Right of Way Easement with Pearl, Julia M. .~.~ t~ ~ ~~ Y~ .~• z:~::::~: ~~ _ 34632 ;.-` r.~ ++~- .,+. lovetaber , 195, b; sr~ beLHeen JUL:A X. PEiBL_ a ~ino~r. of ~:riaZ~•:. Ia,~lia , as g~aator -- and tt-e C1'v of T~ier''tiar., Ar.t~ County, Idaho. a munioipal ccrpora- I,±or~, a.; _ran~recs, Tw'-ihBa.3SD:- .~ r.tlunv, :`:E 3e.i.'i ps^a'atOi Zii %1;3 Vi:~1f+i :A rtt6 aiICF?18 O~ H ~~ar~~i o~ land Isin~ >>^d re'_r.' ••i'~_n the cor3orate 3±^ita of said City of Meridinri, Ana L'curl/.y , Izefzo, p$rti~ulariy duscri~d as folZous: A strip vs land 20 feet wida and 98.° ;<~~~ lct:~- ~..t:~ C~nt:P- itre of said attic being described as he?il:::.:~~ i~~ _°=e :. west and 3C feat forth of the Northxest corner of Lot i, Y.3:''~ '~ iew ,:ddaici:_, l~eridiF-:, Ada county, Idaho, thence extanrting fi~rLherl-• - ~~a ::~sra~lel tc beaL 4*-h Street (extended 1 Meridisr~, Tnus~a, a c: i ~i,..c~ of y~i.ts tNe+ t~ the ~8rth boundary Of tt',e ahgv.: :~Mr!F'I'a ".rnTOr~~, F._i" iaa• `, r•. the ~~'.}„ SeC• 1~, T. 3u-, H. Z~. ~ IS.~a. ~ 3S (~3:iCi'l~+i:c: 1^ Cf.B rEC.:.'ui3 l:: :.he tiounty ;,stessa: , Ada County, :;;~.::~. A1D gH8R~A8, the gruntre ile^eir. ~aeires to sut_:.~t'~.:L IitI6 :'or :~i^7e,iTi':i. s~'~'^o`~ `.2;'7r: ^.^.:~ ...;"" .. !'~' .l . _ il: c,•o.'Ijlac*.ion Witt': A~111t1Uill~l ae:•:er ilIll:!! ~~,,:i :: .7 ::a-, vlant authorize) Gy bond e:.e:Li'JIl in Rgii ci*_y Held a'_l ... ~", i;' .. Tr{~tfi.YARTw, 1r, ~:.~:el•:...-:.~~:. ~ ~ ..., n•.:.. ~,.. ._ ,.; . ,: 1s~+1'ul money oP ~.t,h iirli~od ~t,aten died uthor rnr.J ~-iri vaiuy.ly .~.~r:- aidere Lion it hand paid, the T•~l:®ipt :OI• i.ri.~ tl 1 :a :~~~rvL~,r e,OaCl,~`v» 7 a.~t:-Ad . tha t;ndors! mad ~ ,;~.u-. .~~ .~ ~'~.~•~1.~ ~ vi ~^k• _ _ ~n ~~h@r~1~ly 1 i VM 7I,~1 ~ r-+r,l, ~~`lH ~i 1 ~f ..Ip,.I "' 1'-/i~, ~ 1 ~ .:.. .. .. .e..l.v a~ eAOS~nR jf1rO4+11`, ~t',• l•i~r1~. 1.., ..-: ..,..' ~ .~~ ..,.~. ~. vu, ~.di~, Tb~ i ~' _,_ Merlnia~. Zc,, and tDe City o~eridian Ida Count s y. ti vn, a a ~ ru n to n , Li; Z1~SaS$p: - k'3I~t siC, ~l:c acrid grantor is t:~ parcel of land lying and being ::ithin said Gity o1' Meridian, Ada L~uncy, Ida as follo'•:s: zno - as grantor Idaho, a mu.~~oipal corpora- owner in ter sim~l© of a the corporate :i.-pits of :ho, pe.~tic!uariy ueacr~vad A ntrip of land 20 faet wide a:~d 98.6 :'eot long the cRnter line of said strfo being described ~z~ aegi~ning 1V feet west and ?0 feet 4oz'tC of ~i;c Northrtest corer o* Lot 1, Park Yiew Addition, Meridian, A~!a t:our.ty, Iaano, rhF~^ra e;;t,=n-~ ~ ~~~ !~- •-. -,r•:rly and parallel to vast ~.'~:~ Sheer. 1 extendad i 6.Pr:diHr~ , In3h0, a distance of 98.8 feet to ;-.° - [~ ~r*..!, -...~.~~d~?-~ - r ;,;lP a!~e ~ a --.•.JneTR propertp being Tax Ne. 15'. i~~~, Sac. lz, T. ~~~.., E.. lk. ~ 3.:•i., as described in Lhe records ~~ ~~ ;.'r.e t:a•:- _y Y~-rc~- _ ~ : c.~.r.T fir, .: i3~1(,. At(D i~AS, ~,.~e ~ra-:tee !z9re;r 3~sL-es :o eonatrua~ a ripe 23: a !or c:~..~ay:r` .~~.;~~~ , __. _..i ._ ... ~.:. ~:z s ~3- . _ _ - ~ • ~ in connoctfan ~-ith add'tfoi_:.I setr~r ..i... s ...;: ~~: ~ e t,: nun .:a:.: plant authorised by bond e3~^_ticr. ::- ~: i . a ~ __e~~ Aukvat 3~, 1Q55. ~ Ti~&8y'ORE, in caAelCerati~.. ~I c: .:. s,~.. ~: ,,.,ti _o:~a.~ ;,;:. ~ - + { Iawt1:1 monay of the Unizsd SLatea 8nd of-isr k.ootit at:d raluaole ;.cn- j sidsr3tion in hand paid, the receipt ror t~!~ict~ ~s na:et;; ascnc~:- t i a~S£ad, th+ :uidersiF*sied. .1ul~a • ~_, per, R •; •.. L . . .~ do ~sherebg tyive and grant the. ~ i i,y o:' Kerlc:;...~., ' :., . , ....h.~r,.. n, ~ t and aaeigx~a forever, the right .:o ~a~, r~^.Sntstt.., .,;:«r•.=,.~, ... -, rt pair a:ad ru~ove a certal.n pipe flue fnr aca:vayii,i .,..... a t• :j _-ui.~:, over and aerota the at~ove deeeriued ~s._,. ,:ro}~r ~ : • : rn• ~.::s .~, L i! r„ alore~aid. .,e..,., .-., ~. .~..... -~ *- •-- ,.~ ,......... .. _ --•.w Q • • • YYn•nsw• .:.......,a a4. ~. •.. ww :yl•-. ~. ~.... ::~ ~ fit tli" .~. ~""q".:•..}~"J""• ~ ......~,,,Anw, •~~•~ lo'js. tE .~.:i~i~.•.rlw•. x.~..~~„~ _ _ ~` i ~ f _ .~ Said pipe end p~ p.: . ~ .~h a21 be ;e 13. untisr the aurl'sce o! _ - - _s~v~~:.n, •i"+•i t. •,~~ ' ;,pa1:T.a Li:~- ::r.~ ., ,:~:+ be pacS:ed reaacaebiT T.~ .;; c.:~tee mall at al:: :.~~:.: !:eve 1'tll azld free sccesb t~ ~__e r~~ht o1 way for said pipe line for az~t necessar;~ par~.cse conrieatad r~ith the uas, operation, repair anti enJoymant of sui3 pipe 2:re, and shall have full ar_d :nee acoeas at alp titnFe th^ou~ its agezits, servants and eapiGyeAB, Lo and across the aLove 3escribed lanls of t::e tira.,;..,~• x yr .~ iI pui~~-oses eorl2ecte~d xith thin easement. ~1j.8 baaelRera 6llltj Ltit~ Ctsnr, ~ :~.. ... ~ ni:::3 .I agreed by the ua3sraigned granror ~c ~a in t~~~~ a~...ap~y ti+h~r,h ~n pns- yA~. i~w ms:n!!h1' nqe. i..j v~;vey the installation, oonatructi~a, =e~:a.ii . .1.,~. ,.,~ said ripe 1 ine thru snd across the ~.•t :-~' 1 ~ _ - avid grantors, except as herein. s~~ec 1 ~ ic.a11~' .~~ t ~?2'U:121C+9i a:'tt ~~UC;U: 6i.C~ Gr .~_~r t--~ .: . ,. .._ - , . r' %~• r' .~ :,: ,. 1 - - -- ~- -- ~ ,... .~__ :.tea.. ...~.._ _ _ ,,... ~~--. ,. ,-. r •.41 V ~ ~ .~ .. ~. _ .... - on t.t,Is ~ ~iay ~~ _..._. :~,-yen:c,ar , l5~>, bo1':.re tie, tie ,.-~~~rsi~n~a, ~, :{o:.. :, - ',r ::ctd :,:.::te, ~ersonsil~ a~r;,~,r•~::..______ -~.: .:. -~~• ~ ~ ~.,_ .,x_ , the erg-~~ _ ~•no execute:: tra fort=~,oin~ ir.:,tr~~*:unt es~d ac;~o::la3~,a' to r.e tl~.at s`e (tnayl exeautea '''~e same. I:: WI'i'!~'S.S r:EE.R~OF, I have herei:nt~ get ~^~ hand end e'f!-a9 ray off:cia]. seal the day and year in this cent ficate .: is~st ab: ve ~-ri~:tP*t. ~ .-~ .- ~ ./ --. ~, ITfAT~ Uh IUAii~~. l;Ot tvlY (~F' AUK se ,~/ , i tNs ~n~nu:nrn. w.a r:.:d t ~ rKnnp ct the regnc~toi___ .lkraa.~!! _.. ~ ~l~/'-LI~-~Lr- . - - --- -. .•(~!~Q_m.~ncH, 4 A~L~1c.Lt.~1.. tL...J_~-day~l._,?7aa.yc-•. ;: •'~ .:~..:.:c.. ---- ,~. -- ,~ r