25K Building CZC 02-54• C~, a~{~ . L A L DEPA ENT MAYOR ~~ ~ ~` . (208) 288-2499 •Fax 288-2501 Robert D. Corrie ~~t~l(."~' ~ '~ PARKS & RECREATION CITY OP (208 888-3579 •Fax 898-5501 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~`~~ PUBLIC WORKS Tammy deWeerd ~~ (208) 89f;-5500 •Fax 887-1297 IDAHO j William L. M. Nary ~, j BUILDING DEPARTMENT Cherie McCandless yFcryT (~)/~ (208) 887-2211 •Fax 887-1297 Keith Bird R ° ^~ ~ v ?Ts~xce PLANNING AND ZONING ieoa (208) 884-5533 •Fax 888-6854 __ ---- - CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE ~ ~_ ~Z-o~ Date: October 28, 2002 Owner: Sundance Investments Limited Partnership or Assigns (Contact: Cornet Lazsol~_ Architect 376-4665) Address: ?,SK Bugdiag, Lot 9 Block 11 of Silverstone Subdivision No. 2 Proposed Use: 25 592 s fOffice/Warehouse Building (sinl?le story) Zoning: C-G ' Comments: Scope of Develo mp ent: The issuance of this Certificate of Zoning Compliance is valid only for the construction and improvements related to the 25,592 square foot "25K"office/warehouse building. The project is subject to all conditions of the Development Agreement (signed with Sundance Investments), the Conditional Use Permit (File No.CUP-O1-002) and the Preliminary/Final Plats as approved by City Council. Annroved Plan: The Site Plan (Sheet SP.1), date stamped "approved" 10-28-02, is approved as submitted Sisnage: A separate Planned Sign Program has been approved for the Silverstone Corporate Center. All future signs must be in compliance with this program. No signs are approved by the issuance of this permit. Landscapinf;: The Landscape Plan (Sheet L-1, dated 9-26-02, stamped approved 10-:'8-02) is approved as submitted. The landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to site plan permitted; prior written approval of all changes required. Parking: Off-street parking is approved as shown on Sheet SP- l . if the proposed 25K building is used as an office building, parking for the building will not meet the required parking requirements of the MCC (1:400 gross square feet, MCC 11-13). Therefore, the building may not be used exclusively for office uses. All handicap pazking, signage, striping and ramps must be designed and constructed to current ADA standards. 33 EAST IDAHO • MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 888-4433 •Fax (208) 887-4813 City Clerk Ot'tice Fax (208) 888-4218 Human Resources Fax (208) 8134-8723 Drivewa~Aisles: The shared driveway with the property to the west shall be completed to the full width oftwenty-five feet (25') prior to the occupancy of either building. Irri ag tion: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscape azeas. Occ~ancv: All site improvements must be completed or bonded for (at 110% of the incomplete amount) prior to P&Z Department signature of Certificate of Occupancy. i tin :All new lighting, whether attached to the building or placed within the pazlcing azea, shall not cause glare for or otherwise impact the traveling public or neighboring developments, as determined by the City. ACHD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACRD as they pertain to this type of development. All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACRD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning and Zoning Stafffor approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Plan Modifications: The Site Plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site plan are permitted; prior written appro val of all changes is required. City's failure to specificall iY dent. requirements in this Certificate of Zonin Co~liarice does not relieve owner of responsibiliri for compliance. The site plan stamped 10/28/02 are approved with the comments noted above. ~d~~~ David McKinnon (For Brad Hawkins-Clark, interim Planning & Zoning Administrator) 'Receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, afi'ected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departrnents, etc. This certificate shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning & Zoning Department 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste. 202, Meridian, ID 83642 (208)884-5533 Phone / (208)888-6854 Fax CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLLANCE (CZC) APPLICATI (Section 11-19-1, Zoning and Development Ordinance) PROJECT NAME: 25K Building -Silverstone Subdivision #2 APPLICANT: S n nce nvestments, Limited Partnership or Assi~ny ADDRESS: 9100 West Blackeagle Drive~Boise, Idaho 83709 PHONE: X22-7300 FAX: X22_7307 E-MAIL: OWNER(S) OF RECORD: Sundance Investments, •imited P rtner in or Assiffis. ADDRESS: 9100 West Blackeagle Drive, Boise, Idaho 83709 PHONE: _322-7300 FAX: _322.7307 E-MAIL: --- ARCHITECT (IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT): T .arson Architects, P.A. (Cornel L.arsonl. ADDRESS:_210 Murray street, Boise, Idaho 83714 PHONE: 376_7502 FAX: 658-0224 E-MAIL 1 rar hs em'nd r~i g.com ADDRESS, GENERAL LOCATION OF SITE: i_ot 9,.,Rlock 11 Silverstone Subdivision #2 DESCRII'TION OF USE: 4,~i~gle Story Office/Warehouse Building. PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: C-G rr n S N,~~~ e ~ Hrea'~c~~t I, Ck~i S kl~~ ~T o ~ ~ , do hereby affirm that I will agree to pay any additional sewer, water or trash fees or charges, if any, associated with the use that Uwe have applied for, whether the use be residential, commercial or industrial in nature. Furthermore, I have read the information contained herein and certify that the information is true and correct. (Applicants Signature) (Date) " , , s~~; ~ w;i'f1_~ 0_SEP ~c3. c00c22 18y 08A_~LARSON ARCHITECTS ACRD PL~ING N0.417 P. AGE 84 ~_~~'~* Ada County Highway District Dave 81ver~s,lstYce President cramen ~~- w wr ~4-ewe Judy P82vey-Derr, 2nd'vice President Phone (208) 387-6100 Susan 8. Easdalcm, t~ommissloner FAX (208) 9878391 Sherry I~. Hu{aer, C,omrnlssioner _ _ E-met: talkis®ACHD.ads.ld.us 5ept~ernber 20, 2002 Larson Architects Attn: t^,ornel Larson 210 Murray St Boise, Idaho 83714 RE; MSPI6L-13-02 /Eagle and Overland ~ Silverslkane Corporate Center / 25K Bnsluoiess Park Building MANS ACCE TANC,E ~. - Tb~e Dxsizict leas reviewed the plans fot" the above refoten,ced ptoject and they are accepted fot public ~+eet avn5tructivn. By stamping and sii.going the imptovegaeot plans, the Registered Engineer ensures 1}~e District that the pXaxts cvaform to all Distziet policies and staadards_ Variances o~z waivers must be specifically and previously approved by the District in writing. Acceptance of the improvement plans by the District does tot zelieve the Registered F~gineaz of these r~esporieibilitxes. 'Zlae District w~li assess the following irtXpacc fee for this project The impact fee must be paid prioz to isSUance of a building pennsit Total Impact Fee DuG: $48,087.00 Effective July X, 2002, the Ada County Highway District amended its development impact fee ordfaaace, is accordance with Houoe Bill No. 607. Ass !ee payer, you m,ay be eniitled to an additional endit on yoiu' #mpact fee assessment and a eorrespondiag reduetlon is the imp~t fee itself. Application for this uedit tttust be made at the ACRD off~cec. standard Req>Yirementts: 1. The District requires a set of stamped construction plans that are steed, dated, and app~COVed by the District to be located on site at all tomes for iaspacriozt and reference purposes. . 2. 'Udlity street cuts in new pavement less than five years vld ate oot a##owed unless approved. isi wtitung by the District. 3. Alt reclu~rad street improvenaeote shall be completed and inspected by District staff prier to teceiviag occupancy. Variances and rwaivers to this requirement must be specifically and p~revvouS)y eppmved by the District in w~c~itang. 4. All imigauon facilities must be located outside the public righrrof-way unless otherwise approved by the Dish7ct in writing. 5. ~P~ any da:ruaged or broken sidewall~ curb, and gutixr w~'tth new crab, gutte~t, attd sidewalk to match existing i~tpveZmeTXts. 6. Replace any cracked or damaged sidewall~, c,ab, oz gutter' restilting fi'am construction activity. 7. A,11 facilities to be oonstcuoted +wit}~, a proposed development, arld in be owned and mai~ntaiaed by the eSEPJ23~~002 10~09AM CARSON ARCHITECTS ryf~ q`~ N0.41r P.3/±~ 22. ~JJ Jl..lf IJJJ.J AC~{D P~ZNC7 1"~~ 85 District, roust be consttvated according to the latest edition of Z.3_P.W.C. and tke Dishilct's Supplemental Standatd Specifications. 8. If applicable, submit to Idaho Depaztment of 'Water Resources a Sbauow Injection well -- No4ae of Cot~truction / Inventory Form at least thirty days prior to consdn3ctian of the facility.lhe District will require a copy of the completed fo~rID prior bo gra~r~ting of final occupancy. 9. Any work in the public right o£ vvay requires a petxnit from ACHD Cansttuction Services. 10. An engineer registered in tltie State of Idaho shah prepare and oezbify all improveruent plans. If you have any questions or conecrns, please heel free to contact the ®t 3S?-6181.. Siuacerely, Scott Rudel Davelopsnec~t Review Division Cc' S~mdauce Investtne4ts LMT. 9100 W Blaeke9gle Dr Boise, ID $3709 ®SEP_23_2002~210_09A~_LARSON_ARCHITECTS i:55CHD PL~ING N0.41? P.~4~GE 06 .wA`'~~,~'~. ~~ Ada County Highway District David E. WYnlaoop, Presldent 319 East 37th Street Dave Givens, ist Vics president G®rden City ID 837146489 Judy Peavey-DeR, 2nd Vice President Phone (208) 397-9100 Susan S. F_astlake, Commissioner FAX (208) 387-6391 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner E-msll~ teliisd8l-CHD ada id us September 20, 2002 MSPR-13-021 Eagle at~td Overland. ~ Silverston,e Corpozata Center / 25~ Business Pam Building IMPACT FEE CALCU'Y.ATION Building Type Cost pet Unit (per x,000 SF) Area (SF) Total Cost Business park X1,879.00 25,592 $4$,OS7A0 7ota1 Impact Fee Due: 548,087.00 • CONTENTS OF CZC APPLICATION (Incomplete applications will not be processed) An application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning staff by the owner of the property or the applicant of the proposed use. The application shall contain the following information: 1. Completed and signed CZC application form. 2. The last deed of record for the subject property. 3. Notarized Affidavit of Legal Interest (attached). 4. Four (4) copies of a detailed site plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1"=50'. Also include an 8 '/z" x 11"reduction. Three (3) copies of the landscape design in compliance with the Landscape Ordinance, drawn to a scale of not less than 1"=50'. See attached landscape submittal requirements. 6. Three (3) copies of irrigation performance specifications in compliance with the Landscape Ordinance. 7. Written approval or a stamped site plan from Sanitation Service Company (SSC) indicating that the designs of the trash enclosure and access drive are acceptable.. A calculations table that shall list the number of parking stalls, building size, lot size, landscaping, open space, setbacks, fencing, screening and coverage. 9. A written statement from the applicant detailing the proposed use(s) of the property. Please list as many details as possible. 10. A fee of $60.00. ACRD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACRD as they pertain to this application. All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACRD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE & PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST City of Meridian Rev 2/1 /(l21 Site Review/Conforming Elements Comments Complete * Project must comply with all approved permits, plats or Development. Agreements associated with the lot or arcel. 1. Zoning District (permitted use, CUP, A UP variance etc. 2. Flood lain District 3. Landsca in Must be in compliance with the the Landsca a Ordinance 4.Off-Street Parkin a # of Stalls dimensions etc b) Handicap Stalls (van accessible, aisles, si a e c) Aisles (width, location) 5. Trash Areas a Location b 3-Side Screenin 6. Under ound Irri ation z 7. Sidewalks/Paths S. Streets (R/W dedications, etc.) 3 9. Lot Requirements a) Lot Area (note restrictions on use of undevelo ed ortion o lot b) Street Frontage c) Setbacks d) Coverage 10. Fencing 11. Fee of $60.00 1. ACHD approval letter required for curb cuts, road widening, for all new projects. 2. Pressurized irrigation can be waived by City Council only if no water rights exist to subject property or developer deeds land to City for a well. 3. City will permit one hook-up to municipal water for irrigation per site. 3. Trees must t~ be planted in City water or sewer easements. 4. Applicant must submit a copy of recorded deed or plat as evidence of the road dedicatioprior to CZC issuance. 1. .~' ~II®Nlij?,Ht ~9'~ ~1bIP1~1~19lj• or AOA courvrr 4 2000 aa1 Vlft~c S~act g~ ~ east, Idaho ®3702 (208) 336-6700 81S! yV. Rillcma~npStreec / Holst, Idaho R3?Ot ~~-tU,«tL ~Q'~ 8i377~Z700 dECDROED - P.E9U;.5T ~~ NTY RECOROElt ~Q li7 NA1AREi0 rEC.IG2=DE?IJ11'y -4 PH x:23 -l ~©07965 ~rorvEFp T~ ~~ nAOVE i~R AECX3Itn1NQ DAI~+ ---.~.._.,~-•~,,,,,,e,,,;wisucacx~o~oc,wsu~eG6l0,?~J8i78IIJ~F~~79t1t'~1~IJdElO~aCi7i:A)(3 ~ ~.~~~.~~ DEED (INOIVIOUALI FnR vgj,[fg RECF.1vl~ 1f/iDID W, LEg15, as unmarried peraoa, ~. c~TOaG) does (do- hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELI, and CANVEY unto STINA~INCE Lnnrss~TS LIMITEb pNLTA1ERH.SIPo .411 Idaho 11miLrd p+ccaarahi~l GRgri'?FF(y`), whota.ourcm addreyc is: 9100 87ackaagla Drivo, Bo1ge, tdahrc $3709 chr foUowlny descrih.dred ixopetry in Ada more DrrlieularlY d~r(bed s, follows, co wit: C:suatY. 5Wtr of (tlccho. SEE THS ATTACHED RXHIALT "A" FOR r.ECai. n>:scRtPriox, WIiICH DY 2'H7S RCF£RL'NCrs YS xNC01ZrOBATgD HLjt>:IH, 'm HAVt: AIVD 'm HOLD the said orcmi..i, with cbeir aaunrtaaaaocs unw the acid Grantea(a1, and Grras.ss(s1 1,.irs and ~.a~ Core~ar. And ehe said rrancor(+) dom (do) hcrsbY covsstaac w ;lad wicil clle yam Grantee(s). cha Grantor(s) is/are chs's"'~(s) ~n fee •Imolc o1 said premises: t6w said PreccLLtes :+re fret rrom all eacambraaeca, QXCEP7 cbosc co which chin canreyraCr is e><pr«,cy madr rubjert and chore mrde, sufforeti or done by the Orancee(s): yr+d lnbjecr ro rcywarion,, rwrriCtioaS. daiieation., earc11m1q, rl~lsts of weY end ;cercan.ms, flt anY) of reaord..nd Ctlleral teens and aressmenu, iadudas irrigation sari uliUry arressments, (jf wy) for ccro current year, w41cc, are nac yet due sad pctyabk, and that eiennmr(sj will +satrrnt aoa defaod ttitr same from ail 1awfW t9aimt wbatsoc~or. Datarl: Oceobor 4, 2000 ~~ w ~~ Dsvid W. Lavin - '- - -- -- a S :~ r ~' -, s, ~ ~ STATF.OFr,..,~ -~. ~ _, Couary of _ sa. r~0. Oa this `'• BL®s ~ ~ i .JRri osseh day or OcLObcr ~ . Ia thr year of._2Qj10__ . befoee e m Div .-- .. _ , a A(rnary Pnblie, peraonaUY aPP+nred -- L'ao"cn rostrum iIIrdw111~tt~e sou(r) wlwse aalne(s) to lhat _ he _. tysaeated d1r 1amc. s ~ _ sabsaibed ro the wirhia ~ . ~ ~~wxo~ ~- •n:~ a~i~fn~rnc arr.T. ~nc~. zzr. enz v~.r ~,iz:cr rl:aa rniazinr 800i S001II3i Y FILE NO.t P194654 E?tMIBgT A P.b2~0a TFi~-T PORTION OF THE WEST OIALF OF TfiE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RAA1®E 1 EA6T OF ®OI6E p1EAIDIAN IN ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: EEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 21, THENCE SoUTN 0 DEGREIE 9 ~ ° 46" WEST ALON® TPlE. WE~iT LINE. OF SAID SECTION 1376.00 FEET; Ti1ENCE SOUTH S9 DE{~REES 45°1~' EAST 715.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH OO DEGREE 1~°4B' EA6T.,1975 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE NORTH 59 OEflFiEES 14''9' INEST~ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 715.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINQ. !gClFT THAT P®RTION GONDEI(NED BY THE ADP. COUNYY 9iiGHWAY DI9TR%CT BY INSTRUMEPlTS RECORDED UNDER N09. 9015148 AND 9023561.. ACID E&CEE'~ THOSE PORTIONS WHICH LIE INYT~IIN TIE RIGHT OF VIIAY9 FOR EAGLE ROAD ANO OVEAL,4NID 910,,0. - FN® OF LEGAL OESGQ9i$6~TION - 800/9001$ 'IHAIpi03 ~+-~- '~l~ ~1~I~QN[iS ~ LOCL ZZC 80Z YV3 ~C ~ 5t Q3d1 t0/~'Z/OZ STATE OF IDAHO ) COUNTY OF ADA ) AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INT~REST I, _Sundance Investments Limited Partnership, 9100 W. Blackeagle Drive_ (name) (address) being first duly sworn upon Boise j~ oath, depose and say: (city) (state) That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: _Cornel_ L.a_rson; L.a_rson Architects, 210 Murray St. Boise Idaho 83714 (name) (address) to submit the accompanying application pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and it's employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property, which is the subject of the application. Dated this 13~h day of September , 20 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to bei~ me the day and year first above written. •'•~~..w n•,,~~. ••~ LB Y P .,~ Notary Public Idaho ••O• GHQ ••«...y0~•~ Residing at ~O~ Wit', 1C~ ~,, * N= Tq•p~, ~•• My Commission Expires: 1Z- ~ In -y.~ •~ A `~~- ~~BLIC *.t ~''• ~p ID A~ •• ~ ~ `{. ~., ~ ~'a 6 v ? Z ~ a ~, s '~~ s A k ~ \ Y~ t ~ W a ..~ t ~9 µ~I "~Kw - s~ (", , . .;* ~° °~t a , ". SEP-16-2002 01:24P FROM:S~itary Seruices~ I 208-888-5052 • T0: 6580224 I-ARSUN ARCHITECTS, P,A_ 210 M[.TR,[L~,Y STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83 7 ] 4 (208) 376-752 FAX: 658-U224 September 11, 2002 B i 11 Gregory SANITARY SERVICES CO. 722 W. Franklin load Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Certificate of Zoning Compliance - Lalcestune nod 2S.9K Building in Silventone Corporate Center Dear Mr. Gregory; P:1~1 The Gity of Mcxidian Puling and "toning Department requires that we submit a site plan to your o13ic;e for review and coriunent prior to submission ibr a Certificate of Zoning kermit. Phase find attached a site plsn for two sepuatc buildings in the Siivcrstane Corporate Center. The first is the Lakestone building that will consist ol'a 35,353 s.L: afficc building and the second is a 25,9UU s. t: w~u'ehouselflex building with accessory otlice space. u/e wauid li1~e to submit for the CZC to the City of Meridian nextaweek, if it would work into your schedule to review-the attached Ind provide us with the required approval and comments e;iriy next week, it would he greatly appreciated. Sincerely, .Larson hitects Cornet Larson ~-f,.l ctJo..9~ ~.~ P~c~.rd ,c~p~..~ ~.aL~ ~Q ~ ..~r~ ~ r ' ~ G"~~c r24,c.J C4. f?G 4~ - ~.Q~.~/~' /~itG Co@E6o~y~ s, S. C . g-ice -off see--ets (eoa) .rue wear '+nee OHVa 'NVialflw ^ r+ws err orz l131Nd9 31VklOdtl00 3~p1SH31176 ~ hWw ws w ~ wwiwr 3NVtl~ 1NOd l6dd09 3 ' •d•d ~s}aa}zya.c~ uosav7 oag7ne ~e'sr., ~ ! i ', I `. ml ^I ~_ W I I ~I i =~~~=~=~~.~=~=~9Y~B9f.3.8Z.Z 1.00N~~~= ,W'BOf ~~~ o~~ z -- ' ~ ~-=~ I ~ _.L._. ~ ~ _~ _ 00'09 ~ 1 ~ I ' ~2 1 !~ ~ U i11 ~ 1 L~ ~Q ` ~ 1U 1~1~ ,a J `~~~ ~~ \° ,~~~ , ~~~ ~, ~, 0 I~ ~~~~~. a < ~~ ~ ~~.~ ~~ ~~~ s~ ~ $~ : ~ .~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ a ~~ ~ L~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ zi, ~~~~ ----- ~ -.aZ ~~ --- ~ ~ Q d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w m ('j w U 6 .fl ~ ~ ~ tll ~ ~ ~ dv d d ~ N n~ m ~ ~ ~ O. m U ~3 ~ n n n ~ ~ m Q Q W ~ _ 0 o ~r d = ~ w ~ oWc d d ~ w d w Q z z z ~ ~ d ~ d ~ ~ Q Q ~ d ~ V w Q Q ~ ~ 0.. ~ N N J ~ N n W W n ~ ~ 0- Z ~ O z0 Q d 111W H~j~ ~O WNO Q Z~ W W r ~tp ~W Wd~ ~OCm ~L1 } /0 FYO 2ND 7~ ~WZ Li W d~ ~ Q Q Z ~~ ~Z~ ~~ d W zm~ zo~~C~ ~ ~~, Zip zwp ~~~ ~ Oz =mod dui d~0 ~ -w ~--~z 0 ~O_NO ~nm w -v wZd Ul ~ ~ ~ ~ uW LLm~ F ~ m0 iii w d1 w _ ~ 00 W~~n O ~ a ~V 3~~ SECTION 02811 PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION A. Section Includes 1. Pipe and fittings, valves, sprinkler heads, accessories, and connections to water source. 2. Control system. B. System Description 1. Electric solenoid controlled automatic underground irrigation system. C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 2 Section "Water Systems" for water supply. 2. Division 16 Sections for electrical power materials and installations. D. DesignBuild Sprinkler System Furnish and install one underground sprinkler irrigation system to provide adequate irrigation of the lawn and planting areas shown on the Drawings and described in the Specifications. The work shall consist of. providing and installing all material necessary for a complete system including pipe, valves, fittings, heads, automatic control equipment and all labor necessary for installation of a satisfactorily operating system. 1. The contractor awarded the project shall provide complete shop drawings showing the design layout, pipe size, valve location, size, sprinkler heads, etc. 2. The water source and location (point of connection) for the imgation system is indicated on the Drawings. 3. Planter beds and lawn shall be on separate zones. 4. The sprinkler system layout is to provide complete coverage with matched precipitation. 5. Contractor is responsible for the first year winterization. 6. See performance notes and details on the Drawings. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Pipe sizes used in this Section are nominal pipe size (NPS) in inches. Tube sizes are Standard size in inches. B. Supply Piping: Piping from water source to connection to irrigation system pressure piping. Piping is under same pressure as water supply. Piping in this category is not included in this Section. C. Pressure Piping Main Line: Piping downstream from supply piping to.and including control valves. Piping is under irrigation system pressure. Piping in this category includes backflow preventers. D. Circuit Piping Lateral Lines: Piping downstream from control valves to irrigation system sprinklers. Piping is under pressure (less than pressure piping) during flow. E. Control Valve: Automatic (electrically operated) valve for control water flow to imgation system zone. 1.3 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Location of Sprinklers and Devices: Design location is approximate. Make minor adjustments necessary to avoid plantings and obstructions such as signs and light standards. B. Minimum Water Coverage: Not less than: 1. Turf Areas: 100 percent. 2. Other Planting Areas: 100 percent. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product data including pressure rating, rated capacity, settings, and electrical data of selected models for the following: 1. Backflow preventers, including test equipment. Silverstone- Meridian 02811/] Septemberl02 ., 2 a Valves, including general-duty, underground,"automatic control, and quick-coupler types, and valve boxes. 3. Sprinklers. 4. Controls, including controller wiring diagrams. 5. Wiring. 6. Irrigation system record drawings. B. Wiring diagrams for electrical controllers, valves, and devices. C. Maintenance data for inclusion in "Operating and Maintenance Manual" specified in Division 1 Section "Project Closeout" for the following: 1. Seasonal activities of start-up, shut-down and winterization, including blow-out operation of sprinkler system with compressed air. 2. Backflow preventers, including instructions for testing. 3. Automatic control valves. 4. Sprinklers. 5. Controllers. 6. Irrigation system record drawings. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of utility supplying water for prevention of backflow and backsiphonage. B. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer with a minimum of five years experience and who has completed irrigation systems similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for Project that have resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. C. Listing/Approval Stamp, Label, or Other Marking: On equipment, specialties, and accessories made. to specified standards. D. Listing and Labeling: Equipment, specialties, and accessories that are listed and labeled. 1. The Terms "Listed" and "Labeled": As defined in "National Electrical Code," Article 100. 2. Listing and Labeling Agency Qualifications: A "Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory" (NRTL) as defined in OSHA Regulation 1910.7. E. Product Options: Irrigation system piping, specialties, and accessories are based on specific types, manufacturers, and models indicated. Components with equal performance characteristics produced by other manufacturers may be considered, provided deviations in dimensions, operation, and other characteristics do not change design concept or intended performance as judged by the Architect. The burden of proof of product equality is on the Contractor. Any substitutions must be approved by the Architect in writing prior to installation per section 1.10. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Perform site survey, research public utility records, and verify existing utility locations. Verify that irrigation system piping may be installed in compliance with original design and referenced standards. 1.7 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Maintain uninterrupted water service to building during normal working hours. Arrange for temporary water shutoff with Owner. B. Maintain Uninterrupted existing irrigation system during construction. Arrange for temporary water shutoff with owner. C. Coordinate irrigation systems work with landscape work specified in Division 2 Section "Landscaping." 1.8 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Deliver extra materials to Owner. Furnish extra materials matching products installed as described below. Package them with protective covering for storage and label clearly describing contents. 1. Quick Couplers: Furnish quantity of units equal to 2 percent of amount of each size installed. 2. Sprinklers: Furnish quantity of units equal to 2 percent of amount of each type installed. 3. Valve Keys: Furnish quantity of tee-handle units equal to 10 percent of amount of each type key-operated, control valve installed. Silverstone-Meridian 0281]/2 September /02 4~ Quick-Coupler Hose Swivels: Furnish quanfity of units equal to 10 percent of amount of each type quick coupler installed. 5. Quick-Coupler Operating Keys: Furnish quantity of units equal to 10 percent of amount of each type quick coupler installed. 1.9 IRRIGATION RECORD DRAWINGS A. The Contractor shall maintain a current record of all pipe and equipment placement and shall record any variations approved by the Architect. Upon completion of the system and prior to release of final payment, the Contractor shall provide the Owner with a neat and legible "As-Built" plan of the completed system (reproducible vellum or mylar only). Any pipe not installed in accordance with the plans as originally contracted shall be sufficiently dimensioned to a permanent structure for location after burial. As-built records shall be updated DAILY. 1.10 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Substitutions [o the specified equipment will be permitted with the express written approval of the Architect. Substitutions will be approved only when the substituted item is equivalent or better in quality and performance than the item originally specified. The final determination for "equivalents" rests with the Architect. Their decision shall be final and binding. 1.11 WARRANTY A. Warranty system against defects of installation and material for a period of 1 year after acceptance of the irrigation system. Guarantee shall also cover repair or damage to any part of the premises resulting from leaks or other defects in material, equipment and workmanship to the satisfaction of the Architect. Repairs, if required, shall be done promptly upon notification by the Owner, and, at no cost to the Owner. B. As part of the warranty, the Contractor shall be responsible for deactivating and winterizing the system prior to the onset of the freezing season and for reactivating the system at the onset of the spring growing season; each event must be accomplished once during the warranty period. In the event the system is completed in a season when it will not be in use, the Contractor shall winterize the system upon completion of testing (and approval by the Architect) and reactivate the system in the spring. The Contractor shall SUBMIT a letter to the Architect certifying that the system was winterized and drained and indicate the date such action was accomplished. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage resulting from failure to comply. Contractor shall instruct and demonstrate winterization and startup techniques for Owner. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SUMMARY A. All materials used throughout the system shall be new, unused, and in perfect condition. Refer to the irrigation materials legend, notes, detail drawings and these specifications for specific equipment to be used. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior approval of the Architect may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. B. Substitutions: Under provisions of section 01600 and 02811, paragraph 1.10. 2.2 BRASS PIPE AND ACCESSORIES A. Pipe: ASTM B43, Schedule 40; domestic manufacture B. Fittings: Medium brass, screwed, 125-pound class. 2.3 PLASTIC PIPE AND ACCESSORIES A. Pipe 1. Pipe walls shall be uniform, smooth, glossy, and free of interior or exterior extrusion marks; pre-belled or straight to receive solvent-weld couplings; 20 foot standard lengths. 2. Pipe shall be marked with manufacturer's name, class of pipe, NSF seal, and date/shift of manufacturing run. Silverstone- Meridian 02811/3 September /02 3 • PVC Pipe: ASTM D1785, D2241 B. Fittings: PVC -ASTM D2464, D2466. C. Irrigation System Plastic Pipe 1. Mainline: 3- inch Pipe and larger: PVC Class 160 pipe with SDR26 rubber- Gasket fittings. 2'/s -inch Pipe and smaller: PVC Class 200 pipe with SDR21 solvent weld fittings. 2. Laterals: PVC Class Z00 pipe with PVC Class 200 solvent weld fittings. Sleeving: PVC Schedule 40 pipe for sleeves 4" and smaller, Class 200 PVC for sleeves 6" and up. Sleeve size is double the diameter of the interior pipe(s). Minimum sleeve size 4" nominal diameter. 3. Refer to Part 3 Article "Piping Applications" for identification of systems where pipe and tube materials speciFied below are used. 4. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe: ASTM D 2241; PVC 1120, SDR 21, 200 psig (1380 kPa) minimum pressure rating, with plain ends. Class 200 PSI pressure rated upstream from controls, as noted on the drawings; Class 200 PSI downstream. D. Pipe and Tube Fittings 1. Refer to Part 3 Article "Piping Applications" for identification of systems where pipe and tube fitting materials specified below are used. 2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)' Plastic Pipe Fittings: ASTM D 2464, Schedule 80, threaded. 3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings: ASTM D 2467, Schedule 40, socket-type. 4. "Harco" Push-on joint Ductile Fittings: ASTM A 536, 5. Dielectric Fittings: Assembly or fitting with insulating material isolating joined dissimilar metals to prevent galvanic action and stop corrosion. These devices are a combination of copper alloy and ferrous metal; threaded- and solder-end types, matching piping system materials. a. Dielectric Unions: Factory-fabricated, union assembly, designed for 250 psig (1725 kPa) minimum working pressure at 180 deg F (82 deg C). Include insulating material isolating dissimilar metals and ends with inside threads according to ASME B1.20.1. b. Transition Fittings: Manufactured assembly or fitting, with pressure rating at least equal to that of system and with ends 2.4 JOINING MATERIALS A. Solvent Cement: ASTM F 656 primer and ASTM D 2564 solvent cement in color other than orange. 2.5 VALVES A. General: Valves are for general-duty and underground applications. Refer to "Valve Applications" Article for locations of various valve types specified in this Article. Refer to "Control Valves" Article for control valves and accessories. 2.6 CONTROL VALVES A. Description: Manufacturer's standard control valves for circuits, of type and size indicated on Drawing, and as follows: 1. Angle Valves: Bronze construction, non-rising stem, inside screw threaded ends and as noted on the Drawings. 2. Automatic Control Valves: Diaphragm-type, normally closed, with manual flow adjustment, and operated by 24-volt-a.c. solenoid. 3. Quick-Couplers: Factory-fabricated, 2-piece assembly. Include coupler water-seal valve; removable upper body with spring-loaded or weighted, rubber-covered cap; hose swivel with ASME B1.20.7, 3/4-11.SNH threads for garden hose on outlet; and operating key. a. Locking Top : Include vandal-resistant, locking feature with 2 matching keys. 4. Drain Valve: As noted on the Drawings Drain Valve: As noted on the Drawings. 5. Isolation Gate Valves: 150# gate valve, epoxy-coated, ductile iron, resilient wedge valve with non-rising stem and inside screw with threaded ends. Mechanical joint or push-on. "Waterous", "American Flow Control" or "Nibco" gate valves or approved equal prior to bidding. Size to match line size. Install in valve box, size adequate for maintenance access. Minimum 15" x 21". 6. Air release valve: 2" air release valve from "Ames" or "Waterman", install in valve box. Silver;tone- Meridian 02811/4 September /02 B. Control Valve Boxes and Cover: Thermo-plastic valve boxes with lockable, snap-top lids. Size as required for application or as noted on drawings, maximum two (2) valves per box. 1. Drainage Backfill: Cleaned gravel or crushed stone, graded from 3 inches (75 mm) maximum to 3/4 inch (19 mm) minimum. C. Service Boxes for Key-Operated Control Valves: Size and type as shown on Drawings. 1. Include valve key, 48 inches (915 mm) long with tee handle and key end to fit valve. D .Irrigation System Controls 1. Controller: As noted on the Drawings. All control wires that are above ground shall be installed in conduit. Electrical wiring shall be installed according to local code. Provide surge protectors install controllers. . 2. Controller Housing: Weatherproof, watertight, with lockable access door. 3. Valves: Electric Solenoid type and size of control valves as noted on the Drawings, including required fittings and accessories. 4. Wire: Color coded,.copper conductor direct burial, OF-UL listed. All control or hot wires shall be red or black. All common or ground shall be white. 2.7 SPRINKLERS A. Description: Manufacturer's standard sprinklers designed to provide uniform coverage over entire area of spray shown on Drawings at available water pressure, as follows: 1. Housings: Plastic, except where material is specified. 2. Pop-Up, Spray: Fixed pattern, with screw-type flow adjustment and stainless-steel retraction spring. 3. Pop-Up, Rotary Spray: Gear drive, full-circle and adjustable part-circle type. 2.8 AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM A. Description: Low-voltage controller system, made for control of imgation system automatic control valves. Controller operates on 120 volts a.c. building power system, provides 24 volts a.c. power to control valves, and includes stations for at least the number of control valves indicated. Size and type as shown on Drawing. B. Control Enclosures: Weatherproof enclosure with locking cover and 2 matching keys. Enclosure construction complies with NFPA 70 and NEMA 250, Type 4, and includes provision for grounding. All control wires that are above ground shall be installed in conduit. Electrical wiring shall be installed according to local code. Provide surge protectors in all controllers. 1. AG 240 V Surge Arrester: As noted on the drawing. Install in approved J-box next to controller. Install per manufacturer recommendations. 2. MGP-1 Maxi Grounding Plate: As noted on the Drawings. Install with approved grounding per manufacturer's recommendations. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. 3. PT 322 Pulse Transmitter: As noted on the Drawing. Pulse Transmitter is to be installed at controller and programmed by an approved "Maxicom" rep. C. Transformer: Internal-type, and suitable for converting 120 volts a.c. building power to 24 volts a.c. power. D. Controller Stations for Automatic Control Valves: Each station is variable from approximately 1 to 60 minutes. Include switch for manual or automatic operation of each station. E. Timing Device: Adjustable, 24-hour, 14-day clock tv operate any time of day. Include provision for the following settings: 1. Setting to skip operation any day in timer period. 2. Setting for operation every other day. 3. Settings for operation 2 or more times daily. 4. Include manual or semi-automatic operation without disturbing preset automatic operation. 5. Provide NI-CAD battery and trickle charger to automatically power the timing device during power outages. F. Wiring: UL 493, solid copper conductor, insulated cable, suitable for direct burial. 1. Feeder Circuit Cables: Type UF, No. 10 AWG minimum, between building and controllers. 2. Low-Voltage, Branch Circuit Cables: Type UF, No. 14 AWG minimum, between controllers and automatic control valves. Jacket color is other than feeder-circuit-cable jacket color. Furnish cables with jackets of different colors for multiple cable installation in same trench. Install control wire to side of main line. Where control wire leaves main or lateral line. Silverstone- Meridian 02811/5 September /02 ~ • 3 Splicing Materials: Pressure-sensitive, water"proof, thermoplastic wire connectors and other materials required to make specified connections. Locate all splice within valve boxes. 4. Use white or gray color for common wire and other colors for all other wire. a. Wire to be size # 14 not to exceed 1500 Linear feet before sizing up to #12 wire. a. Add two extra control wires from panel to valves for use if a wire fails or for future addition, and mark I in the control box as extra wire. G. Communication Cable. 1. All cable required for the 2-wire paths from Controller to flow sensor shall be REA Pe-39, 19 gauge, conductor-solid annealed uncoated copper conforming to ASTM-B3; insulated with expanded polyolefin surrounded by solid polymer to ensure low loss long transmission capability. 2. Cable for the 2-wire paths shall be installed with no underground splices. All cable shall be laid in trenches ("pulling-in" of cable for installation without trenching will not be allowed unless pre-approved by the Landscape Architect) and shall be carefully back-filled to avoid any damages to the cable insulation or cable conductors themselves. In rocky areas, the trench shall have a 6" layer of clean sand on the bottom before the cable is laid into the trench and back-filled. If rocky back-fill is being used, the cable shall have an additional 6" layer of sand on top of it before back-filling is started. The cable shall have a minimum of 18" of cover. 3. Where cable passed under paving, walls or any other paved areas, it shall be installed in a PVC class pipe sleeve of proper size required for the number of cables to be placed in it. The 2-wire path is permitted to be laid in the same trench with the 117 VAC cable as much as possible by laying each in opposite sides of the trench. 2.9 VALVE BOXES A. Carson Industries or approves equal green. body with locking lid. Standard rectangular box for all electrical control valves, 1419-12B. 10" round box for all mainline ball valves, gate valves, and hose bibs. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Investigate and determine available water supply water pressure and flow characteristics. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Set stakes to identify proposed sprinkler locations. Obtain Contracting Officer's approval before excavation. 3.3 PAVING WORK A. Install piping in sleeves where crossing sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, and railroads. 1. Install piping sleeves by boring or jacking under existing paving, where possible. 3.4 PIPING APPLICATIONS Silverstone- Meridian A. Refer to Part 2 of this Section for detailed specifications for pipe and fittings products listed below. Use pipe, tube, fittings, and joining methods according to the following applications. Piping in pits and aboveground may be joined with flanges instead of joints indicated. B. Use pipe, tube, fittings, and joining methods according to the following applications. C. Pressure Piping Underground: Use the following: 1. 2'h- Inches (DN 80) and Smaller: ASTM D 2241, SDR 21, Class 200, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM D 2467, Schedule 40, PVC plastic, socket-type pipe fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. 2. 3 -Inches (DN 100) and Larger: ASTM D 2241, SDR 26 rubber gasketed Class 160, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM A 536 push on ductile iron fittings. D. Circuit Piping: Use the following: 1. All Sizes: ASTM D 2241, SDR 21 Class 200, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM D 2466, Schedule 40, PVC plastic, socket-type fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. 02811/6 September /02 E. Sleeves: ASTM D 2241, Class 200, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM D 2466, Schedule 40, PVC plastic, socket-type fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. Sleeve diameter shall be two sizes larger than pipe installed;in sleeve. Extend sleeves 6" beyond walk or pavement edge. 3.5 JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Threaded Joints: Thread pipes with tapered pipe threads according to ASME B1.20.1, apply tape or joint compound, and apply wrench to valve ends into which pipes are being threaded. B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Piping Solvent-Cemented Joints: Construct joints according to ASTM D 2672 and ASTM D 2855. 1. Handling of Solvent Cements, Primers, and Cleaners: Comply with procedures in ASTM F 402 for safe handling when joining plastic pipe and fittings with solvent cements. C. Dissimilar Materials Piping Joints: Construct joints using adapters that are compatible with both piping materials, outside diameters, and system working pressure. Refer to "Piping Systems - Common Requirements" Article for joining dissimilar metal piping. D. Provide concrete thrust blocks at all gasket Fittings where a change of direction occurs. 3.6 PIPING SYSTEMS -COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawings indicate general location and arrangement of piping systems. Indicated locations and arrangements were used to size pipe and calculate friction loss, and in other design considerations. Install piping as indicated, except where deviations to layout are approved on coordination drawings. B. Install components having pressure rating equal to or greater than system operating pressure. C. Install piping free of sags and bends. D. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other, spaced to permit valve servicing. E. Install fittings for changes in direction and branch connections. F. Piping Connections: Except as otherwise indicated make piping connections as specified below. 1. Install unions, in piping 2 inches (DN 50) and smaller, adjacent to each valve and at final connection to each piece of equipment having 2-inch (DN 50) or smaller threaded pipe connection. 2. Install flanges, in piping 2-i/2 inches (DN 65) and larger, adjacent to flanged valves and at final connection to each piece of equipment having flanged pipe connection. 3. Install dielectric fittings to connect piping of dissimilar metals. 3.7 PIPING INSTALLATION A. Install underground polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe according to ASTM D 2774. B. Lay piping on solid subbase, uniformly sloped without humps or depressions. 1. Install polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe in dry weather when temperature is above 40 deg F (4 deg C). Allow joints to cure at least 24 hours at temperature above 40 deg F (4 deg C) before testing, unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer. C. Minimum Cover: Provide following minimum cover over top of buried piping: 1. Pressure Piping: 18 inches. 2. Circuit Piping: 12 inches. 3. Sleeves: 18 inches. D. Tunneling: Install pipe under streets or other obstructions that cannot be disturbed, by tunneling, boring, or jacking. E. Install piping under sidewalks and paving in sleeves. F. Back-filling 1. Provide clean, non-rocky material over piping. Back-fill trenches and compact to subgrade elevation as specified in section 02223. Protect piping from displacement. G. Pipe fittings 1. All mainline piping shall use ductile iron push on type fittings thrusted as required by manufacturer. 3.8 VALVE APPLICATIONS A. Drawings indicate valve types to be used. Silver;tone- Meridian 02811/7 September /02 3.9 VALVE IN~ALLATION A. Valves: Install underground valves in valve boxes as shown on Drawings. B. Control Valves: Install in valve control valve boxes, arranged for easy adjustment and removal. Install union on downstream side. Maximum (Z) valves per valve box. C. Place 6 inches minimum of gravel below control valves for drainage. Maintain 4 inches minimum between bottom of valves and top of gravel. Place filter fabric bamer between ground and valves. Valve box shall be reasonably free from dirt and debris. Install sprinkler heads a minimum of 12 inches from all walls. 3.10 SPRINKLER INSTALLATION A. Sprinklers: Flush circuit piping with full head of water and install sprinklers after hydrostatic test is completed. 1. Install lawn sprinklers at manufacturer's recommended heights. 2. Install shrubbery sprinklers at heights indicated. 3. Locate part-circle sprinklers to maintain a minimum distance of 12 inches from walls and 2 inches (50 mm) from other boundaries, unless otherwise indicated. 4. Sprinkler Head Risers: Rotor pop-up sprinkler and quick coupling valves shall have an adjustable riser assembly (triple swing joint). Stationary spray pop-up heads or shrubs spray heads shall have an adjustable riser assembly (triple swing joint) or low-density polyethylene flex pipe as shown on Drawings details. Triple swing joint fittings shall be of Schedule 80 PVC or Marlex plastic and nipples Schedule 80 PVC unless otherwise designated on Drawings. Flex pipe risers shall be 12 inch long minimum and 18 inch maximum linear low-density polyethylene pipe with spiral barb fittings and 90 degree ell as shown on details on Drawing. 3.11 AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. Install controllers and controller pedestal according to manufacturer's written instructions and as indicated. B. Install control and communication wiring in same trench with piping. Where wiring leaves from piping trenches, install wiring in conduits. C. Maxicom Systems. 1. All components related to the Maxicom system (included, but not limited; controller, master valve, flow sensor, communication cable, surge arrester, pipe, pulse transmitter, etc.) shall be installed be Manufacturer's recommendation and approved by an approved "Maxicom" representative. D. Install control wiring in accordance with Specifications. Provide 10 inches expansion coil at each valve to which controls are connected, and at 100 ft intervals. Bury wire beside pipe. Where wire leaves pipe, enclose in conduit. Use waterproof wire connectors. Use white or gray color for common wires and other colors for all other wires. No control wires shall be placed in thrust blocks. Locate wires on opposite side of thrust blocks. 1. Add two extra control wires from panel to valves for use if a wire fails or for future addition and mark it in the control box as extra wires 3.12 CONNECTIONS A. Connect piping to sprinklers, devices, valves, control valves, specialties, and accessories. B. Connect water supplies to irrigation systems. Include back-flow preventers on potable water supplies. C. Electrical Connections: Connect to power source, controllers, and automatic control valves. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: Perform test of piping and valves before back-filling trenches. Piping may be tested in sections to expedite work. Owners representative must be present for testing. 1. Test system at main line, lateral lines and valves. 2. Repair leaks and defects with new materials and retest system or portion thereof until satisfactory results are obtained. B. Field inspection and testing will be performed under provisions of Section 01400. Silverstone-Meridian 02811/8 September /02 C. Inst~er's Field Service 1. Prepare and start systems under provisions of Section 01600 2. Provide one complete spritig start-up and a fall shutdown, including winterization to blow out entire system with compressed air. D. Adjust work under provisions of section 016500. E. Change and/or adjust head types for full water coverage as directed. F. Adjust nozzle spray pattern as required to avoid water spray on building walls, roads or sidewalks. 3.14 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING A. Flush dirt and debris from piping before installing sprinklers and other devices. B. Adjust automatic control valves to provide flow rate of rated operating pressure required for each sprinkler circuit. C. Carefully adjust lawn sprinklers so they will be flush with, or not more than 2 inch (13 mm) above, finish grade after completion of landscape work. Adjust so that sprinklers do not spray on buildings or walls. D. Adjust settings of controllers and automatic control valves to insure proper watering of all landscaping. . 3.15 COMMISSIONING A. Starting Procedures: Follow manufacturer's written procedures. If no procedures are prescribed by manufacturers, proceed as follows: 1. Verify that specialty valves and their accessories have been installed correctly and operate correctly. 2. Verify that specified tests of piping are complete. 3. Check that sprinklers and devices are correct type. 4. Check that damaged sprinklers and devices have beenfreplaced with new materials. 5. Check that potable water supplies have correct type back-flow preventers. 6. Energize circuits to electrical equipment and devices. 7. Adjust operating controls. B. Operational Testing: Perform operational testing after hydrostatic testing is completed, backfill is in place, and sprinklers are adjusted to final position. 3.16 DEMONSTRATION A. Provide irrigation system demonstration under provisions of Section 01650. Record on VHS video format. B. Demonstrate to Owner: that system meets coverage requirements and that automatic control functions properly. C. Demonstrate to Owner maintenance personnel operation of equipment, sprinklers, specialties, and accessories. Review operating and maintenance information including start up and winterization procedures. D. Provide 7 days' written notice in advance of demonstration. END OF SECTION 02811 Silverstone- Meridian 02811/9 September /OZ ,~ ~ ~~,,, Ada County Highway District CH David E. Wynkoop, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Bivens 1st Vice President Garden City ID 83714-6499 Judy Peavey-Dert, 2nd Vice President Phone (208) 387.6100 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner FAX (208) 387-6391 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner E-mail: tellus~ACHD.ada.id.us November 6, 2002 TO: Sundance Investments, Limited Partnership ~~~~D 9100 W. Blackeagle Drive jJ Boise, ID 83709 NQ~ ~ 7 Z~QZ SUBJECT: MCZC02-054 CITY OF 1Vl.EItID1AN Office PLANNING ~ ZONING Lot 9, Block 11, Silverstone Subdivision #2 On March 14, 2001, the Ada County Highway District Commissioners acted on MPPO1-001/MCUP02- 002/MAZO1-001. The conditions and requirements also apply to MCZC02-054. The Ada County Highway District (ACRD) staff has received and reviewed the application and site plan for the above referenced above and is submitting this comply with letter in response to the lead agency's request for comment. The submitted site plan appears to be in conformance with District standards and the conditions of approval for Silverstone Corporate Center Subdivision. Based on the submitted information, it has been determined that the improvements exist adjacent to the site and ACHD has no site improvement requirements attributable to this application. Please contact this office for determination of possible road impact fees, prior to obtaining a building permit. These fees are collected in accordance with Ordinance #195, the Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office at (208) 387-6170. e~ely, ~~ Development Analyst Planning & Development Cc: Planning & Development/Chron/Project File Planning & Development Services City of Meridian Construction Services Drainage/LTtilities Larson Architects, 210 Murray Street, Boise, ID 83714 ,,ti i • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Planning and Development Division Development Application Report Preliminary Plat -Silverstone Corporate Center s/e/c Overland Road/Eagle Road 15-lots MPP-O 1-001 /MCUP-O 1-002/MAZ-O 1-001 The application has been referred to ACRD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. Silverstone is a 15-lot office/commercial subdivision on 78-acres. The applicant is requesting a rezone from R-1 to C-C/C-G. The site is located at the southeast corner of Overland Road and Eagle Road. This development is estimated to generate 9,629 additional vehicle trips per day based on the submitted traffic impact study. This item is being placed on the regular agenda due to concerns of the applicant regarding stub streets and driveways, and also concerns from the property owner to the south regarding access through this site. This item was amended and approved by the ACRD Commission on November 7, 2001. The modified staff report allows a public street (stubbing to the east property line) located on Eagle Road approximately 2,400-feet south of Overland Road Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Eagle Road Interstate 84 ACbID Commission Date -March 14, 2001- 6:30 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM Silverstone.cmm Page 1 ~~ •. Facts and Findings: A. General Information Owner - Sundance Investments I. Applicant -Larson Architects, Quadrant Consulting R-1 -Existing zoning (low-density residential) C-C/C-G -Proposed zoning (general commercial) 78 -Acres 15 -Proposed building lots 1 -Proposed common lots 640 -Total lineal feet of proposed public streets 9,629 -Total vehicle trips per day 285 - Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation Traffic count of 13,551 on 11-30-99 (e/o Eagle Road) Traffic count of 11,422 on 11-30-99 (w/o Eagle Road) D-Existing Level of Service Greater than E-Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 1,300-feet of frontage 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 54 to 48-feet required right-of--way from centerline Overland Road is improved with 2-lanes with no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. There is a southbound turn lane on Overland Road at the Eagle Road intersection. The Overland/Eagle Road intersection currently operates at a level of service F. Eagle Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation Traffic count of 19,790 on 11-30-99 (n/o Overland Road) Traffic count of 7,498 on 2-2-00 (s/o Overland Road) Traffic count of 44,397 on 10-19-99 (n/o I-84) C-Existing Level of Service D-Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 2,600-feet of frontage 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 52 to 48-feet required right-of--way from centerline Silverstone.cmm Page 2 •. ~~ Abutting the site Eagle Road is improved with two travel lanes, with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. North of Overland Road Eagle Road widens to 5-lanes. North of I-84 Eagle Road is under the jurisdiction of ITD. Interstate 84 Traffic count of 0-feet of frontage Interstate 84 is three lanes eastbound and three lanes westbound. There is an "ON" and "OFF" ramp at Eagle Road. B. The Overland/Eagle Road and Meridian/Overland Road intersections operate at a Level of Service F (LOS F), and are listed as one of the 100 most critical intersections in Ada County. Access control within the operating area of the intersection is vital to the safe operations of the intersection. The subject site's additional traffic will exacerbate the traffic problems at these intersections. C. On March 2, 2001, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. D. A traffic study was submitted for the Silverstone Corporate Center in Meridian, Idaho. The key findings of the traffic study include the following. ^ The proposed development is projected to generate an average daily traffic (ADT) of 9,629 vehicles per day (vpd), of which the peak hour traffic (PHT) is 1,021 vehicles per hour (vph). ^ At build out, the project will add 6,317 vehicles per day to Eagle Road north of the site, of these trips 847 will take the westbound I-84 ramp, 2,504 will travel eastbound on I-84, and the remaining 2,966 will continue to the north. An additional 1,100 vehicles per day will travel south of the site on Eagle Road. The project will add 1,380 vehicles per day to Overland Road east of the site and 850 vehicles per day west of the site. ^ The intersection of Eagle Road and Overland Road is currently operating at Level of Service (LOS) F. It will operate at LOS F under background traffic conditions with or without the site being developed. This development should be required to participate in improvements to this intersection to bring it to an acceptable level of service. ^ The intersections of Eagle Road and the eastbound and westbound off-ramps of I-84 will function at an acceptable level of service with the addition of site traffic. This assumes that the proposed signal on the eastbound off-ramp is constructed by ITD. ^ The intersection of Eagle Road and Franklin Road will operate at LOS F with or without the project. Improvements to this intersection will require additional right-of--way and coordination with other projects. Since the majority of the traffic will be coming from other growth in the area, widening of this intersection should be considered by the ACHD and ITD. Silverstone.cmm Page 3 /. i • ^ The intersection of Overland Road and Meridian Road will operate at LOS F under background traffic conditions and LOS F with the addition of site traffic. Additional lanes are required to make this intersection operate at an acceptable LOS D. This intersection is within the limits of a proposed project by ACRD. The site traffic should be included in the planning of the ACRD improvements project. ^ The intersection of Overland Road and Cloverdale Road will require improvements to operate at LOS E. This area will probably see development in the coming years. It is recommended that the project will contribute to the future reconstruction of this intersection. ^ The intersection of Overland Road and Five Mile Road will suffer a small increase in delay due to project traffic. Other growth will contribute to most of the deterioration of the intersection. The project should not be required to participate in the reconstruction of this intersection. ^ The intersection of Eagle Road and Victory Road will operate at an acceptable level of service, LOSE, after the build out of this project. ^ Eagle Road south if the project will operate at an acceptable level of service after build out of the project. The site should contribute right-of--way for future roadway expansion. Since Eagle Road is on a section line, it is assumed that the future roadway will be a five-lane road. ^ Eagle Road north of the site will operate at an acceptable level of service after build out of the project. ^ Overland Road west of Eagle Road will operate at an acceptable level of service for athree-lane road. A three-lane road is proposed to be built by ACRD on this section of roadway. ^ Overland Road east of Eagle Road will operate at a poor level of service after build out of the project. The project should be required to dedicate right-of--way for afive-lane future roadway. In the interim, the project should be required to construct aright-turn lane and alert-turn lane for the full frontage of the project along Overland Road. ^ The project should be required to construct a signal at the main entrance to the site on Eagle Road and to the main entrance to the site on Overland Road. Each signal will require alert-turn lane and aright-turn lane. E. The applicant is proposing to construct two driveways on Overland Road and one public street connection. The proposed accesses are located: • 400-feet east of Eagle Road (western driveway) • 690-feet east of Eagle Road and 265-feet east of western driveway (middle driveway) • 1,070-feet east of Eagle Road (public street) District policy 7204.7.3 states that access points on arterials are based on the following: :• One access point for less than 150-feet of frontage • Two access points for 150-600-feet of frontage • Three access points for greater than 600-feet of frontage. Access points are considered to be both public streets and driveways. The applicant is proposing to construct three access points on Overland Road in accordance with District policy. The ACRD Commission approved these three access points on Overland Road. Silverstone.cmm Page 4 t, f • F. The applicant is proposing to construct five driveways on Eagle Road and one public street connection. The proposed accesses are located: • 400-feet south of Overland Road (northern driveway) • 690-feet south of Overland Road and 265-feet south of northern driveway (northern middle driveway) • 420-feet south of northern middle driveway (middle driveway) • 1,590-feet south of Overland Road (public street) • 410-feet south of public street (southern driveway) • At the south property line (shared southern driveway) District policy 7204.7.3 states that access points on arterials are based on the following: :• One access point for less than 150-feet of frontage • Two access points for 150-600-feet of frontage • Three access points for greater than 600-feet of frontage. Access points are considered to be both public streets and driveways. The applicant initially proposed to construct six access points on Eagle Road. District policy allows three access points. On November 7, 2001, the Commission allowed Silverstone Corporate Center to construct four access points on Eagle Road due to the fact that The ACRD Commission approved four access points on Eagle Road with this application. • A driveway located on Eagle Road approximately 440-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. • A driveway located on Eagle Road approximately 1,150-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. • A public street (spine road) located on Eagle Road approximately 1,700-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. • A public street (stubbing to the east property line) located on Eagle Road approximately 2,400-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. G. The applicant is proposing to construct a spine road through the site with connections at Overland Road and Eagle Road. Due to the volumes of traffic this development is expected to generate, the applicant should construct this roadway as a 46-foot street section with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. If the applicant constructs attached sidewalks, the sidewalk should be constructed 7-feet wide, and the street should be constructed within 64-feet ofright-of--way. If the applicant constructs detached sidewalks, the sidewalk should be constructed 5-feet wide, and the street should be constructed within 70-feet ofright-of--way. Parking should be restricted on the proposed street, and the applicant should submit a signage plan prior to final plat approval. H. The applicant's site plan indicates a traffic signal on Overland Road at the intersection with the proposed public street, located approximately'/4-mile east of Eagle Road, and one on Eagle Road located approximately 1/3-mile south of Overland Road. It is not clear from the applicant's proposal if the intent is for the traffic signals to be constructed with the project, or if they are Silverstone.cmm Page 5 •~ i shown on the plan as "future". According to the submitted traffic study, at full build-out, the project should be required to construct the signals, and the necessary site improvements associated with the signals: left-turn lanes and right-turn lanes. Based on ACRD Commission action, traffic signals cannot be installed at these intersections until there is a warrant. The applicant's traffic engineer should work with ACRD Traffic Services staff to determine when the warrant is met, or is close to being met. The developer should be financially responsible for the cost of one-half of the signal. If the properties across from this subdivision have not been developed prior to the signal warrant, the applicant of this site shall fund 100% of the cost of the signals. At the time that those properties develop, a road trust will be acquired and this applicant shall be reimbursed for one half of the cost of the signal. This applicant should enter into a written agreement with the District for these two traffic signals. I. The applicant should be required to construct center turn lanes on Overland Road and Eagle Road for the proposed public street intersections and for full access driveways. The roadways are currently only 2-lanes in width, and the submitted traffic study determined that these lanes should be required. J. The applicant is proposing to construct islands at the main entrances to the proposed spine roads. The islands may interfere with turning movements at the signals. The applicant should coordinate the intersection designs with District Traffic Services staff. K. Driveways on the proposed spine road should be located a minimum distance of 175-feet from Eagle Road and Overland Road, and should align or offset a minimum of 125-feet from any proposed driveways. The site plan shows driveways on the proposed street located within 25- feet of other proposed driveways, and some of the driveways are constructed with medians: such a configuration is confusing to the motorist. The applicant should revise the site plan and relocate driveways in accordance with district policy. L. The applicant is proposing to construct a large island in the middle of the spine road, with driveways on both sides. The driveways are located so that motorists could make unsafe left turns from the driveways. The applicant should either: construct the island as a true roundabout; eliminate the driveways; or eliminate the island. M. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. N. Irrigation facilities should be relocated outside of the new right-of--way on Overland Road and Eagle Road. O. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site should be borne by the developer. Silverstone.cmm Page 6 •~ • L_J P. In accordance with District policy, the applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on Overland Road abutting the entire site. Coordinate the location and. elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. Q. In accordance with District policy, the applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on Eagle Road abutting the entire site. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. R. Any proposed landscape islands/medians within the public right-of--way dedicated by this plat should be owned and maintained by Silverstone owners. Notes of this should be required on the final plat. S. The fourth access point (a public street (stubbing to the east property line) located on Eagle Road approximately 2,400-feet south of Overland) was granted due to the fact that the applicant could prove that this was an extraordinary circumstance. The Silverstone Corporate Center did not anticipate ownership of the newly acquired parcel. They will be placing the access point (a public street) in a safer location and the applicant will not be requesting direct access to Eagle Road when a formal application is filed for the newly acquired parcel with the City of Meridian or the District. T. In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACRD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. . U. In order to reduce trips to and from this development, it is recommended that the tenants occupying the proposed building(s) be required to participate in any Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) that is formed with a boundary that includes this site or is adjacent to this development. V. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enhancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation programs and forwarded to the ACRD Commuteride Office. W. Based on development patterns in this area and the resulting traffic generation, staff anticipates that the transportation system will not be adequate to accommodate additional traffic generated by this proposed development at accepted levels of service with out modifications to Eagle Road and Overland Road, and the intersection. Silverstone.cmm Page 7 1. Special Recommendation to ITD: •. According to the submitted traffic study, the proposed development is projected to generate an average daily traffic (ADT) of 9,629 vehicles per day (vpd), of which the peak hour traffic (PHT) is 1,021 vehicles per hour (vph). At build out, the project will add 6,317 vehicles per day to Eagle Road north of the site, of these trips 847 will take the westbound I-84 ramp, 2,504 will travel eastbound on I-84, and the remaining 2,966 will continue to the north. Special Recommendation to City of Meridian: In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACRD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Ms. Pat Nelson at 387-6160. 2. In order to reduce trips to and from this development, the tenants occupying the proposed building(s) should be required to participate in any Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) that is formed with a boundary that includes this site or is adjacent to this development. 3. The Overland/Eagle Road and Meridian/Overland Road intersections operate at a Level of Service F (LOS F), and are listed as one of the 100 most critical intersections in Ada County. Access control within the operating area of the intersection is vital to the safe operations of the intersection. The subject site's additional traffic will exacerbate the traffic problems at these intersections. 4. Based on development patterns in this area and the resulting traffic generation, staff anticipates that the transportation system will not be adequate to accommodate additional traffic generated by this proposed development at accepted levels of service with out modifications to Eagle Road and Overland Road, and the intersection. The following Site Specific Requirements and Standard Requirements must be met or provided for prior to ACRD approval of the final plat: Site Specific Requirements: 1. Dedicate 54 to 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be paid the fair market value of the right-of--way dedicated which is an addition to existing ACHD right-of--way. Silverstone.cmm Page 8 •. i • 2. Dedicate 52 to 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Eagle Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be paid the fair market value of the right-of--way dedicated which is an addition to existing ACHD right-of--way. 3. The following access points on Overland Road are approved with this application: • 400-feet east of Eagle Road (western driveway) • 690-feet east of Eagle Road and 265-feet east of western driveway (middle driveway) • 1,070-feet east of Eagle Road (public street) 4. The following access points on Eagle Road are approved with this application: • A driveway located on Eagle Road approximately 440-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. • A driveway located on Eagle Road approximately 1,150-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. • A public street (spine road) located on Eagle Road approximately 1,700-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. • A public street (stubbing to the east property line) located on Eagle Road approximately 2,400-feet south of Overland Road is approved with this application. 5. Construct a spine road through the site with connections at Overland Road and Eagle Road, located as proposed. Construct the roadway as a 46-foot street section with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. If the applicant constructs attached sidewalks, the sidewalk shall be constructed 7- feet wide, and the street shall be constructed within 64-feet ofright-of--way. If the applicant constructs detached sidewalks, the sidewalk shall be constructed 5-feet wide, and the street shall be constructed within 70-feet ofright-of--way. Parking shall be restricted on the proposed street, and the applicant shall submit a signage plan prior to final plat approval. 6. This applicant should enter into a written agreement with the District for the construction, timing and funding of the two proposed traffic signals: one on Overland Road located at the quarter-mile, and one on Eagle Road at approximately the half-mile. Traffic signals cannot be installed at these intersections until there is a warrant. The applicant's traffic engineer should work with ACHD Traffic Services staff to determine when the warrant is met, or is close to being met. The developer shall be financially responsible for the cost of one-half of the signal. If the properties across from this subdivision have not been developed prior to the signal warrant, the applicant of this site shall fund 100% of the cost of the signals. At the time that those properties across the street develop, a road trust will be acquired and this applicant shall be reimbursed for one half of the cost of the signal. 7. Construct center turn lanes on Overland Road and Eagle Road for the proposed public street intersections and for full access driveways. Silverstone.cmm Page 9 •. i L` 8. The applicant shall coordinate the intersection designs with District Traffic Services staff. 9. Driveways on the proposed spine road shall be located a minimum distance of 175-feet from Eagle Road and Overland Road, and shall align or offset a minimum of 125-feet from any proposed driveways. 10. The applicant is proposing to construct a large island in the middle of the spine road, with driveways on both sides. The applicant shall: construct the island as a true roundabout; eliminate the driveways; or eliminate the island. 11. Construct a public roadway on Eagle Road approximately 2,400 feet south of Overland Road, as proposed. This roadway should be construct as a locaUcommercial street with a 40-foot street section within 58-feet ofright-of--way. Provide a paved temporary turnaround at the east end of the stub with a temporary easement provided to the District. The applicant should be required to install a sign at the terminus of the roadway stating that, "THIS ROAD WII.,L BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE". Coordinate the sign plan for the stub street, and the design of the turnaround with District staff." 12. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. 13. Imgation facilities shall be relocated outside of the new right-of--way on Overland Road and Eagle Road. 14. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 15. Construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on Overland Road abutting the entire site. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. 16. Construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on Eagle Road abutting the entire site. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. 17. Any proposed landscape islands/medians within the public right-of--way dedicated by this plat shall owned and maintained by Silverstone owners. Notes of this shall be required on the final plat. 18. Other than the access points specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road and Eagle Road is prohibited. Lot access restrictions, as required with this application, shall be stated on the final plat. Silverstone.crrun Page 10 •, ~~ Standard Requirements: 1. A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACRD Planning and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. T'he written request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for ACHD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACHD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its original decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACRD right-of--way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. Silverstone.cmm Page 11 •~ i. 8. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusion of Law: 1. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted by: Planning and Development Staff Commission Action: March 14, 2001 Silverstone.cmm Page 12