2012 06-07Meridian Plannina and Zoning Meetina June 7, 2012 Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of June 7, 2012, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Scott Freeman. Present: Chairman Scott Freeman and Commissioner Tom O'Brien, Commissioner Michael Rohm and Commissioner Joe Marshall. Members Absent: Commissioner Steven Yearsley. Others Present: Machelle Hill, Ted Baird, Sonya Waters, Bill Parsons, Scott Steckline and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance: Roll-call X Steven Yearsley X Tom O'Brien Michael Rohm X Joe Marshall X Scott Freeman -Chairman Freeman: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission for this date of June 7th, 2012, and let's begin with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda. Freeman: Thank you. The next item is the adoption of the agenda and I do need to note a couple of changes to the agenda. Item 4-A is PP 12-005, Canterbury Commons. We are going to open that for the sole purpose of continuing that for the date of -- I believe it's June 21st; is that correct? And Item 4-B, that item we are going to open today for the sole purpose of discussing with the applicant the possibility of renoticing that project for the continuance to September 6, 2012. So, with those two changes could I get a motion? O'Brien: So moved. Marshall Second. Freeman: I have a motion and a second to adopt the agenda as amended. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. We have adopted the agenda. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of May 17, 2012 Planning and Zoning Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 2 of 25 Commission Meeting Freeman: The next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda consists of just one item, the approval of the minutes of May 17th, 2012, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Are there any corrections, clarifications that need to be made to that? Could I get a motion? Marshall: Mr. Chair, I move that we approve the minutes of May 17th, 2012. O'Brien: Second. Freeman: Okay. I have a motion and a second to approve the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Consent Agenda is approved. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. Item 4: Action Items. A. Continued Public Hearing from May 17, 2012: PP 12-005 Canterbury Commons by Heartland Homes, LLC Located at South Side of W. Pine Avenue, Easet of N. Ten Mile Road. Request: Preliminary Plat approval of 107 Residential Lots and 12 Commons lots on 21.45 Acres in an Existing R-15 zone Freeman: Next thing we need to do is open Item 4-A for the continuance. So, at this time I'd like to open the public hearing for Item 4-A, which is PP 12-005, Canterbury Commons, for the sole purpose of continuing that for -- to the June 21st hearing date. Can I get a motion? Marshall: First, Mr. Chair, I'd like to ask is this the second or third continuance in this? Freeman: Let's ask staff. Bill? Parsons: Chairman, Members of the Commission, this would be the second request for a continuance. Marshall: Okay. Thank you. Freeman: Thank you. Rohm: So moved. Marshall: Second. Freeman: Okay. I have got a motion and a second to adopt -- I mean to continue the public hearing for PP 12-005, Canterbury Commons, to the June 21st hearing date. All Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 3 of 25 those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. B. Continued Public Hearing from May 17, 2012: CUP 12-003 Capital Christian Wireless Communications Facility by Tony Wilson Located at 2760 E. Fairview Avenue Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval to Construct and Operate A Wireless Communication Facility Consisting of Five (5) 120- FootHigh Monopole Stealth Towers and Five (5) Equipment Shelters in an L-O Zoning District. Freeman: Okay. Let's go ahead and open the public hearing for Capital Christian Wireless Communication, CUP 12-003. Again, this is for so the sole purpose of discussing with the applicant the possibility of renoticing this item. Bill, let's start with you, because you can clarify what we are here to discuss today. Parsons: Sure. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. You recall last hearing the applicant did request to continue this item out for quite some time. If you also recall, there were quite a few petitions in opposition for this project, so Commission wanted to give the applicant a chance to come before you this evening and kind of explain what's delaying the project and also if you recall the Legal Department also said it wouldn't be fair to the applicant to hit them up with a renoticing fee if he wasn't here to clarify or agree to that -- those terms. So, the applicant is here this evening to address that concern. I have notified him of the renoticing fee and he's here tonight, so I'd turn it over to him and let him kind of address you this evening. If you have any questions for me I will certainly answer any that you have. Freeman: Okay. Thank you, Bill. Do we have any questions of staff before we have the applicant come forward? Okay. Is the applicant here tonight? Would you like to come forward. Please state your name and address for the record. Wilson: Tony Wilson. 1068 East Carter Street, Boise. The whole issue is revolving around, basically, some negotiations and talks between the Kleiner family and the Capital Christian Church. So, right now at this point we are not sure if we are going to go forward. They have got some different proposals. I think they are talking back and forth and part of their development is the property directly to the east. Where we originally were going to put it, according to the Kleiners, their representative, that's -- they had some plans fora road going through there, which, unfortunately, this information wasn't shared with us by the church or we, obviously, wouldn't have gone to that spot to begin with. So, right now the developer and Mike Eisenmann is working with the church and the Kleiners and they are trying to come up with a solution. So, I told Bill that we would know by August 1 st whether we are going to pull it -- right now we can't -- it's not going to be in the same place it is right now. It's going to be somewhere on the property if it does continue to stay on that property. So, we will find out -- hopefully we well know within a couple three or four weeks, plenty of time before the Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 4 of 25 drop dead deadline to notify everybody sometime around the second week of August. But we have no problem if we do move it we do want to continue forward. If they reach a suitable location, then, we will pay for the renotification fees. Freeman: Okay. Rohm: One tower? Wilson: We are doing flag poles. They are stealth sites. There is going to be up to five flag pole sites. And just for your knowledge on that, basically, when you do a flag pole site you get one carrier per flag pole. That's it. Because you have to stack the antennas on top of one if you do a -- if they come up with some sort of a -- more of an industrial or a commercial development in there that we could stick an actual mono pole in the middle of it, then, we would probably go back to that and just need one. But the cost of construction for putting a flag pole in and all your foundations and everything is basically the same amount as it would be for -- for a cell tower. But a cell tower -- normal tower you get four or five co-located on there, flag poles, same cost, you only get one. So, that's why you go with multiples. Freeman: Okay. Maybe I can speak for -- I believe all the Commissioners. Last time when we -- when we had this before us our concern was just that it was being continued so many times the people that did have concerns -- Wilson: Yeah. I understand that. Freeman: -- and wanted to come to hearing -- you understand that. Wilson: Yes. Freeman: We want to make sure they do have the opportunity to come speak. Wilson: Sure. Freeman: So, I guess the question remains in my mind whether you would like us to continue this to September, as originally stated, or if you want to pull this application and submit it at that time, which you know you're ready. What I have in mind is if we continue it to September 6th and it doesn't happen and we continue it again, we could be in the same situation where we are asking you to renotice yet again if there are still delays, because we do want to make sure the public has the opportunity to speak. Wilson: Yeah. No. It will either happen in September or will not happen. Freeman: Okay. So, you're in favor of continuing this item for -- Wilson: Yes. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 5 of 25 Freeman: -- for the September 6th hearing? Wilson: And, again, I will know by -- I have told the developer that he needs to meet with them and say, hey, we have got a date of August 1st that we have to have this resolved. If not, then, we -- at that point, then, I would talk to Bill and we would pull the application. Freeman: Okay. Rohm: Just one more bit of input on this. Cell towers, just as a general entity, get a lot of scrutiny from the public at large and the best way to diffuse concerns is by good information and so the better communication you have with the public at large at such point that you decide to move forward, the easier it will be for you in here, because we pay very close attention to the public's input, just as we pay attention to your input. So, it's very important that you really have most of your issues put to bed before you ever come back here and it makes it a lot better for everybody on both sides of the equation. Wilson: And you can put it on the Consent Agenda; right? Rohm: Anyway, thanks for coming. Wilson: I have done this for, yeah, 17 years, so, trust me, I have been to a lot of hearings and so it -- Rohm: Well, then, you know what I'm talking about. Wilson: Oh, yeah. Rohm: Okay. Thanks for coming in tonight. Freeman: Any other questions of the applicant before we -- O'Brien: I think you hit all the right points I was going to bring up anyway and you did it, so I'm happy with that. Freeman: Okay. Well, at this time could I get a motion to close the public hearing on this item? Marshall: Mr. Chair, I'd prefer to make a motion to continue -- Freeman: Thank you. Marshall: -- public hearing on CUP 12-003 until September -- is it -- Freeman: I believe it's the 6th. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 6 of 25 Marshall: -- the 6th. September 6th, 2012. With the requirement that it be renoticed. I believe -- is the requirement 30 days prior? What's the requirement on the -- per city code on the requirement for noticing. De Weerd: That makes sense. I will second that. Baird: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Yes. Baird: You might ask the maker of the motion to amend that to specify that the renotice will be at the applicant's expense. Marshall: Ah. Freeman: Sure. Mr. Marshall. Marshall: I would like to modify my motion -- I would like to modify my motion to state that the renoticing is to be at the applicant's expense. Rohm: I will second that as well. Freeman: Thank you. I have a motion and a second to continue CUP 12-003, Capital Christian Wireless Communications, to the September 6th public hearing, with the stipulations as you stated. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Okay. Motion carries. Thank you very much. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. C. Public Hearing: AZ 12-002 Paramount North by Brighton Development, Inc. Located West of N. Meridian Road Midway Between W. Chinden Boulevard and W. McMillan Road Request: Annexation and Zoning of 9.58 Acres of Land with An R-8 Zoning District D. Public Hearing: PP 12-006 Paramount North by Brighton Development, Inc. Located West of N. Meridian Road, Midway Between W. Chinden Boulevard and W. McMillan Road Request: Preliminary Plat consisting of 77 Single-Family Residential Building Lots and 5 Common Area Lots on 26.07 Acres of Land in an R-8 Zoning District Freeman: All right. The next item on the agenda is AZ 12-002, Paramount North, and PP 12-006 on the same item. Before I go to staff for their report, though, I want to back up and just clarify for anybody here that's wishing to participate with testimony, the process that we are going to go through. When we open this public hearing we will hear Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 7 of 25 from staff first regarding their findings on the item and, then, the applicant will be given 15 minutes to come forward and present their application. After that we will take public testimony from anybody that wishes to. There are sign-up sheets in the back, that's the best way for me to be notified that you wish to testify. But even if you don't sign up back there, I will ask if there are others in the audience and by a raise of hands you can tell me if you'd like to testify. You will be given three minutes for your testimony and, then, the applicant, after all public testimony has been taken, we will be given another ten minutes, if they wish, to come and respond to any of the comments or anything further that's come into question. After that time we will close the public hearing, then, the Commissioners will deliberate and hopefully we will be able to come out with a -- with a decision on each item. So, with that -- Marshall: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Yes. Marshall: Before we begin here, I would like to make it known that I do live in Paramount Subdivision, but that any decisions here will not be affected by that. I don't believe I will be influenced by that at all. Freeman: Okay. Do you have any issues with that? Baird: Mr. Chair, as long as there is no financial interest to be gained or lost by your decision you're fine to proceed. Appreciate the disclosure. Freeman: Okay. Thank you, Commissioner Marshall. So, let's now begin with the staff report. Wafters: Thank you, Chairman Freeman, Members of the Commission. The first application before you is a request for annexation and zoning of 9.58 acres of land to the R-8 zoning district. The second application is a preliminary plat, consisting of 77 building lots and five common lots on 26 plus acres of land. This site consists of a total of 26 acres. It's currently zoned R-8 and RUT in Ada county and is located on the west side of North Meridian Road, between Chinden and McMillan. To the north of this site is agricultural land, zoned RUT in Ada county. To the south are residential and vacant property zoned R-8. And a church zoned L-O. To the east are rural residential agriculture properties, zoned RUT in Ada county. And to the west are residential properties in Paramount Subdivision zoned R-8. A little history on this site. A portion of the site, the colored area that you can see there, 16.5 acres was included in the annexation, preliminary plat, and conditional use permit planned development for Paramount Subdivision back in 2003. With this application the applicant proposes to annex and zone 9.5 acres of land -- the white area there shown on the map with an R-8 zoning district. They have submitted a conceptual site plan showing how the property will develop, along with conceptual building elevations. A preliminary plat, as mentioned previously, for 77 single family residential building lots and five common lots is proposed. Access is provided from Fox Run and Producer Drive and a conditional Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 8 of 25 use permit planned development that was previously approved in 2003 did allow block lengths in excess of 1,000 feet, among other reduced standards for lot size, front, and street side setbacks and street frontage. The Comprehensive Plan designation for this property is medium density residential. The gross density of the proposed subdivision is 2.95 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the medium density residential land use design and surrounding densities. Mike Wardle has submitted written testimony in agreement with the staff report and staff is recommending approval of the applicant's request per the conditions in the staff report, with the addition of the following: Strike condition number 1.1.1. The applicant has revised the plat to include a 60 by one -- or 300 foot strip of land associated with this site that extends to Meridian Road and the plat and the conceptual plan I have shown here does differ from the one that you see in the staff report. The applicant revised it per staffs comments and I just got it today. So, anyway, it's good on that. And, then, also staff recommends a new condition requiring the landscape plan submitted with the final plat application be revised to include the additional area shown in the annexation area at the northwest corner of Producer and Meridian. That's all. Freeman: Thank you, Sonya. Any questions for staff? I have one. The two lots that were in question that didn't have the 50 foot clearance, are those the ones I see down there in the southeast corner off of the loop area? Watters: One was actually mislabeled. It did have the frontage. Freeman: Okay. Watters: The other -- I think it's kind of midway. It's lot -- I think it's 22. Yeah. Lots 22 and 25, Block 48. Freeman: Southeast area? I can't see the numbers -- Watters: Yeah Freeman: -- but it looks like those would be the ones that were in question. Watters: Uh-huh. Freeman: Okay. I was really just curious. Okay. No questions of staff? Would the applicant like to come forward? And, please, state your name and address for the record. Wardle: Mr. Chairman, Commission Members, Mike Wardle, Brighton Corporation, 12601 West Explorer Drive in Boise. Staff -- Sonya has noted that we are in agreement with the recommended conditions of approval and the only technical item that was done to remedy the issue -- oops. Not smart enough to handle the -- yes. Just leave that one up, Sonya, because all we did was add that -- that green strip that goes out to the east of the residential lots to Meridian Road. That was not included in the legal description Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 9 of 25 or the drawings, but it has been added and it was a parcel of ground that had been actually offered to the adjacent property owner at one point and they concluded that they did not want that, but we have granted them an easement across it to get to Producer Drive. So, we will work with them in a landscape plan that we will submit subsequently to assure that access, but also to accommodate the landscaping. I would just note, again, there are no issues, but just one point of interest you might have. When you look at the northeasterly side of Cable, which is -- and I'm a little fearful of -- when you touch this does I just disappear? Anyway, that long stretch -- let's go back to that -- that green site plan, Sonya, and I will just talk about it. But you will see that long stretch of common area along Cable Drive, which is actually being constructed in Phase 18 currently, that's actually been designated and will include a ten foot wide regional pathway all the way down that roadway and, then, out to Meridian Road and it will result in just one street crossing. That matches up, then, with a regional pathway that is on the east side of Meridian Road in the subdivision that I don't recall the name of, but -- so, that's, really, one of the primary features and as a result of that, that access to Producer, which is near the intersection of Meridian Road, hits right into that collector and on the north side, the other access ties into Fox Run, which is also a collector. So, it really doesn't impact any of the internal circulation, it just provides a buffer and a new facility that will benefit the community. So, without any concern for any of the conditions and in agreement with actually ACHD's approval on the project, we just ask for approval as staff has recommended. Be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Freeman: Thank you. Are there any questions of the applicant? O'Brien: Yes, Mr. Chair. Freeman: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: Mr. Wardle, could you explain a little more detail on the access for that homeowner that wants to go across your 60 by 300 foot parcel. Is that going to be in a development agreement thing or how is that going to legally happen to make sure there is not issues? Wardle: Well, we have actually already granted an easement to them and so we designate that in that -- that parcel. But they actually have frontage and a driveway on that Meridian Road as well. This just became an issue, so that if in the future ACHD does something that would ,limit their access to Meridian Road, that they would have the ability to get out to this intersection. So, we will -- we will work that out so it is of assurance when we get to the final plat that easement would probably show up as a specific access easement to them. O'Brien: So, the word probably or probable -- Wardle: Well, it will. I mean it -- there will be an easement designated on the final plat for that common lot to the benefit of that adjacent property. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 10 of 25 O'Brien: So, does this have to -- now does this have to be included in our documentation or whatever for -- to make sure that we understand -- everybody understands this is going to happen? Wardle: I don't know what your requirements are, but it's something that has -- actually, there is a curb cut that was already established in the improvements on Producer Drive for that purpose and it's there currently. Freeman: Bill, is this part of the DA or the recommendations that Commissioner O'Brien -- I'm sorry. Sonya. Wafters: Okay. Freeman: That Commissioner O'Brien is asking about? Wafters: Chairman Freeman, there is not a development agreement for that portion. If you wish to require one we can. As Mike stated, there is an existing cross-access between Brighton and that property owner. Certainly something you can -- Freeman: There is an existing cross-access? Wafters: Uh-huh. Freeman: Okay. Thank you. Baird: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Yes. Baird: I think you're covered both by the existing cross-access and by the testimony that's been given tonight. I'd hate to generate a development agreement for this one minor issue. Freeman: Yeah. I agree. With that clarification I'm comfortable. Baird: Although it is your -- Freeman: I understand. Thank you. Commissioner O'Brien? O'Brien: I'm okay. Yeah. Freeman: Okay. Any other questions of the applicant? Marshall: Just a couple comments, Mr. Chair. Freeman: Commissioner Marshall. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 11 of 25 Marshall: The easement being granted does appear to be that the developer is trying to be a good neighbor and I'm very impressed with that. I would make a comment, though, that the pathways coming down through there -- although I'm all for that and like what the city has and I appreciate very much what the developer is placing in here, I am concerned, though, that pathway stops there and doesn't turn south on the west side of Meridian Road, because that intersection is a 45 mile an hour intersection with no marked crosswalks. Now, I know there is the asphalt paved on the west side and there is an LDS church directly south of that green space where the pathway is and they have a sidewalk in up against there, but, again, being part of traffic task force and talking to ACHD about safe pathways to school, I do believe that the better crossing for that entire pathway would be closer up to Heritage Middle School where ACHD does have a lighted crosswalk, which they have gutted and taken the guts elsewhere, but all the infrastructure is there, they have just got to put the guts back in. We are missing about 700 foot of sidewalk, you know. Or less than that -- between that crosswalk and the south side of the LDS church, so if that pathway -- that pathway, if it turned both south and allowed for acrossing -- if that pathway allows to cross south staying on the west side of Meridian, I -- to be honest, I would think that would be preferable, because I don't think we want anybody -- a lot of people will be using that going to Heritage Middle School, because all the students in Paramount go to Heritage there and they cannot -- they are actually safe bused to school right now, even though they are within walking distance, because they can't cross, because there is not sidewalk for so many hundred feet there south of the LDS church to the lit -- the marked crossed intersection within the 20 mile an hour school zone. Wardle: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Marshall, I think I can answer the question and give you some assurance. We won't be doing that full ten foot wide pathway, but we are actually, currently working with ACHD to construct that sidewalk from where it terminates at the south end of the church to the intersection of McMillan. That I'm hoping will be done before school starts, but it depends on how quickly ACHD moves. They have given us kind of two choices. They have either asked for the right of way and that they would do it or we would do it, because sometimes we move faster than they do, but that's already in process. We have been working with Gary Inselman to get the details worked out to make that happen. Marshall: So, the pathway going to Meridian will not terminate going directly to the east, but it will terminate so you could cross east or go south is what you're suggesting? Wardle: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Marshall, there will be the sidewalk going south. Marshall: Right. Wardle: The other facility is ten foot wide. The sidewalk is five feet wide -- the sidewalk will continue at five feet. Marshall: Awesome. Thank you, sir. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 12 of 25 Wardle: You're welcome. Freeman: Any other questions? All right. Thank you very much. Wardle: Thank you. Freeman: I don't have anybody else signed up to testify on this item, but is there anyone in the audience that would wish to testify on it? With that could I get a motion to close the public hearing on AZ 12-002 and PP 12-006, Paramount North? Marshall: So moved. O'Brien: Second. Freeman: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on AZ 12-002 and PP 12-006, Paramount North. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. Freeman: Any discussion? Marshall: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Commissioner Marshall. Marshall: I very much like the project. It is on the far side of the subdivision from me, but I like the project, I like what they have done, I like their architecture and I do think they have tended to go out of their way to be a good neighbor to the people around them, so -- Freeman: Thank you. With that could I get a motion? Marshall: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Commissioner Marshall. Marshall: I move that we recommend approval of AZ 12-002 and PP 12-006 as written in the staff report with the modification to strike 1.1.1 and add a new condition requiring the landscape plan submitted with the final plat be revised to include the additional area shown in the annexation area at the northwest corner of Producer and Meridian. Rohm: Second. Freeman: I have motion and a second to approve AZ 12-002 and PP 12-006, amended as noted. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 13 of 25 MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. E. Public Hearing: CUP 12-004 Slanted Rock Brewery by Scott Raeber Located 3274 E. Cinema Drive Request: Conditional Use Permit to Operate a Drinking Establishment (Brewery) Form an Existing Building in a C-G Zoning District. Freeman: Okay. At this time I would like to open the public hearing on Item CUP 12- 004, Slanted Rock Brewery, starting with the staff report. Bill. Parsons: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. The application before you this evening is for a conditional use permit for a drinking establishment slash brewery. The subject site is located at 2274 East Cinema Drive. The Comp Plan designation for this property is commercial and it's zoned with C-G zoning designation and primarily it's surrounded by other undeveloped or developed commercial properties as well. If you look at the exhibit on the right-hand side you can see that the building -- or the site is developed with a 14,000 square foot multi-tenant building. The staffs -- Planning Department approved the site plan and all the site development back in 2007 with a certificate of zoning compliance. The applicant will be using the southern two tenant spaces for a total of roughly 35,000 square feet. Real quickly here is the floor plan that they are proposing. I do want to point out to Commission that this use is -- although it is primarily for a manufacturing and distributing beer, a micro brewery, they will have a small tasting room here as you can see on the floor plan. It's approximately a thousand square feet and the rest of the area will be used for, again, the manufacturing, of course, office, restroom, those types of things as well. Also just wanted to let you know that this site does comply with the Comp Plan based on the zoning that I talked about. Given the fact that the property around this area is developed with commercial and the fact that the primary business is going to be manufacturing, staff feels that this is an appropriate fit for the site for the area. We are recommending approval of the application. Staff did receive written testimony from the applicant. They are in agreement with the conditions in the staff report and I'd also point out to Commission that the fire department had some concerns with the exiting strategy of the tenant space. The applicant has gone ahead and coordinated with them early on in the process, so that issue has been resolved as well. So, everything should be good to go for the applicant to move forward and, hopefully, get this business off the ground. With that I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Freeman: Any questions of staff? O'Brien: Just one question, Mr. Chair. Freeman: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: There is not going to be any food of any kind served there, is that correct? Parsons: Commissioner O'Brien, that's correct. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 14 of 25 O'Brien: Okay. Freeman: Any other questions? Okay. At this time would the applicant like to come forward and, please, state your name and address for the record when you reach the microphone. Lonseth: My name is Bob Lonseth. 3780 North Palatine Place in Meridian, Idaho. have never done this before, so I'm -- Freeman: It's easy. Lonseth: Basically our plan is to open up a brewery here in Meridian. We would like to distribute around the Treasure Valley, primarily with kegs to start with, possibly early next year maybe put in a canning line so we can also distribute in cans. Our proposed volume is about 480 kegs a month to begin with. That's the volume we have planned. The tasting room -- one correction on what he said. We don't have 35,000 square feet, we have 3,500 square feet. Freeman: Understood. Lonseth: So, the tasting room is about 1,000 square feet for folks and, technically, it's not a tasting room, but it is a tap room. We will be able to sell pints out of the tap room. A tasting room doesn't allow use to sell, it says we have to give it away. So, it is a tap room. Other than that we would hope that you could see your way to approve the plan as it is and I'm here to answer any questions you might have. Freeman: Are there any questions of the applicant? O'Brien: I have none. Freeman: Okay. Thank you very much. Lonseth: Thank you. Freeman: I do have some names of folks that wish to possibly testify. Robert Lonseth is you. That would be Bob. Alicia Lonseth -- to testify this even. Okay. And -- all right. Scott Raeber. Okay. Is there anybody else that wishes to testify on this item? All right. Well, with that can I get a motion to close the public hearing? O'Brien: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Commissioner Marshall. O'Brien: I move to close public hearing CUP 12-004. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 15 of 25 Rohm: Second. Marshall: Second. Freeman: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing for CUP 12-004, Slanted Rock Brewery. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. The public hearing is closed. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. Freeman: Any comments, discussion? O'Brien: I'm just glad there is another choice in the area. Marshall: I would have to agree and I look forward to seeing it on my local store shelf one of these days. Freeman: Okay. If there is no further discussion, can I get a motion? O'Brien: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: I move to approve file number CUP 12-004 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of June 2012 with no modifications. Rohm: Second. Freeman: I have a motion and a second to recommend approval for file number CUP 12-004 for the Slanted Rock Brewery. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carrles. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. F. Public Hearing: PP 12-007 Reserve West by ERD, LLC Located West of N. Locust Grove Road and East of N. Jericho Road Request: Preliminary Plat Approval of 14 Residential Lots and 2 Common Lots on 5.02 Acres in an Existing R-4 Zone Freeman: Thank you. All right. The next item on the agenda is PP 12-007, Reserve West, by ERD. Let's begin with the staff report. Parsons: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. The next application is, again, a preliminary plat. The property consists of 5.02 acres of land. The applicant is here this evening to discuss requesting a 14 residential lot subdivision with two common lots. If you recall back in 2009 the applicant came through with the annexation Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 16 of 25 request. I note that the zoning map that's before you this evening doesn't reflect the zoning of the property, but it has been commenced and the DA has been signed per that requirement of the annexation agreement and so it is currently zoned R-4. Surrounding this property are residential subdivisions. You have Arcadia to the west and Reserve Subdivision to the east and, then, a school lot to the north, zoned R-4, and, then, Ada county residences, zoned RUT. Comprehensive Plan for this property is designated medium density residential. If you look, as I mentioned to you earlier, you have Arcadia to the west, Reserve Subdivision to the east. Density for that -- those subdivisions were 3.3 and 3.4 units to the acre. This subdivision is a little bit lower than that at 2.79 dwelling units to the acre. Lot sizes are comparable to the Reserve Subdivision to the east as well. And, really, this is just a continuation of that. So, taking in all those factors, staff finds that this is fairly consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. So, here is the subdivision that the applicant is proposing. Lot sizes are -- range in roughly 10,000 square feet. So, fairly large. There are two properties that don't quite meet the lot frontages. Staff has conditioned the staff report for the applicant to comply with that. Basically, it's located here in the southwest corner. There is two lots here. They will be joined with a common lot with a final plat, so that issue will be resolved at the time that final plat comes forward. Those are shared driveways. That allows them to reduce the frontage requirements and, then, to comply with the dimensional standards in the UDC. Here is the landscape plan the applicant is proposing this evening. There are two passive open space lots proposed and, then, eight foot wide parkway strips along the proposed local street. The open space that's being provided with this plat is 13.35 percent open space, so that is above the minimum of ten percent by the UDC. Staff is supportive of what the applicant is proposing this evening. Per the recorded development agreement the applicant was required to provide elevations consistent with the design manual. Staff finds that the mixture of materials, the modulation in the roof, some of those architectural detailing on the buildings, it certainly does comply with that. The plat has been conditioned to comply with these elevations, so moving forward as the applicant moves towards final platting and ultimately building permits, staff will be assuring that home elevations comply with these as well. And, then, also staff had received written testimony from the applicant. They are in agreement with all of the conditions in the staff report. So, staff is happy to answer any questions you may have on the project. Freeman: Thank you, Bill. Any questions of staff? Marshall: Mr. Chair, I do. Freeman: Commissioner Marshall. Marshall: Bill, a quick clarification. The two flag lots. You said they were to share a common lot? Parsons: Common drive. Marshall: A common drive. Which will be an ingress, egress shared easement. Got Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 17 of 25 you. Okay. Thank you. Freeman: Any other questions? All right. Would the applicant like to come forward and, please, state your name and address for the record when you reach the microphone. J.Wardle: Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, my name is John Wardle. My address is 1627 South Orchard Street, Suite 24, Boise, Idaho. 83709. I am representing the applicant this evening. We have reviewed the staff report. The staff has placed a condition in there for a common driveway. We also agree with that condition. As noted, this project was annexed back in 2000 -- well, it was approved for an annexation in 2009. That agreement was signed. It is now zoned R-4. We do comply with all of the lot standards and conditions, as well as the requirement to connect this road through the project to provide the interconnectivity that the city has requested. So, with that I stand for any questions you might have of us this evening. And I appreciate your support and approval of this project. Freeman: Okay. Thank you. Any questions of the applicant? O'Brien: I have none. Freeman: All right. Thank you very much. Besides John I do have a few more names that possibly wanted to offer some testimony. Is Steve Rutherford here? Please state your name and address for the record. Rutherford: My name is Steve Rutherford. I live at 1539 East Commander. Actually in the Reserve Subdivision just to the east of this development. And thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to be here. Thirteen, fourteen short years ago I was sitting in that seat and the meetings used to go until 1:00 o'clock in the morning. So, it was crazy. Freeman: We have gotten better. Rutherford: And a nice new building. I'm here tonight to -- as I checked, I'm neutral. Although there are a couple things I'm going to ask you to consider changing in -- in the conditions of approval. First, our -- as you can see from the map, our subdivision is 12 homes. We have got 13 children under the age 12 that love to ride their bikes and scooters and run around in the street and so traffic -- construction traffic particularly, contractor traffic, that sort of thing, causes the father of two young ones to be kind of nervous. So, I'm going to ask you, if you would, to consider leaving the fence that currently is at the end of Commander Street intact until at some point later in this development to -- especially when the heavy equipment is coming in, to use that Jericho. Fewer homes on that street. They are going to have to develop that access into Jericho during the course of construction anyway. I believe it would be a less impact for -- the construction traffic could use that street. I would note that on Locust Grove kind of near the entrance to the Reserve Subdivision are two schools. One is an Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 18 of 25 alternative high school --Meridian's alternative high school, and, then, right across the street is a private -- the Ambrose school. So, we get a lot of kids walking on that Locust Grove stretch of roadway, some of which have no sidewalks and in some cases it's a hopscotch across the street to get two and from a sidewalk. So, really, construction from Chinden -- construction traffic from Chinden just makes a lot more sense. So, I'd ask you to entertain that. And, in fact, I spoke with your planner on this some time ago and he indicated that that's not uncommon to limit construction traffic to one ingress-egress. Again, I'd ask you to do that. In addition, I'm all for kind of consistency and continuity and I noted on the application materials filed by Mr. Conger that the minimum square footage of a structure is at 1,400 square feet. To really be kind of another phase or to be consistent with the Reserve Subdivision, that -- that square footage should come up. The smallest home in the Reserve Subdivision is about 2,100 square feet and that's -- that's -- the CC&Rs were put together and architectural design standards were put together by -- by Jake Centers in the first place for the Reserve Sub and for -- for two story homes it's even -- it's even more than that. We got anywhere from 2,100 to 4,000 square feet. So, we'd ask you to -- Freeman: That buzzer meant you're out of time. So, if you could wrap it up. Rutherford: You bet. You bet. So, I would just ask that conditions of approval entertain a higher square footage. It seems like we kind of got it backwards. You want to kind of tuck the bigger homes in the back in most subdivision schemes. So, we'd ask you to entertain the idea of bumping that square footage minimum up closer to what we have got in the front part, which is 2,000 square feet. So, happy to answer any questions that there are and -- Freeman: Are there questions at this time? O'Brien: One, Mr. Chair. Freeman: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: So, was there a town meeting to discuss these issues or was there a town meeting at all? Rutherford: Mr. Chair, Commissioner O'Brien, yes, there was. In fact, Jake had a meeting on site. Unfortunately, I'm about 400 feet from the property line, so I didn't get notice of that. Now, I know Jake sent notice to our subdivision. I'm not sure what house it went to to get to the homeowners association. I'm the treasurer and as far as I can tell the treasurer is pretty much everything, because I do a lot of it, but I didn't have an opportunity to speak with Jake about the square footage concern. I know that the traffic -- construction traffic issue was discussed with him on that very rainy night that that meeting was had and he wasn't interested in -- in having construction traffic go off Jericho. O'Brien: So, I guess I'm concerned about these issues that are seemingly unresolved. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 19 of 25 I don't know if we can resolve those here tonight. It seems like if there was enough concern with the people that they would want to get together to discuss with the contractors to make sure that -- I think your concerns are legitimate and I'm concerned for that, but I'm not so sure if -- what latitude we have to be able to resolve those particular things. Rutherford: Understand. O'Brien: I'm not sure. Mr. Chair, maybe -- Freeman: We can find out when we discuss the issue, I believe, unless you want to address it now, Ted. Baird: I was just going to remind you that, you know, the applicant has an opportunity to come up and respond and maybe you can find some common ground before you close the hearing. Freeman: Okay. O'Brien: That's all I have. Freeman: Any other questions? Okay. Thank you. Joyce Little? You're with him? Steve Proctor? Please state your name and address for the record. Proctor: My name is Steve Proctor. I live at 1454 Commander in the Reserve Subdivision. I would like to support what -- what Steve has talked about as far as construction traffic. In the center of that road that leads into -- on Commander Street that would lead to this new subdivision, there is a center common area, which is a circle. You can probably see it on your map there. That area is used by kids to play all the time. There is a very narrow and tight radius for that turn. So, any heavy equipment coming through there, because of the landscaping, is probably not going to be able to see the children and to -- you know, because they are wide trucks and that sort of thing, it is an increased hazard on that street. So, I agree with his idea of leaving the road -- fence in place and shut off the road until -- until the subdivision is further along in its development. The second thing would be I was not aware that this subdivision -- that the size of the homes was reduced until tonight. So, I do think that needs some additional consideration. Freeman: Okay. Any questions? Okay. Thank you. Was there anybody else that wished to offer testimony on this item? No? The applicant is welcome to come forward and address any of the concerns again. Please state your name and address for the record again. J.Wardle: Mr. Chair, John Wardle. 1527 South Orchard Street, Suite 24, Boise, Idaho. Freeman: Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 20 of 25 J.Wardle: At our neighborhood meeting, if I might address -- it was Mr. Wetherford? Rutherford: Rutherford. J.Wardle: -- question. Take the second question first, which was about the size of the homes. At our neighborhood meeting, which we did have, and we did notify the HOA president. In fact, we had our meeting in the HOA president's garage. We indicated to those that were there that evening that our intent was, in fact, to blend in and be part of the Reserve Subdivision CC&Rs and requirements. What we put in the application that's in front of you is there is a requirement that on the plat, given -- in an R-4 zone, that we show the minimum square footage of the homes to be 1,400 square feet. Correct me if I'm wrong. But that's my understanding that we have to show that. That's a requirement of the R-4 subdivision. But at our neighborhood meeting we were very clear with the owners there that we would like to be part of Reserve Subdivision and that we would also adopt those standards which they have for that subdivision, so that we are consistent with what's there right now. The owner of this project -- it's the same owner who developed the Reserve Subdivision and he is very interested in maintaining the continuity and look and feel. So, I can clearly state for you on the record that it's our intent to match the standards of Reserve Subdivision on this subdivision as well. So, I hope that that satisfies that question or concern. We aren't trying to reduce the square footage requirements. That's a requirement that we comply with that within the R-4 zone, because it's a straight subdivision. To the first point, which is traffic, Commander is a public street. Jericho is a public street. Yes, there is fence right there currently and we understand the concerns about having traffic come through and the concern was stated and I don't want to minimize this concern, because I, too, have kids. But what Mr. Rutherford was asking was saying let's make all the traffic go to Jericho, they don't have kids. Now, we know that's not true. There is a lot of kids in that neighborhood as well. It's not practical for us just to leave that fence up during development and just take it down magically and the road be paved. It's not practical. Will there be traffic on Commander Street for development? There will be. Could there be traffic on Jericho as well? There very well likely could be. But we don't feel that we need to be restricted and say only development traffic can go through Jericho. We don't feel like that's a requirement -- especially given that both of these streets are public streets and we are connecting with a public street to both of these streets. So, we don't feel like it's necessary to have that requirement in here. Candidly, this is a very -- it's a very small project. It's 14 lots. It will be developed very quickly and that development traffic will -- will be in and out of there, but we don't feel like it needs to be required that development traffic only go on Jericho. Freeman: Thank you. Commissioner Marshall? Marshall: Mr. Chair. Mr. Wardle, can you tell me how many residential lots actually face Jericho? J.Wardle: Well, currently I'm aware of those five that you see there. I don't know what Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 21 of 25 is farther up, but I do know that that winds over to Saguaro Hills and I believe that there is resident -- there is residential homes on Saguaro -- on that east-west road going to Saguaro Hills as well and that ultimately goes up to Chinden. So, -- Marshall: So, where -- okay. So, that runs through a whole separate -- that L-O up there is not right on Chinden? J.Wardle: No. That's -- there is probably -- you're probably still a good 500 feet, perhaps, south of Chinden at that point. And there is an east-west road -- Bill, do you know what that east-west road is by chance? I don't. I know there is that Moxie Java that sits there at the corner. Marshall: Right. J. Wardle: And, then, there is that east-west road and I know that there is new homes being built on that road as well. Marshall: All right. Freeman: Any other questions? O'Brien: I just want to make a comment. Freeman: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: Mr. Chair. So, how do you -- so, how do you propose to protect -- or say maintain some safety issues there that may be legitimate. So, it may not be practical, but I don't like the word practical versus safety when it comes to anything, especially children. J.Wardle: Mr. Chair, Commissioner O'Brien, I can't control the way a person drives, but we do know that there are posted laws in the city that they go a certain speed and we would expect that our contactors that would be out here on the property would obey that speed limit. We do know that there are instances when they do not, but I couldn't say for sure that every single one that drives through there would go that speed. But I could also say there is probably a few owners or residents within the City of Meridian as well who may not abide by those rules. So, safety is important to us and we can stress that importance to our contractors. I am sure that if one of our contractors is -- is doing something that is not approved of I'm very confident that we will receive a phone call. I'm sure that the neighbors would call the city as well. So, I cannot guarantee safety, just like I couldn't guarantee safety out on Overland Road. But we would expect that our contractors would obey the limits which are required within the city. O'Brien: I think you answered my question. Thank you. I appreciate going into more detail on the expectation of your contractors, as long as they are made aware of -- made aware of the issues that the citizens have. That's all. Okay. Thank you. That's Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 22 of 25 all I have. Marshall: Mr. Chair, if I could. Freeman: Commissioner Marshall. Marshall: Mr. Wardle, again, I just want to reiterate, I do understand the concerns, though, Mr. Rutherford has in that if -- if I knew what was above that L-O -- and thought that was -- that that area with the Moxie Java and whatnot, it was getting close to Chinden there, because if those five lots are the only residential lots -- and they are large lots. I have seen those at a distance. The concern is construction traffic. Not -- not your electrical contractor, it's the big truck with the -- with the trusses on it and things like that. And going around a traffic circle -- I'm not sure why kids are playing in the traffic circle. But going around a traffic circle and if that narrows down to a single lane, you have got kids playing on the edges and whatnot, I can understand why you might want to see construction traffic -- generally the large construction traffic, the big trucks and whatnot, going down a single straight road from Chinden, but I definitely would want to know what's above there before I said anything. You know, if those are the only five lots, then, I have a tendency to lean that way. But if there is significantly more above that, then, I'm not going to dump on somebody else. Freeman: Does staff have an idea of what's north of that? Parsons: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, I do. The L-O portion as you see and the R-15 portion you see there was known as Westborough Square. With the requirement of that subdivision back in 2005 North Jericho Road was required to be vacated and that access terminated to Chinden Boulevard. That has happened. So, what's happened is Hightower came in a year later and developed Saguaro Hills Avenue, which is the collector road near the half mile mark. So, yes, when you turn in off of Chinden you have Moxie Java and there is some L-O zoned lots. But there are some single family homes that are adjacent to that -- quite a few, actually, that -- I'm trying to think of who the developer -- D.R. Horton had built in there and, then, the road turns east and, then, connects with Jericho Road. So, you can see those lots there and there is also some townhomes that are built out there as well. So, there is -- I mean this area is rapidly developing out there with single family homes as well. So, that -- I know this, because I sign off on the homes out there. Marshall: So, it's Saguaro Hills that actually corrects to Chinden, not Jericho? Parsons: Yes. Can you see my cursor? Marshall: Yeah. Parsons: And the road goes east-west here, then, turns back in. Marshall: Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 23 of 25 Steckline: Mr. Chair, Commissioner, if I might. Freeman: Yes. Steckline: One thing to keep in consideration, too, for the applicant, they will be pulling water from Jericho. Sewer will be from Jericho also. The first point of construction for the applicant will be from Jericho. So, it will make it very difficult for them to not be able to access that through street, which is in discussion right now. Something to keep in consideration for your decision. Marshall: Thank you. Freeman: Thank you. Any other questions before we let the applicant go? All right. J.Wardle: Commissioners, thank you. Freeman: Thank you very much. At this time could I get a motion to close the public hearing? Rohm: So moved. Marshall: Second. Freeman: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on PP 12-007, Reserve West. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. The public hearing is now closed. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. Freeman: Discussion? Who is first? Marshall: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Mr. Marshall. Marshall: Mr. Chair, I think there were two issues, though, that the homeowners brought up, starting with Mr. Rutherford. I believe the second -- the 1,400 square foot was addressed appropriately and I think everybody is happy with that. The first -- to be honest, I am somewhat hesitant to be -- to suggest that construction traffic should only come from Jericho. I don't think that is -- actually, physically, going to be able to work, especially if the utilities are going in from Jericho, they are going to have to access through Commander and other than that I -- I think everything else has been worked out and looks pretty good. Freeman: Thank you, Commissioner Marshall. Anybody else? Commissioner Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 24 of 25 O'Brien? O'Brien: Looks good. Freeman: Okay. Commissioner Rohm? Rohm: I think Commissioner Marshall said it very well. The fact of the matter is that traffic flow is governed by state laws, just like every other public street, and the traffic within this development will be -- will have to adhere to the law of the land and coming in from one side versus the other offers no additional protection for whichever way they are coming in, so I think albeit the concern is well noted, the contractors have a statute that it has to abide by themselves. So, I think we are covered. Freeman: Okay. If that's all the discussion, can I get a motion? Marshall: Okay. I guess I will make a move here. Freeman: Mr. Marshall, please. Marshall: Just trying to look for my -- Rohm: I got it. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file number PP 12-007 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of June 7th, 2012, with no modifications. O'Brien: Second. Freeman: Okay. I have a motion and a second to recommend approval for PP 12-007, Reserve West. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. Thank you very much. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. Freeman: I believe that's it for items on the agenda. I need one more motion. Marshall: Mr. Chair, I move we adjourn. O'Brien: Second. Freeman: I have a motion and a second to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE ABSENT. Freeman: We are adjourned. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2012 Page 25 of 25 MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:00 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF ESE PROCEEDINGS.) 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