Right of Way Easement with Wilson, Nellie M.r- L_, - --- Sp ~ , ~ ~ '~ V , `i ~~~ ' i RIQAT OF l~1A'~ E;~~.~.~t _ - , ~~'~'n~a`3'nxer.Tttre, ?.ana z::•.. .. -` ...~.. ..._ __ .' 2r ..~. .v ~ . '.W~ tr° v i`~ OP MO!`; ui ti.1? .+4'a: _ ,' ' _ , Lf:. ! ~ 1 i~ ti nn, as Rrantee, i:i 1'NESSi~.~: - w':ERFAS, the said ~rarltur 1s ~;.~. .•.,f,--. ~ _ parcel oP land lying and beir~ s~:it:hir. ::r ~ ~: __ _ : .. , ; ~~ said City oP Meridian, Ada ^•~unL:,, ;;:~~~;:, r~rt... - ,. -. as fo2lot+a: ~n~r r t*'~1P' 211: :iL 3 }:Oln~. IJ~.~ :•::c:i. .G~~ .:_ rtif- .L .*-??_.. _,. 'v d~ ~dd_cLon, t•~ridisn, :;d~ Ca;n~.r~ -;-. '*^~' -- `' *_ner2ca •:est: "4.::9 Ceet t ~r:._ ~_. _. _ _ _. , t%1~ Kurth oounaary uC suia rrast, „d;:i iu::~ ._ . ~. ~ ... _ - AHD w17 C.c1 C~/1J, t;r,A (,'rR!~tAA hranai n .~ssc tr+aa f - .. .r,, .t..n a line i~ar c~mroyi nr A9MH?9 upon and a^,rc ~r • - ~ ~ - , ~. ~ i - ir, rr,nn7PtlUn with ad~iltiona! ~:.~:~or lir.ec -; n:: ,_~,.,..., •..•,. ~ _. p.Lr.L a~.:tF.:.rizwi L;, ',~1,. ~i~,..L1..~. 1~, nE~! ..: ...,... ..,.. ,. ~, Ziirfc~kuFcr, in ccnai.~_~tion ;.r t!;e ,. .~,.. .;~_;~r. - el3err~tior~ 1~~ }~ar,d ~~~u1~3, _.:h :~o,..,i .r ;,• ~~, , . ~~,• .. ...•r• 1.en~,ad, Lr1n tir-~So:`elb1;DQ, _ ~tr•, r nar.c.y ; va. ..rd tr;,r r. .:~:r.^. ; - , " tion, as tae, WIS.'MILSSSF~: - W'iEREAS, the avid grantor is the owne*- it ,'FE; E,i n,nle of y gsrcel o! land Wing and beir~ xithin the corporate lirits o±' said City oP Meridiem, Ada "ounty. 'dat;o, parts ~: ~~~: • =~_:~ .r ei as folloxa: ~3e~ir~.i;::, at a point lt~ Addition, hi~ridi.:ln, rda the Kurth oow;dory ~[' .. ... J L'c: E: ~ ~,~ V •~..fir ~'. ~i , i.'. .. .. i . i i ;-,. _ ': ~ .. d~D xF~RBAS. '.~ne ~r~•,tP~ t-Ar~t,-, =.~ 'r-~ - - z r-• , t ~- wipe line for conveyin;~ aewa,-•E: u~=on and ~,-~~_ r• ... •. 3 _~..: r.~?Ld 1¢:.d in connection witr_ adciitione~! spxE3r ~1r.c.. :. i .. - :, ~ 3..:P-; plant aurhorized b~ bcn~ elE~ti~n i:i :.3_t ,; ;. ;, ; ~_sl i .,_ ~:st 3~, 1Sii. THdREF'ORfi, in consineration c.~l' .*.Y;e su:: of ~__~ :;: 1:.K.~ ..,~1.OC~) 1Rxitil r.~onAy of the iTnl.ted Stetaa and other ;.~ ~~3 a_i, ~-s~i:.~le con- aidsration in hand paid, the receipt for ~~^~^n ~ c herE<t. ~ Fu;rnok_ i.. lsdged, the un~ersi fined, tr:....L_:..L.__~~_ _ da _ hereby give and grant t::e City : f ~-iarid~.•t_-~, it = ;aancry, anu uasi~s lorevsr, tho rigs t to Ian, r..~i r. c.ai ~~, ~: • rte. d, use, re- pair and re~ovs a certain pipe lt~zs ^or aon~ ~_ ~ ,• i~ _ h •~~~. ~+{.*91' tiild u~:2''Gd~ tree II-l.tlvlt do~oi sued : a~ . .., . Y['vl'orn~iu~ ... ---~ i~ S ~~ ~- ~.r- ~ .r.~.w .- . ..~..~....+•r+- Jt121 - =° Fa :: ,7ija3 ~ lira 1 _ - r -~:e ~roun-: anu th6 soil srol~:d tz~ ~,~ ~a :~ 1 - - - . . ra ; ,. - - cha right o? :ra Por sa -' Y i,. ninA line f'nr cc2uiec ted With the use, operat'. oa ^: 1 ! r : • ° ` , . ~; r:: r_ . i+~© lira: and shall hang ::111.2 8n3 _ ,'dt• .-:. • ~ 3 E ~ - .. .I _ tnrost~l its agents, aernanta and ~^~~~lo•; < •: > -. ~ _ ` , , . . . - . .. , . atone dcacrited lands o1' the granto~• fcr~ a: ~ ~ ~ . ; . ~; ;~ ,t .~ ,. _,, -+i th th1 a ea seaaent. This easement Knd the conaiaerstier,~ ;ej.~ „ : ~. ,3 f. ~ ~~ t , agr©ed b~ the undersigned grantor to Ge : °i 1' : i t t ~ . . ~ ::~j • _~s~ t ~_ 311 ~e~^~_^ss xhicr. in a ~ :r ~. rtig :r :!q., cti~zt, ~cna`r::c~a c r-.,..,.., . paid gigs ~1ao t.~.ru end :.cress the :r; ;f; ;. ., _....~ ,. ~ y • .t3 said ~.1•antora, except as herein $~>AC~L'icdi' j• ~ - ~ ---- - . . ~ .... _ J. ~~ • CuW1ty of xua S _~ On :.iis~_ Vin;; or , .~.~:~_ .-- --. _ 1 .- ~.~f~ r - :.t e ~lndersig~~ed, F 1;n ~ My P2~± , ~ , ~ t : ' .: . e r se-~ -- r _ A. --- - - .- .~... f ... .. - T_t: WITl+~SS lrkiliEt~Oi', 1 h'.ve c.~r~._`c j r; ..~: _. ~:t':-, '. ., ~.:~i~ial ssal the da;~ e:~a ,~a:. t. ... •.: :~_ .'; ~ ::.r .. t ~- ~ --- ..r .. r.. f. r.Mnrd iM rrSue.~ °f-----'~-._~.~~-----..t:.4-. ..~- i.-s.._ ------ .~r. .f