Verizon Wireless CZC 01-041 MAYOR xc~ of ~~ASVxE V~ ~ A Good Place to live . LEGAL DEPARTMENT' Robert D. Conde +~ T \ CITY OF 1 r 1L1111JJLl 11 (208) 288-2449 • Fas 288-2501 PUBTdC WORKS CrIY COUNCIL MEMBERS . 33 EAST IDAHO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Ron Anderson (208) 887-2211 • Fas 887-1297 Keith Bird I~RIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 Tammy deWeerd (208) 888-4433 • FAX (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING ' City C{erlc Office Fas (208) 888.4218 DEPARTMENT Cherie McCandless (208) 884-5533 • FAX 888-6554 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: May 24, 2001 , r Project: Co-location for Verizon Wireless ~~'~~~ ~y Address: 2601 N. Linder Proposed Use: Co-location of communications equipment on an existir>~ communications tower. Zoning: R-4 COMMENTS: Proiect SumTnary: Verizon Wireless has applied to co-locate an antenna array on an existing 400 foot tall communication tower. The new antenna array will be located 100 feet high on the tower, directly below the existing ATT Wireless array. There will be no increase in the height of the tower, no change of use and will not, therefore, require a Conditional Use Permit. Landscapins: All existing landscaping shall be retained and continuously maintained. Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site plan are permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. The site plan stamped 05/24/01 is approved with the comments noted above. David McKinnon (For Shari Stiles, Planning & Zoning Administrator) *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. Rpr 30 O1 07:40a Ronald Thurber & Fissoc. (2081 345-4699 Sent By: City of tAeridi2n; • 9886854; Apr~01 4:36PM; ~~ CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning dt Zoni.flg neltartt:tc-,t 660 E. Wottxtower Ln,, Ste. 202, Meridian, ID 8364 ~(208~84-5533 Phone / (208)888-6854 Fax C~_ tT1FiCATE OF ZONING C.O11~U'11ANCE [CZG1 APPLICATION (Section 11-19-1, Zoning and Deveioprxtent Ordinance) Page ~ PROJECT NAME: l~lQ~j , ,. ^~ APPLICANT: ADDRFSS•..~/~D .~a_. ~~D~ ~: , r'S//T~ ~J~ ; ~/--C~, ~ ~`,~~C(~ p.2 PHONE: 80I_,... 8.q1-0,1~~; FAX: ~Qf '~q~~ E-MA11,: GQl'1_:lo innPs F,~ t~~~/f/,~l/t'~~5~~ CO~'I v °- OWNER(S) OF RECORD: __ . /~i ~j~/ ~//~~ ADt]1tESS: ~~'S~~ c.~ ~ -- - ~~h`/,Y~ ~~~~~~ 1 ~~/3U%~,~ ~~~~a ~ J. 3 _.,.,.,.....y PHONE: ~ ~- .J ~~ - 5 ~~ ~ v EAX: ~Q~ ~3 -~3/ E-MAiL: 7~J /'~~ Gj?~~rlS Gds ~ , • ARCHITF..CT (1F DiFFEREN~' THAN APPI.iCANT):~](~I~ 711 UC~jQ~" ~~~~'Q(//7a~D,d ADDRESS:_~Ll cS~ o ~~ ~ L~~ S-P_ ~I ~~.~2 PHONE: ~9R- ~~-~./r/~ FAX: ao8-~/~~ ~~E-MAIL wd ul~ cu~rhicrh ay.nQ~ ADDRESS, GENER,Ai. I.OCATiON OF ST'TE:~,~~7 /V, L_~~~~~Y, /~1e/'Il~/l~'I. T~ DESCR I.PT10N OF USE: (.,All~dl ~ ~',(~ ~t ! ~ ~ ~ G{~l r'1~~~,~5'~(Ztf-~..... ~~D/'' L'2,~i~'~S ~~t Co~~C''~~ pa~ u>>fh~ip .~24-P~~.~2. PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: ,den-hal~ 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ S, do hereby affirm that 1 wi ll egret to pay vny additioaal sewer, wetax or trash fees or char es, itany, es9ocJat~ with the use Ihat Uwe have applied Coe, whatha the use be ratidcretial, comr-ncrcisl ar iadustrial in nature. Furthermore, l have read the infortnatiott contained herein aad certify that the infornna ' is trees wnd ccnrect. ' Appti ~gna (.Date) • Present and Proposed Use of Property The present use of this property is an AT&T communications site which consists of a 390 ft. guyed tower and equipment building. Verizon is proposing to collocate on the existing tower at the 100-foot level. Verizon will place their equipment in four (4) outdoor cabinets on a concrete pad which will be located within the leased area. The site is an unmanned cellular facility consisting of tower and radio equipment only. No employees are at this site except for occasional maintenance of the radio equipment. Rpr 30 O1 07:40a Sent By: City of Meridian; Ronald Thurber & Rssoc. [208) 345-4699 p.4 . _i 8886854; Apr~01 4:37PM; Page 3 k ;' AFFCDAVCT OF LF.Ciq~. [NTLItEST STATE OR 1DAH0 ) COUNTY VF ADA ) 1, ~~ -~ q.~~3 ~ ~ y ~~- w ~~ (name) (address) -~~ ~~ ~~ ~' ~~ ~ being first duly sworn, upon ctl) ., oath, depose end say. ( y (state) 1. That 1 ant the-record owner of the property described on the attached, and 1 grant my permission tn? ( ~ (address) > ~ to submit the accompanying application pertai~inb to that property. 2. 1 awe to irtdemEttify, def~d and hold the City of Meridian and it's employees ttartnless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statemerns contained herein or as t© tht awttership of the Property, which is the subject of the application. Dated this____~ day of 20D I SilRSC'R[AF..p AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. t~torrnat t~auc 14~dreerdie~d AAve. gg8 lake C.Ily, l!T 84121 My Cortrrt F `~,, tu{arct- 2, 2oaa r~~• '' 3TATS OF LTt'AYi ~'~!'~ '~ Notary Public ite C.t~~ Residing at Smr~~ t'i~vNtl% My Commission Expires: ~Z~ .> Flpr 30 O1 07:40a Ronald Sent By: City of Meridian; Thurber & Assoc. 8888854 [208) 345-4699 Apr~01 4:37PM; CONTEN'T'S Op t:~ AP!'LTCATTON (lacurnplete appllca~lons wrl! nor be procesred) Page 2 An application for a Certificate af`7~ning Compliance shall be filed with the Planninb and Zoning staff by tltc owner of the property a d+e applicant ofdtg proposed usa The application shall contain the.following information: t . CcMrtpleted and signed ClC: applicatiat fonn_ 2. The last deed eft,eoord for the subjoct properly. 3. Notarized Afl'ndavit of C.cgal IntcrGSt (attached). 4. Three (3) copies otFa detailed aitr plan, drawn to a scale of not less than I'"=50'_ `\ 5. Three (7) ~~ ofd ~y~~ ~~ ~ oomplianx with fhd landscape ordi than 1"DSO'. See attached landscape submittal reKluinmonts. met' ~"'" Io a scale of not less '~~ 6. Written approval w u ata~ped gjte ~ fianl5anilatian Service Canpany (5SC) indicting that the designs of the trash enclobw,e and access drive are aooeptablC. ~\ 7. A calculations table that ~Jtall list the number of parking stalls, building size, la sire, tands~p~g, ~ ~, setbadc9, fencing, ~~~g and oovctagr. 8. A written StaOement &an the applicant detailing the proposed use(s) of the property. Plcssc list as many details as possible. ~`\ 9. Copy of At: I-m lelta~, w a wpy of the aiba ptmt stamped by A(:liD, mating that all new arb cuts and sidewalk locations arc approved as:ahown. (Noce: this is nd a final plans aooeptance lettsr). p.3 /~c'~. U' '~ I/l PIONEER TITLE CUST SERVIC 208 373 3675 P.03i10 when ri0bl08tl mai Io A1MdE: Jatui a Annaaeth 15rnest $TpE~ApppEg$: 312 S_ Coiwobia CITY a STA1E_ Sled. , /69 lienoewick, fuss tn~s s Ce ~Or re~oraer•s use ""' ~~` ~J U.~~~.+ ~i•'.~nnRO RECORCER By;i ,,.? MAY-21-2001 16 07 DUlT-CLAM DEED ~~: Qen/9Z57332 ~ . yy~~ffijOn, Uyy~, 1-nnabeth C. Srneat Qrafl~tp, John-L_ Srn~st aR naBeth ~~ Ernest yy~ asTrustes(s) . d~'• 7ohf~-7:=Rrn~~ a .1 nnalfo*h.~ri. Y: ~•* ~~ REVQCAHLE.ftVING TRUST frSteb~led on the~_day Of, none 199 aU that real property sltiiated;fn'ihe,Cigr of ' ~' (or unincorporated area of1:.,,, ' •;:: ~'' ~ . , Courtly. State of IddhQ .described as totbwa=; ': '~ Hier:. interest: , oniy in: . , `, •S'be..8aotb'halt ot, the Northeast Quarter or Section Tiro, 'lgovnship;'~Shses Borth,. Range One Nest o! the Boise ltiridieu, ~J1ds County, Atats o! Sdaho. :r ~ • , BxCSPr property conveyed by instruoent A 8825033 Together vit:b all appertenancas thereon or appertaining thoreto of evssx'>kind and nature, Including all wager, ditch and lateral righfd appertaining thereto or used in connectiorf therewith. :r :, ...~. ,; Assessor' S Parcel No. Executed an day of . i 99_ 8t 1[ennewick ,State O~ washinatort Je ~~L. Ern9st and Annaf9eth C. Ernest ~,granl0r (5J X NOTARY $ta~ Of Yashington_ ~ i SS County of F~ra''nk~lin 1 ._ t]tt fid day ~+~.}~~~, . 19~~belore me, the un4ersigned, a Notary Public m and b/ ~ state, ,ersonatry appeared •Tehn _ :n a '-~d annaSeth C_ Frnest , pe~sona>hl known to Ins (or proved l0 me an the panes o1 satis~act evioeneel to De the person wh0ie ftgtlte is Sub6Cribed 10 ate iflitlullletll, anQ acknowledged 10~ tnat narshe executes it ~'~l Hans anC olric:al s 1 :, .' eeCaey !u lie s ane to ~~ - ', '' County as States ~ ~ ~ , RealC:ng a ~ !fir -~ ,:y GO!fm13~GCr. v cscs ~ // ~~ ~ , Rpr 30 O1 07:40a Ronald Thurber & Flssoc. [2081 345-4699 Sent By: City of MeridiAn; ~ 988t3854~ Apr-~t 4:37PM; P2 a 4/5 9 LANDSCAPE PLAAT S[TBMIITAL RF~QUYREMElY7S ApplkAbillty .RII applications for a Ceitifu~te of Zoning Carnplianee (CZC) and Final Plat (FP) must comply with all roquitzments of the `Contents' section below for a detailed landscape P~ Applications for a Conditional tJse Permit (CUl') and Preliminary plat (pp) erne ~~ ~~ requirements M, N, O, and P of the 'Contents' section and may instead show conceptual landscaping with tree locations onty and conceptual screening structures; all other sections of the Landscape osdmance stilt apply. Plan Skre & St»!e 'Y he landscape plan must have: a scale n4 smaller qua 1 "=50' (l "=20' is preferred) and be on a standaM drawing shoat, not to exceed 36"x48" (24"x36" is preferred). A plan which cannot be drawn m its entirety on a single must be draw~i with appropriate match lines an two or nwre sheets. Nomtier of Copier The number of copies of the la»dscapts plan that must bo submitted is shown on the talowing schedule: • Conditional Usc Permit: 1 O copies • Preliminary plat: i0 copies Final Plot: 3 Copies Certificate of Zoning Compliance: 3 Copies t;~oateats 'The landscape plan shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance and shalt include the folbwing olanvents. . A. Date, scale, uortharrow, and titlo of the project. B. Nana, addressed and telephone numbers of tho developer and the pcrson/fu-m Preparing the plan. C. E~cistittg boundaries, property lines, and dimensions of the lot. L). Relationship to aQjaoent propeRies, streets, and private lanes. ~• Easemouts cad ri~i-af-way linos oa or adjaeast to the tot. F. Esxisting/proposed, zoning of the bt, and the zoning and land use of all adjacent propertieb. C. Cxisting natural features such as canals, creeks, gains, ponds, wetlands, floodplains, high groundwater areal, sad rock outcroppir-gs. H. Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches or greater in diameter, measured 6 irsrhas above the ground. Indicate whether the tree will be retained or reo~oved. 1. A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed bo tie retained will be protected from damage during construction. 1. 'Existing bwldirtEs, strucxuraa, planting areas, light poles. power poles, walls, fences, berms, parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, paWweys, stcxmwabn detention areas, signs, street furniture, and other man-made elements. K. Existing and proposed contours for e!I areas steeper than 209~o slope. Norms sttalI bas shown with Cr10-~nAt QO~lo4r3. p.5 Rdv. 02/?X'Il l Rpr 30 O1 07:40a Ronald Thurber & Rssoc. (2081 345-4699 Sent By: City of I~erldi2n; :~' 8686854• ~ Apr D1 4:37PM; p.6 Page 5/5 :~. L. 5 fight Triangles as deftnad in Suction 6 of this ordinstrcc. M, Location and labels fear all proposed plants, including trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Scale ahowrt Ear plant ~tisberisls shall reflect approximate mature sire. N. A Plant List that aho~vs the plant symbol, quarrtity, botanical name, ccxrirnon Warne, minimum planting size and ~vtttainer, attd c~tnrrients (for spacing stekurg and installation as aPPrOPr'iate). O. Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all required standards. P. Deysign drawings of all required struGtunes far scrbe~oing purposes. Q. Calcrtlations of project ooat:ponetrts ro danorrstrate corrrpliaace with the requirements of this cmdinance, inctudirtg: CUP aad CZC Appran6onv • Number of street tt~s and lineal feat of str~etll frantwgr: • Width of street buffers Width of parking lot periml~3er landscape strip + Buffer width between dit~eieatt land uses • Number of partciug stalls attd Pesoant of parking area with int~anal landscaping Tore! rwrnbar pf trees and Tree spocies mix • Mitigation for romoval of existing Uaa IPP snd 1PP AppUcalioas Width of street buffer, lima! feat of stroot frontage, and number of atrax trues • Residential subdivision iree~ • Acreage dedicated f+nr comriwn open space Number of ira® provided tin oonornon lot(s) Mitigation for removal of existins trues Landscape Plan Preport+tion ProP~B & ~ P~ rW~s spacial sycill9. I.attclscaping iavolvm mono than a s~lc atrartp~mart of P~ `~ a*~~: P~ ~'~ bsplramsdlY Placed in a way the fills up leftover specG I.and.~pe plans shook! be aRfully and toclmieal[y oe~ganiaod ~ a way that oortveys ootxranoe, design, and or®anizat~ The lerdseaping should enhance the physical enva~aruneot as well as the pr+ojt~s ar~stLetic characlkr. AL~w; reyuirir~ plans prgaared by a landscape profeBSianal r dtie tilertr~~ood of truce dying a with othv adjACan sine featraYS. °l'bereforr, AU land9cape plans snail 6e prepared by a landscape arehiooct; landscape designQ, or qualified mrrseryrr~an. Jtev. /J?.'?,S'~lJ1