Meridian Crossroads CZC 02-065 HU13 OF T'lZEASUI21/ VAI,LI~ iviAl OR ~ A Gcxrd Place to hive LEGAL DEPARTMENT Ronert D. Come (208) 288-2499 • Fax 288-250 L CITY~~L~N~ILMEMBERS CITY OF MERIDIAN B[,lLl)INU`I Ef'ARTME;N"I' Keith Bird (208) 887-221 I • Fax 887-1297 y ' Cherie MM can tee 33 EAST IDAHO PL~1 ~EPARTME~,oNING William L.M. Nary MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 884-5533 • FAX 888-6854 (208) R88-4433 ~ FAX (20R) R87-4813 City Clerk OtTice Fax (208) R88-4218 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: December 16, 2002 Owner: Developers Diversified Realty Corp Address: 3355E Fairview Avenue (,pad P-7) Proposed Use: A 6 000 square foot multi-tenant retail building and associated site improvements Zoning: 1- Comments: Scope of Development: The issuance of this Certificate of Zoning Compliance is valid only for the construction and improvements related to the 6,000 square foot multi-tenant retail building. The project is subject to all conditions of the approved Conditional Use Permit for the Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center. Approved Plan: The Site Plans (Sheets 1 of 1, drawing date 11/26/02, prepared by Quadrant Consulting, Inc), date stamped "approved" 12-17-02, are approved as submitted. Si~nag_e: No new signs are approved by the issuance of this certificate. All new signs require a stgn peanut from the City of Mendnan prior to installation. Temporary signs are prohibited, and shall be removed within three days notice. Landscaping;: The Landscape Plan (Sheets L-1, dated 12-04-02, prepared by The Land Group), stamped approved 12-17-02 are approved as submitted. The landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to site plan permitted; prior written approval of all changes required. Parkin :Off-street parking is approved as depicted on the submitted and approved site plan(s). All handicap parking, signage, striping and ramps must be designed and constructed to current ADA standards. Im ag tion: The proposed underground, pressurized irrigation system shall be installed as submitted. Occupancy: All site improvements must be completed or bonded for (at 110% of the incomplete • amount) prior to P&Z Department signature of Certificate of Occupancy. Lighting: All new lighting, whether attached to the building or placed within the parking area, shall not cause glare for or otherwise impact the traveling public or neighboring developments, as determined by the City. ACRD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACRD as they pertain to this type of development. All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACRD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning and Zoning Stafffor approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Plan Modifications: The Site Plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site plan are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. City's failure to specifically ident~ requirements in this Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not relieve owner of responsibilityfor compliance. The site plan( stamped 12/17/02 are approved with the comments noted above. ~,~J M`k--~-- David McKinnon Planner II *Receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected imgation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, etc. This certificate shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. C 1 .~ * • CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning & Zoning Department 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste. 202, Meridian, ID 83642 ~~ (208)884-5533 Phone / (208)888-6854 Fax ('FRTiFi['ATF nF 7nNiNG C'nMPi.iAN(:IG;.(C'7.(') APPi.iC'ATinN (Section 11-19-1, Zoning and Development Ordinance) PROJECT NAME: f~0 P~-' ~e~D/f1~/ ~h'a~SR0~1~5 SIJd~,pr~q' ~~~~.~ ~m ~V ~S APPLICANT: ~tV~ZO .~ ~ ~/C~' h~%~D ~C°/9~7~/ ~~J , ~ 0 7~BC6•~c~77 S' ~'~e~2~OP~c~'T' St~v/LNG, LLC: ADDRESS: 3300 ~NTz~~rzisc' ~ig,~~r4v ,~~~h~~, 4fi` ~'f~/2 ~ PHONE: 2/6 ~~.~3 - .~® FAX= E-MAIL: OWNER(S) OF RECORD: ~~Z~p~,~S ~~/c~Sl~~ ~~~~~Y ~~.~ ADDRESS:.3300 L-/~f ~1~Z~SL° ~/igie~G(~/9Y .~°~+%1iGlX~o~CI O~ ~y/2 Z PHONE: Z/6'75,~ =S-SOU FAX: E-MAIL: ARCHITECT (IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT): ~5~~/ S ~~ A~DRESS: ~~~ s, .~00 GU~ S,~tT LrA-f~t' ~ rye ~ t~y~O7 PHONE: ~~- ~O6 y~~,~ FAX: E-MAIL ADDRESS, GENERAL LOCATION OF SITE: ~-~`~`~ E' F~~'~y~~ ~ PVC, DESCRIPTION OF USE: I7IvL'7 - ~ ~ti~~" /~~~L '8y/~c%r/~' - ~/~~~~ u~ /~iN ~~~/Oi~ C~vsse~~'ds' S.~vp~ivy L~.u~z~~z PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: ~L '~Lo~in`'`~''~~ U`ft P~,P.~~T I, do hereby affirm that I will agree to pay any additional sewer, water or trash fees or charges, if any, associated with the use that I/we have applied for, whether the use be residential, commercial or industrial in nature. Furthermore, [have read the information contained herein and certify that the information is true and correct. (Applicants Signatur (Date) ~ Rcrv. (1Fi_l ~ O! r_ _ . ' r , ~=; ~N ~ ~ PMIZ' 21 COMO[UTION w•~R~N1-l' Dt:GD I~or v,t„c Itcccrvcd GEvfTO~ E., (~C.. a corponrion duly or{;anizccf and _i,snnf; urtdcr the laws of the Sutc ul (dales. ("Granto(') dots hereby Gnnc- f3arga+n. SCII u)d (on~cy unto •TEC,~t nSSOCL\TI-.5, I.LC.) l,uh 1)mitcd IiabtGry comlaany, ("(.;rzntcc~~ `~hosc curtcnt address ,i <« I.. S00 i Suuc X00. i,lt I.akc City. (Jtsh Bd 1 11, tl,c .`ollowing dcscnLcd rc,l cstatc .~nthur the city of Meridian. IAal,o. w•`~~t 1'arccls 1, 1, and -1 as dcscrilacd oa Lx})ilaits .~•1, .\-?, end A~;. rrspccu~cly, attached lacr•cro ind incoRaoratcd huctn by ttus rc(crc~cc, all of which propcrry is located in t}ic Nocthwcst Quancr of $ccaon 9 u, Y ownthir i ~Iottts, R.nngc 1 [atC 3oi:c Mctidien 1 O I l.t ~/t: ~f~C) 7 O IiOL.D lLc said real tuolrcrty •witlt all appurtenances (,ncludu)g, but not limited ro all `ti•acc, n°ht; or o~•ncrsl)ip aatcrests ut any ini~ation dist)ict; or c.ntiUCS) unto the sort C;rintcc, its heirs ,nd asngns (orc~cr. and the said Grantor dots hr_reby co~~enant to u)d ~t'ith said Grantcc that it ,s the Owner u+ fcc sin,I,Ic o(,au1 (ul ,:torte and that said real cstatc it fret and elect of all cescracati. rcsuutions. ano cncun)t,ranccs except { Rcscn•atioos o[ catccpdoos ut patents of in acts aud,orizinS d,c )ssuancc thcrcol•. ) Gcncral Taxes (or the vest ! 998, a Iran but not vet due and payable Vc~au`'c c,ascntCat and Rrsnictions cooUincd u, Wamnry Uc_o, anti the :crnas and condidoas durto(. In Favor of State of [daoo ILccordcd lanuatry .s. 1956 lnstrumcnt Vo. 189tdG a /~grcczacnt end Qac terms and cooditioas coutaincd t1)crcrn: Octwccn Gcorgc C. Stang and Hannah \V. Stang, husLaud and wire and C.1(. Stewart and 1~licc F Sicwart, husLano auci .vi Cc Recorded ScntcutbcY '_, 194 lusnumcnt `10. 1Gd i )1 1.ur})osc lm~ation Uttch nght•o(-`may a ~lincrats and virtctal ti~l(ts as resu~cd to L1,IcaC Indust:us (.ur,nrdnon, a \cbn,ka corpo,ation- Ly Spccisl ~~an'anrv Occd recorded .\csusr ) 1 I)^0, as lnstrumcnt Vo opn:0<~. rc~ords Ol ,\Ja County, lJ.alw , t Otcrc)w~ I IC)i~+ w,~flFC,~hTY OCr-.~ I +(, QG+o98`t~•••v,~c`co•,• hid. dccAl o: ~s uv 1 : ~,. r _oa )>ov r' ~ ,t_t.t s~CE Tt Tl_E dous. uuY G (;~scrntnt and Urc tcrtnt and condiuonS ttscrco(. In Favor of Mountain StJtCS Tclcphooc and TclcenphCornpany + corponpon furhosc Comu~uoicadoo Tacilidcs and locidcnrxl f ur-roscs Rccordcd lunc 28. 1990 Inslnrmcst No 9034208 ) vc-;arr~c Esscructrts. Condiuont, ccttricuons ants access nOhts conuuud u, Urc Uccd to lLc Sutc of Idaho Recorded l~o~cmbcr '_5. 1988 lnscrun,cnt Vo 8B579S0 o(rrcral ltcconis. Md ~mcndcd by EXChan~c Uccd recorded Apnl 5 1994. as lnsuurucur .Vo 940)2$01 8 (.aicrncn[, utd Usc Tcnns and Conditions Urcrco(. In I-a~or of (.; .5. West Communicwons, Inc., a Colorado corl,ontion f'ur-,osc Construe rcconsavct. operate. rnarnt.,u,. end rcroo~c tclccommunications (acihr,cs !?.ccordcd l~Sey ?4, 1994 lnsuununt vo 940n8)00 t) E.ascmcnt. and tLc Toms and Coodioons Urcrcof In Fa~•or of City of ~(ctidiarL .~da County. Icf.~ho I'urpo:c l'uolic Uoliocs Rccxdca ItL-sc ~, 1994 lrtssrurncnt No. 940 ~ i ifi~ 10 [:+scn,cnt. aad tLc leans end Coodrnons drertot In F,~or of Idaho ['oWcr Company, a cocpontion I'ur-,csc I'o'n c: [.rocs and lnciacl:;.,l 1'urFsoscs 1Lcc~rd:d >c:;us[ (0, 1995 Ituuuu,cot No. 950S:g2? I ! [~.ascrucat and U,c tcnns end conditions thereof In fagot of .\di Cou:sty ({ifthwa~ Uisuict P•~t~sosc Tcasporary access road bcn~cco U,c prouoscti Cross[oads Subaivisioo `10. ~ and ~airVic.~ nvcnuc Rcc ~n-co Ucwbcr 1, 1997 lnsus.rncnc ~:o. 9-081011 I? ltr~hts and ustctcsts of Urc Narupa•~(ctidian lnssenon Ulttrict 1'. F.ascr:rcntt and ~~hu ol~way lot or assocutcu w•,cL urigation tic ,<s and (~crht~ct sp->ti cnn~ un Urc abo~c •dcs.:ibcd real estate I ~ f as. n,tnts and n^lrts asincratcd witl: Uc~ dr~crsron ,uucurrc fur a pl ~sturc n:~l~aunn ;~stcrn ` uulizcd lr~ Cmssrontts `.uLdiYision i.(tltNO1tnTlUN w•~K1t.~NiY l)F.I.U ' 1, g4U,`1d li<m.n i.<v o.p - a ' n. vr- • i 96 v9 t5 f~:~ t:06))a9)°' ~I.LI~~C(; flfll ®OU1.009 0: I1~ vJT"(~~[SS \~{~=0f . rJtc Grzruor, pursuant to s Rcsolution of its Doatd of pirccrors l~s c ~uscd us cor}~oratcpnsr7,c to oc i~crcttnro subscnbcd by its ('rci,dcnt sod its corporatc scat to be affixcd by ns Sccrcury t)us . U 7_`_, day of lunc, 1998 GE!~sfUNl:. I1~C: Iltomis T Wrigtst. 1'resiocot t ~~ w ' ---- -------- i~sward l cg's, Scucurv STnT1:OF [D.~J(O ss (:ount~ or ~\da i (. On Qtis ~ day of Junc, 1998, t~c(urc mc, c ~ocs[y ('uLlic to aoC At Snid Sutc, oct~onally apocs.rcd TEIO~'L.'~S T. WRIGQT sad EUw~~.ILU L. E3EtuS,hnown to me to be U,c ['restdcnt anA Sccrcwy o(thc corpotatioa ttsat cscccutcd this tnsautr.cnt or cnc pcrsoos who cxccurcd U,c insovmcnt on bchal(o( said corporation, arul ac!cnoWlcdgcd to me that such cocoorarion cxccurcd the semc. ~NL$$ \tlFCL•RJ:OF, I ha~c hcrctuno scr my lund and a{Gzcd my oi5cial scat tJsc day and yczr m tl,tt ccrn(~catc fuzt about w,riacn. 1 _; ~_ ~ Notary PuoGc for l~i}ro~ V ! ~ r `c - Rcsitiins z[ v c-~ V ~s.,Sy o.-. o ~ ti Cotouiission cxpires L ~ ~ y O ___ = L C - i~.I~ E L . .. ~. ,' b~t~, c:(~(irolt,~~rl~rr ~~ •~JZIt•~ ~ r,r r,r l i i ' • vs o9 .s r,t r:us~soess: ~~tl~vcc: rln.r' o~ ~OUi uu~ :~--~ -_ ' • ~~~'• I-I_U~E3l.E E~IGINEcRING, INC. r' _ -- .. / r q.°_C :c''c~ Cwr. _c~_c :Gary 3'%GS a~G_°`c55i r:x ~7or': C~OSS(~On05 CCMME:~C,n~ n f~F-~:C L G~ l~-.NC lG'C ~. ~ ~_ ~ IN T r~ ~n/ES ~ Ir< Or i ~iL .v`~/:/1 OF= ScC i .ON n ~~ ,N ~ : _ l..VI.. AOF, CGI.'N ~Y_ ICnliO. MCf2c F'nR iCU~~! Y CESC~I(3E7 aS r=0t_LO`NS C0v1MCNCING ?. i ~ H~ CORNE.=t CCtiIMCN TO ScirTiONS 4, ~. 9 :SING ~ ~'.E Sr\10 ScC ~ RCN S. Cr=cGM '/`/I=IC ~ Tr;c t/= CCFiNE=.~ C: r~IMON TO S~.10 ScC%,CNS ~ ~.NG ~ ~'cAF,S S:.UT:J S ;'OE''<<" V~/ES7. ?~•"-S.15 ~_~ r . T'r:ENCc SCI; T.= 0.'Cp'-."~/'~E~ ~. 155.21 F_r (~r'ftP/I[~! YOE~C.°.IC~7.~.s 5: v-:: • ~o0'le"r/`/~5-. SSA . 1 ~ F .. . O ~ FGIN ; : i ~;E=NC ~ SCl;7-:- ?p ` ~ t'~J" E~.ST ~ J.CC : Ec- ~ O ~ ~C ~`10F'~T~;`NE- ~ COF<NE~ C`- 1_CT ~ '~t_rJCX 2 CF= C•~CSSnOA~S ~JCOfVIS~GN vC. . n` `=,~~:~~.= I` .=c~~OF~Cc~~ .N _GGK ~~ GF ('~_~~ S. -,- ;-l~C~i_ ocr=L ArVO G~•1~. it~C~:(~(;S C;f: ;t:~r~. CCI:N i (, :(:'r~l-:O S.::U `-=CIN : :'c!NC i I-~_ Ft~,L FOIN t CF GEGINN(NC: lr-'_~:(_.: `~l_C'NC 1f:~c,c---=~(_Y -.:Lr-~.7( ~/`/r'~~Cr.V c_=•L:..-rtOi~(~(CTr: -~vC~ ~::C'i:i 2::':1•=C~' :_:S- ocJ 1.- =c-T -„ r; ~Glrv-- ~ ~ =~C ~ S:.U ~ ~ tee' ~ .tiE~' -E_CNC -1-L ~':T~NOE'~ .,.~G ~nIE~ . ~:.`~ FGI:wC~F~" C` ~.=1G C~CS:.~~.::~C S::E3CI~iIS;ON .vC. n CIS-~.NC~ CF 5~~..2 _= i i (~ •\ ? ,rN- CN i ~=c VCr=. .-~.1'_~' ~IGr ~ -.,r=.'~/'lr.•• GF ~ (=ccjlG~rV i .~~ (: %.I V ~-_cVi-` :~._ ~c,-=-.'l...vC S:-:~. %1:C~= -:;~- r!,:'.',a~(~ --_ '-r=.C CF r. VCN• I nrVGcrV i r' JF.•/c . C 1:-a:. ~_= i . -;,=V'~IG .-..::-CIUS J~ i`_c'.'_~ - __ ~ n C=~1 t :~:.1_ r ~VCLc G~ c~' <<'~2'. r.NC =• ICNG C ~CP.C =E~.nIVG ~VC~.-~ ~c ~C2'_c.. r/VES ~ Icc cG f"==- .C =SIN-, ~(:[rVC`~ .ICP. -i ~c _ ~J ~/rST '~:, .C •-c= O ..-.E. J: U ~'..c COFiNC~ r'~ s.llc ~c- : c•_.cx 2 CF c:=.cssnc.\c~ s~cclv:s;c~ vc ~ .r:~,(-.~ '~ ~~~_ •~1.`..r'r: ~ 'E: ~\(i(. (.1 ..:li~.~/`: fit- ~ .r: 1 .-.r- i 1=:\`J!N(: r' r L•\~; Il. ~ (~ `- /' ,`C = ~ =! •- (: `.: V :~,t l ,t `Gl.:= O( 7O C(r~CC' ,' ~• ~' .ONC C ~Gf?'_.•. ~=G. ~ :.~ r-vlll~l-r n .lll.`vCE TI:I~% • . - ~ `. - ~ ~=', f-{U~~LE ENGINEEF~(NG. INC. `•~ o~:C oo+r.c: C.:~~ - So.:r: Iccr.o c=~C~ ~' . _ +;, •,~~ 2Co/:~.occ~ ~~-.. rE.<<un~~ ~. ,9s2 (Z~1/ISc"-~~ E- _'RUn~`.' If3, l~af3 PnRCE_! ) CROSSROnOS CCMME(2CInL n ~P.f~Cc! C(= t.~,vC lCCai c0 IN Tl-; (= VVV•/4 Ur i'~-(: VW:/n Gr ScC~ION ;. 1~ ~.v , R. ~ ~.. 3.M . r.C~`. CCUN ;-`.'. 101:f'.O. tvIC~:E ?~,12TI(:::L~r~LY OESi.RIE_'ct7 .,S (=0L1.O+NS: COti(tiIE+VC:NG A. i I=E CORVE~ COMMON TO SCi, t IONS 4. $. 4 ANO t'IiE Sa10 ScCT:ON 9. F:~CM `/`/1~IC:-i T`:E llc CORNC~ C~fvIfl.IGN i0 5;.10 SECTIONS <.1NG ~ rE~rcS SOU ~ r c3°'Z?'tG' E•>ST, ~5~~.~~' ~~+: T'~EI~1CE jCl.'T:: fi5`Z'.C" E~.S i . `.C ~ ~.ab - = I i C ~1 POIN-. i i=EVCc SOU ir' 1 =0/:''1J''/`/CJ-, ~C.~/ ~= i t0 f1. cGINT CN i r~ SCI; i r'.ErcLY ~ZICriT•OF-+/Vn`.' O(' f-~;`-,VIEi`/ ~`/EVllc. ~n10 .~CIN ~E:MC T'r.f= R~~L F=CIN i cr• E3CC:NNINC T-L:VCE C,CN ~ iNUING SC L: ~~ :: ' 'UE?' ~ 3" '~/`rcST. Q~ ~. ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ J ,~ ~C•IV i GN i'ii(= c~C i F-iIO(: ~C'l.'~V;;::fi'! ~_:, tL= :. r- C•`'~OSS~=.G~:US SUE?C;'I`/ISICN NO. ~ nj (-iL=~ Ifs f?GOK r) C` _t."~~~ i: ==~.Cc~ 7`.'`) :\.V (: ~.r:: ic%C:rc(`~ Cf ~=.Of, CI.N-Y IOA1=(~ =CuC,= :~CNC 5=.10 =;: c=.iCf~. SCI.'rIC.~~~Y ~I~Vi= uCRi:. cc=~. _~..t~/cS . 1-.-;EtVC= C :r1-1~Vl:I,vG ;.~C•NG S X10 ~~=:GF (;CL"NG~=~•.' L'NE SGUT~- 1 ~ :_:vc~ (__~.+iwG ~.=lc c:c-_.--~:c(=.cc ~c.~.r~•~ ~ INC..vGf: ~ :: ~e -~ . _c.• ;,mss-. Cc0 .~ r"_ TO--=C,IN~ C•N ~E ==ji.=~Y =IG~;'~-C~.+r/!-Y :.` V. ~~GL= ~Cti~ fI=CNCE Ai_CNG S%-.IC ~IG~T-C-~.+M.~,`! VGt:T:-- U: 'CC'-~" E'S-. 4%'J .C =~=T C,` n i-CIN- r:;=~VCc VCS.-1• ~d ~:G'`::" =~5 ~ Ic ~ Sc r _.. (~ .a ?t,In ~ C~V i ~c ~c(~; -'(_=.t~ RIGS--~~ -'.+~iF Y Ur- =,=.r-..•~'C ~~ ;.•r=vC~_ r_~~C_ •.( .,.t~: SIC ..:G~:_./~ ~~~',-'' ~C~:•';- :~: ;` _- (=_-S • -'c ~ ~__ ' ~;(F.~R1T ~ J J ~r{ENCt_ woRTl-~ aa'~t~~o"wEST. fo.oe f=-==; r0-~ ~-'~~~.~- T:1CNCc ~ ~ °z ~-`~ n~ONG ~ r1E a,RC Or- n C~•r`/E ~ J ~~ fl•Gri i , t=AVING .~ ~.40tUS C~ 1.0.00 rc~ i . /~ CENTT2Al_ nNGI`~ O~ 50'GG~r~0" a,vC ~~ LONG I.rORp t?E4RING NOf:TH ~ ~'S t'SO° v~IEST, 20.2f1 F== ~ ~ C ~ hC'N rl{~,~r.~ Nonni , -o~~,o" cnsr. , ,0 00 . ~ ~ 1.. ^ _c~N... Tti{f_ruCE ~ 1.42 f EC- nt.ONG THE nIZC Ut= %. CU .`/c i'G ~ r.[. lc~; t'nVING n RI.UIUS O~ 20.00 ~~E ~ , n CENTR/~L nNGt.(= Uf' ~o'OG'CC ~. n,~0 n t.ONG CHORp frnRING NORni c~'S t'~c•° wEST. ~©.2U r-rrl ~ O -~ s=CIN TI'.ENCE NOR i I~ ae ' S I'SO'• wES ~ . I o. a9 = . ~ (~~ ~.r,lE ~~ '~ GESCn:~~~ a.~ IG.00 (=E~ ~ O i r{E REQI POMT OF ©EG~NVINC. CCMT.~~NIrvG 1 ;.~C` .~CR[S (~92.30t SCU~RE Fcm. SORE OR LESS. •. _ ~~ .~ r C r l~ 11_ ~ ~ T C C gym. _(9~ b ~Y ;_ ~ r ,3 O0 ,1 f,\ t'OS ))d7 )6 ,rrt~~cr rin;. t ~~u~ oo~ HU~38Lf~ EI~lG(NEEF~ING. I~aC_ -- ' y~\, __ --- --- ------_ _ __ ------------ _ r-. -tea ~u >c~er: • ~,. T _ c~ _Z-_.z }- / °_ :~ ~r.-,ci C~.,r- cO~SC ioaro 2)iG9 ~ --<~ ( /-r/ r ,c ~~ v?~:: oN .~G;1 ~-_ :'.`:r+ r ," _ ~f:llnf?Y 9. :S.E I'r2UlE(.1 r)t) 4CCOtCO r~nctc t:l..t c:tossrtc)nos cc~rnrnr =~c:nl- nfrnf~~F=L Cf='~~NO LCCa-~-~ (N ~~{L'vGt211(r-nt_.` C` ~t~E vwtr^ OF SECTION f 3N rZ 1s-.. El M nCnCOUNIY lOn1t,0 v1C~tC~ (=nft"'CUl_nf~lY ~E=C:~ISEJnS FCt10w5 \l TYE CORNCf2 COMMON TO SL(. ~ ICN <. 5. E3 n.NO ~ ~~(_`-~~IO ScCTtON COMME.~V~-1NC~ f"rZOM yvNIC1i ' r~ 1~~ CGf2NE~. COMMON i O ~-:10 SEC i tCN -r nNC ~ 6E'~rtS SOU i I, 3°'23'10- c X51". 2C`9.cS f=~~T: ~ r{C:VCC SOUTH 0°' =~?' .C" EaS ~ . 101 ~ 2E3 ~ ==T TO A rOIN- 1"::-iCVCc SOI, i }{ 1 'pb' 13' WES-. `c C ~ - _c tt r0 n r~~;IN i ON--rE SCIJT:--:rnl_'( RIGH i -O~ - wnY OF `nl(-~'~IE-'N n~ENUE. S,~IO I'OENT GCING 1 ~(E f~EnC PCINT OF E'EGINNING. 1TiE,VC'_nl.!)NG ,~10 SCU~ri~.=2l.Y fi1Gt{1 ~C;( ~W,~`.' SOU~r{ 39'.,r ~^- r'\S- 1C<0 f._;•.(:;: :~(:,1;,.{ CC`2`_C(: VJE:_i~ E1 .it ; c.: .(: ,~ i':IP:: i. ;'1 _~•E NC(c:-~ cc f r -l( ..--. fir.: `.ir.:Ui`lOP.Ei`. '.:.- ~;1' (:;2(~__~f2.).:O5 51/E!Ot\/1SIt`'P: - _ ., r -. n t 1=nGE:; ; , , ~ ,ENO ~ ~, E'.O C:Cr;f.(i~~ c `I" ,~On (:(i: ; ~: ~ : tr;,~l'C nt.~JNC -1{E r=X-=~OL\~ n,~)O ~OI:~~-. =C~',1GtE:.•r L'NE_ C•E= S,_O T1=EVi~c .-O :~ COIN. CE-.CSS~.On;)S SJC'GI~/ISICN NC NCRT1i d9'J`:'_:~ wCST :GEC ~ ~-~--' 11'E:NC;c_ NCfci11 1'CEl 1'_" E_•LS C31.i1. =-rl- ~-O -`{[ •-iE.=l..°JIN ~ CF Ejcr'iNNING C 7N i ~tr`nr:(:, '.rJ °`_ ,:C?.~ S IOC~.SCC ~CVn~t~ r: -(_ ~l MCRE OR '-_ ~= V`~CIJ , ~/ ;~l ~..~ . r S ;`-~ k ~ ,~~ '~ ~'~ o ~~. 7729 {~ o~ ~O*~ ~~ ~:Yl.~'i?1T 11 ~1 • •J `/ f},ENCc SOUTH t3°'~5.2ti. E/\S., a0?.. I? ~... i0 TH[ Rct1l. POINT OF (:E=vINNINC_ CCNI::INING 27 =_` :~CR~S. (Fil=~.?a~ ~QUn~E FEc~MOR~ OR ~~$S PFE_PnRE7 (3Y ~~UGE3LE cNCINf==:rZING. INC OtU'1 ~ S / 1S j F~ O ~ 29 = d~ ~~~~~S.9o. r GAS -/ ~ O F ,~ 1• ,~ ~' ~- c~ GGCIVwICRc:c~mm~-arJ G=~;=vR`.' G. C~I~'~ _~. P.! .S ,' -?s' I-iUBBLE ENGINEERING, INC. /_ ~.. ~ 9550 E3cthcl Coun (3oisc, tdaho 03709 . , ; t~~ I'rolcct No 99?.5000 [30UNOnRY OE_SCftl('1~ION (OIl ('VASE: 1 FAMILY C(=NT E_R, M(.RIOIl1N 200/J?_2_•0992. f=ax 200/3~0.0~29 January 4, 2000 A parcel of land located in U,e Northwest t/4 0( Section 9, 1~.3N , R 1 ~ . E3.M., Meridian ~~r13 County, Idaho, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Section 9 from whidr the Wesl 1/4 corner c,f said Section 9 bears Soutll Ot'OFl'42" West, 2Gg9.45 feet; thence South G4'35'27" East, ?.00.42 feet to a point on the southerly right-o(-way line of Wesl Fairview Avenue, as described t,y Exhibit "Q' of ~~rarranty deed Instrument No. 9907?OG4, Records of said Ada County, said 1>oinl being the RE=nL POINT OF E3EGlNNIr~G: thence along ~..,id southerly rinl~' of-way line SouUr ij~l'1.2'10 E_asl ". 317 a0 feet; thence North Fl7'S3'07" (.a ;(. `.;~.;'.) ,~ t tcet: thence South E39"1.2'10' E=~~st. `-i;~, /3 feet. thence leaving said southerly right-o(-way Irne and along the weslerty nghl-0(-way line o, (tecords Avenue, zs described by C_zhibit "C" of said warranty decd Inslrt,ment No. 99072t3GC. tl,e (ollo~ving courses: thence South 44'?_fI'35" Cast. 4 t 07 feet. tlienc~c South 00'25'00" West. 344.46 feet, thence South 9'55'31" East. G9 G3 feet: thence South 00'24'57" West, 24 1.74 fee( to a point on a non-tangent curve to the Ie(l, thence along said curve 54.01. feet. said curve travrng a radius of 199 E39 feet, a central ,u,gle of 1;'1.9'04" and a long chord of 53 bG feet which bears South (3'50'50" Casl; tliencc South t0'OE3'O7" Cast. Eti0.4E3 feet: thence Soutl, 07'20'43" Gast. 10 42 feet to a po,nt on the northerly boundary of Crossroads Subdivision No. 5. as f~lecl iri (3ook 75 0( ('tats at pages 7779 and 77f30, records of ,\<la County. Idaho. thence Icaviny said westerly right-o(-way laic and along card northerly boundary of Crossroads Subdivision No 5. North 139'35'3?_" west. ?_7.E3 44 feet to the northeast comer of Crossroads Subdivision No. 4, as fleet in E3ook 73 of ('rats al Pages 7519 and 7520, records of nda County. Idaho: • Iticnce leaving said norit~erty boundary and along tt~e northerfy boundary of said Crossroads Subdivision No 4, North (39'35'32" Wesl, 796. 15 feel to an angle point thereon; thcncc South 01'08'13" West. 62.50 feet to an angle point thereon; thcncc North 88'51'4 7" West, 287.8 t feet along said northerly boundary to the northwest corner of said Crossroads Subdivision No. 4: thcncc leaving said northerly boundary Irnc and along the wcslcriy boundary line of said Crossroads Subdivision No. 4 South 01'08'13" Wcsl. 7.91.48 feel to the most northweslerfy corricr of Crossroads Subdivision No. 1, as Glcd in Gook G5 0l Plats al Pages GG44 and GG45 records of /1da County, Idaho; tl~encc (caving said westerly boundary and along. tt~c wcslcriy boundary of said Crossroads Subdivision No. 1, South 01'08'13" West, 620.13 feet to a point on anon-langenl curve to the left, said point also being on the northerly right-of-way line of E. Presidential Drive: thcncc leaving said westerly boundary line and along said curve and said northerfy righl- o(-:ray linr_ 205.2.4 feet, said curve having a radius of ?_58.82 feet, a central angle of 45'26'0?.° and a long chord of 199.90 lcct which bcar<: north 66'013'49- Wcst: thcncc t~lorth 88'51'50' Wesl, 445.36 feet to a point on a langenl curve to the right: thcncc along said curve to the right 47 t 3 feet, said curve having a radius of 30.00 feet. a central angle of 90'00'32" and a long chord of 42.23 feet ~vhictl bears North 43'51'34" Wesr. to a point of intersection with said curve and the easterly right-o(-way line o1 Eagle Road as descrit~ed in warranty decd Instrument No. 8857970. records of said llda County: thcncc leaving said northerly right-ot-way Irnc and along said easterly nghl-oi-way line Nortfr I'08'4?_" Easl, 1589.77. feel to an angle point (hereon; thence North 58' 10'31" t=ast, 134.35 feet to the Real Point of E3eginning. contains 50. I 1 acres. more or less. Prepared by: NUE3(3l_E ENGINEERING, INC. S~~~I'1- uNpfG tST~ r ~~ 7Ul ~ .a ~ ~/ I/! o Q; ~ T OF t~~ ~ ~yC~ / . S C~e l/flc~cl~~nC~ots~oadt2lS'rS~/ramdycc~rcr~0o~n0ary Oca t'atrick J SChcI~C(. t~ l•- S 11i03~0: 10: 2d FAY 218 5 167S DEVELOPERS DI~'ERSIFI~ ~ 002i00J `/ DEVELOPERS pIVER51FIE0 REALTY Joan U. Allgood Srmpi V.(! iq ~~irnl S!~ret~ry ~rU ue,c~a: Cc~nr' November 1 2002 Planning Department City of Meridian 200 E. Carlton Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE' Authorization to File Applications Dear Sir: V`Jlth respect to property ~,,~.;hln the shopping center Icoa`.ed at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and State Highway ~~ known as Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center, o!ease k)e advise) that Torn F3auwens i:> auttlorized to execute and deliver to the City of Merid,an the following documents on i~ehalf of TFCM Associates, LLC and Developers Diversified Realty Corporation 1 Applications for Certificate of 7_ oning Compliance and Conditional Use Permits, and 2 Any other documents or permit applications required by the City of Meridian for development of the Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center. Very truly yours. U JUA~eab cc: Tom Bauwens ;300 Enteronie Parkway / PO dog 213C41. BeacnNOOd. o~~c ~+r22 / 1 ro )i5 S6S6 /fax ? X6.75; X670 or 1 ~6J55 '6;u /jaUgood@ddre.com ~tiioaio2 10: 2a FA:( 21 1878 _• DEVELOPERS DIt'ERSIFI~ ~ooaiooa AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF OHIU ) SS: COUNTY OF CUYAHOGA ) I, JOAN I:. AI,I.GOOD, 300 Enterprise Parkway, I3~achwood, Ohio 44122, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says: 1. That TFCM Associates, LLC is the record owner of the property described on the attached, and 1 grant my permission to Tom Bauwens to submit the accompanying application pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Vieridian, Idaho, and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. Dated this 1 st day of November. 20t?2. TFCM ASSOCIATES, Li_C a Utah liatited liability company By DDR Family Centers I,P Its Managing Member By DDR DownREIT LLC Its General Partner By Developers Diversified Realty Corporation Its Managing Member ' ~~_ By: ft~~ //: ~~ Jo . Allbood, S nior Vicc President SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and yeat• first above ~-ritten. :: Not' ub11C Notary Dut)tic, rate of Ohio,;Cuya Lty. My Commission EiotrAS Mir. e:"2Oo~j •' . ~' CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY OF DEVELOPERS DIVERS[FtED REALTY CORPORATION The undersigned, loan I~Ilgood, hcreby ccrtifics that: 1. Shc is the duly clcctcd and acting Secretary of Developers Diversified Realty Corporation, an Ohio corporation (the "Company'): and 2. Each of the o(Ticers of the Company whose namc and signature appear below is a duly clcctcd, qualified and acting otrecr of the Company, holding the office or offices of the Company set forth opposite hit or her namc, and the signaturc set forth opposite his or her namc is his or her own genuine signaturc and which officers arc •uthorizcd to act on behalf of ll~c Company: Name Scott A. Wolstcin lantcs A. Scho(T David M. lacobstein Daniel B. Hurwitz latn U. Allgood Eric M. Mallory William N. Schafer Joseph G. Padanilam loltn A. Collier Title ChicCExccutivc O(liccr ChieClnvcstment Officer Presidcnt 6c ClticCOpcrating Olliccr Executive Vicc Presidcnt Scnior Vicc Presidcnt, Secretary 6c General Counsel Scnior Vicc Presidcnt & Director oC Development Scnior Vicc Presidcnt h Chief Financial Officer Vice President of Investment & Planning Treasurer signaturc Q IN WI1~Nl:SS WF{EREOf, the undcrsigncd has c<ceutcd and delivered ll~is certificate in the namc and ua behalf of the Company as of _. Ap r l L 2 , 2001 rJ ~-~ • ~GGL~t~ loan lgood,Sccrcta Tl~e undcrsigncd, David M, lacobstein, hcreby ccrtifics that Ire is the duly clcctcd and acting tresident of the Company and shat loan nllgood is the duly clcctcd and acting $eeretary of the Company, drat he is aodwrizcd on the Company's bclulf w deliver the foregoing eenificatc and that the ncrtters scl forth in the foregoing certificate arc true and correct. IN WIINGSS WHC•RL•Of, the undcrsigncd has ecccuted and delivered this ceitifieatc m the namc anJ on behalf of the Company as of ____ ~Qr/L/h/ 2, 2001 ~l/A ~~ ____.. I)a.•id M lacobst ,Presidcnt MERIDIAN CROSSROADS PHASE 1 CONDITIONAL USE COMPLIANCE i REQUIRED PARKING COUNT 3-IN DIA BUILDING AREA PARKING ~~`~ TREE SITE PLAN (SF) COUNT COUNT ~Eq) TOTAL STANDARD COMPACT HANDICAP HANDICAP-VAN (EA) ORIGINAL CU SUBMITTAL 616,418 3,082 3,052 2,991 - 54 7 830 SHOPKO PLAN SUBMITTAL 614,203 3,071 3,055 2,992 - 56 7 830 SHOPKO & TEXAS ROAD 613,447 3,067 3,057 2,994 - 54 9 830 HOUSE SUBMITTALS SHOPKO & TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, 1-H & 1-I 613,505 3,068 3,057 2,994 - 54 9 830 SUBMITTALS SHOPKO 8 TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, 1-H & 1-I 559,945 2,800 3,011 2,932 - 66 13 865 SUBMITTALS, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 556,746 2,784 3,017 2,937 - 68 12 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 558,016 2,790 2,999 2,919 - 67 13 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH 8 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 557,715 2,789 2,997 2,917 - 67 13 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 555,262 2,776 2,983 2,904 - 66 13 873 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH 8 555,729 2,779 2,988 2,907 - 68 13 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBI"S, CARL'S JR. FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE21.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: SUMMARY PAGE 1 OF 3 PRINTED: 11/15/2002 • REQUIRED PARKING COUNT 3-IN DIA BUILDING AREA PARKING (~) SITE PLAN (SF) COUNT COUNT (E,q) TOTAL STANDARD COMPACT HANDICAP HANDICAP-VAN (EA) SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & 555,021 2,775 2,986 2,905 - 67 14 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & 554,422 2,772 2,984 2,903 - 66 15 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, 554,819 2,774 2,981 2,882 18 66 15 873 APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, 554,819 2,774 2,958 2,875 3 63 17 873 APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, 546,530 2,733 2,946 2,863 3 63 17 873 CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK, FASHION BUG, MARSHALL'S, PEDERSEN'S, AIL-A-DOLLAR SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, 546,490 2,732 2,948 "2,844 "23 63 18 873 CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK, FASHION BUG, MARSHALL'S, PEDERSEN'S, ALL-A-DOLLAR, BAJA FRESH FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE21.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: SUMMARY PAGE 2 OF 3 PRINTED: 77H5/2002 REQUIRED PARKING COUNT 3-IN DIA BUILDING AREA PARKING (EA) TREE SITE PLAN (SF) COUNT COUNT (~) TOTAL STANDARD COMPACT HANDICAP HANDICAP-VAN (EA) SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE 545,796 2,729 2,947 "'2840 "'26 62 19 873 .RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK, FASHION BUG, MARSHALL'S, PEDERSEN'S, ALL-A-DOLLAR, BAJA FRESH, JOHNNY CARINO'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BEO BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S EXPANSION, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., 546,380 2,732 2,949 2,842 "'26 62 19 873 MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK, FASHION BUG, MARSHALL'S, PEDERSEN'S, ALL-A-DOLLAR, BAJA FRESH, JOHNNY CARINO'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S EXPANSION, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., 546,380 2,732 2,949 2,842 "'26 61 20 873 MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK, FASHION BUG, MARSHALL'S, PEDERSEN'S, ALL-A-DOLLAR, BAJA FRESH, JOHNNY CARINO'S, P-7 NOTE: CITY OF MERIDIAN REQUIRES 1 PARKING STALL PER 200 SF OF GROSS BUILDING AREA. "NOTE: COMPACT PARKING STALL COUNT REVISED TO INCLUDE ALL PARKING STALLS THAT MEASURE LESS THAN 9' X 19' INSIDE DIMENSIONS, STANDARD PARKING STALL COUNT REDUCED TO REFLECT CHANGE (4/25/02). "'NOTE: THREE ADDITIONAL COMPACT STALLS ADDED DUE TO AN ARCHITECTURAL REVISION MADE TO BAJA FRESH BUILDING, STANDARD STALL COUNT ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY (7/15/02). FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE21.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: SUMMARY PAGE 3 OF 3 PRINTED: 11N5/2002 ,~~ ' ~ _ ~ ~ j ~~ ,~„ ~ ~_ ~, '' a Wit. ~ ~~ ~ ;~ ~- , ~ ~, - -o ~ ~~ n _ -- ~ E! _ m _ ~-''.`~~~ ' c I ,ter 4r _ r ~_; l,-o-= - - - - ~ m i '-- _-, ~ ~ ~ _.... ....... ____.. ) O ~4 1 p ~ ~~ O ~ T Ii - - 9 , . u a~ ~ , ~~-.__.. __ ~ __ - - _ ~~ ~, ~, g~ ~ ~ -, ~, "D _~ O z v r D xZ ~ Ap~ ~ o ~~ ~ ~ ~ r m z ~ ~ _ ~ ~: Y ~ ~~ s u m ~,, a _yeg a ;a v ~ ~m e Z aY p F g ; r as ~D 'aa ' £4.~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ g~~q"A"q40 ~' ° 1 ~ ~e m ~ ~ ¥ °C ~ ~ aa2 p m g ~ I ~ '~ F~~~%~ ~ ,-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~8 ~~~ g° ~~° ~ x a ~^ ~ m~; _ ;hg's ~O aF R :N € g~~ k ~ ~ ~ Y bb~°~~~ _ €p = m~~ ° m x ^x Wig„ ~ ~ ~ o~~~~~~ m ^.a a s~. m aI~ - ~ ~aNn sa ~~°~ e =€ - ~~~ -m~~m e€ R~~ m m b ~ ~~~~~sgA off,, m a -_ _ - xg' o~~" - o - ~xg~A~ l l F ~, ~_ n~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ $ o, ~ - - __ - __ _ _ - _. r ~~ N ~ ~ ~ - ~~ ~~ ~ THE LAND GROUP. INC. PAD P7 ~ _~ I g ~ ~s ~ a= ~ Z ° o 0 0 N , r, '~ . , ,~,.;;;:Y,,,,„~,. I MERIDIAN CROSSROADS i~ ""`5 N ~ n p n ~ 9 ~ n D ~ p R... r~ ,w .,. ~ ~:;,fn;'t, ..1rMP.,.._.,.., , , ~ MERIDIAN, IDAHO ! ~ a~~ Z ,... . ,.. ~ .. A V !~ + ss r FS ~YP dy 'P# 3n - =a ~ ~E~ .., ~ a c ~ ~ = m Z Z c £~ C r .$ Z r m i` ~ 3 k-'~e ~ i~ n~~ Z n £ iX ~ a ~ \ r I'~ ~~~ c ~ `y ~_ ~~ ~ _;i o '- o y ~ t 4--- ~ 6i z ~~ T sir v ~ 7p i ~ ~ ~ ~I ~f l €p pE ~c Q s iY b m ~~~~ ~ r ~ ~^ ~~ x N ~ i k c ~ ? iii nr' m ~ € a~ R - ~ ~ R ~ ~~,'~~ = g N e v ~^ r ~: ., . ~ ~ N ~o =T z p --- 3 : 3 ~R a 9 ~ o Y - i g~ $ ld d~^ 7~' ~ m .~ N m ~~ ~ ~ .,. ~ o ~~' a - T ~' t Z ~ {-----c Z ~ n - _ . w f ~" Z ~ s ~. ` I -..... 5R C e ~__ m p ; -._. __..'.~ ~ -r1 _ ~- x 70 r ,~ ~ ,1 _ ~ .° - 7mD s N O Z m N A Gl T 5^' ;~ ~ F~ ~-. r a =C ~~ ~8 x€ as ~ ,..~ cn i ~ (, I L7 s n; Yr q~e z p - a C ; < <~d C n 3 - - ~ ~1~ I_ m ~~~ ~ m R~y' r tea D °~ m -~u= ~ T e O < z a r ~ ~ m "' D y ~ ~ $ m ~~ ~~ ~ THE L4ND GROUP, IIVC - -~ ( ~a. N -. r ,~ o~ o~ o ~. r ~ MERIDIAN CROSSROADS ~ ~~§ ~~~ ~ s$ Ca o , a ~ ~a I~~ _:~~~ oM,.:~ , ..... ~ ~ MERIDIAN, IDAHO -- ~', ~I~ N l ~,., .. I a ~~ D ,p ~ ,,. ~ c fa n~ ^+~ n W ~'L '9 .„ a , r Z ! -3 ...' ~ L/ 1i~ m a ~~ ~€ ~ ~ '~ 5 9 d D n~ ;a z ~D ~Z ~D .- m r ~Z AI~~nO~ i r_r . ~ --- \ ~_ :` A.~um ' '~ ~#~~; ~~Ym h'~;..~ `a5 u r m m z v 3 ~ 3 3 a z a ~, n ," s 3 ~ D 3> 3 ~ m E _ 3 z ~~ 3 ; 3 3 3 4~ ~ a e m 3 s a s 3 i - y ~ - ' ~ - - - - - - - i ° _ - -' - q z - _ _ v _ - y 3a3 - . - 33 - ~ = a3 ~ _ - - - 3 3 -' ~ 3° 3 `- _ '= = - - ~ 5 ~ ~ a ~ ~ _ ___ ____ __ _ 1 ~ z ~ o a ~~ ~~ 17-IE LpNp GROUP, INC. .. n PAD P7 I ~ f i o ~ °' a ~, r ~ o '~ ~ MERIDIAN CROSSROADS I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~y~: z N i ....,,,..M,.,~.. ~ I MERIDIAN, IDAHO ~ si ads xame~ e a ~:~ a ,f,~~ay~N W 4 ~~kA~~~ @~,¢~o z 1 c4a€~~~ "m r1~ '. a ~ .; "~R ;s" z ~ I i i~ ra, f~ ,~ A A~ ~~~ m ~ ~~~ ~ a~ ey ~Q~ s~ as ~"~ ", , ,~f rU kw ~A~ .~ ~` G.L.B. Development Services, L.L.C. 400 S. Granite Way Boise, Idaho 83712 208-426-9695 December 10, 2002 Mr. Dave McKinnon Planning Department City Of Meridian 660 Watertower Street Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center -Pad P7 3355 E. Fairview Avenue Certificate Of Zoning Compliance Application Dear Dave: Enclosed for your review and approval is a Certificate Of Zoning Compliance application for the Pad - P7 Multi-Tenant building, 3355 E. Fairview Avenue, within the Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center. Also enclosed is an updated master site plan and parking stall and tree count for the entire Shopping Center. Call if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Tom Bauwens Enclosures Cc: Mr. C. Trottier -DDRC w/enclosures Mr. J. Blair -DDRC w/enclosures Mr. C. Ames -PGA&W Architects w/enclosures .* ~ ~~~ H Ada County Highway District East 37th Dave Givens, 1st Vice President ~araen miry iu us i ~ 4-o4aa Judy Peavey-Derr, 2nd Vice President Phone (208) 387-6100 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner FAX (208) 387-6391 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner E-mail: tellus@ACHD.ada.id.us January 2, 2003 TO: Developers Diversitied Realty c/o TLB Consulting and Development Services LLC Tom Bauwens 3300 Enterprise Parkway Beechwood, CA 44122 SUBJECT: MCZC-02-065 Retail building 3355 East Fairview Avenue The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) staff has received and reviewed the application and site plan for the item referenced above and is submitting this no review letter in response to the lead agency's request for comment. Based- orr the sutrmitted information, it has been- determined that-the- proposed improvements exist adjacent to the site and ACRD has no site improvement requirements attributable to this application. If the site plan or use changes in such a manner that more than 10 additional vehicle trips per day are generated, then ACHD will review the site plan and may issue requirements based on the ACRD Policy Manual. ACHD policy requires that before any improvements of any kind are constructed or installed within the public right-of-way, a permit or license agreement permitting the improvements must be obtained. All future design plans and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived in writing by the District. Meet District drainage requirements per section 8000 of the ACHD Development Policy Manual. Contact District staff at 387-6170 for details. r~ ~ s .tea ..~~ • Please contact the office for determination of possible road impact fees, prior to obtaining a building permit. These fees are collected in accordance with Ordinance #195, the Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6170. ' cerely, ~~~~ De elopment Analyst Planning & Development Cc: Planning & Development/Chron/Project File Planning & Development Services City of Meridian Construction Services PGA & W 5263 S. 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 84107 ~' ~ ' ' '~ • • MERIDIAN CROSSROADS SUMMARY PARKING SUMMARY TOTAL H/C HIC-V COMPACT STND 2 949 61 20 26 2 842 SERIES TOTAL H/C H/C-V COMPACT STND 1 10 10 2 6 6 3 12 12 4 39 15 24 5 6 1 1 4 6 53 53 7 50 50 8 50 50 9 50 50 10 61 61 11 48 4 44 12 48 48 13 25 25 14 20 20 15 26 26 16 26 26 17 1 1 18 19 13 13 20 18 1 1 16 , 21 5 5 22 7 7 23 25 2 23 24 27 27 ~ 25 15 15 I 26 30 30 27 28 4 24 28 5 5 I 29 4 1 1 2 1 30 30 30 31 16 16 32 28 28 33 18 1 17 34 10 1 1 8 ; 35 28 28 36 24 3 1 20 37 27 27 38 15 3 12 P 39 5 5 E 40 2 2 41 26 26 42 10 10 43 11 1 1 9 P 44 26 26 45 16 16 46 26 26 47 9 2 7 ~ 48 26 26 49 20 - - 3 17 50 25 25 51 37 37 52 38 1 1 36 C 53 10 1 1 8 C 54 42 42 2 55 42 42 56 40 3 1 36 57 11 11 58 42 42 59 42 4 38 60 38 2 36 P 61 64 64 P 62 32 32 P 63 44 44 64 44 3 1 40 65 46 46 66 23 23 V1 67 23 23 E 68 44 3 1 40 69 7 1 1 5 E 70 46 46 71 44 4 40 72 46 46 73 44 3 1 40 iTARTING ~ PRESIDENTIAL & WORKING GENERALLY CLOCKWISE ALONG EAGLE NEST SIDE OF GOODWOOD BBO AST OF ARBY'S 'LORENCE EXTENSION (LONG 1-D, N-SIDE LONG 1-A & CLOSING TO START LORENCE EXTENSION, N-SIDE AST OF CARL'S JR. 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