R.C. Willey Loading Dock CZC 01-046• CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: June 13, 2001 Project: R.C Wiley Loading Dock Expansion Address: NEC of Franklin and Eagle Road (~~~ V ~ ~' ~b Proposed Use: Expansion of the "Will Call" loading dock, adding_a curb cut and additional narking andun~rovements to the eastern tractor trailer loading dock access. Zoning: COMMENTS: Parking: The additional parking and circulation area shall be hard surfaced to match the existing parking on site. All new parking shall be striped as required by the City of Meridian(11-13- 4E). Handicap-AccessibilitX: The structure and site improvements must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be installed as depicted on the stamped and redlined site plan. As indicated by the redlines on the plans, a ten (10) foot wide landscape buffer is required along Lanark Street. The number, size and variety of trees shown on the site plan shall be installed as drawn on the site plan. Irri ag_ tion: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscaped areas as noted on the approved landscape plan. Li tin :All new lighting shall bedown-shielded, and shall not adversely impact the surrounding properties and right of way. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements (including paving, striping, landscaping, and/or irrigation). A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. The Site Plan & Landscape Plan stamped 06/13/01 is approved with the comments noted above. David McKinnon (for Shari Stiles, Planning & Zoning Administrator) *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. Mark Knowles, 250 S. St'' Street Boise, Idaho 83702 208-343-4635 June 8, 2001 City Of Meridian Planning & Zoning Department 200 E. Carlton Avenue, Suite 201 Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: RC Willey Loading Dock Expansion It is our desire to double the size of the existing "Will Call" loading dock area to better serve our customer needs. The present loading area has proven to be too small the handle much of the weekend and evening traffic. There are times when customers are parked with their trucks and trailers in the street waiting their turn to pickup merchandise. Our proposed solution doubles the size of the current dock and provides for a new curb cut to assist in minimizing traffic conflicts. At the tractor-trailer loading dock access on the east side of the building, we are enlarging the curb cut radius from the street to eliminate damage to the landscaping as the trucks make their approach turn into the dock area. We have replaced the trees being removed for the new loading dock and plan to replace some of the trees which did not survive the original construction. We hope we have complied with your design guidelines and ask for a favorable response to our project. If you have any questions please call my office. Respectfully, Mark D. Knowles Architect APR-20-2001 11:14 PM BARRY.BLESSIN ~08 SS8 691F! r.n~ CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning dt Zoning Dopartinent , 200 E. Car!#on Avenue, Suite 241, Meridian, ID 83642 {208} 884-5533 Fhane / (208} 888-6854 Fax CERTIFIC TE OF ZONIlVG COMPLIANCE (CZCI APPLICATI41~1 -~--- {Section I l -19-1, Zoning and Development Ordinance) ~~ ~ ~ W,v PROJECT NAME:. APPLICANT: ADDRESS: ~ . ~~' PHONE: ~~J "~•~P'~s FAX OWNERS} ADDRESS: i G~ PHONE: I ' ~~ FAX: ~b ~ " -~(I -- ~J~D ~ E-MAIL: ARCHITECT (IF DIFFERT'NT Tl•lAN ADDRESS: - PHONE: FAX: - E-MATT. ADDRESS, GENERAL LOCATION OF SITE: ~ . ~ . G; ~L~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ DESCRTPTIQN OF USE: •, ~`~l~ ~ f~'V~-~ i PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: 1, ~ W , do hereby affirm that 1 will a~rac to pay any additional sewer, water or trash fees or charges, zf any, associated with the use that t/we have applied for, whether the use be residential, cornmercifll or industrial in nature. Furthermore, 1 have read the information conta.ined,herein and certify that the information is true and rrect• -- ~~~~~ ~Appli ants ignature) (Data) t ftciv, (1~?,'?~Y,~().l 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste. 202 Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: (208)884-5533 Fax: (208)888-6854 • ~ ~ • • ~ • To: Mark ICnovules From Dave MciGnnon F~° 343'1858 Date: 07/16/01 ~fO^e0 Pages: 1 (Induding cover) Re: R.C. Willey CC: Building Dept. ^ Urgent 0 For Review ^ Please Continent ^ Please Reply •Commsnts ^ Please Recycle Mark, The R.C. Willey will-call loading dock expansion building permit will not be issued until R.C. Willey receives Certficate of Occupancy from the City of Meridian and R.C. Willey signs a Development Agreement with the City of Meridian. Dave 06/15/01 11:50 $~8~4~4904 CSHQA ARCHITE~ 0 002/004 ~~~'~-m=~ The follov~~ing requirements are provided as conditions for approval: paui2mr, ~~:~.~" Site Specifc Requirements: fG'.~r nM~~ur ~~, 1. T11e proposed driveway, located approximately 214-.feet fi•on1 the existing northern driveway off Lanark Street, is approved ~vitll this application. Q.Q, Gt.. '~- ~„ 2. The existing eastern driveway on Lanark Street, located approximately 1000-feet nort11 of Franklin Road, t-~u+~e~a~-e~ proposed~o accommodate truck traffic. Coordinate tl~e design of the driveway with ACRD staff. ,~ ~ l~ir~~ ~Sp C~U{,r-J ~7~ ~. All utility relocation costs associated wit11 improving street frontages abutting the srte shall be ~l ~ U-1 ~~~ borne by the developer. A,n~- S upPn W ~ ~••~• I~~ ~ 4. Any existing in•igation facilities should be relocated outside of the right-of--way. ~1,~ Replace curb, gutter, 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk and match paving on Lanark Street abutting the parcel in the two proposed driveway improvements. Improvements shall be constructed to one-half of a 40-foot street section. 6. Utility street cuts in pavement less than Cve yc;ars old are not allowed unless approved in ~Ta~; writing ley the District. Contact ACi-iD's Utility Coordinator 41387-2516 or 378-6258 (with +~~' file number) for details. 7. Other t a the access poi s s cifically appr a with this applic 'on, d t lot el c to L rk rs prohibit Standard Requirements: 1. This decision of the planning and Development Supervisor maybe appealed to the Ada County h~a.w„ Highway District Commission by the applicant or by another party within 15 calendar days !~" from the date of this report. The request sllall specifically identify each requirement to be "'"~ reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a ;'°;~;!~~ substantial hardship or inequity. The request will be heard by the District Conlnlission at an ""' evc11111g nleetlll~ w1f11111 ZO Calendar clays o1'the bisU•ict's receipt of the appeal letter. The appellant will be nolif ed of the date and lime of the Conlnlission nlccting. .. 2. After ACI-11~ Commission action, an,~ request for reconsideration otthe Commission's action !~::~~:, shall be made in ~~~riting to the Plannin<t and Development Supeh~isor within tea-o days of the action anil shall include a minimum fee of $1 1 O.UU. 'I-lie request for reconsideration shall "''' ~`' specificall~~ identify e~rch requirement to bc: reconsidered and include ~~~ritt'en documentation of ~" .,. ,.., date that ~~~as not av,~ilaUle to the Commission ~t the time of it's ori~in~rl decision. The request for reconsider~ition ~~~ill be heard by the DisU•ict Commission at the next regular me~tin~~ of the Commission. 11•the Commission ~~~rees to reconsider the action, the applicant will b~ notified ofl'11c dt11C anCl 11r11C Of t'11C C0111n11ss1011 r11C~lil1~~ ,~t ~~-hieh the reconsideration will be heard. ~~tSPRp l- I I .sla.cl~~c I'~~cr 06/15/01 11:50 $~894a4904 CSHQA ARCHITE~ f~j00~/004 r ~.,; ~„:.~~; 3. Payment oFapplicablc road impact fees are required prior to building construction in -~~'" aeeordaneo with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact ~" Nee Ordinance. ,~ ~~ ~. All design and construction shall b~ in accordance witl, the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, 1SPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State-o.f Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. far, 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit ~~a; (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. .~ ~~~^~ 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable regtiircments of the Ada County .Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. air: 7. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all pules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises ll~e Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of. the subject properly unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is wanted pursuant ~„ to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. "` 3. No clean a in the tei~~s and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writin pa~''~ g g ~~!, and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. a•~ ~emrn ,;r~' n4/~:+! ~~nIL1 p~rain. ~;I ,•re.~c: ~':I ~' c . 06/15/01 11:49 '8`~8~4~4904 CSHQA ARCHITE~ X1001/004 Iw:UM:~ ,...y.,I~,~,,r,`,~-~, ~ v i' J ~N~l`'i,"j;l&fi{~~.IL ;fY yM: :k!1i4~ t ..,ri~4t. ~ •y ~'~~- ~GA~ /^/^~` V ~/J~ W ~/y~ V ^T^ 1 C 71 ~ 1 - Ll 1 ~~ \JO~~~ ~~{ JV A/J~~~~~ 1 + ~ ~ • + J J . . ..- O py , ~; ~ ~y,' 'YAM ~ ~ t ~~'=~'a Judy Pca~•cy-Den•. President i I S East 37th Street Dat~c 8ivcns. 1 st Vice President Garden City ID 53714-(1499 Sherry R. Huber. 2ncl Vicc President Phunc (?US) 3S7-fjIUU SuS~n $. E:•i5tl3ku, Commissioner FAX (20S) 3S7-G391 David E. WynkooP, Commissioner E-irl8il: rellusrh~.4C1ID.ada.id.us ~`'"~' June Z•~ 2001 Post-it" Fax Note 7671 Date ~ P °®s~ T ~ ~ Mark D. Knowles, Architect ~ „~~~~ 25U S. 5`~' Street ~ c°'°ePt' ~'°'~ Boise, ID 83702 Pn~na# Pnone+~ ~~ Fax ai Fax # Re: Staff Level Approval MSPROI ~l 1 ~I~~ /r~l~j,1~Ft•atlk)it1 Road and Eagle Road Expand Loading .Dock Facts and Findinbs: ~ A. The A,da County Highway District (ACITD) staff has received the above referenced application ~'~` requesting plan review approval to constnict an expansion of the existing loading dock and provide a new access to Lanark Street, as well as widening another existing driveway access. The site is located on t11e north east corner of the Franklin Road and Eagle Road intersection, to pumwn~ ~ a ~ ~ o ~' the north of the existing bt.tildin~ This dt,~ eloptrtellt is not estimated to senerate any additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of 7"ransportation Engineers ?rip Generation Manua]. B. Tl1e application and site plan stamped and received by the District on ;tune 11, 2001, has been reviewed by the ACHD Pluming and Development staff and conforn~s to applicable District standards/policy, oa' can be made to conform with the chance(s) to the plan described in the 41171'bki requirements stated below. ~!~;i~!i ~M , C. This is a staff level approval and ~~•ill not be heard by the ACHD Commission unless the site plan `~~~~""' is changed in such a manner as to not contort ~~~ith District standards/policy ol• an appeal of the ~i!xll~ "~"r~' Pla11nn1~- and Development staff decision is submitted as described ~~~ithin the Standard Requirements outlined below. 1.7. On ,lone 1 1, ?U01, the District Planning :tnd Uevelopmt;nt staftinspeeted this site turd cvalu~ated the transportation system in the vicinity. On .lone 15. ?001, the staff met as the I7islrict's Technical Review Comnlittee and reviewed the impacts of ibis proposed development on the District's transportation sysle;m. TI1e results o1'that analysis constitute the followin~~ Facts ~~nd "`'".~ Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. .~~ fA!~~~: h~ItiPIt01-1 I .sla.cln~ I':i~ i~ I JUN-06-2001 WED 01 40 P~ R C WILLEY CORPORATE OFF FAX ~ 8014613990 06/29/01 10:15 FAI 208 486 CSHCA A/E/P ASR-2®-28e1 lloia PM SARRY.DLESSIN 298 8B9 6910 ~(~- STATS aF } ) CDUr1'f Y OF~ . u I, AFFIDAVi'I' OF LEGAL. Lr1TER8ST ~a P, 05/05 I®002 P.Ai ~, ~t~w. l . That I atn the record ourtta of the >~P°nY dasorlbor! ote the attathad, s>ad 1 Mart my petmd~s[on to: w. ~,~~a- Kpi~, ~ X37 ~ 3 to submit the aooompa>syir-g application pe~ittia~ to that property. 2. I egret to mdc»dy, defend aad hold the City o~fMeridfiaa and it'a a®pbytq ~~ from tury claim err lie»Y S 'tom sar disptitce as to tl~e ~t.~s ~~~ barest oti as to c'!x owreets~J of tlve lmope~-, which is tb+e ~~ ofthe applk~t~lo~ Dated this ~/ day of t~~~~'~ ~4 ~-~ ~l~a: ro) S U$SCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year fast above virtitt~. ~;:~~ "'[ fr PAMELA B, MOSER '~''~~ ~ NOTARI'PUBUC ~ S1ATf alUfAH { ~ 2391 SOUiH 306 YVEST °„ ``~ ~~ SALT LJ1KE CfIY,11T 60116 '~ ~ ~ ~'--% COMM. EXP JULY 12, 2004 v w Tom- Notsry Public jtodiding at My Conrmigsiun Expira6'--:F,+-- 3 Rdv, n?;,?~4/Ol •~--~•-• bdng RRt duly sworn upon ~~.~ (,~~.t:. (~ oath. depco6e and sa~r: (cb/) (scan) JUN-06-2001 WED 01 39 P R C WILLEY CORPORATE OFF O_1uG•~ G ~9 DEC 03 (jt3 il:~ f1 PICMIEER TITLC CO. ~~"~ PIOIYL'ER TrY'LE C( ` OP ADA COUNTY _+ ~,~. >t~ ,tOA COUI+I Y RECORCER ~VI YhVARRU dP74~I..~" . I!l ".H!) 19~9DE -6 Pit I+' 09 $21 West Srate Street /Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 3?6 6700 SI51 W. Rifleman Slrt:et / Aoise, Idaho 83704 (208)317-2700 (~~ ~~ ~l~..Tir~ FAX ~ 8014613990 p.1,023 RECORDED~REQUEST OF FEE.=-DEPUTY . 99117384 P10NEf P ~'ITI.E $PACG ADO~'8 FUR ltI'~CORI)INO DATA ~At7lSldll WARRANTY DL~EU (I N D I V10tJAU FOR vA[.UF. ItECSIVEA W'1LI,IAM H. CHILD and PA'I'RICIA CHILD. Husband and Wife GRAN9'OR(s) does (do) hcrahy CaRANT, DARGAIN, SL•L•1, and CONVBY unto R.C. WILLEY IIOME FURNISHINGS. a Utah corpozat;i.on ORANTL•h(S), whose euuent address ls: 230I South 300 Weat, 5:r1* Lake Ciey, Ue3h IlG1lS the Po]lovr(ng de6cribed real prop:rty in Ads County, 5(ate o[ Idaho, more particularly dcsaribcd as follows, to wic SEE LEGAL UFtiCRTYTION, EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HRRETO ANll MADE A PAR! klI:REOF AND f;ON3ISTFNG OF 'LWU (2) FAGF..S. SUBJEC'L TO ALL MATTER OF RECORD INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THUSR SET FOAIH IN E%HIBTT "B" ATTACHED IIERS'TO AND MADE A PART IIL•REOF AND COPSISTING OF THREE (3) PAGES. 'Tax Pazcel No. 51109336340 TO FIAVF: ANA TO IiOLp the raid prnnises, with their appurtenatiees unto the said Grantee(s). and Cranlees(s) (cars end asaiRns fotever. And the stdU Gran(or(~) Uocs (do) hereby covenant to and with she said Oranlee(s), The Grantor(s)1~/ard the owner(s) Jn fee simple of said prvmiscF; tha! said premises arc free horn all encumbrancer, EXCEPT Those to which Ilri: eonveyanee is exvresrIy made subject and tl+osc rnadc, suffered or done by the Grantec(~); and sub}ect to resdrvatlons, r^~trlcrions, dedleadons, oasoments, rights of wny tlnfl pgreementS, (if aqy) UP IfCOTd. and getlCTal taxar end arsesrmtttlr, ]IICIndeB {R{gallon and Util][y aSSe"8rt16nrb, (1P any) £or rho current year, wldeh are not vet due and payable, and chat Granror(a) tv[Il vatinm, and defend the Came from all lawfvi claims whatgoaver. Dates: DecembgY'3, 1999 y/ ^/ / G ~7 _r. tirr ,~ _ °ctxst_n PATAICIA CIIILU G~ C S'I'A7E OF ~AH._..... _. ,.....- . (;ounty of -_..._.....__ , ss. / da of Ise~~r*hrr ,icttlreyearof 1999,.. ,he[orema On this ___~_.Y/._... y -...,,,_ ~,~ .the nndersipnnd __ ^^ aNotoryPublie,pcrsonnllyappcated .-. -- ut r^ a r•rn r rl ~'.~ _~ "•~~ are st+bsoribedtothoWithin t ~ known or Identified to nTe to ba the person(r) cvho,e name(s) --~..- ~~ 1nlrrument,andackno ede~ct.t?;reTi,tt^~4q}rF:gT~~i01! thesPmr. '~: +=X f '' :301 "cNh 3~0 Y+sl rs !i-~.: "" ;i Sai1 t11ko C,ty, UT Dal tti tars Public: _~. ----• ••--- f j V' f1 :~ p [a, q V~ + My Comrtdsslun F, Iron siding al: - i+ Jv1yt2,?t+03 L ..,._ ''~ 9T1TF, Oi•U'IAN Commidsion @XpIfES: ~Ir;tr,4t~~rvr;4r~~mr~~~ormtr~r~,~m~lcr~~t~vrve~t~cs~zml~atr.;mr~'t~i~~~le~~vt,m;ff~r;or~~~~ :r~rr'3~~^r~r;,: ~~-~•"'~''' - Ufldtl P, 02/05 JUN-06-2001 WED 01 39 P)~R C WILLEY CORPORATE OFF FAX 8014613990 DEC 03 '99 11~24AM EER TITLE CO. P.19i23 FILE 1V0.: P188376 EXHIE3IT A ' BEGINNING AT A SOUTHWEST CORNER, SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE t EAST OF THE BOISE-MERIDIAN, T~IENGE ' NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY OF SAID SECTI~ON-~9, A DISTANCE OF 1092.5 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY A~DISTANGE OF 945.3 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE TURNING AN ANGLE OF 93 DEGREES TO THE LEFT OR SOUTHERLY APPROXIMATELY SOUTH 7 DEGREES EAST A DISTANCE OF 1089 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE SAID SOUTHWEST ~1UARTER OF SECTION 9, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SECTION 9 A DISTANCE OF tO78 FEET TO 7Hi: PLACE OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: A STRIP OF LAND FOR PUBLic aIGH7 OF WAY LOCATED iN THE souTHWEST CORNER of THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 FAST, BOISE-MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 EST, BOISE-MERIDIAN; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST 80UNDARY OF SAID SECTION 9, A DISTANCE OF 4o FEET TO A POINT; THENCE EAST PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SECTION 9, A DISTANCE OF 1078 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 40 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE SAID 50UTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SECTION 8, A DISTANCE OF ib78 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. AND ALSO EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF EAGLE ROAD PROJECT N0. F-FR-3271 {a4} HIGHWAY SURVEY AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS THEREOF NOW ON FILE IN 1~HE OFFICE OF THE IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, DIVISION ~l OF HIGHWAYS, AND BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST AUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ~ QUARTER OF SL•C'1'ION 9, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, i1ANGE 1 EAST, F}OISE-MERIDIAN, r DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, To-wiT; BEGINNING AT THE SOUTEWEST CORNER Of THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTEi, RANGE 1 EAST, BOISE-MERIDIAN; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG jHE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF 1'HE SOUTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 70.0 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 70.0 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE CENTERLINI: OF SAID L••AGLE ROAD-PROJECT N0. F•FA-3271 {44} HIGHWAY SURVEY; THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 27'57" EAST A~ONO SAID PARALLEL LINE 190.95 FEET TO A POINT OPPOSITE STATION 65+00 OF 5AI0 HIGHWAY SURVEY; THENCE NORTH 32 DEGREES 25'x8" EAST A DISTANCE OF 68.31 FEET To n POINT IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH ANO 100.0 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE CENTERLINC AND BEARS SOUTIi 88 DEGREES 32'03" EAST FROM STATION 85+50 OF SAID HIGIIWAY SURVEY; TIIENCI=• NORTH 1 DEGREE 27'57" EAST ALONG SAID LAST PARALLEL LINE 424.79 FEET TO A POINT OPPOSITE STATION 69+74.79 FEET OF SAID HIGHWAY SURVEY; THENCE NORTH 29 DEGREES 28'52" WEST A DISTANCE OF 56.31 FEET TO A POINT IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 70.0 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE CENTERLINE AND BEARS SOUTH 88 DEGREES 32'03" EAST FROM STATION 70+24.79 OF SAID HIGHWAY SURVEY; THENCE P, 03/05 ' LEGAL CONTINUED JUN-06-2001 WED 01;40 PI~R C WILLEY CORPORATE OFF ••: DEC D3 '99 11~24AM EER TITLE CO. FILE NO.: P186376 ', FAX8014613990 P, 04/05 P.z0i23 NOATN 1 DEGREES 27'57" EAST ALONG SAID MST PARALLEL LINE 380.48 FEET TO A POINT TN THE 50UTtfERLY RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AND OPPOSITE STATION 74+05.27 OF. SAID HIGHWAY SURVEY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD AIGH7 OF WAY 70.o FEET, N{ORE oR LESS, TO A POINT IN THE WES`T•L•.INE OF SAID SOUTHWEST DUARTER~OF THE 50UTHWEST ~UARTEA, THENCE 5'OUTHERLY ALONG SAID YYEST LINE 1097.0 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPT THESE PORTIONS CONVEYEd TO ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY dISTAICT BY OEEbS RECORDED UNDER INSTRUMENT NO'S. 98116086 AND 99006123. ENa OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION , s ~~ ''r` JUN-O6-2001 WED 0139 P~R C WILLEY CORPORATE OFF Corporate Offices ~~ :,' , v ~ ~ 't ~1 FAX8014613990 P, O 1 /05 ^ R~ w:~~e~ 2301 S~~rrrl 300 WEST Snl:r I.r1.KT; CITY, UTnI.1841 I> (3U1) 411-3900 Fnx: (SO1) 911-3901 FAX TRANSMISSION To: Mark Knowles CSI'IQA Architects Fax No. (203) 343-4904 1 From: Marv Jensen ~,J1~ , Rl;: Dock fixpansion Project M~u'k; Attached per your request arc the following: Warranty Deed copy of KC Willey store in Meridian, Idaho. Affidavit of Legal interest. June G, 2001 Yer our discussion today, you will put the plans out to bid now, call for questions by June 15i1', and bid opening on June 21, 2001. Thank you. $AI1' LAIC):'. (:i'lY 2301 Somh loo b~~~st UGU1~:V1tivFRUni.1? SYR~CUSC• MUItR11Y ']i1N,0A5VILLF/WIa1'VALLI:Y ORF1vI 1;1,F.ARANC:SCk:N1'ER QO.1i S. P.i~•enlafr. RJ. U~9b Ll,cst 1700 SOUth Afil F.G,t (,6110 South 3(115 4Ve,t ai00 Soutlt iU Rn••t University Parkway 9010 So. RcJwuod kd, 06/15/01 11:50 '$1208~4a4904 ~ll,a... Conclusio~~ of Ji.,a~+': CSHQA ARCHITECTS • (~j 004/004 z- n~.~ . --~^!`~' ACRD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development tivil) not place an undue <<R,'!"; burden on the Existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by ~I~;,,~. the proposed development. ~;w~~ Should you have any questions or comments, phase contact the ACRD Planning and Development staff at X87-6170, Sincerely, l,>uN~a ~~}y 1n Christy Richaadson ~ ~~ Principal Development Analyst ec: Project file Chron ~°~" I~ ,a,~el„ ,~ ~~h~,~c I+ ppr.N~ p7N!".~ .IJWI~~~ Iw••Illw u'^~~ .,, I d' 06/15/01 11:09 $1208a4~4904 CSHQA ARCHITECTS f~001/002 .f • • - y ~~.,~,s~Y~pti,;q~vk.. w~ -~~~ J ~ ` ~ Ada County I~~ghwvay District ~~~' 'pi ~~, I""p~t Judy Pea~~ey-Drrr, President 31S fast 37th Street Dare Biycns. Isr Vice Presirlent Gardcn City 10 S371~-G4)9 Sherry R. hluber. ?nd Vice Presidcnt Phone 12US) 3S7-G I Q(t Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioncr FAt (2US) 3S7-G391 David E. Wynkoop, Commissioncr E-mail: tclluS~CHD.~da.id.us ~~~ ~, ~t~ c'°"; 1'.y ~: ~,b,~ ~~~ ,~r""' Ix'k11~~ .~,:„.;! ~:~,:,. , ,.,. :;.., „~~ •. 'ltil'RUI-) I.sla.iln~ I'•r~C I Twte 2$, 2001 Mat-Ic D. I{»owles, Architect 250 S. 5"' Street Boise, ID 33702 Re: Staff Level Approval MSP1201-1 ] ~1U~~~Franklin Road and Eagle Road Expand Loading Aock Facts and Findings: A, The Ada County High~~vay District (ACH'D) staff has received the above referenced application requesting plan review approval to construct an expansion of the existing loading dock and provide a new access to Lanark Street, as v~~ell as widening another existing driveway access. The site is located on the north east corner ofthe Franklin Road and Eagle Road intersection, to the north of the existing building. This development is not estimated to generate any additional vehicle trips per day based on the ]nstittlte of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. B. The application and situ plan stamped and received by the District on June 11, ?001, has been reviewed by the ACH.X7 Planning and Development staff and confont~s to applicable District standards/policy, or can be made to confo)~» with the ehan~e(s) to the plan desc)ibed in the requirements stated below. C. Phis is a staff level approval and will not be heard by the ACRD Commission unless the site plan is chanced in such a manner as to not eonfornrwith District standards/policy or an appeal of thte Planning and Development staff decision is submittt:d as described within the Standard Requirements outlined belm~~, D. On .lone 1 1, 2001, the District Planning rind De~~clopl»ent staff insp~ctt:d this site and t:valuated the transportation system in the vicinity. On .tune ]5, ?0U1, the Staff met as the District's Technical Review Crnnmittee and revieti~-ttl the impacts ofthis proposed develop)»teni on the District's transportation system. l'he rtaults ofthat an<tlvsis constitute the followin;~ Facts ant1 Findings and recontmend~d Site Specific Rcquircn)ents. 06/15/01 11:09 $1208a4~4904 i CSHQA ARCHITECTS • X1002/002 ~1rm.;~l' COIL CIUSIOII 0~ 1~i1N': r -,. ~Ci~71w ~y""r ACl•i.D requirements arc intended to assure that the proposed use/developmznt w-ill not place an ~u,due ~'`~"' burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by Inre.~r; ~~~~~~ the proposed develapment- ~~:~1 Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the ACRD Planning and ,Development staff. at 387-6170. Sincerely, Imntaa 1 ~a~~T Fm°~~ Christy Richardson ~x,~ Principal :Development Analyst cc: Project file Chron ~'~"" r.,r ~ukut .u;J'~ ~a~. barnA~l ~v~+~ '-:, ~Tri:n.l .~,c~~" J nr' h~ Via'{ ' Fn. v. .'•i ~~~:.~,. na:nu: ~~~ ~,:~ ~~ .~~m, ~,:~;s L 1°~x~ ,` qw ~~ .. t~_ ,~~ n~~~ 06/15/01 11:10 '8`1208~4~4904 CSHQA ARCHITECTS I~j001 • • ~~~~~'~' AHD ~~'~~ Ada County Hi~h~vay district Judy I?cavey-Deli. Pii;SiClrnt 31 S East 37th Sn•ccr Oavc Divers. Ist b'ice President Garden City fD S371:3-(i~99 Sherry R. Wuber,?iid Vice President f~hone (20Sj 387-(ilUO Susan S. F,~silakc, C'ontmissioncr FAX (2USj 3S7-G391 David E. Wynkoop. Commissioner F.-msil: telfus(a:AC'HU.ada.id.us ~~ June ~ 2001 M<+,rk ]~. Knowles, Architect 250 S. 5'h Street Boise, ID 83702 Poet-it• Fax Note 7671 Date / a °~~~ T F~v Co./Dept. Cn. Phone u Phone !k Fax • fax M Re: Staff Level Approval MSP~RfII-11 ~~I~Jj~Franklin Road and Eagle Road Expand Loacling Dock Facts and Findinks: A. 1'l~e Ada County High~va_y Distt~cl (ACRD) staff has received the above referenced application requesting plan review approval to ~constrtlct an expansion of the existing loading clock and provide a new access io Lana!'k Street, as well as widening another existing driveway access. The site. is located on the nc-rth east comer of the Fru~klin Road and lragle Road intersection. to the nortl.~ ofthe existing building. This dEVClopment is not estimated to genera.t~ any additional vehicle trips per da_y based on the Institute cif Transpot"tation Engineers "Drip Generation Manual. B. The applicaticua c~nd sirs plan stamped and received by the District on Jane ].l, 2001, has been reviewed by the AC:H'U Planning and Development staff and confo~7»s to applicable Dist.r;rt standards/policy. or can be made la conform with the ch~jngc(s) to the plan described in the requirements stated belo~~~. ia^tiam .M~~i;~P C. This is a staff level approval and will nt,t be J~rard h_y the AC'HD Commission unless tl,c site plan ~~mu" ~~-°'~~~' is Changed in Such a manner aS l0 not COnfprn~ with DIStr1Ct 5tandu•dS/policy or an appeal of the a;~uta. !~-~•~~~ Planning and 17e.velopmem staff tjecision is submi(le~l as desei ibed within the Standard Requirements outlined below. D. C)n .June 1 1, 3001, the District Plannin~s encl .I_)evelopmeni staff inspected this S;II•: ;~ncl evaluated the transportation system ;n tliC ~~icinity. On ?une 15.2001. the stal7'met as the J.)istrict's Technical Revie~~~ Committee and revic~~~ed the impacts of this proposed devclopn~en( on the. inim~w Distrlet-S t1'a1]Spo)rtatl0n System. Tl)e results of that analysis constitute the follo~~-in~~ Fatets :u~d "'°,~~ 1=inrlings and recommended Site Spr-ciTc R.riluirements. •~~~~ ,~ ,~~,~~ v.:,,, . I'•i~_r I 06/15/01 11:10 '8`1208a4a4904 CSHQA ARCHITECTS ~ 002 - • • ~~.a~l.. The followin; requirements are provided as conditions fnr approval: >~ .,._ sr~xan ~~~;' Site Specific Requirements: ~a,~ ~~ ,~I~YY,~ ]. '17ie proposed driveway, located approximately 210-feet from the existing northel-r1 driveway aff Lanark Street, is approved with this ripplication. ~.Q., '?. The existing eastern drivewty on Lanark Street, located appruxirnatcly 1000-feet north of 1:~rankliti Road, t s ., proposed~o accommodate truck traffic, coordinate the tlE:si.gri o.f the driveway with 11CHD staff •b ~ Wt~~ ~ ~' ~~re~ " ~ y~,~,2~1-s ~.C.o~'vl'v rv-,~M, ~„~~ 3. All utility relacalion coals assuciatcd with itllproving street fmnta~cs 2buttin; the site shall be ~} - ~ ~~~' bon;Ie by the developer. ~ pp n ~~`"w°J W ~'~4S ~n~lq ~~~ ~. Aiiy existing in-igatioll facilities should be rr•.ln~:ated outside of t11e right-of-way. ~~},GA, Replace curU, gutter, 5-fiiot wide concrete sidEwalk and match paving ati Lanark Streit abutting the parcel in the two proposed drive~~~tzy i.ixiprovements, Improvements shall be constructeJ ti, uric-Half ~~f a 40-foot street section. ~~ C•,. Utility sheet outs in pavement less than ,five years old arc not allowed unless approved in ~~;,~ writing by the lli trio. Cc-ntaet Al:HI7's Utility Coo.l•dinator at 3A7-2516 or 378-G?58 (with -~Y~'" Cilo iluit~Uer) for details. ,'YIW7~ a~~.,Y 7. Other t a the access poi s) s cifically app a with this applic ~c.-n, dl t lot •>•xsel ,; •c to )..' • rk C Is ]n•ohibit Slar,~~lar~l Requirements: l . This decisiun of the Flannino and Development Supervisor ma}~ he appealed to the Ada County ~,,,,>>~; Highway .L)istrict t:.omnlission by the 2ppli.cant or by another party ~~~ithili 15 calendar days ;G.T,,,; from the date of this report. The request shall spedfically identity each regttirenlent to be -~~~~"' reconsidered and include a written e~cplanation of wliy such a requirement would result in a ~~~;;~~ subst2ntial Hardship or inequity The request will he heard by the District Comn~listiir.-n at an !h~tltmN - • • "~~~ cv~:ning meeting ~~-ithin 20 calendar days of the ~Uislricl's t•eceipt of the appeal letter. 'fhe appellant ~•vill be notified of the date 2nd time ofthe l:ommission rncctiii~. ~~=~~. ~?. tlftcr ACHP Commssion ;~clirni, any request for rccc+~~ci~jriation o1'the Conlmissiurl's tlction ,,,,;,.,,: shall ho made iii writing l'O tl]e Flalllllll~' and Development Supervisor within t~~~o d2ys of the ...n^"` acrirni and shall include a minimum fr:r: r,t'.y; l 10.00. The request fur i cconsideration shall "'~~'" specifically identify each requir~mcnt to be reconsidered 2nd include written docurnentatir_~ri of :nlamu. -•. .~°~'~~a•~ data that ~~.~as not a~~~iil2ble to the Con~nlission ~It the iinle ofit's ori~~inttl decision. The request fir reconsider2tion will he heard by the >Jislrict Commission ai the next regular 111eeting of the Commissi~in. lfthe Commission ;t`Y.rccs to reconsider tllc action, the applicant will be notified of the date tmd time of the Canln~~ission meetin~ at which the rcconsidzration ~~•ill He herarc.l. I!~I~~c ~ 06/15/01 11:10 $1208~4~4904 CSHQA ARCHITECTS r wNLL.iq ,~, 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees ~i~~ required prior to building construction in ~i" accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada Co~miy Highw~+y District Road Impact ~~~` ree Ordinance. ~IGYA<AY, ~~ 4. All design and construction shall he in accordance with the Ada County Highway 1_)istrict Policy Manual,lSPWC Standards and approved supplements, Gonsn•uction Services procedures and all applicable ACRD Ordinances unless specifically waived herzin. An engineer registered in the State•of Idaho shall prepare and c:e~rtify all in~pruvement plans. ~.~~ 5. Thy: applicant sh~a]] staUniit revised plans far staff approval, prior to issuance of building pern~it j;,~,~ (or other required pen~~its), wl~iich incoiporatcs any required design changes. ~~ r,, Construction, use anal property development shall be in confonnancE w;th all applicably; requirements of the Ada (:ounty Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. Any change by the applicant ;n the planned use ofthe property which is the subject of this application, shall xequire the applicant to comply with all ~,~les, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its succ:~asors in ii~t~rest advises the Highway District of its inlra~t to change t}~o planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief. is granted pursuant ~;„;~,; to the la~~v i.n effect at the time the chance in use is sought. 8. No change in t}ae terns and conditions of this r+pproval shall be valid unless they are in writing ~~ and si~~r~.d Uy the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized ~' representative of the 1~da County 11igh~Nay :District. The burden shall be u}~on the applicant to obtain wt7tten confirmation of any change 'From t}'ie Ada County Highway District. r ~~wuur, ~i7mmd y.\,~y4~ ' ~. ~+ic~til l4ZM~!; Ir"~~ ~I UU~ ''A:~1S/~'~•j .y;;l''~ r~a~,N• 4N4:7r~~.• ~I~Il~l:i a 1: r.lg:.N ~'A ,,\'~~\~) ~ " I' .'.•lil.li 111 ~~OIL'l' . Extended Page 3.1 ~~~~~~~~~~ Conclusion uf><,aw_ 4~e; ~r{y ACHD reyuirc,ncnts are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue ~~~,~;~ burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by ~~~°u~, the propose~~ ~-levelopment- tihc,uld you have any yuestiuns ur evrnrn~:nts, plcxsc contact the AC`HD Planning and Development staff at ;387-(i 174- Sincerely, non ~. -. ~~; .~~ --~ +"R'n~"`. Christy Richardson )~~ ~ Principal Development Analyst ec: Project file Ghron G~~ ayar~ ~~w r' ;ar~n:ry y,W";'r er+„"~ ar•• •e~ Siuicut a1AN'w (R7C:'; .:,u.; orlq~g7f "I:' ?'~K.ef~ i~.a~r•~: ~~ ` f r:l L'r: .~