Terrace Plaza Warehouse CZC 00-025~ • • HUB OF TREASURE VALLEY MAYOR LEGAL DEPARTMENT Robert D. Cowie A Good Place to Live (208) 288-2499 • Fax 288-2501 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY OF MERIDIAN PUBLIC WORKS Ron Anderson 33 EAST IDAHO BU[LDING DEPARTMENT MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 887-z2I I • Fax 887-1297 Keith Bird Tammy deweerd (208) 888-4433 • Fax (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 DEPARTMENT Cherie McCandless (208) 884-5533 • Fax 888-6854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: November 21, 2000 Owner: Terrace Plaza LLC (Scott Stansfield 454-0256 Owner Representative) Address: 199 N. Linder Road (West Half of Parcel only) ~'?,C"-oa '' D?~ Proposed Use: 21 000 s.f. Warehouse/Office Building Zoning: LiPht IndustrialSI-L) COMMENTS: General: Project is subject to all terms and conditions of the Conditional Use Permit (File CUP-00- 025) approved by City Council on 6-20-00. Si na e: Project signage is limited to wall sign address listings above the tenant bays and a low profile, monument-type sign. No permits were submitted with the CZC. Future signs are subject to design review by P&Z Department and require separate permits. No signage is permitted in ACHD right-of--way. No portable signs or temporary signage permitted (such as A-Frames). Parkin Standazd and handicap accessible parking requirements are met by the plan. Dimensions of all parking areas shall conform to minimum dimensions as per city ordinance and ADA. Handicap parking spaces must have signage and striping per ADA standards. Landscaping: All trees and lawn areas must be planted as per the approved Landscape Plan (Sheet T-1, dated March 2000, approved 11-21-00). Landsc~er must comply with redline comments to~lant shrubs in the three (3 Darkina lot islands and in the planters a>?ainst the buildin .Written approval of any changes is required; no field changes permitted. Irri ag tion: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscape areas_ Trash Enclosure: Athree-sided trash enclosure is required along the western side of the pazking lot. Note that the enclosure is not shown on the Site Grading, Drainage & Utility Plan but must be installed as per the Landscape Plan. ~ • Plan Modifications: The Site Grading Plan, Sheet 2, stamped approved on 11-21-00, is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No field changes to the site plan are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. ~~~- ~~~. C9,~ ~ ~l Shari Stiles Planning & Zoning Administrator * Receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, etc. This certificate shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ..~~t WILDWOOD • PHONE N0. :208 343 3756 ~ Jul. 20 2000 03:13PM P2 .1d~~ C~ounf oUL~~NGC~ Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Bivens, Vice President Garden City, Idaho $3714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner >~R~i111 X11 ~ E-mail: tellusQachd.ada.id.us ~q l~l~l~l~mm'r41~R~~w1~,~~lRO 1~ July 10, 2000 TO: Roy L. Coneen Terrace Plaza, L.L.C. P.O. Box 567$ ,.. . . .. .: ~ - .. .. . otse, . ;. SUBJECT: MCUP-00-025 Industrial Building 199 N. Linder Rd. The Ada County Highway District (ACRD) staff has received and reviewed ~e application and site plan for the item referenced above. ACRD does not have any site improvement requirements at this time. The ACRD Commission will not hear this item unless the site plan is changed in such a manner as to require Commission review. All future design plans and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and ali applicable ACRD Ordinances unless speatically waived in writing by the District. Contact Ms. Joyce Newton for payment of possible road impact fees prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as the Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact at (208) 387-6177. Sinter ly, ~,,,,/ . ~o" (~-- J?~'~ij Penelope l.. Constantikes Development Analyst Cc: Planning & bevelopment/Chron/Project File Planning & Development Services-City of Meridian Susan Wildwood, Chartered Attorney-At-Law P.O. Box 372 Star, ID~ 83669 N01'.-1;'00(FRI) 1!:44 EARL: C:ASSOCIATES~:: TEL:45~Q~A ~ C~~a ~~'~'~~ :."~~~ ~ ~~~.., NOV 1 7 2000 ~~~~~~ li~~ 1 V~ ~i~~ 'c~~ -G-p~6' - .. X11. ~~~ ; Sanitary ~e~s~ :~~~ C.~ ,~ ``~" ~~ P,O. Box 626, Meridian, ID 83660 Phone 208/668-3999 ~~ Phnt00 on Recycled PBpO~ P. 002 c~~ ~--~ NO'J 17 ' 0~ 7.2 ~ 13 Fax 206/888-5052 454A979 Far,E.D2 NOU. -17' 00 (FRl 111 ~ 43 E~RL:~:;~SSi~C~nTES ~ ; TEL:4S409?9 P. 001 EARL & ASSOCYATES, INC. ~~~E~~'~ SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS ~ PLANNERS N OY 1 7 2000 TELEPHONE: (208) 454-0256 314 BADIULA STREET r FA-x: (208) 454-0979 CALDWELL, YDnHO 83605 t;ITY C,lr ?~KIBIiq-ail: sstan5eld@earlandassoc.com nr At~T1~TT1V(Y R. 7t1N~ ~ FA7~ MEMORANDUM TO: Brad Hawkins-Clark, City of Meridian );ROM: R. Scott Stanfield, Eazl and Associates, Inc. ~S5 DATE: November 17, 2000 RE: Hangartnpr CZC Brad, We reviewed your memo dated November 16, 2000 and offer the following; 1. Attached is a copy of SSC's approval letter for the trash enclosure. Said enclosure will also be depicted on the grading plan when we submit for the building permit. 2. As shown on the site plan, an existing City water main will be extended through the site. As such, the extension will be directly beneath portions of the islands. As requested by the Public Works Department, we relocated the trees to minimize root damage to the water main. Also, the building permit set will reflect the 8-foot wide handicap accessible island for at least one of the stalls. Over the years we have experienced great difficulty in keeping up with the ADA requirements. If you can recommend a web site or other information, please let us know. NO'J 17 ' 00 12 ~ 12 4540979 FaGE.01 200 E. Carlton Suite 201 Meridian, ID 83642 Ph: (208) 884-5533 Fx: (208) 887-1297 Fax To: Scott Stansfield, Earl & Assoc. From: Brad Hawkins-Clark Fax: 454-0979 Pages: 1 Phone: 454-0256 Date: 11/16/00 Re: Hangartner CZC CC: ^ Urgent ^ For Review Please Comment ^ Please Reply ^ Please Recycle Scott, I reviewed your application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. There are two items we need in order for the plan to comply with the approved CUP: Item #12.13, pg. 5, of the approved Decision and Order requires an approval letter from Sanitary Service Company for the trash enclosure/dumpster location and dimensions. Please contact Bill Gregory at SSC (888-3999) to review the enclosure and provide an approval letter. SSC reviewed the original application and required at that time that the enclosure depth be increased. It appears the depth may have been increased 2 feet, but he will need to confirm this. Only the Landscape Plan actually shows the enclosure - I did not see it called out on your Site Grading Plan (Sheet 2). 2. Please clarify why the three parking lot planter islands only have one tree each versus two trees each, as shown on the approved plan. I notice that the trees were relocated to the north side of the existing building. Technically, the plan meets the CUP condition of 33 trees on site, but they are not in the same locations. The plan needs to meet the approved plan. Note that I will redline the Site/Landscape Plan to increase at least one of the handicap accessible aisles to a minimum 8-foot width, per ADA. We don't need a revised plan, but I wanted to call this to your attention. Once you submit these items, I will get the CZC to you on a pretty quick tum-around. It's mostly complete. Just need these missing things. Thanks, Scott. iG~~ ~~ HP LaserJet 3100 SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner 208 888 6854 Nov-16-00 6:38PM Job Start Time Usage Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode Status 797 11 /16 6:37PM 0'33" 454 0979 Send .............. 1 / 1 96 Completed........................................ Total 0'33" Pages Sent: 1 Pages Printed: 0 1~a E. CMAOn 8(10! b/ ee:ID 838/1 Ph: (188)881-8839 F)f: R881BWt1a7 'io, scaet4prWWd,F.nbnesoc. lfla0n a.dFbwlar-aad~ ~ aeaaen ••.•• assaass ow ttneroo ca O rar R«Nw .•~neaee eeereaat O Pleaae Rwa O waeae BaayeM Ixred yaw eppMCatlori far o CertlAeele d Zanirg Camprence. There aro two Metre wa need In tw dre plan b ~Wy wMh the sppnmd CUP. ~. Meet rts.ta Pe~ a d M^ .opawd rxaewD and ()tdar ~equNea an aPpm+rei ~r poet seMtery servka Company fd Mre trash ~ toce6on r,d dYtrenaafre Please cantsot BII OreGdy a< SBC (SSS-~0) b review th enclosure and DfavWs an sppraval NSer. SSC nwiewed tM odpFrel rPWgatlm end ragriW k tlrd IYrre aret th ancbsue deph ba honusd M aaPe~s ~ ~ mw new been krmeaew 21est art ha ri rreetl b eonlMrn ado C^lY ers Plan achreey al0osre the ere9oeure - I did - sot Bee R adetl Dolan your tilts (iradk~ Plan (Sneer Z). 2. Pbaee clsrYY vdty th tlaee l bl plsMSr klsrMa only have ens tns astb w3rwu two heN each, r shown an the sppmvsd plan. I ndbs Bret the trove v/ere rebcabd b the norM aide d lha exietinp t00AdifIQ. TedarCBey, th pW0 rYreeb the CUP a8r10ltlon d 33 hose an aria, Out 1My aro nd b th same loratlorn. The pkn rresde b meet th ePPiv+ed pbn. lhat 1 wll redlr0a tlre; BMeM1.sr3dscePe Plan b k0aeA8e at Iget one d th harrrecsp eccaaaWk '~ b a MnYrasn 84oot xiWbr, Par ADA 1Ne dan'1 rreac s nvNad plan, tout I wanMd b call 80ie b u subrat a0ase Menre, 1 wre qat aw CZC b you on • praeY puidc tOSnarourd. Ifs mostly r. Just need tlrese mteelrq tltlnpa• Soots. EARL & ASSOCIATES, INC. 314 BADIOLA STREET CALDWELL, IDAHO 83605 Ph. 208- 454- 0256 Fax 208-454-0979 T0: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Dote L~ 2- V ~ Job No, ~ ~,, Attention: Re: E ~ ") 9 ~ 1 vY ~,~ N O V 0 2 2000 O Hond delivery CITY OF MERIDIAN Attached Under separate cover Vio ~ the following 8~~~d1VING gz ZONING Shop drawings Prints Plans Engineer's report Specifications Copy of letter Original mylor Other Copies Dote No. Description 3 ~, . ~TE Ic' c_ ~ Transmitted os checked below: For approval For your use J As requested For review & comment For bid due by REMARKS Approved as submitted Approved os noted Returned for corrections Signed: Resubmi t Submit Return Copy to: Copies for approval Copies for distribution Corrected prints Received By. Dote CER~'ICATE OF ZONIlVG COMPL~CE & PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST City of Meridian BtFv ~a 1~AN ~ACtTN E~ (Rev. 2121100) Project: t.rNf~R INi.7VSTQ1R1. ~Il~ Review Date: _/ Contact: R.•5cort- 4rAh1~7~E r.A~,P.E- Zone airod A liestio sr'tF PWtN COY E AR-,. ~: V{sscc. copies of scaled site plea (nos less than 1"-5D') and landscape plan ~,i4~a&Se,,gp e~ ~'~ O. H iPt ti ~A~N ~ ~Caicuiations table, inclndisg asphalt rues, parking (s4adsrd and handicap), landscaping, and banding ZL (broken own by use; i.a, office, retail, warehouse s.L) ~opy of ACRD approval letter or ACRD-stsmpcd copy of Siee Plan (if applicabler) Site Review/Conforming Comments Complete Elements ~ * Project must evmply with all approved permits, plats or Development. Agreements associated with the lot or arcel. - 1. Zoning District" (perneitted use, CITP, AUP. ~ U variance, etc. Z. Flood lain District N l 3. Candace in a) # of Trees (1, 3" cal. per 1,500 s.f. of v >~t 3~ b -Plant S ies Listed v ~ y c Re ' ed S ' s/Screens N / )r 4.Off-Street. Paridn a) # of Stalls (dimensions, etc) ~ 3 ~, ~q~~q `~ b) Handicap Stalls (vats accessible, aisles, S~a.~ van access;b~ si e c Aisles width, location 2 5 T ~ Z' ~'~ ~ V 5. Trash Arras a Location we s~ bo c v b 3-Side Scrcenin ~ ~ ! ~ `~ 6. Undergrnund Yrrigation E • ~. S;dewalks/Paths ~ ~~ 8. Streets (R/W dedications,. etc.) ~ ~ 9. Lot Requirements v a) Lot Area (note restrictions on use of ~ ~ ~) 0 I ~ ~ q, ,~ C./ tordevelo on lot b) Street Frontage- f ~ f ~ ~,~ ~ c) Setbacks 2 S _ Q - ~ v d) Coverage '70 ~a ~2°/ ~o f~~f~a.~ ~/ ~4,.,,,,~ ..~~. ~~ tsp. sac 9~. _ ~`•~ ~a_~3(pys ~ ~~ ~c~ ' ~lCHD apptnval letter required, for curb cuts. road widening arty new projects.. Pressurized irrigation can be waived by Clty Council only if no water rights exist to sabject property or developer deeds faro! to City for a well; Ciry may permit one hook-up to municipal waterfor irrigationper sire on a case-by-case basis; trees must not be planted in City water or sewer easements a ,gpplic~rt must submit a copy of recorded warranty deed or plat as evidence of the road dedication prior to CZC issurmc~ C;~pd;ZadmmlFormslCZC Checklist