Morrow, Walt CZC 00-047 HUB OF TREASURE VALLEY MAYOR LEGAL DEPARTMENT Robert D. Corrie A Good Place t0 Live (208) 288-2499 • Fax 288-2501 CITY OF MERIDIAN PUBLIC WORKS CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS BUILDING DEPARTMENT Ron Anderson 33 EAST IDAHO (208) 887-2211 • Fax 887-1297 Keith Bird MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 Tammy deWeerd (208) 888-4433 • Fax (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 DEPARTMENT Cherie McCandless (208) 884-5533 • Fax 888-6854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: September 8, 2000 Owner: Walt Morrow ~"~ S i ~~ ~e1) ~3~~-~f395 ri~~Ud ~• ~ ~~ Address: 1325E Kalispell Street (Lot 3 Block 3 Medimont Subdivision) 3~'~ s• ~~Kt WA'y Proposed Use: 16 000 s f building Unspecified Use Zoning: I- COMMENTS: Development Agreement: The project is subject to all requirements of the Development Agreement, dated May 20, 1999, Instrument No. 97072405, for the project. The City's failure to identify all conditions of the Development Agreement in this Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not relieve the owner of responsibility for compliance. Use of Structure: Use of the structure is restricted to tenants permitted in the I-L zone as per the Zoning Schedule of Use Control and the recorded Development Agreement. Certificate(s) of Occupancy shall not be issued until the Planning and Zoning Department has verified the proposed use. Signa~e: All signage is subject to design review and requires separate permits. No signage is permitted in ACHD right-of--way. No portable signs or temporary signage permitted (such as A-Frames). Parkin>?: Parking requirements include 1 space per 400 s.f. of office use and 1 space per 1000 s.f. of warehouse use, plus one space per vehicle used in the business. Staff will verify that parking requirements are in compliance with each tenant improvement. Dimensions of all parking stalls shall conform to minimum dimensions as per city ordinance and ADA. City ordinance requires 9 X 19 standard stalls and 25-foot-wide minimum driveways. ADA requires the handicap-accessible stall(s) to have a striped aisle separate from the stall. The van-accessible handicap parking space must have van-accessible signage per ADA standards. Handicap-Accessibility: The structure and site improvements must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. Trees: Based on the total square footage of new asphalt on site (shown as 26,029 s.f.) eighteen (18) 3"-caliper trees are required by City Ordinance. If the applicant cannot provide the required number of 3" caliper trees and wishes to use smaller trees, the applicant shall provide 110% of the total caliper-inches required (18 x 3" x 110% = 59.4 total caliper-inches). Planters: 20-foot-wide min. planters beyond road right-of--way are required along E. Kalispell Street and S. Adkins Way. Seven-foot-wide planters are required along interior lot lines, extending at least to be in line with the building edge. See required change on the site plan. Irrigation: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscaped areas. Li htin :Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Drainage: A proposed site drainage plan must be approved by the City Public Works Department prior to construction. Trash Enclosures: All dumpsters must be screened from view and not be visible by the public or from adjacent properties. Provide a letter of approval for the trash enclosure location from Sanitary Services Corp. (SSC) prior to issuance of building permits. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the required improvements (including paving, striping, landscaping, and irrigation). A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Design Review: The proposed plan should be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee of Stonebridge Business Park for compliance with the CC&R's of the subdivision. Plan Modifications: The Site Plan/Landscape Plan is not to be altered, except to comply with the comments noted above, without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. The Site Plan stamped 9/8/00 is approved with the comments noted above. ' /. Sari tiles Planning & Zoning Administrator *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. Y ry'i`~OJEGT DA • GI~055 LAND P~I~EA 50_,.~~a.5 5. F ASPHALT PAVING -Af~EA . 2<a,OZ`~ `3,~ . PLANTEf~ P~I~EA -- -_: :- P.~,°13~o S. F_ 6UILDING AfiEA _ . ._ .Ira, 000. _ 5. F'• ___ __ Pf'~ ILK I N C~ SPP~GE S____ _.----=. - _ _ _ _ ..__ __ Z.4 N UM~E K ~ OF TI~E~S 18 R-~...Itr ,,--~~~y~ N~IGN~' _ __._-_ _ __ _ 24 FT. CONS`f'F~LIGTIO!`! -'"YPE_~I:~_~C~- - --- ~-N oGGU PANC Y _Gl~OU P5 {L.I;~G~ ~:_ ~'-1, 5-.Z ZONING h15TC~IGT_::__.._ .-.__ --.---- --- I--L _ LEGAL DESGi~I PTION - .LOT 3, 6LOG1~ 3, _MEQ.1M0~-[' SUBDIVISION N°. ~., MEf~ID1AN~ ADP COUNTY, IDAHO _ ~Tf~EET AD~D(~~5 _L3Z5 E. KALISPELL ..5T1~~EET M'~=1~IDIAN, IDAr-!O 83~4Z TPA X PP` ~ C ~ L N U M:~E ~ _. ~.5~o5Z<olOG100 - r~ d8,~~:~r'2©©0 [13:58 2~8-3~~63y3 ACHD PLANNIhIG~ ~~~~~ SEP 0 1 2000 F~GE 02I~3 ~~'`7" CZ OGLb2~ ~J~TLL~ 62~UICL C~ ~NGCt Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Givens, Vice Pre§ident Marfyss Meyer, Secretary Sherry F~ Nuber, Commissioner Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner august 23, Garen city, idano rs~ ~ ~ a-n4yy Phone (208) 387-6100 Fax (208) 387-6391 ~-mails tellus@achd.ada.id.us Stepr~en R. Teed Architect 04 % t~4w. In~iz~.~Z t,ane .Boise. ID ~3?0~ RE: ;v1SPR-23-UO / I3zS E. kalispell /Light Industrial Building PLANS ACCEPTANCE The District has reviewed the p1a~~s £ox the above referenced project, and they are accepted fox public stxeet coristructirn. lay staznpi.ng and signing the improvement plazas, the Registered Fngineex ensuxes the District that tlae plazas conform to all District policies and standards. Variances or waivers must be specifically and I~r.eviously approved bir the Distxzet iza writing. Acceptance of the izztpxovement plans by the District does not relieve the Registered k'ngineex of these responsibi.lit.ies. The :District ~vi1l assess the followiztg impact fee for this pxajeet. 7'l~e impact fee must 'be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. 'total Impact Fee due: $22832.U0 Standard Requirements: i , Utility stxee~t cuts iz~ new pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the :District. ~'. All izxigation facilities must be located outside the public rig}at-of-way unless otherwise approved by the District. 3. Replace damaged curb, gutter, az~d si.devvalk with new curb, gutter, azad sidewalk to match existing impzoveza.~.ents. d. A.ll facilities to be constructed with a proposed development, azzd to be owned and maintained by the District, must be constructed according to tl~e latest edition of I.S.P.w.C. aid the District's Supplemental Standard Specifications. 5. An,' work in the public xight-of-way requires a pen~it fi~ozza A.CHU Construction Sen•ices. ~,, An engizzeer registered in the State of 1dal~a shall prepare and certify a~li in~.pzovenaent plans. Ii you have any cluestians or concerns, phase feel free to contact the at 3Ri-Gltil. Sincerely, °a~~~tt Rudel Planning and DevelopTxxei~t