the Uni tee States and t~'? ~i.S ~~ ,. ~y :. ~- ~ *,'';~~Y°S, dgentS and em~,'pya°s anCl assigns shall nog- be :gel e ~ .~b; e nor any d~~'„~..-:~ + • ~ _ Lo the Gran ice's improve",Pats or wor'<~ by reasan of the exer~; ~~ o~ t~~P r ~ ~-,7ts he,~ reserv~~c; nor ,a~ ~ ar;y: ~i nq ~ or+~ ::ed i n ;, ~, + - ra..raph b cony= «d as an ~;~,. ne. 2m ~; ., o'-~er rest f y •^v~t : o,r~ •: n aver c - ~ _ r i tec States contained : n tiri s ra-~; E~:•~, r. ~2o The Grantee hereby aQre~~s to indemnify an.e hold harmless the United Stat~ar, ::~~: .~ ~ ~ is-~ and th ir" t e assn s and employees, from any loss or Mamaae and fro^~ .-.~'',~ 1'abi'.ity on account of perSO.r;al ;~,VUrv./, Ci='.'.t", Or !; !^-~_,,~~-yyda"?agE?, OY' C~dmS TOr :~~.^~yla' ;rjury, death, or oNo-,~,~y oa~;~~e of ary ,a tore whatsoever anu b_y whomsoever !pace arsing gut c-" ~i~e Grantee`s activities under ?-;~-is acreement, I0. !upon ter^~ination of this acreement for any reascn the Grantee sha?? at t~~P opt; .,f +h V ~ `" o~: ~ ~ ~ ,e Contracting Officer .remove a i ? struc~~S~res and facilities p'ti.ced upcn the ~re,nises by the Gr~:ntee and shat' - res~~.ore the premises occua i ed by• such structures and faci-ii-~;os to a condition satis-~actor~ to the Contracting Officer, If the Grantee fa~'s to r `~ emove its struc~,ara~ any' face ? .ties w? th? n sixty (00; days ~:fter the ~.,rmi hat; ~n o-' tr ~ agreemen~, provided such recuest ryas been made by the Contracting Officer, sJch structures an`~ fac~ l ;ties , at t.h.e op-r' ^ ~:-~ C t + • s~_~.; t the on„rac~,~ng O :.cer, sha'1 become t.h.e -~ro!:erty o:~ the !:n iced S-~ates, 1~. The p'"cvisio:~s of this agr~~:ement sha?? apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the rarties hereto, but r,o assignment or tran..sfer cf t~:is agreemena:, or a.ny par± or interest t`,erein sha?1 be valid anti"=, approved by the Con,~racti.r,g Officer. ?5, This acreement sha?' terminate: a. At the option of the Contracting Officer if the Grantee fai ? s to c~!°,~1 y with any of +-'~e germs and conditions thereof. b, A~, the option of the Contracting Officer coon discon- tinuance by the Grantee of the use o~' the area cove _ ~ this agree- ment for a period of six ;6) cony>~~~:tive months, -v c. At the rea~~est of the Grantee by giving written notice to the Contrac~` : fi;n Of; ; .ser. i5. T.he Grantee heresy agrees as fellows: ~ ~a.~ To comply with Title VI fSect~n~ 601; of the Civil Rights Ac of ~u;y L~, .~9~4 ',7~ Stat. 2~'; wh` ~ ~r~ ~d~s that "No person in. the ~'ni ted S-~ates Sna?' , o" he gro~~ne of r:: ~, color, or n ~ ona? or, gi r , ,~e excluded from ?arm, c' ~,~~. ' „n n be denied '-?~ f e bene`'i is o , , or be s ub~ ect to di scr i ~ :i nati on ;ender an n~ogra; ~ec'era~ fi nand: al ~ ~ + ~~ ~~ y v7 ty receiving ~.~sis~anc~_, and to be bound by the regulations of the Department of the Ir:t~ror ,,r f~c e-~fec+:;ation thereof as set forth in 43 CFR '7. ' b. 'o obligate its suL}con~ractors, subgrantees, transferees, success ors i n i nt~ "est, cr a;~y ot~ner par ~i c i pants receiving ~"oderal 1^; ~~~:,c i a l assistance he•~,~~under, +.o comply with the requi remen ~ of this pro/sion. y sna,ifi. No Member or or• D~~~eaate to Congress or resident commissioner oe a~. ~ft"~e~ {0 any 5'??re or ~ar± p-F t~ti , o f;+ ±:. s agrcemen"~ or to any `ne, ~ ..<~at may dr; SC' here;'r,;m. T:'1i S reStr i Ct i On S had i np~; ~e !"on- strued to extend to ':'~:is agreemer:t ,'f made w~ ~'~ a corporation orv comp~.:y . or i ~s g~~~era; bene~ -~t, T~. FITNESS ~~`~~=~=CF, the ^arties hereto have executed this aCreement '.~e day ,:,d year f rs", above 4vr~'~te .. • uc ','NITE=' STATES OF ~r AM~'R_ a By Res ; ~~.,'.' ~'' recfnr, ?n,' Reg-on 1~'ater and ?"vPr Resources Service Box 043 - ~~~-', Wiest Fort Street Boise, Ida~~o 83724 CITY OF ': _:'I'`'AN %'':da Co~~y, S rate of Idaho (SEA' ` B -~,~. Atteste ~ i'0~-ter 'r~'ir ', !'~~ ~ ~J~ > ~: ** T`~e above aereement Has been considered and "s Hereby dpyt"oVed =;y ~he `~Ar"~~A '"'.~ n/'r2'~~ n? -r-n ~ -,- ~ ,-, ___/','~ ;R. ~CA:_,.'~ DIS,RICT this~~~cay '4'ANt~-A ;"~;'k~ '/.r2.DIAN IRRIr.,',.~ i0N ^?STRICT A~.=~s"~; -~, ~ ~ ,~ Se e"~~~y-Treas._:re ~'4~ ~ ~~~ i?y e'n'd E ~ T i + ~ A ~,v © '~ ~/ =~~. CThITr 'Sr T-•^•-~ ~ ~~ S S .,ounty o-~ ^,^A ~ p" }his ~Gth day of September 1980 ,persona'?y appeared before ~e, JGSE?~ G~AISYER, '~'aycr, and !_aWAti~,1 L. MIEMA;~!"~, City C'erk, to me ;;r?cti, to be the orf~'c`as of ~'~e ~'~y p;r MER~DIFt~, iCr~iO, who exec:~ted the within and foreecina instrument and acknow?edged said i nstr~~~?ent to be the fr;~e anc vo? ur,tary act and c:ioed :of said City of Mer~'dian, for +he uses and purposes therein a??enti oned, and on oats: ;tato~ that trey wore author; zed to rxecute said instrument. III WITM1'ESS '~Jr'.ER~::C~", I have hereon+o set my hand and affixed my of f-;cial sea? ~\~ day a.r~d year :'~=vrst above wrihten. ~. (.SEA!) - :-- _~ ~,, -, ., r--- ~i0:,~.ry ?u5.. _ ? n ~:nd fOr t^ State of Idaho Res r~?;ng at MPr'dian My comm-'ssion exp-:r~es: ~~* S;AT~ p"' r~~~-~~ SS Cc~... ~y of ADF; C?n. ti° i s day of =`~ , p~ rsona? ?y appearec± before me ± m,., ! o ~,._ ~cnev~n to be the offi ri a? o-' ~'-,e Dni ted c `,+es of ~~ ~ + America than ex~„a~ed the with-'n and for=going instrument and ackno~~r?edged said instrume~,~ '~o be one free ~^d vo'_fntary act ~,nd deeo of sa;^ L~ni ted States ,^or the uses and pug^ro~ros ;nerei n r~;;,;,;ti r_,ned, and C!7 oath S?:a F'(r , ' ' '.e eras C.u'.,'f' v ! + - - ,or ; zee. ;;o s eca _e i nstr~~me;~t. - _ I1~ '~'IT`~rSS ',' '~REO~, ~' have hereunto set my hand a `'fixed my ~ ? c~ ~; i sc the d-~y and year fi rs~~ ~~.bove wr; +~nn, y~A` 1 Notary Ru5- ~ in and fnr the ~;es~ain,g ~~y comet~ssion expires: 5 ~~ ~~ ,~,~r w ~ ~ ..~ i ,,' ~ ,~; ~ ~ . ~ ~' ~ ~.'~~~ I ` I ~ ' g i r ~ ~ .- i , '~-`-} ,. ,~ ° _ ~ _. ^ O!i !T ` a~ tY' C ! Y ~N T ' ~ z ~ - ; C `~ T ° ~, In I' A/ ~ F t n~ Sf4° ~ ~in~ R -j ~' a ROaD - -- / ~~ 1 ~_-___- - d~+ jar'- 2' ~ ~ ~1. i t 1 N • {{ ~/`) l~ ~ s ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ x °o ~ ~ ~ ~ r-+ r~r ,,., ~ ~, ' spa ~~ ~ ; , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ° ~ a T ~ ~ ~'' ~ , 4, 'a' .,;.; ~ f ° ,,roe ~; ., r+ ~`- ~ °' ~, -- --~~em+ e' ~,-.,~ ~ ; it 4• ~ ~ .. ~ ft. ~ 'J 9 j - ~~ '; O lri: it .~Y=\ -- / - ~ S ~ ; ~ ~~-' ~4`'_:~ ~ ~ _ _ 3J . N 111 / ,~ ~. ~` .H + ~',~ ~~ I .sacs '-s~-sti~~ CJf H~ ~P~k_eIAY ~ C -:.~ r'- a "sryw ar. x VA L v RD 'ys .~± ~'¢ v ~m ~ / i-, i v W ~ . ' ~ ® ~ ~i a = 4° ~ ' ~ ~ ; f ~ " r '' J off.. •o :;yJ ' ~ o C ~ L`l ~ -- ~ te ) / 3s'ra,~t ~~ c, 4~ O Yg .w~ 4~ N ~° ~ // O ° 'T _; ~ - ~ ~! ~ / - ~ G ~`- ~ + ~ -~ d ~ ~ ~J ,~, "~ ~ Ali. - ~ ~ v ~~r. i ~ ~ c~ V F F ~/ ~. ~„_ "~z ~;A, ^~ ~~: :y., y~ . . ~.,~ ~'L; 5 , a - ~ i a :: ~_' . ~. ~. ±~, .!' .... "' <'~. ' S- a. r l i ~ R ~._,....6 __l .- it ___..-~..~ i II ,~ P ~ ',~~ J i p~` ~ ~ ;~ ~~-- 2 a ~ ~ ( `~ ' ` /~ 1 f >r r ~ ~ I , y~ ~.iA ~ , n. u t~ Rk ' ~ i ~ i ~ :y 1.....~ 1 ~ ~, ~ ;, j ,,yi ~' ~ ~ ~ 1 L ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ a "'~r ,~ ~ I t ~ t . + ' ~; ~, .w ~ r' f 3 •j 5.; {~ V e ~' ~~' t . `~ ~ . ~w ti ~''• Y ~tt( ~~F:~, ~' d ~" ~~. ((J ~`"~~ 1 ~~ 4f 4 ~~ 4`~T °~.....~ M1+%' "/? t ~. pp ~~ @4 ~ ~ ~ ~ aa~ „ t . -~.. ~ `, A2: ~. r• i C- ~_ -. , ~_ { i _.u ~ ~1..~ 1 ~ .. Y ...... 7 "+', `' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <a» R e ~y ~~ ~ ' ~ ~-...1 ~~ yy i'~F 1 }~• ' `~S y~. -~ 1 ~ ~~ :V / { ~.r ..r~' S t ~ , M ;~ i ~ ~ ` ~yj~ ~ ~~~ _: t .. r-1 v ~ ~ ~ _..... i- p... y { ~\,.i . D e _ "" ~ ` -. ~ ... 2 ! .... , ~ ~ ~ e ~ . < "- Y~ .~ `~ ,' ~~ ~.t.,. i..,...,- .'r f ; i ,. F~ :.-. ~ a.._ ~ ra ~ . ,...-- \~ ~ ' FK'e2 . ~ % a *~ .doer United States Department of the Interior WATER AND PO ~,R RESOURCES SERVICE BiJdt~ A i~ -R~ 6DA#IArT-IOPd - CENTRAL SNAKE PROJECTS OFFICE 214 BROADWAY AVENUE BOISE, IDAHO 83702 IS REPLY r~ REI~LR TO: 32D 770.- September 9, 1980 Mr. Lew Keys c/o Keys, Olson and Ensley Architects 681 Sixth Street North Ext. Nampa, Idaho 83651 Dear Mr. Keys: Enclosed for the consideration of the City of Meridian are two dupli- cate originals of a crossing agreement which grants the City the right to cross the Ninemile Drain with a 6-inch sewerline. Please present these agreements to the City and if they are in agree- ment with the terms and conditions contained therein, have both copies signed and notarized as indicated and returned to this office for final execution. Sincerely, /JO's Project Superintendent Enclosure (In Duplicate) ~: ~~~ ~~~ ~ce~~ ~~~~-~ c~ ~?~~~~-~~~ ~;~ 9- ~~ ~~