Aspen Massage and ChiropracticCERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE REPORT DATE: April 12, 2013 { TO: Jason Lee FROM: Bill Parsons, Associate City Planner" SUBJECT: Aspen Massage and Chiropractic — CZC-13-042 and DES -13-048 OWNER: Jason Lee DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant, Jason Lee, requests certificate of zoning compliance (CZC) and design review (DES) approval to construct a new 2,400 square foot office building located at 1532 W. Cayuse Creek Drive. The proposed healthcare and social service use is a principal permitted use in the L -O zoning district, per UDC Table 11-2B-2. DECISION The applicant's request for CZC and DES is approved with the conditions listed in this report. Note: This is nota building permit Please contact Building Services at (208) 887-2211 to verify ifyou need a buildingperntit and/or inspection. Ifyou need a buildingper tit, you must complete that process before you continence the use or construction. As part of the application submittal, you must provide these plans in PDF format and hardcopy as specified in the Building Services "Plan Intake Checklist': Please contact Building Services for additional details about building perinits and inspections. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. All ground level mechanical equipment shall be screened to the height of the unit as viewed from the property line in accord with UDC 11-3A-19A.le. Process Conditions of Approval 1. No signs are approved with this application. Prior to installing any signs on the property, the applicant shall submit a sign permit application consistent with the standards in UDC Chapter 3 Article D and receive approval for such signs. 2. The applicant shall complete all improvements related to public life, safety, and health as set forth in UDC 11 -5C -3B. A surety agreement may be accepted for other improvements in accord with UDC 11 -SC -3C. 3. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Division staff, the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion asset forth in UDC 11 -3B -14A. 4. The site plan prepared by Lawson Design Inc., dated 04/12/13, labeled A-101 is approved (stamped "approved" on 04/12/13 by the City of Meridian Planning Division) with no changes. 5. The landscape plan prepared by Montgomery Inc. Landscape Architects, dated 04/11/13, labeled Ll is approved (stamped "approved" on 04/12/13 by the City of Meridian Planning Division) with no changes. Conditions Document Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES 6. The building elevations prepared by Lawson Design Inc., dated 04/12/13, labeled A-201 and A- 202 are approved (stamped "approved" on 04/12/13 by the City of Meridian Planning Division) with no changes. 7. The approved site plan, landscape plan and/or building elevations shall not be altered without prior written approval of the City of Meridian Planning Division. 8. The applicant shall pay any applicable impact fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. 9. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate ACHD requirements, the applicant shall submit a new site plan to the City of Meridian Planning Division for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 10. The applicant shall complete all required improvements prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It is unlawful to use or occupy any building or structure until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy. Ongoing Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant and/or assigns shall have the continuing obligation to provide irrigation that meets the standards as set forth in UDC 11-313-6 and to install and maintain all landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-313-5, UDC 11-313-13 and UDC 11-313-14. 2. The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site (CUP-03-008and CUP -05-013, PP -05-011, FP -05-062, and DA #103137116 and amended DA #107145935). 3. The issuance of this CZC does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for the site. 4. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to prune all trees to a minimum height of six feet above the ground or sidewalk surface to afford greater visibility of the area. 5. The applicant has a continuing obligation to comply with the outdoor lighting provisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-11. 6. The applicant and/or property owner shall have an ongoing obligation to maintain all landscaping and constructed features within the clear vision triangle consistent with the standards in UDC 11- 3A-3. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW The applicant or a party of record may request City Council review of a decision of the Director. All requests for review shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department on or before 04/27/2013, within fifteen (15) days after the written decision is issued, and contain the information listed in UDC 11 -5A -6B. If City Council review of the decision is not requested, the action of the Director represents a final decision on a land use application. You have the right to request a regulatory taking analysis under Idaho Code 67-8003. EXPIRATION Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued in conjunction with construction or alteration of a structure shall expire if said construction or alteration has not commenced within one year of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Conditions Document 2 Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES The administrative design review shall be exercised with the approval period of the underlying permit (CZC) or the approval shall expire. In accord with the above provisions, the subject Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review is valid until April 12, 2014. EXMITS A. Vicinity Map B. Site Plan (dated: 04/12/13) C. Landscape Plan (dated: 04/11/13) D. Building Elevations (dated: 04/12/13) Conditions Document 3 Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES A. Vicinity Map 1� 603 6026 18261 F,�s2 "P 5 99il 6001 971 5960 5991 1 1 �co 15965 1 -W B�Cfi W Giade C �e 5960 � -j '593? r kSt-i 15913 1 �2 Wgar�ymbre D� Haq�lllaplds U 5940 5850 j j 5827 —4 z 1 15316 58091 -- – 't-_W_Mar�encrbekD, I" 't 158a 1 1560 I , -- r 5798' 5791 57791 -5755 > I I 1450 — I 1 5760 1 57571 1 A 1572a 1 P 3 5731 1 �5696, 5725 1566 1' ! 5699 W-E�agle Mountain Dr- -0 r I - i- -T 1 1 'Soo W-�itclhoock-Stl --I- useX-reek bir-� li-�- T-- 1335 -W zzle�C�ak Dr' -T- 15501 5450 5555 jC j cedar �Fovd,-s w W wic 5375 L Conditions Document 4 Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES B. Site Plan (dated: 04/12/13) Conditions Document 5 Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES C. Landscape Plan (dated: 04/11/13) Conditions Document 6 Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES D. Building Elevations (dated: 04/12/13) \ gti t I e m Q !Sl!R£V'PrTgfd. ll 44 Conditions Document 7 r Conditions Document 7 Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES �f Aspen Massage and Chiropractic CZC & DES Microsoft Word -Certificate of Zoning Compliance checklist 08-12.doc... http://www.meridiancity.org/uploadedFiles/Depanments/Planning/App... r' I� � TA'NT-. Planning Department CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Application Checklist All applications are required W contain one copy of the following unless otherwise noted: Applicant Staff (�) Description (�) Completed & signed Administrative Review Application y arrative fully describing the proposed use of the property, including the following: Information on any previous approvals or requirements for the requested use (i,e., applicable condilinns of approval or Development Agreement -kevor—dedwarranty deed for the subject propertyAffidavit of Legal Interest signed & notarized by the property owner (Irowimr is acorpnmaon, .. _ submdaecyoflhc Anictey nf]nwra�ali�n ur c�thcfeviduicc to show that thennygninRis nn autherizaxlcnl),~ Written confirmation that a traffic impact study or change or use is not required and/or has been submitted for review to AC11D. Please contact Mindy Wallace at 387-6178 or Christy Little at 387-6144 for more information. _ Scaled vicinity map showing the location ol'the sub,Lot property k- - _Civil Site/Dimension Plan - I lull size copy (t'olded to 8 %z" x I A photometric test report for any light tixture(s) with a maximum output of 1,800 [unions ` or more (sero UDC 11-3A-1 1) _ r y of the recorded plat theplOR ny lies within (8'h" x l 1 ") _ ___ _ c dress verification letter from Development Services (887-2211) Site Ylan---* I copy (folded to 8 %z" x I I" size), The following items must be shown on the sitefah i. V • Date, scale, north arrow, and project name (scale not less Ihan I"=50') • Dimensions • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm preparing the plan • Parking dulls and drive aisles • Detail of bicycle parking facilities • Trash enclosure(s) location_ _- • Detail of trash enclosure (must be screened on 3 sides) • Location and specifications for underground irrigation (Pressurized irrigation can only ltc waived ifif you_pmvc no waler rights exist to syNeil..rupeny)__. - Sidewalks of pathways (mussed and existing) • Locittton fpropUsLdyy:ldlng_on lot (include dunensmns to property liars) .._. ._._.._.. _ _ ._-_ _.____�_ ...._. _ -------- - _........_.._ Penetn Imposed and existing) • Calculations table including the following: Number of parking stalls required & provided (specify handicap & compact slaps) D Number of bicycle stalls required & provided D Building Size (sq, n.) Y Lot sire, (al, n.) Setbacks Y 'Coning district • Reduction of the site plan (8'/i' x I I") Landscape plan- • 1 copy (folded to 8'/a" x 11" sire) Plan nion have a scale no sinaller than I" = 50-(1' = 20' is preferred) and be on a standard 33 B. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meri(iiiincity.org 8 of 4 3/28/2013 4:58 AM Microsoft Word - Certificate of Zoning Compliance checklist 08-12.doc... http://www.tneridiancity.org/uploadedFiles/Departments/PlanifnglApp... 33 L. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888.6854 • Website: www.uleridiancity.urg (Hop. 02AM013) of 4 3/28/2013 4:58 AM drawing .sheet, not to exceed 36" x48" (24' x36' is preferred). A plan which cannot he drawn in its entirety on a single sheet must he drawn with appropriate notch lines on two orniore sheets. The following items must be Included on the landscapeplan: • Date, scale, north arrow, and prpject name • Dimensions • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firmpreparing the plan • Statnp/signature of a landscape architect, landscape designer, or qualified nurseryman preparing the plan • Existing natural features such as canals, creeks, drains, ponds, wetlands, flolams, hhruumlwutcr areas, and rock outcr�ris • Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches or greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above the ground. Indicate whether the tree will be retained or removed • A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed to be retained will be protected front dame during co>etruction _ • Existing and/or stmclures, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fences, berms, parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, lire hydrants, slonnwater detention areas, signs, street Furniture, and other man-made elements • Existing and proposed contours for all areas steeper than 20% slope. Hells shall he shown with one -foot contours Sight fnurigi as dcimed in l 1-3A-5 of lhts ordinance ,_ • Location and label~ for all proposed plant~ including trees, shrubs, and groundcovers paces must not tx planted in City water or sowor casements or within live root or lire hydmms). Scale shown for plant materials shall reflect approximate mature size • A plant list that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, common name, minimum planting size and container, tree class (1, 11, or 111), and comments (for spicing, staking, and installation as appropriate) • Calculations of project components to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including: D Width of street buffers, lineal feet of street frontage, and number of street trees Residential subdivision trees Y Acreage and percentage dedicated for common open space ➢ Acreage and percentage dedicated for qualified open space Y Number of trees provided on common lot(s) Mitigation for removal of existing trees • Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all required standards • Design drawing(s) ol'all fencing proposed for screening purposes. Include height. & material Reduction of the landscape plan (8 %a" x I I") Building elevations showing construction materials — *1 co (folded to 8 t/a" x I I" size) Reduction of the elevations (8 VT x I I" Electronic version of the site plan, landscape plan, & building elevations in pill' format submitted on a disk with the tiles named with project name & plan type (i.e. site plan, landscape plan, elevations, etc.). We encourage you to submit as least one color version. ll' applying ler approval ol'a public school, provide additional information as required by the Public School Facility supplemental checklist per §67-6519 Fee (If this project bad prior approval on a site plan, reduced fees may ap ly) 33 L. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888.6854 • Website: www.uleridiancity.urg (Hop. 02AM013) of 4 3/28/2013 4:58 AM L,'"b'�.. C l 6. fly d Planning Division DESIGN REVIEW ■ Application Checklist Project name:Sp :en tGI',Ifrr� CCd1tC L'�?!/y�I—CfCT/C Concurrent File#: Applicant/agent: 'I I • ✓�z°� f All applications are required to contain one copy of the following: Applicant (J) Description Staff (�) Completed and signed Administrative Review Application (If also submitting a concurrent application for Conditional Use Permit, design review will f be processed along with that application. Therefore, an Administrative Review application is ) not necessary in this case; just check the Design Review box on Commission & Council Review Application and submit the information below.) Completed Design Manual Compliance Checklists (B. Urban Design Guidelines; C. Urban/Subt rban Design Guidelines; D. Suburban Design Guidelines; E. Residential Design Guidelines) as applicable. Provide in a narrative letter, how the proposal addresses guidelines contained in the Meridian Design Manual and UDC 11-3A-19: 1. Architectural Character: a. Facades. b. Primary entrance(s). c. Roof lines. d. Pattern variations. f. Mechanical equipment. 2. Materials. 3. Parking Lots 4. Pedestrian walkways and facilities. A complete set of scaled plans including building elevations, with building materials, colors and textures specified and site plans. Reductions of the elevations (8 aIN' x 11") Fee All requests for design review approval must meet the procedures set forth in UDC I1-5 and the criteria set forth in the "Meridian Design Manual", as applicable. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BEACCEPTED UNLESS ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS ON THE CHECKLISTARE SUBMITTED. 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiaucity.org (Rev. 02/082013) Microsoft Word - Administrative Review application,doc - administrati... / qP 1 y. Y r, Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) http:/Avww,meridiancity. org/uploadedFiles/Depanments/Planning/App... Planning Division ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION ❑ Accessory Use S'1' NA 'h 11Sf: 4N X: ---- ❑ Alternative Compliance ¢J Certilicale or Zoning Compliance File number(s) 0,07 A/• ❑ Certificate or Zoning Compliance Verification Zip: 9.31eV4 E-mail: G/?C1/ die %gdyt%�9iylzril lvlyf ❑ Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification , i�? dDesign Review Project na me '' ilLr7 ❑ Private Street Date tiled: Date conrpNte ❑ Property Boundary Adjustment Assigned Plann r. t� J ❑ Time Extension (Direc(or) ❑ Vacation Related files: ❑ Other Applicant Information Applicant name: GcSD L, ---- Phone:_�'���V73 Applicant address: 0,07 A/• 1910 0e t eus' P/. Zip: 9.31eV4 E-mail: G/?C1/ die %gdyt%�9iylzril lvlyf Applicant's interest in property: Plown ❑ Rent ❑ Optioned ❑ Other Owner name: JtzSovt L lee Phonc:0-`i )3 Fax: 679_139(�) Owner address: iPGiP:gt-E-mail:G�(� t % _JP Agent. name (e.g., architect, engineer, dev Ioper, representative): Firm name & a fC " _ 140 Address: � /6 i6s 5C1 � f(%Ulm ip: (P. E-mail: y rum � �n s,�crr- � Primary contact is: /❑ JApplicant ❑ wrier ❑ Agent �7Otiler Contact name: (%tet% . I it / �{ � / Phone:(99i Contact address: 42-C%� p� '� — Zip: _ lsl, -E-mail: Subject Property Information Localiontu rect address: Assessor's parcel Township, range, section: 2_�5 'Total acrcagc: O , � ! Current lend use: ,_ '/3ri, _— Current zoning district 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org 1 (021(^2013) of 2 3/28/2013 4:53 AM /1yn IKAracrye. a C.Aibpretcf7^G Project/subdivision name: H5'9 --e !'I l PwCc l? ou n1 V 111 (, f -P Center SCJ. General description of proposed project/request: GCr Jln a. 02 YOO masscae ccptoC cL i worms cfi'c 08/r2, Proposed zoning district(s): �- Acres of each zone proposed: �S Type of use proposed (check all that apply): ❑ Residential IN Commercial ❑ Office ❑ Industrial ❑ Other Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? Aa )-almlwf sfuh- /i On Which irrigation district does this property lie within? S' e Neri %Y{j bl t, Primary irrigation source: .SQ DitI'fu/r"�pe('�YY. Secondary: A1!e. Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of connection is City water): Residential Number of residential units: Number of common lots: (if Number of building lots: Number of other lots: Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi -family developments only): 1 bedroom: 2 - 3 bedrooms: 4 or more bedrooms: Minimum square footage of structure(s) (excl. garage): Minimum property size (s.f): - Gross density (Du/acre-total land): Percentage of open space provided: Proposed building height: Average property size (s.f): Net density (TAI/acre-excluding mads & alleys): Acreage of open space: Percentage of qualified open space acreage: (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Amenities provided with this development Type of dwelling(s) proposed: ❑ Single-family Detached ❑ Single-family Attached ❑ Townhomes ❑ Duplexes ❑ Multi -family ❑ Other Non-residential Pra Number of building Other lots: Gross floor area proposed: '2 `TUU ss . -%f Existing (if applicable): I'I / Q Hours of operation (days and hours): /nwP W- L T rd J-7 pin Building height: 2 V t, Percentage of site/project devoted to the following: Landscaping: /Y°% Building: as°je Paving: LQ`(°/- (eXishAJ Total number of employees: a- Number and ages of students/children (if applicable): A/114 Total number of parking spaces provided: 'W Number of compact spaces provided: Authorization / Print applicant name: VAso n C. 1-,e -p- Applicant signature: C `�� Date: Z- Z 113 roadway A e, Suite 102 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org 2 Aspen Massage and Chiropractic: Narrative Overview: This application is being submitted for the purpose of building a new 2400 square foot massage and chiropractic office. Said business is currently leasing within Paramount Village Center and has purchased a vacant commercial lot due to expanding business need and additional square footage. The proposed build has a verified address of 1532 W. Cayuse Creek Dr. Meridian, ID 83646. Land was purchased by Dr. Jason C. Lee and Bergen M. Lee of Aspen Massage and Chiropractic on 3-21-2013 from Brighton Investments LLC, The current empty commercial lot is located in the Paramount Village Center which is part of the Paramount Looking east toward the entrance of Paramount Village Park, there is a controlled intersection making the property access easy and safe. The true entrance of the Paramount Village is off Cayuse Creek Drive just east of the above intersection on Linder. Cayuse Creek Drive is a divided lane road with center landscape areas on both the east and west side of the entrance. The size of the building lot is .251 acres and is part of a developed business park. Current parking and parking lot including curbs have already been completed. The business park is located at the main entrance of the Paramount Subdivision which resides at the north east corner of Linder rd, and W. Cayuse Creek Dr. Property Information: Location: 1532 W. Cayuse Creek Dr. Meridian, ID 83646 Parcel Number: R6905260070 Lot/Block: 07/01 Total Acreage: .251 Zoning District: L -O Land Use: Commercial Adjacent Property and Development Information: To the immediate East of the business park resides an LDS Church. To the South resides To the West resides Lochsa Falls a residential neighborhood with the main entrance at the same controlled intersection. Across the street to the South resides Rocky Mountain High school. To the north is a private large acreage home with a fence at the property line at the north end of Paramount Village. Paramount Village Center is currently owned and operated by Brighton Corporation and managing member Mr. David W. Turnbull. Other business park residents include Jarvis Dental, Signature Dental, Paramount Eye Center, Edward Jones, Casa Bell Beauty Salon, Kelson Orthodontics and the Idaho Health Care Association. There are four remaining empty commercial lots still for sale in development. All current buildings are identical in exterior tan stucco, cultured stone and reclaimed fir trim finishes. A building design committee exists for the development to ensure all future builds meet exterior elevation and design requirements for development uniformity. Said committee is headed by Brighton Corporation. All of the existing building exteriors are light tan stucco with dark stained wood window and roof trim. The gable end treatment of buildings are sided with a shingle siding and have the rough wood trim corbels and vents for an attractive look. The entrances of each of the building have tapered columns of ledge stone cultured stone, with beams and corbels. Examples of the colors and beams are shown below. Building Lot Dimensions and Building facts: Building lot has a dimension of 122'8" by 95'2" for a total of approximately 11,674 sq. feet. The proposed building will have dimensions of 60' by 40' for a total of 2,400 sq. feet. The total building lot will be approximately comprised of 14% landscaping, 22% building and 64% of existing paving/parking lot. Proposed building on the existing empty lot ADA COUNTY RECORDER Christopher D. Rich AMOUNT 16.00 3 BOISE IDAHO 03/21/2013 02:07 PM DEPUTY Lisa Irby 6n COR ED -F -E is EST OF rg 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN 1111111111111111111 IN UPON RECORDATION, RECORDED -REQUEST OF RETURNTO: TITLEONE BOISE 113030566 Jason C. Lee 5627 N. Morpheus PI Meridian ID 83646 j3, -:;Z avb 3SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED BRIGHTON INVESTMENTS, LLC, a limited liability company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Idaho, and having its principal place of business at 12601 West Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho, 83713, hereinafter called the Grantor. for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto JASON C. LEE and BERGEN M. LEE, husband and wife, whose current address is 5627 N. Morpheus Place, Meridian, Idaho 83646, hereinafter called the Grantee the following described premises situated in Ada County, Idaho, to wit: Lot 7 in Block 1 of Paramount Village Center Subdivision, according to the official plat thereof, filed in Book 95 of Plats at Pages 11665, 11666, 11667 and 11668, official records of Ada County, Idaho. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, water, water rights, ditches, ditch rights, easements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto, if any. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said premises, and their appurtenances unto the said Grantee and to the Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, subject to the current year's taxes and assessments not yet due and payable, and the other permitted exceptions listed on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Grantor, for himself and his heirs and assigns, does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns, that (1) the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said premises, (2) Grantor has the right to convey the premises; (3) the premises are free from all liens and encumbrances except for exceptions described in this Deed; (4) Grantor warrants and will defend the quiet and peaceable possession of the premises by the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, against all lawful claims whatsoever except for exceptions described in this Deed. DATED THIS )VP ay of March, 2013 BRIGHTON INVESTMENTS, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company By://A// "avid W. Turnbull, Manirging Member STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada On this GG day of March, 2013, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared David W. Turnbull, known or identified to me, and declared that he is the Managing Member of Brighton Investments LLC, that he signed the foregoing document as Managing Memb of the company, and that the statements therein contained are true. 1 q NOTARY PUBLIC No. ryPublicforlda� fl -+ T C IDAHO HO My Commission Expires on "1 1-1 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED — Page 1 EXHIBIT A Permitted Exceptions Taxes, including any assessments collected therewith, for the year 2013 which are due and payable, but not delinquent, The land described herein is located within the boundaries of City of Meridian (208-888-4433) and is subject to any assessments levied thereby. The land described herein is located within the boundaries of Settlers Irrigation District (2D8-344-2471) and is subject to any assessments levied thereby. Liens, levies, and assessments of the Paramount Village Center Owners Association, Inc. Reservations and exceptions in a United States Patent, and in the act authorizing the issuance thereof, recorded April 2, 1891 in Book 2 of Patents, at Page 353. Terms, provisions, conditions, restrictions and easements contained in a Development Agreement by and between City of Meridian, Ron and Becky Hanks, Sheridan Kooyers, Meridian Joint School District No. 2, Dwaine and Sharon Wolfe and Paramount, LLC. Recorded: August 14, 2003 Instrument No: 103137116 Terms and provisions contained in an Addendum to the Development Agreement. Recorded: October 25, 2007 Instrument No.: 107145935 Terms and provisions contained in a First Amendment to the Development Agreement. Recorded: September 26, 2008 Instrument No.: 108108427 An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a Water Line Easement. Granted to: City of Meridian Purpose: Construction and operation of a water line Recorded: April 22, 2005 Instrument No.: 105049333 An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document. Granted to: Idaho Power Company Purpose: Public Utilities Recorded: February 6, 2006 Instrument No.: 106018233 EXHIBIT A to SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED An easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Easement. Granted to: City of Meridian Purpose: Sanitary sewer and water main easement Recorded: April 21, 2006 Instrument No.: 106061665 Easements, reservations, restrictions, and dedications as shown on the official plat of Paramount Village Center Subdivision. Terms, provisions, covenants, conditions, and, restrictions contained in a Central District Health Letter. Recorded: May 22, 2006 Instrument No.: 106080743 Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, and, Easements but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law. Recorded: March 8, 2007 Instrument No.: 107033836 Amendments, Supplements, or Modifications of said Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. Recorded: September 10, 2007 Instrument No.: 107127111 Amendments, Supplements, or Modifications of said Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. Recorded: April 21, 2011 Instrument No.: 111033499 (End of Exceptions) EXHIBITAto SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF ADA I, ,Afore C GPC 5 77 fit/. .00A1 Pj9elej (name) I�LL�D (address) ��bi�{/CtNi (city) (state) being first duly sworn upon, oath, depose and say: 1. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: �Jwl? C. tee .5?P,2-7 Al 10t,- ,plq ew P! (name) (address) to submit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. 3. I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application(s). Dated this Z� day of 20 /3 C� (Si at 'e) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. L Nos �>A/ ( S otary public for Idaho) LVN�S�Y ®�V@5 N®Pott' t'tsAllc Residing at &Jsu e Ib My Commission Expires: /J — 0' —,�2 0 f O 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridimcity.org (Ren. 02/082013) 3/11/13 1532 W. Cayuse Creek Drive Gmail - 1532 W. CaWse Creek Drhe Christy Little <Clittle@achdidaho.org> Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 3:22 PM To: "chadie7880@gmail.com" <chadie7880@gmail.com> ACHD will not require a TIS for the new building at this address. The applicant has been discussing impact fees with ACHD and a final determination will be made when plans are submitted for review. Christy Christy Little Program Administrator Development Services (208)387-6144 https://nail.google.corrVmaiI/u/1/?ui=2&iIr388d3901ee&u4 v pt&search=inboAth=13d5b555de6edde6 1/1 W b 0. M M �_ E N vi M_ (V N M W O .y OASIS OF BEARING �.B00' Wl]d9gss'................ _ _ _- NOWSWIVE 40O.91' PAA AAI OUNT SU BOM SION N0, 1 PIS D T7 .;7 Jim J (r Pc O Z -a M P � TI mv � oam zoo w m x � �pz-N tel ono v >o ov oC➢ z z P > nN O a m� n [[ 00 0 O .rtes e n�� -I L,goo 0 dl u � m o � L C 0 p w f r N r z 9 C.. d� f � ,� p'N$ nB0 �S "= j�9 Ez 11 k5 p W > &R C hm S N� ag� "RGnSa� EQ�� 4�u G I O IN;19 �44 9 is 91 9 y §§ a as p R g 1qa a '. k 4 rad. I Lv s sae s ag_a A� n� ? I`a4N pot a g0 09 w !-o (m ',, i - {a ° f az 1 <F ff-a Y P dr M. .4i c I i u•2 m m z A C m S 0 z GRADING PLAN %% o E m 4 ; F S N 2 Z 3 APPRO ED FOR CONSTRUCTION g 'ia E p37 a '^' i�NO %w vroNte 6 y'yF"aa f� Ry a.^ 2p6 1 � £ 8^ PARAMOUNT VILLAGE CENTER GRADING PLAN IT A Meridian City Hall, Suite 102 lii ,� 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho 83642 Community Development 208.887.2211 Address Verification Date: 3/18/13 The address information below has been researched and verified as the "correct address" by the City of Meridian Community Development Department. Project Name: ASPEN MASSAGE AND CHIROPRACTIC Address: 1532 W Cayuse Creek Dr Zip Code: 83646 Subdivision Paramount Village Center Sub Lot/Block: 7/1 Parcel: R6905260070 1) The address has been assigned based on available information. This address should be considered temporary. Final address to be assigned upon completion of development. 2) This address will be required to connect to municipal services per Meridian City Code 9-1-4. Municipal water is available for connection at this location. __X_ Municipal sanitary sewer is available for connection at this location. This property does not currently have municipal services available. 3) This is an existing structure that is currently connected to municipal services. ALL PLANS BEING SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF MERIDIAN WILL BE REQUIRED TO CLEARLY REFLECT THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND SUITE NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) AS REFLECTED ABOVE. Ph: 208.887.2211/Fax 208.887.1297 • www.meridiancity.orz • Inspection Line 208.887.1155 Address Verification Rev: 07/2012 �1�•w€ 4� s r' li I IZ'+d4jf##?_h7 tF r- �Al it t7fx s '-r l � pp __ �: y€! srai' " ' ,� .�` .5�• r Nom` s�t� t`n''�t �. � - x,.rf";�+� kt �.. tir ti y —�. - ar a r�rtt:�a}'"'Si�:4�X �:i�4''�•t� 4r5 � 4 ((�i-)4') � 14 I4Y 5 4 f J ,6� 5 ar tt '3a i5 x t�•ps� i�„�,�,d it Ll v t `t � NEW 91EWALK "'AM571NG A4HlAL7 L � 4 } V .}b! t� ja IS j #IAr 'k i rev a- ! mike r. felrchlld, 'q s� I: j !€1,� �SPIFN ��S�AG� € i s a ! chlt t TV �5e 1PIUMAcr'c €�s € uoe�ncarra o5',"�°'G"d"Y nWi° ; ®v s A Nall rse� e83 g� �m o Ro 5g"a �1�•w€ 4� s r' li I IZ'+d4jf##?_h7 tF r- �Al it t7fx s '-r l � pp __ �: y€! srai' " ' ,� .�` .5�• r Nom` s�t� t`n''�t �. � - x,.rf";�+� kt �.. tir ti y —�. - ar a r�rtt:�a}'"'Si�:4�X �:i�4''�•t� 4r5 � 4 ((�i-)4') � 14 I4Y 5 4 f J ,6� 5 ar tt '3a i5 x t�•ps� i�„�,�,d it Ll v t `t � NEW 91EWALK "'AM571NG A4HlAL7 L � 4 } V .}b! t� ja IS j #IAr 'k i rev a- ! mike r. felrchlld, 'q s� I: j !€1,� �SPIFN ��S�AG� € i s a ! chlt t TV �5e 1PIUMAcr'c €�s € uoe�ncarra o5',"�°'G"d"Y nWi° ; qq t QFC a � 34 s � 3a a a9 y ( 1 a � k I S+ 3 3 z J Stn - a e FtF4`. i 6 a'� F � s' dhY df 8 €3 Sndgd i G�qx sg '• �a➢js� 7 :5 F$9z s �' &€6 � S r MEHI ASPEN CHIROPRACTIC ARCMMAS it os$� T� i N M. 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