Albrecht, Bob CZC 00-037 HUB OF TREASURE VALLEY MAYOR A Good Place to Live LEGAL DEPARTMENT Robert D. Corrie (208) 288-2499 • Fax 288-2501 CITY OF MERIDIAN P BLI W CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS U C ORKS Ron Anderson 33 EAST IDAHO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Keith Bird MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 887-2211 • Fax 887-1297 Tammy deWeerd (208) 888-4433 • Fax (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING Cherie McCandless City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 DEPARTMENT (208) 884-5533 • Fax 888-6854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: September 6, 2000 a• `~'~" ~t ~la~ •• Owner: E. Address: 231 E. 5th Street (Parcel A of Lots 5 & 6 Block 1 Meridian Business Park) Proposed Use: 13 608 s.f. Warehouse/Office Buildin S.L.A. Inc. u~6a' ~~ Zoning: I-L COMMENTS: General: Project is subject to all notes and conditions of the Final Plat for Meridian Business & Industrial Park and to the Decision and Order for the Variance application approved by City Council on 9-OS-00. SI_gnage: All future signs are subject to design review by P&Z Department and require separate permits. No signage is permitted in ACHD right-of--way. No portable signs or temporary signage permitted (such as A-Frames). Parkin: Standard parking requirements are met by the plan. The parallel parking stalls along the southern property line must be a minimum of 23 feet in length. Extend length as per the redline note. Dimensions of all parking areas shall conform to minimum dimensions and signage as per city ordinance and ADA. Landscaping: As approved under the Variance, the total tree count has been reduced to a total often (10), 3-inch caliper trees on the site. Shrubbery must be planted along the southern boundary. All landscaping must be planted as per the approved Site Plan (Sheet C-1, dated 9-1-00, by T.V.E.). Written approval by P&Z Department of any changes is required; no field changes permitted. Irri ation: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscape areas, Trash Enclosures: No external trash receptacle is proposed and none is approved. All trash receptacles must be kept within the building. Plan Modifications: The Site Plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site plan are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. The Site Plan stamped on 9/6/2000 is approved with the comments noted above Shari Stiles Planning & Zoning Administrator *Receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, etc. This certificate shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. • • ~x ,~ : ~~g r D„ ~S$~/ - c~5 35 // OL~LI't.LG. `h7hC /?..(~C/GLL oLJL:S~I'(.CL ~~GLGL ~ ,~ ,I Sherry R. Huber, President 318 East 37th Street Judy Peavey-Derr, Vice President Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Dave Bivens, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-6391 Susan S Eastlake Commissioner e-mail: tellus@achd.ada.id.us May 22, 2000 Treasure Valley Cingineers ~~~`~JC~~IV~i~ Aun: Art Schultz MAT 2 4. ?_1)DO 1 117 Caldwell I31vd. Nampa, Idaho S3G51 L.'~~ RF.: \7SPIZ-17-00/S~V 5"' & ring Sh•ect /SLA Inc. Building 1'1..ANS 1ZP;vI1/~~' CONI)\~lf!;NTS ']-he District has reviewed plans dated .5/i5/00 for the above referenced project. 'l~he dri~Jeway locations as measured 19-feel south of the northern property line and 10-feet north of the southern property line are acceptable as proposed. 'this letter does not imply full conditional acceptance ol'the~ilans. The District shall assess the impact fees alter architectural plans are submitted. For the Ada County highway District to accept the plans for the above --elcrrnced project, please complete the following requirements: Noce: fill design rejereru:c~s crrc• ruudc !o lhc~ I ~9) eclilion of the L.S. P.14~.C. Please designate on plans to a>nsU•uct sidewalk as per SU-709. Please provide a letter from the appropriate irrigation disU•ict approving the proposed lid over the existing irrigation box at the southern driveway. Provide documentation 1i-om the irrigation district that in the event maintenance is required on the box, the improvements in the right-of- way will be repaired or improved to previous conditions. Please provide i:our copies of the revised civil drawings. Standard Requirements 1. Utility sU'eet cuts in new pavement less than Dive years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. 2. Relocate all above ground utilities and other obsh•uctions from the curb, gutter, sidewalk and street areas unless specifically approved by Planning and L)cvclopment. 3. All irris~ation facilities must be located outside the public right-ol•-way unless olherwisr approved by the- District. 4. Replace damaged curb, gutter, and siclewall< wish new curb, gutter. and sidewalk to match existing improvements. 5. All facilities to be constructed ~~ ith a hl'OI)l)SeII CIc\'l'IOpm('.nt, and lu be o\1'ned and maintained by the District, n1US( bC COnstfUCIICI accordim, to the lale:;t edition ul•I.S.P.W.C'. and the i>isU•ict's Supplemental Standard Spccil~ications. G. Any wort: in the public right-of-•way requires a permit 1~rom AC'l ll.) C'unstruction Services. 7. An en~~ineer registered in the Slate of ldahu shall prepare and ccrtil~y all improvement plans. r~ f~ J If you have any questions or concerns, please Ieel II-ee IO COnIaC~ nll' al 387-6176. Sii cerely, . ,ieff Lowe Planninb and Development 200 E. Carlton Suite 201 Meridian, ID 83642 Ph: (208) 884-5533 Fx: (208) 887-1297 FaX • • To: Bob Albrecht From: Brad Hawkins-Clark Fax: 895-0688 Pages: 4 Phone: 866-2958 Date: 07/06/00 Re: Varian~ce/Application CC: ^ Urgent ®For Review ^ Please Comment ^ Please Reply ^ Please Recycle Bob, Per your request, attached is the Variance application required to approve a reduction in the required number of trees for the S.L.A., Inc. site. Public notice of the hearing must be given at least 15 days prior to the City Council hearing, so please submit your completed application to our offices ASAP, but no later than Wednesday, 7/12/00. Please answer each of the 23 questions, unless they don't apply to your situation of course (i.e. #20). Our department will prepare the mailing list required in #11 and inform you of the total number of property owners within 300 feet. This number will then need to be multiplied by $1.73 to determine the total mailing fee (per #21). On #13, the minimum requirement of the Zoning & Development Ordinance that you are seeking to reduce is Ordinance #11-13-4.6.3 that requires one (1), 3-inch caliper tree provided for every 1,500 sq. ft. of asphalt area on the site. This does NOT include sidewalks, even though T.V. Engineers included sidewalks in their calculation. I cannot issue a Certificate of Zoning Compliance on the site until the Variance is approved by Council. Let me know if you need anything else. We will fax you the mailing list today or tomorrow. CF~'IFICATE OF ZONING CO1V~.IANCE ~s- ~ & PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST . City of Meridian (Rev. 2/21/00) Project: ~- ~, Review Date: ~/ S/ d Contact: Zone Re aired A Iication Items: $ 6h-~.9 5 ~S copies of scaled site plan (not less than I"=50') and landscape plan ~CakulatlOIIS table, including asphalt area, parking (standard and handicap), landscaping, and building s.f. (broken own by use; i.e., office, retail, warehouse s.f.) Copy of ACRD approval letter or ACHD-stamped copy of Site Plan (if applicable') Site Review/Conforming Elements Comments Complete ,~ * Project must comply with all approved permits, plats or Development. Agreements associated with the lot or arcel. 1. Zoning District (permitted use, CUP, AUP, variance, etc. 2. Flood lain District 3. Landsca in ~ ~ -'C~~ ~ - ~. , ~,.;~~~-~: a) # of Trees (1, 3" cal. per 1,500 s.f. of as halt a3~ ~"ol/~ rS~ = ~ ~~y ~ /~0. ~, ~,~\ l J ? b Plant S ies Listed ~ ? c R aired St ' s/Screens 4. Off-Street Parkin a) # of Stalls (dimensions, etc) 1 3 ~.~,~ ~ \~ ,~;,~;~ ~ 3~D - 3 ~t~_~, .~, b) Handicap Stalls (van accessible, aisles, si e -~ ~.~~-~ ~~ .~~~~ .~ ~~ c Aisles width, location ~ , ' / ~ j 5. Trash Areas a Location ~ b) 3-Side Screenin '~:°-- 6. Underground Irrigation ~ 7. Sidewalks/Paths 8. Streets (R/W dedications, etc.) 9. Lot Requirements a) Lot Area (note restrictions on use of undevelo d rtion o !ot b) Street Frontage c) Setbacks d) Coverage p "~ cnv~ S~v~ gf,C ryes ~~~,j.re_v~t ` ACHD approval letter required for curb cuts, road widening, arty new projects. ' Pressurized irrigation can be waived by City Council only ijno water rights exist to subject properly or developer deeds land to City for a well; City may permit one hook-up to municipal water for irrigation per site on a case-by-case bases; trees must not be planted in City water or sewer easements. s Applicant must submit a copy ojrecorded warranty deed or plat as evidence of the road dedication prior to CZC issuance. C:\P&Zadmin\Forms\CZC Checklist 10/31/2600 15:38 268?-6393 ACRD PLANN~ PAGE 02/03 .~tdc~ ~o~r2t ~~ dz.wa ~c3~v-~c~ ~ ~ ~ Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street cave givens, vice Nresident Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208} 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-6391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner a-mail: tellus@achd.ada.id.us Oct~~obe~r 31, 2p00 °°~ ~° ~~ Paragon Pluzxzbin.g Bcsb Albrecht 231 L. 5`}' Street I~~teridian, ID 83642 RE: ~TSPR-23-p0 / S`b and King /Light )(n.dust~-aia! Building PL,A,IVS ACCEPT.a1V~~, The District has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project, and they are accepted for public street constructioxa. By stamping and sigzaizag the improvement plans; the Registered Engineer exasures the District tkaat the plans cozafoxxxa to all District policies arad standards. Variances ox waivers must be specifically azad previously approved by the .District in exiting. Acceptazaee of the improvement plazas by the District does taot relieve the Registered Engineer of tkaese responsibilities. The District will assess the followizag ixtapaet fee for this project. The izxapaet fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building pezxnit. Tata1 Impact l~ee due: $19,419.00 Sta~zdard Recluieeme~tso 1. CJtility street cuts era xaew pavement less than f ve years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. 2, x111, irrigation facilities must be located outside the public right-of--way unless otherwise approved by the District. 3. Replace damaged curb, gutter, axad sidewalk with new curb, gutter, ar-d sidewalk to match existing improvements. 4. All facilities to be constructed wi,tla a proposed developanent, and to be owtaed and maintained by the District, xx~.ust be constructed according to tkae latest edition of I.S.P. W.C. and the District's Supplemental Standard Specificatioxas. y. 1A.ny work in tlae public right-af way requires a peraa-ait £roaxa A,C):iD Gonstructiora Services. f. A.za engineer registered iz~ tl~.e State of .Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvei~nent plans. l;f you lxave any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 387-6181. Sincerely, 1 ~l+s'd~f° G~C~e~',e,,r~ Scott Rudel ~lax~ning and Development