Redline Recreation Toys SP 08-098,;. ,~~,.~~ ~~~~y .;- t: C`~~'ric~l~-~ y1 ~>>,~t~~~ ~- ~ j.r '~ f Planning Department SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) -I Sign Permit Total value of sign(s) (excluding value of electrical portion & cost of~installation): $ Total value of electrical portion only (nntsr obtain electrical pernziy: $ ~ Planned Sign Program I Temporary Sign Permit: 0 15 day o 30 day o 60 day o 90 day Expiration date: Applicant Information Property owner's name: Tsunami investments LLC Phone: Property owner's address: 2340 W Fairview Rd Zip: 83642 Business owner's name: Dustin Weniger Phone: 908-~ 555 Business owner's address: 535 N Locust Grove Zip: 83642 Sign Contractor: Young Electric Sign Co Phone: 345-2982 Sign contractor address: ~+~ 6 E 4'I st Boise, 1D Zip; 837'1 4 Primary contact is: C Property owner -Business owner X Sign contractor ^ Other Contact e-ma1L• abunnell~a yesco.com Fax: 345-3064 Subject Property Information Business name: Redline Recreational Location/street address: 535 N Locust Grove Range of addresses (if PSP): R732647'I 400 Legal Description: Lot 2 Block 3 Subdivision Railside Park Sub Is there an existing Planned Sign Program for this property? Comments: Yes ® Not required Temporary Sign Permit Information (if applicable) Size of sign: Height (infeetj Width (in.feet) Sign will be located: On-site Off-site Type of sign (e.g. banner, balloon, "T" frame, sandwich board, inflatable): Name of person responsible for removal of sign`~1~ ~-- Phone: Authorization Business owner/authorized agent's printed name: Angelina Bunnell Business owner/authorized agent's signature: Date: 6/ 1 2/2008 Date: 6/ 12/2008 STAFF USE ONLY: Date f e w F'le nu er(s)~~~~g^ ~~ Sign Permit Fee: //__ _n Planning Dept. approval: Date: (Y ~ ~/ Building Dept. approval: Date: Zoning district: C-G 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 Website: www.meridiancity.org (Rev. 9/21/Oh) 535 N Locust Grove Planned Sign Program June 2008 This criterion has been established for the mutual benefit for all tenants. Conformance will be strictly enforced and any non-conforming or unapproved signs must be removed or brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. A. GENERAL APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS Before fabrication, each tenant shall be required to submit signage plans to the building's managing entity for written approval. A sign permit application including: at least two copies of detailed color drawings indicating location, layout, design and color of the proposed signs, including all lettering and or graphics with complete specifications drawn to scale accompanied by the written approval of the managing entity, shall be submitted to the City of Meridian for approval. 2. All signs shall be in compliance with the criteria stated herein as well as the Meridian City Code. 3. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant or tenant's representative and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as the criteria set forth hereafter. 4. All tenant signs shall be designed, constructed, and installed at tenant's expense. No exposed conduit, brackets, fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted. Raceways will be allowed if necessary and if approved by landlord. 6. All signs shall meet Underwriters Laboratories and National Electrical code requirements. 7. Tenant shall be required to fulfill all the requirements of these criteria. B. .NUMBER, LOCATION, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIGNS: 1. No Freestanding signs shall be permitted 2. Tenants shall be permitted a maximum square footage calculated as 18% of the elevation's wall area. Wall area shall be calculated at the height time's length (H x L) of the tenant's elevation. 3. Exterior wall signs shall be individual pan channel letters with plex faces. Internally illuminated with neon or L.E.D. and non-illuminated individual letters installed flush ~~ the fascia. Scul to and/or bullet cabinet are allowed.~cjt.GO'N~~~~.~ . ~a.h. G~-~ f ~ 4. Any other signage such as temporary grand opening, etc. shall be approved by landlord prior to installation and comply with Meridian City Code. 5. Any signage on doors or windows shall be approved by landlord prior to installation and comply with Meridian City Code. C. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS: Tenant shall be responsible for the operations of tenant sign contractors. Tenant and sign contractor will be liable for any actions committed during installation or service of signage. 2. Tenant or his representative shall be responsible for cost of maintenance, service, repair or replacement of tenant's sign, time clock or electrical wiring. Tenant shall be required to keep his/her sign in working order and all surfaces shall be maintained in good condition. Tenant shall also be responsible for any repair or painting for wall upon leaving of said space. 4. Upon termination of their lease, the tenant or managing entity shall neatly seal all penetrations of the building structure in a watertight condition that matches the texture, color, and material used in the construction of the building. 5. Approved sign vendor is: Young Electric Sign Company 416 East 41St Street. Boise, Idaho 83714 (208) 345-2982 Contact Leslie Brown for tenant sign criteria and design services. fiZedline 1Zecreational Toys 535 N Locust Grove #1 70 Meridian, Id 83642 The Manned Sign program will be included in the tease for each individual tenant. ~o ~~' D S i~roperty wners Signature I7at6 fun 13 08 O1:47p Walt Morrow Coast 208 888 9936 p.2 06-12-2008 D5:02PId FROl(-AIICHENER INVESTtlEP1TS +2083363556 T-387 P.001/OD1 F70d 535 N LOCUST GltOVr>; LEASE SIGNAC~ AGII:ET;MENT The purpose of this AP~rnient is o reduce ro writi g tl1 lease agreement for signagc tat 535 N Locun fimve, by attd between Tsuntimi, LLG, {L.essor) and .,f~(~ lrjq~ ~Q~QE'~j~ S ~~ (Lessee). The t'ollowiRg is the mater sign program a~ approved try the Ciry ul' Meridian for ttte dcvel~pmetx :tt 535 N Locust Grovc Mcriclian, Irlnho. '1'tte master ttign program is inteniled to provide guidclieers for tlt,* devclopmrnt known tLS °535 N LUt:ost Crove locattxl ut 535 N Locust Grovc. 1. Tenants arc re,ptmsiblc for acquiring a1f oily and focal pcrmit~ u+ may be required fur .pecitic signagc. 2. All e>cterios xign; ,halt be submittal to the Architectural Review Committee for npprovol and wriacn conaent priar to sttbmitnl to the city E"or pe~~nitting. 3. Business owner shall submit to the cammita:c full cahx renderings, m t:enle i»dlcating the lot:ntion, size, ]3yout and design of dte proposed sigtr(s), including all lrtiaring nntl/or graphics. 4. Business owner is responsible for all city and governtnenr pcrrnits ralating to rite sign.. S. All CCRant Signs shall be dc9lgnad, consnucted, and itt<lnlted a< tcttant's ezrense. b. The design of all signs, including style, plaoentcnt and height of lettering, size, color and materials, mtlhod of illumination and attachment shall be subject to committee approval. 7, Tt:nott~ t shall be required to fulfill aA the mluirementa of ihcsc criteria. 8. No expoeU latnps, tabing anitnation, flashing or uudihle signs, conduit ur braelcets are petmiclcd without the approval of the commiRCC. All cxtbinets, conductors, cransl'ortners and other rquipmattt shall be ennceutrti. 4. No Frccstunding signs shall he permitced. l0. All signs must lx: U_L, approved and tarty a [1.L. label. 11, Ail signs and their instailutiun shaft be in strict cnmpiiance with atl building and cleRt'iarl rnde~ t 2. Tenants shall be pctntimcl u mo~cirtturn square fontagc calculated as ! 8% of the elevation's wtA) art~a. Wall area shuulti ht talculated at the lteigltt tintc's lt~+gth (H X L} of the tenant's eievariosl. 13. All signagr will require the prior written approval of th¢ Architectural Control Committee. lA. L-xti;ricx wall signs shtttk be lndividuni pun channel letters with ptc'tc faces. Internally illutninst¢d with neon nr L.E.D. and non-illuminated 1NdiVldual }etters I Rstallcd flLLBh eo the fascia. Sculpteti untllur bullet cabinus are allowod, 15. Any other +itn:.ge such as ttanpyrury grand opening, etc. `hall be approved by Gkrrmluec priar to installation :tad crnnply with Meridian Ciry Code. [_ 16. Any signagc on doors or windows shall bcupprnved by tmtdlot~i prior to uicrallation and carnply with Mcridittn Ciry Cody. _ J t 7. /( T Tenant shat) be respnnsiblc for the oprnttinns of"tenant sign ctmtructurs. Tenant and sign contractor will br liabh: I'or any actions 7 ` committed during irntnllatiwt or service of signege. 18. Tenant or his et:prccntative sl-ntl be responsible 1 itr cost of maintcnonc4 service, trpair ar rcplncetnent of trnant's sign, tuna clack a• electrical wiring. `(' 19. Tenant shall be required to kelp hislitcr rigs in worltittg order earl nl1 satiates shall be maintained in good ~rndition. 7cnnnt shall also be \ rep~nsible for any repo~r or painting for wall upon Leaving of said ,note. 36. Upon termination of that lease. the tenant ur managing atirity shall neatly seal all pcnetratiotts of the building stntaur~e in a watertight condition that matches tht: textw-e, color, and tnacerinl used in the a+nstnrction of the building. 21, Approvorl sign vettclor is: Young Electric Sign Campnny, 43G least 4 f"' St Doi.a IU 13311 A 308-345-2992. Contact teslia Brown for tenant sign criteria and design services. SICNAGE CO5T5: lnstallution of 5ignage: At1 aw:t-, paid by Lcsetr, Rtsttoval of signagr:: All t0yt5 paid by Lessca including any necessary rcpaits to restot•e signagc vurtilce to same ctmdition prior to signagc installatirnr. ADDITIONAL: Txwtn acknowleclgct that signagc wilt contbrm with existing signuyw and [hat dre Le.>nr will rcvirw aad approvr all '•signagc speeifle:ttinns" submitsed by u:nam ay to specific wry1e, letterinb, rotor and location. A rendering or color picture of the teuttnr's sigr+uge will be attached co the least sgreenrcttt !'pr L~asar'r approwl. LESSOR: Tsnnami,LLC, /. ~ LESSEE: ~-~ ~>~~,~/6 it ~i~ by