Beniton Construction Company CZC 00-044• HUB OF TREASURE VALLEY MAYOR Robert D. Cowie A Good Place to Live LEGAL DEPARTMENT (208)288-2499• Fax 288-2501 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY OF MERIDIAN PUBLIC WORKS Ron Anderson 33 EAST IDAHO BUILDING DEPARTMENT MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 887-2211 • Fax 887-1297 Keith Bird Tammy deWeerd (208) 888-4433 • Fax (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING Cherie McCandless City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 DEPARTMENT (208) 884-SS33 • Fax 888-6854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: October 18.2000 Owner: Beniton Construction Company (Contact• Matt Newton 884-0027) Address: NE Corner of SW 5th & W Pennwood Street Troutner Business Park Proposed Use: 9185 s fOffice/Warehouse Building ~ IGNYttJco~ ~~~a2a`~ Zoning: C G L''LG-' DD ~' Ot-f~ COMMENTS: Conditions of Approval: The project is subject to all requirements of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (FFCL) for the plat of Troutner Park Subdivision. The City's failure to identify all conditions of the FFCL in this Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) does not relieve the owner of responsibility for compliance. Use of Structure: Permitted use of the structure is restricted to professional offices and accessory storage space. Note: Professional offices are permitted outright in the C-G zone. Warehousing as a primary use is prohibited in the C-G zone; therefore all storage and warehouse space must be clearly accessory to the proposed office use. The proposed plan does not have enough parking to support commercial/retail uses and are not allowed under this CZC. Light industrial uses such as light manufacturing may require a Conditional Use Permit as per the Zoning Schedule of Use Control. Certificate(s) of Occupancy shall not be issued until the Planning and Zoning Department has verified the proposed use of each tenant. Si na e: All signage is subject to design review and requires separate permits. No signage is permitted in ACHD right-of--way. No portable signs or temporary signage permitted (such as A-Frames). Parkin :Minimum parking requirements include 1 space per 400 s.f. for office use and 1 space per 1000 s.f. of warehouse/storage, plus 1 space for each vehicle used in the business. The proposed plan has 25 spaces. Based on the plan, 4592 s.f. of office space requires 12 spaces, 4592 s.f. of storage/warehouse requires 5 spaces, allowing up to 7 additional vehicles used in the businesses. Dimensions of all parking stalls shall conform to minimum dimensions as per city ordinance and ADA. City ordinance requires 9 X 19 min. standard stalls. ADA requires the handicap-accessible stall(s) to have a striped aisle separate from the stall and signage. The van-accessible handicap parking space must have van-accessible signage per ADA standards. Refer to ADA requirements to determine if the location of handicapped space should be more centrally-located. • ~ Handicap-Accessibility: The structure and site improvements must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. Trees: Based on the total square footage of new asphalt on site (shown as 24,100 s.f.) sixteen (16) 3"-caliper trees are required by City Ordinance. City policy is that if the applicant wishes to uses smaller trees, 110% of the total caliper-inch requirement must be provided as follows: 16 trees x 3" cal. x 110% = 53 cal-in. This would require 27 2"-cal. trees, as proposed on the site/landscape plan. All trees shall be planted as planted as per the approved plan. Sidewalks: All sidewalks and pedestrian walkways must be 5-feet wide minimum at all locations. Irri ag tion: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscaped areas. Li_ghtin~: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Drainage: A proposed site drainage plan must be approved by the City Public Works Department prior to construction. Trash Enclosures: All dumpsters must be screened from view and not be visible by the public or from adjacent properties. Coordinate the location and size of the trash enclosure with Sanitary Services Corp. (SSC). Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the required improvements (including paving, striping, landscaping, and irrigation). A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. The Site Plan stamped 10/18/00 is approved with the comments noted above. G. ari tiles Planning & Zoning Adm' is ator *This fetter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ~GCGL ~OL~lf2~ ~J~"C 4LU/CL ~C~~f^CC~ Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street uave givens, vice Nresident Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-ti391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner a-mail: tellus(o~achd.ada.id.us September 1, 2000 Beniton Construction Company Attn: Doug Nichols P.O. Box 838 Meridian, Idaho 83680-0838 RE: MSPR-28-00/SW 5`" and Pennwood /Pennwood Plaza Building PLANS ACCEPTANCE The District has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project, and they are accepted for construction. The location and tividtJz of the proposed driveway on S.W. 5th Street as measured 5-feet south of the northern property line (30-feet in width) is accepted. The loeatlon and x~idth of the proposed driveway on Pennwood Street as measured 93-feet west of the eastern property line (30-feet in width) is accepted. By stamping and signing the improvement plans, the Registered Architect ensures the District that the plans conform to all District policies and standards. Variances or waivers must be specifically and previously approved by the District in writing. Acceptance of the improvement plans by the District does not relieve the Registered Architect of these responsibilities. The District will assess the following impact fee for this project. The impact fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. Total Impact Fee due: $12,843.00 SW 5`" and Pennwood are currently listed as NO-CUT streets on the ACHD's 5-year ivioratorium List. NOTE: Any work in the public right-of-way requires a separate permit from ACRD. Contact Construction Services for fee and permit prior to construction in right-of--way. Standard Requirements: 1. Utility street cuts in new pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. 2. All irrigation facilities must be located outside the public right-of=way unless otherwise approved by the District. 3. Replace damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk with new curb, gutter, and sidewalk to match existing improvements. 4. All facilities to be constructed with a proposed development, and to be owned and maintained by the District, must be constructed according to the latest edition ofI.S.P.W.C. and the District's Supplemental Standard Specifications. 5. Any work in the public right-of--way requires a permit from ACHD Construction Services. 6. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 387-6176. in we RECEII,~E~ ~~'~ h ~"~D' Planning and Development ~ i GALCLlL~4T10'~lS T~-BL~E 1. tOtAL 811' AIl~- 4fa,~ BQIJAf~N f4~T 2. A~RhlALt ARR,d- 24,iN BQNAII~ M~'f 9. Ofd iTfR~'T RARICINQ~ f~dJIR~IT'4 (40~) ~ P~R~O~"BQUARE f~ Of= 6fR~ ~I.DOR A#Q~A (Of~IG~) C IJJO~ ! PIS-~~bfi~lAl~ I~Et 0~ Q~IIObb I~COR Ai~iA (WAi~ICXJ~) ~' l fsfi/ VG~GIC 4,b~ / 3M • I4 bPAC~b N~D/D I2 4~~2 ! ~ • ~ bf^AG~b N~DND ~ ?0'rAf. Z4 bPAC~b p ~ ~ -7 vti~~lrrsvx~lln~tnty, 24 PAAk(Nd~ 6i~AC~ P~OYIDiD, f~ I NANDICAfQ bPACR 4. I.AND6C41~Ifik~ AflNA 4,4~d !d~-AR fN~T G. lf~1ll.DlNb AIWA l,1A~ bQ~l/-AR f~pT 4,S°a2 GUAR= f~1' ONPfG~ Af!/A 4~i~'t bQUA~ I~'f WAIOUb~ AII~A ~~bd~4R~ ~?' 701'A~.. b. COI~IC!!!1't WAL~C ARrA I,~ bQUARN f~T Steve From: Steve Siddoway [siddowas@ci.meridian.id.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 3:47 PM To: 'danichol@micron.net' Subject: Pennwood Plaza CZC Doug, I have reviewed the application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) for Pennwood Plaza. There are two minor issues that need to be rectified before issuing the CZC: 1. Three (3) additional 2"-caliper trees must be added (for a total of 27). Yesterday, I spoke with Matt Newton about adding them along the eastern property line where you have a 5-foot wide planter area with no trees. 2. Meridian City Ordinance requires 5-foot wide pedestrian walkways. The walkways surrounding your building narrow from 6-feet to 4-feet at each of the planters. You may either increase the width of the sidewalks one additional foot (your parking spaces are currently 20-feet deep and only 19-feet is required by Ordinance) or you may add wheel stops in the parking spaces to prevent cars from overhanging the sidewalk. Actually, now that I've said that, I notice that the dimensions shown on the plan do not match what is actually drawn. The dimensions show that the parking stalls are 19 feet deep (they scale as 20 feet) and the sidewalk is shown as 7 feet (it scales as 6 feet). If the drawn plan is modified to match the dimensions shown, it should take care of this issue. Please clarify what is actually proposed. Finally, please review with your Architect the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act regarding the placement of the handicap-accessible parking space. It may need to be more centrally located. However, we will go with the advice of your architect, as the liability rests with him. Please submit 3 copies of a revised site plan that incorporates these changes. I have already drafted your CZC and should be able to release it within a day of receiving the revised plans. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. 884-5533. Steve Siddoway • ~ i CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE & PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST ~~, City of Meridian Project: ~~ ~ ~ ~ (Rev. 2/21/00) ~ ~ ~ !' Review Date: ~/~/ o~ Contact: ~' Zone : _ ~-~ aired A lication Items: 3 copies of scaled site plan (not kss than 1 "s50') and landscape plan 0 Calculations table, including asphalt area, parking (standard and 6andkap~ landscaping, and building s.f. (broken down by use; i.e., office, retail, warehouse s.! ) ^ Copy of ACHD approval ktter or ACHD-stamped copy of Site Plan (if applicable) Site Review/Conforming Elements Comments Complete (.~ * Project must comply with all approved permits, plats or Development. Agreements associated with the lot or areel. 1. Zoning District (permitted use, CUP, AUP, variance, etc. ~~~ /Wave~o~K )~ L-~ , 2. Flood lain District ~,,~,~ 3. Landsca in a) # of Trees (1, 3" cal. per 1,500 s.f. of as halt ?JF, ~ s~ /iSa = Ib x3 x 11~ ' S3 2 ~ ~ b Plant S ies Listed ~ c Re aired Stri s/Screens r1 4.Off-Street Parkin a) # of Stalls (dimensions, etc) 25 ~ , ex~ b) Handicap Stalls (van accessible, aisles, si na a ,/ c Aisles width, location 5. Trash Areas a Location b) 3-Side Screenin 6. Underground Irrigation 7. Sidewalks/Paths ~ t ~o~ q- 6 ' o(.~ 61"d 8. Streets (R/W dedications, etc.) ~ / 9. Lot Requirements / a) Lot Area (note restrictions on use of urulevelo d rtion o lot /~ b) Street Frontage c) Setbacks d) Coverage ' ACRD approval letter required for curb cuts, road widening, arty new projects. ' Pressurized irrigation can be waived by Ciry Council only if no water rights exist to subject property or developer deeds land to City for a well; City may permit one hook-up to municipal water for irrigation per site on a case-by-case basis; trees must not be planted in City water or sewer easements. 3 Applicant must submit a copy ojrecorded warranty deed or plat as evidence of the rood dedication prior to CZC issuance. C:\P&Zadmin\Forms\CZC Checklist