11-778 Rescinding 09-653- Water/Sewer Rate AdjustmentsION N0. I CITY OF MERIDIAN RESOLUT CIL: BIRD, HOAGLUN, ROUNTREE, ZAREMBA BY THE CITY COUN .~ RESCINDING A PORTION OF THE MERIDIAN CITY A RESOLUTION L OF A MULTI-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER COUNCIL S APPROVA E ADJUSTMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AND SEWER RAT e Meridian Cit Council passed Resolution No. 09-653 on March 3, WHEREAS, th y ' ' 's a royal of a multi- ear implementation of Meridian Water and 2009 ratifying the Council pp y Sewer Rate Adjustments; and solution No. 09-653 rovided for multi-year increases of water and WHEREAS, Re p ' Meridian be innin Aril 20, 2009, then again April 20, 2010 and then rates in the City of g g p a ain by the same amount on April 20, 2011; and g AS after discussion on March 8, 2011 regarding water and sewer increases WHERE , ' ' ouncil finds it is not necessary to increase water and sewer rates on April the Meridian City C 20, 201 1. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY NOW COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY, IDAHO: ection 1. That the Public Works Multi-Year Implementation of Water and Sewer S Rate Adjustments are hereby rescinded as to the April 20, 2011 increase. J ' n 2. That the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to implement and Sectio l ,2011. APPROVED: carry out the collection of said fees. • in full force and effect immediately on the 20th Section 3. That this Resolution shall be day of April, 201 1. the Cit Council of Meridian, Idaho _____ day of , 2011. ADOPTED by y PPROVED b the Ma or of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this day of A y Y ~,, ~ ~MMY de WEERD C~' r ATTEST: ~ ~,~ ~Q .~, r ... ... ~ ®~ ~ ~ ti ~ i r„ JAYCE L. HOLMAN, CITY C~ ~~ ~ ,'~ ~ .~`~ r ~ ~ ~ ~~ ORTION OF ~ 9-6 ~'~'HE PUBLIC WORKS MULTIYEAR RESOLUTION RESCINDING A P ~ ~~ IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER AND SEWER R~"TE~~J1~SiTN~~NTS -Page 1 of 1