10-1-13 Public Hearing for Substantial Amendment to PY2013 CDBG Action PlanAugust 28, 2013 STAFF REPORT T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Den Hartog, CDBG Administrator CC: Caleb Hood, City of Meridian, Planning Division Manager RE: Public Hearing on October 1, 2013 fora Substantial Amendmentto Community Development Block Grant Program Year 2012 Action Plan and the Citizen Participation Plan 1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT The original CDBG budget for the 8t" Street Park ADA Restroom project was $130,000. The first bids for the 8t" Street Park ADA Restroom Project, which were opened on June 25, 2013, came in higher than anticipated. The Project Manager in the City Parks and Recreation Department made modifications to the plans to reduce costs and the project went out for bid a second time. The re-bids were opened on August 6, 2013. While the re-bids were approximately $30,000 lower, the costs are still projected to be higher than the original estimate. The Project Manager requested approximately $14,000 in additional CDBG funding to cover the increased costs. After reviewing existing projects, the CDBG Administrator determined that there are sufficient funds in the PY12 Administration activity that can be re-allocated to the 8t" Street Park ADA Restroom project. Based on the Citizen Participation Plan, a substantial amendment is required because the funding level for the Administration Activity is changing by more than 25%. The funding level for the 8t" Street Park ADA Restroom facility is proposed to increase by approximately 11%. Original Funding Modified Funding PY12 Administration $46,227 $32,227, decrease of 30% PY 12 8t" Street Park ADA Restroom $130,000 $144,000, increase of 11% In addition to the above proposed funding re-allocation, staff is recommending a modification to the Substantial Amendments section of the Citizen Participation Plan as adopted with the 2012-2016 Consolidated Plan. Staff is recommending that the Citizen Participation Plan allow for an exception for the Administration Activity to the 25% change in funding level rule. Therefore in the future, if the funding level for Community Development Department • 33 E. BroadwayAvenue, Meridian, ID83642 Phone Zo8-884-5533 ^Fax Zo8-888-6854 . www.meridiancity.org Page 5 From Appendix A, Page 3 of the Adopted 2012-2016 Consolidated Plan: Substantial Amendments Occasional) ublic comments or a change in circumstances warrant an amendment to the Consolidated Plan Y~ p nd or an annual Action Plan. The criteria for whether to amend is referred to by HUD as Substantial Amendment a / Criteria. The following conditions are considered to be "Substantial Amendment Criteria:" 1. Any change in the described method of distributing program funds. - Elements of a "method of distribution" are: Changing the funding of a particular activity which increases or decreases the amount spent by 25 percent of the total funding amount. Making a change in the allocation priorities. Carrying out an activity using CDBG funds or program income not previously described in the action plan or the consolidated plan. Proposed Change to Appendix A, Page 3: Occasional) , ubliccommentsorachange in circumstanceswarrantan amendmenttothe Consolidated Plan Yp and or an annual Action Plan. The criteria for whether to amend is referred to by HUD as Substantial Amendment Criteria. The following conditions are considered to be "Substantial Amendment Criteria:" 1. Any change in the described method of distributing program funds. - Elements of a "method of distribution" are: Changing the funding of a particular activity, with the exception of the Administration activity, which increases or decreases the amount spent by 25 percent of the total funding amount. Administrative funds are always subject to the cap of 20% of the annual entitlementfunding. Making a change in the allocation priorities. Carrying out an activity using CDBG funds or program income not previously described in the action plan or the consolidated plan. August 28, 2013 STAFF REPORT T0: Mayorand CityCouncil FROM: Lori Den Hartog, CDBG Administrator CC: Caleb Hood, City of Meridian, Planning Division Manager RE: Public Hearing on October 1, 2013 fora Substantial Amendmentto COmmunit Y Development Block Grant Program Year 2012 Action Plan and the Citizen Participation Plan 1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT The original CDBG budget for the 8t"Street Park ADA Restroom project was $130,000. The first bids for the 8t" Street Park ADA Restroom Project, which were opened on June 25, 2013, came in higher than anticipated. The Project Manager in the City Parks and Recreation Department made modifications to the plans to reduce costs and the project went out for bid a second time. The re-bids were opened on August 6, 2013. While the re-bids were approximately $30,000 lower, the costs are still projected to be higher than the original estimate. The Project Manager requested approximately $14,000 in additional CDBG funding to cover the increased costs. After reviewing existing projects, the CDBG Administrator determined that there are sufficientfunds inthe PY12 Administration activitythat can be re-allocated to the 8t"Street Park ADA Restroom project. Based on the Citizen Participation Plan, a substantial amendment is required because the funding level for the Administration Activity is changing by more than 25%. The funding level for the 8t"Street Park ADA Restroom facility is proposed to increase by approximately 11%. Original Funding Modified Funding PY12 Administration $46,227 $32,227, decrease of 30% PY 12 8t" Street Park ADA Restroom $130,000 144 000 increase ° $ of11/o In addition to the above proposed funding re-allocation, staff is recommending a modification to the Substantial Amendments section of the Citizen Participation Plan as adopted with the 2012-2016 Consolidated Plan. Staff is recommending that the Citizen Participation Plan allow for an exception for the Administration Activity to the 25% change in funding level rule. Therefore in the future, if the fundin level for g Community Development Department . 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Meridian, ID 8364 Phone zo8-884-5533 ^Eaxzo8-888-6854 . www.meridiancity.org Page 2 the Administration Activity is either increased ordecreased b more than 25% it wo Y uld not trigger a Substantial Amendment. In the unlikelyscenario of increasingthe fundin level fortheAdmi ' g nistration Activity, the City would still not be able to allocate more than the 20% of its annual entitlement fun ' ding to comply with the administrativefunding cap. 2. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends thatthe CityCouncil approvethe proposed substantial amendmentto the CDB G PY2012 Action Plan and the proposed change to the Citizen Participation Plan. 3. PROCESS INFORMATION Per the City's adopted Citizen Participation Plan, a substantial amendment to an action Ian re uires a 30-da p q y public comment period to be concluded with a public hearing. The City opened the ublic comment eriod p p on August 28, 2013 through a public notice in the Valley Times newspaper on August 26, 2013 and the Idaho Statesman published on August 28, 2013. The public hearing will be conducted on October 1 2013 which 1 was also published in the legal notices. 4. EXHIBITS TABLE 3C PY2012 8TH STREET PARK ADA RESTROOM FACILITY TABLE 3C PY2012 ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO THE CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PIAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD AND PUBLIC HEARING Page 3 Table 3C (Amended) Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: City of Meridian, Idaho Priority Need: Suitable living Environment-Public Facility Project Title: 8t" Street Park ADA Accessible Restroom Facilit Y Description: The City of Meridian Parks and Recreation Department will use the CDBG funding to desi nand construct an ADA g accessible restroom facility within 8t" Street Park where no restroom facilities currently exist. Objective Category: ®Suitable Living Environment ^Decent Housing ^ Economic 0 ortunit pp Y Outcome Category: ^ Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ®Sustainabilit y location/Target Area 2235 N.W. 8t" Street, Census Tract 103.32, Block Group 2 HUD Objective Number Project ID SL3 HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 03F 24 CFR § 570.201(c) Type of Recipient C DBG National Objective Subrecipient LMA Start Date Completion Date 10/1/2012 9/30/2013 Performance Indicator Annual Units Public facility 1 local ID Units Upon Completion 1 public facility runaing sources CDBG 144 000 ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula 144 000 Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total 144 000 The primary purpose of the project is to help: ^ The Homeless ^ Persons with HIV/AIDS ^ Persons with Disabilities ^ Public Housing Needs Page 4 Table 3C (Amended) Consolidated Plan listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: Priority Need: Project Title: City of Meridian, Idaho Program Administration PY2012 Program Administration Description: The City's overall CDBG program management, coordination, monitoring, reportin ,and evaluation g will include the followingtypes of assistance: ^ Coordinating Fair Housing activities with regional partners ^ Ensuring compliancewith the adopted Consolidated Plan ^ Preparing program budgets, schedulesand amendments ^ Evaluating program results against stated objectives ^ Monitoring program activities for progress and compliance; audit and monitoring findings ^ Preparing reportsand otherdocumentsforsubmission to HUD ^ Developing agreements to carry out program activities Objective Category: ^Suitable Living Environment ^Decent Housing ^ Economic 0 ortunit pp Y Outcome Category: ^ Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ^ Sustainabilit Y location/Target Area Citywide as applicable HUD Objective Number Project ID HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 21A 24 CFR § 570.206 Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Entitlement N/A Start Date Completion Date 10/1/2012 9/30/2013 Performance Indicator Annual Units N/A N/A local ID Units Upon Completion N/A runaing sources CDBG 32 227 ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula 32 22~ PriorYearFunds Other Funding Total 32 22~ The primary purpose of the project is to help: ^ The Homeless ^ Persons with HIV/AIDS ^ Persons with Disabilities ^ Public Housing Needs Page 5 From Appendix A, Page 3 of the Adopted 2012-2016 Consolidated Plan: Substantial Amendments Occasionally, public comments or a change in circumstances warrant an amendment to the Con sol~dated Plan and/or an annual Action Plan. The criteria for whether to amend is referred to b HUD as S y ubstantialAmendment Criteria. The following conditions are considered to be "Substantial Amendment Criteria:" 1. Any change in the described method of distributing program funds. - Elements of a "method of distribution" are: Changing the funding of a particular activity which increases or decreases the amount spent by 25 percent of the total funding amount. Making a change in the allocation priorities. Carrying out an activity using CDBG funds or program income not previously described in the action plan or the consolidated plan. Proposed Change to Appendix A, Page 3: Occasionally, public comments or a change in circumstances warrant an amendment to the Consolidated Plan and/or an annual Action Plan. The criteria for whether to amend is referred to b HUD as Substantial Amen Y dment Criteria. The following conditions are considered to be "Substantial Amendment Criteria:" 1. Any change in the described method of distributing program funds. - Elements ofa "method of distribution" are: Changing the funding of a particular activity, with the exception of the Administration activity, which increases or decreases the amount spent b 25 ercent of the total Y p funding amount. Administrative funds are al~ays subject to the cep of 20~ of the annual entitlement funding. Making a change in the allocation priorities. Carrying out an activity using CDBG funds or program income not previous) Y described in the action plan or the consolidated plan.