Meridian Community Park CZC 01-030HUB OFTREASURE T~ALI~EY MAYOR A Good Place to Iave LEGS- D~'~'~'r Robert D. Corse (208) 288-2499 • Fos 288-2501 c~ ~O~N~~ MEMBERS CITY OF MERIDI~~N PUBLIC WORKS 33 EAST IDAHO BUII.DING DEPARTMENT Ron Anderson (208) 887-2211 • Faa 887-1297 Keith Bird MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 Tanvny deWeerd (208) 885-4433 • FAX {208) 887-4513 PLANNING AND ZONING City C1edt Office Faa (208) 888-4218 DEPARTMENT Cherie McCandless {208) 884-5533 • FAX 888-6854 S w~~......~.r CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: November 20,.2001 Project: Meridian Coty Park Phase 1 (5$ acre Parkl (~,gntact• Dave Koaa 939-4(}411 Address:~l g t Iwest corner of Ustick & Meridian Proposed Use: pity Park Zoning: L O --- COMMENTS: Sipe: Any new signage is subject to design review under Ordinance 11-14 and requires separate permits. No signage is permitted in ACHD right-of--way. Parkins: Parking shall be installed as depicted on the approved site plan. All (standard) stalls shall be a minimum of 9 x 19. No compact spaces are approved. Handicap-Accessibility: The parking and site improvements must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. Landscaping: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed per the approved plan (stamped 11-20- 2001). Street buffers shall extend to the edges of the phase line. All landscape areas to be served by pressurized irrigation. Liahtin~: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Trash Enclosure: All dumpsters must be screened from view on at least 3 sides and not be visible by the public or fmm adjacent properties. Ada County Hishwav District: If any changes are made to the site plan to accommodate ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning and Zoning staff for review and approval Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. ;The Site Phan & Landscape Plans st~n~ed 11/20/01 are apAroved with the comments noted above Steve Siddoway for Shari Stiles planning & Zoning Administrator *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fare Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ~~ CHD Ada County Highway Dlstr~ct .ludo Pca~e~-Derr. President il3 Fast ;7th Sutet Dare I3i~ens. Ist Vice President Garden Cite IU 871-1-6-199 Sherri R. I-luher. 2nd Vice President Phone 1208) _i37-6100 Susan S. Eastlake. Commissioner 1=.-\~ 1208) i87-6;91 Day id C. ~'1'~ nkoop. Commissioner Email: trlh~~:~ a('11i~~I:Li,iiu December 14. 2001 RECEIVED City of Meridian Parks & Recreation 33 East Idaho Meridian. Idaho 83642 Re: Staff Level Approval MCZC-01-021 r11,P.n.cd~2J't, SS" acs /'~`' Facts and Findings: DEC 19 2001 City of Meridian City Clerk Office nw/c Ustick Road. Meridian Road Park A. The Ada County HiQhw-ay District (ACHD) staff has received the above referenced application- requesting certificate of zoning compliance approval to construct a ~8-acre park. The 58-acre site is located on the northwest corner of Ustick Road and Meridian Road. This development is estimated to generate 92 additional vehicle trips per day (0 existing) based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. B. The application and site plan stamped and received by the City of Meridian on September 14. 2001, and submitted to the District on September 21. 2001. has been reviewed by the ACRD Planning and Development staff and conforms to applicable District standards/policy, or can be trade to conform with the chan~~e(s) to the plan described in the requirements stated belo~a~. C. On September 24. 2001. the District I'lannin~~ and Development staFl~ inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On September 29. 2001. the staff met as the District's Technical Reyie~~- Committee and rryie~yed the impacts of this proposed de~•elopment on the :District's transportatton S~'Slelll. 1 ht I'eSllllS Ot that analysis constitute the lollo~yim~ 1=arts and Findin~~s and recommended Site Specific Requirements. S:` DSTI.CI-f'. WOR K ING'~~9C7_C-01-02 I .~la.duc Pa~_c I • E. For the purposes of estinr~ting daily trip generation and assessin~T impact fees for this project. the proposed use of this de~•elopment has been classilied as Citv Park. (Per the ITE Manual) The impact fee rate from the fee tables for this use is S X23 per acre. based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. Note: This rate is pro~•ided for informational purposes onh• and shall not be construed as an impact fee rate certification. The impact fee will be assessed at the time of plans acceptance b~• District staff, and shall be based on the fee tables and provisions of the District's lmpact Fee Ordinance in effect at that time. F. Staff has recently been receiving lar~~e amounts of inquiries from developers in this northwest 1\-leridian area. Manv developers are prepared to plat entire section-miles, and have site plans developed. The preliminary plans generally include 700 to 900 residential lots, schools, office/commercial lots, and city and neighborhood parks Due to the lame number of inquiries in this area, staff and the development community realized that the potential for development in this area is extreme, and that the traffic impact studies that each individual developer was submitting, did not include the major surrounding developments that are "in the works". If we examine each development individually, the roadway system is adequate, but when we begin to add in a second or third large-scale development, the traffic capacities of these roadways (Ustick Road, McMillan Road, Ten Mile Road, Linder Road) reach their 2020 planning thresholds. Based on development patterns in this area, and the concern surrounding the abutting roadways, staff hired a consultant from the "on-call" list to conduct a traffic impact study of the northwestern Meridian area from Ustick Road to Chinden Boulevard, and from Eagle Road to McDermott Road. That study has been completed. An economic study is underway to detern~ine the costs of ~a~idening the roadways, right-of--way, and signal costs; based on the recommendations of the traffic study. It is possible that ACRD may have to fund a portion of these improvements with extraordinary impact fees, or some other funding source. This current development (the Meridian City Park) under review may also be subject to any extraordinary fees that the District may impose. G. Cedar Springs Subdivision is cun•ently in the application process with the City of Meridian and the District. if Cedar Springs Subdivision has a public roadwav abutting the north property line of the Meridian Park, the Meridian Parl: should be responsible for their portion of the roadway. If the Meridian Park should de~•elop before Cedar Springs Subdivision, the Meridian Park should construct one-half of a ~6-foot sU-eet section plus I?-feet of additional pavement within X12-feet of ri~~ht-o1=~~ay. Il~Cedar Sprin~~s Subdi~~ision should de~'elop before the (~~1eridian Park, the ~~lericiian Park should complete the roadway making it a full ,6-foot street section with curb. gutter and sidewalk within 50-feet of right-ol=~~'av. lithe (\~1eridian Park would like a detached or meandering sidewalk. they ~~ ill be required to prop ide and easement to the District. y H. -1-he applicant is proposing to consU•uct the main entrance to the earl: on ~•leridian Road, located 700-feet north of the south propert~~ line. The proposed main driye~~av should be desi~_ned with S:`,Uti"l~f.:Cl-I .!\'ORKI~C; ;;\1C'7C-(1I-Q? l.cla.ii~u• I'a_r , • • 21-foot sheet sections on either side of a center median. The median should be consh'ucted a minimum of ~-feet wide (maximum 12-leet wide) to total a minimum of a 100-square foot area. I. There is an existing well on Meridian Road that will be located within the new right-of-wav. The applicant (City of Meridian) has indicated that they will move the well at their expense in the future ~a~hen the roadway is widened. The applicant should provide a signed affidavit to the DisU•ict stating that agreement. J. Request for 1\lodification/Commission action: On November 2, 2001, the applicant filed a request for modification of the Ustick Road sidewalk requirement. The request was heard by the ACRD Commission on December 12, 2001. The applicant, Meridian Parks & Recreation, testified that the Ustick Road frontage is not a part of Phase 1, and that the sidewalk was not budgeted for FY 2002. The applicant further testified that Phase 2 budgeting would occur in the Fall of 2002, and that Phase 2 of the park would occur thereafter. Phase 1 of the park is expected to open in the Spring of 2003, based on testimony from the applicant. The Commission offered an alternative to the applicant that would allow deferral of the Ustick Road sidewalk until April of 2003. The applicant indicated to the Commission that the timing was acceptable to Parks & Recreation. The Commission granted a modification of policy to waive the sidewalk requirement on Ustick Road for Phase 1 of the park, but placed a time limit on the modification. Regardless of future phasing (because finding of those phases is unknown), the sidewalk on Ustick Road shall be constructed on or before April 1, 2003. At the time of construction, ACHD will acquire the Ustick Road right-of-~vay. The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval for Phase l: Site Specific Requirements: Dedicate 48-feet of right-of-~~~av from the centerline of Meridian Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation~of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required pe~7iiits)• whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the ri;ht-of-~~-av dedication after receipt of all requested material. The o~rner will be compensated for all right-of-way dedicated as an addition to existing right- ol=way fi-om available impact lee revenues in this benefit zone. if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee adminisu•ator prior to breaking ground. in accoriiance with ACHD Ordinance #193. The ri~~ht-of=~~av purchase agreement must be completed and signed by the applicant prior to issuance of a buildin~~ permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. S: Dti"fECII'~\'ORKI'\'C; \1C7_C'-(II-O'I.sla.~l~~r I~•~„~. - 2. Dedicate 4S-feet of right-of-~~~av li•om the centerline of Ustick Road abuttin~~ the parcel. THIS 121GHT-OF-W:~l' SHALL NOT BE DEDICATED UNTIL SUCH TIME TFIAT THE USTICK ROAD SIDEWALK IS CONSTRUCTED; ON OR BEFORE APRIL 1, 2003. USTICK ROAD RO~~' SHALL NOT BE DEDICATED WITH PHASE 1 OF THE PARK. ~. The applicant shall be required to construct a ~-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on i\~leridian Road located 2-feet \vithin the new right-of--way. Coordinate the location and elevation of the side\alk with District staff. If the sidewalk meanders outside of the right-of- \vav, provide an easement for the sidewalk. 4. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on Ustick Road located 2-feet within the new right-of--way. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sides\Jalk with District staff. If the sidewalk meanders outside of the right-of-way, provide an easement for the sidewalk. THE APPLICANT SHALL CONSTRUCT A SIDEWALK ON USTICK ROAD ON OR BEFORE APRIL 1, 2003. SIDEWALK IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PLAN APPROVAL OF PHASE 1. 5. Locate the main driveway on Meridian Road approximately 700-feet north of the intersection of Ustick Road and Meridian Road as proposed. This driveway location meets District policy and is approved with this application. 6. Pave the driveway to its full-required width of 30 to 35-feet and to a point 30-feet beyond the edge of pavement of Meridian Road with 15-foot radii pavement tapers abutting the existing roadway edge. Applicant shall be required to construct an acceleration lane and deceleration lane with a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions 7. If Cedar Springs Subdivision has a public roadway abutting the north property line of the Meridian Park, the Meridian Park will be responsible for their portion of the roadway. If the Meridian Park should develop before Cedar Springs Subdivision, the Meridian Park will be required to construct one-half of a 36-foot street section plus ] 2-feet of additional. pavement within 42-feet of ri~~ht-of--way. If Cedar Springs Subdivision should develop before the Meridian Park, the Meridian Park ~~ ill be required to complete the roadway makm~~ it a full ~6- foot street section ~ti~ith curb. ~~utter and sidewalk ~~~ithin 50-feet of right-of-wav. If the IVleridian Park would like a detached or meanclerin~~ sidewalk. thev will be~required to pro~~ide and easement to the District. S. Provide a si~~ned al~lida~-it to the District statin~~ that the City will move the existing ~~~ell on Meridian Road at the Citv's expense, when the road~~ av is widened. 9. If clurin~~ construction anv Impr0~'~menlS are danr)~~cd the applicant is required to replace anv clama~~ed curb, ~~utter. andior sidc~~all: on ~~Icridian Road and Ustick Road to match existin~~ impro~"ements. Se~~ments to be replaced shall be determined by ACHD Construction Services staff. Contact Construction Serriccs at ,57-62i;U (~~~ith file number) for details. ti:`I~S"I E:(_~I-I \\'ORKI~'G'~~ICLC'-O1-1)?I.~Ia.~l~~~. I'•icc -! i • 10. Utility street cuts in pavement less than live years old are not allowed unless approved in ~aritin~ by the District. Contact ACHD's Utility Coordinator at ~S7-216 or ,75-62~S (with f le number) for details. 11. Meet District drainage requirements per section 5000 of the ACRD Development Policy Manual. Contact District staff at X57-6170 for details. 1?. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street fi•onta~es abutting the site shall be bo~7~e by the developer. l ~. Any e~tisting in-igation facilities should be relocated outside of the right-of--way. 14. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Meridian Road and Ustick Road is prohibited. Standard Requirements: This decision of the Planning and Development Supervisor may be appealed to the Ada County Highway District Commission by the applicant or by another party within l0 calendar days from the date of this report. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written exulanation of why such a requirement_ would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. The request will be heard by the District Commission at an evening meeting within 20 calendar days of the District's receipt of the appeal letter. The appellant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting. 2. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #195, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 3. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements. Construction Sen~ices procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. ~. The applicant shall submit revised plans for stal•l~ approval, prior to issuance of buildin~~ permit (or other required pei7»its), ~~~hich incorporates any required design changes. ~. Construction, use and property de~~elopment shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Hi~~h~~~av District prior to District approval for occupancy. 6. .-env chan~~e by the applicant in the pl~uinc°d use of the property ~~ hich is the subject of this application. shall require the applicant to comply ~~~ith all rules. re~~ulations, ordinances, plans. or other re~~ulatorv and le_al restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Hi`~h~~~av District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject ti: I)ti"f~I_CI-I ~~'(~RKIN(:~.\i C'/..(:~-01-0?l.sla.ilnr i property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other le~Tal relief is 'ranted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the chan'~e in use is sou'~ht. 7. No change in the terms and COndltlOnS 01 t111S approval shall be valid unless thev are in writin~~ and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway DisU~ict. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confil-mation ofany change from the Ada County Highway District. Conclusion of La~~~: ACRD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the ACRD Planning and Development staff at 387-6170. Sincerely. C ~~~~~~~ Christy Richardson Planning Review Supervisor Right-of--Way and Development cc: Project file City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Chron ACRD Construction Services Mayor Corrie Meridian Parks & Recreation Commission ti: D~~I C:C'II 11'ORhl\(; \-ICLC-111-021.~1a.iluc I''i_c (~ f ,. • The Benefits are Endless November 2, 2001 Christy Richardson ACRD Planning & Development 318 East 37th Street Garden City, ID 83714 ac'd tvov o 6 2001 aoM ~o ~. ._ ... .~ . .~ 4i Parks and Recreation Department Re: Request to delay construction of Ustidc sidewalk in the 58-acre Meridian Park Dear Christy, Meridian Parks and Recreation has reviewed the October 10, 2001, ACRD staff comments regarding Phase 1 construction of the new 58-acre park located on the northwest comer of Ustidc and Meridian Roads. Site-speafic Requirement No. 4 requires a five- foot wide concrete sidewalk on Ustidc Road. We are requesting not to construct that sidewalk as part of Phase 1 for the folknMng reasons: one, Phase 1 park construction is adjacent to Meridian Road and is not within 400 feet of Ustidc (see endosed drawing); two, we want to promote access to the park along Meridian Road since it has sidewalk extending one mile to Cherry Lane to the south; three, the $52,000 cost of detached Ustick sidewalk was not budgeted in Phase 1 since it was an antiapated cxsst of Phase 2 construction. We are planning to construct the sidewalk in conjunction with a second parking bt entering off of Ustidc Road in the second phase of the park (see enclosed drawing). We will submit the Phase 2 plans for ACHD review prior to construction. The Ustidc sidewalk issue has been discussed with the Meridian Parks and Recreation Commission, Mayor and Ciiy Counai. They are in full support of not constructing the Ustidc sidewalk in Phase i. We appreciate your support in our request Sincerely, '~1'`- Tom Kuntr Parks and Recreation Director ®cc: Mayor Currie, City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission 11 West Bower Street ~ Meridian, ID 83642 '~ (208) 888-3579 Fax (208) 898-5501 EXHIBIT A I' t Meridian Parks and Recreation 58-Acre Park sa.b,M./{{c~ l~ /4-pp~i Ga,rty' orb l2-IZ-6(~ R-Cf~7 ~~,~.:ssidx. Sidewalk and Right-of-Way Cost Analysis Right-of-Way Value Meridian and Ustick Road 1.64 acres @ $20,000 $32,800.00 Meridian Road /germs (earthwork) 5' Concrete Sidewalk ~Finegrade, Irrigation, Seeding - 20' Width Ustick Road berms (earthwork) 5' Concrete Sidewalk ~Finegrade, Irrigation, Seeding - 20' Width 950 cubic yards 1050 linear foot @ 21000 square foot 1900 cubic yards 2100 linear foot 42000 square foot $15.00 14,250.00 9.00 9,450.00 0.60 12,600.00 Total $36,300.00 $15.00 $28,500.00 9.00 18,900.00 0.60 25,200.00 Total $72,600.00 ~o f" rrqu..Yrv~ 6y .~,0 CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning & Zoning Department 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste. 202, Meridian, ID 83642 (208)884-5533 Phone / (208)888-6854 Fax CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE (CZC) APPLICATION (Section 11-19-1, Zoning and Development Ordinance) PROJECT NAME: MERIDIAN 58 ACRE PARK APPLICANT: THE LAND GROUP, INC. ADDRESS: 128 SOUTH EAGLE ROAD PHONE: 939-4041 FAX: 939-4445 E-MAIL: davidna.thelandgroup.cc OWNER(S) OF RECORD: CITY OF MERIDIAN ADDRESS: 33 E. IDAHO MERIDIAN IDAHO 83642 PHONE: 888-4433 FAX:888-6854 E-MAIL: ARCHITECT (IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT): LOMBARD-CONRAD ARCHITECT -SCOTT WENDELL ADDRESS: 1221 SHORELINE LANE BOISE IDAHO PHONE:345-6677 FAX: 344-9002 E-MAIL: swendell(a~lcaarch.com ADDRESS, GENERAL LOCATION OF SITE:3245 N. MERIDIAN ROAD DESCRIPTION OF USE: COMMUNITY PARK - PHASE ONE INCLUDES PARKING, CONCESSION / RESTROOM BUILDING, LANDSCAPE, IRRIGATION AND SIDEWALKS PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: L-O I. ~ ~ ~.r 7 Z , do herebv affirm that I will agree to pay any additional sewer, water or trash fees or charges, if any, associated with the use that Uwe have applied for, whether the use be residential, commercial or industrial in nature. Furthermore, I have read the information contained herein and certify that the information is true and correct. /O 1.~~ lUI (Applicants ignature) (Date) J~tc~1~. o~%~s%r~.~ MERIDIAN 58 ACRE PARK -PHASE ONE CALCULATIONS TABLE Parking Stalls - 9 Handicap/ 176 car spaces = 185 total Building Size -1316 Sq. Ft Restroom/Concessions Bldg Lot Size -Entire = 2,528,360 Sq. Ft. Phase One = 1,076,932 Sq. Ft. Landscaping - 881,743 Sq. Ft. Open Space - 881,743 Sq. Ft. Setbacks - N/A Fencing -None Screening -Along Meridian Road -Deciduous Shade Trees @ 35' o.c. and 2-3 foot high berms. Coverage - N/A Prepared by: The Land Group, Inc. 10.29.01 AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO ) COUNTY OF ADA ) I, (name) (address) being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and say: (city) (state) That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: (name) (address) to submit the accompanying application pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and it's employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property, which is the subject of the application. Dated this day of , 20 (Signature) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at My Commission Expires: lieti~. Ol.~'1.5%01 e - ~~~. K' ~ ~' d I o~ F ' ~ V ~ 1 I t r~ ~1 I I ~i it ~ ;. I ~ 1 ~IJ I ~ I 1 w ~: _~ ~ c+l i~ 1 'I®I i' I a?I I . -. i . !~ I !I I s a ~ (I I ~ 1 i I a~ a ~' I ~~1~ ~ aillll I I < I a .a_~ ~~~ II~ a JI ', a~f_. I ~ I _~ i ~ I I 1 . ~ ~~~ _ I ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~~~~ If ~' I I a I I I ~ ~¢. ~aa a ~ ~ ,~ 3 ~ , ,,- E ~~ ~- ~; _ '~ ~~ i i 1 ~ . . ~ ,~ .~ ~` ~, ~ ". m O Z m ~~~'+ R ~ ,~ c. a •I ~ ~ ~` ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ e 1l l I' ~ o ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ I r i,. I' ' ~ ,, ~, '. ' a~. _ i ~,-~ . _.... ~ j` / %; 1 I I i I I I __ ~ _ .._ o ~~- ~,. .. ~: ~~ = THE LAND GROUP, .NC. Meridian 58 Acre Park -~ Phase 1 r ~ p ::~...~- ,,,. ^ Site Development Plans ~ ~ ~ ~ `/ _~~~ ~ 3245 K Meridian Road Meridian, Idaho ;~•• •,-~'" ', ~~ _. I a=. I 1 ,. ~> `' I ~~ '; f 1 I I e:=~~ ~ ~~ I I e I ~.: , , . , ~• LJ ~~ ' 1' ~~~ ~~x ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ li ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~~' ~~ • 7 ~. \ 1 ~ II I~~I ~~~ ~ Ep i~ i ~ #°~F~ I ~ I I ~t I I ~~ ---~:~ , i~x~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ . eeeeee ee a~~ ~ ~ ~t I ~i rc.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 8 ~ # ~~ {~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I I ~ I IQs ; & ~~ ` :...> I I _, .w.,.~- -;v ~'``°~..~ ICI ,,: 4;_t M ~ ~ N ~~ = THE LAND G80I1 P, iNC. ~~ ~/~ • ~/~/ / ~ ~/ I~ ~ ~w ~? ~ ~ s = . ; _ ^ Sits Da~elopllllfd Pleat ^~ ~ e • ~ ~~~ ~ ~MerkMr~ Idelw ~~ ~~~ ~ a~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~: es~ ~~~ ,~ ~~ 9 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ r \ ~~~. ,,, i ~„~ ~~, ;~~ ~ ~, ~~~~ e ~_ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~\ .. ~~` ~ \\~ ~; ,~ ~ ~, \ '~ i. ~ ~ ~ t ~ ; ~ ~ ,_, ;; r~~o ~RO~p, ,N~. Meridian 58 Acre Park -Phase 1 t !~ ^ Site Development Plans N ~ ~ ~ / `/ ~~~~,~` ~ 3245 N. Meridian Road Meridian, Idaho Oct-30-O1 11:45 Ea^t , /4 Caner of Sec/bn K, found 5/8' Iron Pln C. P. k F. No. 764e~01 From-W&H Pactic Bone, ID 83705 208 342 5353 T-293 P.002/003 F-64A RECORD OF SURVEY N0.-~•~~~ ~ ~~~ PorcNa of lend boing a portion I of the South 1 /2 of the Southeast 1 /4 of Section 36, Townahlp 4 North, Rongs 1 West. Boise Meridian; Ado County, Idaho 1995 JOHN Y. OTTER SURVEY NO. t CERTIFlCATIE: OF SURVEYOR I, Nugh W. Edrarde, do hereby certify that I Om o Profes^ional Land Sunreyer, tleeneed sy the Stets e} leehe; one, shot tl+is mop rea drorn rrom an Oetual survey on the ground under my dlreel eupervl^lon; ond. accurately represents the points mopped hereon; and, is in conformity with the State of Idoho Code relating to plot., aurveya. ond tHa Cernar I Perpetuation ond Fllinq Act, Idoho Cods. kl IA,Y . ~yS~O 61Z1(E Gjr ~~ . ,- ~ ~ ~ MY W. £dratde P,L.$. $617 ,t ~ ~ y 91i ± ~/~~~0 ~ 4 ~ 0 G V,~~f Oi \tt }P o'~ w ___~ N c '~ ~ . e ~ ~ \+ r ~ ~ I 480.1 B' t0 o Q h N ~ ',• r O ~ •~ YS 00 18 N 435 W N ~ ~ ~~~5~4 .. tw b ~ STATE OF IDAttO) INSTRUMENT NO. ~ e9' 12' z.S~ W ~ ee z COUNTY Of ADA) .t of Bey~nnir+q atroet B r I RECOROIIi' S CFATIFlCATE 1 I Ftl•d Yo1 tecord of the request of Wade Porter at 3o glnut^s I post ~ e deck ~.M. this -~ doy of -~~- t 93~. ~ d J. Doald NOrOfr•, Ado CouDty Recorder ~ By ~~ Deputy I g.Op w~ ~ i a m ~ ~~ i. ~ GEND O • Brw• Cap Monument O ® Aluminum Cap Monument z I I ~ o 5/8' dlo• Iran PM I I • t /2` die. ben Pln 45' 44' 43" E i ° PK now 35.41 m ~, ~ 9 Lund Pluq ond Task ~ + paint not Nt ~~~ Seuthsost Corner ~ of `--J found Section 38, Aluminum Cap C. P. k f• No. g243fi88 PORTER'S 1.ANp SURVEYING PlannMq SYrveylnq Boise, tdoho Job No. 9443 Datr t o-SO-95 Inea^ No• •-1-4-36-2-2-0-00-00 Oct-30-O1 11:45 From-W6H Pacfic Boise, ID 93705 209 342 5353 N 89' l0' 42" W 2680.43' Center t /4 el $KtIW1 35, I~eeeeeNetle, (ee~ In ditch i~ h ~~ t0 Q1 n1 ~ _ ~--- ~ ,' . + O 61 x.84' io N O 0 s t/s str t/s sa t/s (O .~ b~ = N s - u Y N W ~I ~. N pos~eet ~ t.85 eCrel » CO W M Z O sa r/s St -/~ rn.i a-r 37.ae eaee N 89' 20' 51 " W / 68. ~ 3' Tolol oereage of Poxcele A. d-t and E-2 puWe Sl.05 sera. Real Psint of Beocn+•crw N 45' 44 Pased ~ S 89'_ 20'. 51." E 1946.78' 35. 665.55' ` ~ USTICK ROAD ts3%1°~ ----S 89' 20' S1" E 2662.20'---- iouth i/4 Cemer of Seelbn 36. ^. and 5/e~ iron Pa+ 200 100 p 200 400 500 . k F. N e. 7513503 SCALE IN FEET n/• t 310.2 t N/ t/~ sa -/~ 1335.65' ~~t ^.. wi o ~ c_ Cn N NS u e r~ w _^ o N W ~ O Z ---- N 89' 15' 45" W 2671.31' ---- 1340.22' Ecst O/ ~ (eund ! C. P. Ic Na 1/s Sl r/s _ _ _ _ 1 J35.88' 89' 15' 45" E N 89'15' 45" W 1543.30' -- _ ~ ~ Me 4sa 52.99' m °' ~ ~ 0 'v .- N r ~ 3 a (/a s^ t/s sa t/~ Q t 19.96 ocrse W ~I rF f01 O ~ Z ma •` 66 S ~ N N ee' 32' ]3' f ~ °; 25.00' T-293 P 003/003 F-649 w N 00' S0' 16" E r,,,,d -435 200.59' N 9 ~ 2 Real PoM-t eJ aye~i rase.! B ,a 1 ^ 7 s.. -% CHD ~ Ada Count Hi hwa District Y g Y ._.~ r - _-_-- -------.- - ~dk~' Judv Peavey-Derr, President ? I S East 37th Street Da~'e t3ivens, 1st Vice President Garden City ID 53714-6499 Sherrv R. Huber, 2nd Vice President Phone (20S) 357-6100 Susan S. Eastlake. Commissioner FAa (20S) 357-6391 David E. b'~'ynkoop, Commissioner E-mail: tcllusrt;ACtiD.ada.id.us r October 10, 2001 ~ City of Meridian 33 East Idaho Meridian, Idaho 83642 Re: Staff Level Approval -tv1~''OI-021 „_, Facts and Findings: nw/c Ustick Road, Meridian Road ~~Parka A. The Ada County Highway District (ACRD) staff has received the above referenced application- requesting certificate of zoning compliance approval to constntct a 58-acre park. The 58-acre site is located on the northwest corner of Ustick Road and Meridian Road. This development is estimated to generate 92 additional vehicle trips per day (0 existing) based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual B. The application and site plan stamped and received by the City of Meridian on September 14, 2001, and submitted to the District on September 2l, 2001, has been reviewed by the ACHD Planning and Development staff and conforms to applicable District standards/policy, or can be made to conform with the change(s) to the plan described in the requirements stated below. C. This is a staff level approval and will not be heard by the ACHD Commission unless the site plan is changed 111 SUCK a manner as to not conform to District standards/policy or an appeal o1'the Planning and Development staff decision is submitted as described wlthm the Standard Requirements outlined below. D. On September 24. 2001. the District Planniny~ and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation s~~stem in the vicinity. On September 29. 2001. the staff met as the District's -technical Review Committee and rcvie~~ cd the. impacts of this proposed development on the Dist~ict's transportation svslcn~. The result~ i~f that anal-sis constitute the following 1=acts and Findings and reconunended Site Spccilic Rcquircn~ents. 1" E. For the purposes of estimating daily trip generation and assessing impact fees for this project, the proposed use of this development has been classified as City Park. (Per the ITE Manual) The impact fee rate from the fee tables for this use is $323 per acre, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. Note: This rate is provided for informational purposes onl~~ and shall ~~ not be construed as an impact fee rate certification. The impact fee will be assessed at the time of plans acceptance by District staff, and shall be based on the fee tables and provisions ~~~'~ of the District's Impact Fee Ordinance in effect at that time. F. Staff has recently been receiving ]arse amounts of inquiries from developers in this northwest Meridian area. Many developers are prepared to plat entire section-miles, and have site plans developed. The preliminary plans generally include 700 to 900 residential lots, schools, office/commercial lots, and city and neighborhood parks Due to the large number of inquiries in this area, staff and the development comnnuiity realized that the potential for development in this area is extreme, and that the traffic impact studies that each individual developer was submitting, did not include the major surrounding developments that are "in the works". If we examine each development individually, the roadway system is adequate, but when we begin to add in a second or third large-scale development, the traffic capacities of these roadways (Ustick Road, McMillan Road, Ten Mile Road, Linder Road) reach their 2020 planning thresholds. Based on development patterns in this area, and the concern surrounding the abutting roadways, staff hired a consultant from the "on-call" list to conduct a traffic impact study of the northwestern Meridian area from Ustick Road to Chinden Boulevard, and from Meridian Road to one-half mile west of Black Cat Road. The study is cun•ently in "DRAFT" forn~ while ACHD staff, City of Meridian staff, and COMPASS staff review the final phases of the study. After examining the final phase of the Northwestern Meridian study, staff anticipates implementin an extra-ordinary impact fee overlay district to pay for roadway improvements (mainly widening and traffic signals) to these surrounding roadways. Staff estimates that it will take three to four months to detern~ine what improvements need to be made at this time to handle the additional traffic being generated by the conglomeration of these developments, and to calculate an extraordinary fee to make those improvements. This cun-ent development (the Meridian City Park) under review may also be subject to any extraordinary fees that the District may impose. G. Cedar Sprin~Ts Subdivision is currently in the application }?rocess with the City of Meridian and the District. The subdivision design is-currently undetermined at this time. If Cedar Springs Subdivision has a public roadway abuttin`, the north property line- the lyleridian Park should be responsible for their portion of the roadway. if the Meridian Park should ileyelop befo~.e Cedar Springs Subdivision. the Meridian Park should construct one-half of a ,6-foot sU-eet section plus 12-feet of additional pavement ~~'ithin d2-feet of right-of-way. I f Cedar Sprin~~s Subdi~ ision should `~ develop before the Meridian Park. the ;~-1eridian Park should complete the roadway n~akin~~ it a full (i-foot street section ~yithin ~0-Feet of ri~`ht-of=~~av. H. The applicant is proposing to construct the main entrance to the park on Meridian Road, located 700=feet north of the south property line. The proposed main driveway should be designed with 21-foot street sections on either side of a center median. The median should be constructed a minimum of 4-feet wide (maximum 12-feet wide) to total a mininnnn of a 100-square foot area. 1 1 ^ The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval: Site Specific Requirements: 1. Dedicate 48-feet of right-of--way from the centerline of Meridian Road abutting the parcel by ~ means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of-~vay dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with ACHD Ordinance #193. The right-of--way purchase agreement must be completed and signed by the applicant prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. 2. Dedicate 48-feet of right-of--way from the centerli~ of c Road abutting the parcel by F -- means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with ACRD Ordinance #193. The right-of--way purchase agreement must be completed and signed by the applicant prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. J 3. The applicant shall be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on ~, Meridian Road located ?-feet \L'llhlll the ne\~(- right-of-\vay. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. If the sidewalk meanders outside of the right-of- way, provide an easement for the side\alk. V 4. The applicant should be required to construct a ~-foot \vide detached concrete sidewalk on Ustick Rog located ?-lect \\'lthlll the nc\\ right-of-\\av. Coordinate the location and elevation ~-'' of the slde\vall: \\ith District staff. ]f the sidewalk meanders outsiiie of the right-oi=\\-a~~. provide an easement for the side\alk. ti. ,~p}lhcanl IS 1.1rOllOS111L 10 locale I~1C Illaln dl"1\'C\\ a\ oll ~\)tl"Idlan 1ZOaCl ah~ll-O\IlllillelV /(l(I-1Cc1 nOflh of the 1111C1"SCC11011 O~ 1_!SIICk ROal alld ~lel"IChall 1Zoad. ~ 1115 dl"I\'e\\~l\' ~OC1111011 n1ee15 v D1Sll"1Cl pOl1C\' L111C~ 1S :11)hrp\ ed \\ Ilh 1hIS (Il)1)~1Ca11011. ~ .~ 6. Pave the driveway to its full-required width of 30 to 35-feet and to a point 30-feet beyond the edge of pavement of Meridian Road with 15-foot radii pavement tapers abutting the existing ~ ~~¢ roadway edge. A licant shall be required to construct an acceleration e and deceleration ~- ,~ line with a mi»iimum of 100- eet o storage wtt ~ shadow tapers for both the approac~d departure directions b (~- l 6 --~ c -rh Y~b z • i~h~ w~ yr ~~-- ~ 7. If Cedar Springs Subdivision has a public roadway abutting the north property line, the ,~.r eridian Park will be responsible for their portion of the roadway. if the Meridian Park should develop before Cedar Springs Subdivision, the Meridian Park will be required to construct one- - - ~' half of a 36-foot street section plus 12-feet of additional pavement within 42- eet of right-of- way. If Cedar Springs Subdivision should deve op e ore t ~e er~dian Park, the Meridian Park ~U ~~y, will be required to complete the roadway making it a full 36-foot street section within 50-feet ~`~ ' I of ri ht-of-wa . •~ ~ ~ ~'~'`'"~S 8. Replace unused curb cuts on Meridian Road and Ustick Road with 5-foot wide concrete ~~ sidewalk to match the existing improvements. ~l~lN~ 9. If during construction any improvements are damaged the applicant is required to replace any damaged curb, gutter, and/or sidewalk on Meridian Road and Ustick Road to match existing improvements. Segments to be replaced shall be determined by ACHD Construction Services staff. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 10. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact ACHD's Utility Coordinator at 387-2516 or 378-6258 (with file number) for details. Il. Meet District drainage requirements per section 8000 of the ACRD Development Policy Manual. Contact District staff at 387-6170 for details. / 12. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 13. Any existing irrigation facilities should be relocated outside of the right-of--way. ~---- ~ ~~ ~®r~ ,fir • G~~ ~sE ~7- • ~ ~ ,o~r' a~.~~ ' ~r~ 14. Other than the access point specifically approved ~~-ith this application, direct lot or parcel access to Meridian Road and Ustick Road is prohibited. ~. I ~` Il (I I \~ OIF;I~~ ~ \li ;''. ail !ii'1 >:L~ ~Ir", r Standard Requirements: -~ ~. } . This decision of the Planning and Development Supervisor may be appealed to the Ada County ~, Highway District Commission by the applicant or by another party within l5 calendar days from the date of this report. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result m a substantial hardship or inequity. The request will be heard by the District Commiss>on at an evening meeting within 20 calendar days of the DisU-ict's receipt of the appeal letter. The appellant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting. 2. After ACHD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within two days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its ortgtnal dec~s~on. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction ui accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and al} applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property \vhich is the subject o1• this application, shall require the applicant to compl\' \rith all rules. re~~ulations. ordinances. plans. or other re`~ulatorr and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the I-li~~h\\av District of its intent to chan``e the planned use of the subject property unless a \\ai\er%\ariancc of said requirements or other le~~al relief is granted pursuant to the la\v in c1'fect at the llllle tI1C Change in use is souv~ht. ti. \o chan~~c in the tcrn~s and ~c.~n~liti~,ns c~l~ this nppro\ al shall he ~ alid tu~lcss they are in \\ ritin~~ anil signed by the applicant or the applicants authorir_ed rcpresentati\e and an authc~rizcd representative i>f the :~ca;l C'ollnty fii~_'h~\a\ I)isu ict. I he burden shall he upon the applicant t~~ i~htain \\ritten cc~nlirnrltii~n r~fan\ ~,h<in~~e I`rc~ni thc• ;~da C otmt\' I-II~'.h~\a,.. Dlstrlct. _. ~. ~. Conclusion of Law: 1. ACRD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the ACRD Planning and Development staff at 387-6170. Sincerely, Development Analyst Planning & Development cc: Project file Lead agency/City of Meridian Chron Steve From: Brad H-C Sent: Monday, October 22, 2x01 2:42 PM To: Steve Subject: FW: Park Steve, FYI from Shari. I will let Christy know. Brad -----Original Message----- ~'rom: Shari Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:29 PM To: Brad H-C Cc: Tom ECuntz (kuntzt@ci.meridian.id.us) Subject: RE: Park If it will make ACHD more comfortable, yes, we will assure that they will see Phase 2 before construction begins. RIGHT, TOM? -------Original Message----- From: Brad H-C Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:26 PM To: Shari Subject: FW: Park Shari - What's your take on the 58-acre park CZC (see below)? Are you requiring us to issue one? What about phase 2? Thanks, Brad -----Original Message----- From: Steve Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:09 PM To: Brad H-C Subject: RE: Park Brad, I do not know if a CZC will be processed on phase 2 of the park or not. Past history would suggest probably not. I do not think CZC's were ever issued for Chateau Park or Bear Creek Park, for example. Shari had me review a plan for the 58-acre park 2 or 3 months ago, and I made some comments about only having 1/2 as many trees in the street buffer as required, too many parking spaces in a row, etc., but I have never seen a revised plan and a CZC has not been issued--at least nat from me. You can decide whether or not to forward this to Christy. Steve P.S. Sorry it took so long to respond. that came in while I was sick. I am just getting caught up with all the emails Steve Siddoway Planner City of Meridian siddowas@ci.meridian.id.us 208.884.5533 1 fax 208.888.6854 -----Original Message----- From: Brad H-C Sent: 'Tuesday, October 16, 2001 4:18 PM To: Steve Cc: Shari Subject: FW: Park Steve, As I recall, you're wprking with Tom on the 58-acre park CZC, right? Christy is aksing below if we`ll require a CZC for Phase 2. Tom is appealing ACHD's requirement to construct a sidewalk on Ustick since none of Phase 1 abuts Ustick. I'm not sure when ACHD's Commission will make their decision, but if they allow the waiver, ACHD wants to ensure they will review the site again. Could you please reply to Christy on this? Thanks. Brad -----Original Message----- From: Christy Richardson [mailto:Crichardson@achd.ada.id.us) Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:46 AM To: hawkinsb@ci.meridian.id.us Subject: Park Brad, This park app for Tom Kuntz is a CZC for Phase 1. When they do Phase 2 will there be another CZC? How does that work if there are no building permits to apply for? We just want to make sure that we're going to have every opportunity to acquire impact fees for the entire site, and also improvements surrounding the entire site, should the Commission waive the sidewalk requirement. Thanks! 2