Right of Way Easement with Pack, Paul and Alice C.~ I _- ;. • -: V ~ -_~ -.~_.~:.. .-.. _ ~ - :~,•~-:roc-ss~s :__:~ ,~.:`_~. ~''~' _ _ -- his indenture, mads is: ca,.3_ ~~ int.v Gh~z _~Q_3a~ d~ -- -- "" ~io~res~ber , 1955, by and betxewn ~ ~~' ~ #~ AI ZCE C. P-C[, :;~,z~^~^*' end r~ of _, i~ltridiarr. i~aho _ , as cantor _~n:~ thp_C,it~ of Mari3lar._-Ada Count:,.. ;daho, a :~a:z.i:.:.pal cor^~ra- tiara, as grantee, MI'I'NESar:D: - +t~1BRSA~, the said L^~. ~~~• ~ s ~: - . •~::v= : _. _ ~., a:.•i:-ia .:i a -..-e1 of land l~ina ar.•i beini wits-. i,, - ,.~.r_ „~' P i; ~' ~ . o_' said City o! Heridiar., Ada L:;unty, :::~.:~.:, :' -~-~, .r-~ :~teci•iLd~~ as i ollows: A strip of land 20 feet vide, the aent.vrz.ine ~#' sa:•.: .t•.~ :~e:.:r. described :.a beginninP 1~. feet Stie°t a_'' c.t~,r:.T_"' ~• • ;-.^' : ~ r-ze r •~ n_• on tha Ac;rtr. bcundary of a~ No. ;%w, n~„ Sec. ; :: , _ .. . g.M., .hence extending Yortr.erly a~,~, ~.~r,~sie' :..: ..•- .: . Yest 4±h Street, (extendP~ 1 MEZ•irii an, Ia:.:.:. ~ :~ _• 1, - s. ~' ii ` . t . tt.once QxLunainr., l: om a goi~:'- •=,:-: -Ki;i ^er.' Jr' .:; , • t ` • of the point of bePlnn~ n~-, r;asLerl,v an.. ,;sc ,1 :.: ~ _ ~ ~. i . ! _. t~uuuntu'r 4Z balm iatX :.J• iVn~ ~.•'L' . ~•:' -' ~ iaL~~ ..BC• l2, ~• ?i'1., f!. 1.W•, .'~•D.•• .iJ (!''.'~?'?...^~ YJ:L'1 L'.X z too . lcln ~ in ~he r.: c...r,. - ..: ..... .:.... .~ ..~ . ., .. , excludiuz tr.s rrd°t 7~ feet t-- . ~ _,.~ ,. i : ~ .. ~ .:. c. .• t~. ~tn ~ n.,j t~. rt4 .....Ai., ,,~..a..a ., .';1.11, f !)j'~d line Cor cc,rw.,yinr aewaFe u~,,:c. ....1 =. :r••~~~H t~.~. _ •~• ~..~• ~-~ ~ ..ar.•'_ .. plc:r:t auci:-,r! Y•~j UL. i.~~ ~ ! ~ .. i ! ~ .. - ~ .. •' =~,: 5• 1 lawful mvndy of Ln~ Uril ~o.i S ~u *_•~u unc . t: ur ~ ~ ,•• k: ~ c'~:u .ola Dora- i *ltl~l'ALiOtI lp laraaj jlta~f~ a t:10 rOUaa j.: ... t •.l~.a a 1..: a~ ~•~ YOatla~w• I~ie innsnture, ode and satereu ~ nLo tu'~a ~_3a~ or "~ ~~ '. llareaber ~:.4a~, by ~+nd het~een PIUL P~1- and_; G ~: r . SAC[ -~ W ~C Mnr d ~ sn, .Luauo , aA L-cantor ,,,g1nA t!113 v.='. _. J+. i~~'-1~+•..:, t-u1 .'. ::2i~,,_. Zdi.taO, ~ a'.i.111:.C~1...._ :.wrG~~" lion, as grantee, ~iiY'1iES~r;D: - Y, the said grantor is tha a«ne. iu fen yimplL oS a paree2 of land 17ir~ and being within the corporate lip:t3 0° said Citq o! rieridian, Ada_ L'ountq, Ida:,o, gartla:l.leu•.tT des^ri r ~ ~ as follows: ;. strip of land 20 feet >yride, r.%e cent.:rine of said strap teing dc~ cribed as begin.-~ing :.b~ fee : ~~/er' c f the !~ o: theast Corner atad az. the North boundary o!' ar. Nom. li.h , :JE>, i~rc. 12, :. 3i:. , k. lE., ~.K. , thence extending Northerly and psra ilel Lo the centrer i iu; oP dent 4th Street, (extended) Meridian, Idaho, a distance of 1165 feet, thence extendingr, ~ Prom a point on ~aiQ cent::r lire, 1,5~ feet Korth of the point of beginning, rasterly and parallel tv :.ba ~lorth bvunuary o: said :ax bo. ioA, t o -...s ~. :. ~ c; ~,:c:a~ ~y ~ ° = i •- '•c. ' : t:::±, Sec. I2, '". 3N., ft. 1W:, ~,M., Hs+deacribed vrith said i'fx ':1. Ibb, is the recor~s c:~ t :~: :.:.~-`,:.. .s:;e~~^' , ~-,j:; C;c~i:nLv. _ i ~ ~. ex~,uding the Eaat i~ feet :~f' t;iir Soutn 7; !'~:r,t of t:~e f~.:•-~ ';,:,... iueo strip ,02 1:.:.d. ADD L~81S, *..Ee F,ra::tai '~.:,.r _~•_., ,;~ ,;~ _,~~- pit,F lice far oomrq:.ng sekags upon and a c ~,,;; < < ~ _ _~ :.b.: ,• ~~ i• :: ~ it~c 3 2 u:d in conaactia>~ tN t!: a3ditionE: 4~ua~• : ;.^.^. ^^_~ - ~ .-~ a ` ~ . ;. plant authorised by bc,Ad ele~tiun in avid pity :~• ". i A~ •.: st , :. 1 l~5. T!~'ORE, in aonafderaLion of t:a~; s::u. :.: ;._:~. ::. .:~ ~$l.~t~) lawtui sonsq at the IInited StaLea and :;t; ex• ;-cap t~; d rt+:uabls ooA•- eideratiob iA hazxd pai3, Lead reoeip: :~~r ~~h1~1 :., :.• ru:.,/ ao.u..~- do beseby (sine rnd graft, ci.w 4 f t•y .~:' ",:r'•di s. ,, ~": r~:.c •. s:.ar3, w and a~~-3(Te zore~^er, the rif~,r 1,;, ~..~;, c_~.. •:i.;,. :~` r :c, ~.~e, rem plir etx~ r~n'Jw ~ skirt e' ~t . r OY~. r atsd au» a r t.l.., .a . , u . ~ ~ , ~POTl~"~14• .. i i t ---- - _ - ~~.lt~+'3i.:. T:-::~~-#~ -i.~... -. -.::.~ "_ .:.: ~ =~-P~ mow. Said pipe and pipe liras ebaLl vc. .Mi3 •ar.3E- ,: ~; sir:'ace of ~'2e . r•~,un j and the soil sroua~. ~;rt a~ ?cr .:; .:.' i - > ~•,d rrtsc~a-.~i~• -_e~al ~ltt tho 3•.=r.°aae r.f th•~ £^.,.>r.r_ _. . _.. _. _ ~_-- -- ~.__-f.-____. ~, .. ~~.;a grantee aha31 at all tis:es ~nve 11x21 ~+~ free, aoeess to t:-~a ~fght oi' way for said pips lire for ear recessar~ ~urpoae _.,..a^...:.a;. :i;.:: ~e tue, operation, re^s•_. : --.'• ~-~~ =•T,,,g..~ . o ~,,.. pipe line, and shall have lull and Free access qt a1? tines *•!+~~ugi: its agents, servants snd r::~~ic~;le9s, 'o artc Rcrosa the au_~-9 ddscribed lands of the grantior for a?:. ~r~r^•.a~~ c~~~~,},d vij•r t::is ease~oent. 7hia casement ar_d Li:c~ consideratic-a ~aS:I ~:: ~ ~>.-~•l•isr ~.r•~ aE{raed by the undersigned Rrantor to bo in f ~tlz ::.: ;, ...:a:nyr, c .. 9 '~ da.~ttges xhich in any xay or manner rtay be sunLR tiny-: ~~- , •,~,<<,, :f Lhe in.:tallstion, construction, r~;pr.?., uye ~r:^ •.^:~:,~ ,..~ , said pipo li.:e thru and across tre •.~i`.,!_in 3e~s^rl`,-~• f C~., said ~rrtors, except as herein apcsci~ic~I.:.,; :.L~ ;. ~ . - i ---1 ~ 1 i• - J .I , , ~ r - c i - _ ... .~ ~ ... ___ i f • i ss. County of da i":, t`,ia ~~ :.a o~ ...,1`:k~.~.1.~Y..:.__.-~ s .- . ,~:. ~eP~re :-,.. , tbo *zr,.~....~; ~rne3. A a~oLB...~ ~;2~Ji~C it • •• -~r.~ r~ r Cfn tA, DNr~ona:ly .~ _ -,. .~ etpj!earen paL3 Fack and ,ti? :`- _- ~?ti '",,i i'1u5bGn3 &:ld x~!'e ~ ~e Farsoa~ Who executed the torsgainfi :nat:^.u•:enti ~:•xi ae',cr_cxle3~ed Eo rse tz~e.t he (they) executed Las sa.-.a. ~; wi1~SSS , I have hereunto set ~y baud l:nd aPi:_;e~ rrty aPYicisl seal the day and ;ear ir_ thin car ~l:'icate first - :.ove :.i'~L ;OZ.. ..- STATE nF T(~~'In.''~,~~T'fY OF ADA ~ ~,~ r _ ~~ a M 'Plus :w:r~auc< <sa: tL,•i !r. r.r ,nl +t ~ 1.. r, .,.~~ .. ,_ : _..ty ~YrR •!~:~ 'f":..'i4v ":^ ~ . - ~ ~t4L.Q~!rl.K~wst_!f^u".G,rrtkL]l.. ty.:r-r "j.:A~ j..~.c.y ~ ~ _._ _ ~ ~' ~ ~; i J S s