Right of Way Easement with Neilson, M.J. and Viola - ;.I~ir4YL IV li ~~~ ~•~~ +:~:~.::L~'.. _ ~,,~ _. _ _._ .._... ~~ ~ _ ~r`~F~"u_°~i~ ,"_ tms!~$ .~i~"F r+L'~+;~dd"~!!~ +~rt s- .r .-. ..~... _...~.~_.......~a i~ov ~, 1g55. bT and bst~raan ~,,, ~_ -~ .' =.t~ ~ _ : ~~... ==jti,'j~pi ..~s a'bi rnd +rifa, ti2~...3~~, .,_,_, of lMridia,~. _daYl~ _------ ---, ~_ g:fintar aa-~ ___ C1.,; a ::cr..iiar., A!!a C^ttr_`_p, ~ -'-:~ ~. -t;r. _~STsl nor-~ara- _:-, i r _ - - - - - - wtLstclsAS, r.:o Maid ~i•antor ~e L.:la o.+.:~._ _.. _ .. sila~::e oP a parcel of land l~irL~ end boiu~. w~.',.E•:ir. ~a:~ c1_•. - '_Sr..i:s oS acid CitT of l~:erldi:~r,, „3a C~uatp, ,cat : ~ , ;: ~~- • : -~ ~ •• _ . _ _ . ae folloKa: A strip of laud 2u feat, kids and i 1. ; r•-~' ~~~,J:.nJ', ' he 8:t~t 20 feet of :'sx No. 2, Dilr~, ~~ ~ . 11, _ ~, . , r. IVY. , ts.?w. , i. Q@8CZ•iJ4(~ •~. :.Lif L~ .. G. .,1 ub u ~ .. t:@ .. ; ;.::~ ~ - _ . _ V . . ~ n...i ~. ,. ' :. .` . /4FJ')i :rifEitk~,A:S, ':hq z ra;:~oe i:v^~_-• _ _---- .:^ ; ^:.st^l4L'V a pipe 11l1s tc.!• convnyir~• ~« .. ... » .. , ,~, wr ` -:•JV[1 .u .; .'v ._ :.~ :u$i`._ i:a1 lark. 11. ~'~..n6..L.i,.. ••1LL1 u'1_i1.~:l:li _ r.,:~ ~ ... .. -~'ti; ~ ~'"~nf!~""r plant euthurize~ bar turd n1e~LlolL fr: s:r2^ catty ..•:i~i .;;agua'.. 3D, 19,5. '~H~REP~-~F., in uc,nelvornGiuu ut ti.e Dui+: ut :,Iir •:ailtu +~~.uJ) 117LW71~LL1 l13L]l1C,/ '_' ~~!!C ~t1~ l.n.~ y%1.ri)ii GJI~ i,L1'jul (,vi•M +i•~ .~a~~ia~i0 C7J1~ 1~IUCt ii . _,~: ... 1.4i., ~..1~ -.... : G3 .:.Y~ ~ ..lr ~ .',. ~a ..n ~. y.... Fn Nov er , 1955. by ana Lo :.•~An 1[_ J. YZRtgQli and YIflIl~ ~u d and rife, NIF.L30N/ , oP M ridi n ~ ho 1s F,raatar and t~~,: C i t;~ o: i~ie:ridian, Ads Ccuntp, I u` ~ , :~~r.' c ieal corpora- tic:,, ~:r ~«...~,reC~ 1a1'r!'NE~cs~r•.- __ -. - M~AS, the acid grantor is the owner in Pee si~,Ie of ~- parcel o! land lying and being within the corporate 1ia21ta of said City of Keridian, Ade Ccan`.y, Ida';a, r~r`._~~~~..r_,; ''^:rr'_had 83 !•oilo:.!: ;. stirip of Land 20 Peat wide ana ;1.7 feet 1:,~. bciag *,dc Eaa*. ~0 i eet of :ax No. ~ , ;:mot, Sec . " ~ . ?:~ . , R. 1M. B.M. , as nest: x~uu ::. L..-: ,• •. Y.:..;s ,~i .,ii=: .. ~r.~„y wssps3~r, ~.ci~ Cot: ty, Idaho. h~ r;i;n.;s ~'^A c.rsnt4e rare i ~ .: r: _ •.~-. ~ ~ ..-~ Lruc c e ;~ia9 iine for •.,,.^-Yep 17~t, stlwa~8 ur,~n ~- . _ ~_._ ..:.. - ~r . : 3 len~ 12t COiUltlCfiC:2 ~:~"1 ..•~~~L~C.^.@.'. "•.~ .f ~~..._. .. 3 '! . lr'`c'':* plant authorized i;~ bond election ire s3: a c,. ~;~ ra :mac: y~ 49t .',J, .`~ -.~. T~Rgp'OAg, :~ ocnaideration of the, yam::: ~: ° ~:.r do~19r (.a1.~ lawttiil. money vt the IInited ~tntse 6::~ ..,..`ror .:;ocs and --sl~..r.::.e .- ~_- rctdes:~atton 1n hsnd ~ai3. t:.v rQ~:';.~L ~':_: .~.:._~. 'r .. ~~~ .~ s ~ .... . „. , ,.. . lAd.!re~! , Ghe ~1n~1«!'SS ~f1A~l , F'f • J > ti r. ~ ..i... _ ~_' :_.__~i ~. _ .' - J, do hereoy gives anA gr+rn:. tt,„ .; ~ ~y L'. ~,CS• : _ ... r ~ ~ _ . .sa.+:.: s, and ss~i~a forever, t;tio ri7ht t~~ ls;, ,-,•~ ^-a:r-, - ter^e .t, •ie~, rc- Uelr tr~~i . ~,r~-lrvM .. •.i~':.ii.irl r.S ..~ .. ~:~., .: ....2... i:2 4? . .•, „~;,' ~!•.'~~~ .- Gtr ,-~? r!r!~+44 ~- aY,w• d`•~c^~!'~:-rd ~•aa: -:..natl., s~,u Lne ylitjiG~• aforesaid. 4 . • Said p3~e and pips ' ; ~~ ~• ~ ~ -. s~ ~ ..:..:cr tt~ snrfsce ~~' *h~ Kround aind the soil around the as.~:e aha12 .e ~ackrd reasons} 1J Ievei with the surt'~,:e c:; 1:L:3 6S`::ti2':::. T?~~ Q'921t6o shall at ali times t]LivE3 h' 1 9:1'a 'roe r-. •~;':., to t1+,~ r.toht i.r ,rah Pnr P~'~ pipe ling f•nr t> T- rSrw~~st~r, _~tiT'~ •}R.~ CJ^.Il@CtL`G '~ it:. ',iie use, operation, repair :~nrl ~~n~ ~~~'re-:~ ci said pipe 3.ire, es~d snG?1 nave full and free Rc•se a a~ r:" ;. tiriea `hz~ou.~ its o~ants, serva:.ts and eatp:a--ccs, c f: --: -gross the above deaeris~i ltuxi9 :.: sae ;~~a:,toi~ .:'.:~• ~.~:_ ~..~•; ~ ..~nec_ted '-ttt a ©ase+nent aYSd : h~, conai3arnr ~.~~t:s '+3! 1 ~. % ! '• ...' r rt, agreel by the undersi~,rea ~.„sntnr Lc Ld zT: f•,' L~: -:ez.;a! ^i' aL 8a~!@Pet1 ~+_~h in anp ern,. ~r r,a~~ner r.a? nA ~»vt~+:,y;~ 1,3 rr~:aen ~f the Installation, conatructicn, re~~;:yr, ~+s~ :::1 ~~r;:upa~-~;S ~i *!_~ ~Ai~ n1~.q i inA Gf1rU Af.:i ot;i J~`.1 t!'Q k~ `t a j~..•.,+..~-i _ @:.~~~~ !• s :~.. - said 6,rautcr.-, except ae rereir, sFc~il'~:.:::~i , .:~.-. ,,. /~ I / ~ +- ' ~ ~ ' ..• r , ~. , 1 - ~ -'~ v ~ J ~J On thin j0 day o° ~vYrT.•!Hr , 1955, hator:. :.:e, Lae e~arai~e•3, s Nctar ?'L1ui:.c 1n ..-; : rcr aFaid .~,;,ste. ~1PT'_*~''~t~Iy ~:nge~:raa ~. J. ~iielBOn an3 Viola :'. `.i:._;,:.:. ~~ 1322.80^ $ :{r0 P:!tGi. vd~1 the tOI'a~.uirk, ia:: ~~'..t~ t a•~i. '__ .~,,. v.. ~ e~ ~ $~ Lo ~e `_-rat ;~~ (the;;j e~eauted the sate. .:, n ~'T:.::.:.5 ..~IBfibGr~, I ilaYe [~e2"3}iA i c J M V ~~.Y .~. ' "1 ~~ e1L _ _..ie3 ~r c~i';cial scsi thu Say aad year ~n c::+s •c. '.~~i~GLe :'_:^st aGove .+r f L to n. \~-~ ~ w • a +" t+FA't~lte tt-s4: {:r)i.':fY ~tiF' A[rt t, 1A~! 1+tii u:ceo• v._ ..r _ +•. ...•.'~ a .l~ r;~.sr• .![,,,,'.w~ ... !_ ... .~ _ ~ :a_.!_ _ nn i iw. lS) ~~~4.~~ ...C..~i.~.iIl.~.•a Llepnt y ~ t , !• 1 •! l ~ L~ L $ i~ ~- •.