Red Tail Communities Maintenance Building & GaragesCERTIFICATE OF 7,ONING COMPLIANCE REPORT DATE: August I, 2013 "I`O: W. H. Moore Company .- FROM: Sonya Watters, Associate City Planner SUBJECT: Red Tail Communities Maintenance Building & Garages CZC-13-102; DES-13-094 OWNER: Red Tail Comnntnities, LLC DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant, W. H. Moore Company, requests Certificate of ""/,oning Compliance (CZC} and Design Review (DES} approval of a maintenance building and (5) garage structures for the Red Tai] Communities apartment complex. The natrlti,family development laas obtained conditioaud nse permit (CUP-13-005) approval as regttirecl by UDC Table 11-2fI-2 aa~d certificate ofzoning coaaapliance (C7C- 13-0.97) and desi~~ review (DE.S 13-093) approval of tlae ovea•ctll site layout. The site is located at the southeast corner of S, Meridian Road (SH 69) and E, Victory Road at 121 E. Victory Road. uH crs~oN 'The applicant's request for CZC & DES is approved with the conditions listed in this report Note:1'his is not a bttildingperrrai.t, Please contact Building Services at (208) 887-2211 to verily if yotr aaeed a building pernrit ctrad/or inspection. If yotr do reed ct btrt7dhagPermit, yotr r7atrst coraaplete that process before yott coaaamence tlae use or construction. ~1s part of the application sttbanittal, yott will need to provide one set of the final, stamped "approved " Planning Depm•tanent plans, stamped and signed by the architect and/or civil engineer as ap~~licable. You must provide these plans to PUP for•naat and haa•dcopy as specked ita the Building Services "Plan Intake Checklist" and incltrde them tiinth your building strbnaittal set. Please contact Building Services for additional details about bttildingpernaits and inspections. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. 100 Watt and 250 Watt, high-pressure sodium street lights shall he required on all public roadways per the City of Meridian Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. All street lights shall be installed at developer's expense. Final design shall be submitted as part of the development plan set for approval. Applicant shall also include the location of any existing street lights in the development plan set. Street lighting is required at intersections, corners, cut-de-sacs, and at a spacing that does not exceed that outlined in the Standards. The contractor's work and materials shall conform to the ISPWC and the City of Meridian Supplemental Specifications to the ISPWC, Conditions Document 1 Red 'fail Communities Maintenance Building & Garages CZC-13-t02; DDS-13-0)4 Process Conditions of Approval 1. No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 2. The applicant shall complete all improvements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC 11-SC-3B. A study agreement may be accepted for other improvements in accord with UDC 11-SC-3C. 3. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall close any existing accesses to the state highway as set forth in UDC 11-3H-4. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to izaspection by Planning Department staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. The building elevations prepared by Glancey Rockwell ~ Associates on 6/28/13, labeled Sheet CLI.11, is approved with no changes as shown in Exhibit C. 6. The approved building elevations may not be altered without prior written approval of the City of Meridian Planning Department. 7. The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. 8. If any changes must be made to the site: plan to accomrrzodate ACRD requirements, the applicant shall submit a ne:w site plan to the City of Meridian Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 9. The applicant shall complete. all required improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate or Occupancy. It is unlawful to use or occupy any building or structure until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. 10. At such time that the multi-use pathway along S. Meridian Road (SH 69) cozazaects from one major street to another and is greater than one-half mile long, the applicant may petition the City to assttzne maintenance responsibilities. Ongoing Conditions of Approval 1. ~'he applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to provide irrigation that meets the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3B-6 and to install and maintain all landscaping as set forth in UDC I 1-3B-5, UDC 11-3B-I3 and UDC 11-3B-14. 2, The subject property adjoins a state highway; access to the state facility is restricted as set forth in UDC 11-3H-4B. 3. 7'he applicant shall comply with the outdoor storage as an accessory use standards as set forth in UDC I 1-3A-14. 4. The project is subject. to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site (RL-13-002; PP-13-003; MDA-13-002; 1~P-13-017; CUP-13- U05). 5. The issuance of this C7C does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for the site. b. 't'he applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above; the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. Cariditions Document 2 fled Tail Communities Maintenance t3i3ilding & Garages CLC-13-102; D~:S-I3-094 7. The applicant shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all pathways. The applicant has a continuing obligation to comply with the outdoor lighting provisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-11. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain alI landscaping and constructed features within the clear vision triangle consistent with the standards in UDC 11- 3 A-3. 10. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to meet the specific use standards for the proposed use as set fot•th in UDC 11-4-3. CITY COUNCIL KEVIEW The applicant or a party of record tnay request City Council review of a decisianl of the Dire;caor. All requests for review shall be filed in writing with the Plamling Department on or before August 15, 20I 3, within fifteen (15) days after the written decision is issued, and contain the information listed in UDC I I - SA-6B. If City Council review of the decisian is not requested, the action of the Director represents a final decision on a land use application, You have the right to request a regulatory taking analysis under Idaho Code 67-8003. EXPIRATION Certificates ot'7oning Compliance issued in conjunction with a proposed use shall expire if said use has not com~neneed within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with construction ar alteration of a structure shall expire if said construction or alteration has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Toning Compliance. In accord with the above provisions, the subject Certificate ofZ,oning Compliance is valid until July 31, 2014. EXHIBIT'S A. Vicinity ltitap B. Site Plan (dated: 7/17/13} C. Building Elevations (dated: 6/28/13) Conditions Document 3 Red Tail Communities Maintenance Ciuilding & Garages CZC-13-102; DES-13-094 A. Vicinity Map Conditions Document 2 Rcd Tail Communities Maintenance Building & Garages C7.C-13-102; DLS-13-094 B. Site i'lan (dated: 7/17/13) :~;,,,., .~.~~, Conditions Document 3 Red Tail Comimaiities Maintenance Building & Garages CLC-13-102; DES-13-094 L. I3uildin~ Elevations {dated: 6/2$/13) 1 .,! FA, ~" 1 ^, '7 ~, J 0 GARACe FtauA F~tAra ... ..~ar~ .. ~i t~ _ ~> ~, ~ ~~ _.~. -_~ :) ~(h r CY' `, ~3AAAGF AUOF 1'LAk :S~ 1 -<J Cl _ -C) 3 GA~il+GE ELtYAI IGt: GAAAGF.. F4FYA710lt GAHAGF EI FVAi C1M Conditions Document i a -~` ~F .~ ~ } O .; o C7- ~ -- t"J- D C7 O_ IJ C - o = :~:~-: r:_:i C~--~~-C~1--fifi:-C~-rfi1--Crt=-C1- ~~ ,1 GARAGE ,.,... „ wIQVH~W1 ~ i ~ . ... , `Fi ~~~ ~ ~~ -.;, { ~ ~I "~` ~ Ci f tiARAG[' AOOF PcAt~i (i. C? ~i GARAGt El EYAiIGN GAAAGfi _ _ . _ , tiAltAtiF FLF.YAF 11: ..~ -xT'.r.., Red Tail Conununities Maintenance Building & Garages CZC-13-t02; DES-13-094 r~ ~. ' 'y ~' i, j ~' y F _ BIAJNTChA.t6E EAST ELEVAT~Ok pIAINIFNA ltB S.y [JI71 }{ t6hYAtION i ''•.u _ ~ - l T ~_ -_ _. J':; F __ _- ______~ ' AIAIHT[HA4CF >lORTN ftFVAT]oN P.AR1AflA CLCVAT}ON ~~ ter., a -` ~ ~,. CA~3A4A EA51 ELEVAl1O4 ^~ y~~ 'I ~; . 1_ I . - ~-rt ~ ~ . CA6A'tA SNtSI ELLVAIIUV >--~ t I t ~~ ~c c='-===_=___ _~_==_ CA©A.NA 301178 .. CL[VAT~ON ~: -~ '-= ~ r ~ ; ~. +. a: '. 1? A-. .. J~ t` I ~ qq t -__._._ -_. i t~" - ~ \~ GY' ill '~ Z 4 \_, MAINTENANCE ROOF PLAN - / cam' f~ `, ~ ~~ ' ~~ ~ r ... F ',- ,y. ; . . , ~~~ - ~i uu _ MAINTENANCE REFLECTED CEIL[NG PLAN ~ .; ~ ~> ` ~ is ~ V'r ~ ~ ~\C} l~t~. ~ ' {~ ~ r~ ~~-, ~ ~ f . I < _ ~ ~ ~ o ,~ °~ r _____~ I ` , t , V, iC~` MAINTENANCE FLOOR PLAN y 3 ~` ~ 1 4 SY>IPOL tEGtiN~ `., .. i~. ~ ~ ~.._ rim ((~ 11 {l 1.. ~ ~~M1 ~.~ .~ ~) ` ~.a .. ~ , 4...~,.r 1 ~~ s ~ .. ~ n .,, ~ ~»tttLi ~ Ji, _ ;; _ e ~ ~ ,,. Conditions ~oculnent 5 Red Tail Communities Maintenance Building & C;arages CZC-13-102; llES-13-094 g+Al~rrnNASCr..rrFS__rry___I,~~tvArro~J CAdARA KbRiN __EIEVAi1bN Conditions Document 6 Ked Tail Commwiities MainCenance Building & Garages CZG13-102; DES-13-094 ~J ~ ~I~TA.N~~ . t-~>~t~c~ Planning Division ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION 'Pypc of Review Ret;nested (check all l6at apply} ^ Accessory Llse C} Aitcrna[ive Ctampliancc jB~CertiCcatc of Zaning Conrptiant:e © Certif:eate of Zoning Compliance Verification ^ Conditional Use Permi! Minor Modi[icatian Desigtl 4~CYICw ^ Private Sttxet ^ Property Bowrdary Adjustment ^ 'Time Hxtcnsion (lairector) Q Vacnlian ^ Otiter. _ _ mile number(s): _°;~,;; ~,~~ [~~ :, ~~e~ ..t~-F~ -~ Pra}ectname: ~~.g= t ~~, i ~ '' =:i Date flad: Date camplete: ~... '__~_~_;,_ Assignt:dPlnnner~ <<~~'~ ~ - '~~ . [feinted iilcs: _ ~ ~~ # ~'~ . _~ i A.ppllcnnt Znformat[on Applicant name: C~tJL`~ r1 Phane: ~a~~ ~~} ~q Applicantaddress: I~~kt] ~.~'3.t`Jil]'~n~.i)~ c~`~, l.ta Zip:~~„_ ~-maiL',~~_$Q2,~@Q~,C1U~' Applicant's intcresE in prapc;rty: ^ Own ^ Rent ^ Optioned ^ Other Owner name: ~t? c3,Tc~:t ~ C_r>rc~m~~ij~rj-~~.1..;~.G Phone: ~$~-f7~tJD p'ax: $i~,~° ~~~1 Owner address:jnfi~J ~' ~v~q,Y1~~~'~S'1 RC-,t ~~ c7~`-i~, Zip: ~ 1_ (O~r~ E-mniF: ~ ~~ ~~ ~' ~tA.~}';Y1C~~" Agent name (e.g., archi[ec:t. angineer, develapcr, representative}; ~P~[~~.t,x'`C,~, ~ Q ~, Firm name: ~,~II~>~.~;t~~~ p'_ (~.6SnG~Gi~teS Phone: ~05~ Fax::~$"~- 4$g9 Address: 5~t ~' S Q..t~x"`t ect~.~. Q~~, V c~. t~ti SQ.. lip; ~~~-. T~.,.mait: ~~`~' bpt~ .C..OC'r1 I}rlmary conla~i fs: ~ Applicant ^ Osvnur C~ Agent (:l Olhar Contactna[nc: ~(~~i10."~ei~ _~~.~1 Phane:'~,~,,'~-1~iS~ Fax: ~a?~ "~~~ Contact addrehs:l~IND ~ ~'iXlitt~ k20.u ~ .~ f2 Zip: $3 ~ I;-mail:,~_SL2~.~ c~..~.C'1~'~"" Subject Property Lnformatiott L.ocation/sircet address; ~ ~ C4Y'+(~?C` e~~ ~? 1 C.~"t~(`tA Clk'1~.7 Ct\Q,X'it~.1C~.ll ~d0~`i A.gscseor's parcel ntnnber(s}; S ~ 13 Township, range scciian: _~ ~~~~ F~~,r~p. ~ at~'~~~oiai acreage: '~.r~ ~~ ~ ~ Current land use: ~'{~ •{~t~!c-c'~ ~l ~C~[ Current zoning district: ~ ~ N ~Cm ~* ~' 33 E. Hraatiway Avenue, Suite It}2 • Meridian, hJultn 83G92 Phaac: (2t)8) 881-5533 ~ Facsimile: (2fl8) 888•GBS~t ~ Wcbsitc; Svwtv.mcrlcNE~nelty.org I (OLt7X~U13) Projectl5ubdivision name: 1~~61 ~ ~ ri+ Oencral description of proposed project/request Proposed zoning district(s}; _~ l 5' Actns of each zone proposed: t ~. ~ 'f ype of use proposed (cheek all thnl apply); ISt' R~sfdentiul D Corntnerciul ©Ufiice O lndustrlal d Otitcr Who wilt own & maintain the pressurized itvfgatian system fn this devclopment7 ~ M ~ ~~ Which irrigation district does this property lie within? ~ ~ ~ Primary irrigation source: ~ ~("YlS'O Secandnry: ~~ Square fautagC of landscaped areas la he irrigated (if prlntnryorAecondury point of cnnnec+tnn Is clry wu+ur): ~~-~~ Number of residential units: _ _ ofa.(`Z Number of building lots: Number of common lots; , r~ Number of other lots: Proposed number of dwr;lfing units (for multi-family developments only); 1 bcdroom:,,_-__,_-,~~ 2 - 3 bedrnoms:_,,,, 1~ J or more bedrooms: Minimum square foafage of structure(s) (excl. garugak t `r ,_,. Proposed building height: ~(c~I Minimum property size {s.f): Average property size (s.f.}: _______,_„ Gross t1enSlEy tnU/Here-totot (mid): Net dCnsi[y (fillloco:-excinding mods R niluyc): Percentage ofopnn space provided; ~~,~ ~~A Acreage afopen space: ~_~ Percentage of qualified open space ncrenge: ,~7~'l6 (See Chapter:, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, contntan, etc): Amenities provided wilt this cleveiapment (if applicable}:Cl~yb_ 11t~y6~~ r~1, p 1aVr_t~ ~?fY~1, Typo of dweiiing(s} proposed: D Single-family Detached ^ Single-fiurtily Attached Q Townhomes Q Duplexes'~Multi-family C10dter Non•sesldentiul Pra,#ect ~ummnry (if uppiit;nbia) C ~ V `D h~ ~ S~. Number of building Lots: ~ Qlher late: Gross floor area proposed: ~ a.~n c~. 13xisting (if applicable}; ~ [lours ofoperution (days and houcs):~-~ ~;~(3QVY1' (y•~D (3'{Yt Building height: c~~ t ~ J~ Percentage of sitelpro}ect devoted to the fallowing: Landscaping: Building: Pnving; _ _ _ _ Totni number of employees: Number and ages of studentslchildren (ff applicable}: ~,~~ 'i'oiul number of parking spaces provided: ~ a Number of compact spaces provided; ~ Aull+orizutian Print appiicattt name: Applicant si);nuture: 17ate: E. IIrnudway Avcnae, Sufle it)2 • Meridian, ldnltn 83Cr12 pltnne; (2 R84•Si33 o Nuesfmile: (208} 8ti8•G854 ~ Wet}st(st: www.mcrldlunclty.org - ~= Cslancey ~ I~oc~z~e~l ~. ~.ssoc~ates .Architecture ~+ Planning 'Sonya`Watfers, Associate City Planner City of Meridian Planning Division 33 E, l3f`badway Ave., Suite 102 Meridian; ldaijo 83642 Re: Certificate of Zoning Compliance and (design Review- Red Tai! Apartments Dear Snnya, Please accept this application and request for Design Review approval and Certificate of Zoning '.Compliance for the Red Tail Apartments located at the corner of South Meridian Rnad and East Victory :Road. This project has been presented to City Cnuncii during the annexation, rezoning, and prelim plat review process. It has also been approved for a conditional use permit; sea CUP # 13-005. This multi-family luxury apartment community consists of 220 units; approximately 238,250 sf developmenf, located on 14.55 acres wifhin the City of Meridian, The development will encompass (20) apartment buildings with a combination of (40) 3 bed 3 bath units; (116} 2 bed 2 bath units; and {64)lbed 1 bath units. The development will a-so include (5) 8-bay garage structures, (28) carports, a community clubhouse with leasing center, a pool area with ~ cabana, anon-site maintenance shop, (6) covered ramadas, a .playground, and multiple sports courts. The sife character of the project promotes the internonnectivity and safety of the community. Street connections from arterial roads are minimized. The entrance to the complex is centered an the view of the clubhouse and leasing center, There are landscaped islands to slow traffic and beatify the site, Parking is set back from streets and screened from Meridian and Victory Road. Parking is divided in#o small modules, giving easy access to different buildings and opportunities to provide shade trees. Public and private areas of the site are clearly delineated, Buildings frame a central common area to provide a safe and healthy environment set away from vehicular traffic. Pedestrian pathways are coordinated with circulaflon patterns between parking areas, open space, development amenities, ;apartment buildings, and adjoining uses. Appropriately scaled site lighfing for pedestrian and vehicular ''activity is provided for safety and ambiance. `.The architectural character of the project is traditional northwest, utilizing a high level of detail to create Visually interesting and attractive building facades. The use of wall plane projections and recesses, varied roof heights; and articulated building forms give hierarnhy to internal spaces and autonomy to individual apartment units. Stepped roof farms, coupled with deep overhangs, create interesting shadow patterns while giving human scale to the buildings. entrances are designed as focal points. They innorporate deep parches and multiple wail finishes ~ users with direction and shelter. Varied materials, textures, and color, around the base and caps break up the height of tall walls. and emphasize. human scale. 59.5 S. Americana Boulevard ~ Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 345-0566 ®(208) 345-1.718 ~ Fax (208} 387-0889 office~grboise.com The prajeetu#ilizes a palette of high quality and well detailed materials, like woad, stone, concrete, stucco, _ metal andglazing to give the buildings variation in pa#fern, scab, texture and color, Field materials-and - trim m~terial$ ace distinguished by color and texture, Window and door openings are accerifuafed with trim. 'and expressed sills. This wide, mix of materials creates aesfheticaliy pleasing forms that will age gracefully .over-time. _;4ccessory structures compliment the primary structures with an equal level of detail and consistent use of similarmaterials. Mechanical equipment located an the ground is screened by stone walls. Mechanical `equipment lecated on roofs is screened by parapets. Red Tail Apartment Community is designed as a luxury apartment complex. The site layout; material :te, and building forms will give it a distinct presence that enhances the streetscape and surrounding Thank you for your consideration and review of this application. Sincerely, Sydnee Weersing, AI July 17, 2013 Proiect Narrative The proposed Red Tail Apartments is a multi-family luxury apartment community located at the comer of South Meridian Road and East Victory Road, This project has been presented to City Council during the annexation, rezoning, and prelim plat review process. It has also been approved for a conditional use permit; see CUP # 13-005. This community will consist of 220 units; approximately 238,250 sf development, located on 14.55 acres within the City of Meridian. The development will encompass (20) apartment buildings with a combination of (40) 3 bed 3 bath units; (116) 2 bed 2 bath units; and (64)1 bed 1 bath units, The development will also include (5) 8-bay garage structures, (28) carports, a community clubhouse with leasing center, a pool area with a cabana, anon-site maintenance shop, (6) covered ramadas, a playground, and multiple sports courts. ADA COllNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich AMOUNT 16.04 3 aois3= 3onHo ~ X106/2042 •11:39 AM DEPUTY Bonnie Oberbilllg 5in~plifile Electronic RecnrdinQ ~!]lJll lull lull llllll1l1l11 ~Illl Illl llili lull) IJI lllli lJll llll R);CDRll1;Il-RliQLJEST OT' FIflELI•fY NATIONAL ~'fTLE - CiQ15 '~ 4 ~'~ 2555 i Q7 ~~~ i~f' Ft?R ~~ALU]E )<2.1~GI;IVED DI:3SX 7['anlinA Valley, tm Idaho )i~ted•3iability eopnpany floe Crr•antaa•(s), dales} Iacreb}~grant, bargain, sell ar~d corlvey•t3.nta Led 7['ai1 Comuinnities ~.,iv,C, a Delav-~axe.Iinisted liahility limited coruprln.y, whose address is Gu0 E. Fz-anldin ]Road, Ste 270, Iyli•et~~iclian; Naha $3612, the Grantee(s), tl;e iollc~wino desc;ibecl premises, in Ada, T3oise, Id~~zha, Tp Vv'IT: 5EE ATTACII:ED EXI-IJB7T `:A" TO HAVE AND TO HQLD tl7.e said premises, ~Ti di their appurtenances unto the said Grantee; heizs and assi}~ns forever. And the said Grantor does hereby covenant to and u~itb the said Grantee(sj, Chat (s)I7e zs/are the oulnel-(s) in fee simple of staid pz•eznises; Ylza2 na enctunbrat~ces v.•ere initiated during the oc~~nership of the undersigned .nor is the ut~dersiglzed a~~•are of any such. And that Grantor will warranf and defend the same ag•3it2st every person lawfully claitx~ing by, thxou6h, or under Grantor, but not otherwise. Dated this _ ~J day vt December, ZOI2. DBSI rE'a~,larta Valley ~..LC By:.Ronald D. Strongwater, its Authol-'~ed A nt for Ganntd Myers, Trustee under the DBST ea ~ sta#e Liguidatirlc Trust, as Canftnx~ed in the Second Amended 3ai.nt Chapter 11 Plan cli•Liquidation, Case No. OS•-12687 (PJ't~, Ulasted States Banl.7tzptcy Court, District of Dcla~~~are• Srsre of clat~~ C:otmty of ~~,~,.,..~ ~;~, do this ~~~~ clay afDecembez, 2Q12, before me the undersigned: a Notary Publie ire. and for said state, personally appeared Ronald D. Strong a~ ater, Irnown or identified to me to be the personf~j whose came(~~t, re subscribed to the within instrument as the Authorised Agent of ~DBSI Tanazta Valley I..I~C and aeknow'leclged to me that Ronald D. Strongurater executed the same as such Authorized A err ~,r,.... ~'" Notar~`Publi~~a~ue; ~~.[.T~~~ ~. Residing ar; ~ ~;z~ ~o ,~,,.s1.~ ~_ c..~..1,.~- ~f, Commission Ehpires; c~ ~k-~_z~:,~ 2~~~~ ~` sE110`T. G. G. GOURDIN r .~a .. F ~ ~ ~~ ., `: CdMM. # ?887292 +~ a ~~ Jiro t14TrlRYPUL~~'~CALffORNtA r~ Lr ;. -~ a: ~~~~~~-~~~` oR.4t~c~ cot~r~rr ~ ~•~°~o~'' tiY Comni :z:~~ti~Rk 25,191 J~Xk3[IBIT ".E~." Ta I! orbx of Deed PARCET, A That portion of the North 1zalf of Section 30, To~~nship 3 I~lorth, Range 1 ]cast, Seise lv.[eridian, Ada County, Idaho, and more particttlarIy described as folIo~rs: Comrxteneiirg at tE-e Northwest corner of Section 30, thence alo~xg the Northerly boundary of said Section, North $9°2'09" East for a distance of 650.00 feet, to the POINT Ol~ BEGINNING; thence continuing•alongs~id boundary, North $9°42'09" Fast fnr a distance of I,236.83 feet; thence South 00°1?`5I "East fox a distance of :150.00 feet; thencr. Sauth~vestedJ` ttlong the arc of a cunTe to the right; x~itll a c-adius of 317.70 feet, for a distance of 317.50 feet, through a ccnt~-al angle af57°17'45", and a long chord wi~ic3r bears South 28°21'OI" West for a distance of344,44 feet: thez~ee South 57°43'2$" 1Vest far a distance of 46.19 feet; tLience Southwesterly along arc; of a curve to the left. with to radius o#'6$2.5Q feety for a distance. of 237_Db feet, tlzrOur~ t a central angle of 19°54`t14", and a long chord t~vlzicU bears South X17°4b'~G" We;;t fnr a distance of 235.87 feet; thence - South. 35°43`32" ~~ est for a distance of SO.DD feet; tla.ence along a curve to the left of;vlticla the radius point Lies South 54°I G'38" East; a radial distance of 530.67, feet, Southwesterly along the arc for a distance oC 17:1.56 feet, tl~sougli a cent~~al angle of 18°-l~l-'28 ", and a lone chord r~~hich bears South Z6°21'OS° ~~t~est for a distance of 172.79 feet: thence South 19°04'50", West far a distance of 57.82 feet to a point on the center 1zne of the Ridenbaueh Canal per lnstn.~zxtEnt Na. 76D8Q75; thei~cs along said center line, the folloti~~ing tlu-ee coatrsc:s and distances; 1. No:fih 70°55'16" West far a distai~ce~of 1,122.59 feet; 2. North 57° i [ `S2" West fez a distance off 9.47 feet: 3. North 44°08,78" V,~est fax tt distance of a1~_59 feet to a point ox~ the~7;astexly zxgllt-of--way of h~leridiao Raacl; tl~ea~ce ~cau_ tinning along said right-of v~'ay, North 00°25'44" East for a distancz of 346.74 feet; thence continuing along said rigl~t••of wa}j, Nacth 67°I 1'22" East far a distance of 65.30 feet; thence Ictt~7ng said xzght-of-Z~~ay, North 85°58'45" East for a distance of $9.7I feet; the~tcz North 89°24'Sfl" East for a distance of 430.98 feet; thence Na~-th DD°17'S.l "West for a distance of 32.D0 foes; to'the PC}INT Ql" BEGTNNIiUG. "T'he above describes 1?arceI contains ~ 1.84 acres, snore or Tess. ATIi'II)AVIT Off' LEGAL INTI;RE~T STATE OT IDAHO } COUNTY Or ADA ) ~• ~ ~/ ~l e) ~~~ L `~ {address) (city} G-7 (state) bei~zg first duly sworn upon, oath, depose and say: Thai I am Ehe record owner of tlic property described on the attached, and t grant my permission to: .mil ~L~--~`~f y~~, t ~ ~'~'-~} ~; ~~°ilC'jZ3 ~ l`~-`I` . /~{~/<~i~'!l (Warne) (address? ~~ to submit d:e accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. ?. T agree to indemnify, defend and hold [he City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resu}ting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to fife ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. 3. I hereby grant permission to City of Mctidicuz staff to enter the szzbject property far the purpose of site inspections related to processing sa'sd application(s). Dated this~day of ~~ ~~ 2t1~~ (Signature) 5UB5CRI13ED AND SWf)RN to before me the day and year first above writt/e/n~.j ////// {Notary $Gblic for Idaho) ALAN C. N®BLE: Residing at: ,~c-:Cru.,a./ ip 1!I®TARY PUf3LiC STA`C`I^ OF IIaAI•I~ My Caznmission Expires: ~ ~~' ~~ 9 33 E. ~raad~vny AV~ntla, Suite 102 a Mcridlan, Idaho 83643 Phanc: (20B) 684-5533 ^ I±acsimiie: {208) 888-b854 ^ Websita: w~vw,mcridiapciiy.org flier. O~W20731 Dorothy Walters From: Jonathan Seel <j.seel@att.net> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 20138:37 AM Tn; Dorothy Walters 5a6ject; hlN: Plat application Frain: Mindy Wallace [mailto:Mwallace{a~achdidaho.org] Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 8:15 AM To: Jonathan Seel Subject: RE; Plat application Jonathan, A full traffic impact study will not be required far thss application, as your proposal will generate significantly less trips than commercial project previously planned on the site. However, ACHp would like to see a right turn Pane analysis far the driveway onto Victory Raad proposed to provide access to the 215 apartment units. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mindy Mindy Wallace Planning Review Supervisor Ada County Highway Faistrict {2fY8} 387-6178 "We drive quality transportation for all Ada County -- Anytime...Anywherei" .. _.. _......._......m ..... .... ......_.. _...._.... ........ _. ... ~..._.,... . From; Jonathan Seet [mailto:i.seelC~att.netl Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:20 PM Ta: Mindy Wallace Cc: 'Winston H. Moore'; 'Jeff Moore'; Randy Fullmer; Jason bensmer Subject; Plat application Mindy: As we have discussed, WN Moore Company plans to submit a development application for Red Tail Communities, LLC to develop a 32 acre parcel at the SE corner of Victory and Meridian Roads, One of the items required in the preliminary plat application is "written confirmation that a traffic impact study is not required ar has been submitted for review to ACN d." The original development was referenced as Tanana Valley Subdivision and planned as a commercial project. Our project will be a residential development comprised of approximately 48 single family detached homes and approximately 215 apartment units. We would appreciate the District's written confirmation that a traffic study is not warranted given the limited traffic impact this project will have on Victory Road. Thankyou Jonathan Seel WH Moore Company Wk 208-323-1919 Cell 20$-861-262 Community Development Address Verificati®n Date: 7/19/t3 Meridian City Hall, Suite 102 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, Tdaho 83642 208.887.2211 The address information below has been researched and verified as correct by the City of Meridian Community Development Department. Project Name: Red Tail Communities Address: 121 E. Victory Rd. Zip Code: 83642 Parcel #: 51130223000 Notes: Multi-Family Complex located within the Red Wing Subdivision (not yet recorded). An address change maybe necessary. 1} The address has been assigned based on available information. iX_ This address should be considered temporary. Final address to be assigned upon completion of development. 2} This address will be required to connect to municipal services per Meridian City Code 9-1-4. Municipal water is available for connection at this location. Municipal sanitary sewer is available for connection at this location. This property does not currently have municipal services available. 3) This is an existing structure that is currently connected to municipal services. ALL PLANS BEING SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF MERIDIAN WILL BE REQUIRED TO CLEARLY REFLECT THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND SUITE NUMBER (iF APPLICABLE) AS REFLECTED ABOVE. Address Verification Rev: 04J23/12