2011 03-03Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting March 3, 2011 Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of March 3, 2011, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Scott Freeman. Members Present: Chairman Scott Freeman, Commissioner Michael Rohm, Commissioner Joe Marshall, Commissioner Steven Yearsley, and Commissioner Tom O'Brien. Others Present: Machelle Hill, Ted Baird, Sonya Wafters, Caleb Hood, Warren Stewart, and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance: Roll-call X Steven Yearsley X Tom O'Brien X Michael Rohm X Joe Marshall X Scott Freeman -Chairman Freeman: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I'd like to call to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission, dated March 3rd, 2011. Let's begin with roll call. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda Freeman: Thank you. The first item on the agenda is the adoption -- well, it's not on the agenda yet, but we are going to adopt the agenda. There are two items on the agenda -- three items. We have got the Consent Agenda and, then, we have the ZOA 11-001, Unified Development Code text amendment and Item B, CPAT 11-001, Comprehensive Plan revamp. Could I get a motion? O'Brien: So moved. Marshall: Second. Freeman: It's been moved and seconded Motion carries. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 3: Consent Agenda Approve A. Approve Minutes of February 3, 2011 Planning and Zoning Commission Special Meeting Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 2 of 11 Freeman: Okay. We have a single item on the Consent Agenda, the approval of the minutes of the February 3rd, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission special meeting. Any discussion or corrections? Motion? Rohm: I move that we accept the Consent Agenda as written. O'Brien: Second. Freeman: It's been moved and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, to accept it. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Freeman: Okay. I think we are ready for the first item. Correct? There aren't very many people here. Do I need to go ahead and explain the process for this one or can we pass that? O'Brien: Practice. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing: ZOA 11-001 Unified Development Code (UDC) Text Amendment by City of Meridian Planning Department Request: Amend the Text of Certain Sections of the UDC to Include General Clarifications (Clean-Up Items; Standards for Pathway Lighting Along the Eagle Road Corridor; and Allowance for a Council Waiver of Certain Stormwater Integration Standards Recommend Approval to City Council Freeman: All right. Well, at this time, then, I'd like to open the public hearing on Item ZOA 11-001, Unified Development Code, starting with the staff report. Wafters: Thank you, Chairman Freeman, Members of the Commission. The first application before you tonight is a zoning ordinance amendment. It is proposed by the Planning Department. It requests approval to amend the text of certain sections of the Unified Development Code to include general clarifications and clean-up items, new standards for pathway lighting along the Eagle Road corridor. Allowance for a City Council waiver of certain storm water integration standards as requested by Ada County Highway District. And a change to the outdoor lighting standards, which would exempt light fixtures with a maximum output of less than 1,800 lumens from the outdoor lighting regulations. All of the proposed amendments are outlined in detail in Section 7 of the staff report. The purpose of the zoning ordinance amendment is to modify, clean-up and add specific sections to the Unified Development Code that staff believes will make implementation and use of the UDC more understandable and enforceable. It is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Written testimony has been received from the Idaho Transportation Department, just a letter stating that they have no comment on Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 3 of 11 the application. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed changes to the Unified Development Code. Staff will stand for any questions the Commission may have. Freeman: Questions? Rohm: No questions. Freeman: No questions. Okay. The applicant has spoken. Anybody want to testify from the public on this one? Hill: There is no one signed up, Mr. Chair. Freeman: Nobody signed up. Okay. Could I get a motion, then, to close the public hearing -- Rohm: So moved. Freeman: -- on Item A? Marshall; Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearing on Item ZOA 11-001. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Freeman: Any discussion on this? Questions? O'Brien: I have one question, Mr. Chair. Freeman: Commissioner O'Brien. O'Brien: How is the lighting different from others along the corridor of Eagle Road? Is it something that stands out that makes it different that -- Wafters: Chairman Freeman, Members of the Commission, Commissioner O'Brien, this is specifically for pedestrian lighting. We have a requirement for a ten foot wide multi- use pathway along the Eagle Road corridor and this is specifically lighting for the pedestrian pathway. So, it's at a shorter height and whatnot for pedestrians. O'Brien: Thank you. Freeman: Okay. Any other questions? Comments? I guess we are ready for a motion on this item, then. Marshall: Pretty clear and easy. Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 4 of 11 Rohm: Mr. Chairman? Freeman: Commissioner Rohm. Rohm: I move that we move onto City Council recommending approval of ZOA 11-001 as stated in the staff report with no modification. - Marshall: Second. Freeman: Okay. It's been moved and seconded to recommend for approval of file number ZOA 11-001. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. B. Public Hearing: CPAT 11-001 Comprehensive Plan Revamp by City of Meridian Planning Department Request: Amend the Text of the City of Meridian Comprehensive Plan Which Includes the Following: 1) Adoption of the 2010 Existing Conditions Report as an Addendum to the Plan; 2) Updates to the Text of the Plan; 3) Changes and Additions to the Goals, Objectives and Action Items Contained in the Plan AND 4) A Complete Reformat of the Plan Recommend Approval to City Council Freeman: Okay. At this time I'd like to open the public hearing on the second item on the agenda, CPAT 11-001, Comprehensive Plan revamp, beginning with the staff report. Hood: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. I think I will go ahead and address this way, so that I can see you. I do appreciate you taking the time and I will try not to take it personally that there aren't too many people in the audience, but I do appreciate that all five of the Commissioners are here this evening, so I think it's my duty to at least take a few minutes of your time, even though I think you're all familiar with this agenda item, but I do want to bring you up to speed and follow up with on a couple of things that arose from the last joint meeting that we had with the City Council and just kind of fill in some of those gaps for you, since we did submit the application. So, the first slide I have for you here just shows the -- the cover pages that we have landed on for both the existing conditions report and the Comprehensive Plan itself. You may recall if you were at the State of the City we had some -- a voting board and we gave people alittle -- I think they were green colored tabs and we had four or five pictures there and you could vote for the prettiest picture or whatever you thought wanted to be -- to be the cover of the Comprehensive Plan and the bird's eye aerial there of City Hall is the one that was the -- the choice from those in attendance. I think the picture of Setters Park came in a close second, but that's what the Comp Plan will look like. So, after it's adopted by the City Council here in about another month or so Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 5 of 11 that's what the cover page will look like. Again, I think most of you are pretty familiar with this application here tonight. Just some more background information that -- just too kind of put the finishing touches on for the -- for the Commission. This is something staff's been working on for about a year and a half now. Started back with the Existing Conditions Report and us just gathering information and talking with agencies to get tables and graphs and charts and pictures and everything for the Existing Conditions Report to explain where Meridian is at in 2010. So, this is a long time coming and, again, I'm not going to take it too personal, Ithink -- I will take it at that. We have done a good job. There is not a lot of people here that are here to say we aren't in favor of this thing. I do want to stress this isn't a total divergence from current policy either, it's a revamp. We have really reformatted it, made it more user friendly. I'll touch on that in just a minute. But -- but we have just structured it I think a lot better. Just, again, some more general information on the Comp Plan itself. The Comp Plan is our official policy guide for decisions concerning the physical growth of Meridian. It establishes a vision and course to address issues and concerns of the community. The plan applies to all of Meridian and area of city impact. This plan has a ten to 15 year horizon. Some of the elements do address a shorter time frame and some of them are a longer time frame. The plan works with other planning related documents and code, like the UDC, sewer and water master plans, the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Systems Plan, CIPs, and some of the other documents. The plan indicates in a general way how the community should develop and grow. It's our guide. And you have heard that several times, so -- just some highlights. A lot of this will be review, but, again, for the record would like to -- to just go through some of this stuff. The current Comp Plan was adopted in 2002. We have had updates since then. We do probably two, three text amendments every year, just too kind of clean it up. But in its current format and general state it dates back to 2002 and Meridian's changed a lot since then. So, we thought it was time. The current document is pretty bulky and not real easy to use. It also spends a lot of time talking about the past and the current, as well as the future, and -- within each chapter and as you know with the existing conditions report we have pulled the past and the current out of that and really have the Comp Plan as our forward looking document. Something else just to highlight and I have made reference to it already a couple times, the Existing Conditions Report that is going to be an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan, which you are already also acting on tonight. That Comp Plan is -- has been reformatted around the city's focused areas and initiatives. So, economic excellence, strategic growth, services meet demand, organizational excellence and stewardship of the public trust. So, again, if you look at the -- the outline and the format of the document, it follows those. Again, with reformat we have -- we have linked like -- like subjects together. Land use and transportation are back to back in the document. It makes the document flow and easily read -- readable we think anyways. At the end of the chapter still are our goals, objectives, and action items. So, all of the current policy statements regard to that chapter are at the end of each -- at the end of each chapter. I do want to state that the Comp Plan with the Existing Conditions Report does address all the state code required elements for a Comprehensive Plan. We have even taken that a step further and added some additional elements to the plan, which is also allowed by state code. Some of the new topics that we have included for this go around are sustainability, quality of life and livability, community Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 6 of 11 design, some health initiatives and arts. We also made some pretty substantial updates to some other elements within the plan, like housing, economic development, transportation, and the goals, objectives, and action items -- the tables have been updated pretty substantially. There are also some updated diagrams on the mixed use category to kind of give developers, property owners, kind of an idea of what each mixed use designation means. It's not an exact blueprint for how you have to develop mixed use, but it kind of gets the juices flowing or the neurons firing about what site design kind of looks like. So, those have been added as well. Again, I'll stress that no changes to the future land use map have been made with this application. Obviously, there is no development proposed with this application either. It is a text only request with some new maps, tables, and other figures. I think I will move on to the next slide and I -- don't get worried, I only have a couple more, but I do want to just go through this exercise anyway. So, I told you a little bit of an update. There have been some changes when I presented this item to you in December at the back of the document we had the goals, objectives, and action items all compiled in one place. We took some of your comments and, again, we decided to put those at the end of each chapter, instead of at the end of -- at the back of the document. It did add some girth to the document, so we took that out. What we are going to be doing is -- and we have modified the tables, too. You see we now call the lead -- we have lead instead of element or subject I think is what we had before on those tables and now we have identified leads. The next step after this gets adopted is we will sit down with all of the department representatives and we will talk about priorities. Low, medium, high, or something -- you know, what priorities do you want to tackle first, that short, medium, long-term priorities. And they are not only leads for those, because that's been vetted through all the departments and buy-in from -- is this something the Planning Department is responsible for or Public Works, but also who -- who is going to be backup and support staff to help whoever is the lead accomplish those goals. So, we will sit down and do that exercise here again shortly after the Comp Plan is adopted. We still do have at the back of the document is a copy of the future land use map, because that's another tool that most people are pretty interested in, you know, what is my property designated or what is the city planning for the future of this property or -- or my neighbors. Still the glossary and acronyms and abbreviations list and private property regulatory takings analysis checklist. And legend. We still have the fold-out legend for the goals, objectives and action items, so you can have that open as you're going through the chapters as well. That is -- I wasn't planning on going -- I was going to kind of gauge to see how many people were here. I wasn't planning on going through this thing chapter by chapter, I trust you all have had a chance to look at it since we met in December. I'll just pause right now for -- for any comments and I have got just one more slide and, then, we can be done. But are there any questions thus far or would you like me to go into more detail chapter by chapter, I'm happy to do that, too. So, I will -- Freeman: If there is specific questions we might have you go into more detail on those areas. Are there questions of Caleb? Rohm: I have none. Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 7 of 11 Yearsley: I don't have any. Freeman: I have one and you might have touched on this, but just help me connect the dots. One of the comments on page two of the staff report was that if the proposed application is approved Table 8-1 will no longer exist. Is that what you were referring to earlier or is this some other table that's not going to exist? And, then, are we replacing it in the future? Hood: Commissioner Freeman, it is being replaced with that document I referred to earlier that staff will use. It's essentially a composition at the end of all the chapters where the goals, objectives, and action items are listed. We will take all those, pull those out, and we will just use it to implement the plan, basically. Freeman: Okay. So, that table is what you were referring to? Hood: That's the same table -- Freeman: That -- that made the connection for me. Hood: The way it currently exists is the strike-through version of that, that's Table 8.3 or whatever you just said. That's what it looks like today. So, that table -- you're right, it will no longer list -- exist in that form where they are all together. Freeman: Okay. Hood: So, just real quickly I will just wrap up and, again, for the record some of the public involvement in the process we have gone through here we have been working on at the staff level, the Existing Conditions Report for some time. In May we had a joint meeting. We had work groups that were established. I mentioned a few of them earlier with sustainability and arts and economic development and generally review of update of the policies, went through the summer and fall, this is where it was routed through all the departments to get their buy-in and update language on the goals, objectives, and actions items that they would be working on. And, then, just this last December we had another joint meeting with the City Council to review the Comp Plan. Some of the public outreach involvement includes a city news article, the ValleyTimes story, Facebook and Twitter tweets. October 19th we held a town hall meeting at the Meridian Library. On our city website we did blogger two. I can't remember. We did a video. And we have a dedicated Comprehensive Plan page that's been updated regularly as milestone were met. I mentioned the State of the City display. That was the Planning Department's table that we had out in the lobby there. Hallway. I went to the builders and developers council in February, didn't hear anything back from anyone there. Did hand out some copies of the goals, objectives, and action items. I shared drafts and requested comments from other Ada County agencies. The ones that are in parenthesis on the slide are the ones I heard back from. So, chamber commented, ACHD commented, COMPASS commented, and VRT commented. I incorporated most all of their comments into this. There wasn't anything that was earth shattering and they were all Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 8 of 11 very good comments and I appreciate them taking the time and commenting back. I mentioned the work groups before and we did public service announcements for tonight's meeting. So, that's kind of the process and Ihave -- I lied. I have two more quick requests. Yesterday the Parks Department requested a couple of minor changes. don't know if the clerk got copies of that to you all or not. Hill: I didn't provide copies. Hood: Okay. Hill: But it was in the packets. Hood: I will just read it for you, because I don't think there is anything -- I will read it into the record, some changes that I would request you make part of your motion this evening. On page 14, the fourth row, under realize strong viable -- that header, the Parks Department would like us to add at the end of open space -- and recreation. So, it would read: To meet the growing open space and recreation needs of the community. It sounds like a reasonable request. Page 65 on the top row they have a request that Parks be listed as responsible lead for research potential sites for ballparks and civic center in downtown. So, they wanted to be more involved with that action item. And, then, on page 79 they have just some -- again, more proofreading type errors -- corrections that they'd like us to make. In the second sentence on page 79 -- I'm not quite sure what paragraph this is, but it should read: Quality parks, recreation facilities, and they'd add: Activities and programs. So, we didn't highlight their activities and programs, which is a big part of what the Parks Department does -- into that sentence, as being vital to promote overall quality of life in Meridian. So -- and, then, they had one more change on, developing new parks and expanding the existing park system. So, very minor changes. I can get you copies if you'd like, but they are very very minor. So, I'd ask that those be incorporated. And I also have one more request. We were talking earlier this week about -- or I guess it was last week -- Communities In Motion with City Council. The city of Boise and others do this where you adopt the -- the current version -- we have CIM 2035 that will be adopted as part of the option of this Comprehensive Plan, but they will go through an update here in another -- throughout the next few years to update that document to make it CIM 2040. So, I would like, again, as part of your motion to add some language in the documents that are approved by reference in addendum in this document to come up with some language -- and I don't have it. Maybe, Mr. Baird, if -- on the spot if you can think of something, but what I'd like to do is cite in this document where we have those -- the current document and, then, put as amended, so it includes the -- any changes that are made to those documents over time that we don't have to always go back in here and say, you know, the current version is hereby adopted as well and make those changes every time. Now, we wouldn't probably do that for everything, but the ones I thought of that we could put some language in there like that would be the Existing Conditions Report, so if we change the Existing Conditions Report it doesn't make it null and void, because our Comp Plan dates it the 2010 Existing Conditions Report. The design manual. The Ten Mile Specific -- Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan. The Communities In Motion. And Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 9 of 11 the city's pathways master plan, as well as CIM. Those are the documents that I would like to have some way in the footnote or within the text to figure out a way to say the current version and as amended in the future. So, that would be my request this evening. I have not received any other comments and I will stand for any questions and we can discuss that -- that last request I had if we need to or maybe Mr. Baird has had a chance to think of a way to do that effectively. Baird: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, I'm thinking I don't want to make any commitment without consulting Bill Nary. He's kind of our ordinance pro and has to deal with the problems, so if you can just make your general recommendation that we come up with a vehicle to legally achieve that, if possible, then, we will go to work on it to make sure it's effective. Hood: Thank you. So, that's what my request would be is that you would allow staff the opportunity to work to -- I hope you get the idea what I'm going for. If not, we can -- we can clarify some more. But that's -- that's the intent of my request. Thank you. Freeman: Okay. Thank you. Questions? Need for clarification? Nobody needs a clarification to make this motion? Rohm: I don't think so. Freeman: Okay. There is nobody here to give public testimony, so could I get a motion to close the public hearing on Item CPAT 11-001. Rohm: So moved. Marshall: Second. Freeman: It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearing. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Freeman: Discussion? Marshall: I would like to make a comment, Mr. Chair. Caleb, I would really like to commend staffs work and specifically yours on all this, the Existing Conditions Report all the way through the revamp. Personally I find it much easier to read and significantly clearer in a lot of areas and I appreciate all of the effort that's gone into it and I think it will benefit everyone that needs to reference it. Hood: Thank you. Rohm: I, too, would like to make some comments. The thing that has been great for me being on this Planning and Zoning Commission is working with the staff that has the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 10 of 11 public at large as their primary beneficiary of -- of change and I truly believe. that you folks try to do the very best that you can to present documents in a fashion that is usable by the public and that's exactly what we are all here for, so I also commend you for a job well done. Hood: Thank you. O'Brien: Ditto. Yearsley: I also want to make that comment and as I have been reading through the Comprehensive Plan the figures of the mixed use, I think that really enhances an idea of what -- what we want as a city and I think that really makes a lot of difference in this plan. So, I want to give good job on that. Hood: Thank you. Freeman: It was quite a project. Nicely done. It's taken some time and you guys went out of your way to involve the public in the process, which is very commendable. So, nice work on this. I'm sorry there weren't a hundred people here to cheer when this is all done, but we are cheering you. Yeah. Maybe at Council. Okay. Marshall: Mr. Chair? Freeman: Commissioner Marshall. Marshall: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to City Council of file number CPAT 11-001 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of March 3rd, 2011, with the following modifications: I would like the recommendation from the Parks Department included and I would allow -- like to allow staff some time to come up with the wording that would allow for the inclusion of future amendments to the referenced documents -- the documents that the Comprehensive Plan references. Rohm: Second. Freeman: Okay. It's been moved and seconded that we approve for recommendation file number CPAT 11-001 as amended. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Hood: Thank you. Freeman: Thank you, Caleb. One more motion. Rohm: Mr. Chairman, I move we adjourn. Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting March 3 2011 Page 11 of 11 Marshall: Second. Freeman: It's been moved and seconded to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Freeman: We are adjourned. Thank you. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:25 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.)