Reinke Insurance Building CZC 05-117D ~~g a1a 1~~1 w V a 0 ~ti~ ~~ ,~ 'tld ~AQtl01Q1100'1"N 3 I j~l N m #~ 9 `d ~~t 9L¢ ~uj W[9-[K PoL ~~W n[ro aNa 35roe is 'x cris°ron br`mu~+ro r~ :; 9 i k '! OHV01 'NVIOIN3W q 7 ltlld ltlNti NOISNI080S NO1N008a ~ ~ ~ .. b a ` k ~p~ry ~d ~~qq~ 6.® Q f^ ~ :i Z L a a C/ ris irv r.sa I1x gaHif l d~F ~~,~ *~~ II ~LUrwum Q I ~~ 55{{ i F ~~ ~ to I r I r ~ .- I r I, ~` i I I ca ~ _. ~t LLLL r ~.__.~~•' d'N r4 E'' j1 "i l ~i y ~ [$ k p),!~ b# pl ~ ta' 19 J 1 <<~~* ~~ ~ a ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ w ti Ji F .v,((~.((yy J '3. ~f~~ ~.: j w.....' rcW F - i' ~~ {~ ~ ~~~~~~I , r Y~ ~~. N O V / r/ r~j ~ {{yy RP~~~'~~~ ~ f 1d ~ LJ o C M y ~ S, t °'~ t f' N a ¢z~ ow Z~ <,~ ~ W 1: vi tt i' z U S f\ w Gj' ~~,G ~^ yyes, n~~ UI a,u ~i1;~~~ Z {ts~ -r ~kfl ~ £~~~ Z {34~ ~~k Iii ~'`t ~S..S ~J: ~Y f 1 r+~{-: ~pv ii tai r jxi ~7kr O z s a gwg cl y a z yp ~, :Y:F ~ ~~ hutIGATION PERFORMAIVC~ ~PECI~+ICA'I'IOIVS ~-/ PRR ORDINANCE I2-I3-~ NOTG.• Subndt 3 copies of this core ylefed far•nr a+ith any application for Cer/rficafe ofZowing Conrpnance (CZC). Project Naane: Specifications: Available Gallons per Minute: ~ ~ Available Water Pressure: ~`~ ~~ cep Point of Connection (describe and/or subtnit a site planyl` Prirnarv Cnnnestirni• S~~ ~d-s~Shllq~ Sa..NUi:e~ ® Secdndary Crnviaction• Landscape Area: If the irrtgntlon system is hoolred to City mater crs a primary or secondary water soan•ce, su'bn~it the sgarare footage of landscape areas to be irrigated: tir /'~ s.f. Raclcflow Yreve.ntinu A backflow prevention device must be installed as required by City Ordinance 9-3. Csaveraga The irrigation system musC be designed to provide 100"/" coverage with head to head spacing or lriangnlar spacing as appropriate. Matched Pre.~~itatinn Rates Sprinker heads must have matched preci,piCatiou rates within each control valve circuit. 1Lrigatinn nn s Sprinkler heads irrigating lawn or other high-water-demand areas must be circuited so that they are on a separate zone or zones Lrom Chose irrigating trees, shrubs, or other ceduced- water-demand areas. SZYeI'SI~I':I V Sprinkler heads must be adjusCed Co reduce overspray onto impervious sutfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, andparkiugareas. rzw. z rinaio3 ~" I Additional L•rigation Notes: Trrigti~n Regni~r ci All landscape areas regulated by i:he City Landscape Ordinance (12-13) shall be served with an automatic underground hrigation system. Additional requirements affecting pressurized irrigation systems can be found in City Ordinance 9-1-28, h•rigation Wafer Source Use of non-potable irrigation water is required when determined to be available by Che City Public Wot•Ics Deparhnent as regulated by City Ordinance 9-I-28. If city potable water is used, a separate watet• meter is recommended so the owner can avoid payhrg sewer fees for irrigatio^ water. Potable water shall not be used as a primary irrigation water source on non-residential lots with .more than % acre of landscaping. Year round water availability is also required by coimecfing to city potable water or an on-sitewell as a secondary som•ce. Certification. I_ ~.~ /-~N•r~ ~~ (~-S~`~.v' , do hereby affirm that any irrigation system installed for Che project mentioned above will be designed and installed iu compliance with the specifications aud~notes stated in his form Applicant's Signahue Date Itev. 11/03/03 ~~ ~j f n o~ a ~ , ~~ iii ,;,~; J ~,M _,~ ~V $4 ® ~; e3 ~i° - 1~ ~~ `~ ~ ~~ ~,s 7~, n I ~~ _- it m 1t3 R`p m z m ~37 ; ~,,~ a4>, o ~;'~ ~ ~~~ a5:, ~~~ b ~~i Q~.~ `J V ,~~« ~ ~~-Y~.. ~ ~" i .i.Y~i1 / y, ~~ rv..;~53-. ~~~~~_m . ~~ __.----I---------- ~~a ---- !` 0 +O~ sa c~ °c ~z o ~m~ z ;gym 1 II h z 7zy c qg~ ~ 'a a nI ~~ S Z ro z w t ~~ ..e {y is lY Ly C t ~7f 3 I{ R a ~3~ L~ 6 ~Eaa,7 ~p~ i x tl ~ ~ 33]555 A St ~ i ;Z - ~_~ ~ .~ .~ v "~.+~ k .,=5 .~.. Yti ~'~~~ ~ ~ _ I ~~ ~;-__~~ _;~; ~~.~. ,~ ~s ~~ ti ~i i~ m 0 ,~, INSION FlNAL PLAT i ~I n,',~ ;r,,. n. S^; ro xe l ~~~, 83/02/2005 14:42 Z( '70095 r z a a s a z 8 n m t~ n ad u iL 16 re i9 'A z, a ae zA s5 M m r u M m di az A ea +f m *7 o~ 6f ai 93 59 sr MARfC I30T7'LE :AL FS PAGE 02 R~~# V44C~idT ~.A~i3 42~A,L ~~7,ATE ~YJi2GFQA51~ ~4~D 9A1.~ ,A(3R~EAIfEPdT APIIy it~G~IP7 FQR ~aRN~ST ~OP9EY RFA6TQ. THIS#$A CEGALt.Y 81NptNC3.00NPRACT.kEAO YHt; ENTIRE OOGUMENL7NplUpINGANY ATTACHMENTS. IP YOU HAVE ANY QUESYIONS, CONSUt.T Y~JR ATTORNEYAND1dR ACCdtlPFfANT8EP0Ri; $fGNiNG. It7ld~2t14~_.. ~,w...,. ~ faA7~:uy7raaQ~, 9. REAL ~S7A7E OEFIC~3: W~TtNt;AG6NCYtwarkBattlasRaalEslateServieas. _„ _,.. _... ..^... OtPi~Phonad2~OS:37J-67oa ~ e~~7 ~,.,__.,. ON~Pax#~09.3Z7.~~~.._.~.., 4ther Phdna fi,.~~, tdalMgA9~d Dave Raksds E-Map drabads~madc~tdaE.a6t11 __.._ __.._.. ___„~ Phane d2D&-94 •tO7B._~_,,..,,„~_ 5EL4.tPdt3 AGENCY Mark Batflea Ra9l ~stsl® nrv(ces .,. --.- . , .... . ~-- tlfnce Ptrond #?09°a77.-~ Q_T» Q--,......,,._... dRtAaFaxR~2p8J77~3S -. _ ,.~. E'M~ - _~. ......-..~.. „.„..:~..4tnarPhone#..,".F. _ -_ - ._.~ Ss~ng Agdnf $aan.Makfriduss E-A9gilamoorhouaBtl~markbatNea;caM .~ - ~„PhptC8~48.97• 3 ~ __... 2. 64P15'it: {agstty dssaAbad as: Lat 1 BradKfntt @utidMsldn ..__...-~-..._ ..,...,-tea. ~-- DR Legai De§ddptl4tn AttanheiS as ~4d9ndutn'~~~,~,..~~ - -.-- ...~ tAddpHdUm my&t Fcnttmpam/ vHghtaf oPPer,f .•.~ 3.1`Q7AL PURGNA96 PRtC~:D_ne hundred tour lhdusetM nhre hurrdrsd 9tlLtAR3, $ __;____,,„ ida,9Q0,06 p~alllf epl»t thdfofhxvinq T@8848 AtdDCdt{D IdNB{NW InCWding cbs ddai9 j.~^~~~y 4,hlHAkC1AL'4'FRMS: Nafa:Afow+Emuseaaaiepwsosafp~rrchseept $......... 9.oG0.IN7 A. EARNEST R~ONEY: [iUYERbydepa es Harnesi MaiaY evitlenaad by: ~ gable parsonst (mldhar _. _.._ .._. nd a 1804 and $ 944p,0.DP, $~ .._. S g,g90 ~t a raewd bank or C, W1 Ineuranoa.?his / irdereo9 ripf toern 6UYER ahafl Pas aiostng, In G40d FUP diHalanca 9atwKh iha aatwl badandae df said of si9ina IrQ. nm ft Airy net aiM the 6. (}TF7ER'PE(bMS~Np117R~tdD!'fit7N5: Buyarte,,,j{~y,~a?Odavdeedidaenaapariadttomtpg,de_aj,~sj~SCilardroy~mdiitlero su. „„,~„ s~.M..aad~ pi , idgr~tilMatinn of easeme~rts, and CC&R's. Ea_mest M i4 nnnlafo(1d8bte sn a ~ioabfa and Ga to be reieasod fn 3eUOt 4ntha 3tst d,~.Ya9d?I,~E_9f~&Bi@~~Zlbk.£Rnltr~ Aa. +0~......fivf~'~~ ~ t{rldtfl,,p~k.1u-LttC btl~9L~.S.ti~C,can t99A~.PfR~id~r1"' 'L.L~.~1.~~.8u approver of~r~'rnoytdta moad:.8vye/a eporoveioP,aUrvsY,By~,'g.gPProvei of r<ngmeedngplarre HUynr's 2aatot^al otenEMS. end Suva~sap~I nf~CC~R's, C~1 sing„sF,nl(atcer nn ar M~Fnre is days a, ar tlna:Ipla~ appmvnC _ ,„..„,_~_.„____... _......,N~ itLlYitltiad 1`A xMdwlWpertadat r iW, ggrewAke~onebtanpd},gg V ~ 6UVKr{S lnnbM( ~~ ~ ~ io.rc LinS M]&aaf_-_N onr-.,..»~e• thl.MmboMcedead desA,aadbt aerd.nn Aamdmk ar .YC41'3pl,z ~ilfitiam bus raana6WC++tlnYeNYrarwa tW m~M?r. .eem.er 4ipdn pl)t.LARS 30 buatrresa d~ franiha dada 4%tkH f~tdarnaryt.a'dden ~,(~Nt; pS~pigbl8 daatrmelMaflon fnoNdas..bW is rrot Cmded [e a oa 4ala O(9UYER~B current rastaande br0Ut8rp#gpadyia hn sale .._-,--- _ 9-04LQ9ntR fRnfatl'axJ maiQ~a (wh ) RE84 VAt:ANTt.AAf9 Pt{ttGt1A5$ ANGt $A4E A(3R~MP}1TttULY..2gp4 EgirfON RAB51 QF 5 03102!2005 14[42 28` '7003F MARK 13(]7TLE~ _AL cC; PAGE 03 ro 83 ro of at at m w m W m >i to Tb 71 N n 7a m at at ro p ar r2 St ar re w Ca to, t~ im tw +re r~ mn fro vo nt tts Pa¢A 2 ar 5; 81;-24 Purcha6a scut Salk A¢ream~d for Vanant Land PR@?86R4YA®0RE$St B nsuadwtaron hfaddrtn {~','Ct¢0671 ~~,y ff. "HOi' /f~&°d.IG:dBk~ DEFI~~:° The taSAra 'n/e;" "NtR" `a.A.," anti "7V,A." as used hermit era dtttttaviaPllstA a{thpCann "not app(~stsle," Vyllere Ihb ogrenmarN dto !Dent Trot applicable" ar an abbr+.wiaUan ItRraoY a ahAA tre evidence tAat Ytib pak5es Aare com®nipr~ad e¢tiain tape er nCasTr6nns and hAva deSorminadfha@suCh iactg ar cveMlydpia do not aPpty to Hro agmedtadlor ttarl$apiM herNn. 7, to aCCAptanta 4t the C»ndlHOn to skrpmra saakm r. Btrr£R of the SATtSFAG7T0WRE~t0VA1. pP IN9PECTiq~ C0RtTINt3EHCi~$; t, t{BUYER does no@ whhin the 8tttef KInA padnd spaCtYrBd gNe to 5ELL6R wdttan npHceoCHems drsaFrpmuad M; BUYER shall ctxrclusProty ba dadnad tC hAVa: {e} amsptatad All fnspaCtioris, mvaatgaikxtf, mtikwgt appliCAbi9 doeumsnts atrddbClnaUrASt{a) etectadpo proceed w8h Hen transsakn And {q A9strmad aft nabltAy, responsibaky erne expense fa fepaira W coneeitong pherthan toC AGms whfah SEU.ER hag athanvlsa agreed in writing to r~eaUOr corraef~ Z tP BUYER deae wRhlrrtha StfkY tlrpp period ata~cirrad g'rrefi.SBLLER wntfan natiCe oI Nants disappiG.ect ot, BUYER BaAtt pettihantsacaen(§}d4wdttonfnspAptonraporYS,SELI.ERAtiatth pto+rldAeoS£@;@,ER g1ltCit, may Cntn9Ctthe llama as apadHeday th{BUYERS In their tCUaramage~[np td daap jft efs`t?I.tER.Agr~U P@Cartq{t@re katrtsasked (or ingaj>e BUYERS teller, thdn nnth parllas agran that they wilt caMinne wga the aansaoli0n and pressed to Closing. Thte tYtH tAmovA @aa BtIYHRS [nxpaaNan Corrttrtganq. 3.H Nle SELLER etecfa rip {o oaroa4 tiYA disapptdvad items, !!raft NaBUY£RiS) hayatae ~iftrnn ofaRhdr curddinutag Iba iransagfan w+flfop the SELLER nadtg r~ponsiataftir aorreedng theasdefiCianCies oCgMnQ theSELLEtt wnlten noHCawlthin na ~~tsuatncss day9 that thAy will not c~8nue wi@h tae trensan5an And KUI tgCCtvn taalr£Amast Money beak. - 4.1(`SELLER doeAnatrmaenrt vMnln aMn "tw.a «.._.:_...~.___..._. _. _:__ .. otapnd to proceed t+fth 1ha trensAelton wlHwut r ", ~ u, ~,~~+~+ SG?LL£R 4hatf matigths K+>~ rnpptaotlans pha from AA ila9t)tty, palms, der mef d~~ma9es and c~tai andSte~patrRany ffovemmerdat 6uNdittp nr zanittq atapaCtar w goYetnmant AmgfaYn cortL~t. FFECTlNO t7lBVAZt/E0RG~$7RA,B/1JfYOP7N>;PROF@R7YlNG(.tlWN3.6tffN4TUld7T~T TbcTPf!<~t7LL4W/Nt#: TYANU ALL XIATMk$ A. SIZE; 6gitare (tMPa¢a and (dt BQe. {Any numafiC01 AtalantC7ltg regatdirtg IhesC Hems ateAppRpXtpflATtON ONLY, and haW nw 6een andwill not be verirred and ahAUid M$ ne rafted Upon t»' BUYER. 8. LtN£B AND BQUM14'SARIES: Property flnrA And bounGAdas, sopCx:, ar:dk~h taus (Fences, v~ls, hedges, and+ malurp or CanatnrCPad baa}ers or maMers do mkt neeesaady idemlfyffue properly DaundAtidg. PCCp~iy Ilt~ miry as vednad gyaurvnyA,} 0. ZONINCc AND LANG UBE: InquRteP; mvasttgaaong, satdi~ nr-anyotaer maana'EpnCmning past, prasenk ar proposed. tmva, ordinances, ratarohdumg, Instaavee, notes, appliCetlona and psmtgs: iatfaCUn9 the curram use Mttu Pfofttxty, 6UV£R°s imendad use of the property, future pemmtnin orf oodn eomrp~g~~g~mmentd pamtas and lnspeatiana, t3aflp~ry gdviSCythet Broken daaenntguEemitoa itmstaturrat ¢ pi~nno.1'ttepattiag era to satlsfyfiemsalvas CCneeyping !base 195!lak. O. UTIL1Tt£S AND S£RVSC£: AUAi18biltty, aea98, and rdgfrkt(ons oP Utiktteg and sangrias, inpuding ant not Umkad tt1, AeF,ga, aanHesknt, water, stapr(aay, gas, reiepttona, cAbta Tb AmtdrAlnaga. E, urrftrtt:s, rrapROVrrra~NTS s oryER RIGtiTSt sEUP_R retr'eaema tact ma pr~erty does hA+re tea ropowtng+nildias; tmprov~nema, aeMcas and Other rats Bvalfallta (dasar{$e A`uAgsall(iy}t A8 uttA0ay~t,~1_ pa C ~UQhtto tRa~ the SAilnr. F. matarfAts or and@3treala AUbstantxs; Na roptef non.eNatenca of atkh mataflale ontha pftlpdry tn9pedetl6yquaif@@adm>}ertg. BUYER anknor+k respaptio Ne oondltlnn W the pmpody Mtet are Q TAX LIA91LIr'1'~ The p~ rveb "....t oPr , e... _.,._ wiN r~peni to mA eHad of ihls to madewttn rogped to t4s e~ataime or uCh mAirxlata should Rave the prgrariy try edturHte BraY4r rn Hen SELLER wtlh or reprasmrta~a bythe Brohar +u & 77TLE C0NVE:Y.AfdC6; Thte of SELLER !s to eo Convoyay t"y werranfy d98d, unless tnhanvtsa provldAd and Is to ba marka{abb and insuretxa-seat tta for npats raaatvad in feddfW patanm, state or mUraAd deeds, truiidtng or use reatnplats; Au+7tling antl taping tegatatinrn endGtdmmGas at AtrygnvanmarMat tsa unit, mtd rtghia Of way and easpllanta eatatilishAi} ar of record, Ltans; ennumbrAnC95Cf defapa t6 tie tltacharged Ay S£1.LER may bapAid. NR of pUrohaSA tie manayat Ada ofefpaing: NA Rana, ancumbranCea ordarAata,wA{Ch'atate ob disahargad rnaasUmodby SUV2R or PO whtaa lifts istakan etlbfap to, edbt rtr untASS othenMSa apeetPredin the A¢reamant. tte tts 9. tx rn sea tea bar re doe rat days +ks sari! t~ im t~ npke Sac '!fie Cost lao, CsCrowand teggi f~kt,lf any. YfSR a canmBmanECta lA1a inauian~pWlCy pmtnitmard rn rip lass than {taentydour {24} BUY£Rdoaa notao~}Ad, 6UY5RSaaAna. ar Cannot b6 tnadesowBltlitl0 6usmesa >sA wgl ttn returned td BUYER artd Sf=LL;ER artYenB MhfW t v^r= "o,m ° tn7 nrkg"nuo:.,n,e.MCoem"tdMdet«Attotlanep ~i0 ~tbhrmmZ! ~a 6G.L[Ax M~tlak ta] g2tLTpft9W rise nYnrrF 07TTbA PkPaptlra! da.~Mfa cad}prx, R£.2dYAGAHT LAND PURGHABP AND eAf,R AGBf;EetaNT LY xoaa ~~, GtrYdA >!.4(_t tf1n8. PACf£.4 dF5 @3/62126(35 1A: 42 2H; '.70035 MARK BOTTLES. .AL f=5 f?AGE 0A Ppgp 3 Mbs RE.xq PtACha@e sad S~eAgraamant f8r VaCattt Lid PRDPER71'AOr)!tE$g~raGdnn SubdMston Mnrldi@n f0#t C1217di1 ,>S {ep. Ti7LE Co6yPAPPY: TtPa partfps a .~~" +aP 725OImnl»a te,e tp gea0tftetFastAm@IicahTHleCd.p Ch p TldeGtNhpnnyfaraReASt ~ ...~..,~_ st~tl provide pttlivy a prpt{ininarytgpotrf of cornrnttment, (Gp:8TANDARDCOVERAGEpt~ R"3 POL(CY;SEt.I.ERah86wlthin8tea5Wlt61ethneaflerGosl ~ i~ pdmlht fha mmtuntdYne twrrJtesepHaaMthaprdm~stMAlnp tnsdtalamt MSUranld Gltas nafurpishMBtllEtiat~lyvr@ Ut Pisfttdtara ear t>ut to tills Apraanrrst to n9 di4trFvergad w aRSVmed yygUyER, The utd@ct t¢ th@ tfana, ancwnbrabnes ark.ddfects '~ Potfey lsNnt4ad tomatRdrm or PVUlk record. rt84asa+aned by tha4lUe tlampany In th®atandmd coverage +~ (Op fEXTEA1DEd Gt2VERA~rE LIDEiY$ POLr2sY {Mortgagee ppr{cy}: The tePwer taf Exta+tded ~rnga LendM'S PvAcy. 7nG Pxlendad cbveraga landata pWkY constdara mattare ad P+bt~mcard ~d ~idttfat@ly ~e~es apaimt Pa+ Gerittb maUela poi Sham to the punrq record.Th(asl<fdrrdedaov¢Mge tend@r'a POhcy, is sePdty POrtPly bUr+Mlt of the twtpar&ndeniy ProY@dta rat thrtanden +~ (E) EKCEND~p GttVEf?AGE 0.?lk1dER'3 pOLPGYt A strmdartt thta polkydgaa na Pwvnrc~ertaan iPP {i.a.alagatGaan@gat¢atPrsnisCSfat'p~snantotsatt8dabtrndb)gallon,baundaPydfaputa¢,nlatmsPFaasemvnta~ndahermai48)s-afGaimstt tas thdyarenotWpubHd mavP'd@thma of ckWng,}.Naw,prvty Uador ldaholsA;@tidfl pGeppal dl@fma ap@insttha prembas mayhavAt>aGn,pelagal >~ ohfaj9NCps hefare thn ptnbhaaa M the trome and yet n?BYrtnt ba oSPUpIk r@Cafd v1t1S eff$r the purohaae. it is raCpntmendatt Ih2t BtlYEF2 tai&!o a +~'+ tape canpatry atioul wh@lpoAerU MlhBwayateManrkd corarsa9 hl[apnNGeo and erRStnf@etr~da,Th~:axtandeq tovatage oy'a patiey~gnr r^a tifebenefigdffttaownerdndprovtdaastmitdreav... hk9providettbYtheazrandednGYaY@g8lender'Spoltny. ias 6xleadrd Cwarag8 tkme/s Pony requy9tad [j Yds Na, Addt(alat prerNVm aM +.~ p hy: ~] BU1'Ei2 ~~ so=tL6R. u, 4U, AT7GRt{EY`S EEP„$; t! aHhpr party fnitiatas. er dafamtsany atyhratton w l9gal aGlanor PrnCneding9whidA era in anY way cannaated wRp th{s +~ AgroainanL the pnn~ting Pafil+shail b¢enttttadio recatwr Pramtho non~pfovaN~parry rda9anabto bartaand ahwnejs teas, (nbNding such C9eta and foes an ,5.1 appeal. ,~ 91.EkRNE$TMGtdEYD};SptiTE/1NTERPGi~ADNaqu~hstandfn8aM14rmtnatbnoftni@comroGt,BUYERandSEtLEit88reethatintheaventaf ,as any aattrowrsY'EgaMe¢91pe Eamast@'rafreY dnd lhngs Wvalve paid by ErakPxnr Go8lrlg agency, vnla9s mtmral wTf(taptn9ttuCRiOtrs are lCCaNddtryinahatrP@r P5s MihB Egmax4 Money and Irtlhgs nfvalus, Braker ar 4}GStng apdnnpysh@tl net ba rcgtdred to tartaany action but may swell a»y praCde<tln4~..of at8roker•s br P5+ ctos(n9agenGY'sordipnartdabledlsCrQtinn,meyhdefptaedsllpanie9andtl~oaBairymtlheystNtntPigaotVah79.Mtba6eUttGCahtpeient7tirtadiCPionandsnad tga f9CdLgr CdtM oasts and ropaHta attCartey"s t9kk id3 '~ i2. CGYENAAt'fS, GOtdAtTip~{g ANt'tp•~, G ptd9.((GG$R'Sp; PrUYR'R is reapanatpto to obtain and ravlew a copy nl the GCg.Rrs (i ,BI appltcabl@}. EUYER fi~ rov@d GCS R's. [.J Yea - No ©. (~'A ~2 >cP R3. SU~DfYIS{L1N liGPdIEOWNd'S A5St3GfATtt1P1; PiUYER is awarethaf mernbara@~ to a ttome0x'napa Assxrettan ma agrees to abkld UY the AP{lot8s of Inwryxora9ton: t3yLaws and fp~9 and r9guiatlaR9 n(the AsscClatlGn. BUYER ta,fvtthar 8waraO that the p d and L3UY6'R asi 9ubjeet tO a9sdssmantg feWad by ttse A;@pn tliideanribad In tuil in thg tl@clar9tion of CUVena C~gnnd'ttlang Snd Residcrlgn9, BUYS hie tavf¢watl >ro Namecsvnats Assx~ti~ nmapts: rf Yes t~ti Cj NfA AssoClaWn feasfduas amSd~ r~ tat ~ BUYER ~ 3ELLcR NlA iG Pay Hnlnaavn@r@ A86otiallott 8£T UP arrQtnr PrnP@Ny T N3FER ~ 5 i' ~ ~°-"~"^--- atGaging. ,~ ~~FARWGEtUPS1TiMBEFE R(C~t;$BLLER, vrarry tenant nF SEI,.LER,ah@p be 9llgapd to hatvnaP, doh ar ¢estgtt ary annual arpps whlah hev¢ tm been ptanhd an the Prap9ny pfirn N the data at Shia CbnlreGL evert though sdtd harw9l lima mAyranour subsequent tb the date pt the s@ptamam o(lhls frt cGntfaClr unless a[hanNSea¢taed~ ansahatl @dd¢ttdu~ I ~qap nhptt9(ats Mt411bN'. dlen n~Yh@rSELIER nor any l9nant bF SBC.LER$ahail hdtaai'ty tight +n tntwneatm@dmb8raelassfitad ttoremava byanaehgdeddarrlum.NaPVMhst@rnii tryg vs ba tc+ast~tha Prbpettyahall ba aArnvadta Gamptdt@the parvd°at OfanY annual crap§ihat navatinen Atanted prlppto lh4 dafeWCOn~lra6f Accepfarroe sg na praviausy urraed balwyan 9EL4ER and Tenant. AA7 AN6 ALLSUGN TENANT AGR~F.MEN7S ARE7tlBEA77ACREr), vd '~ 7~• htQX10US WE~DtS: 9UYER.M Phe PrWaf4Y itt tae Stara nPJdahp should be awl That swna PtdPeftlaS contain naMnus ++®9d9, 7ha taws oftha s9f State#Idahn r9gvlre arvaafg of pfepady wttPrtn th(a9tat@:O Canlfd{rpnd 7O tha.ett8n1 PC6aibla,@radicat9nOJdnv9 y!aad9, For mbla mtamatNn daneCplirrg ~ nbxieu9 weeds ana your oblgatkn9 as an otwfaraF Propany, oaRact ynur laoat nnunty ahanetan Mnde. iri t~ '!$, MBM~h'AL R10HT8: Any and efl mineral r}ghle WbfGh are air@@dytnnldded vdtp Ittti prnpeny whl P,@ipcluded in thn sale of Ihb propefty unless tat 9ther+aisadtipwated. ,at 17. WATER RfGHTS: De9criptbn or water dgMs, water systems, weps, spr~gR, water, dttohea, Mah rignfd, stn., M arty, fnpt ate.~puttanani tharcM +ae thaeare nbrran m Used In Condxtibn wtththa pramt9d9 and 9lPat(be i~tuded M the aata unless othetwfse provided hsrnU: ,~ r~ 16. RCgK GPr LDf.§t Prfottb Cbstna 914hIs s@le, elf dek oP loa9 9rratl tamatnwi(h Bh`LLt,ER. In a&lllton, eharW Iha prertdsa9 ba matgtlslly dam~ad by fire a tat other dedtttfGiveCauae pri¢rtacPaslng, mta Agrasment 9hahb¢vaHdahra at the opttenn46UYER, r~ ,oP 19.6USrNESS OAYu &.Npt1R3: A business tlay i9 heroimd9Nred as Mangaythrnugh Friday, $;00 a,m,. tb S;itU p.m, in the kgaf time sdtlU wner8 r.A the aub}eeYmal pfopedy h pttydloatly WGated. A businea@ dayshall dnt tnaruda aby8alurday nrSunday, not 9helt a Duslneas day Incfuda any legal +et nGklay recognized try the state of Idshb as found in tdahb Coda §7~tb@, The tkn8lpwhtCb ¢ery aetrcquir¢d und9rthfsagreetnard to to be portam6d ,9x dhaA ng admtxd¢d by oxohtding tho date otaxentdlptt and tncfUdtng the last day. Th8 fist deyshaJl bd the day Mier the datear oxaputton. It fire ta9tday res a lager hG(day, than the time for parformaneo 9tfa11 be the peat sbbdaquant bvsinaysday, tea ,as 2U. SEVt=laAgtLlTY: to thn caaa fnak arty ana ar more M the provfa(ana Cnntaptad In Nfs Agr~is@8t or arty appllaallon lharaG, shalt bn fnvatkt ilY8ga1 br ~ ananfraGeab}a to a+ry respact;ihevatidlty he ¢r unettfotaeabth ty M my rernatGng ptnvl@itms shall not Irt ary wfry @e affected or tmpaintd thar~+y, ,~ tag 203 nt.'Yf`,Itm ,l.t'AazbiowMMMaA4M of ' TrBt, ~hmnd0.im~g (C,, ~ fie6r+thN±ttaOiM QWID111td ~AVr9A'dfnhga(' )t 1 b~e~.U.TRRWAINf_ U/ ~ tY f4,,AaAmegptu ar LTtlgd6~(ae,'Phufmix AalriNdolgµ~MMPhppNEt~oa ~tNNntro#~bn~baercmexhen N¢efdk6AiyA+ 'NMatntr ~ RFArtaft&@tteeaYAny O'rH2RPkR6Oa [d PadNditr'9F, CaPpyttidfiaAlmr4lyr6rR@AI.Tp~{q int. Aa ~ir~wJ. Rg•2d VACANT t•A1tlD pURCRASE Afrp SALE AQREEMENY,tttLY:2tme anrrrnu ae:~e...... H~/0212005 1A: A2 20(~ 70035 MARK HOT7t_ES~ t~ ES PAGE 05 PagaA a# 8: RE,24 Purotaaae and SaW Agre~SieM fW Vacant Land FAkt7PERTYADDRESStBrockfon5abdivisivn Maddlan 1~tC920A1~,~ } ^Ty tlrt X4.Fp'GStMA7LE I~St07YtFacNtmi~makd+anlohanamtasbnWaMalgnadCrfghcaidenwttant;andrCtrlnamtaebnWatyslgaadTacs4ti,~eor alsdronW tmnarmsabn ahaU tie ttia Sawa as daittlery Ware ar)ghtoi. At the mgt~estW eRnarpmty oetne gt~t~AgeSCy,lhe partleo witl Owdirm taoslrryRe antl xo af~rPtislrav,amRaristgn~ttres4YaipninganorYginatdaCbmcxd. ax ~ 2d. /4~YITI~nI~C; C'UNT~GEffC3E$ AF1D Cf1$'C;~s The atsstng aT ibis transandan fa Conlfngont mpnn Wrff4aeaatlaPaIXian ar waivzr 4f the ;~ roiW,vSng avnltnganCiea. Ggsts to addHlon to thoso.ilstad hdaW may bakrsurre3nyBUYenR and 9ELCRR rmtosscatetvdsa ggreadh4aain, orproHdrs~i bylaws z,a ~~ b1 ~', W ahp7Wi99 aYHt9d harrAn. Thatialaw neeiS va71 ba paW ~ Indk~ted and d»' M Ialer lirx5lim@ W CWsinp; SOME Costa 8t8611bjaC4l0 Wan ~, t>ro9~n!r®qulrmiiams.lnaddgtan,the_pmtiea sharsffiisry an conam,7aratea 9a?octh in tldea5by tt9~a): vnlesa: dt~erwra®~rr~dlamtnasarltas. Q1: ~)n ra zta a,a ztr zla 2Ia Rte ~1 Zl2 22J }td ?ws` ~'l 7dO rif 2t2 zaa zu 233 297 xia xd ar+ tai. an Zen 2v5 a<r 2sa aaa ava 2st ?st Cq$75 8t/ 5'ER SEIi.ER 9heted t3ryett/ Nat CONTfN6E.NCIE$ t9VYkeR SEI.I.EN 9nera8 yld. ACfrac~ae iK [fI ,1Iy ApO7rabta !{~*#fe!fea. Emtmmxenl4rbpecgpntMaeef7 tagtam Eetiav~aae fi'I,WaN+1mg73gt+~NCn(e7resa?J sneoaraeowFOO Nm~+,a~Mea~tronfnnmes} awl rdactax FinaBCavitfRbNnbrkag f'ro 9xr1p 5'MMtl! aPQAttlrP anlhr>'hxYtl1 TNIa lu FaalMMnu,®ro1H t„x~+,amxiRtahepPeFinal Ner++Vme WPtU nepan(s} ~d*Ikvw~Tieo-oa wq WrierwpnN TaHfHFw - _... AMm6rCM1M1.PrKxo~F1 F(a. _. _..._ _ _. _... ,... ...__........e........ .. ..... a Cop esame agtaamaa . an idCritlcni espy Wan agraemerhatgnatl M csadtdparlS !s d9amad4n ba on odgbat, grid atlldbrtlleal CoP{as s6at1 tagahor ConsbYUta nna and fho same inetnamant. 20, EIRE AGREE,MtEN-t: Tula Agreement CoMafia the anY'naAgrowmnnt Witco pardon FO4peeti~ tna matters hamM set iodh and stWasCdes all plta Agraomants between iha paMlesreapeetMg aeon matters, Na Warreniids; tn~adtng, Wdhoct Itmttatfon, any Warranty of batfaablifty; agreamanta or rapresankatlon8 trot aglrosaly aettodh harem shad 6e binding open adDarpartty. 28.d}~PAULT:f ntiY~<~ypyg(1 R,(trepadarmanne#th~Agr~tnCrii,SEtLERhgythnrrptkAt~4:(tyaaapffnglhaEanr~tMancyasS7uida;aidemagce ar t2} purxwng any oHrer iawNi dgM or rdlrtady In which 5EflER Inay ba angdad. it $kLLER akRas..temoNSed r15. SFI:1 FR ehaN a.aYa.immna o..:, rCVCd ahap not oxceed the Broknts agreed-to crmmisabn. s6LLBR and Bt1YER spedfWaltyaoknoNiedgo ami agree that p SELLER alESts to sxaat theEamaat Moneyw IiquWatad dam~as, sash anafl tm SFt1ER'S adaand axcWaWa i5anecty, and sawn shat! na tie crosxt~t a penal yw tMaawa. h S6tt.E'R elects to proceed under (~j, thn balder e! the tcamast Mal>rry+sh~ll tra mrt$kdlo pay the coats incur~ecf by SE.LI.EF;'a 9takarpn UehaB W SELLER amt 8UY6R ialatad to thatra~aotioo, tnCWdti>g, Wllnovt IfmNatipn, the Coals sf brokeragatea, titln Ulaurantle, nstlrran lees, Cr~;t Iapw1 Leas, inapecga, fees and eaorney'sleaa, with anytratance d the EameSt Morroy to be held pending rrsotutlnn Df iha matter. M SELtERAafabNs havi~.~optM'Cd said saWand felts to aanaummate the same ashaeih agra2d,tiUYER'a&arnoai Money dapash shall botaWrned to hfmlt~ar artd $iW l,(,ER anaR paytdtha C!#W W title inSUranCa:aaCrow tees. Credh upon foes, Inspactlwt Cass, nrokarago fags ~,d attorneys Eeoa, it anY. Thy shalt not ba ConaitlerM as a Ytafver by BUYER st anyethar lawftrt tight or romady la which BUYER may as enhlted ltEda VADANY t.AlVppdNGNASEANb DN-EAGREEM6kT pULY ggpq DB tttDw pppL.4 nR 3 27:TdAflE 15 OF Ttt~ teSSFR1CL IM TFtlfS ACRE~4YENT. 28, CLgStNG_ gn ar ira(ora lira cba2ng date, BUYEYt end sEt,t,ER shit dtspasll »+M lha aasu5g ageEtcy altfu,5~a aMi instrumanta paCCSaaryto rpnp{eta t48 trensecflrn, Closing means the tlatn nn Wh1eh atldaCUmanta at9 pFlhar taEOrdad oY adaopted fry an e9Crowagant andettesala proaaads ire avatta4W ln$E1.L8R. The Cksing ahafi tin nn Iffier than (bStej . 2Ot)b tacalad arott4b~4 ron Eaata. EargePJl3AGENGY forihie tranead(Ons aR bet=trstamo~ !"`ca~Tf~i~GO~«L~~'-"~ ,~~_~` ____ 03!02/2005 14:42 20{ ?0035 MARK BOTTLES! aL FS PAGE 0fi zsa 265 zs8 zs7 zse zaa art asz az+ err zt0 au «sr ate ~e xro 2r+ zrz zjs 2ld zra 1/6 zn zra 779 2W ~t a3a sat ors 280 za7 zaa ax, zat zez zar zas a3a z~r 288 ?aa xn arz aoa a+s 3)T gas a>a stn sta arz eta 314 its Page tS of 8; RE'2d Purchase and SaleAgt~ment tot Vacant Land PFFOPERTYADDRFSu:Brocktde5updiyiai0n Meridian ID~C120499. ?.~. POSSESSION: SUYER shag ba emitted fo possession uponclastng ar r]data at [~ amt [~, sm. ProParty faxes and water aaa28aments (using the tasE available assessrrrent~ a tiasis), rents, interest and reaenias, i" uriitirancas Or ~illg~Mbns assumed and utllttins shalt ba pro-ratad as oT Olosipg 3g. SpECiAL CONSiDERATIDNS AND CONTiNt:+ENCIES: This Agreement Is medA subJent to (hn fagowipg spa0latnansiderationa andfor carrtingencles which muss besatisiiad prfar to citlsing:na 3t, RePR~SENrAT1ON GONFIRNIATIQN:. Cha0k one (1} box Irr Section 1 and one (1} boxin 5octioa 2 below to confirm that fn this transaction, the tiroker~e(s) InwNed fiad the falio,Wng relationsflip(s) wiiN the BUYERS(s) and SF:LLER(a), Satdtan 1: ~ A. Ths brokerage vrorking with the BUYER(S) Is adting as an ACENT tar the BUYER(S). ®. Tha brokerage vrorking with the BUYER(S) is acting as a LIMITED DUAL AGENT f0l tits BUYER(5j, wghouf an ASSIGNEDAGENT. Q C. The brokerage wrorking with the SUYEtt(S) is aatiaga0a LIMIT~O pUAL AGENT far the BUYER(5}and has an AS$i©Na;D AGENT actingeoley an behalf of fhe pUYER(S), D. Tha brokerage working with fhe BUYER{5). is acting as aNONAG£NT for theBUYER(S}, Ssegon a; A, The brokerage warktpg with the SELLER(S) ie a041ng ea an.AGENT for}hp.SELL6R(S}, _ S. The brokeragewoaking with the SELLER(S) is actlrg as a LIMREp pUAL AGENT fa the SELLER(5), wghotrt an ASSIGNER AGENT, [,~ O. The brokamgewortring with the SELLERS}la acting aadLIMITED DUAL AGSNTfnr fhe SELLER(S)apd hoe cry ASStGNEA AGEfYT acing salary on ttahaN of the SELLER(S). [,] D. The tsfoRerage working with She SELLER(S) is acting ae a NONAGENT for the$ELLER{Sj. Eaot1 party signing grin document cOnhrtns that he has raeeNed, read and dndersi66d theAgoncy Disaiosure Bronhure adopted or approved try the Idehoreai estate commtaslbn and has cnnsantad to the ralatlpnahg8 CMfimtEd abotC, In addition, each Pa+N Cepf'am9 (hat thetmdterago5 agCtldyaftkapolkywasmade aveilablafOY inspe0gOn and reNew, FACH PARTY UNA6R51'ANDS THAT HE IS A "CUSTOMER" AND IS tJOTREPRESENT6D BYA BROKERAGE UNLESS THERE IS A SIGNED WRITTEN AGREEMENT POR AGENGY REPRESEM'ATION. 32. ACCEPTANCE: BUYER'Soffer is made subject to the adpaptanca of SELLERvn or before (Date) 2(2A12gpti at {P'kne) .'J~;_0_:,[]a.m..m. If SELLER doss not accept this Agra~tlanf Wghih Vretimespadgled, theentire Earnest-Money shaltba refdndadto BUYER en dOmand, 33. t3t7YER°S 51C~NATU afurther acknow~dga ra0eipi ofa ttueoopp of Phis Agreement, SEE ATTACHED 'S pUM(t3j: (Speolty numtsar of BUYER add um ja uh .j f SUYERSignatare S(n~I;{PrintNamey Crmte~2„~ ~_ e Qa.m. p.m. phona# ..~ H!# Address CAty ~.v State Zip E•PAall Address ~"° Fax# --°~ 5l1YER Signature BUYER (Print Name) bate Time "~~~ _ e.m: _)R,m. Phone#_ -~ Cet`~{# ~'~ Address E•Mail A 34. SELLER°$ StRI On fhisdate,.IM+g hen SELLER. IANa Further [] SIGNATURE(S) S St:1.LEki Dana ' Gty a tranaaagop set fofthin fhe ab0~ Agreemnnt end agree k0 carry out afl the tarmethereaf on the part M the Prue caPyotthla Agreement sBiretl hyboth parties. COUNTER OFFER ©51ONATHRE(S} SUb;PECT Tt} //AT//TAC/HEp AC}pSNDUW6{S} # SEtl)=RR {pdntNama}~QUS~dC.s (! rs~°~~ am. p.m. phope# Oell# 57" ~.-~/rT~ Address E-Meg Address SELLER signature Data __. r~_"°......IamQp.m. AtldreSa E-MailA dress Ciry Fax State Zlp 5tare~ Zlp SELLER (Print Nama) _ CHy 5tafe~ Zlp Fax OF6 Site Review/Conforming Elements Comments Complete * Pro'ect mast cmn 1 with all a roved ermits Tats or Develo meat A reements associated avidh the lot a• arcel. 1. Com leted & si ned a lication form '' 2. Warrant deed 3. Affidavit of Le al Interest notarized 4. Site Plan -scale not less than 1"=50' 4 co ies + 4 8 %"x11" reductions '.. 5. Vicinit Ma scalable 6. Landscape Plan -scale not less than 1 "=50' 3 co ies + 3 8 %"xl l"reductions ', '' 7. Irrigation Performance Specifications 3 co ies in com Hance w/Landsca e Ord. '', 8. Sanitary Service approval for trash enclosure & access drive '.... '' 9. Calculations table listing # of parking stalls, building size, lot size, landscaping, open s ace setbacks fencin screenin & covera e ''.... ''..... 10. Statement of ro osed use of ro ert 11. Zoning District (permitted use, CUP, AUP variance etc. Chec& D/A I'F/CL 12. Landsca in r Must be in compliance with the Landsca e Ordinance ''..... 13.Off-Street Parkin a # of Stalls dimensions etc b) Handicap Stalls (van accessible - 8' aisles - 8' si na e c) Aisles (width - 25' ncnv, 20' mTn. existing, location 14. Trash Areas MCC 11-12-1 C a Location b 3-Side screenin 15. Under round Irri anon z 16. Sidewalks/Paths 17. Lot Re uirements a) Lot Area (note resb•icttons on arse of undevelo ed m•tion o lot b StreetFronta e c Setbacks d Covera e 18. Fencin 19. Fee of $60.00 ACHD approval letter requb•ed for curb cuts, road avidening, fa• all new projects. I Ti•ees must un1 be planted in City water or sewer easements. a Pressm•ized irrigation can be tivaived by CTt), Coarnci7 only if no water rights exist to subject property or developer deeds land to City for a well. City, ivi7T permit one hook-up to mamicipa] water for irti•igation persite. Rev. 11/03/03 U ~ - AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATh OF IDAHO ) COUNTY OF ADA_ ) ( ame ~) being first duly sworn upon ~_~ ~/~ oath, depose and say: (cit) (state) L That I am the record owner of the propotty described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: (name) (address) ~ ~'~ ~ to submit the accompanying application pertaining to that property. 2. I agtee to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and it's employees harmless from auy claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property, which is the subject of Che application. Dated this ~ ~ day of SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day ~ ~.~ App ~~°~e. pTA~y ' ~" ~®® G ®e °•,Tq T E 0~ ~, .. ~III~a~nt J~~~ a~ Notaty Publ' c for Idaho _ My Commission Expires:Cl ?j { { Rev. II /(13/t) i 'r f ~ ~ ~ _,..w.~._...,d~..,.~ I _~ I ~I- .... µ .... m... I I I I i J~ ~ II' a UI J ~ ~ ~~!+ ®8 N ~? r ~ ~ ~ r ~, ' ~~~~ CITY pF ~ °r eY1G~lG~YI ~~ ~L'~, IDAHO }~'~ h ~ ~~ fR ._ _ .. cV . CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: September 22.2005 Project Name: Reinke Insurance Building Owner: M. Jay Reinke Site Address: 3737 N. Locust Grove Road Proposed Use: Office buildine Comments: Conditions ofApproval: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances, and the terms and conditions of approval for Brockton Subdivision (FP-OS-068). The issuance of this permit does not release the applicant from any requirements of other permits issued for this site. Site/Landscape Plan: The site/landscape plan prepared by Hutchinson Smith Architects, labeled Sheet A-1, dated 9/09/05, and stamped on 9/22/05 "approved" by the Meridian Planning & Zoning Department, is approved with no changes. The site/landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. Irri ag tion: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscape areas per the approved specifications and in accordance with MCC 12-13-8 and MCC 9-1-28. Curbin¢: Per MCC 12-13-7-9, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or• other approved protective devices. Curbing maybe cut to allow for storm water runoff. Parkin: The project engineer/architect shall certify that the number and size ofhandicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance with ADA. The applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACRD as they pertain to this development. Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed as submitted and in accordance with MCC 12-5-2.K. Sidewalks shall be consh•ucted prior to occupancy. Drainage: Storm water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3:1, shall be fiilly vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with MCC 12-13-14. Lighting: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Down-shield all lighting so it does not spill onto adjacent properties. Signaz?e: No signs are approved with this CZC. All business signs require a separate sign permit in compliance with the sign ordinance. Trash Enclosure: All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with MCC 11-12-1.C. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Handican-Accessibility: The structures, site improvements and parking must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. ACHD Acceptance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning & Zoning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: The approved Site and Landscape Plans, stamped "approved" on 9/22/05 are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No significant field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. i osh Wilson Associate City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This permit shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ~? CITY OF MERIDIAN Plamting & Zoning Department 660 E. Watertower Ln., SYe. 202, Meridian, ID 83642 (208)884-5533 Phone/(208)888-6854 Fax CFRTTFT('A'tT OF 7,ONTN(: ('(TMPT TANC'1+ (C'7.(') APPI d('ATTON (Section I I-19-1, Zoning and Development Ordinance) PROJECT NAME: APPLICANT: ~c(.2rter-MvGr~UU.~~~ C_,n._~aPC.. ADDRESS: ~ 27 Z~~ ~' X ~' C' a ~"-~ /~? ~ I° PHONE: „~')~J-- ~~ ~.r`~ FAX: OWNER(S) OF RECORD: ~~ ADDRF,SlSJ~! /~,2 1 tJ ~f,\1 `~ ~. PHONE: LU~ "1 J~ ,J~' FAX: O13~ ARCHITECT (IF DIFFERENT TFIAN APPLICANT): ^t~r"~'oYt2~nC•e. ~/VCj+Ae(nCY'3 ..,~.~..,.,. .. r .b .~ e B u ~ ~~ at ,rJ l~ ~~1~aV PHONE: ~„ aP ~ ~ ~,1 °~~ ~1 FAX: '~" SS ~j °~ ~!~Gt ~~a E-MAIL SI1 a w vt ~ r,r r l oYnrFe rEn e. e ADDRESS, GENERAL LOCA`PION OF S1TE:~~~t 7..~ ~ M ~ ~ 0 ~~ Gfi G r o Y TOWNSHIP, RANGE, AND DESCRIPTION OF PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: ~ ~, ° O I, ~ "' '' " , do hereby affirm that I will agree to pay any additional sewer, water or trash fees or charges, 'Pan ,associated with the use that I/we have applied fur, whether the use be residential, commercial m' industrial in nature. Fw'th rmore, I have read the infurmafion contained herein and certify that the information is true and con•ect. A /1 / /~"I/~ (Date) E-MAIL: ~tCM;A'.wic~arTcr- I`ldnrJtau:,~~c' E-MAIL: "i Wti~ ~ D~ y e>h ,IAw~ N C'r' 7: /tl ~- ~^ Itev. 11/03/0.3 i,~m1 ' Jay Reinke To Whom It May Concern, I am proposing to build an office building, to be located within the, Brockton Business Subdivision. This project is located on the West side of N. Locust Grove Rd. between E. Ustick Rd. and McMillan Road. The entrance to the subdivision is south of The Heritage Park Entrance. The building will be approximately 2520 square feet on one floor with 950 sq. ft. of mechanical basement. The proposed building will be of frame construction. The exterior will be stucco with a 24" wainscot of manufactured "stone",. The roofing will be architectural composite shingles. I believe this building will be an attractive addition to the overall look of the subdivision. I will be occupying approximately 926 Sq. Ft. with my insurance business. 334 Sq. Ft. will be common area, foyer and bathrooms. Approximately 1162 Sq. Ft. will be lease space. Thank You ~~ ~] . HERITAG -_ .-._ '. ; ~-. ` o i, ~ - ~ -~o --- o - _ > ~ _ - -_ - ~-_ - L ~~~ ° - -- ~ >/K RBA - -- VICINITY MAP N.T.S. LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE i EAST, B.M. MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO r'~etl uu ape~aU yeyri~'vu~s'e~ipea)n~unaag O 0 ~~ ~~ o~ ~~ a+ ~ h /~ o0 M N m N a M M W Q _. n'. N `~ y b ~ Q ~ ~ W o '~ o Q o ~ o ~~d b Y W '~ U M w¢ €W a °oo d O O ru O ru O o- ui o- m O .a a ti '. _• C~ LD a it rv i - ti 'i j CITY OF CYZG~ZG~'Yl I 33 E. Idaho Ave. ~~T Meridian, ID 83642 ss~ae ~~~ ~iOU ( ~. B1~6e McCarter-Moorhouse Co, Inc. 10754 Executive Dr. Boise, Idaho 83713 (208) 377-3530 Calculation Table Lot 1 Bloclc 1 Brockton Subdivision Reinke Insurance Office Building Parking Stalls on lot Parking lot asphalt 10 Stalls 3389 Sq. Pt. 31% Building size Lot Size Landscaping Open space Setbacks Fencing 2520 Sq. lt. Footprint 23% 950 Mechanical basement 10,666.41 Sq. Ft. 3755 Sq. Ft. 35% Entire lot plaimed vid developed Sidewalks 11% 25' on East 20' on North 10' on South 5' on West parking New cedar fence on north side of lot installed by developer. U AC screening bylaudscaping ~r Fit-of Way & Devedopznent Departmezzt Planning Revierov Division " -- --- ~ f << 3 , ~,, October 6, 2005 To: McCarter-Moorhouse Co. Inc. 10754 Executive Drive Boise, Idaho 83713 OWNER: M Jay Rei 5379 North Chopin Place Boise, Idaho 83642 REP: Performance Engineers 611 East Third Meridian, Idaho 83642 SUBJECT: MCZC-05-117 Office Building 3737 North Locust Grove ~,ity ®f Meridian rrSty ~IerEt PJtfice n t~Y On May 5, 2004 the Ada County Highway District acted on Brockton Subdivision. The conditions and requirements also apply to MCZC-05-117. I have attached the above mentioned report for your information. If the site plan or use should change in the future, ACRD will review the site plan and may require improvements to the transportation system at that time. A traffic impact fee may be assessed by ACRD and will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit. Contact ACRD Planning & Development Services at 387-6170 for information regarding impact fees. Prior to the construr_tion or installation of any roadway improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement widening, driveways, culverts, etc), a permit or license agreement must be obtained from ACRD. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6174. Sincerely, is`C'a Bachman Planner) Right-of-Way and Development Services, Planning Division Cc: Project File, Construction Services, Meridian City Pla~zning Review Divisive This application does require Commission action due to its location in the North Meridian Planning Area, and is was approved on the consent agenda on May 5, 2004. Tech Review for this item was held with the applicant on April 23, 2004. Please refer to fhe attachment for request for reconsideration guidelines. Staff contact: Lori Den Hartog, phone: 387-6174, E-mail: Idenhartog(c~achd.ada id.us File Numbers: Brockton Subdivision/MPP04-013/MAZ04-010/MCUP04-012 Site address: 3665 N. Locust Grove Applicant: Confluence Management, LLC 5418 N. Eagle Rd., Suite 180 Boise, Idaho 83713 Representative: Engineering Solutions, LLP 150 E. Aikens Street, Suite B Eagle, Idaho 83616 Owner: Herbert C. and Cynthia A. Lee Application Information: The applicant has submitted the above referenced application to the City of Meridian requesting rezone, annexation, conditional use, and preliminary plat approval for the development of 10 commercial lots on 4.10-acres. The site is located south of Heritage Park at 3665 N. Locust Grove Road. Acreage: 4.10-acres Commercial lots: 10 Current Zoning: RUT Proposed Zoning: L-O (PD) Vicinity Map Ao Finciit~~s ®f Fac4 Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 383 additional vehicle trips per day (10 existing) based on the submitted traffic impact study. 2. Impact Fees: There will be an impact fee that is assessed and due prior to issuance of a building permit. The assessed impact fee will be based on the impact fee ordinance that is in effect at that time. Traffic Impact Study: A traffic impact study was not required with this application. However, listed below as an executive summary of the North Meridian Traffic Study. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE NORTH MERIDIAN TRAFFIC STUDY The proposed 12-square mile study area between US 20/26 and Ustick Road and between McDermott Road and Eagle Road (Sections 25-28, 33-36 of T4N R1 W and sections 29-32 of T4N R1 E), is selected Ada County Highway District (ACRD) for anticipated development build out. The following are the principal findings and recommendations of the study: • By the year 2020 the study area is anticipated to develop an additional 17,599 dwelling units, 2,744,000 sq. ft of office buildings, 1,929,000 sq.ft. of retail buildings, 12 elementary schools, 2 senior high schools, 2 junior high schools, 38,260 sq. ft of church buildings, and approximately 60 acres of park. • The build out scenario of the study area is projected to generate an average daily traffic (ADT) of 276,764 vehicles per day (vpd), of which the peak hour traffic (PHT) will be 28,206 vehicles per hour (vph). Out of these trips approximately 10% of the trips remain internal within each section, and 6% of the trips are pass-by trips. • The distribution of the traffic from all of the study area sections indicate that approximately 30% traffic directed towards south, 27% of the traffic directed towards east, 21% of the traffic directed towards west and north. The remaining 22% of the traffic is distributed within the study area. • At build out, traffic on the arterials is expected to significantly increase (see Table 4). o All of the arterial intersections in the study area are currently operating at acceptable level of service of "C" or better. • By the year 2020, the majority of study intersections are projected to meet the peak hour traffic signal warrant. • A proportionate share of the impacts of the individual sections at each of the study area arterial intersections is summarized in Table 6. o Several mid-mile intersections may warrant traffic signals due to the heavy left turn traffic volume. • Chinden Boulevard is forecasted with 5-lane section in the study area. Right turns lanes may be required at some access and arterial intersections. • McMillan Road is forecasted with a 5-lane section east of Black Cat. McMillan Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section west of Black Cat. At arterial intersections and at access intersections right turns lanes may be necessary. o Ustick Road is forecasted with a 5-lane section east of Black Cat. Ustick Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section west of Black Cat. At arterial intersections and at access intersections right turns lanes may be necessary. • Linder Road forecasted with a 5-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections and at access intersections right turns lanes may be required. e McDermott Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections and at access intersections turn lanes may be required. ® Blacl< Cat Road is forecasted with a 3-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections right turn lanes may be required. ® Ten Mile Road is forecasted with a 5-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections and at access intersections turn lanes may be required. m Meridian Road requires a 3-lane section north of McMillan and 5-lane section south of McMillan in the study area. At arterial intersections right turn lanes may be required. m Locust Grove Road requires a 3-lane section in the study area. At arterial intersections right turn lanes may be required. At Ustick Road a 5-lane section is forecasted. Staff recognizes that the amount of right-of-way dedicated with these improvements is overwhelming, and that ACRD may not have the funds to purchase such a large amount of right-of-way. In this situation it is likely that impact fee offset agreements will be utilized to offset the amount of money that ACRD will pay out-of-pocket to acquire the right-of-way. 4. Site Information: There is currently a single family residence on the site. 5. Description of Adjacent Surrounding Area: Direction Land Use Zoning North Sin le-famil residential RUT-Ada Count South Meridian Fire Station L-O-Cit of Meridian East Sin le-famil residential R-4-Cit of Meridian West Single-family residential R-8-City of Meridian 6. Impacted Roadways Roadway Frontage Functional Traffic Count Level of Speed Classification Service* Limit Locust Grove 507' Minor Arterial 8,443 north of Ustick Better 35 MPH on 9/16103 than "C" Ustick None Minor Arterial 10,868 east of Locust Better 40 MPH Grove on 9/16/03 than "C" *Acceptable level of service for a two lane arterial roadway is "E" (15,500 VTD). 7. Roadway Improvements Adjacent To and Near the Site ® Locust Grove Road is currently improved with 2 lanes (no center turn Zane) no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. 8. Existing Right-of-Way ® Locust Grove Road currently has 50-feet of right-of-way (25-feet from centerline) abutting the site. 9. Existing Access to the Site The site currently takes access via a dirt driveway located 103-feet north of the south property line. 10. Site History The District has not reviewed this site within the past year. 11. Capital Improvements Plan/Five Year Work Program There are currently no projects within this area that are scheduled in the District's Five Year Work Program. Ustick Road is scheduled in the Capital Improvements Plan to be widened to 5 lanes from Meridian Road to Cloverdale Road in 11 to 15 years. 12. Other Development in the Area Staff has reviewed a number of development applications in the north Meridian area. The following list is a compilation of developments that the District has approved recently within this identified area: • On October 17, 2001 the Commission approved a rezone and preliminary plat application for an 8-lot industrial subdivision on 34.6-acres (Utility Subdivision). Note: Later denied by City of Meridian. o On November 7, 2001 the Commission approved a rezone and annexation application for 370- acres. The Commission also approved a preliminary plat for 336-lots on 175-acres and conditional use approval for a total of 692 single-family residences, 59 senior housing units, 17 office lots, 10 commercial lots, and an elementary school (Bridgetower Subdivision). o On February 6, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 272-lot residential subdivision on 78-acres (Baldwin Park). • On April 17, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 285-lot subdivision on 75-acres (Heritage Commons Subdivision). • On May 22, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application for an 876-lot mixed- use subdivision. The subdivision consisted of 862 single-family dwellings, 171 multi-family dwellings, 11 office buildings, 1 commercial building, 1 fire station, 1 city park and 1 private park (Lochsa Falls Subdivision). • On July 17, 2002, the Commission approved a request for approval for an annexation and rezone fora 135,000 square foot Middle School within the Meridian School District. • On August 21, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 144-lot residential subdivision on 43-acres (Sundance Place Subdivision). • On August 28, 2002, the Commission approved a preliminary plat application fora 12-lot residential subdivision on 5-acres (Drawbridge Subdivision). o On October 23, 2002, the Commission approved an 89-lot residential subdivision on 15.4-acres {Cobblefield Crossing Subdivision). o November 6, 2002, the Commission approved a 327-lot residential subdivision and 1 school site on 120-acres (Havasu Creek Subdivision). • On November 6, 2002, the Commission approved a 3-lot commercial subdivision that is anticipated to include a new Meridian School District Educational Campus that will include one elementary school, two senior high charter schools, two senior high professional technical high schools and one District administration building on 39-acres (Education Campus Subdivision). • On November 20, 2002, the Commission approved, Burney Glen Subdivision, a 117-lot single- family residential subdivision on 36-acres o On November 26, 2002, the Commission approved Cedar Springs North Subdivision, a 229-lot mixed-use subdivision consisting of 184-single-family residential lots, 12-office lots, and 32- common lots and 1-lot that is anticipated to redevelop into attached single-family residential lots (town houses). • On January 8, 2003, the Commission approved Watersong Estates Subdivision, a 125-lot single- family residential subdivision located on 39.92. • On January 15, 2003, the Commission approved Silverleaf Subdivision, a 73-lot mixed-use subdivision. The subdivision is proposed to contain 72-single-family residential lots and 1- elementaryschool lots located on 38.65-acres. • On January 29, 2003, the Commission approved Parkstone Subdivision, a 334-mixed-use subdivision proposed to contain 275-single-family residential lots, 52-townhouse lots, 4-office lots, 2-commercial lots and 1-mini storage lot. o On February 19, 2003, the Commission approved Setter Cove Subdivision, a 16-lot single-family residential subdivision located on 10-acres. • On March 19, 2003, the Commission approved Paramount Subdivision, an 847-lot mixed-use subdivision proposed to contain 764 single-family residential lots, 5-commercial and office lots, 73-townhouse lots, 1multi-family lot (270 apartments), a community center, 1-elementary school lot, 1-high school lot and 2-church lots on 392-acres. • On April 23, 2003, the Commission approved Birthstone Creek Subdivision, a 98-lot residential subdivision consisting of 89 single-family lots, an elementary school site and 8 common lots on 34.5-acres. o On July 2, 2003, the Commission approved Kelly Creek Subdivision, a 230-lot mixed us subdivision consisting of 216 single-family lots and 14-commercial/office lots. o On November 7, 2003, the District approved Cobblefield Crossing Subdivision #2, a 39-lot single- family residential subdivision on 7.98-acres. • On November 12, 2003, the Commission approved Saguaro Canyon Subdivision, a 461-lot single-family residential subdivision on 140.25-acres. o On December 3, 2003, the Commission approved a 66-lot single-family residential subdivision. on 15.04-acres. • On December 3, 2003, the Commission approved Sheridan Place Subdivision, a 46-lot single- family residential subdivision on 13.995-acres. o On December 17, 2003, the Commission approved Razberry Crossing Subdivision, a 38-lot mixed-use subdivision on 11.31-acres. The subdivision is proposed to contain 34-single-family residential lots and 4-office lots. • On January 7, 2004, the Commission approved Baldwin Park Subdivision, a 71-lot single-family residential subdivision on 19.07-acres. • On January 21, 2004, the Commission approved Settlement Bridge Subdivision, a 266-lot single- family residential subdivision on 70.64-acres. If staff examines each one of these developments individually, the roadway system appears adequate, but when staff adds each approved development, the traffic capacities of the surrounding roadways reach their 2020 planning thresholds. One option for funding improving these roadways is the implementation of an extra-ordinary impact fee overlay district. This application may also be subject to any extraordinary fees that the District may impose. Findings for Consideration Right-of~Vl/ay and Sidewalk Locust Grove Road District policy requires 96-feet of right-of-way on arterial roadways (Figure 72-F1 B). This right-of-way allows for the construction of a 5-lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5-foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes. As a part of the North Meridian Traffic Plan, it was noted that a 3-lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5- foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes within 70-feet of right-of-way would be adequate to accommodate the projected traffic volumes on Locust Grove Road. Due to the fact that the North Meridian Traffic Plan recommended a 70-foot right-of-way on Locust Grove Road and the Commission has supported the recommendations in the past, staff is recommending that the applicant dedicate 70-feet of right-of-way (35-feet from centerline) as opposed to 96-feet of right-of- way (48-feet from centerline). The adjoining road is not listed as a proposed project in the District's currently adopted Five-Year Work Program or in the currently adopted 20-year Capifal Improvements Plan. As such, the applicant cannot receive reimbursement for dedicated right-of-way from available collected impact fees. The applicant shall do one of the following: a. Dedicate by donation a total of 35-feet ofright-of--way along Locust Grove Road, and construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from fhe centerline of the right-of--way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of--way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. c. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. Internal Streets District policy 7204.4.1 and Figure 72-F1A requires 50-feet of right-of-way on local streets. This right- of-way allows for the construction of a 2-lane roadway with curb, gutter and 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks. The applicant has proposed to construct the internal local streets within 50-feet ofright-of-way. This right-of-way meets District policy and should be approved with this application. 2. DYIV@WayS Location District policy 72-F5, requires driveways located on collector or arterial roadways with a speed limit of 35 to align or offset a minimum of 150-feet from any existing or proposed driveway. The applicant has proposed to locate one driveway on Locust Grove Road in alignment with E. Summerridge Drive on the east side of Locust Grove Road. This location meets District policy and should be approved with this application. Width District policy 7207.9.3 restricts commercial driveways with daily traffic volumes over 1,000 vehicles to a maximum width of 35-feet. Most commercial driveways will be constructed as curb-cut type facilities if located on local streets. Curb return type driveways with 15-foot radii will be required for driveways accessing collector and arterial roadways. 6 The applicant has proposed the one driveway to be 30-feet in width. This width meets District policy and should be approved with this application. The driveway should be constructed as a curb return type driveway with 75-foot radii. Paving Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7207.9.1, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway. 3. Cross Access The applicant has proposed to provide cross access to all of the lots within the development. The District is supportive of this due to the fact that four of the lots will not have frontage on a publicly maintained road. The applicant has also proposed to provide cross access to the 1.22-acre parcel to the north. The District is supportive of this cross access due to the fact that this property may not be eligible for a full access onto Locust Grove Road in the future when it redevelops. 4. ®ther Access Locust Grove Road is classified as a minor arterial. Other than the access that is specifically approved with this application, direct lot access to Locust Grove Road is prohibited and notes of this should be required on the final plat. C. Site Specific Conditions of Approval The applicant shall do one of the following a. Dedicate by donation a total of 35-feet of right-of-way along Locust Grove Road, and construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located a minimum of 28-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. c. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Locust Grove Road, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. 2. Construct one 30-foot wide driveway intersecting Locust Grave Road in alignment with Summerridge Drive on the east side of Locust Grove. The driveway shall be constructed as a curb return type driveway with 15-foot radii. The driveway shall be paved its full width and at least 30-feet into the site. 3. Direct lot access to Locust Grove Road is prohibited and shall be noted on the final plat. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. standard Conditions of ~pro~oal Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the right-of-way. 2. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 3. Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 4. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the Districts Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 5. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACRD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 6. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit {or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #198, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 9. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACRD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 10. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicants authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 11. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusions of Law The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 8 2. ACRD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. ~.tf~CI1f712f1tS 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Reconsideration Guidelines 9 10 Request f®r Reconsideration of ~o~trnission Action Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action: A Commissioner, a member of ACHD staff or any other person objecting to any final action taken by the Commission may request reconsideration of that action, provided the request is not for a reconsideration of an action previously requested to be reconsidered, an action whose provisions have been partly and materially carried out, or an action that has created a contractual relationship with third parties. a. Only a Commission member who voted with the prevailing side can move for reconsideration, but the motion may be seconded by any Commissioner and is voted on by all Commissioners present. If a motion to reconsider is made and seconded it is subject to a motion to postpone to a certain time. b. The request must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Highway District no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission's next scheduled regular meeting following the meeting at which the action to be reconsidered was taken. Upon receipt of the request, the Secretary shall cause the same to be placed on the agenda for that next scheduled regular Commission meeting. c. The request for reconsideration must be supported by written documentation setting forth new facts and information not presented at the earlier meeting, or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the earlier vote, or information establishing an error of fact or law in the earlier action. The request may also be supported by oral testimony at the meeting. d. If a motion to reconsider passes, the effect is the original matter is in the exact position it occupied the moment before it was voted on originally. It will normally be returned to ACHD staff for further review. The Commission may set the date of the meeting at which the matter is to be returned. The Commission shall only take action on the original matter at a meeting where the agenda notice so provides. e. At the meeting where the original matter is again on the agenda for Commission action, interested persons and ACRD staff may present such written and oral testimony as the President of the Commission determines to be appropriate, and the Commission may take any action the majority of the Commission deems advisable. f. If a motion to reconsider passes, the applicant may be charged a reasonable fee, to cover administrative costs, as established by the Commission. 11 ~~ ~ Ei J ®Submit a development application to a City or to the County ®The City or the County will transmit the development application to ACHD ®The ACHD Planning Review Division will receive the development application to review ®The Planning Review Division will do one of the following: ^Send a "No Review" letter to the applicant stating that there are no site speciftc requirements at this time. ®Send a "Comply With" letter to the applicant stating that if the development is within a platted subdivision or part of a previous development application and that the site specific requirements from [he previous development also apply to this development application. ^ Write a Staff Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the peoposa) for its conformance to District Policy. ^Write a Commission Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the peoposal for its conformance to District Policy. ^The Planning Review Division will hold a Techntcal Review meeting for all Staff and Commission Level reports. ®For ALL development applications, including those receiving a "No Review^ oe "Comply With^ letter: • The applicant should submit two (2) sets of engineered plans directly to ACRD for review by ttie Development Review Divis[on for plan review and assessment of impact fees. (Note: if there are no site improvements required by ACHD, then azchitectural plans maybe submitted for purposes of impact fee calculation.) • The applicant is required to get a permit from Construction Services (ACHD) for ANY work in the right-of--way, including, but not limited to, driveway approaches, sheet improvements and utility cuts. ^Pay Impact Fees prior to issuance of building pemut. Impact fees cannot be paid prior to plan review approval. D1D YOUREMEMBER: Construction (Zane) ^ Driveway ar Property Approach(s) • Submit a "Driveway Approach Request" form to Ada County Highway District (ACHD) Constmction (for approval by Development Services & Traffic Services). There is a one week turnaround for this approval. ^ Working to the ACHD Rlght-of--Way • Four business days prior to starting work have a bonded contractor submit a "Temporary Highway Use Permit Application" to ACHD Construction -Permits along with: a} Traffic Conhol Plan b) An Erosion & Sediment Conhol Narative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, if hench is >50' or you aze placing >600 sf of concrete or asphalt. Construction (Subdivisions) ^ Sediment & Erosion Submittal ® At least one week prior [o setting up a Pre-Con an Erosion & Sediment Control Narative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, must be tamed into ACHD Construction -Subdivision to be eeviewed and approved by the ACHD Drainage Division. ^ Idaho Power Company • Vic Steelman at Idaho Power must have his IPCO approved set of subdivision utility plans prior to Pre-Con being scheduled. ^ : loaf Appro of L om Development Services • ACHD Construction -Subdivision must have received approval from Development Services prior to scheduling aPre-Con. Page 1 of 1 Justin Lucas From: Justin Lucas Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 2:01 PM To: Karie Glenn; Mindi Smith; Reta Cunningham; Will Berg Subject: Reinke Insurance -CZC-05-117 7/31 /06 Reinke Insurance -CZC-05-117passed final Planning inspection. All fencing, landscaping, and site plan requirements were in compliance. Justin S. Lucas Associate City Planner Meridian Planning Department 660 E. Watertower Lane 208.884.5533 208.888.6854 (fax) 7/31/2006 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT INSPECTION CHECKLIST COMMERCIAL/CZC SITES This checklist should be attached to the inside cover of the CZC file at ALL Times. r PlannerlInspectorName: ~~Wti~"e1~~Q ~,~~.C~k"J Project Name: ~~{Ia(~~, ~}y~,~'uQi yiy4"~ CZCFi1eNo.: ~f/'°~~~+;~° Contractor/Company Name: Phone No.: First Inspection Date: / ~? ~ / ~ ~' Second Inspection Date: // Third Inspection Date: / / (NOTE.• If a third inspection is required, a fee of $60 must be submitted to the P&ZDept. be ore the inspection is done.) I. Width of buffer (exclatde detacheds/w widths '`f 2. # of trees 3. Caliper/size of trees (measure 6-8 inches above roue 4. Species mix per plan / ;F 5. Groundcover (ifseeded, ,.; verb ermination) F c~` 6. Right-of--way landscaping ` 7. Verify no encroachments ~ e.g:;fencing, arldn :% 8. Beining (max. 2:1 slope; 3:1 i lawn 1. Verify min. 5' b/w curbs ;~ f r 2. Verify min. 50 sq. ft. t ~ ~ , 3. Plantings per plan ,, ~r D. Existingtrees/ihitigatiori 1. Verify existing tree(s) retained '' 2. Verify mitigation tree(s) planted A'er. ~;15;:;; ,r: P<~rZV6ra~ilP~CZadirrin'-Dcpcn•rnevia /'oiicia Landscape Plan Checklist t3 ,CdF llr e , tG ~ 1. Standard stall dimensions 2. Compact stall dimensions 3. Handicap stall dimensions 4. Handicap signs/striping 5. Aisle width 6. Wheel stops (ifrequired) ___ 1. Min. 3-sided screening 2. Construcyte~,d per plan ,, 1) ~`1CIdjVa11CS/t'a~~,wa~S . t~ t '~ t ~ .~a t n - v ~ al r4 ° a~,.~ 1. Verify location ~ _ 2. Verify minimum width E. Curbing 1. Installed per plan ~ P. Jpecial conditions/Kedlines ~ 1. Verify any special conditions from CZC or redline notes on plan are complete Z Rer. 5; 25ii? :=Pcilt~3ran:6'~~L.4dr~tinl)e~m~trn~at Polic{Ys Site Plan Checldist Post-Insnection Checklist Item Date Com lete A. Incomplete? (Follow 5 steps below) 1. Obtain bid for incomplete improvements + 110% 2. Owner/contractor posts surety (cash, check or Letter of Credit) 3. Cleazly print # of days the "Temp. CO" is valid on card 4. Sign "Temporary" column on CO card 5. Submit check or Letter of Credit to Finance Dept. with memo B. ~i3rnplete? 1. Sign and date "Final" column on CO card 2. Notify Finance Dept. to release surety (if it was a Temporary CO) 2. Complete checklist and close file * The only instance that a CO may be released prior to 100% completion of improvement is inclement weather, as determined by the Director. If weather is a factor, follow MCC 12-13-19-2. RL~ti• 5~?Slt)? .::?P<VZ13r~uJti'<<Z.=!,?+ui~;'t)c7~urt;rcat Folic~~