Gold's Gym CZC 01-005HUB OFTREASURE VAI,I.EY MAYOR A Good P lace L ive to LEGAL DEPARTMENT Robert D. Come l ~ ~ ) R ml~ ~ ~T CITY OF J r 1L1 ~LLJJLL 11 \ 2501 (~) B~ C WO CPTY COUNCII, MEMBERS . P LI RKS Ron Anderson 33 EAST IDAHO BUILDING DEPARTMENT (mss) 887.2211 • Fax ss7-1297 Keith Bud MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 Tamnry deWeerd (208) 8884433 • FAX (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 DEPARTMENT Cherie McCandless (208) 884-5533 • FAX 888-6854 CONDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: July 9, 2001-dO5 Project: Gold's Gv~Contact: Pako Pimsag_na, Bergman Companies, 1-909-627-3651Z_ Address: Country Terrace Court, next to ACRD~P(ark & Ride Proposed Use: Gold's Gym exercise facility ~`-C ~ S • ~ ~'~~V~~'~ ~ • Zoning: COMMENTS: Building Permits: The following conditions must be met BEFORE any Buildings Permits can be issued: 1. A road must be constructed to the site that is capable of supporting a fire truck. 2. A street sign must be installed. 3. Fire hydrants must be active. 4. A fence must be constructed along the southwest sides of County Terrace Court to keep horses from coming onto the subject property. Street & Curb Cuts: The ACRD letter states that the proposed curb cuts are not guazanteed. The design work on the street has not been finalized. If any modifications to the location of curb cuts are required, revised plans must be submitted to Planning & Zoning for review and approval. The street construction must be complete and accepted by ACHD prior to any occupancy of the building, temporary or permanent. Si~nage: The monument signs noted on Sheet Al are not approved. All signage is subject to design review under Ordinance 11-14 and requires sepazate permits. No signage is permitted in ACHD right-of--way. Parking Minimum parking requirements are met by the plan. Dimensions of all pazking stalls shall conform to minimum dimensions as per city ordinance and ADA. Handicap-Accessibility: The structure and site improvements must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. Landscaping: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed per the approved plan.. Note: All parking lot islands shall be 5-feet wide, measured inside curbs per the Landscape Ordinance. Sewer Easement: Per the approved plan, all trees in the street buffer along the I-84 on-ramp shall be planted outside of the existing sewer easement. Li tin :Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Trash Enclosure: All dumpsters must be screened from view and not be visible by the public or from adjacent properties. Fencing: The existing barb-wire fence rarming along the east property line shall be removed prior to occupancy of the structure. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. The Site Plan & Landscape Plans stamped 7/9/01 are approved with the comments noted above ~--- Steve Siddoway for Shari Stiles Planning & Zoning Administrator *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other depaztments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) yeaz from the date of issuance if work has not begun. .~ 06/27/2001 06:38 208-387-6393 ACRD PLANNING PAGE 01 e~ CID ~-.d~. ~Cour~ty~ ~igh~vay district Judy Peavey-Dgrr,TPresident ~`-~' Deva Blvens, 1st Vice President 31 B ast 37th Street Sherry R. Huber, 2nd Vice President Garden City 1D 83714-6489 Susan S, Eastlake, Gommissioner Phone (208) 387-6100 David E. Wynkoop, Commiseloner FAX (248) 387-6391 E-mail: tellusf~ACHD.eda.id.us RIGHT-OF-WAY & D VEI,OPMENT PARTME : PLANNING & REVEL ENT DIVI DATE: ~ - 2'- t DELIVER FAX TO: ~a~ko ~'-.,,.5 ~~^ NAME OF COMPANY: gg ra ~,~ ~~ ~ +cc ~ ro -, _ ,_ TITLElDEPARTMENT: RECEIVING FAX NUMBER: !"O 9 - (~ 2 ~ - ry ZS CONFIDENTIAL: YES NO NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover sheet)~_ RIGHT-OF-WAY & DEVELOPMENT bEPARTMENT: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION phone # 387-s17o//fax # 387-6393 NAME: ~' o ~ ~~ TITLE/DEPARTMENT: ~~ l~ COMM PLEASE CALL if you have any questions or if you did not receive all of the p8ges of this fax You may call us at 387-6170 06/27/2001 06:38 208-387-6393 ACRD PLANNING PAGE 02 Pte. _ ~~•• ~' Ada County Hi ~.wa District ~ y Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Bivgns, 1st Vice President Garden City ip 83714-6498 Sherry R. Huber, 2nd Vice President Phone (208) 387-6100 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner FAX (208) 387-6391 pavid E. Wynkoo , Commissioner E-mail: t Ilu A H id.us June 27.2001 $ergnnan At,-chitecture Attn: Pako Pimsaguan 13745 Senxinole Drive ' Chino, CA 91710 RE: 1VfS1PJEt-01-14 /Country Terrace Rd /Gold's Gym P~,,A. ,NS A,CCI~PTANCE At this time the District does not guarantee that the proposed driveway locations/approaches as sgbmitted for Gold's Gym and located on the fuh~re Country Terrace Ct will be built at the preferred locations. Tn addltlon, it shall be understood that no form of occupancy will be granted (by the District) until Country Terrace Ct is completed and open to the publiic fvr travel. The District has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project, and they are accepted for on site coX>,stxl1ction. $y stamping and signing the improvement plans, the Registered Pngineer ensures the District that the plans conforf'n to all District policies and standaxds. Variances or waivers must be specifically and pxeviously approc-ed by the bisb•ict in writin,~Z. Ace~ptance of the improvement plans by the District does not relieve the Registered Erxgineex of these responsibilities. ~'he District will assess the following impact fee for this project. 'Che impact fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building pe;nmit. Total Impact Fcc Duc; S12J.,758.00 Standard ].tecloireiments: 1. Utility street cuts in new pavement less than rive years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the bistrict. 2- X11 irrigation facilities must be located outside the public right-of way unless otherwise approved by the ,District. 3. Replace damaged curb, ~tufter, and sidewalk with new curb, gutter, and sidewalk to match e;cisting improvements. 4. All facilities to Ur c01)5trucl'ed ~~-ith a prohostd development, and to be nw~ned and maintained by the District, must be constructed according to t1~c latest edil'ion of I.S.P.W.C". and the District's Supplemental Standard Spccitications. 5. Submit to .fdaho Department of ~~~~~ter Jtcsourccs a Shall~>~ti• 1nj~ction ~~~ell -Notice of Construction / Inventory Form at least thirty elayc prior tr) construction ~>1'the facility. Ti,e Distriet.a-i11 requirt a copy of the completed form prior to granting ot'1~in11 ~~ccupt+ncv. 6. Any work in the public right-of-sway rsRuires :.t permit I'r~ii~~ A(:'t•fD Cc~nstrurtion Services. 7. An cngincei• t•cuistered h~ the Slab c~i'Jdaho shall prcpau•r ~u~d c~rtilj• all in~provcmentpJa~ls. ' 06/27/2001 06:38 208-387-6393 ACRD PLANNING PAGE 03 It yogi have any questions or concerns, please feel #'rce to contact me at 3$7-6141. Sincerely, ,~Yw'^ ~^^~"' Scott Rudel Planning anal Development I ~~ ~ `0612712001 06:38 208-387-6393 ACHD PLANNING PAGE 04 .,.~: ..~ ;, ~~ '~ ~~ a "~' ~' Ada Count Iii ~twa Dist ' y g y r~ct , Judy Peavey-Derr, President 3~8 East 37th Sherry R. Huber, 2nd ViGevPres~dent Garden City ID 83714-6498 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner Phone (208) 387-6100 David E. Wynkoop, Commissioner FAX (208) 387-8391 E-mall ~~.Cr.HD~~d_~ June 27, 2001 :A~SPR-Ot-X4 /Country Terrace Rd /Gold's Gym IMPACT FEE CALCULATION Building Type Cost per Unit (per 1,000 SF) Area (SF} Total Cost Health Club $3,1;1.00 38,888 $121,758.00 7'ot~l Impact Fee Aue $121,758.00 200 E. Carlton Ave., Ste. 201 Meridian, tD 83642 Phone: (208)884-5533 ~ ~ ~ Fax (208)888-685q • • • • T----a a~ a f~ Steve Prwn« ~: 3 (Inducting Dover) Rte: CC: O Ur~rt For Rwirw O Pl~se Catrr~~t O b Rpu~sbd I~QU'~ c~r,~i'~~ u Got ~ ~ ~e CZ~ ~ ~~~a~^ -~ rev(s~.~l 1 aM.oi s~~ P l a~ ~I~ ~ ~~ any ~,.-,-F~ -~~ Out r ~ ~S c ASS iQ n S , all lSfMal a-*'r! CD ~Fi/G.j a S ~"~ 111~11r I'M Sl'II billcaS~ A~soJT ~~ Wi~Yti o~ ~~dn}d/S l Sr ~~Slr~e trw-~ fes~U~J. Gah ~~ o~,~e rn~ a c l outdo( ~~av~. ~ o. a cf e~~-~ ( sl~w~5~ ~,,.~ -Isis ~.i ill fie. acco~M9daU-lel 5~~. xt~ of ~sr~nE yarz~Y MAYOR A GooCl Place to Live LEGAL DEPARTMENT' Robert D. Come CITY OF MERIDI~~l~T (208) 288-2499 • Fax 288-2501 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PUBLIC WORKS Ron Anderson 33 EAST IDAHO BInLDING DEPART2viENT xeth Bird MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 887-2211 ~ Fax 887-1297 Tanxuy deWeerd (208) 888-4433 • FAX (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING Cherie McCandless ~ Qerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 ~ D~~7~~' DRAFI (~) 884-5533 • FAX 888-6854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* ~~ qFr Date: July 6, 2001 Project: Gold's Gvm (Contact• Pako Pimsaguan (a~ Bergman Companies 1 909 627 3651) Address: Country Terrace Court next to ACRD Park & Ride Proposed Use: Gold's Gvm exercise facility Zoning: C-G COMMENTS: Building Permits: The following conditions must be met BEFORE any Buildings Permits can be issued: 1. A road must be constructed to the site that is capable of supporting a fire truck. 2. A street sign must be installed. 3. Fire hydrants must be active. 4. A fence must be constructed along the southwest sides of County Terrace Court to keep horses from coming onto the subject property. Street & Curb Cuts: The ACHD letter states that the proposed curb cuts aze not guaranteed. The design work on the street has not been finalized. If any modifications to the location of curb cuts are required, revised plans must be submitted to Planning & Zoning for review and approval. The street construction must be complete and accepted by ACHD prior to any occupancy of the building, temporary or permanent. Si e: The monument signs noted on Sheet Al are not approved. All signage is subject to design review under Ordinance 11-14 and requires separate permits. No signage is permitted in ACRD right-of--way. Paxkin;?: Minimum pazking requirements are met by the plan. Dimensions of all pazking stalls shall conform to minimum dimensions as per city ordinance and ADA. Handicap-Accessibilit,~: The structure and site improvements must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. Landscaping: All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed per the approved plan. Note: All parking lot islands shall be 5-feet wide, measured inside curbs per the Landscape Ordinance. DRAFT Sewer Easement: Per the approved plan, all trees in the street buffer along the I-84 on-ramp shall be planted outside of the existing sewer easement. Li htin :Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Trash Enclosure: All dumpsters must be screened from view and not be visible by the public or from adjacent properties. Fencing: The existing barb-wire fence running along the east property line shall be removed prior to occupancy of the structure. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. The Site Plan & Landscape Plans stamped 7/6/01 are approved with the comments noted above FT Steve Siddoway for Shari Stiles Planning & Zoning Administrator *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ~P - y,,. v,.`~; CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE - '! & PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST City of Meridian Project: Review Date: _/_/_ Contact: Zone ~~- - sr~,S ~ ter- w ~ e~om+N,'~"~ Required AaalicaNon Items: ^ 3 copies of site plan and landscape plan ^ Calculations table, including asphalt area, parking (standard and handicap), landscaping, and building s.f. ^ Copy of ACHD approval letter or ACRD-stamped copy of Site Plau (if applicable') Site Review/Conforming Elements Comments Complete ~ * Project must comply with all approved permits, plats or Development. Agreements associated with the lot or arcel. 1. Zoning District (permitted use, CUP, AUP, variance, etc. ~~~ ~p/ ~/ 2. Flood lain District X 3. Landsca in a) # r 3' a 1,50 i''~ ~t( , r2s~.eee~, ~ plA,~+{c~_ b) Plant Species Listed c) Re uired Stri s/Screens 3.Off-Street Parkin a) # of Stalls (dimensions, etc) / b) Handicap Stalls (van accessible, aisles, si ns / c) Aisles (width, location 4. Trash Areas a Location b) 3-Side Screenin / 5. Underground Irrigation 6. Sidewalks/Paths 7. Streets (R/W dedications, etc. a rb ~,~ v~ r ~ ~ ~ ~,,,1 8. Lot Requirements a) Lot Area (note restrictions on use o undevelo d rtion o lot b) Street Frontage c) Set-backs d) Coverage 7 ~ ~~~4 c~~1~N.. `ACHD approval letter required for curb cuts, road widening arty new projects. a Pressurized irrigation can be waived only if no water rights exist to subject property or developer deeds to City land for a well. a City permits a 1-time hook-up to municipal water for irrigation per site. a Trees must not be planted in City water or sewer easements. 3 Applicant must submit a copy of recorded warranty deed or plat as evidence of the road dedication prior to CZC issuance. n~ lo- /l/1Y~~11~ v~' y1, ~ e ,M*._l - -/ IV _ /~ - - - I C:\P&Zadmin\Forms\CZC Checklist r0 - S ~/W ° fC~r -1~n~clc . f t.vc~r. Grr ~ N~K- ~k aCc<=~ _ e.,,u JUL-05-2001 THU 12;32 PM THE BERGMAN COMPANIES FAX NO, 909 627 5425 P, O1 13745 Seminol9 prive, Chino, CA 91710 ~J09.627.3651 fax 909.627.5'{25 1425 f= Univorsily Dr, 1f6, 7enlpu, AZ 85281 607..967.6767 lax 602,967,1542 Design Project Management Architecture Constntcdon Consulting Development 'lip: Stcvc Siddow:ly 1~rom: Fako Pirnsaguan Pax: ,(7,QR~ AAA-6A54 Pages; 2 1'Jtone: j,,2AA A84-5533 Datc: 7/5/01 Re: Gold's Gyrn Meridian CC: Llrgc:nt Por Rcvicw Please Comment Please Reply Flease Rccyclc Dear Stcvc, AUaclled please find the signui aFfidavit of legal interest. '1'hrtnk you, 1'tlko Fimsaguan ~~~ ' ~ ~-~ - 5 ~f 2~ JUL-05-2001 THU 11 18 AM THE BERGMAN COMPANIES FAX N0. 909 627 5425 P, Ol 13745 Seminole Urive, Chino, CA 91710 90A;6?,7 3651 fax 909,627.5425 1475 ~ University f)r, 1r6, Tempe, AZ 85281 602,967.8767 iax 602,967.1542 i~ DCSlgn Project Management .Architecture Construction Consulting Development 'Co: Steve Sidcloway Prom: Pako Pimsaguan Fax: l.~pt1 >313t; ;s~.~~ Pages: 2 Phanrr: 2~ o~RR4S533 Date: 7/5/01 Rc: Cold's Gym Meticlian CC: Urgent Por Review Please Comment Please Reply Please Recycle llcar Stcvc, 1 have rctnovcd 1'-3" finm the clouded area on plans in order to meet the 25'-0" foot clear requirement. 1']c;rsc contact me after you trxcive this to discuss. Thank you, Pako Pirnsasuan JUL-05-2001 THU 11:18 AM THE BERGMAN COMPANIES FAX N0, 909 627 5425 P, 02 .. ,, `~ . V , `~ .. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~` ~r ~. ,. ~~ '~~~' ~ \ ~~ '~ \` ~~ ~~ - ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ .~~ ~~ • ~ ~~ _. ~: ~ ~- 1~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ l ~e c~ ~ , ~ ..- r~ ~ ~ , ,, ~.--- ~~ .,. _. __ .- ,.: ..-- ~~ ~.- ,.- ~ , ..- ~ .. ..- -~~ -~ ~: ~, ~~ ~~ ~ -~, ; ~ ,~ ~ ,~~~~~. . ~ ~ ~~ 11I 1is_ I ~ II `:.. June 26, 2001 Steve Siddoway City of Meridian Planning and Zoning Department 660 E. Watertower Lane Suite 202 Meridian, ID 83642 Re: Gold's Gym Meridian, ID Application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance Dear Steve, Enclosed please find the following in connection with the above-referenced: 1. Completed and signed CZC application form. 2. The last deed of record for the subject property. 3. Notarized Affidavit of Legal Interest. Design Project Management Architecture Construction Consulting Development 4. Three (3) copies of a detailed site plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1"-50'. 5. Three (3) copies of the landscape design in compliance with the landscape ordinance, drawn to a scale of not less than 1"-50'. 6. Written approval from Sanitation Service Company indicating that the designs of the trash enclosure and access drive are acceptable. 7. A calculations table that lists the number of parking stalls, building size, lot size, landscaping, open space, setbacks, fencing, screening and coverage, located on the site plan. 8. A written statement from the applicant detailing the proposed use of the property. 9. Copy of ACRD letter, or a copy of the site plan stamped by ACRD, stating that all new curb cuts and sidewalk locations are approved as shown. Feel free to contact me with any questions. ~j~~ Corporate Office: 13745 Seminole Drive, Chino, CA 91710 1425 University Dr. #101, Tempe, AZ 85281 416 Sunflower Ridge, Canton, GA 30115 909.627.3651 fax 909.627.5425 480.967.8767 fax 480.967.1542 404.627.3615 fax 404.627.5438 LIC# 436418 LIC# C 092519 LIC# R 153066 CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning & Zoning Department 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste. 202, Meridian, [D 83642 (208)884-5533 Phone / (208)888-6854 Fax CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE (C7.C) APPLICATION (Section 11-19-1, Zoning and Development Ordinance) PROJECT NAME: _ Gold's Gvm APPLICANT: Bergman Companies (Pako Pim agttan 1 ADDRESS: 1 374 S Semi nnl P flri ~~_~ inn C,~ 9.a-710 PHONE: (909) 627-3651 FAX: (909) 627-5425 E-MAIL: ~ ,n-msagLan(a h b rgman. com OWNER(S) OF RECORD: _~osh wheeler ADDRESS: 2832 F. _ Tn~i an C'raP~~ [ujer; rl_____;__an r=~~3642 PHONE: (~ n R )~3 4 6- 815F~ FAX:~ A 8 8 8 4 ~~z-8 E-MAIL: ~ A ARCHITECT (IF DIFFERENT THAN APPLICANT): William A _ Amon, Archi .Pct ADDRESS:_ 1 572 Sk~li n Dri e f Ft,l 1 Prtnnr CA A2831 PHONE: (909) 20~ FAX: (909) 627-5425 E-MAIL wamnr(dthPhPrgman ,com ADDRESS, GENERAL LOCATION OF SITE: MPri rli an f[lverland DESCRIPTION OF USE: Health/Fitness Center PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION: CG I, , do hereby affirm that I will agree to pay any additional sewer, water or trash fees or charges, if any, associated with the use that Uwe have applied for, whether the use be residential, commercial or industrial in nature. Furthermore, I have read the information contained herein and certify that the information is a and correct. ~~~~~ (Applicants Signature) (Date) FILE No .867 04118 ' 00 2152 I D Order Na.: A011?Ai ~r~~ TitleOne • else 4 ~rerov ea FAX PAGE 2~ 3 .~. oavra N~~ARRo ,•• ,T- .t~ °-nfSF, l .Alto ~ ~",, 1001 FE 16 PM3~Oi I~IQr~Q28 TITLEONE WARRANTY DEEP FOR VALUE RF.CEYVED, WINSTON H. MOORE aad DIANE ~.. MOORT, husband wud wKe, the Grantors, do hereby grant, bargain sell and convey unto PINNq~ FITNESS, L.L.C., aq Idaho !trailed liability cnmpaAy whose current address is PO $ox I66S0, Boise, lp 83715 the C3~rantee, the following described premises, in ADA County, Idaho, TO WIT: A parcel of land being a portion of dovemment Lot 4 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridiart, Ada County. Xdaho, morn particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the Southwest comer of Government Lot 4 of Southwest Quarter, Section 18; thence North 89 degrees 432" East 701.34 feet along the Southerly boundary of said Government Lot 4 to a point; thence Noah 00 degrees 45'10" East SOS.53 feet to a point, said point being the REAL POINT OF 13~GINNINC; thence South 89 degrees 28'42" West 248.00 feet to $ point; thence North 34 degrees 597" Nest 71.02 feet to a point; thence South 89 degrees 28'42" Wesc 94.47 feet to a point; thence nterstate Highway No '80 North; ~hencece to a point on the Southeasterlyright-of--way of North 61 degrees 02D4" East !05.87 feet along saidright-of-way to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the right, said curvo having a central angle of 9 degrt:es 577.2", a radius of 1,844.86 feat, and a long chord bearing Notch 66 degrees 00'45" East 320,17 feet to a point on said right-of--way; thence South 00 degrees 45'10"'V1-est 468.59 feet to the R>?AL POINT OF BEGINNING. ,,FILE No .867 04118 ' 00 2152 I D ~ FAX ~ PAGE 3i 3 TO HA'V~ AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appunana~as ~~ the said t:3rantces, bairn and assigns forever. And the said Grantors do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee, that they are the owners in foe simple of said premises; that they arc Prey hom aA encumbrances EXCEPT: Subject to all existing patent reservadons. easemrrt»ts, right(s) of way, protcxtive covenants, zoning ordimnces, aM applieabk building codes, laws and rmgt>yations, rerxral taxes and assrsstrtants, including irrigation and utility easernanta (if arty) for the currant year, which are not Qua and payable, and other manor, apparent or of record, and that frantors wiU warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever, Dated: February _ f_,~,_, 2001 Wins on H. Moore STATE OF I17AH0) COUNTY OF APA) ss: ~~ Diane L. Mooic, By. Wins H. Moore, er attorney in fact On this~fof February. 20p1, before me, the undersigned. a Notary Publle personal! MOORS, known to arc or proven to ttu op the basis of satisfact y appeared WlN'S7'QN H. subscrj within instntrnant and aclutotvl~ ~' evidence to be the person whose ruutte is Sod to the that he exceuced the soma, .~~a~ No 1?nblic .~~ ~~•..~,~~~~ Res ding at: ~ NO7AR My CommissioA Expires; * ~^ ~a~ # STAT$ OF 1DAH0) ~ AD 8 L tG ss: '' COUN'ry OF AAA) ~~,; OF iV~~.~ -'~'~aaNN'' On this/~'3 r ~'af February. 2ppl. before mc. the undersigned, a Ne Moore, known ro t>se or proven to ma on the basis o! satisfactory ire ~~~ ly ~"~ w'INSTON FY. subscribed to the within Instrument as the ettornay !n fact of Diane L. Moore and acknow ~n whose ruurus is subacri of Diane L Moore thereto as ad to me that he L ~ principal, and hie own name ~ , in fact. N tary P lie ~..• F.t a Residing at: ~ ~r~~''~.filr My Commission Expires: ~~~ tt07',t~} ~ ~•~ s ~F ]A ~~~ JUL-05-2001 THU 12 32 PM THE BERGMAN COMPANIES FAX N0, 909 627 5425 Jtal t75 O1 11:57a Jash Wheeler 208-946-8156 JUL-03-2001 TUE 01;06 PM THE BERGMAN COMPANIES FAX N0, 809 627 5425 P, 02 ' ~ arr•~nnvrr or- l.ccnc, lN1'I.R1;Sr szwlr~; or rn~~io ) CULINTY U[~' A[1~ )) / ~~~~ i~~ ((1.11AC) (addfaS) /~rd~~; ~ ~~ bcin~ first duly sworn upon ~~ (cil) ~`~'-" oalll~ depose and say: y (slate) 1. That 1 am the record ownar of the propgty described on the attached, end 1 grant my perrnissiMt to: .(~a~~'1Bi/ ~~ . ~~~ i~7a5 ~~Mrnia~ -fir (^~~ (address) / /1 ~/! i NCi ~ ,t~ t0 submit the accc~p~~gyin~ application pertaining to tt,at properly, 9~7/D ?.. [ agrct to indcmnify~ defend and hold the City of M~:tidiart and it's etttpbyecs hw~ntkss from a~iy claim or liability resuUing from a,ty dispute as !o the statemcnes containtd Mein ar as to the ownership of the property, which is the subject of the appGcatfon, ~~ ~ Da1od this, ~ day of~ ta.~s.. 0 (Slgn~ture) SUl1SCR1(3FU AND SWaRN to bcfor me the day and year first obove written. h7WrIF1ER EiAIIQET ~/ ~ otary p is for Idaho esidin t ~ ~ ~~~~ My Commission Ezpires:,~~~~ P, 02 p.2 llr~ ,,• '. II! 06/06/2001 12:56 2088885052 SANITARY SERVICE PAGE 01 ------~ JUN-06-2061 ~~D i i ~ 57 A1.1 TH~. BEP,G~fF:Fi lilJiif'tiVaCJ rH,t i~u. 3u9 @27 5425 P, 01%03 13~A6 aum;~?c~~ Urlve, Chin, L',1 9t 7t0 sn~ cz~ sas: r,x ~ns,~~7 Fa s 142b G ;~nh~crs 1y Dr. A3, Tamps, .ay bEp1 AA2,9G7,~; 67 !Rx b02,9~7 i,°i4? ~:~ "~1 'I t y, ,.- - . ~.. ,. t r. " a Design Project Mana~: mcnt A»chitrctusq Constn~ction Consulting DcvoloprrtL~nt Tt~: Bi11©iugn~~y ~ S~nitarySet'YfCC Prom: P.tfoPimsaguan i~alx: 208-88r~-50.52 ~'~-ges: 3 ~'tu~ne; 24a-S58-3Q99. Date: 6rClgl lac: (~vld's Gynn M,e:.xid;~n CC. Z J~-grni ~cn• 12eviev~~ plehsa Comment Please Roply Please Recycle • Grn~~mcnts: lhar Tii!l, tlttaclied }plc.-use trod the rcvisec! Crash cnclosur~ clrawin~y j~ cOppCCtlpR Wjth the AbOVC- rei'e~~rnced. IF they a!~ srrtisfnctoiy, ~lcasc tvc its Furl accertanae letter that we may subrnit to the Cily or"Meridian. 1~~c:! ire t~ ccmtaC.l me witty any gtu~stiotts. Thank you, I':cfi~ a'i m~aovf: i~ phl~t~,e ~ ~ ~1~.-1 ~P J~/~ N o~rt,~.~~ Yet 1 ~/ (v• (o-O/ h1:V't+~naV:u~,ttnn ;*~!• i~ax (:ov~.Jix June 14, 2001 Steve Siddoway City of Meridian 660 East Watertower Ste. 202 Meridian, ID 83642 Re: Gold's Gym Meridian, ID Dear Steve, We are proposing to develop a 4.25-acre parcel into atwo-story 38,088 square foot fitness center. Design Project Management Architecture Construction Consulting Development The facility shall include a Daycare, Juice Bar, Workout Areas with cardio equipment and free weights, Aerobics Room and Basketball Court. Please contact me with any questions. Pimsaguan Corporate Office: 13745 Seminole Drive, Chino, CA 91710 1425 University Dr. #101, Tempe, AZ 85281 416 Sunflower Ridge, Canton, GA 30115 909.627.3651 fax 909.627.5425 480.967.8767 fax 480.967.1542 404.627.3615 fax 404.627.5438 LIC# 436418 LIC# C 092519 LIC# R 153066 PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES Appli~ Engin Staff DATE: 5'3a- Proposed Development: ~o~~ .s ~~ Location: l~_~-t.±/y~.rt G~' -• ~}~W~P'~1(L. aµ.~ ~rrL_ Required Applications: l 2< <i Existing Zoning:. ~-~~ Proposed Zoning: Al~~} Comprehensive Plan Designation: ~ht. l~l--roeiv~. For Plats N~1} . Property Size: Number of Units: Dwelling Type: Sewer Water: Proposed Utilities: Topography: Hydrology: Street System: Pathway System: Other Applications ^ Annexation ^ Rezone ^ Conditional Use Permit ^ Variance ^ Lot Line Adjustment ^ Comprehensive Plan Amendment Additio Pre-application Conference: Not recommended Anticipated Submission Date: Anticipated Planning & Zoning Date: Recommended Required The information provided during this meeting u based upon the cumnt City of Meridian Zoning dam' Subdivision Ordinance and applicable Comprebenrive Plan and is valid for 3 montbr Any subsequent changes to the Zoning or Subdivision Ordinance or Comprehensive Plan may affectyour application. ~{,vtu MAY-10-2001 THU 02;13 PM THE BERGMAN COMPANIES FAX N0, 909 627 5425 CITY OP MERIDIAN Planning & Zoning Department 200 l_ Carlton Avenue, Suite. X01, Meridian, ID 83542 (208)88¢5533 Phone / (208)888-G854 Fax PRE-APPLICATION MEETING REQUEST FORM Infnnnalion: Pre~rpp~atilio>r meeli~gr arr cayuind prior to !& rXb~riua! of a pnfinrinmy plot appdicalioa. Prn vppliralion 1Are6lip81 ate tnetiara~ed jor any otb~r !y/x ajar f~6artian. Tbir canpkled fonu ~nr~t! be .nvbni!!ed to the Planni~,g ~ Zoning prportYiien! ar lead ¢8 hau~r befo-ryorrr rrguected merging time, P, 02/02 Project/Subdivision Name: C~ ~;~~rly ~'_, C ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~J licant: Name: I~~ "1 ~ + N` .. ~ t-1~~ C~ i~ s~ Address:l,~ .~ n ~ ~ n L- ~ ~ a 1. Phone Numbei.: Fa Number. ~ lF mail Address. Site Ynfotmation: Niunber of LAW: I Total Acres: ~ n ~.~ , Tax Paccet Number(s)s Current/Proposed toning. Type of Application(s); L n l~relimirary Plat 2. CJ 'onditional Use 3. ~ Certificate of toning Compliance 4. Cl I.an~lscapc Plan 5. ^ Planned Development G. ^ Variance 7. ^ Accessory Use Permit 8, ^ l;.ot Lane Adjustment 9. ^ Comprehensive Plan Amendment 10. ^ Other Please provide list of all persons who will attend the pre-application meeting. ec Questions/Issues: _~x~ f;, U t'_. t~l ~ a \~I n~ h ~.L~t A ID N c., , .,. l ~ -- - Requested Prc-Application Date & Time: ^ ~ ~ ~I clvn~v , cam * Confirmation of the requested meeting date & time and which staff member will attend will be sent via a-mail or Fax to nc~ applicant.