2011 05-05E IDIAN~--- MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING I D A H Q COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Roll-call Attendance Thursday, May 05, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. _X Tom O'Brien X Michael Rohm O 2. 3. 4. Adoption of the Agenda Approved Consent Agenda City Council Chambers 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Meridian, Idaho _O_ Steven Yearsley _X Joe Marshall Scott Freeman -Chairman A. Approve Minutes of April 21, 2011 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: Approved Action Items A. Public Hearing: CUP 11-001 Verizon Wireless Meridian High School by Nefi Garcia Located 1900 W. Pine Avenue Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval of a 100-Foot Tall Wireless Communication (Cell Tower) Facility in an R-4 Zoning District Approved -Prepare Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda -Thursday, May 05, 2011 Page 1 of 1 All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to documents and/or hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting May 5, 2011 Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of May 5, 2011, was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Vice-Chairman Joe Marshall. Members Present: Commissioner Michael Rohm, Commissioner Joe Marshall, and Commissioner Tom O'Brien. Members Absent: Chairman Scott Freeman, Commissioner Steven Yearsley. Others Present: Machelle Hill, Ted Baird, Anna Canning, Sonya Wafters, and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance: Roll-call Steven Yearsley X Tom O'Brien X Michael Rohm X Joe Marshall Scott Freeman -Chairman Marshall: All right. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to welcome you to the regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning meeting for May 5th, 2011, and I'd like to start by asking the clerk to call roll. Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Marshall: All right. We have -- tonight we have two items on the agenda. The first is the Consent Agenda -- first we have to adopt the agenda. Can I get a motion? Rohm: So moved. O'Brien: Second. Marshall: There are no changes to the agenda, by the way. So, can Iget -- I have a movement and a second to adopt the agenda as it is. Can Ihave avote -- ayes would be -- all in favor please say aye. Those opposed? That carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of April 21, 2011 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 2 of 13 Marshall: All right. First item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda and that is comprised of the minutes of the April 21st, 2011, Planning and Zoning meeting. Commissioners, are there any comments? Rohm: No, sir. Marshall: Can I get a motion? Rohm: So moved to accept the Consent Agenda. O'Brien: Second. Marshall: Those in favor -- we have a movement and a second to adopt the -- to approve the minutes of the April 21st Planning and Zoning meeting. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed? That carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Marshall: All right. So, now we are going to move to the public action items here. Before I begin I'd like to explain a couple of rules. How this starts off is 1 am going to ask the staff to give us a report on how this action item meets city code and how the city views this. They will have 15 -- they will present and, then, the applicant will, then, have 15 minutes to present their application, after which I will ask if anybody is going to speak, if you can sign up in the back it would be appreciated and, then, we will call those that have signed up to speak and you will have three minutes each, unless you're speaking for a homeowners association or a larger group, in which case we can grant you ten minutes. Then, anyone that has not signed up I will give one last call for anyone to address the agenda item and, then, commissioners will ask questions and we will close the public hearing, deliberate, and, hopefully, reach a satisfactory decision. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing: CUP 11-001 Verizon Wireless Meridian High School by Nefi Garcia Located 1900 W. Pine Avenue Request: Conditional Use Permit Approval of a 100-Foot Tall Wireless Communication (Cell Tower) Facility in an R-4 Zoning District Marshall: So, that being said, could I -- I would like to open CUP 11-001, Verizon Wireless for Meridian High School and ask for the staff report, please. Wafters: Thank you, Chairman Marshall, Members of the Commission. The first item before you is a Conditional Use Permit request for a wireless communication tower in an R-4 zoning district. The site is located on the north -- off the northwest corner of Linder and Pine Avenue. It's the Meridian High School site. The site consists of approximately 50 acres. It's currently zoned R-4. The wireless facility is proposed centrally on the west end of the school property. You can see from the map there the Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 3 of 13 proposed site as indicated. And there was a Conditional Use Permit approved at the end of last year for another wireless communication facility over by the football field northeast of this site and that location is also noted there on the map. Adjacent land use and zoning. North of this site is the baseball field and residential properties in the Vineyard Subdivision, zoned R-4. To the west is rural residential agricultural property, zoned RUT in Ada county. To the south is school property, an LDS church, Pine Avenue, and residential properties in Marywood Subdivision, zoned R-8. To the east is school property, zoned R-4. The applicant requests approval to remove an existing 80 foot tall light pole located on the southeast line of the baseball field and replace it with a 100 foot tall pole. Verizon equipment is proposed at the top of the pole and the lights will be remounted at the current height of 80 feet. A 12 foot by 26 foot, 312 square foot shelter is proposed on the east side of the tower that will house all of the electronic equipment. The tower and equipment shelter are proposed to be enclosed within a six foot tall solid vinyl fence. Arborvitae bushes are proposed to be planted at the east and west ends of the enclosure for screening purposes. A little history on this site. A Conditional Use Permit, as I mentioned earlier, for another wireless facility was approved last year, but has not yet been constructed. That facility was proposed by the football field, approximately 950 feet to the northeast of this site. The applicant has agreed that if this facility is approved the previously approved facility will not be constructed. In order to avoid an overabundance of wireless facilities in this area, staff has included a condition of approval that only one or the other of the facilities be constructed, but not both. This site is designated on the Comprehensive Plan for civic uses and this application is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Development Code. Written testimony has been received from Nefi Garcia, the applicant, in response to the staff report and he is in agreement with all conditions of approval listed in the staff report. Staff is recommending approval with conditions in Exhibit B. Staff does have a request on condition 1.7 in Exhibit B. It states the applicant shall have a maximum of 18 months to commence the use as approved in the Conditional Use Permit. There actually has been a code change recently that extended that period of time to two years. So, if the Commission would just note that in their approval that would be great. Staff will stand for any questions the Commission may have at this time. Marshall: Commissioners, any questions? O'Brien: What was that condition number? 1.3? Wafters: 1.7, Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: 1.7. Okay. Thank you. Marshall: I would like to just quickly clarify. So, what we are saying is that no matter what the decision tonight, a cell tower is being built, we are just deciding on is there a better location for it. Is that correct? Wafters: That is correct, Chairman Marshall. Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 4 of 13 Marshall: All right. Thank you. Any other questions? O'Brien: I have none. Marshall: All right. I'd Like to ask the applicant to come up. Garcia: Good evening, Commissioners. Nefi Garcia. I work for Verizon -- I'm sorry. Not Verizon. For Technology Associates, agent for Verizon Wireless. Address 9847 South 100 West in Sandy, Utah. First of all, thanks to staff for their report and for all the work they have done in getting us up to this point. As those of us that were here six, eight, 12 months, however long it was, we did receive approval for a site at a football field light. After that approval the school district and neighbors and myself met and the school district wanted to be a good neighbor, so we looked at other possibilities that could get it kind of further away from residential and so that's what brings us here today. We actually looked at another -- a couple of other possibilities here on the school property. Because of easements, underground sewer lines access, those options weren't available. So, we went with this option we have. And also when we -- typically when a cell company comes to provide service we are looking at trying to use existing structures, you know, buildings, roof tops, existing towers, and this we feel is a good location for impact-wise using an existing structure. It makes for a taller tower, but we are still using an existing structure to hopefully minimize the impact -- the vision impact in the area. As staff said, I have read their conditions, I agree with their conditions. Hopefully we receive your approval this night and we will stand here for any questions you may have for me at this time or later on. Thank you. Marshall: Commissioners? Rohm: I have no questions. O'Brien: I just have one question. Marshall: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: Mr. Chair. Mr. Garcia. So, there was some questions that came up last time on the approval of the previous site -- or the current site if you will -- and that was safety issues. So, changing the location of this, are there anything -- has there been any discussion on having the microwaves or other things that would go on the tower, have any issues with health, safety, of -- direction -- I guess the direction that these microwaves, for instance, would come from? Garcia: On our drawings -- the drawings for this location, it does show panel antennas, that's the top, that's the send and receive antennas and they also showed microwave dishes in case that we don't receive -- in case there is not fiber to the site. I talked with staff, told staff last week micro dish -- the micro dishes will not be used at this location. There is fiber. We have talked to the fiber provider. Fiber is available, so those dishes Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 5 of 13 you see on the drawing will not be on that facility. It will have antennas at the top. Again, that's at the 80 -- I'm sorry, the 100 foot level. All that is directed by the FCC. They tell us what we can and cannot do and so as long as we comply with that, we are in compliance with those issues. O'Brien: Okay. Well, thank you. That's good. That's all I have. Marshall: All right. Thank you. All right. At this time I would like to ask Richard Gile is it? Gile. Mr. Gile, if you could come up and state your name and address for the record, please, I'd appreciate that much. Yeah. Right up there and if you would speak into the microphone, we'd really appreciate it. Gile: I am Richard Gile. My address is 9557 Dorsetshire, Boise, Idaho. 83704. I'm here to speak on behalf of my mother that owns the property to the west of the proposed site. Marshall: Yes, sir. Gile: Okay. I spoke to my mother and her comments are as follows: I am opposed to this tower. The tower will be a visual eyesore standing 100 feet tall with a communications array at the top that is 16 feet across and eight feet tall. The two six foot diameter microwave dishes would be another 12 feet of obstruction. The combined height of this equipment is 20 feet, about the same height as a two story house. For most of my property this tower will be in direct line of sight of the Boise front. This will be in addition to the ten light towers around the athletic complex to the east and north of my property. While some activities and structures on the school property already have an impact on my ability to enjoy my property, I am not opposed to them, since they are related to the education process. This tower, however, appears to be a commercial installation unrelated to school activities. I do not feel that this is an appropriate use of school property. I'm also concerned about the potential health effects of electronics communications. I have a friend that is unable to live close to cell towers and electrical transmission facilities due to an adverse reaction that they have on her health. My question placing tower on school property and exposing students to this potential risk. In addition, I enjoy the wildlife that uses my property. I'm concerned about the impact the physical tower and the associated electrical energy emissions may have on wildlife. I would recommend that an alternate site be identified. If this cannot be done, then, I would request the following: The overall size of the tower be reduced or preferably a small set of equipment be mounted on the existing light tower. The permit period be reduced to five years to allow review of the appropriateness of this tower at that time. I would like the specific tower configuration to be incorporated into the Conditional Use Permit and that any changes to the configuration require an additional notification and hearing. 1 would also request that language be incorporated into the Conditional Use Permit that requires tower removal if the conditions of the permit are not met and are not corrected within 90 days. This would include adding any additional equipment. I do have some questions. It is unclear to me who this permit is actually being issued to. If the staff could clarify that, whether it's Meridian High School or to some other entity. Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 6 of 13 My next question is this tower appears to be substantially larger than a typical neighborhood cell phone tower. Why is this tower so tall and containing so much equipment? I had a question as to how this site was chosen. My understanding is that there was an alternate site that had been approved. What I -- Rohm: Go ahead. Marshall: Finish up here. Yes. Thank you. Gile: I heard comments as to why this tower was being relocated from north of the football field. It would appear that you're simply moving the good neighbor issue farther away from one neighborhood and putting it in my mother's backyard. And can you tell me how many property owners were required to be notified of this tower placement? Thank you for your time. Marshall: Commissioners, do you have any questions for Mr. Gile? O'Brien: No, I do not. Rohm: No. Marshall: All right. Can we answer a couple of those questions real quick? Wafters: Chairman Marshall, Members of the Commission, Mr. Gile directed the question to staff about who was applying for this permit. Nefi Garcia, Technology Associates, is the applicant. Meridian School District has given their consent for the application for the tower on their site. Marshall: And I believe he asked as to why it had to be so tall and that was for issues. I believe we vetted that one at our last meeting, that technically this had to be at that height to be able to reach the radius that they wanted. Wafters: The applicant probably should answer that question. Marshall: Right. You're absolutely right. There was another question about is the tower design in the Conditional Use Permit that it has to be built as listed in this application. Wafters: It does. Yes. It has to conform to the elevations here. The elevations, the site plan, and if they operate outside of those conditions in the staff report, then, they would be subject to code enforcement and/or modification to the Conditional Use Permit. Marshall: All right. Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 7 of 13 Watters: So, yes, the Conditional Use Permit would be revoked if they do not comply with those conditions. And I think there was also another question about who was noticed for this. Everyone within 300 feet of the property boundary. Hill: One thousand, isn't it? Marshall: That property boundary was the Meridian School District? Watters: Oh, you're correct, Machelle. It is one thousand for cell -- wireless communication facility. Hill: I have a list of the properties that were noticed for this. Marshall: All right. Thank you. Hill: There was well over 300 we sent notices to. Marshall: All right. Next up I have Barbara Gile. From the audience Mrs. Gile says Mr. Gile spoke for her. Thank you. Mike Harmon. Mr. Harmon, if you would come up and state your name and address for the record, please. Harmon: My name is Mike Harmon. 1871 Santa Clara Drive. And I'm neutral on this site. I have expressed concerns in the past. This was the better option. And in answer to Mr. Gile's questions also all the paperwork and documentation is readily available on the City of Meridian website that the applicant has filed and most of those questions are answered in there. Marshall: Thank you. Questions for Mr. Harmon? No? All right. Thank you, sir. All right. Next up I have -- oh, I'm sorry. I going to -- Klepfenstein. Ed Kelfenstein? Did t -- no, (murdered it. Klopfenstein: My name is Ed Klopfenstein. Klopfenstein. Marshall: Klopfenstein. Klopfenstein: And I'm at 1786 West Santa Clara Drive. Marshall: Thank you, sir. Klopfenstein: I actually think -- I want to say thank you very much for the Commission to listen to us and you have taken a lot of time, not in this session, but over the past several sessions. I truly appreciate that. i truly appreciate also the school district, what they have gone out and done. We have had about -- we had a list of about 30 residents in our area who were very concerned about their property values falling. Not so much a health issue, but purely property values. And by moving this it really does lessen the impact for us. However, my concern as a -- as Barbara's neighbor is that there doesn't Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 8 of 13 seem to be an overarching policy for the area for cell phone use, especially when it comes into conditional use permits and when it impacts residential areas. And I would love for you folks to consider possibly reaching out to the community and trying to make something of a more overarching policy. I think when people truly understand the impacts -- especially when it comes to their housing values that something like this could impact, having something of an overarching policy solves a lot of problems, it makes it much more fair and, frankly, if we could have something like that I think it would just be much more amenable towards a large group trying to deal with advances in technology and business. You know, Meridian is an excellent business area. I'm a business owner, I own property here, and Iwould -- as a business owner as well I'd love to see an actual policy. I just don't personally see that. So, if that's something you could address sometime it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marshall: Thank you, sir. Any questions? Thank you. Naho Nakashima? From the audience she says Mr. Klopfenstein spoke for her. And, again, I have the applicant. First, prior to calling you up, sir, I'm going to ask is there anyone else who would like to come up and speak? All right. Mr. Garcia, if you would. Garcia: Yes, sir. To answer the question about why they need this height, this location, I can tell you other properties were evaluated, we looked at other properties. When have my marching orders, I got to give them various properties. A couple other properties -- again, these were existing -- other existing cell structures. Those locations didn't work for the coverage objective Verizon was looking for, which primarily is to, number one, provide good and building coverage to Meridian High School, provide coverage to the area outside, you know, around the surrounding area, and also to off load existing traffic on what they call the neighbor sites. Based on their studies and what they do, they determine that a hundred foot would work best and give them the optimal coverage they are looking for in this area and that's how we got to this point. Marshall: Commissioners, any questions? O'Brien: Mr. Chair, I have a question or comment. Marshall: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: As technology changes, usually to the better. Not always, but -- so, the length of time for -- or should I say the length of time for the technology that currently exists, when we go to satellite only without having to use cell -- cell towers as our primary link of communication -- and I think that's just around the corner, but what is the process, then, for changing the tower, for instance, if it's no longer needed or technology is such that you don't require the height, but yet still have the same service? What -- what can be done or what should be done and can anything be done to change it from the current configuration? Garcia: Yeah. If there are changes -- first of all, in the lease between cell carriers, Verizon, Sprint, all those carriers, property owners, there is language that address if the Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 9 of 13 technology changes they can, you know, take -- they will take down the structure, those kind of issues, if it -- that technology ever gets obsolete. Also if by chance we don't need that height -- because that does -- it has happened in the past is sometimes it gets too tall, you know, based on the growth in all this area, that they have to reduce the height. I have done a couple of those modifications. Then that would require us going back to the city, since we are changing the original CUP for that. So, we'd have to go back to the city for any kind of changes. But that has happened in the past where actually height does get reduced, so -- O'Brien: So, these -- so these microwave dishes that are going to be on there -- and those are primarily line of sight; correct? Garcia: Correct. But also these dishes are not going to be on there. O'Brien: They are not going to be on there. Garcia: The round dishes you see there in the lower portion -- O'Brien: Right. Garcia: Will not be on there. O'Brien: Okay. And they won't -- they cannot be added in the future; is that correct? Garcia: If that were to be added in the future we would have to come back to you for a change in our use. O'Brien: Okay. All right. So, there -- from what you're telling us, there are no safety issues regarding this configuration? Garcia: What I can tell you is FCC gives us our guidelines -- gives the carriers guidelines what they have to comply with and as long as the carrier shows the FCC, all the departments, their compliance with that, there are no issues. Besides, the FCC -- we do environmental studies, they are called NEPAs, SHIPOs. O'Brien: Okay. Garcia: We have to get those on every site that is ever constructed. O'Brien: The overall diameter at the very top, with all of the reception antennas for the wireless, what's the diameter of that and it's not solid, I don't think, it's going to be individual antennas for certain sections, I guess? Garcia: Yeah. It's called a sector mount. There is kind of like a triangle per se at the top and -- and it's a triangle, it's a sector, 31, 52, 70, for example, the azimuth that they typically have on a cell site and they will be, you know, panel antennas going the 30 Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 10 of 13 degree -- going 150, going 270 and if I remember right on this specific one is maybe 12 foot, 15 foot end to end. O'Brien: Diameter? Garcia: Yes, sir. If I remember right. No. Fifteen. O'Brien: Fifteen. Garcia: Twelve to fifteen foot. That was a question that was brought up and I think in the letter we had -- we addressed that. I can't remember the exact number on that. O'Brien: Okay. What about flashing lights? Garcia: No. Lights are required if, you know, we are -- FAA requires it. Only controlled air space. I'm familiar with the -- you know, the airport down here, National Guard, at Nampa and the municipal -- the airport here in Boise, but I highly doubt -- I highly doubt that -- O'Brien: So, the electronics that are going to be housed in the -- in that six foot tall fenced area, what kind of RFI radiated emissions will these things be giving out? Marshall: Commissioner O'Brien? O'Brien: Yes. Marshall: For just a second I'd like to remind you, though, this cell tower is getting built whether we approve this tonight or not. All we are deciding is the location. O'Brien: I understand that. Marshall: Okay. O'Brien: I'm just -- for the record I want to make sure that these things are on -- that may not have been covered last time, just -- Marshall: But we have no approval power or anything of the sort. We are not approving any of that. That's already done. It's already going in. And it's either here or the other location. O'Brien: Okay. Fine. Can you let me finish, then? Marshall: I will, sir. O'Brien: I would appreciate it. Because of the location -- the change of location the RFI in -- it's going to be closer to a lot more students, if you will, that are going to be -- being Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 11 of 13 around this area during the day with laptops and things like this. Is there going to be any interference that might cause -- will cause interference because of electronics that are housed inside that building? Garcia: You know, each carrier operates in a certain frequency of the spectrum. Verizon operates in many different spectrums, 800, 900, 1.2, if I remember right and they are only operating in that frequency, because they are not going to cause any interference with any other issue there. O'Brien: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. That's all I have, Mr. Chair. Marshall: Thank you, sir. And thank you, sir. Garcia: Thank you. Marshall: All right. So, would anyone like to make a movement to -- motion to close the public hearing? Rohm: Yes, sir. Mr. Chairman, at this time I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing on CUP 11-001. O'Brien: Second. Marshall: I have a movement and a second to close the public hearing on CUP 11-001. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Marshall: Commissioners, discussion? Rohm: Mr. Chairman. Marshall: Commissioner Rohm. Rohm: I would like to just make a couple of comments and I think what you had to say about the fact that this is an approved cell tower that, basically, what we are here tonight for is to discuss a location as to the specifics of the tower itself and I think that I'd like to thank Verizon and Associated Engineering firm for taking a second look after the last application and it appears that even though this site, obviously, has some personal properties adjacent to the -- that take exception, is less objectionable than the previous site. So, the fact of the matter is is this -- one or the other is going to impose upon the neighborhood to a certain extent and this appears to be less intrusive than the other. So, even though it may not be desired by some of the residents, overall it's probably better for the community as a whole and I'm in full support. Marshall: Yes, sir. Commissioner O'Brien? Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 12 of 13 O'Brien: I don't have anything to add. I agree that it's a great site, especially the fact that there is no other issues. The line of sight issue from -- from the property owner to the west, I don't think it's going to be a big problem. A hundred foot tall, I think that -- don't think it's going to obscure the vision -- the view of that. It's only 20 feet taller than what the existing light standard is already. So, I'm in agreement that we should change the location of this tower to suggested. Marshall: Thank you, sir. I, too, would like to thank the applicant and the school district for going back and working with the neighbors trying to find a better location. I understand this does impact some other people negatively. I feel for them. But at the same time it is -- it does appear to be significantly further away from residences, probably a little better hidden than the one that we had approved already and, unfortunately, I do feel these are a necessary evil within our city. Most of us do carry a cell phone and use cell phones and without the cell towers they don't work. So, I do appreciate everybody's efforts here and, gentlemen, would anybody like to make a motion? Rohm: Mr. Chairman? Marshall: Commissioner Rohm. Rohm: At this time I'd like to -- after considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move approval of file number CUP 11-001 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 5th, 2011, with the following modification: Under condition number 1.7, that line be changed from 18 months to two years. That's the only modification to this Conditional Use Permit and that's the end. O'Brien: Second. Marshall: All right. I have a motion and a second to approve CUP 11-001 with the aforementioned modification. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Marshall: Gentlemen, I believe we have one more motion. Rohm: Mr. Chairman? I move we adjourn. O'Brien: Second. Marshall: I have a motion and a second to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed? MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO ABSENT. Meridian Planning & Zoning May 5, 2011 Page 13 of 13 Marshall: And we are adjourned. Thank you all very much. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:33 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED MARSHALL -VICE -CHAIRMAN ~d~`6 ~ ~~ DATE APPROVED ATTEST: ~ - r. ~ . ~C JAYCEE L. HOLMAN, CITY CLERK ~ ~~~::> '~•, _- ~i D_.. _,..9.~. _. _.a~ t• r- ,~~ '~_~~-.- F~ h.f~~~~~~~ ~ ~ e Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: May 5, 2011 ITEM NUMBER: 3A PROJECT NUMBER: ITEM TITLE: Approve Minutes of April 21, 2011 PZ Commission Meeting MEETING NOTES ~P~~ mrzl~ 3-0 CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS Meridian Planning Zoning Commission Meeting DATE: May 5, 2011 ITEM NUMBER: 4A PROJECT NUMBER: CUP 11-001 ITEM TITLE: Verizon Wireless Meridian HS Public Hearing -Conditional Use Permit approval of a 100-foot tall wireless communication (cell tower) facility in an R-4 zoning district by Nefi Garcia, Technology Associates - 1900 W. Pine Avenue MEETING NOTES ~~,~ ~ ~ ova ~- ~~~~ ~~ sia~ ~~c CLERKS OFFICE FINAL ACTION DATE: E-MAILED TO STAFF SENT TO AGENCY SENT TO APPLICANT NOTES INITIALS