Albertsons Autograph Temp Event CZC 07-039,: ,, :; CITY OF ~ - ~YI~1G~"l~ it IDr1H0 NOTE: This is not a Building Permit. Prior to anv construction, you should contact the Building Department at (208) 887-2211 to verify if anv additional permits and/or insaections will be required by the Meridian Building Department. "` a+tEASUt~ "` SINCE 1903 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Date: February 23.2007 Project Name/Number: Albertsons Autograph Temporary Event - CZC-07-039 Owner: New Albertsons, Inc. Site Address: 3301 W. Cherry Lane Proposed Use: Temporary BSU Autograph Event C- Comments: Conditions of Approval: • This temporary use is allowed from February 24, 2007 through February 25, 2007 (UDC 11- 3E-4A1. • The use shall not result in the construction of any permanent structures that would not otherwise be permitted subject to the regulations of this Title (UDC 11-3E-4C2) • Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to serve the use (UDC 11-3E-4E 1) • The use shall not displace the required off-street parking spaces or loading areas of the principal permitted use on the site (UDC 11-3E-4E2) • The entrance and exit drives shall be designed to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances (UDC 11-3E-4E3) • All surfaces used for parking shall be constructed with paving, vegetative cover, or of a dustless material (UDC 11-3E-4E4) • All signs erected in association with the use shall be in compliance. with the regulations for signs, Chapter 3 Article D SIGN REQUIREMENTS of the Meridian City Municipal Code (UDC 11-3E-4F) • The site shall be returned to a clean condition after the termination of the use, including free of debris and garbage (LJDC 11-3E-4H 1) • The use shall comply with any guidelines, regulations and permitting process required by any authorizing public agencies, including but not limited to, the Central District Health Department, Transportation Authority, and Meridian City Departments. • Comply with all other applicable City Code. C~ % ~, Jenn Batch Assis ant City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. 02/16/2007 10:29 FAX 20 53637 IDAHO SATELLITE ICE 0 003/010 02/16f2007 08:512880022 ALBERTS~ N180 PAGE 02f09 Feo. 15. 2007 11: ;;AP/'i .~-, (. ~~}o. 6980 F. 2 ~-~•,~ ,~; ~_~'Yl'PjX~,t.~'~'1P '`~ Paarai~~za~ D~epartm«~~ ~~~ • . .A~T~M).NXSTRA.T)VE REVIEW APPLT.C.ATION ~•, mow. ~,.:.v,.~- ~_~~ ,:r; 't`ype of Revises l;Lequested (cheek all that apply) • s ~~ ~ ^ Acces,~4ry Use O Alternative Compliance D Cettifcate of Zoning Complian:cc D Conditional Use Pertx~it Minor blodircatioD O Design Review D Private Street ^ Property Boundary Adjustrttent ~hort Flat Temporary Use Certificate of Zonitrg Compliance ~! Tinto L~xtension (Director) ~ Vacstion d Other STAFF U £ ONLY: File number(s): ~7 C~O~ _v 3 9 l'roj ect name: ~ ~D C' i~5 0 /1 ~ a r U l'Jate filed: Z- t) - n ~~ Unto roTLipicte: ,_,,,"T,_ Assigaed Planner: ~e vt /~ ~ ~ !~,`~-~ 1~ ~telatcd files: AppNcant Xta;formation ApplaC4rttnama;IQew A],],Z~-sons,_7q,~, ($Qn P W ih ) ~~ Phone208-395- 799 Applicant address: P•0. Box 20, Boise ID 83726 Zlp,P83726 Applioant's interest in property: ~ Own D Rent. Q Optioned Gl Otl2cr Ownerzaame: New Albertson! s,' Inc' Phone~08-395-4799 O~meraddress: l?.O. Box 20, Boise ID Zlp: 83726 Agent name (~.~., itrcllltect, etlglneer, developer, represontative); • N /A ]~Itat name: Address: P,hooe: ,~,~ Zip: Primary eontnet is: ~C7 Applicant Q Owner...D .Agehrt D Otlacr CDDtaCiD^~ e~ Renee Weihe l'itpao; 208-395-4799 E-mail;Re2Dee. Weihe@albertsons. com Faa:: 208-295-6575 Subject Property Z;uSormafiion Loaation/streetaddress: 3301 W. Cherrv Lane, Meridian ID Assessor's parcel number(s): n ,... ~ . ,..,, m ........... .... Township, range, soction: Norf Cnrrent ]and use: Commercial Total acreage; Current zobisig district: CN ~~~~~~ 6b0I:. Watertotiver Lune, 5uitc 2.47 • Meodlan, Ictaba &3642 - 1'hont: {203) 3R4-5533 Facsitn9tc: {208) $88.6~5;~ • , ~Vcbsitc: w~~vtti.meridiancity,org 02/],6/2007 10:29 FAX 20 't953637 IDAHO SATELLITE ICE 0 004/010 02/16/2007 08:51 2880022 ALBERTS(~ #180 PAGE 03/09 re~.'a, 2~~07 i1:13~M No.6°,~C P, l'roj®ct DescripxSon Projeet/subdivislonaame: Generaldescriptionofproposedprojecr/request; parking lot event - BSII planers/coach~~_ Proposed zot)ing distaiat(s): Acres of each zone proposed: N/~, Type of use proposed (check all that apply): © Rcsidearaal Q Con'tmercial ^ Office O Iudustri,al ®Othcr Community event _ Amenitic9 provided with tbi~s development (ifapplicable):N/A - Who will own cPC maintain the pzesstuized itxigation Aystcm iu this devalopinent? N/A Which irrigation distiiet does this property lie withia? N/A Primary inagation sotuco: N/A Seco~ndaty: N/A Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (iFpritnary or secondary point o£aanrlrot;on ro airy water): Regidontial l'ra~ect Sumtraary (if applicable) N/A Nurnbtr of residential units: Number a£building Lots: _ _ Number of common and/or other lots: Proposed tittrt[bex of dwelliiag touts (fvr multi-fatnl]y developtrit;ztts only): l Bedroom: _ 7 or more Bcdzoozos: Minimux:a square footage of structure(s) (excl. garage}: Proposed building height: _ Minirntixriproperty siza (s.f): Average property Aiza (s. f.): Dross density (pUlttcre-total toad): Net dc~it3' (Dll/acre-rueluding roads R a1leys): ~,,,,, Pererntage of open space ptovlded; Acreage of open space: ..,,,,-„ Percentage ofi ttAaable open space: _ J_ (See Chapter 3, Az#icie G, far quuLifiied opezt Apace) Type of opax space provided in acres (i.e., laxtdseapit~, public, coi7arnon, etc): Type of dwcl]iug(s) pmpoaed: Q 3inglc-family ©Towiihomes D Dtxplcxes. Ll lvZttlti-family l']ott-residential )iaxoject Summs-ry (!f applicable) Please see attached site plan. ~ swim Number of bvildiug lots: N/A _ . _ Other lots: N/A C}rosa floor areas proposed: N/A __ Existi:ag (if applicable): N/A Il ours of optuatlon (daXs Dad hotus): ~ i ~ n i n ~ i n . n n ~ m _ ~ . n n l3tulclixtg height; p.m. 1?eree~ttagc of site/pi;ojcct devoted to the follawirig: 1'raudacapin$: ,~rA -- Building: N./A l'aviztg: N/A Tote! nttmber of employees: N,A Maxztriutn nttr~bcr of ei~loyces at any one time: N/A Number and ages of stude7ttalchildreu (if applicable): N/A _, Seatui$ capacity: N/A Total mtmber of parlcin$ spaces provided; 2 2 3 Ntnnbcr of cozzzpact spaces provided: N/A Antlaorizati,an Print applicant Warne: N ertson, In ~_ Applicant sig>dttue: bate: `~ °~~ ~~ -- 66 vJa[ertOwer Lane, Suite 2 • Meridian, Idaho, 8364? ' Phone: (30S) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 858-6854 wabAite: wvtlv.mori~i~rtcity.org `:~:: ~ ~ '' "By,:.Bradley .It..'.~~ck:~tr~om.. • ~;,;;:j ~ '; .. •<: . ~~ Lead Counsel, Business Law l "" /~~S~.S S~'e ~ (g0 ~C~1pJ-ry (JCL '~~ /~~ ~S ~0 (dt~ ~ ~/~0~(-q-(~d - Sirj,il t~ p~~~~-- b~ SA--fv ~ dqt~ t ~ ~t~sq.r +~ ~-`f ~ 2007 ~v~. 1 ~ A,~ ~o ~ pru ;;~~ d,,~ ,!/o-+~A ~6G~,2S ~~Mv T 7 ~ ~j~7~"S8f1 ~ T'~7 M OIi/1 7.~7 c n ~7/~ -3"7~`_ ~ t C/i.1 t ~j 02/16/2007 15:37 20 80022 02/16/ZOOi ]6:03 FAX 203 4656 ALBERTSON~180 ALL'tRTSONS LEQAL Post^{t^' Fax Note 7®71 °°1eo2 a8ges~` ~ ~ erg ~ h _ ` . P-tOna ~ r~~w~~ ~ ~~y y ~. /~~ Pax".J~~~ D U ~~ Fex « ~p11 J~ ~-4O~ ~- ' 0 N ~1 (7 1 ~ 7~ (~'i fi PAGE 02/02 f~0A1/AQ1 I 1 J ,~-.~ .r ~I T1 ~1 ~I K~ i ri ~i i I ~'. '6~ _~ N 2N ,~ ~ ~ ~ I`' ~ ~~: \{ _~ /`~T~ \`` N w 0 1/r _ 02f16/2007 15:37 20 80022 02/16!2007 16:03 FAX 205 4656 ALBERTSON~80 AI.LtRTSONS LEQAL '^Y PoBt^It°` Fax (dote 7671 oma~ a °~sw ~ _ ~r._ ~ n z- - Q ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ >~ ~ ~ ~ rr~ PAGE 02/02 r~p~~/one i .``.._ .~- r t ~i i T' IT1~ ~~ ~I I r`1 ~~ 1 I ~'t ~~ z~ m iN .~ d `, _\ ~~ N o- ~r 0 02:'16/2007 15:37 20 80022 02/16/2007 16:03 FAX 205 4656 ALBERTSON~80 ALLtRTSONS LEQAL post~t'" Fax tdate 7871 °ptac~. ~ pages" ~ Co./~pf. phana tl / ~ ~/ /,/•'~ ~ i _ -. ~~ / ~ / ~ / / fi"r" / ~ /,~~ ~ / I 1 1, ~~•._ ..- i ~I T' m~ ~~ Ki i r-- ~ i I ~` ~'' --- v ~ ^^'•~. ~J ~' ~~ N 0 1/'~ ~' ~ Y. ~~ ~"~+ Cj J ~- v P '1 v ~ ?~ ; ICJ ~" ~ ~ 1 V (ri I PAGE 02/02 0001/ppl _ 02f16/2007 15:37 20 80022 02/16/2601 16:03 FAX 20~ 4656 ALBERTSON~80 ALLt:RTSONS LEQAL Post~lt'" Fax (dote 7871 °ptcrZ. Pages' ~ Phano ~ .w...... ~~3p7 ~ " 7 ,~ J ' 0 l"' ~ / ~ ^( ~ ~ ~ . ~~ V" Z ~ ~ R~ PAGE 02/02 ~ poi/One i i i '`-._ T~ m~ ~~ Ki i r~ ~i 4~~ N 2m `1 ~ ~ i ` . ~\\\ 1 N 0 1/~ . ' .;.~.;OiiGL'R • A pioneer Company 3 0 1 5 E 13P1~ PIONEER TITLE COMPANY ~ Q OF ADA COUNTY ~ ys ~l~,y ~ P~1 ~ ~ $ 8151 W. Rifleman Ave /Boise, Idaho 837998 //) 3'I~!-2'~0(f~gi ~~ FEE r2t.~ -- ~ .. C' - ftECGt•,DEU i:; • •~ - :~~:`';UEST OP WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) FOR VALUE RECEIVED JAMES W. FULLER AND IRIS J. FULLER, HUSBAND AND WIFE Grantor s , do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto ALBERTSON' S , INC . the Grantee ,whose current address is: 250 PARKCENTER BLVD. , BOISE, ID 83726 the following described real property in ADA County, State of Idaho, more particulary described as follows, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF TO HAV E AND TO HOLD the said premises, will- their appurtenances unto the said Grantee ,and Grantee heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor sdo hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee the Grantor s are the owner sin fee simple of said premises; that said premises are Cree from all encumbrances, EXCEPT Qtose to which this conveyance is expressly trade subject altd those made, suffered or done by the Grantee ;and subject to reservations, restrictions, dedications, easements, rights of way and agreements, (if any) of record, and general taxes and assessments, (includes irrigation and utility assessments, (if any) for Ute current year, which ate not yet due and payable, and shat Grantor will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. f ~ °~ Dated: April 2°j;, 1995 ~~-a-~J .. _ .. ., . ~~ LOIS J . LER STATE OF SDA ,County uf~DA , ss. On this ~9 u day of , in the year of ~99.r ,before me r. a tary public, per- SOnally~appearcd iAMFe ~~ FU .i.F.R AN ' ~kn b lidentified to me to be the person syvhose name s- _ arP subscribed to the within instrument, and • ~u-~ale~.aeed•.lo [Ile that sh~}t-executed the same. ~ 0 T .! ,~~, ~i et ~-'' ~ Notary Public: 0 j t ~ ~~ ~ Residing at: Q` ~- My Commission Expires: - . n F `o~,~.:: :~ °s / ,J . t _ , ~ ~ ~~ • EXHIBIT "A" TO WARRANTY DEED A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST CIUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A BRASS CAP MONUMENT MARKING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SA10 SECTION 10, THENCE; NORTH 89 DEGREES 41' 38" WEST A DISTANCE OF 530.00 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 10 TO A POINT, THENCE; SOUTH 00 DEGREE 18' 22" WEST A DISTANCE OF 49.34 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NO. 8351286 TO WALLACE O. LOVAN AND VINITA LOVAN DATED SEPTEMBER 26, 1983, IN ADA COUNTY DEED RECORDS TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CHERRY LANE AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT N0. 94060466 TO ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT, RECORDED ON JUNE 24, 1994 IN ADA COUNTY DEED RECORDS, THENCE; SOUTH 88 DEGREES 33' 40" EAST A DISTANCE OF 227.29 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE TO A POINT, THENCE; SOUTH 89 DEGREES 07' 29" EAST A DISTANCE OF 228.53 FEET ALONG SAID fl1GHT OF WAY LINE TO A POINT, THENCE; SOUTH 44 DEGREES 33' 42' EAST A DISTANCE OF 42.09 FEET TO A POINT BEING 45.00 FEET DISTANT FROM (WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 10, THENCE; SOUTH 00 DEGREE 00' 05" WEST A DISTANCE OF 215.52 FEET ANO PARALLEL WITH SAID EAST LINE TO A POINT, THENCE; SOUTH OS DEGREES 10' 56" EAST A DISTANCE 221.37 FEET TO A POINT BEING 25.00 FEET DISTANT FROM (WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO) SAID EAST LINE, THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00' OS" WEST A DISTANCE OF 419.74 FEET AND PARALLEL WITH SAID EAST LINE TO A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF EIGHT MILE LATERAL AS DESCRIBED .IN.INSTRUMENT N0.768075 PAGES 3-6 IN ADA COUNTY DEED RECORDS, THENCE; NORTH 42 DEGREES 00' 12" WEST A DISTANCE OF 757.66 FEET ALONG SAID CENTER LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOVAN TRACT,•THENCE;. ~ ~ ~ '' ~;. NORTH 00 DEGREE 18' 22" EAST A DISTANCE OF 331.89 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOVAN TRACT TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ , , ', •.~ .' ~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY AND LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY State of Idaho ) ss County of Ada ) I, John P. Breedlove, Vice President of New Albertson's, Inc., a Delaware corporation, by authority granted to me under a standing resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of New Albertson's, Inc. on November 1, 2006, hereby delegate authority and grant a limited power of attorney to Bradley. R. Beckstrom, Lead Counsel, Business Law, for and on behalf of New Albertson's, Inc., and its consolidated subsidiaries, to execute Fireworks agreements; Christmas tree agreements; License agreements with a term of thirty (30) days or less; Estoppels; SNDAs; License agreements that can be unilaterally terminated by New Albertson's, Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates; Letter agreements not involving a ftnancial obligation on the part of New Aibertson's, Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates; and City form utility easements and temporary construction easements. Dated: January 17, 2007. . Breedlove Vice President I, Julie T. Backe, hereby certify that I am Assistant Corporate Secretary of New Albertson's, Inc., a Delaware corporation; that John P. Breedlove is Vice President of New Albertson's, Inc.; and that John P. Breedlove has full right and authority to execute the above Certificate of Authority and Limited Power of Attorney. Dated: January 17, 2007. ~~~ Julte T. Backe Assistant Corporate Secretary F:\CertificateslLPOAs\Brad f3eckstrom New ABS LPOA.doc CITY OF erl~i~n 33 E. Idaho Ave. ~~, Meridian, ID 83642 • Date 2' ~ C~ applicant ',ddress ~ l ~ Phone ~, } ' ~~~~ • CASH ChH CKy# NAME ON CHEC IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT 1 ~/~ / ~ • • -I I ~ 'cam-•%~ --r-G~ ~ ' ~ I i i i I I i I I I i I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NT DOES NOT INDICAT CCEPTAN OF APPLICATION TAX i ~ 9 3 8 Re ved By ~ TOTAL ' ' ~iGl~/I/~i G~OdG r r a7_ r~_I :. O In ~'' gQ. r LJ'I `0~ r ~:. ;ti O O O r ~ m ~ O '_ ~ ~ ~ _ 3 °.; O mw~? m O ~ a o~ ~ ~' D D~ z=~ ~ O ~ ~ 07 m O ~ O m ~ ~, D ~ ~ ~ ~ D Z D e. Q C7 D o ~' o S O ~ n ~ ~ v `~C 3 !n w µ ~ m w ,I it ~• it ~~ y l~ -, m i m i N O O v ~~ Iii *, =.R * Y ~ _~ LL o~ ~-~_ c ~ ~_s~__