Arts Commission Split Corridor Phase 2 Public Art ProjectMeridian Commission August 30, 2013 Meridian City Council 33 E Broadway Meridian, Id 83642 Dear Madam Mayor, Chairman Hoaglun, and the Meridian City Council: After much thought, deliberation, and a thorough review of the process regarding the three proposals for the Meridian Split Corridor Public Art Project, it is the desire of the Meridian Arts Commission to re-recommend the C.J. Rench proposal "Under the Sun and Dreaming" to be installed at the South parcel of the Meridian Split Corridor. This correspondence outlines the complete scope of work that you requested, includin the g information and the rationale supportingthe recommendation. i. Information considered to supportthe recommendation a. The Selection Panel recommendation was to reject the proposals and commission two particular pieces. MAC considered, but did not feel comfortable from a business standpoint and from an artistic standpoint and rejected this recommendation. 6. Public commentwas not meantto be a publicvote but a publiccomment. It was a learning process; we would do several things differently for future public art projects. 2. Reasoning used to supportthe recommendation A. Rench's budget considers engineering and fabrication e. Rench's proposal reflects sophisticated level of public art experience c. His experience outweighs other factors; the City of Meridian is relatively new at public art -artist's experience adds predictability to this project ~. Rench's proposal is professional; reflects understanding oftechnical/maintenance requirements E. Proposed piece is innovative, interesting, excitingly new F. Design points to Meridian's history, present, and future ~. Symbolism more completethan the others- history, Birds of Prey, etc. H. Public can perceive generalities of the piece at a glance ~. Enduring -solid look, futuristic; engenders ongoing interest ~. Maintenance is a major concern; this proposal minimizes maintenance As a volunteer commission we are grateful for the opportunity to help select this important piece of public art. We have spent many, many hours reviewing and rethinking this proposal, and with a unanimous decision we are confident with the selection. We realize that the decision to move forward with this project now lies with council and we hope this recommendation will assist in making that decision. We look forward to presenting this project and will gladly answer any questions that you might have concerning the recommendation. Respectfully, Mary Jensen (Chair) Leslie Mauldin (Vice-chair) Nancy Rountree Dwight Williams Brian Schreiner Stephanie Barnes Meridian Arts Commission