Marshall's CZC 02-010MAYOR Robert D. Coccie CTI'Y COUNCIL MEMBERS Ron Anderson Keith Bird Tammy deWeerd Cherie McCandless • HUB OF TREASURE YALIEY A CJood Place to Live CITY OF MERIDIAN 33 EAST IDAHO MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 888-4433 • FAX (208) 887-4813 City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 ~ ~~~~ LEGAL DEPARTMENT (208) 288-2499 •Fax 288-2501 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DEPARTMENT (208) 887-2211 • Fax 887-1297 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPAR'TMEN'T' (208) 884-5533 • FAX 888-6854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: February 14, 2002 Project: Marshall's Address: Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center south of Fairview Pad 1-M 1 Proposed Use: 28 280 square foot retail building Zoning: I-L LPlanned Development) COMMENTS: Conditions of Approval: Pad is subject to all terms and conditions of existing C.U.P. for The Family Center (as approved on 10-20-98) for the site. City's failwe to specifically identify all requirements of the C.U.P. in this Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not relieve owner of responsibility for compliance. Si;?na~e: All signage is subject to design review and shall require a separate permit. No signage is permitted in ACRD right-of--way. No temporary signs shall be permitted. Ligh~g: All external lighting shall be down shielded, hooded or of the forward throw variety, so as not to directly illuminate or cause glare to spill onto any adjacent property or roadway. ADA Requirements: All construction, site and parking improvements shall meet the minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Landscaping All landscaping shall be installed as submitted on the original approved site plan, with the exception that the three (3) planters south of the store may be relocated nine feet (9') as shown. No substitutions shall be permitted without the written consent of the Planning and Zoning staff. All dead or diseased plants shall be replaced. Trash Encloswe: The location and screening of the trash encloswes, as noted on the approved site plan, shall meet minimum requirement for trash encloswes as outlined by section 11-12-2 of the Meridian City Code. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be completed or installed prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements (including paving, striping, landscaping, and/or irrigation). A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. • • Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan aze not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. The Site Plan & Landscape Plan stamped 02/14/02 is approved with the comments noted above. Brad Hawkins-Clazk For: Shari Stiles Planning & Zoning Administrator *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements ofotherdepartments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning & Zoning Department 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste. 202, Meridian, ID 83642 (208)884-5533 Phone / (208)888-6854 Fax C'F.RTiFi('.ATF. nF 7.nNiNG C'nMPi.iANCF, f~~,l APPi.irATinN (Section I 1-19-1, Zoning and Development Ordinance) PROJECT NAME: ~~i ~~~^~ ~2ossRoACIS S ~+n~ in/~ C~Nte,2 ~EV~t_o~e~5 ~ ivE25t~t ~ ~~=1~'T~/ Ca7~, APPLICANT: C~O pAIC.DT74 ~orn O/9/vv, Z~C . ADDRESS: 1 SO S Ty rz ~ ~ ~ ~ /9 ~ c ~ o i s ~ =c~~ ~o ~s 3 70 6 PHONE: X93- SZ2 3 FAX: 343- 995'4 E-MAIL:~'a/4uwE"'S@LSDI~atOings OWNER(S) OF RECORD:~~G ~ ~ 55oC / ~ t~$ L L L ADDRESS: q SS ~. Soo Sow SAS; L,4-tc C~~; V i 8'4 ~ i ~ PHONE:~dO I - 3 63 - 5'3"'SS' FAX: g0 ~ - 3(09 -1 S4 ~ E-MAIL: ARCHITECT (IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT):QVRDl2f+~-/t ~Dn/Suc.T/n+9. -1-NG ADDRESS: qos S. 4s~' S'~nzc--~-r '~Z9S ~as~.TO 8'374 z PHONE: 3 ~ 2 - O D 9 l FAX: 34 2 " 00 ~ Z E-MAIL 1~ ~ LK ~Q tJA~o~2.•in/L`, C c.., ADDRESS, GENERAL LOCATION OF SITE: 363 S ~~ ~f{lRVlcuJ /~II/E: DESCRIPTION OF USE: r''~.E2 ~ uiAM ~lLOSS/ZO/}~ SHOby~ CENt~/L - ~~iT7Q.~ ~. l1/E'cy /N-L/n/E ~ulLCli~/9~ ~~°7wr'~7+/ ~'~/sTl~t/4 Fr4S~iw/ ~y~s'' ~EpEjZSCN S ,(3v/~c/%~/yS. Z S/ 2 $O ,5'lf v/42 E ~r~T y PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: ~ ~- ~~ LOwG< 1 T7~nJigC. (JSC PC?Z~1tT I,"TFLn~ ~.SSOG/itf.~°5'~ LG L do hereby affirm that I will agree to pay any additional sewer, water or trash fees or charges, if any, associated with the use that Uwe have applied for, whether the use be residential, commercial or industrial in nature. Furthermore, I have read the information contained herein and certify that the information is true and correct. Zi 6 ~ o z (Applicants Signature) (Date) c' P,dec. HP LaserJet 3100 SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Meridian P&Z 888 6854 Feb-14-02 10:OOAM Job Start Time Usage Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode Status 349 2/14 10:OOAM 0'50" 208 343 4954 Send .............. 3/ 3 EC144 Completed........................................ Total 0'50" Pages Sent: 3 Pages Printed: 0 tw e. w~aeeaw U. Rene. xox fwe.e, ro law M:YmQ at1-aEJ~ is (301) aaaaa6/ ~. lbe Tan 9aeraaol, Dakals Cv. t'rerea farad 1farNanl~Clark ~~` rre 343a0.`rl -a0ae 3 Mare 3~3~fi223 Dates ?NI/30a2 lae Mw,dranppeov.aczc eee l7 uea.ea ~Ior ftaww O.laa.. eaweweaae O naaa. tlaah O n..a. LLaa31Na Tan, Pba1e lfrd alta@ied the aipned, appoved CeftlM1cate of 7artp fat RAatalwYs. Ak gppeeta to be fn ceder.' I wlk plscs the odpirmi copy wkh the stanpad phru d ar front tlounbr for you to pick-up at your aarwereisnr. F?YI, k appasra yoer otHoR k stlk ua4g the CZC epplcrlbn dated N18N1. VYe dtd rnodky the Caihd 8arya~ y~ald IYaeroispDkaalbn sar~alMd or t~ you or Duel Didc~ up the hard aopNa rbrt tlma you're rn. Brad • 660 E. Watertaiuer Ln. Suite 202 Meridian, ID 83642 Ph: (208)884-5533 Fx:(208)888-6854 i~ To: Tom Bauwens, Dakota Co. From: Brad Hawkins-Clark ~~C-. Fax: 343-4954 Pages: 3 Phone: 343-5223 Date: 2/14/2002 Re: Marshall's Approved CZC CC: ^ Ursent ~FOr Review ^ Please Comment ^ Please Reply ^ Please Recycle Tom, Please find attached the signed, approved Cert~cate of Zoning Compliance for Marshall's. All appears to be in order. I will place the original copy with the stamped plans at our front counter for you to pick-up at your convenience. FYI, it appears your office is still using the CZC application dated 6/15/01. We did modify the application last Fall to eliminate the requirement to obtain the ACHD acceptance letter prior to the CZC. Contact Sonya if you'd like a new application e-mailed or faxed to you or just pick- upthe hard copies next time you're in. Thanks, Brad • • , ~_ c0~=~1 I~,,il -~~ Xis ~?,~__ - ---~ ~: ~~ ~Z~ _ _ ~ - c~ ~- f__ r : ~ ~1' CORPORATIOiv w~RRANTY DEED For Value Received GEvtTO~E, L`1C., a corporation duly organized and cxisring under the laws of the State of Idaho, ("Gcanto~') does hereby Grant. Bargain, Scll and Convey unto TFCiVI ASSOCIATES, LLC, a (;fah limited liability company, ("Grantcc'~ whose current address is 4~5 [. 500 j., Suite 400, Salt Lake City. Ugh 8d 1 1 1 ,the following dcscnbcd resl cstatc within the city of Meridian, ldaho. to-,,.tt: Parcels 2, 3, and a as desecibed on Exhibies 4-l, A-?, and A-;, respccti~cly; attached hereto and incorporated he:cin by this refcrc:tec, all of which property is located in the , ~octhwest Quarter of Section 9 in Township 3 North, Rnngc 1 East. 5oisc Meridian. TO H.~ VE AIvD TO HOLD the said real property •~itlt all appurtenances (including, but not limited to. all water rights or ownership interests in any imgation districts or entities)unto the said Grantee, its heirs and assigm forever, and the said Grantor dots hereby covenant to and with said Grantee that it is the Owner in fee simple of said real estate and that said real cstatc is free and clear of all taser:,rtts, re3ttictions, and encumbrances, except: 1 Reservations or exceptiotu in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof: ~ General Taxes for the v~ar ? 998, a lien but not vet due and payable. } ~icgati~•c Easement and Rcsmctions cootaincd in Warnnry Dc~a, and [hc terns and conditions thcrzof: [n Favor of State of Idaho Recorded January 21,1956 [nstrttmcnt Vo. 389?d6 4. A.grccmmt and the terms and conditions contained therein: gcrwccn Gcorgc E. Stang and Hannah ~N. Stang, husband and ~vifc and C.H. Stewart and Alice E. Stewart. husband and wife Recorded Scptcutb~'c ?, 194 tustrumcnt Vo. 36x731 purpose Irritation Di[ch rigltt-of-~~a7 ~ v(incrals and rninzral rights as rescrvcc to (;plead Industncs Cor~orenon, a ~cbraska corpora[iott. by Special Warranty peed recorded Augtrst lI. 1990, as Instrt,m~'nt Vu 904 ~Oa ~, cccords o(Ada Counr~•, ldaho. CORPORATION WARRANTY DEED - (D 06~n98~C,~rt,w~c~eory--~r~ decd) • ~ -" ti. E~semtn[ and d In Favor of Purpose Rccordcd (nstrumcat No. tLL1.t~CE TITI~ ;,' QUU). uU9 ,e terms and conditions thereof: Mountain States TclcFhoac and Telegraph Company. a corpo[zrion Communication Facilities and Incidental Purposes June 28. 1990 903x208 7. ~legati~c Gasernenu, Conditions, restrictions and acccss tighu contained to the Dced to the Stacc of Idaho Recorded rio~ember ?S, 1988 InsoR,mcnt Vo. 885 i9 i0 Official Rrcotds. And antcndcd by ExchanEc Dccd recorded April 8. 1994. as Instntmcot No. 94032SO1. g. Easement, and the Terms end Conditions thereof: in Favor of L.S. West Communications, Inc., a Colorado corporation Purpose Construct, reconstruct operate, maintain, and reroo••c tclccommunications facilities Rccordcd May 24, 1994 Instrument Flo. 94048300 9. Easement and the Tzrtns and Conditions thereof: In Favor of Ciry of vteridiart Ada County. Idaho Purpose Public Utilities Rccordcd Ju.-tc i, 1994 Insuurocnt No. 940:3 i 65 l0. Easement and the Teems and Conditions thcttof: In Fa~•or of Idaho Power Company', a cocpontion Purpesc Po~~'c; Lines and Incidet•.:al Purposes Rccord_d .~t:;ust 10, 1995 [nstntmcnt !~io. 905:$22 1 ! Eascmcat and the terms and conditions thereof: In Favor of Adz County Highway Dismct P;trposc Tc:npocary acccss road between the proooscd Crossroads Subdivision ~Io. ~ and Fairvic~v Avcnuc Recordcti October 1, 1997 [nstnlmcot No. 9-081013 12. Rioh~s acrd interests of the Nampa-vleridian Imgation Distract. I?. Gasci;icnts and n~hu-oI•Way for or associatcu wttlt imgation cic_;~cs and faciltncs appeznn~ oa the abo~c-dcsc:ibcd real estate. l c Easements and tights associacEd with the drversio^ structure for a pressure :r-.igauon ,stem utilized b~ Crossroads Subdivision. COIZPORATlON u/.aRR,~NTY DEED - D OOOIYd Gcmwnc~corD °u_' dc~l c- ~LLI LACE TITI~ ®OUI. 009 0_ 0:.98 09 t5 F~:~ t'_08))d9)• W~[T\~SS ~tlj-;F~LEOF, the Grantor, pursuant co a Resolution of its Board of Directors bas caused i~ corporaicpname to oc hcrcunto subscribed by its Prciident and tcs corporate seal to be affuced by its Sccrctary this () *~ day of Junc, 1998. GE?~ONE. WC ay: Thomss T. Wright. Prestacnt `w . sward L. cg's, Sccrccary STATE OF [D AHO ss. County of Ada G t f. On this (i _ day of Junc, 1998, bcforc mc, r dowry Public in and Cor said tare, persona y apocarcd THOvL•~S T. WRIGHT and EDWARD L. BE~vS. !mown to me [o be the Pccsidcnt and Secretary of the corporation that executed this instrument or cite persoas ~~bo executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation, and ac!cnoWledged to me that such corporation executed the same. WIT`IESS WF~REOF, I have hcrcunto set my hand and affvccd my of5eial deal the day and yctc in this ccrrificate fast about written. i /~ rr ~-` ~~ ~'~ = = Zvotary PuoGc for !~to~ - ~ o ~o ~C'T A~ F' -~t.V Residing at e``'~J" a,., a, ~ -n- _ Cotnutission expires G ~ ~ y ~ 3 r , ~ ~ = ', ~ ~ U3 ~,' ,.`~ ., ;~ ''~o,.,•.~~~ CO(~f'OE~TION w~.RR,~vTY DEFi7 (O 06019S~GcmioncKOrp-W u' dcc~~ r~0u5 uu9 p; 0;.93 09 i3 FMS I'US]]ti9)5- .~L~1.1~Cc T(Tl~ ~~ G• .i ~ . ~~~'~, HU68~E ENGINEcRING. INC. i • ~,PJ3`<56Z ~x ZGola- ~\ ~ I g=_~ =ct~c~ Cur, =c~se.:Car.~ 3L'~G~ ~E-"~ FFcC!EC ~ `~G 9GGC.CO ~- - F.E'JISc~ =~=RUARY ~c~. ~cc8 ~cT_ =CN ~1G~=. `1E=~.~ FARCc' 2 - O~ C20SSROADS CCMME:cCiAL A PP.RCcL GF l..^-.NC LGC.~. ~ i=~ IN T'r.E t/`~EST t/~ OF i rIE V~/`/ ~/1 OF ScC i .ON 9, T.3N.. P.. ~ ~.. ~-~vt.. AOA CGI,'N i Y. ICAHO. MORE PARTiCUI~.r`Z! Y CESCRIBEO AS t=0LL0`NS: CO,v1ME,~CINC ?. i ~ HE CORNE=c ;C(vIMCN TO Sci,TiONS 4, ~. 9 :LNG i f'.E SAID Cc i iCN 5. FrcGM ~/~IF-:IC:'. Tiic 1/= CCfcNER CCf~IMON TJ S.~.10 Sc`:,%CNS ~ ~.~VG 9 i?c4F.S SCUT.-!ri ~ °OP'4~" WEjT. ?F='S.?S r=~ i : T-r~.ENCc :.vl:T.= 0 ~'C8'~=' V`iES-`. 1~c5.21 i-~ i (r=CFcriIER! Y OE.'.C.°.IEE7.?S S.~,U-- ~'08'1C" ~/`i~j-. 5~~. t J FE- ~ ~ TO A FGINT; T ~EvCE SOI;T. ; ?8`~ t'~~7" EAST. ~ ~.CC~ =Eci- TO ~ ~E ~(OFcT~-i~NE i COFc`!E~ C= ! .^, i ~. GLOCX 2. CF C: cGSS~trJAi.S SJEO(VISiGN .~lG. ;, q~ c~.iVlc IS :~ECORCc~ tN SGGK ~~ GF PLC-S..~T rAGcS iic:~ A~VD E~~~. r:cE,C :FcCS CF ~.iJ~ CCI;N i (, :C~HO. S:..O =GIN ;, •3c!NG i FEE Fc~L FOIN i CF 6EGINN(NG. T'r.ENC = ~.LCNG i F~.E E~~S E.=c_Y :::G~ i -CF'/`/r-.`! C~ V. c~C _= r=c0.=.0 (ST,: _ HIG~bVF.`! ~~~i wCFTr~. .'C~'-_ c=,. ~c~ =~ F== TC .~ =C1~~I- i -cvCE S::L~i:i i?:.`~t'~C" ==.ST. oc~.t. =c.T _ J ;'GIN- T:==~iCc c~.U i r~. . ~SQ' _ ~.tiEST .-LONG -~:t G~TEVGE=..~,~`~G.~/~/E ~ c=c~`' EGI:NG:'R" GF S:=.IG GP.CSS~=.C~C SUBCI~/IS~ON VC. '. A QIS-A.NCE CF 9~~.=2 _= i i O A ?C•iN- CN i =c VCr: =E.=c_" ~ICr:i-vt--~~'/,:`.' GF =. F~ cjlG=~)%~.L C%~IV~. ;cVC= _r.= %G.,-_ .'L~wG S,=~ir n:G~ -.:;F-'•N.A'!aVG .-_,=r:C GF,;,VCN- TA~IGc~~1 i r':JF~JE i C T:-:C ~_= i . ~r=.Vl~IG ;~, .tr=CIUS OF ~~~'.'_~ _ _~ i . A CE~1 i : c.~L ~.NGLc GF ~" G~ J2'..".NC A LONG C:-'.CP.C ~f=~.F=cIVG ~~1QF ~ ~c ~C2'=~" ONES i . tcc cp F==- i C ~ GIN ; i ~EiVCE uCP.--i ~c'~ ~'~C"'~rS i , ?5~.~E =cam -0 ~ ~ E J: U-r==,cT COFcNc? GF Sa.10 ~C- P'_GCX 2 CF C~=-.CSSnC~.CS SI:EOIV:S~CN VG. 1-=.cV~-~ ~~'NC irG =X ==.ICF =CL~NGF.r" CF ~.:IC L~- ~uCr ~ ~ - ~Cc"~... i ~E:~C~ 3 : ~2 F=- =-LC~~C ~ `~E .SRC CF :. CUF.`/~ i C ~ -:~ L`r= i , Na`J!NG ~. t~,~ll. c C~ ZC ~C = EE i . % - C~ V-~.,`.l_ ~ ~Gl.= OF ~0 CC~CC° ~..v ~ r- `_ONG C:-;GQ~' E~,).R:tvC NCP. ~ - -_ ~ t'ci; ' b,~E~ Z? ?? ~ =_ ~ C ~ FOIN ?=G. ~ ~` = E~ ~ ~ ~ iT_A-_! .~lLl.l~lt i i i ~' ~uv~. Uvy ~1 J ~ ~ENcE yvoRTN aa-~ t~~o" WEST. 10.00 F.. T TO A r-C'I~V T'r-IENCc ~~.d2 F=R ALONG i riE.~RC OF A CI:R`~E TO r'= R'•CF'•' • PAVING a R,IDIUS CF 20.00 FcE i . A CENTRAL ANGLE OF SO'GG'GO". A~vC A LONG CrORO FEARING NORTH 4G°51'50" V~/EST, 28.28 FE.1 i C r, PUNT: THENCE NOFcTH 1'OP'10" CAST, 110.00 ~c=T Ti~- ~'. -CIN-: TNEI~ICE 31.42 FEE- ALONG THE ARC OF r. CL'R`1E ~ G i rE L=~, F:AVING A RRDIUS OF 20.00 FEE i . A CENTRAL ANCI.E OF 70'OG'CC". P.~`10 P. LONG CHORD FEARING NORTH a3°51'~G-' WEST, 28.28 FEET T O A FCIN T . THENCE NORTH 88~'S1'S0" WEST. l0.aa :=..1 (FOFr,IE.-.! '~ GESCrc:~Et7 AS 1G.00 FE~TO ir-IE RE4L POINT OF BEGINNING. CCNi~~NIIVG 17.2C` ACRES 092.301 SCUAFcE Ftm. MORE OR LESS. F4E=A.riED ~•~. '/ A I . ' , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~L 1- .e~, ~, ,. c 1 ~' ~ l ! L ~ ~ ~~• 7f91°b c ~J •G„ ~`/ y ~T GF.~~CF`.' ~ CAF ~_. _ ~.~. ~~Gc . C~ z u- p: 73 u9 r5 F.~:~ l:'U9))u7`9: ~lLI.wCE TITl1. - .:. ,,: ~~~~-~. HUEBLE ENGINEE~(NG: INC. 1 ~ ~ ~ / a`~G OgrC2: C.:Cr, ~ 5052. iCor:O c^7C~ /.~ - sva~ - FQCJEC ; NG. 9~CC~GO ,, dlou: oo~ _~: ~c=FcUArZ`.' ~, 192 Rn/IScO F=?RUAR`.' 18, t9Q8 Oc"_'_JN AGic~'v.~c.l•-• PARCEL 3 CROSSROADS COMMERCIAL A °p.F~Cc! CF L~~VC LCCa i ED Irv ThE NVU:/4 OF T r:E NW :/° GF Sc': LION y. T.3V., R. ~ c.. 3.M.. ACS. COUNT`.'. IDArO. MCF,E ~ar2 i IC::L~rcLY DESCRIEcO AS FOLLO~NS: CONINIEruC:NG A i i I-:E CORVE~ COMMON TO SEC. ~ IONS 4. 5. 8 ArVO THE S.~ID ScCT:ON 9, F; cCM ~P/t~IC:-i T~:E t/~ CORNEA CCI~If~IGN i O S.~,10 SEriIONS ~ a,NG S EESr=cS SOU i r'. 89°22'1G" EIS i . L55~-~' F = r : T'r:E~tC jCl,'T.-: 8S`2'iC" E~.ST, 'C ~i.8b -=-i i C /~ POIN-: ir:=VCc SOU i'r. 1=0P'1~" In/ES-. ~c.~i =~ r TO A. FOINT CN i r-'= SCI: i i-'.ErcLY rZICi-i i -OF-ANA`.' OF F~.~RVIE/~/ ;-`.~/EVI,'c, SAID ?CIN- EE:NC T'r'E R~L FCIN i OF BEGNNING. T::ENCE CCNiiNUINC SCI:T~ ' '0~' ~3"'/4cST; S~S.i % =E =T TO ^ FC~I~vT GN i nE crX i E:=cIOF. SCI.'V ;:.ft`! LINE :F CFCOSSrGADS SUBCI~/ISIC:N VO. ~ AS FiL IN EGOK ~ ~ CF =~_~.; S A- =Aces i`'9 ANC• ~~~CccE~=CRCs CF :-.OA CCI:N-'Y, IOAF~O; i =EVC= ~L~NG ~.-.i0 =:. ~-c=~iCF, SGI:NCf1FcY ~IivE NCR i - cc-~" ' %"'/Vcc-. 2a ~ .5 ~ r _~ i ~ C -=. =Clrii: T:-;ESC= CON-1rvCINC :.LGNG SAID E:c`=:CF, ECI;NG~.E'! l'NE SLUT= T'r.EVC = L ~~/ING S.-.IC E;C .:c:CF, SGLuC~.P,'! ! INE ~VGF,%~ : 5~'"•-~-" `/~/EJ-- Ec"0. ~ ; FcE i O ~ FCIrIT CN -~E ==.5 i ==LY =1Gfii-C~-~/`/~Y %F V. E~.GL= =cG~C Is ~ aTE vIG~wA~ ~-,: TF:EvCE ALONG S.=.IC RIGr.T-CF-i/~!r.Y vGK'i i :~ 0 ~ 'CE'=~- EIS-. 8%J.~O F`=T TC A FCIN'. VCFc-}- ~a :G' S i 1 ~ r.= ~ _C A ~~Ih ~ CN i;:c CCL~ i F.~E ~•i v nIG~- .. = -V`!AY OF =;=..F.`/rE-/`~ :-'/ ~' Vl.'E. ~~~rr S~.IC, ..:G~. -0~-'•/'!~'' SCE; ~ ~. ~c-~~ __ E-.~ - C ~ •`- T-c~C~~~ t::E~~C ~ wC F. ".-. G'"c~..,c° ~• S-- 10 7C - =- ~ 1 0 ~ FGiN ~ . F .a: = r O ~ 2 ~;~1. i 31T~-~~= • ~ _ V`J 1y f.~.\ 1.VOJJ°9~O na.~. n. .~ ..al , ~; ~: yo_ ~;ENCc SOUTH 8°° 5.2a•' ERS ~ , a02. t2 F..; i O l"~-iE R~4L POIN ~ pF EEvINNING. CCNTr.INING 20.?` ;ACRES. (SEE.2a ~ SOUARE FE~MORE OR LESS PFcEPAREJ BY: HU6Bl.E ENGINE-RING, INC. ~0 '~ 1 ~ O a 29 o? 21rQ15~o "~,~~~ GGG/V~WCReommrar3 C=~~vR`.~ G. CP.Fc i ~~. P.! .c• PAGc 2 GF • • ~LLi.~.`+CE TITI~ 0_ 0_ 39 pp l3 FAS 1:09J)d9)8~ :~ 4( ~°. ~= ~~" '~ r /N l ..l/ '~ SUCVE.• ~ ~ou3 003 ~E ENGINEERING, INC. o~=~ ?e,rei C~u~': ~o~se. iaaro c'JiG9 p??'~oN aG~`_'=:!.N? ~=~FcllAP.Y9, .S.E PROJECT NO. °2cotco PARCEL 4 CROSSROADS COMME:~C~AL A PARCcL CF'~NO LCCA-cD tN ~ ~tE NGRTH F=ALF CF i Y.E VWtld OF SECTION ?. E g.,A.. ACA COUNTY. IDAHO. v1CRE FAR`:CU <q SLS ANOC ~E E ~ O Sc TION S. T.3N.. R. t COMMENCING AT TY.E CORNER COMMON TO SEC ~ 1 N ~ aNC 9 6E4r'cS SOU i I, FROM WF'•tCF' 'rE t/4 CGRNE~ COMMON i O o ,~,ID' SECTICNt t , E8 __~ TO A rOIN-. i3°'22'10" c`~ST, 2E59.c~ F=ET: i riENCE SOUTH 8..'~ C" E~Si. C T'r1ENGc SOL:~ t'Ob'13" WE c~ G` POINT 6E NG TiiE REAL PCIN TCOF •EEGiNN NG•' Or WAY OF FAIFcVIE`N AVEVUE...AIO T1iEi~1C ALONG SAID SCU ~ ~:ERLY FLIGHT-CF-WA`.' SOUT•~{ 99°3`-~~d~ F~ST• tC~O.~t FED ~ TO A PCIN :. ~ ~__ , TC A rGIN ~ GN -HE NCR :-+ Tr:E~1C= SGL~y CC`25'CC" WEST. 831..' rc,~ ~-c NE CF CROSSROADS SU80t~/LION NC. ?.~ AIL=~ IN ~COK i : CF Pl. SCUNOARY L: ~ < <bp RECGROS QF ADA COUV~'. tCAr:C: AT FAGEJ i ~ i _ ANO -- T}=EvCc ALONG -HE cX VOEt7 A~VO NOF~ i `•- ECI.'vCARY_ l'NE cF Sr..D '1- r~-~ ~Qit,.OIN~ CFcCSSnOADS S:JEGI~/ISICN yC. ~ NORTH 89'35'?" ~/`~EST. :G3~. ~ 5 - N FciN 1'C13't?" E~S~ t?3t.~2 =_ET i0 "`-+E rtE~.L °CiINT CF 6`=GINNING. TNE~C~ C CDNi.~INING :9.°`- %-~C?ES (8E2.S8C SGUArZE r=EET). ~~CRE OR ==5~• PPcE=.4RED 'Y: NUEEI= ENGINE-:~~ ;. tvC. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ s~~ !i ~ ~1 ., 1 7729 ~, z11~iy~~€' o~ ~o~~ E;~ ~' i ~ i T.~_ '~ C~ ~~G~NEFgs g ° ~iUBBLE ENGINEERING, INC. 9550 Bethel Court .Boise, Idaho 83709 Project No. 9925000 • 208/322-8992 Fax 208/378-0329 January 4, 2000 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION FOR PHASE 1 FAMILY CENTER, MERIDIAN A parcel of land located in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 9, T.3N., R.I.E., B.M., Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest comer of said Section 9 from which the West 1/4 corner of said Section 9 bears South 01°08'42" West, 2649.45 feet; thence South 64°35'27" East, 200.42 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of West Fairview Avenue, as described by Exhibit "B" of warranty deed Instrument No. 99072864, Records of said Ada County, said point being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along said southerly right-of-way line South 89°22'10 East ", 317.30 feet; thence North 87'53'02" East, 500.81 feet; thence South 89°22'10" East, 954.73 feet; thence leaving said southerly right-of-way line and along the westerly right-of-way line or Records Avenue, as described by Exhibit "C" of said warranty deed Instrument No. 99072864. the following courses: thence South 44°28'35" East, 41.07 feet; thence South 00°25'00" West, 344.46 feet; thence South 9°55'31" East, 69.63 feet; thence South 00°24'57" West, 241.74 feet to a point on anon-tangent curve to the left; thence along said curve 54.02 feet, said curve having a radius of 199.89 feet, a central angle of 15°29'04" and a long chord of 53.86 feet which bears South 8°58'50" East; thence South 18°08'07" East, 80.48 feet; thence South 07°20'43" East, 10.42 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Crossroads Subdivision No. 5, as filed in Book 75 of Plats at pages 7779 and 7780, records of Ada County, Idaho; thence leaving said westerly right-0f-way line and along said northerly boundary of Crossroads Subdivision No. 4 as filed89°Book 73 ofsPlats at Pages 7519 and 75201 re~ords of Crossroads Subdivision No. , Ada County, Idaho; i • thence leaving said northerly boundary and along the northerly boundary of said Crossroads Subdivision No. 4, North 89°35'32" West, 796.15 feet to an angle point thereon; thence South 01°08'13" West, 62.50 feet to an angle point thereon; thence North 88°51'47" West, 287.81 feet along said northerly boundary to the northwest corner of said Crossroads Subdivision No. 4; thence leaving said northerly boundary line and along the westerly boundary line of said Crossroads Subdivision No. 4 South 01'08'13" West, 291.48 feet to the most northwesterly corner of Crossroads Subdivision No. 1, as filed in Book 65 of Plats at Pages 6644 and 6645 records of Ada County, Idaho; thence leaving said westerly boundary and along the westerly boundary of said Crossroads Subdivision No. 1, South 01°08'13" West, 620.13 feet to a point on anon-tangent curve to the left, said point also being on the northerly right-of-way line of E. Presidential Drive; thence leaving said westerly boundary line and along said curve and said northerly right- of-way line 205.24 feet, said curve having a radius of 258.82 feet, a central angle of 45°26'02" and a long chord of 199.90 feet which bears North 66'08'49" West; thence North 88°51'50" West, 445.36 feet to a point on a tangent curve to the right; thence along said curve to the right 47.13 feet, said curve having a radius of 30.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00'32" and a long chord of 42.23 feet which bears North 43°51'34" West, to a point of intersection with said curve and the easterly right-of-way line of Eagle Road as described in warranty deed Instrument No. 8857970, records of said Ada County; thence leaving said northerly right-of-way line and along said easterly right-of-way line North t°08'42" East, 1589.72 feet to an angle point thereon; thence North 58°10'31" East, 134.35 feet to the Real Point of Beginning, contains 50.11 acres, more or less. Prepared by: NUBBLE ENGINEERING, INC. J R,AeridianCrossroads2/PJSNw7FamilyCenter-Boundary Des c ~ ~ , - . Patrick J Scheffler. P.L.S. I, Developers ~a~~ . . a "`~ Diversified ~~. ® Realty Corporation JOAN U. ALLGOOD Vice Presldrnt, Secretary and General Counsel April 2, 2001 Ms. Shari Stiles Planning Department City of Meridian 200 E. Carlton Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Authorization to File Applications Dear Ms. Stiles: With respect to property within the shopping center located at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and State Highway 55 known as Meridian Crossroads, please be advised that Lany J. Durkin, President of The Dakota Company, Inc., is authorized to execute and deliver to the City of Meridian the following documents on behalf of TFCM Associates, LLC and Developers Diversified Realty Corporation: 1. Application for Conditional Use Permit; and 2. Any other documents required in connection with the filing and processing of such Application. Very truly yours, ~%~~.~u, JA:eab cc: Larry J. Durkin 3300 Enterprise Parkway, f .O. Box 228(142. 6eadiwood. Ohio 44122 rel: (216) 755-5656 Fax: (2.16) 755 I~i56 or (11fi) 755-1678 lallgood@ddre.com • AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF OHIO ) SS: COUNTY OF CUYAHOGA ) ~. I, JOAN U. ALLGOOD, 3300 Enterprise Parkway, Beachwood; Ohio 44122, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says: 1. That TFCM Associates, LLC is the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to The Dakota Company, Inc. to submit the accompanying application pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian, Idaho, and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from ;any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. Dated this ~~ of April, 2001. TFCM ASSOCIATES, LLC a Utah limited liability company By DDR Family Centers LP Its Member Manager By DDR DownREIT LLC Its General Partner By Developers Diversified Realty C(o~r~poration, its Managing Member Joa U. Allgood, nior Vice President SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. Nota blic ELIZABETH A. BEPRt Notary Public. State of Ohio, Cuya. Cty. Mtt Commission ~cpltes Me[. 8, Z~c 3 CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY OF DEVELOPERS DIVERSIFIED REALTY CORPORATION The undersigned, loan Allgood, hcrcby certifies that: 1. She is the duly clected and acting Secretary of Developers Diversified Realty Corporation, an Ohio corporation (the "Company"): snd 2. Each of the officers of the Company whose name and signature appear below is a duly clected, qualified and scting officer of the Company, holding the office or offices of the Company set forth opposite his or her name, and the signature set forth opposite his or her name is his or her own genuine signature and which officer arc authorized to act on behalf of the Company: Name Scott A. Wolstein James A. Schott David M. Jacobstein Daniel B. Hurwitz Jo:tn U. Allgood Eric M. Mallory William H. Schafer Joseph G. Padanilam John A. Collier Title Chief Executive ORicer Chief Investment Officer President & Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice President Senior Vice President, Secretary & General Counsel Senior Vice President & Director of Development Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Vice President of Investment & Planning Treasurer Signature Q J IN Wll'NESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this certificate in the name and on behalf of the Company as of Apr 11 2 , 2001 Joan Igood,Secreta Tlie undersigned, David M. Jacobstein, hcrcby certifies that Ite is the duly elected and acting Nrcsident of the Company end that Joan Allgood is the duly elected and acting Secretary of the Company, that he is authorized on the Company's behalf to deliver the foregoing certificate and that tlic matters set forth in the foregoing certificate are true and correct. IN WI1NL'SS WHERE=OF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this ccrtiGcatc in the name end on behalf of the Company as of April 2, 2001 ._D,~, : ~,. ~~ David M. Jacobst ,President ~. u.nui ~tKr~i cmrn ~~~~~.,oo,~., i,.p i nnii 06/20/2001 12:16 208888 SANITARY SERVI~ PAGE 01 lZz~• ~e j 20101 FAX COVER SHEET Sanitary Service Company P.O. BOX 6Z6 Merid(an,ID. 83680 Phone: (208)888-3999 Fax: (208)888-SOSZ T0: ~ '-f c.~,~ p-~•~,s~ FROM: ~,cc.v COMPANY: ~~-~- ~~_ PAGES SENT: _~_, SAX tiUMBER: ~~ _ ~4 a ~ _ DATE: L ~ ao - o / Comments: lc•~-ol o~~. ~A,~.o Lo. C.t..J , . `~~~~ MERIDIAN CROSSROADS PHASE 1 CONDITIONAL USE COMPLIANCE • REQUIRED PARKING COUNT 3-IN DIA BUILDING AREA PARKING (EA) TREE SITE PLAN (SF) COUNT COUNT (EA) TOTAL STANDARD COMPACT HANDICAP HANDICAP-VAN (EA) ORIGINAL CU SUBMITTAL 616,418 3,082 3,052 2,991 - 54 7 830 SHOPKO PLAN SUBMITTAL 614,203 3,071 3,055 2,992 - 56 7 830 SHOPKO & TEXAS ROAD 613,447 3,067 3,057 2,994 - 54 9 830 HOUSE SUBMITTALS SHOPKO & TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, 1-H & 1-I 613,505 3,068 3,057 2,994 - 54 9 830 SUBMITTALS SHOPKO & TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, 1-H & 1-I 559,945 2,800 3,011 2,932 - 66 13 865 SUBMITTALS, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 556,746 2,784 3,017 2,937 - 68 12 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 558,016 2,790 2,999 2,919 - 67 13 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 557,715 2,789 2,997 2,917 - 67 13 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 555,262 2,776 2,983 2,904 - 66 13 873 SHEPLERS, BED BATH 8 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & 555,729 2,779 2,988 2,907 - 68 13 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR. SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH 8 555,021 2,775 2,986 2,905 - 67 14 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE77.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: SUMMARY PAGE 1 OF 2 PRINTED: 21412002 • • REQUIRED PARKING COUNT 3-IN DIA BUILDING AREA PARKING (EA) TREE SITE PLAN (SF) COUNT COUNT (EA) TOTAL STANDARD COMPACT HANDICAP HANDICAP-VAN (EA) SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & 554,422 2,772 2,984 2,903 - 66 15 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OlD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, 554,819 2,774 2,981 2,882 18 66 15 873 APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, 554,819 2,774 2,958 2,875 3 63 17 873 APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, 546,530 2,733 2,946 2,863 3 63 17 873 CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK, FASHION BUG, MARSHALL'S, PEDERSEN'S, ALL-A-DOLLAR NU I t: GI I Y Vr MtKIUTAN Fttl.lUlKtJ i rr~,nnnvv ~ ~ H~~ rcn cvu or vr- v~.vv.~ FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE77.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: SUMMARY PAGE 2 OF 2 PRINTED: 214!2002 • ~~ MERIDIAN CROSSROADS SUMMARY PARKING SUMMARY TOTAL H/C H/C-V COMPACT STND 2,946 83 17 3 2 863 SERIES TOTAL H/C H/C-V COMPACT STND 1 10 10 2 6 6 3 12 12 4 39 39 5 6 1 1 4 6 53 53 7 50 50 8 50 50 9 50 50 10 61 61 11 48 4 44 12 48 48 13 25 25 14 20 20 15 26 26 16 26 26 17 t 1 18 19 13 13 20 18 1 1 16 21. 5 5 22 7 7 23 25 2 23 24 27 27 25 15 t5 26 30 30 27 28 4 24 28 5 5 29 4 1 1 2 30 30 30 31 16 ' 16 32 28 28 33 20 1 19 34 8 8 35 28 28 36 24 3 1 20 37 27 27 38 13 1 12 39 3 3 40 2 2 41 26 26 42 10 10 43 11 1 1 9 44 26 26 45 16 16 46 26 26 47 9 2 7 48 26 26 49 20 3 17 50 25 ' 25 51 37 37 52 38 1 1 36 i 53 10 2 8 i 54 42 42 55 42 42 56 40 3 1 36 57 11 11 58 42 42 59 42 4 38 60 38 2 36 I 61 64 64 I 62 32 32 I 63 44 44 64 44 3 1 40 65 46 46 66 23 ' 23 1 67 23 23 E 68 44 3 1 40 69 8 2 6 E 70 46 46 71 44 4 40 72 46 46 73 44 3 1 40 >TARTING @ PRESIDENTIAL & WORKING GENERALLY :LOCKWISE ALONG EAGLE NEST SIDE OF GOODWOOD BBO :AST OF ARBY'S ~LORENCE EXTENSION \LONG 1-D, N-SIDE \LONG 1-A 8 CLOSING TO START ~LORENCE EXTENSION, N-SIDE :AST OF CARL'S JR. 10RTH OF CARL'S JR. -P4 IORTH 1-P5 SOUTH 1-P6 :ORNER WRAP :OMPLETES NW, N OF FLORENCE AND W OF 2' ISLAND 'ISLAND TO SECOND ACCESS RD, N OF SHOPKO ARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW ARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW ARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW OF ACCESS RD @ MATCH B & N OF STORES OF ACCESS RD @ MATCH B & N OF STORES .OF 1-P9 FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE77.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: PARKING COUNT PAGE t OF 2 PRINTED: 2!4/2002 74 34 34 75 32 32 76 20 20 77 4 1 3 78 46 46 79 44 4 40 80 6 6 81 30 30 82 50 50 83 32 32 84 12 12 85 6 2 2 2 86 46 46 87 44 3 1 40 88 46 46 89 44 4 40 90 46 46 91 44 3 1 40 92 46 46 93 21 21 94 37 37 95 37 37 96 12 12 97 3 3 98 8 8 99 16 16 100 16 16 101 16 16 102 16 16 103 16 16 104 12 12 105 10 10 106 18 18 107 10 10 108 20 20 109 20 20 110 29 29 111 7 7 112 16 16 113 22 22 TOTALS 2,946 B3 17 3 2,863 PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW WEST OF 1-P10 W OF THIRD FAIRVIEW ACCESS E OF THIRD FAIRVIEW ACCESS PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALIEI TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW TXRDHS_REV1 TXRDHS REV1 W OF RECORDS E OF SPORTSMAN'S & W OF RECORDS E SIDE SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE S OF SPORTSMANS'S WAREHOUSE S OF 1-M AND 1-N S OF 1-M AND 1-N 5 OF 1-M AND 1-N S OF 1-M AND 1-N S OF 1-M AND 1-N S OF ROSS i OF ROSS 5 OF ROSS 3 OF OFFICE DEPOT iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) .AST OF 1-E iOUTH OF 1-E .AST OF 1-D FILENAME: MC CU COM PLIANCE17.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: PARKING COUNT - PAGE 2 OF 2 PRINTED: ZI4/2002 • MERIDIAN CROSSROADS PHASE 1 CONDITIONAL USE COMPLIANCE • REQUIRED PARKING COUNT 3-IN DIA BUILDING AREA PARKING (EA) SITE PLAN (SF) COUNT COUNT (EA) TOTAL STANDARD COMPACT HANDICAP HANDICAP-VAN (EA) ORIGINAL CU SUBMITTAL 616,418 3,082 3,052 2,991 - 54 7 830 SHOPKO PLAN SUBMITTAL 614,203 3,071 3,055 2,992 - 56 7 830 SHOPKO 8 TEXAS ROAD 613,447 3,067 3,057 2,994 - 54 9 830 HOUSE SUBMITTALS SHOPKO 8 TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, 1-H & 1-I 613,505 3,068 3,057 2,994 - 54 9 830 SUBMITTALS SHOPKO & TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, 1-H & 1-I 559,945 2,800 3,011 2,932 - 66 13 865 SUBMITTALS, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 556,746 2,784 3,017 2,937 - 68 12 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 558,016 2,790 2,999 2,919 - 67 13 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 557,715 2,789 2,997 2,917 - 67 13 864 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I; SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, 555,262 2,776 2,983 2,904 - 66 13 873 SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & 555,729 2,779 2,988 2,907 - 68 13 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR. SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & 555,021 2,775 2,986 2,905 - 67 14 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE17.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: SUMMARY PAGE'I OF 2 PRINTED: 2/4/2002 ., . • REQUIRED PARKING COUNT 3-IN DIA BUILDING AREA PARKING (EA) TREE SITE PLAN (SF) COUNT COUNT (EA) TOTAL STANDARD COMPACT HANDICAP HANDICAP-VAN (EA) SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & 554,422 2,772 2,984 2,903 - 66 15 873 BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, 554,819 2,774 2,981 2,882 18 66 15 873 APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, 554,819 2,774 2,958 2,875 3 63 17 873 APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK SHOPKO,TEXAS ROAD HOUSE, 1-G, OLD NAVY, 1-I, SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE, SHEPLERS, BED BATH & BEYOND, OFFICE DEPOT, APPLEBEE'S, IHOP, ARBY'S, 546,530 2,733 2,946 2,863 3 63 17 873 CARL'S JR., MACKENZIE RIVER PIZZA, PANDA, ROSS, GOODWOOD, SYRINGA BANK, FASHION BUG, MARSHALL'S, PEDERSEN'S, ALL-A-DOLLAR NOTE: GI TY Uh MtKIUTAN KtUUIKtS 1 YAKKIIVIi J I HLL I'CR NU ar yr vrw~o ov~wuvv nr~~n. FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE17.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: SUMMARY PAGE 2 OF 2 PRINTED: 2/4f2002 • • MERIDIAN CROSSROADS SUMMARY PARKING SUMMARY TOTAL HIC H/C-V COMPACT STND 2 946 63 17 3 2 863 SERIES TOTAL HIC H/C-V COMPACT STND 1 10 10 2 6 6 3 12 12 4 39 39 5 6 1 1 4 6 53 53 7 50 50 8 50 50 9 50 50 10 61 61 11 48 4 44 12 48 48 13 25 25 14 20 20 15 26 26 16 26 26 17 1 1 18 19 13 13 20 18 1 1 16 21 5 5 22 7 7 23 25 2 23 24 27 27 25 15 15 26 30 30 27 28 4 24 28 5 5 29 4 1 1 2 30 30 30 31 16 16 32 28 28 33 20 1 19 34 8 8 35 28 28 36 24 3 1 20 37 27 27 38 13 1 12 39 3 3 40 2 2 41 26 26 42 10 10 43 11 1 1 9 44 26 26 45 16 16 46 26 26 47 9 2 7 48 26 26 49 20 3 17 50 25 25 51 37 37 52 38 1 1 36 ~ 53 10 2 8 i 54 42 42 55 42 42 56 40 3 1 36 57 11 11 58 42 42 59 42 4 38 60 38 2 36 I 61 64 64 I 62 32 32 I 63 44 44 64 44 3 1 40 65 46 46 66 23 23 1 67 23 23 E 68 44 3 1 40 69 8 2 6 E 70 46 46 71 44 4 40 72 46 46 73 44 3 1 40 STARTING @ PRESIDENTIAL 8 WORKING GENERALLY CLOCKWISE ALONG EAGLE WEST SIDE OF GOODWOOD BBO EAST OF ARBY'S FLORENCE EXTENSION ALONG 1-D, N-SIDE ALONG 1-A 8 CLOSING TO START FLORENCE EXTENSION, N-SIDE EAST OF CARL'S JR. NORTH OF CARPS JR. I-P4 NORTH 1-P5 SOUTH 1-P6 CORNER WRAP COMPLETES NW, N OF FLORENCE AND W OF 2' ISLAND 2' ISLAND TO SECOND ACCESS RD, N OF SHOPKO PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW 'ARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW N OF ACCESS RD @ MATCH B & N OF STORES OF ACCESS RD @ MATCH B & N OF STORES OF 1-P9 FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCE17.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: PARKING COUNT PAGE 1 OF 2 PRINTED: 214/2002 • 74 34 34 75 32 32 76 20 20 77 4 1 3 78 46 46 79 44 4 40 80 6 6 81 30 30 82 50 50 83 32 32 84 12 12 85 6 2 2 2 86 46 46 87 44 3 1 40 88 46 46 89 44 4 40 90 46 46 91 44 3 1 40 92 46 46 93 21 21 94 37 37 95 37 37 96 12 12 97 3 3 98 8 8 99 16 16 100 16 16 101 16 16 102 16 16 103 16 16 104 12 12 105 10 10 106 18 18 107 10 10 108 20 20 109 20 20 110 29 29 111 7 7 112 16 16 113 22 22 TOTALS 2,946 63 17 3 2,863 PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW W EST OF 1-P 10 W OF THIRD FAIRVIEW ACCESS E OF THIRD FAIRVIEW ACCESS PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW PARALLEL TO FAIRVIEW TXRDHS REV1 TXRDHS_REV1 W OF RECORDS OF SPORTSMAN'S & W OF RECORDS E SIDE SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE 3 OF SPORTSMANS'S WAREHOUSE 5 OF 1-M AND 1-N i OF 1-M AND 1-N i OF 1-M AND 1-N i OF 1-M AND 1-N i OF 1-M AND 1-N i OF ROSS i OF ROSS i OF ROSS i OF OFFICE DEPOT SOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) iOUTH OF 1-J (SHOPKO) .AST OF 1-E iOUTH OF 1-E .AST OF 1-D FILENAME: MC CU COMPLIANCEt7.xls QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. TAB: PARKING COUNT PAGE 2 OF 2 PRINTED: 214!2002 Sent By: bAKOTA COMPANY; 208 343 4954; Feb-1 - 2 .. 8:15AM; Page 1 .. .. .. ..... . ;~ ,; ,... .... ~~~Wi.•....... Facsimile ' From:~~~ ~P~I~S ro.'~rv~, E•lc~~ns Comprany.• Date: c~~:::j~~"~ • s. ~ i~ 0~~~~~ Fax Nurrrber.• Total No. p~Pages Including Cover O Urr~ent O Far Review C7 Pllease C©edC i7' Please Reply Sectt By: •'DAKOTA COMPANY; 208 343 4954; •--r i . •..v.wo, w Dave 6lvene, 1st Vlca President Judy PeevBy-pgn, 2nd Vice President Susan 3, Easgske, Commlastoner Garden City 10.83714-8499 Phone {206) 38f~100 • FAK E208).38T--6381 ~v, uw~ y l o. cwa bakota Company, Irio. Attn: Tom Bauwens 1505 'I~yroll Lea Boise, Idaho 83706-3963 RE: 1V~'SpR-02-Q3 /3635 Faiwiew A~velaae / Merfdiaat•CiR'o~if Ro>tds The District has reviewed the plans fot the above referenced proje~f:~attd they are accepted for public street coristructton. $y stamping and signing the tmproveincat plans, the.~~rgistered Engineer ensures the Disttict tl~•tlu plans oonform to all District policies and standatds_ Variances or vp~ivers moat be specifically sad previvt~ly approved by the District in writing. Acoeptancc of the impmverne~t~.plarie by the District does not relieve the Regiaterod Fao,giaeor of these responsibilities. 'Tile District will sesieiua the foUowioig impact fee for this project: Ibe impact fee moat be paid poor to issuaaoe of a buildimg petxnit, Total Impact Fee Due: $80,061.00 Standard Reglttrelpeats; l - District requires a act of stamped conattvction gloms tli~il~:tice si b be located on situ at all times far itispeotio~q and refdgce pu ~s'~~~~ ~'d approved by the District Z• ~ Utility street cute in neJVV paveateat loss than floe by the District. Yew. arc not allowed unless approved iti writjng 3• AlI required street i:nprovertitnt6 shall be ooanpktaed 'xins~ectcd by Distt~ict staff occupancy. Vanisitees and waivers M this ~' prior ro tti+ceivi~ig the District in writing, t~oqui:eaa~it iti~~et be specifically sad previously approved by 4. Ail irrigation facilities must be located outside the pub~i+~~right-of--way unless atFierwtise approved by the District. 9_ Bran g sl occuparle~: ~Y a'orlc in the pubiie righe-of--way requires a permit int. ACHA Construction Services. 10, Aa engineer registered in the State of IdaHo shall prepare~:s~d certify all improvement plans. 5• Replace any damaged, broken, or Hazardous sidewal sidewalk to match exiatiri ~ c~jrb; amd gutttr with new curb, gutter, and B ttnpro~vettiemis. >:': 6• Replace arty sleeked or damaged sidewalk, curb, or giitt~':il+csuiting from eomstructioa activity. 7. All facilities to be constructed with a pmposcd developra~dst, acid to be owned and inaintaiaed by the District, moat be constructed according to tht latest edit~i~ bf I,5.P.W.C. and the Distniet's Supplemental Standard Speeifteatioas. 8• Submit to Idaho Depattri'ient of Water Resources a Sl~ajktxw;~rijoction Well W Notice of Construction / Inventory Form at last thirty days prior to oonstruetioct o~•tlte facility. ?'he bistriet will reguire a copy of the completed form prio¢~ to tin of fxti Page 2 Ads Ca~~t:~t~ I-~~hwa Dis•t~ict y Seat By:~DAKOTA COMPANY; ~ 208 343 4954; Feb`1~2 8:15AM; Page 3/4 ~P~GE 02/03 Se!~t By:'DAKOTA COMPANY; ~ ___v 208 343 4954; Feb-~2 A~HD•.f'CAhINI ~d.a~ ~ oav~e 13hronc, 1 st Vroe i~+eid~,t Judy PeeViSy.Derr, 2nd VICe pree~dem Susan S, Eastlake. Cornml~sMder Sherry p; HUb~er, Commiseioner ~ebr'uary i 3, 8:16AM; Page 4/4 'PAGE 9363 318 ~~agi: 3rtl- stroet Garden Qhyt ID' 93714-8489 PhonA (,2t~) 387-6100 FAK 0)':387-6391 E-mail: JelJua CMD•-~+-.-d us • DAKOTA COMPANY, INC. February 06, 2002 Mr. Steve Siddoway Planning & Zoning Department City Of Meridian 660 East Watertower Lane Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center - A~3635 E. Fairview Ave. Certificate Of Zoning Compliance Application Dear Steve: Enclosed for your review and approval is a "Certificate Of Zoning Compliance" application for the new Marshall's building which is to be constructed between the existing Pedersen's and Fashion Bug buildings within the Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center. A landscape plan has not been included, as there will be no significant changes or additions to the existing landscape. The existing three landscape islands located behind the store will be removed and relocated approximately 9' to the south, in order to provide a wide enough drive aisle. Thank you for your cooperation. Should you have any questions please feel free to call. Sincerely, Tom Bauwens Dakota Company, Inc. For Developers Diversified Realty Corp. cc: Mr. P. Millay -DDRC wo/enclosures Mr. C. Trottier -DDRC wo/enclosures Mr. W. Belka -PGA&W wo/enclosures ^ PHONE (208) 343-5223 FAX (208) 343-4954 1505 TYRELL LANE BOISE, IDAHO 83706-3963