Car Quest Auto Parts CZC 02-068, r ~ ~ „ ~I ~A ~ ~ MAYOR . _. ,.~, fi r` ~~" ~ L AL DE TMENT (208) 288-2499 •Fax 288-2501 Robert D. Cowie r;~ ~~ + 'k~~ I PARKS ? arv or- ~ ~ .. -~ - & RECREATION (208 888-3579 •Fax 898-5501 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ~~~~~~I I `„~ ` PUBLIC WORKS Tammy deWecrd `, ~` ~ (208) 898-5500 •Fax 887-1297 William L. M. Nary i IDAHO % Cherie McCandless ~ y'~~, /~ e 6UILDING DEPARTMENT (208) 887-2211 •Fax 887-1297 Kei[h Bird ~ ~rEk ~4s.TRE:.s,~,~ v.~,~! ' ~ SINCE PLANNING AND ZONING L iv°a (208) 884-533 •Fax 888-G854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: December 31, 2002 Owner: Albano Properties Address: Lots 28 and 29 Block 2 Honor Park #3 E. Franklin Road. Proposed Use: The construction and operation of an 8,600 square foot retaiUwholesale buildin;; for auto darts sales/storage and associated site improvements. Zoning: Comments: Scope of Development: The issuance of this Certificate of Zoning Compliance is valid only for the construction and improvements related to the 8,600 square foot retaiUwarehouse building. Apyroved Plan: The Site Plans (Sheets C-1, date 10/15/02, prepared by Quadrant Consulting Inc.), date stamped "approved" 12-31-02, are approved with the following redline correction: 1. The ADA compliant parking stall(s) shall be widened to accommodate two ADA parking stalls and with at least one stall being van accessible. This can be accomplished by reducing the westernmost landscape island by one (1) foot, and widening the ADA parking stalls on the eastern edge of the front of the building to be eight feet (8') wide with an eight foot (8') wide striped unloading area centered between the stalls (per the redline drawings). Siege: No new signs are approved by the issuance of this certificate. All new signs require a sign permit from the City of Meridian prior to installation. Temporary signs are prohibited, and shall be removed within three days notice. Landscaping The Landscape Plan (Sheet L-1, dated 10-15-02), stamped approved 12-31-02 are approved as submitted. The landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to site plan permitted; prior written approval of all changes required. Parkins;: Off-street parking is approved as depicted on the submitted and approved site plan(s). All handicap parking, signage, striping and ramps must be designed and constructed to current ADA 33 EAST IDAHO • MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 888-4433 •Fax (208) 387-4813 City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 Human Resources Fax (208) 884-8723 standards. Irri ag tion: The proposed underground, pressurized irrigation system shall be installed as submitted. Occupancy: All site improvements must be completed or bonded for (at 110% of the incomplete amount) prior to P&Z Department signature of Certificate of Occupancy. Li._ghting: All new lighting, whether attached to the building or placed within the parking area, shall not cause glare for or otherwise impact the traveling public or neighboring developments, as determined by the City. ACRD Acce tp ance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACRD as they pertain to this type of development. All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACI-ID requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning and Zoning Staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Plan Modifications: The Site Plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site plan are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. City's failure to specifically identi , requirements in this Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not relieve owner of responsibility for compliance. The site plans stamped 12/31/02 are approved with the comments noted above. C a David McKinnon Planner II *Receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, etc. This certif cafe shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. DEC-30-02 04:54Pf~ FR0~1-~ce Gasser Kerl PLLC 208-206 T-396 P.002/012 F-152 CITY OF MERIUtA'N Planning 8c Zoning I?epurorr~ettt 660 E_ Watettowtr Ln., Ste. 202, Meridian, lD 83ba2 (x0$)884-553 P'haie / (208)888-6854 Fxx ~~ ~ze -ca-~h8 ~'~~T~IF{CA7'>~ OF ~G~N>CNt'~ CQ..1-',(t,Li.~NCE (CZCI AP!'1.fCATIiON (Section 11-l9,1, Zoning and Devebpmrnt Ordinance) PROJECT NAME: A:pPL[CwNT:l,~'-•! ~ i? YO R-fl'TlD I~l ~,~1`1 ~ ao~ttESS: a3 l (~ ~ _- Goc~E ~~ ~~. ~.~ ts~ , i~ 3-70 P,~o~->~: 3~ S - S'i t ~ ~nx: ~'"I S -°~ 3 (eZ t:-iutalL: ~, _-- OWNgR(5)OFRECOttD: Albano Pro erties an Tdaho eneral artnership AppRESS: 1 161 P PHONE: r ? n $1 -? '~ 7~h ~, (1 h >rAx:! ~ (1R )~421a.f~ ~-t-~AiX.: ARCHI'EECT (IF pIFFF~tl'NT THAN APPLI.CANT): l_ l-1 twnt~ss:_~t y9 __ S._~yki.,as 1,J~y MEZtD1AN =lam g3~~~_ PHONE: Z - Z FAX: SsB ~l -I2 V ~ _-fi=MArt _ __ AnaR~ss, GE)VER.AC, LocaT1ON OF 51TF:,- o-i's Z8~ 2q 6L.c4~. Z . I-~ouo2 Pa¢ ~'~ 3 ~. ~~,AU(,.lN TZT~-, Nt>rtLt'Dtau,%L7 DF5CIirPTiON OF USE: ~~-rA ~ ' ~ ~ rlo~-E~~ LE ~ I.tTO p~k >~ZTS S A l ms's PRESENT ZQNC CL,ASSIFICATI4N: H.K. Albano, as general partner of Albano Properties, ,~ t ~ ~~ ~~ , do hesrby atFum Ilwt i will agree to pay any addidanal sdwor, warar ar mash fees ar charges, if any, saaoeiutvd with the uae that (/wc hues upptlod for, whether the use bo raideotial, coinmotciaJ ar industrial in naturo_ F~mo:c, t have r~egd the infbm~adon containod hcscin and cetdfy thnt the ioformatiw is hve and cberrct. ~~1~ ~~'~~1,~'C.:.ti~'~l; J 13 30 02 (Applicant's sig~an~ee) Lam) 1:~ v. ~/1/r13 DEC-30-D2 04:55PM FROM-~ce Gasser Kerl PLLC 208-208 T-396 P.004/012 F-152 AF>:117AY1I' OF LEGAL. INTEREiST STATE OF iDAtYU ) COUNTY OF~'OL~C) Bannock ) ~ H.K. Albano, as Gener.al,Partner of Albano Properties, of (numW) ('~~) being tryst duly sworn. upoct 1 161 W i ]. s a n _, P_o c, a Tr c l l o.__ d a h o oath, depo5c and say- (city) (state) 1. That 1 am r11n record owner of tlld proprxty described vte tha attached, and 1$rant riry permission tar ffirk Reilly or other authorized went of K=J Cor oration nc ~ 2„31i?~L, co1_e _~i~i. , Ste A B o i s d~amT.~l a h o {addresa} to submit the atxon~rying application pa~invag to that property. ~. X agree to ituieuwify, detfettd a>ad ltpld the City of Meridian and it's employees harmless fx+ora any claim ar liability resulting £rom a»y dispute as to the ststtaneuts contained herein o~c as to the ownership of the property, which is the subject of the appkcation_ Dated rhis 3 D t h day of , January , 200 2 -~ (Signature) SUHSCRL~ED AND SWORN to before me the day and year f~ abavn written. F ~/ r-~ / . ~/ ~ I.. Npt8r3r Public f ~ aho ~/ ,~ ! ~ _11 residing at ' ~ ~' 7 G ~ ~ ~"'/~'1 ~~ My commission Expires: ' /..Z- - U ~ ~ Df~ft~Y i..,1"r'~Y~~?F' , ~(~'~ =~~:'c f'l}~LlC ,Q.~r.~C.,p+F.,Li~-iy Rr•v. 3/~/U? DEC-30-02 04:56P~1 FR0~1-~ce Gassar Kerl PLLC ~~'~C~~~3~'~~~~ Trarisnatl~n Escrow No. xo2-84875 208-2 06 ~n~E ioAtlo 1 az o4. OEPIITY Jamle ~8QB5 R1:CORDEiI-REQUESt' OF Stanetia~on T'+tle A19iGUNT B,a0 T-396 P.006/012 F-152 ~~! 1~~~i~~~ I~lll~l$~~~~it~ f~~~ ~~ ~i~ FOR VALUE R~CEIVEI] WSLLIN1454N I11Q~STM$i7',~'S, L.L.C., a IICah 13mit:ed liaba.7.ity e~~Y GRAN'T'OR(S), does(do) hereby GXtANT, BARCrAlI~T, S~.L AND GONvE`Y unto' ~$r~o Pxapsa~rss , xdaha genesral p~7CLnershfp G~F.AN'~$~(s), whose curremt address is: 1161 A]~.sa», POCe~r re, ID 8391 the fvIlowing destzibcd real property in aaa Co+xaty, Static ofTdaho, more parciculaTly descri~cd as follows, to wit: 'Lot 28 in Block Z of HONOR PA17K SUBDMSION N0.3, acoordiag to the official plat thereof, ~ileci in Book 78 of Plats at Pages $181 atld 8792, records of Ada County, ldeho. TD ~A,VE .AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their aPP~ees unto the said halos a~ad assig+as forever. And fire said Gxaazor(s) daes(da) hareby covenant to and with the said Graaue(5), tl~az Gr.+utoi(s) ig/ara the avraes(s) ~ f ~ ,~adesaitd premises; tlsa~ said premises axe freo firoxn an encaiDbramees p~CIlP'P.those tv wh%ch this conveyance is expt subject and those made, s~actd or done by the Caantee(s); amd subject m seservatlo ,ncLidin irrib*atwa and t~slity eracats, rights of way aad agreements, (if azy) of record, and geacrai taxes and assessaoeats, (' g assessments, if azty) for the cotxeaL ye , which are niot yet due a~1 payable, aad that Grsantos(s) wdl warraa~ aad defend the same fiom a],I~a~vful claims nylyatso. ~5,~Qd LLB Notary A.cknosviedgment - see page Z Exhibit A, Page 1 DEC-30-02 04:56P1d FR01~-~ce Gasser Kerl PLLC ~ ~,ar~~l:~rner~~~~. Transn~fii~n Escrow No. T02-B~k879 208-2 08 AYR 4NUai ~ ~~ BDISE IDAFiG 11~lDZ 04. ~ O~P~ ,1~nie Parcels `~ A~o~a_»au~st of AAl10UNY~ B.i~ }~yARRANTY D~~p T-396 P.O10/012 F-152 Ill 1~11'1111~11111~~t11lII#111 it Ill FQR 1/ALUE l~CE11/ElD y~z„pIA~5501Q T2~85T1~1TS. L.L.C., a IIt1h 13mi'Ced 7,xsbility aoxnpauy GRANTOR(S), does(do) hereby GRANT, B,p,~tGAII~', SELL ~iD CANVEY unta Axar,~o ~xos~~s, ass ~dabo geaBral ~,~faea•nh~ip GgBS(s), whose cun-e~t addras5 ~S: 116I tiiIISQH, POGAT~LO ~ ID 8321 the fallowing described xeal property in ~ida~ Cotmty, State of Idaho, wore pazti,culaxly described as ~a]~~s, ~ wih 'Lot 2$ in Block 2 of MOMdR PARK SUBDION NQ. 3, according to the official plat thereof, fil®d in Book 78 of P1axs a~! Pag®s 8'19'{ and 8192, pecords of Ada County, Idaho. v~o tlac said heirs and assigns forever. And die said T4 H,q,VE ANl7 TO HOLD the said premasos, wi'r~ their sppurt*.g /are the o s ~cn fee s le of said b coven~nr to 8Ld with the said Cnantee(5), ~s Grantor(s) ~ () ~ ~ Grantor(s) does(da) here Y BXCEPT.those t4 w]siab. ibis conveyance is expressly made iQeS, that said preosises arc fkC~ from st1. eacanabaaaces io ~eSCIYdiSOns, resrtictir~, deds~°04~ easements, subject and those made, su$ered or done by t'ise Gmnree(s); a~ ~j~ acracmP+Lts mtlodiag ration and ~#lity rights of way and agreements, (if artiy) of ~~ ~ g '~axas and ~_ , (~ le, and, tt~t Grantor(s) w~l warrant and defend tlve assesstt~eats, if any) for tha c~ux'Crlr ,which are n,ot yeT ~ ~ >?aY~ same fmm al}dawful olaims wh~at;a~, r.~c Natary ,Ackuowledg~eat ~ see page Z Exhibit A, Page 1 DEC-30-D2 04:56PM1 FR0~1-~ca Gasser Kerl PLLC 208-2~8 T-396 P.009/012 F-152 ~1a,:~RANTY Dt=~C • NOT Y ACKt VI~.EAGM>sn a ~~J: State of Utah, County of ~ 7 ~ ss. on this ~ day of November in the year of 2Qg2, before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said State, personalty appeared Kirk D. V~fill"~amson known or itlentified t0 me to be the person(s) vrhose name(s) is/are suf~scritaed t4 the within instrument as the Managing Member of Williamson Im-estrnerrts. LLC and aclataWledged t,o me that helstteltttey execx~ted the same as such Managing Member. Notary ~ Residing at: ~~~/~ ~ `~ My cornmissian expires: ~ ~~j.p. _ .,~_ M~TAgY Pti°L{~ ST~r~,tlu:aH Exhibit A, i?age 2 DEC-30-02 04:56PAd FR01~-~ce Gasser Kerl PLLC 208-238 T-396 P.O11/012 F-152 V,~~~RANTY D>=1*~ ~ NOTARY ACKt VL.,lGDGM>WNT(S): .~,. State of Utah, Gaunty a'F ~ ~ , ss. Qn ~i., ~ day of November in the year of 2002, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for sa'sd State, personally appeared iCrlt D. Wil>•iamson known or itienfifted tia me to lae the person(s) whose name(s) islets subscn'bed to the within instrument as the Managing Member of Williamson lnves>m~s,1.1-C and acknowledged to me that helshelthey muted the same 2s such Mana9in91ulember. ,~ ~ ~ Notary // Residing at: ~2~1Y.l1, 4~ My commission expires: ~ ,~`,7 ~J ~~- ~'~ ~~ ~al~T~,a~r p~~~uc sr4'~ _s u-aN . ~.,_- .n,...~_~N- ~,,..~ - ExhS.bit A, Page 2 DEC-30-02 04:5TPl~ FR0~1-S~e Gassar Karl PLLC Dec. 34, 2002 To Whozxx It May Concern 208-236 T-396 P.012/012 F-152 Albano properties, an Idaho general partnership, purchased that certain real property described as Lot 28 in Block 2 of Honor Park Subdivision No. 3 for the purpose of constructing and operating a wholesale and retail auto parts store. H. K. Albano General partner DEC-38-2002 04:18P FROM:~itary Seruices~ I 208-888-5052 ~ T0: 3789367 P:1~3 't "3~d Ju.l • a~d~ ~ n.a N C' 1 ~ ~~~.ut wd < < •v~~~ ryuw cr~eic-YJL-J~V FAC9, 31tANS1viI7TAL K*~ ~'Rl'O1tA'€1CaAT, YNC. "GBIVBRAL G~OriM'RACI'ORS" Nlziling Address; 237~~ hl. Cole Rd, SuitC+ D Boise, Idaho 837Q~ Phone: (2Q$) 378-8713 ~A'~ ,~ ~ - ~„~~ Fax: (20$) 37'8rF5b7 No, o€ pages: U~ d~ sheet) ~Ta; pax ~, ~,_.~~~'- s ,.- ~- isroject: ~ (.C rGS T u•~p t'A~~ 1~~ ~ Attn: From: l ~" +.,R~Illii~ii~~.~" . ~ L/ i i~~p~~~T m~rq'~ww~~ I~ ~..i ~ rl r7 A ~ ~ ~ a _ ~ _ ~~ I :~ '~ --~. o ab ~ 'P P T ~~.. IJ .A'~~ I 'r'l o Q t ~' x~ as ~~-r~~~-r- r'a.s, ~.Y1~,~,n a~ne.o~c~„ ~~tC~oP_E40~ S.~.L , Z0 39tld NC1Ilt1a0d~lOD Cif L9£68L£8BZ DE ~Si Z98Z/8£/ZZ DEC-30-2002 04:18P FROM: itary Ser~ices~ I 208-888-5052 70:3789367 P:2~3 ~;JJtICy ~ ••••y ••"-• ._•.__••__.7.5.11 MIOGh•V1H IYL.NM SrY~ilG-VL"J~V • ~ ~ ~ r~ ^ ~V ~ R ~ ~ 1 YYYY~ ~ ^ ~ ~ • ~^' .~I.^YI ^ ~ ~r • ~^ ~ ^ ~r YYYY" UIIF. ~--EXISTING SIDE-W1~LK it aw~•~a~ ~+ ~~'~ ~$ - t~T9aCK LflT ~ ~ ~XI$'IYNG FIRE FiYDRANI .-,.~ 9.9B' N X8'20'74" E 1 ~A\ ~/ f MI M I ~RDpM i6'-0" . ~ ea ~o.~r. UipHOUSE S'^Oti u-N HOOK ~ v~xaclF ~ ~aN 30.00' I ~~ ~^." ~rL/~l'I/GR • 7 ' ~~~ OF ~20~ ' lal 2~'-3 3/4" R M 11 0l M ei ~ ' ~" ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ 19+-Q~ f~ + ~j 1 ~ u q s' ~xr~uoEa cuao 0 °~ 1 d.~~F:~ f ~'-- ~ r ~ ~ ~ 1 • ~ ! ~K ~I1- ~ k , ` L ' ~ ~t I [ANC t~GRE ''• r a --O' 7ALL CFWNLINK ~- _ ^ . ~ .-,-^., rENCE w/ SLATS TRA$N .. ~'_QN N ^' „ rr_ ~~ . ^Y^~ AYYr . ~~ ~~ r YYw^^ ~ r ~ ^ ~ Aa•t~'n~•• 1~1 ~© ~~dd ~o~l~ao~ao~'r~, cgelsec~dez tis;~si zeez~ee~zz DEC-30-02 04:55PM FROM-S~e Gasser Kerl PLLC 208-238 T-396 P.003/012 F-152 CONTENTS OF CZC AP~LIGATION (Ir,eomplete ppplicatlnns will nor beprocessed) As applicatio~a for $ Certificate of Zoning Compliattee staaU be filed with the t?lannisag attd Zoning staff by the owner of thr property or the applicant of the proposed ~. The applicWion shall contain the following iufottt~tion: 1. ~• / ~I 3. V ~• v ~. ft• i ~" ~/ $- i 1 ~. )iU. Completed and signed CSC application form, The Ia4t deed of record for the abject propcriy. Notarized Affidavit of Legal [nterrest (attached). Four (4) copies of a detailed site plan, drawn to a scats of nat less titan 1°=50'. Also include an $'/~" x I 1"reduction. Three (3) copies of the landscape design in compliance with the I aadscape ~tdtoance, drawn to a scale of not less than 1 =50'. See attached tattdscape submittal requaements. Three (3) copies of irrigation performance specifications iu compliance with the C.attdscape Ordinance. Wrirtett appnuva! or a stamped bite plan from Sanitation Service Company (SSC) itrdieetiug that the dcsigtis of the trash enclosure and access drive are aeoeptable. A calculations table that shall iis! the number of parking stalls, building size, lot size, landscaping, open space sdtbaeks, fencing, scree-Dios and evverage. A written statement from the applicant detailing the proposed use(s) of the pavpCCty. Please list as tunny dcwils as po3sibla. A fee of $bQ.00. i ~,CIHm Acceptance: Applicttut rLall be respou9ible for meeting the requlremeute of AC141D as tiny pertain to this trpp4cation..~W itgpact fees, ii aay, shall be paid prior to the ietsuance of a building permit. Lf s>*y changes must bk mode to the site plan to accommodate the ACJi~D requlremenis, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of MeruliatA Pl><naiaE & Zoning peparpttept for approval prior' to the laonance of >< building permit. R~ v. 2/1/2 DEC-30-02 04:55P11 FROId-~ce Gasser Kerl PLLC 208-208 T-396 P.005/012 F-152 LANDSCAPE PLAN 5U8MIr rAL REQt;1l)TEM~NT'S Applk•>tbflity A!I applications for a Certiffcatc of Zoning Camptisnce (CZC) and t: iffiI Plat (FP) must cuutply witbt s1I requixexoettts of the 'Cotlt6Cttts' section below for a detailed landscape platt_ Applications for a Cunditioaal Use Pcnrnit (CUPS and Preliminary Alas (PP? are ~nuampt from rt:getit'emeats M. N. O, and P of the 'Contnots' section rand may instead nttow conceptual landscaping with tree locations Daly and concepttsat yer,~ersing sdructtites; atl other sacdons of the l~cape ordinance still reply. Pitta Stxr & Scale Thr landscape plan must have a sr:ale no smaller titan 1''°50' (I"=20' is preferred) sa4 bC on s standard drawing sheet, trot to oxcead 3S"x48" (24"x35" is preferred). A plan which cannot be drawn in firs euticery on a single sheaf must be drawn with appropriate nnatclt lines ext two or mote shcety. Ngmber of Capie!e The number of eopiee of the landscape plan that must hu $ttbmittad is shown on the Following schedule: • Contgdanat Use Permit: 10 copier Preliminary P1aP l0 c4pir.,t • ):final Plat: 3 Copies + Certificate of Zoning Cotnpliaace:- 3 Copies Conteiau The landscape plan shall cuotply with the provisiotu of this ordinance and shall includo the 3ollowiag elcaKn3s. A. .Date, Ye:ale, north straw, and title of tits project. !3. Names, addresrers and telephone numbers of the developer and the persoa/trrrsa preparing the plan. C. Fatisting 6otrttd:uirs, property llrres, and diatwsioas of the lat. 17. RG1~itiottghip W adjacent properties, streets, and private lanes. E. Far~zmtnts and right-ofway lines on or adjacent to the lot. 1. F.xistirtg/pr+oposed zotuog of the lot, and the zoning and land tree of all adjacent ~rapCYties•. G. !~,cisting natural features such as canals, creeks, drains, ponds, wetlands, floadplaina, high groundwater arras, and ruck otrtcroppin~. 1!'. Location, size, and species of all existing trees vn ate with trucks 4 inches or greater ~ diamcur, utesstt:rd 6 inchos abpvG toes gt+otutd_ CrtdiCato wh~Kher the trCe will be retained or t~ernoved. A statement of how existing ltealtlry trees proposed to be retained wi11 be protectetd franc damage during wnstructiun. y, ExlStitt$ ~t4tldittgS, sttut:tures, planting ar+~, light poise, power poles, walls. fences, br~m9, parking apd loading ase:as, rchitular driers, tzaslt was, sidcv+rallcs, pathways, stormwate:r detention uetas, siggS, street furniture, wad otherman-made elements. DEC-30-02 04:55P~1 FROM-S~e Gasser Kerl PLLC 208-238 T-396 P.006/012 F-152 Yv Existing and proposed contours for al! a7v~s steeper tbat120%, slope. klermq shall be Sltowrt with uno-foot cootouts. [„ $i -~e Ttiatst$lcrt ae d~f'encdm Sxtion 6 of this oe~n:l+OiW. M. Location and iabcls far all proposed plants. including trees. sitrt~, and grotta~davvcts. Scsln shown for plant materials shall reflect app~oxiasate matute sirq- N. A Pleat List that shows the plant symbol, gyaatity, botanical name, ComtTton name. ,~t.,t,.,~~.n p~ncing size anal container, sad com~rtts (for spacing, staltiag, and installation as appropriate). p. Planting and installation details as neceasasy to em~tuts confortnaace with all required $umdards. P. Qesign drewiags of all regtzircd ~cucturee for sct+eening ptupoaes. ' Q, Cakulatiaaa of project components uo demonstrate canplianrc with tht; te;eitwicaassnts of this ordinance, including: 4"><lC sad CZC Appli~tiotoa ^ Number u1 scree[ trees sad Iineal teat of suet fmntagc Width as streot ~butfas ^ width ufparYing lot periotctcr l^nciycape snip + Huffer width between different land uses Number of paudc'tng stalls and Percoat of parkit~ area with intcTOal laodscapiag Total numbor of frets eiud Free spxies mix Nlitigatioa for removal of existing rrzes RP ~d !~'P App~uas • W idda of street btt~r, iinea! fret of pact fsantage. sad pumber of scoter trees ~ Reyidentitt) subdivision Crew wcreage dedicated Far cowman open space • Num~bcr of trees ptovided on Common lot(s) • Mitigation for removal of existing try Laadacape Ply Preparttgaa Preparing a landscape plan tequir~ sp~eCial skiLLq. I.ettdscaping involves ~re than a simple arrangement of plants with (TFlgdtilon; pleats act: not haphazatdly Placed iut a way the tills up lettonrer y~acc. Lastdreapn plans should be attfulty and roechaicuily argamzed in a way that eoaveya aobereaee, design, and organization Tice luodscsping should etahance the physical environment as we11 ax the project's aesttoetic cater. Also, requiring pisn~t prc~rvd by a Ltdcape pro&ssiotml miciwr-izes the 17teLhood of trees dying or ittterfeting witEt ether adjacent site lvntxtres. therefore. All IartdsCapc Plugs shall be prgaarCd by a leadseapz at+ehitoct, la<tdscapd dc3igndr, ar tttoylified nurseryman R~ v. 3/1 n)2 ., „~-~T~ti„.-,„i,-u~-~~~ rnrrnrrnnz nr'i'T rao7rnTfTT DEC-30-02 04:56PM FR0~1-S~e Gasser Kerl PLLC 206-236 T-396 P.007/012 F-152 CF1txIFtCAT1r OF ZUNING CgMPL1ANCE 8ti PLAN REViEw CkiirCKx.XS'i' City o[ Meridia~o ite~ 2/1/Q2 p~;ect; ~„~^ Review De=_ ,l _ I Coohet: -- - - - _ -- _ _ --- Zone SitC Re~iewlConforming EletgeatS Cammeatc Com r * Project must comply withal! approved permits, plats or Development. Agreements cusociated with the lot or rcel. 1. ZoniAg District (permitted use, GUP, AfJP, variance, etc. 1. Flood laic District ~. i<,andsca in Mu4t be in compliarlre with the the Laudsca a Ordinance A. O[[-Street Parkian~ ~~,., a # of Stalls dimensions etc b) Hamdicap Stalls {van accessible, aislos, si a *e c} Aistes (width, location) 5. 'rash Areas s) Location b) 3-Side 5creenin 6. Uade wand ire' atioa 7. $idrwalks/Patta9 8. Streets (IZ/W dediegti~oas, etc,) y. ~.ot [tega~irements a) Lot A~rer (note restrictions ore use of undrn+ela ed rtion u tat) b) Brener 1=rootage c) Setbacks d) Coverage l0. Feucsng__.~-~.._ 1l. Fee of 360.00 1. ACRD opprovaJ letter required jot curb cuu, road widerrfr~ far all >lew projects. P. Pres~~rized irrigation c~trrr be waived by City Council only if eo water rights exist to se+bject property or developer deeds lane! to Ciry fvr a well. 3. Ciry will permit o>re haafc-up to ntu~ticrpal water for irrigation per sire. 3. Trees muss pmt be,planted in Ci4Y water or sewer epsements. - 4_ A,ppJicunt must subunit ce c:opy of recorded deed or plat as evidence of the road dedieatioprior to CGC issuance. ~~ •- ~t J ~G .. ~ ` Q,,~. 1~,~L9 L' IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS PER ORDINANCE 1Z-13-8 NOTE: submit 3 copies of this completed form with arty application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Project Name: Specifications: Available Gallons per Minute: /~ - /z~ ~~ Available Water Pressure: ~~ d5~- Point of Connection (describe and/or submit a site plan): • Primary C:nnnectinn~ /1~ ~ 1. J~ f~~.G~5~/,Q/Z • Secondary Connection: Landscape Area: If the irrigation system is hooked to City water as a primary or secondary water source, submit the square footage of landscape areas to be irrigated: s.f. Backflow Prevention A Backflow prevention device must be installed as required by City Ordinance 9-3. Coverage The irrigation system must be designed to provide 100% coverage with head to head spacing or triangulaz spacing as appropriate. Matched Precipitation Rates Sprinkler heads must have matched precipitation rates within each control valve circuit. Irrigation Zones Sprinkler heads irrigating lawn or other high-water-demand areas must be circuited so that they aze on a sepazate zone or zones from those irrigating trees, shrubs, or other reduced- water-demand azeas. OverspraX Sprinkler heads must be adjusted to reduce overspray onto impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, and parking areas. Additional Irrigation Notes: Irr~ation Required All landscape areas regulated by the City Landscape Ordinance (12-13) shall be served with an automatic underground irrigation system. Additional requirements affecting pressurized irrigation systems can be found in City Ordinance 9-1-28. Irrigation Water Source Use of non-potable irrigation water is required when determined to be available by the City Public Works Department as regulated by City Ordinance 9-1-28. If city potable water is used, a separate water meter is recommended so the owner can avoid paying sewer fees for irrigation water. Potable water shall not be used as a primary irrigation water source on non-residential lots with more than %2 acre of landscaping. Year round water availability is also required by connecting to city potable water or an on-site well as a secondary source. Certification: I, ~v~ ~. ~c° ~ ~~y , do hereby affirm that any irrigation system installed for the project mentioned above will be designed and installed in compliance with the specifications and notes stated in this form. Applicant's Signature 3 / ~Z Date ~. ~, ~~~~~ ~~ ~; ~ ~ Z . .. ~~ ~f n 6 ~,~ ~ ,gam/' S1; Ls~ F • Memo Ta Mike Falash Friona Steve Siddoway ~1~~_ Date: 9/12/02 Ree Alternative Compliance-Contingent Approval I have reviewed the requested Alternative Compliance and have found it to be in conformance with the intent of the Landscape Ordinance. • No reduction has been requested to the street buffer or rear buffer between land uses, each is shown at 25 feet from property line. • No reduction has been requested to the 5-foot buffer along the east property line. • The requested reduction reduces the distance on the west boundary from 25 feet to 10 feet. However, an additional 10'-6" separates the property from the park entry road. • The requested reduction is eligible for Alternative Compliance given the space limitations created by such a large buffer requirement on a single lot. Also, the applicant is working with the Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District (NMID) to overcome conflicting policies that would prohibit trees within the buffer. • According the application letter, NMID has agreed to the planting of trees in the 10-foot planting strip, provided an agreement is drawn up stating that the property owner will be responsible for repairs if the trees damage the irrigation line. The owner has agreed to those terms. Based on the above fmdings, staff concludes that the applicant has made every reasonable attempt to meet the intent of the Landscape Ordinance. Therefore, the requested Alternative Compliance is approved, contingent upon receipt of the written agreement between NMID and the property owner. ~alas~ ~ Ross September 4, 2002 City of Meridian Planning and Zoning Department 660 East Watertower, Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Corgiruction, RE: Lot 28 Honor Park Subdivision #3 Alternate Compliance Approval To Whom It May Concern: This-fetter is written in request for approval of a variance on the minimum buffer widths required on page 21, table 9.5 of the City of Meridian Landscape. Ordinance. This requires a 25'-0" landscape buffer between a park and retaiUwarehouse use. We are requesting a reduction to 10'0" on the west property boundary. Our south boundary shall remain 25'-0" from the baseball park. {see attached site plan). Our request for this variance is based on the following items. 1. We will be providing a 10'-0" landscape strip with trees at 35'-0" and sod. The city on the west side of our boundary has a minimum of 10'-0" landscaping to the curb which will give a total of 20'-0" landscape buffer to the road. About midway down property the road turns to west thus providing even more landscape area. 2. The road and information center parking is between this property and the usable portion of the park, thus txeaiting a buffer to ifie park well over 75'- 0"+/-. 3. Met with Bill Henson of the Nampa and Merddian Irrigation District to review our proposed landscaping in the easement. We Iocabed the property boundary, and drain boxes and lines which are shown on plan. They approved the planting of trees along our 10'-0~ strip but would like an agreement drawn up stating tike new owner to be responsible for repairs if new trees damage or disrupt the underground. irrigation line. The landowner has agreed to these terms. A plan has been submitted to Nampa 8~ Meridian Irrigation District. General Contracting ~ Commercial • Residential • Architectural 149 S. Adkins Way, Ste. 101 • Meridian, ID 83642 208-288-2178. • 208-884-1201 fax r a 4. Meet with Tom Kuntr of the Parks departrnent. They have plans to do the improvements along our western boundary (the parks east boundary) sometime next year. He was not totally sure exactly what they would be doing, i.e. sod, planting, walks, a#c. A plan has been submitted to the Parks Deparbnent. With these items, we feel that a variance of this buffer along our west boundary should be granted. Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning our request. Thank you. rinc~rply IuIAFr~ab cc: Keith Albano (Owner) j~~~ -~'~~''" Ada County Highway District ..~. Susan S. Eastlake, 1st Vice President Garden City ID 83714-6499 Dave Bivens, 2nd Vice President Phone (208) 387-6100 John S. Franden, Commissioner FAX (208) 387-6391 David E. Wynkoop, Commissioner E-mail: tellus@ACHD.ada.id.us TO: K-J Corporation Inc 2316 N. Cole Road Boise, Idaho 83705 January 16, 2003 R~°~~D SUBJECT: MCZC-02-068 Auto Parts/sales/storage Lots 28, 29 Block 2 of Honor Park # 3 'JAN 21 200 CITY OF I~~f,IDi PZA1v1~1INCr ~ Z®la~l~ The Ada County Highway District (ACRD) staff has received and reviewed the application and site plan for the item referenced above and is submitting this no review letter in response to the lead agency's request for comment. Based on the submitted information, it has been determined that the proposed development improvements exist (or to be constructed with Honor Park No. 3 Subdivision) adjacent to the site and ACRD has no site improvement requirements attributable to this application. Honor Park No. 3 plat note #15; Lot access to East Franklin Road shall be only at the three (3) shared approaches delineated on this plat unless such access is specifically approved by the Ada County Highway District. No additional access to East Franklin Road was proposed with this application and no additional are approved with this application. If the, site plan or use changes in such a manner that more than 10 additional vehicle trips per day are generated, then ACRD will review the site plan and may issue requirements based on the ACRD Policy Manual. ACRD policy requires that before any improvements of any kind are constructed or installed within the public right-of-way, a permit or license agreement permitting the improvements must be obtained. All future design plans and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACRD Ordinances unless specifically waived in writing by the District. Meet District drainage requirements per section 8000 of the ACHD Development Policy Manual. Contact District staff at 387-6170 for details. Please contact the office for determination of possible road impact fees, prior to obtaining a building permit. These fees are collected in accordance with Ordinance #197, the Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6170. Sincerely, ~~ ~ De elopment Analyst Planning & Development Cc: Planning & Development/Chron/Project File Planning & Development Services City of Meridian Construction Services Albano Properties 1161 Wilson Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Michael ; Falash Architect 149 S. Adkins Way Meridian, Idaho 83642 DEC-30-2002 04:18P FROM:~itara Services I 208-888-5052 ~~~P~RIiW IRfi. EK15T1NG StOEMW.K 70:3789367 P:3~3 .. ~ ~ r L1dT ~9 - $!~K !.~ k~f1571N0 F11~ FfYERM1T . ". I~ 4 , 1 fi9~.'3$' M $9'2'24° E . I 4 ~ ~ PIJWYER `~ r ~. r I ~ 'o ! ~ (Q S S pUWT£R w 'e s'-o" c~c wN.u O ~' ~ ~ w~ z" TvRrroovm t ~ 25'-3 3/4' 3,440 SO~FI'. J~--•'--y ! ~YIROOM n lUl ~i II ~ -----~-- --------^---~,,,.~ ~ ~. pp ~ 19'-D' ~~ ~~Iw,' i ~6~-0" , r ~ ~" ~ b - ~t o ~ a ~ . '~~ • I " ,~•-Q. ' e . oawC. 7 ~ ~~48 O P{JWTER j ~ ~ / / '11~P.4~ (81 YAN DOQR / ~ ~ r j DOOR / ~~ G V6HI~LE ' ~ I "+ ~ CONC APIV4IV r ' ' " ~ ~ I 23 -O \ r a TYP, ~ 1...~ ('3) SPACES I \ t •, ti ~ .~ ~ 4 rrr~ ~".~.~.~I~~~frGa+I~r w~ w.p+.p~ ~~~+"rwrr_~• • ~r~• IJ.~10~ 7 V~'3~~Z~y ~d"~MiM~lh~. Z0 39tld NOIlti?JOd21oa-r~ L9E68LE8B~ 4k;~91 z00Z/9E/ZL