DBSI Properties LP CZC 00-0012 • HUB OF TREASURE VALLEY MAYOR A Good Place to Live Robert D. Come CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Ron Anderson 33 EAST IDAHO Keith Bird MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 888-4433 • Fax (208) 887-4813 Tammy deWeerd City Clerk Office Fax (208) 888-4218 Cherie McCandless LEGAL DEPARTMENT (208) 288-2499 • Fax 288-2501 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DEPARTMENT (208)887-2211• Fax 887-1297 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT (208) 884-5533 • Fax 888-6854 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: Ma~23 2000 Owner: DBSI Pro rties Co. Limited Partnershi Address: N. Side of Overland W. of Stoddard Proposed Use: 106 000 S.F. Manufacturin Facilit for Western Electronics Zoning: I- Comments: A muumum of 73 three inch (3") caliper trees shall be provided (77 shown . Underground sprinkling system is to be provided to all landscaped areas. No changes to landscape lap aze permitted without prior written approval of the Planniri~ & Zoning Department No unpaved azkiris? areas are to be utilized All si>?nage is subject to design review and requires sepazate permits. Temporary banners sand signa~e is specifically prolubrted Provide recorded warranty deed for additional ri ht-of-wa dedication of Overland Road nor to obtainui buildui rmit. Provide handica stalls and associated si na e er ADA. All buildin construction shall conform to ADA requirements An dedication of additional ACHD ri>;ht of-way as shown on plan (west boundary will require submittal approval and recordation of a plat City's failure to specificall ident Ordinance re uirements in the Certificate of Zonin Com hance does not relieve owner of res onsibilit for com fiance. ^~~ _~~ Shari Stiles, Planiiing & Zoning Administrator *Receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Service Company, etc. This certificate shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. 05/22/2000 14:31 MSPR-15-00 ~"~' ~~ .~ 208-3~ 6393 ACHD PLANNING .A.Dl~. COUNTX ~IIGI~W,A.~' DISTRICT Planning and Developn~.ent Div~si,on ]development Applicaiioz~ Report PAGE 02 REc~~D MAY 2 2.2000 CITY AP MERII3IAN I'I~NNING ~ ZONING Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturi.ag Plant An application has been submitted to .A.da County for approval of an 80,000-square foot nnanufacturing plant. The application has been referxed to ACHD by the City of Meridian for review and commerxt. The 6-acre site is located on t1~.e nortl7~ side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estirnated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ,A.C~ID Connxnission Date -June 7, 2000 - 12:00 p.rrt. (Day) MSPR- I S-OO.cmna Page 1. •05/22/2000 14: 31y~ w 208- 6393 ~..• ~~` A ,.. ACHD PLANNIN~ PAGE 03 ~ ~ . _ ~ti _ - ~ ~, 4`• 1^ d i ~ ,'~~M 11 i ' ~ ~ ~ y ,! ! ~ Y . i 1~ a ~ ,~,«~~y~~- ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ f t i ~ ~ yrn,~y- , .~ ~ ~ .~ ~ 1 ~ 1 O1 I /~1•~ ti'•~ i ~ ~ ,, 7" ~14~ ~• ~ f 6 Ili ~ s, ~`~~ ~.1 ~ ~~ `` 1 ~ ~ 9 t ! i f I i ,~ ~. .' 1 ~•~ i ~. ~ _ ~, .............r.._ _ ..._. ......, ~ I ~~ •j •, al.i~ ... ~ / r •.I. ~ •'~~ ~ • ] f 1 ~ . , ' .. ..as- ~ ,.. , _t~l '/ ;~ „_~; .. F .,~ ; I ~. , .~ t i ~ .4 ., ... ,.T,,_.~1~;. 05/22/2000 14:31 2087-6393 ACRD PLANNI~ MRY-~.0-2000 12.07 13UADRRNT CONSULTJtiIG~ INC. /~ I''a ,~ I ~ ~ t ,~ ; i~ ~~ ~.~ i PAGE 04 206 342 0092 P.03 ~' ~ ~"'- ~ ' i :-:::_..:....~ i _ E„ i i ~~..~-x --~ _ __ _ ~ °""1°'° wfStERN ELEC7RONrG3 ^ ~ ~..W o ~ coNCEr~ ~ ~~~ adre Qt TOTAL P.03 .05/22/2000 14:31 208-~ 6393 ACHD PLANNIN~ PAGE 05 Facts a~.d Findings: A. Generallnformation ~d Own.er - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callahazx~, Qtitadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) "'""~ West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area N1<eri.di.an - Irrtpact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 576 -feet of frontage(approxixnate) 50-feet existing riglat-of way (25-feet from centerline) 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet fxom centerline) Overland Road is ixnproved with 22-feet of paveinezxt with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Sty~ddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage ~ Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. !~ B. On Ma 17 2000, the District l?.lannin and Develo ment staff ins ected this site and evaluated Y ~ g P p the transportation. system in the vicinity. On May 1.9, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Coaxxmittee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on th.e District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specifc Requirements, C. The Kennedy Lateral runs through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to Overland Road. The applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the new ~,; rigltit-of--way of Overland Road. D. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. The sidewalk should be located two feet wit]~.i.n the n.ew right-of way of Overland Road. Coordinate the loeati.on aa~d elevation of the sidewalk with, District staff. MSPR-I S-OO.cxnaa~ Pa~c 2 05/22/2000 14:31 205-~ 6393 ACRD PLANNIN~ PAGE 06 E. hi. order to reduce trips to and from this development it is .recomna.ended that Tenaxtts occupying '~ the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Prograrn for employees and provide a,~ annual report to ACHD on employee participation. Comrnuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program witla the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. F. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Tratsportation Management Organization (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the 'use of alternative transportation and other trip ~ reduction rrreasures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enlaancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation, programs and forwarded to the ACHD Comrrtuteride Office. G. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approxirxrately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private road meets the required 440-foot offset requirerzrent from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing arr island separating the lanes of tl~e private road. The applicant should locate the island outside the public right-off way. Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilized the private road, the applicant should be ~r required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minirxrum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and deparh~re directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to the issuance of an .impact fee certificate for the-lot (or-lot if only one access is constntcted to the site) in the subdivision. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. H. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. The proposed driveway location meets the District's required aligmnent policy with public streets. The driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. 1. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that tlae developer shall try to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreet7lent I'or the parcels to the east acrd west to use this parcel for access tlae public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required pexrxrits). The District i~atends to require a similar agreement of the owra~ers of the parcels to the east and west if they are tlae subject of a future develupment application. T. Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problen-rs due to gravel being ~4 tracked onto tlae roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed and at ).east 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement o.f Overlatd Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan slaowing bow tlac private road grade meets the public road. bistrict Policy MSPR- l 5-OO.c~nm r'agc 3 05/22/2000 14:31 208 ~-6393 ACRD PLANNIN~ PAGE 07 requires a design approach speed of z0 MPH and a taaaxi.mum .intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. ",~! Street name and stop signs are required for tla.e private road. Th.e signs txtay be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the eq e~ct approved narrte of the road is re u~ e . K.. ACHD does not make any assttranees that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruetio:n costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road fox public ownership and ["~ maintenance. L. The following requi.retxzents mast be n~tet if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a rttinixnum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD .requirements. 1VZ. As requited by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road may be placed on future development of this parcel. N. YJtility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing ,~ by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. O. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this reporfi. The fp~lowiing requixernents are provided as conditions for appzoval: Sxte Specific ~equire~a.e~ts: l . Dedicate 48-feet of right-of way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution. of a wan-anty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated .for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner subn~its a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, i.n accordance with Section 15 of ACHD Ordinance #193. 2. Construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. Locate the sidewalk two feet within the a-lew right-o.f--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. <,.~! 3. Locate a private road adjacent to tl1e site's westei-~z property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south, side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. MSYK-I.S-OO.cxr-xn gage 4 • Q5/22/2000 14:31 208-6393 ACRD PLANNI~ PAGE 08 ~ 4. Construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and deparhire directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. w A E~ A Pave the private road its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install paverr-ent tapers with l S,foot radii abutting the exastix-g roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showizxg how the private road grade rneets the public .road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPS and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road- The signs maybe ordered through the District at the cost of $240. verification gf the correct, approved name of the road is re u~ ed. 6. ACRD does not inalCe any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs ixxay be necessary in order to qualify this road fvr public ownership and maintenance. 7. The following requirements must be tnet if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of SO-feet of right-of way for the road. • Construct the road~uvay to the minirrtum .A.CHD requirements. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to .issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). 10. Comply with requirements of ITD for. State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requiarements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building perzxtit (or other required permits), whichever occurs l~rst. Contact District III Traffic Engineer Michael Gar2 at 334-8340. l 1. Other than the access point specihcall.y approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overla~rd Road is prohibited. ~ Standard Requxxexnents: MSPR-15-00. c~abn; gage S 05/22/2000 14:31 2087-6393 ACHD PLANNI~ ~" 1. A request for modification, variance or waiver o.f. any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in wnitin.g to the ACHD Planning and Development Supervisor. ere ue t all s ec call de tilfv each regniren~ent to be reconsidered and include a written explanatio_ n f wh such a re u' ement w uld result in a substantial hardship or inequity The written e uest s all be su fitted tot Dist ~ct o later t a 9:00 a. . on the da schedu e o HD issio action. Those items shall be rescheduled fox discussion with the Coxmission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action ~ do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item £rom the consent agenda and report to the Commission regardixag the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those !'~ items will, be acted on. by the Corrimission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACHD Corrimission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. Thee request for reconsideration shall ~ecifically identify each r quirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation o,~ data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its original decision The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Zf the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified ~ of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ZSPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances un.l.ess specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare aild certify all improvement plans. ~t 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit "~ (or other required perrriits), which incorporates an.y required design changes. ~~" 6. Constnuction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements o.f. the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. Zt is the responsibility of the applicant to verify a).1 existing utilities within the right-of.--way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost tv ACHD. The applicant shall be .required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prier to breaking ground within ACHD right-o:F way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are .~ compromised during any pl~.ase of construction. 8. No change in the terms ar~d conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized MSPR-1 S-OO.cmrri Page fi 05/22/2000 14:31 207-6393 representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confixxnation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the plamaed use of t}ae property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply r~vth all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant ox its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said xequiremet,,ts ox other legal relief is grarxted pursuant to the law in effect at the tinrte the change in use is sought. ConcXus~on of Law: ACHD requixernents are iirtended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity ixnpacted by th.e proposed development. ACHD PLANN~ Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted by: Pl~>!l~_ and Develop~,ent Staff Cornmissio ction: 1~SPR-15-00. cmm Page 7 m m RINGERT CLARK • HAt-i"1~~KJt/ll LAWYERS March 27, 2000 R. Craig Callaham Quadrant Consulting, Inc. 405 S. 8th Street, Ste. 295 Boise, Idaho 83702 Laura L'. Berri Jeffrey R. Christenson D. 61air Clark Michael J. Dooliule 5. Bryce Parris Palrirk U. Pure\~ David Flammerquisi Charles L. bons+nger Joseph B.JOnes James P. Kaufman Jennifer Reid tifahOrx.v James G. Reid \vllliam F. Bingen Daniel V. $IeenSUll All\'rl L. SWCfIII'1' SanAtel Kaufman 1192 1 ~ 198f 1 Re: License Agreement with Nampa & Meridian Irrigation for crossing the Kennedy Lateral Dear Mr. Callaham: Enclosed is a signed duplicate original of the license agreement dated March 21, 2000, between Meridian Freeway Associates and Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District. The agreement has been placed of record. Enclosed also is our statement for legal services in connection with the agreement. Yours very truly, '_.~ i~~~, 2 .. S. Bryce Farris Enclosure SBF/kw 455 South Third Street • P.U. Box 2773. Boise, Idaho 83701 • 208/342-4591 FAX 342-4657 .~.. . ~ • LICENSE AGREEMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of ;"~i,~,-•, .h , 2000, by and among NAMPA & MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT, an irrigation district organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Idaho, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as the "District", and MERIDIAN FREEWAY ASSOCIATES, an Idaho limited partnership, 1070 N. Curtis Road, Suite 270, Boise, Idaho 83706 party or parties of the second part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Licensee", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Licensee is the owner of real property (burdened with the easement of tl~e District hereinafter mentioned) particularly described in the "Legal Description" attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, the District owns the irrigation ditch or canal known as KENNEDY LATERAL (I~ereinafter referred to as "ditch or canal"), an integral part of the District's irrigation works and system, together with the easement therefor to convey irrigation water, operate, clean, maintain, and repair the ditch or canal, and access the ditch or canal for those purposes; and, WHEREAS, said ditch or canal and easement crosses and intersects Licensee's real property as shown on Exhibit B attached I~ereto and by this reference made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, the Licensee desires a license to engage in construction or activity affecting said ditch or canal or the District's easement in its course across the lands of the Licensee in the manner and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary that tl~e District protect absolutely its right to control any modification or alteration of its watercourses and its right of way along its watercourses; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the covenants, agreements and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Licensee shall have the right to modify the said ditch or canal or encroach upon the District's easement along said ditch or canal in the manner generally described in the "Purpose of License" attached Hereto as Exhibit C and by this reference made a part hereof. Any modification of said ditch or canal by the Licensee or encroachment upon the District's easement along said ditch or canal shall be performed and maintained in accordance with the "Special Conditions" stated in Exhibit D, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. This agreemenC pertains only to the Licensee's modification of said ditch or canal or encroachment to the District's easement for the purposes and in the manner described herein. The Licensee shall not change the location of the ditch or canal, bury the ditch or canal in pipe, or otherwise alter the ditch or canal in any manner not described in this agreement without first obtaining the written permission of the District. 3. Each facility ("facility" as used in this agreement means any object or thing of any nature installed in or on the District's easement by the Licensee or the Licensee's predecessor in interest) shall be constructed, installed, operated, maintained, and repaired at all times b_v tl~e Licensee at the cost and expense of the Licensee. 4. Licensee agrees to construct, install, operate, maintain and repair each facility and conduct its activities within or affecting the District's easement so as not to constitute or cause: a. a hazard to any person or property; b. an interruption or interference with the floe of irrigation water in the ditch or canal or the delivery of irrigation water by the District; c. an increase in seepage or any other increase in the loss of water from the ditch or canal; d. the subsidence of soil within or adjacent to tl~e easement; e. any other damage to the District's easement and irrigation works. 5. Tl~e Licensee agrees to indemnify, hold Harmless, and defend the District from all claims for damages arising out of any of the Licensee's construction or activit\ which constitutes or causes any of the circumstances enumerated in the preceding paragraph, 4.a. through 4.e., or any other damage to the easement and irrigation works which may be caused by the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, and any use or condition of any facility. 6. Licensee agrees that the work performed and the materials used in such construction shall at all times be subject to inspection by the District and the District's engineers, and that final acceptance of the such work shall not be made until all such work and materials shall have been expressly approved by the District. Such approval by the District shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7. The District reserves the right, at the District's option. to remove any facility installed by the Licensee and to repair any alteration by the Licensee of said ditch or canal and the easement therefor which does not comply with the terms of this agreement, and to remove any impediment to the flow of water in said ditch or canal and any unsafe condition or hazard caused by tl~e Licensee, at any time, and the Licensee agrees to pay to the District, on demand, the costs which shall be reasonably expended by the District for such purposes. if the Licensee shall fail in any respect to properly maintain and repair such facility, then the District, at its option, and without impairing or in anywise affecting its other rights and remedies hereunder, shall Dave the right to perform the necessary maintenance and repairs and the Licensee agrees to pay to the District, on demand, the cost or expense which shall be reasonably expended or incurred by the District for such purposes. The District shall give reasonable notice to the Licensee prior to tl~e District's performing such maintenance, repair or other work except that in cases of emergency the District shall attempt to give such notice as reasonable under the circumstances. Nothing in this paragraph shall create or support any claim of LICENSE AGREEMENT -Page 2 any kind by Licensee or any third party against the District for failure to exercise the options stated in this paragraph, and Licensee shall indemnify, hold Harmless and defend the District from any claims made against the District arising out of or relating to the terms of this paragraph except for claims arising solely out of the negligence of the District. 8. Neither the terms of this agreement, tl~e permission granted by the District to the Licensee, the Licensee's activity wl~icli is the subject of this agreement, nor the parties exercise of any rights or performance of any obligations of this agreement, shall be construed or asserted to extend the application of any statute, rule, regulation, directive or other requirement, or the jurisdiction of any federal, state, or other agency or official to tl~e District's ownership, operation, and maintenance of its ditches, canals, drains, irrigation works and facilities which did not apply to the District's operations and activities prior to and without execution of this agreement. [n the event the District is required to comply with any such requirements or is subject to the jurisdiction of any such agency as a result of execution of this agreement or the Licensee's activity authorized hereunder, Licensee shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the District from all costs and liabilities associated with the application of such laws or the assertion of such jurisdiction or, at the option of tl~e District, this agreement shall be of no force and effect and the Licensee shall cease all activity and remove any facility authorized by this agreement. 9. In addition to all other indemnification provisions herein, Licensee further agrees to indemnify, Fold harmless and defend the District from any injury, damages, claim, lien, cost and/or expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by, or asserted against, the District by reason of the negligent acts or omissions of Licensee or its agents, contractors or subcontractors in performing the construction and activities authorized by this agreement. 10. Tl~e Licensee agrees that tl~e District shall not be liable for any damages which shall occur to any facility, structure, plant, or any other improvement of any kind or nature whatsoever which the Licensee - shall install on the said easement area of the District in the reasonable exercise of the rights of the District in the course of performance of maintenance or repair of said ditch or canal. The Licensee further agrees to suspend its use of the said easement area when the use of the easement area is required by the District for maintenance or repair under this or any other paragraph of this agreement. I I . Licensee shall place no structures or landscaping of any kind above within the District's easement area except as referred to in this agreement or exhibits hereto without the prior written consent of the District. 12. Should either party incur costs or attorney fees in connection with efforts to enforce the provisions of this agreement, whether by institution of suit or not, the party rightfully enforcing or rightfully resisting enforcement of the provisions of this agreement, or the prevailing party in case suit is instituted, shall be entitled to reimburse-nent for its costs and reasonable attorney fees from the other party. 13. The parties I~ereto understand and agree that the District has no right in any respect to impair the uses and purposes of the irrigation works and system of the District by this agreement, nor to grant any rights in its irrigation works and system incompatible with the uses to which such irrigation works and system are devoted and dedicated and that this contract shall be at all times construed according to such principles. LICENSE AGREEMENT -Page 3 14. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair the right of way of the District in the said ditch or canal and all uses of said ditch or canal by the Licensee and the license herein provided therefor shall remain inferior and subservient to the rights of the District to the use of said ditch or canal for the transmission and delivery of irrigation water. 15. In tl~e event of the failure, refusal or neglect of the Licensee to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the license of the Licensee under the terms hereof may be terminated by the District, and any facility, structure, plant, or any other improvement in or over said ditch or canal, and the right of way therefor, which may impede or restrict the maintenance and operation of such ditch or canal by the District with its equipment for the maintenance of its said ditch or canal may be removed by the District. 16. Tl~e Licensee agrees to pay attorney fees or engineering fees charged by the attorney for the District or by the engineers for the District in connection with the preparation of this License Agreement or in connection with negotiations covering the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. 17. Nothing in this agreement shall create or support a claim of estoppel, waiver, prescription or adverse possession by the Licensee or any third party against District. 18. This agreement is not intended for the benefit of any third party and is not enforceable by any third party. 19. If any provision of this agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, all remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 20. Tl~e word "Licensee", if used in the neuter in this agreement, includes tl~e masculine and - feminine genders, the singular number includes the plural, and the plural number includes the singular. The covenants, conditions and agreements herein contained shall constitute covenants to run with, and running with, all of the lands of the Licensee described in said Exhibit A, and shall be binding on each of the parties hereto and on all parties and all persons claiming under them or either of them, and the advantages hereof shall inure to the benefit of each of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. NAMPA & MERIDIAN IRRIGATION D[STR[CT ... B is reside t ATTEST: ~~Z/ (~ Its (Secretary ~t LICENSE AGREEMENT -Page 4 • STATE OF IDAHO ) ss: County of Canyon ) MERIDIAN WAY ASSOCIATES, an Idaho I' ited p ne ship _..- "~~ On this ~/ day of `'/~R~tL/+-~ , 2000, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Ralph B. Wessel and Daren R. Coon, known to me to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of NAMPA & MER[DIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT, the irrigation district that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that such irrigation district executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h and year in this certificate first above written. ae N~'~r~~JY PU~i.i~ • ereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day Notary Public for Idaho Residing at A~tpa; Ida}to My Commission Expires: SJ i/ STATE OF IDAHO ) ~~~f )ss. County of Ada ) On this `~ 7--`~"day of %•V'?. ~; ~, :; ~L , 2000, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said state, personally appeared Douglas L. Swenson, known to me to be the General Partner of the MERIDIAN FREEWAY ASSOCIATES, the entity that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that such entity executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I leave hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. ~a.Jaasaa> '~~~3E ~t,3. 4c' ~~ ~'f ,~. f •~ ^~ ~ , ~.~" ~ ~ { ,• 4 ~~.. r: 1l L: ~ _4 0• '~. (.". 4MY O ~n~r : ~^yp C` U 4 O r Y~ 9' ~~~'~6`~:~esss~~ngEOOt: Notary Public for :`; r Residing at ~ ~ ~` • T >_ ~ _. ~ ~~ ~ ..! ,~~:,1.~ My Commission Expires: ;•~ •~ i -l`: ~~= LICENSE AGREEMENT -Page 5 DfOR~ PLAtrT and t1A[:ILYN L. PLl1NT, tlusi~~ and trife :: the Grantors, do hereby gr,~nt, bar~~iin, sr-.11 and rnnvey unto • ' . ML•'RIDIAN FREEWAY ASSOCII-'TES, An lrl::hr> Limited Parlncrship, ' •• whose general partners are Dn•r.id L. Palfreynan, Douglas • i. •: ~'. •.~... •• ~''~••' '• L. Swenson and Mark A. Cllison, and OBSI, Inc. , an • ~ •+~';: '•• Idaho 'corporation wholly owned by David .L. Palfreyman, .•~• -'' Douglas L. Swenson and t4ark A. Cllison :;~: ' •" the Crante~s, whose address is 5460 Franklin Road, Suite A -'~f Boise, Idaho 83705 '• the following described premises, to-wit: . ~.~ ; .~. • ~• PARCEL A - A tract of land situated in the Southeast euarter ' Southwest (~~sarter, Section 13, 'fownsliip 3 North, Range 1"tti'est, Boise Heridian, ltda County, Idaho, . _ and more particularly described as follows: • •, Comtaencing at a S/8" iron pin ;parking the South • ~;,';.: I• Quarter. corner of said Section 13; ttience ' - ~ ;:•::~,~;.~ ~ North 89°26'-27" West 826.07 feet along the Southerly •' •~~'; 'boundary of said Section 13, which is also ~• the centerline of Overland Road to a 1/2" ' •'`''~•' iron in which is the real p point of beginning; ' •~~,~ ~ .. thence continuing ~ ~ North 89°26'27" west 501.44 feet along the said ;, •°••• ".• ~ •~ Southerly boundary of ..Section 13 and the said ••,:• centerline of Overland P.oad to a 1/2" iron • . • ... 'pin; thence • -•.~~~•~• North 0°06'51" East 349.92 feet tc a point on the • ~`- ~> approximate centerline of a canal; '. . ~~'` ••-• South'•81°_09'35" East 236.31 feet along the approxi- • - •;mate•centerline of said canal to a point, • ":~ ~ •• • thence :`;;;~:,~.• South 31°06'24" East 421.43 feet alolq :he apuroxi- • -~;,%:" _ ''nate'~centerline of said ~tirral to the real point • "'`~~_~ ''cf' beginning. ' • .1?!- • • 'PARCEL' 8~ • =' ~`~>'~~' ~ A tract'•of land situate3 in the Southeast quarter ~~;4.`_•~.: Southwest quarter, Section 13, 'iownship 3 North, • •::;;~~ : _:.• ' `Range •l_S~est, Boise :leridian, f,ci,i County, Idaho •• •~~+':y','a``.~. and core'particularly describcu as follows: - _ Co~rTencing at a 5/8" iron pia: ~ ~:~rking the South - .• cuarter corner of saic ::a•rtion 13; thence • North 89°26'27" West 577.68 fc~t along the Southe.-- ' ~' -=:ly boundary of said Section 13, which is also ''the centerline of Overland ~, to a 1/2" •• ~ •iron•pin, t:~hich is the real no_nt of beginning; ' ~ ~'-` ~ ~' •ttience continuing %`,:r~-' Borth 89°26'27" West 298.39 feet along the said • - 'Southerly boundary of Section 13 and the said • -centerline of Overland [:o~d, to a 1/2' iro- pin; thence • North 31°06'24'' West 421.43 feet along the a~~roxi- - ';''~•` ~ Hate centerline of a canal to a point; .the..^.ce s;':: • ' .. ''~'.'~_ idorth B1°09'35" west •28G.31 fe•tt along the a??roxi- • ``=~ ~_' • • 'Hate centerline of said c1na1 to a point; thence - 'North•0°06'51" East 718.08 feet to a 5/8" iror pin . •on the Southerly right of way boundary of .~^ •~~ Interstate F:ighway 80; t'~.`_nce O • • •~ ` ;' frAttrvwT~ 'o -- 1 vs • •• Exhibit A, page 1 ~th• b)''S'. 39" r.15•t 1, 3:.'5.21 fr.•t: tlt~ std Southerly right of :•:ay 1,~~~„rQ;,rinterxtate tiiyl~r:ay 80, to a 5/8" ircn din on the North- . South quarter section line of said Section 13; thence • South 0.00'00" East 694.94 feat along the said Nor•th- South quarter section line to a 5/8" iron pin, which is located 133.94 [<~et Borth Erom the 'South quarter corner of paid section 13; ,:; • .•..;:,....~ . - •~ thence • ~.,;. ••`x:~_ •tlorth 87'10'49" hest 577.46 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; • thence '.~:' Scuth•0°06'51" West 456.23 feet to the real point of 3 . i,:..~...•.. beginning. ' , • +r;•,'~;. TO HAVE AND TO IiOLD the said tremises, with their • appurtenances unto the said Grantees, heirs and assigns ' forever. And the said Grantors do hereby covenant t6 and with the said Grantees, that they are the owner in fee simple • '~~"'•" of said premises; that said prerliscs are free from all en- • cumbrances and that they will warrant and defend tiie same Erom all law- •' Sul claims whatsoever. .. ,:. . ~. DATED This ~~~~ day of _~~,,~ , 1980. :~,~~y:..' ': .... .. .. .. .,. • '„~_:''••~''• STATE OF IDAHO ) • _•• .. • •_~v~-`.;~ ~ . ~ County..•~of rAda •.~ ss . '~.'s:'s~•;:;: ~ On this ~~day of 1~~1 _ _, 1980, before me, .. ~~;;.,,,. ~::'•: ; ~ ~, p appeared ' '•%•~'~~'• a notary public in and for said Stt tc ersonally~ •~ ''~~ ~''''~•'"'` -Morgan Plant and tiarilyn L. Plant, ' ' •' .. _. ._ known• •~ to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the - • ~•• within'instrument, and acknowledged to me that they execut- ' ed the same: .• otary Public ror Ids . ~ [tesiding at Doi daho ~,.• - Commission Expires: ~~' . • .: r•: ,.~ • •:` . ,. ~ Exhibit A, page 2 . . ~ r~ar,~• ,CFO -- z vs PARCEL A A tract of land situated in the Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter, __ Section 13, Township 3 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, and more particulary described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8" iron pin marking the South Quarter corner of said Section 13; thence North 89°26'27" West 826.07 feet along the Southerly boundary of said Section 13, which is also the centerline of Overland Road to a 1/2" iron pin which is the real point of beginning; thence continuing North 89°26'27" West 501.44 feet along the said Southerly boundary of Section 13 and the said centerline of Overland Road to a 1/2" iron pin; thence North 0°06'51" East 399.92 feet to a point on the approximate centerline of a canal; thence South 81°09'35" East 286.31 feet along the approximate centerline of said canal to a point; thence South 31°06'24" East 421.43 feet along the approximate centerline of said canal to the real point of beginning. PARCEL B A tract of land situated in the Southeast quarter Southwest quarter, Section 13, Township 3 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8" iron pin marking the South quarter corner of said Section 13; thence North 89°26'27" West 577.68 feet along the Southerly boundary of said Section 13, which is also the centerline of Overland Road, to a 1/2" iron pin, which is the real point of beginning; thence continuing North 89°26'27" West 248.39 feet along the said Southerly boundary of Section I3 and the said centerline of Overland Road, to a 1/2' iron pin; thence North 31°06'24" West 421.43 feet along the approximate centerline of a canal to a point; thence North 81°09'35" West 286.31 feet along the approximate centerline of said canal to a point; thence North 0°06'51" East 718.08 feet to a 5/8" iron pin on the Southerly right of way boundary of Interstate Highway 80; thence South 89°53'39" East 1,325.21 feet along the said Southerly right of way boundary of Interstate Highway 80, to a 5/8" iron pin on the North-South quarter section line of said Section 13; thence South 0°00'00" East 694.94 feet along the said North-South quarter section line to a 5/8" iron pin, which is located 433.94 feet North from the South quarter corner of said section 13; thence North 87°10'49" West 577.46 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence South 0°06'51" West 456.23 feet to the real point of beginning. Exhibit A, page 3 Exhibit B ~. • EXHIBIT C Purpose of License The purpose of this License Agreement is to permit Licensee to remove an existing bridge and construct and install a crossing, consisting of 84 feet of 48 inch reinforced concrete pipe. ~~ ithin the District's easement for the Kennedy Lateral to access Licensee's property described in Exhibit A. located northeast of the intersection of Linder Road and Overland Road in Meridian, Ada Counh. Idaho. EXHIBIT D special Conditions a. Construction shall be in accordance with certain plans consisting of one sheet: sheet 1 of 1 entitled "Kennedy Lateral Piping, Project No. 175.06," bearing engineer's stamp dated March 3, 2000. These plans have been delivered to the District's water superintendent, are in his possession in his offices, and are hereby incorporated by this reference. b. The pipe, installation, and backfill shall, at a minimum, meet the requirements of the District and standard specifications for such materials and construction, as set forth in the Idaho standards for public works construction or other standards recognized by the city or county in which the crossing is to be placed. c. Licensee shall notify the water superintendent of tl~e District prior to and immediately after construction so that he or the District's engineer's may inspect and approve the construction. d. The Licensee recognizes and acknowledges that the license granted in this agreement by the District pertains only to the rights of the District as owner of an easement. The District I~as no right or power to create rights in the Licensee affecting the holder of title to tl~e property subject to the District's easement. Any such rights affecting fee title must be acquired by the Licensee from the holder of title to the property. Should Licensee fail to obtain such rights from the holder of title to the property or should the rights obtained prove legally ineffectual, Licensee shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the District from any claim by any party arising out of or related to such failure of rights and at the option of tl~e District this agreement shall be of no force and effect. e. Licensee shall be responsible for operation, maintenance, and repair associated with the Kennedy Lateral which tl~e Licensee placed in pipe within the properly described in Exhibit A, including rehabilitation or replacement of the pipe and rehabilitation of the District's easement. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, the removal and disposal of silt, gravel, plant material, and all trash and debris which may accumulate in the pipe. Repairs shall include, but not be limited to, all repairs necessary to preserve the structural integrity and unobstructed flow of water through the Kennedy Lateral and prevent the loss of water from the Kennedy Lateral. if the Licensee shall fail in any respect to properly operate, maintain and repair such portion of the Kennedy Lateral, then the District, at its option, and without impairing or in anywise affecting its other rights and remedies hereunder, shall have the right to perform the necessary maintenance and repairs and the Licensee agrees to pay to the District, on demand, the cost or expense which shall be reasonably expended or incurred by the District for such purposes. The District shall give reasonable notice to the Licensee prior to the District's performing such maintenance, repair or other work except that in cases of emergency the District shall attempt to give such notice as reasonable under the circumstances. LICENSE AGREEMENT -Page 6 L' • Nothing in this paragraph shall create or support any claim of any kind by Licensee or any third party against -- the District for failure to exercise the options stated in this paragraph, and Licensee shall indemnify, hold I~armless and defend the District from any claims made against the District arising out of or relating to the terms of this paragraph except for claims arising solely out of the negligence or fault of the District. f. Licensee shall not excavate; discharge, place any structures ,nor plant any trees, shrubs or landscaping within the District's easement, nor perform any construction or activity within the District's easement for the Kennedy Lateral except as referred to in this agreement or exhibits thereto without the prior written consent of the District. The District's easement for the Kennedy Lateral is 55 feet, 35 feet to the right and 20 feet to the left of the centerline facing downstream. g. Construction shall be completed prior to March 15, 2000. Time is of tl~e essence. LICENSE AGREEMENT -Page 7 ~du cou~t~~~~~wu~ ~~~t~~~t Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Bivens, Vice President Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-6391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner E-mail: tellus@achd.ada.id.us June 28, 2000 BY REVIEW APPROVAL TO: Craig Callaham Quadrant Consulting 405 S. 8th Street, Suite 295 Boise, ID 83702 FROM: Penelope Constantikes, Development Analyst Planning & Development J U L O 7 2000 M IDIAN raLANNING ~~y ~ j L~ ~©NING DEPT. ~' ~'~"~D SUBJECT: MSPR-15-00 (Revised) ~u~. 0 7 2000 Western Electronics Manufacturing Plant CITY QF 1VIERIAIAN Overland Road w/o Stoddard Road PLA.YIVING ~Rc ZONING The Commissioners of the Ada County Highway District on June 21, 2000 acted on your application for the above referenced project. The attached staff report lists conditions of approval and street improvements, which are required. If you have and questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6170. Cc: Planning & Development/chron/project file City of Meridian Construction Services -John Edney Drainage -Chuck Rinaldi ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Planning and Development Division Development Application Report MSPR-15-00 (Revised) Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant An application has been submitted to Ada County for approval of an 80,000-square foot manufacturing plant. The application has been referred to ACHD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. The 6-acre site is located on the north side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estimated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. The Commission previously approved this project on June 7, 2000. The modified application reflects a change in the Site Specific Requirements to include moving the Kennedy Lateral to outside the right- of-way. Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ACHD Commission Date -June 21, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 1 . • ~ .. ~ ~' iv b ~cr~ t~(~l J _ .. _ 1 . ... -- _= ~- .... _ .. - - -~ -- -..._... . f ~ ¢ "+ _ ~ . is ;: _.... ,,~_- --~ ,- w,.--~; 5 :: .. .«.~. , ~ ~I ~ . ~! . I i'~_ ~ ~. s i .•.~__ r- 0 E } I i ~ ~~~ ~ • ! '~./f Y 6 ~ r . ... ,.. .._ .. ;~ ~ pc ~N .. ~ ' ~ ~ ' i . ~I. ~ I. ,~ -• , ! ~ ......... _, ~ Y cc h4...... ~ ~ ~ i G ... ,~ _...w. ,. ~ . ~ ~ ~~ .,. .. z ,.. _ :.~_. .. ~p _ e ~ 7 t 1. ` g ~ s ! .l ~ ~ 0. ; ~ ... .. _ ~Q~.L$ _ i ~ s L i 0 ~ ~~ i ,, ~,~~ `~ e ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ , ,Ec.;ti ,~ _ ~ ,., ~= . -cwt i_ . _ _ I.~~ ~ t- %•. ~ ~ ~ MM1~oraii- ~ ~ I i• .~' i :~ ~ ~ '~ Y. ~ .~ .~ ~•~ - __ 1 ~; ~, ` 1 . ~ ~ . i ~ ~: ~ ~ :.~ - s,~ I _ yY~ / Z0'd 2600 Zb~ 80Z '~NI `JNIl~f1SN0~ 1Nd21Qdf1D 90:zti 0002-0Z=J,tfW £0 ' d ~d101 „~..~. ~~a.d a,,,,...... ~u~'!lu~;~nsuo~ +up~pon~^^ ^^ 1d37NOD CMOb GNr1tJ3A0 M-w 3.us S~~lv0~13373 N~131S3M ~. ~--~. z-~-a-~ ~ ~ I .I' ~t ~ ~ ~i ~,~ Y ~ 3 * ` ~ I 1 ~ 2 ~ ~~~' ~ ~,, ~-. ~, ~: £0'd Z600 Zb£ 80Z 'ONI `JNIl~f1SN00 1Nd2iQtiflD LO:zti 0002-0S-JldW Facts and Findings: A. General Information Owner - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callaham, Quadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 576 -feet of frontage(approximate) 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet from centerline) Overland Road is improved with 22-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Stoddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. B. On May 17, 2000, the District Planning and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On May 19, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation. system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. G The Kennedy Lateral runs through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to Overland Road. The applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the new right-of--way of Overland Road. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 2 D. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. The sidewalk should be located two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. E. In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an am~ual report to ACHD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. F. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enhancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation programs and forwarded to the ACRD Commuteride Office. G. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private road meets the required 440-foot offset requirement from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing an island separating the lanes of the private road. The applicant should locate the island on a separate lot and not in the public right-of--way. Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilize the private road, the applicant should be required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the building. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. H. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located 10-feet west of Stoddard Road. District policy requires the driveway to align or offset 220-feet from Stoddard Road to the south. As a condition of approval, the applicant to the east of the site, MA- 7-98, was required that upon redevelopment of their parcel, they would be required to align a driveway with Stoddard Road. The subject applicant should either eliminate the proposed driveway or work with the property owner to the east to construct a shared driveway in alignment with Stoddard Road. The shared driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that the developer shall by to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building pern~it MSPR-15-00(Revised).cnvn Page 3 (or other required permits). The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east anal west if they are the subject of a future development application. Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct, approved name of the road is required. K. ACRD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. L. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. M. As required by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road may be placed on future development of this parcel. N. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. O. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this report. The follo~~~ing requirements are provided as conditions for approval: MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 4 • Site Specific Requirements: Dedicate 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with Section 15 of ACHD Ordinance #193. 2. Construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. Locate the sidewalk two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. 3. Locate a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. 4. Construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection prior to occupancy of the building. The turn lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. 5. Pave the private road its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct, approved name of the road is required. 6. ACRD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the firture. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. 7. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a mininnun of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. MSPR- l 5-00(Revised).cnm~ Page 5 f 8. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with. Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel. for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). District intends to obtain a similar reciprocal agreement from those parcels. 10. Relocate the Kennedy Lateral to outside the new right-of--way. 11. Comply with requirements of ITD for State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Contact District III Traffic Engineer Michael Garz at 334-8340. 12. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road is prohibited. Standard Requirements: A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACRD Planning and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. The written request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for ACHD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACHD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its original decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. MSPR- l 5-00(Revised).cntin Page 6 • 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACRD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACRD right-of--way. The applicant shall contact ACRD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusion of Law: ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted bv: Plannine and Development Staff Commission Action: June 21.2000 MSPR-15-00(Revised).crnm Page 7 I`1~?~'~-2000 13 ~ 34 May 8, 2000 Ada County Highway District Development Services 318 E. 37~' Street Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 QURDRANT Re: Western Electronics -Overland Road Improvements ~~ ^^ ~uadrani~ Consulting, Inc. c~ ~l~ DBSI, the parent company of Western Electronics, is seeking approval of an 80,000 SF manufacturing plant in the Ciry of Meridian. The project will be located on Overland Road at the northwest corner of the intersection with Stoddard Road. Meridian Planning and 2.'oning is requesting ACHD's conditions of approval in order to proceed with approval of the project. The attached concept plan drawing reflects my understandirl; of the owners needs and ACHD's requirements for this project. The following lists the requirements we are anticipating and the issues we aze attempting to clarify. The sites private entryway will be located on a sepazate parcel than the one the Western Electronics plant will be located on. We anticipate both parcels will need to give right-of--way of 48 feet from the section line. The deeds for both parcels southern boundary call to this section line. This will require aright-of-way take of 23 feet given a standard 25' prescriptive right-of--way for Overland Road. The drawing reflects a 100 foot long stacking lane for traffic turning in while traveling east. It also shows a commercial approach style deceleration widening for traffic turning while traveling west. A 5 foot detached sidewalk is also shown at 2 feet inside the new right-of-way. Nampa Meridian Irrigation District currently claims a 55 foot wide easement for Kentaedy Lateral that will conflict with this right-of-way. We are anticipating the relocation of the Kennedy I.atera] to be 17 feet outside of the right-of--way to align with the relocation previously done upstream at Interstate Center. We have been informed that widening of Overland Road from Meridian Road to Stoddard Road is anticipated in the 2004 construction year. Western Electronics is plarmin, a controlled secondary access with a gate on the eastern side of the their site. The configuration shown should allow a common access to their site and the property to the east while aligning with future intersection improvements. We are attempting co located facilities for the Kennedy Lateral and site irrigation in a manor that will not conflict with the future intersection improvement for which we are anticipating be asked for a cross access easement with the property co the east. We are requesting a response to this project in order for Meridian Planning and Zoning to proceed with their approval process. Please contact me if I can provide you with any other information. Sincerely, QUADRANT CONSULTYNG, INC. ~~~ R. Craig Callaham CC: DBSI, Dan Bradshaw City of Meridian, Shari Stiles 40.5 S. Bth Street. Ste. 295 • Bolse, 10 83702 • Phone (2Q8) 342-0091 - Fex (208) 342-0092 • Irrernet: quadrant®micron.net CPvll Engineering • SZ,nveying • ConshucNon Management MAY 08 '00 13=2? TOTAL P.01 208 342 0092 PAGE.01 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT - Planning and Development Division Development Application Report MSPR-15-00 (Revised) Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant An application has been submitted to Ada County for approval of an 80,000-square foot manufacturing plant. The application has been referred to ACHD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. The 6-acre site is located on the north side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estimated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of ~- Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. The commission previously approved this project on June 7, 2000. The modified application reflects a change in the Site Specific Requirements to include moving the Kennedy Lateral to outside the right- of-way. Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ACHD Commission Date -June 7, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cnvn Page 1 1 r---" 184 w 0 Z J SITE N W~E S WALTMAN N OVERLAND z Q _o W DERWOOD ~`,---: I '~ • • ~ • Facts and Findings: A. General Information Owner - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callaham, Quadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service °- 576 -feet of frontage(approximate) 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet from centerline) Overland Road is improved with 22-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Stoddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. B. On May 17, 2000, the District Planning and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On May 19, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. C. The Kennedy Lateral runs through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to Overland Road. The applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the new right-of--way of Overland Road. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cnvn Page 2 • • ~ • D. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. The sidewalk should be located two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. E. In order to reduce trips to and from this. development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACHD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. F. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization -___ (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and ' public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enhancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation programs and forwarded to the ACHD Commuteride Office. G. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private road meets the required 440-foot offset requirement from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing an island separating the lanes of the private road. The applicant should locate the island on a separate lot and not in the public right-of--way. Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilize the private road, the applicant should be required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the building. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. H. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located 10-feet west of Stoddard Road. District policy requires the driveway to align or offset 220-feet from Stoddard Road to the south. As a condition of approval, the applicant to the east of the site, MA- 7-98, was required that upon redevelopment of their parcel, they would be required to align a driveway with Stoddard Road. The subject applicant should either eliminate the proposed driveway or work with the property owner to the east to construct a shared driveway in alignment with Stoddard Road. Tl~e shared driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. I. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that the developer shall try to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east and west if they are the subject of a future development application. MSPR- 15-00(Revised). cmm Page 3 • Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct, approved name of the road is required. ~~' K. ACRD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. L. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. M. As required by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road maybe placed on future development of this parcel. N. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. O. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this report. The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval: Site Specific Requirements: Dedicate 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with Section 15 of ACHD Ordinance #193. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 4 • • • • 2. Construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. Locate the sidewalk two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate tl~e location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. 3. Locate a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. 4. Construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection prior to occupancy of the building. The turn lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. 5. Pave the private road its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs maybe ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct approved name of the road is required. 6. ACHD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. 7. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required pernlits). District intends to obtain a similar reciprocal agreement from those parcels. 10. Relocate the Kennedy Lateral to outside the new right-of--way. 11. Comply with requirements of ITD for State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Contact District III Traffic Engineer. Michael Garz at 334-8340. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 5 • 12. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road is prohibited. Standard Requirements: A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACHD Planning and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. The written request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9.00 a.m. on the day scheduled for ACHD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACHD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall ~ecifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its orisinal decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building. construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing utilities damaged by t11e applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACRD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACRD right-of--way. The applicant shall contact MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 6 ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACRD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 8. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusion of Law: ACRD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted bv: Planning and Development Staff Commission Action: MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 7 .~du ~ou~t~~~~~wu~ ~~~tN~~t Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Bivens, Vice President Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-6391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner E-mail: tellus@achd.ada.id.us June 8, 2000 TO: Quadrant Consulting Inc Craig Callaham 405 S. 8th Street, Suite 295 Boise, Idaho 83702 ,,-- FROM: Penelope Constantikes Development Analyst Planning & Development SUBJECT: MSPR-15-00 WESTERN ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING PLANT OVERLAND ROAD, W/O STODDARD The Commissioners of the Ada County Highway District on JUNE 7, 2000 acted on your application for the above referenced project. The attached staff report lists conditions of approval and street improvements, which are required. If you have and questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6170. Cc: Planning & Development/chron/project file CITY OF MERIDIAN Construction Services -John Edney Drainage -Chuck Rinaldi • • MSPR-15-00 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Planning and Development Division Development Application Report Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant An application has been submitted to Ada County for approval of an 80,000-square foot manufacturing plant. The application has been referred to ACRD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. The 6-acre site is located on the north side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estimated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ACHD Commission Date -June 7, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 1 is 184 w °z J SITE N W~E S WAL IN OVERLAND z Q 0 W ERWOOD ~.._ t ;, v • Facts and Findings: A. General Information Owner - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callaham, Quadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 576 -feet of frontage(approximate) 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet from centerline) Overland Road is improved with 22-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Stoddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. B. On May 17, 2000, the District Planning and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On May 19, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. C. The Kennedy Lateral runs through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to Overland Road. The applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the new right-of--way of Overland Road. D. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. The sidewalk should be located two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 2 • E. In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACHD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. F. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enhancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation programs and forwarded to the ACRD Commuteride Office. G. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private road meets the required 440-foot offset requirement from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing an island separating the lanes of the private road. The applicant should locate the island on a separate lot and not in the public right-of--way. Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilize the private road, the applicant should be required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the building. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. H. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located 10-feet west of Stoddard Road. District policy requires the driveway to align or offset 220-feet from Stoddard Road to the south. As a condition of approval, the applicant to the east of the site, MA- 7-98, was required that upon redevelopment of their parcel, they would be required to align a driveway with Stoddard Road. The subject applicant should either eliminate the proposed driveway or work with the property owner to the east to construct a shared driveway in alignment with Stoddard Road. The shared driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that the developer shall try to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east and west if they are the subject of a future development application. Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed MSPR-1 S-OO.cmm Page 3 • • and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct, approved name of the road is required. K. ACHD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs maybe necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. L. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACRD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACRD requirements. M. As required by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road may be placed on future development of this parcel. N. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. O. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this report. The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval: Site Specific Requirements: Dedicate 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with Section 15 of ACHD Ordinance #193. 2. Construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. Locate the sidewalk two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 4 • • Locate a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. 4. Construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection prior to occupancy of the building. The turn lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. 5. Pave the private road its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct approved name of the road is required. 6. ACHD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. 7. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). District intends to obtain a similar reciprocal agreement from those parcels. 10. Comply with requirements of ITD for State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Contact District III Traffic Engineer Michael Garz at 334-8340. 11. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road is prohibited. Standard Requirements: MSPR-1 S-OO.cnun Page 5 A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACRD Plamling and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardshi~or inequity. The written request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9.00 a.m. on the day scheduled for ACRD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACRD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specificall iy dentifv each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its orisinal decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of--way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACRD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 8. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 6 • • representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusion of Law: 1. ACRD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted b Commission Action: Planning and Development Staff June 7.2000 MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 7 ~ ~ ~ -. ~ ~J{soh ~/,~~~,~~ ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Planning and Development Division Development Application Report MSPR-15-00 Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant An application has been submitted to Ada County for approval of an 80,000-square foot manufacturing plant. The application has been referred to ACRD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. The 6-acre site is located on the north side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estimated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of ~, Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. `` Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ACHD Commission Date -June 7, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. (Day) MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 1 ~ • ~ _ _- .. _. ct~' ivb~a~z~3W .... ___ _ 1. .... ~ .. _ .. ... .. - _ - --- ., . I .... -- _,v,.. ,. ,ryt- - - ---~- s - ~ ~ ~ k. r ~~7 S i .. jC( i a s ? I s ` ` ,; __ i _ . •~ _ : I _ s ~. ~ I ~ ~ .....: ,,. i ~ i. _._... ~ ~ ... ~ ~ P ' l....... = ~ : ,r; - r ; € ~ ~~~ ~~ ., :; 1:: ,.. .._ .. 1 ~• ~ urrvn 1. f „ _ .._ . . ~_ ~ a ~ ...... .......... _ ~....~........ _e'!9~... a ..r ~_...~~ _' i :,.. _ ~ ~ ..~-~ . !, - _.. ~„~ a j ...:. ~ ~ ~ , ~' ~ :. j j ~' ~ r I ,,.~ I y, j ~y •~1. _ ~ ~1 1 i ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ., _ • 7 j' , i I r P ''~~ ? ~ ~ .. a ~ J~ , i M ~01'r-I ~~G1GI ~bS' RGI~ "1NT 'DINT I1f1.r,Nf1:"l INH?1QHf1Dl 90:zS 0092-0Z=1~1'~W £0'd ~d101 ~.~aa ar w.~.t is ~u~'!!ut{~~suo~ ~UGJpD~~~ ^^ te~o~ oran orwxr~o N1rW 1d3~r0~ 311S S~~N0211~373 N?131S3A1 a--~-~ ~ ~ ~~ I ~ 1 ~ ~'~~ ~ 12 ~r~ /~. ~,' ~~ -~. o. ..~. ~~ ~0'd Z600 Zti~ 80Z 'ONI `JNIl~f1SN00 1Nd~lQtiflO GO:ZT 0002-0Z-AtiW • • Facts and Findings: A. General Information Owner - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callaham, Quadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) -„k µ~ West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District ~~,~ Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 576 -feet of frontage(approximate) 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) .. 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet from centerline) Overland Road is improved with 22-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The " Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Stoddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. B. On May 17, 2000, the District Planning and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On May 19, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. C. The Kennedy Lateral runs through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to .- Overland Road. The applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the new ~'-~ right-of--way of Overland Road. D. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. The sidewalk should be located two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 2 • • E. In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACHD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. F. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enhancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation programs and forwarded to the ACRD Commuteride Office. G. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private road meets the required 440-foot offset requirement from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing an island separating the lanes of the private road. The applicant should locate the island on a separate lot and not in the public right-of--way. ~. ~. - Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilized the private road, the applicant should be ~ \'~ required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to the issuance of an impact fee certificate for the-lot (or-lot if only one access is constructed to the site) in the subdivision. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. H. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located 10-feet west of Stoddard Road. District policy requires the driveway to align or offset 220-feet from Stoddard Road to the south. As a condition of approval, the applicant to the east of the site, MA- 7-98, was required that upon redevelopment of their parcel, they would be required to align a driveway with Stoddard Road. The subject applicant should either eliminate the proposed driveway or work with the property owner to the east to construct a shared driveway in alignment with Stoddard Road. The shared driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. I. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that the developer shall try to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east and west if they are the subject of a future development application. MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 3 • • J. Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct, approved name of the road is ''a' required. ~_ K. ACHD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs maybe necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. L. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACRD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. M. As required by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road maybe placed on future development of this parcel. N. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. O. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this report. ~. The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval: Site SpeciiFic Requirements: Dedicate 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with Section 15 of ACHD Ordinance #193. MSPR- I S-OO.cnvn Page 4 • • 2. Construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. Locate the sidewalk two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. Locate a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. 4. Construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. ,~ 5. Pave the private road its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct, approved name of the road is r --- required. ~: 6. ACRD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. 7. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). District intends to obtain a similar reciprocal agreement from those parcels. 10. Comply with requirements of ITD for State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Contact District III Traffic Engineer Michael Garz at 334-8340. MSPR-1 S-OO.cmm Page 5 ., 11. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road is prohibited. Standard Requirements: A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACHD Planning and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. The written request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9:00 a.m. on the damscheduled for ACHD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACHD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specifically identify each reauirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its original decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACRD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of--way. The applicant shall contact MSPR- I S-OO.cmm Page 6 • ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACRD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. ~._. ~: =~ 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusion of Law: 1. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted bv: Planning and Development Staff Commission Action: MSPR- I S-OO.cnun Page 7 Rpr 30 O1 10:41a e land group inc X39394445 p.l THE LAND GROUP, INC. ~ Memne~~r ' Lure • Civil En 'veering • Environmentdt £~ Site ('tanning ~~ Landscape Archttec $7 A s ~ n 128 S. Eagte Road • Eagle, Idaho 83616 • Pknne (208) 939-4041 • Fax (208,1939-4445 FINAL PUNCH LIST PROJECT: Western Electronics ~. ~~ LOCATION:. Meridian, Idaho DATE: 4/27/01 .TEMP. 65 deg. PRESENT: David Koga -The Land Group, Dan Bradshaw -DBSI: 1 • Trees installed on the site comply with new City Landscae ~ Obe r~laced• 2, All trees are under a one year warranty and dead trees az p Y ~ 3, Work to be completed: a. Five (5) trees need to be installed. along the freeway, at the northw~~ T ids are haze e b. Mulch material at planter beds is to be minimum 3 ~~ deep. Many p with little of no mulch material. ~ ~ c. Five trees at parking lot, north of the building aze dead and need replaced. ~~v 4. Adjust sprinkler system so that water does not spray on the building. Backfill and cbmpact all irrigation trenches that are settling. l' / 80 362-43 56 DBSI ~55. `~~, 'Shari Styles 888-6854 ,.~ cc: BRS Architects 3 -8 McAlvain Constru n Dec 21 00 01:44p land group inc 394445 :~ THE LAND GROUP, INC.. ~ ~ T 1 anclscape Architecture • Civil Engineering • Environmental £~ Site Planning -128 S. Eagle Road • F,agle, Idaho 83&.16 • Phone (Z08} 939-4041 • Fax (208) 939-4445 p.i Memberof ASLA PRELIMINARY .WALK THROUGH PROJECT: Western Electronics LOCATION: Meridian, Idaho DATE: 12/20/00 TEMP. 35 deg. PRESENT: .David Koga -The Land Group. 1. All trees that are installed or at stock pile on the site are 2" or 2.5" cal. trees. Per City of Meridian Zoning and Development Ordinance, Section 2-414 D. Desigm Standards for Oil Street Parking, all trees are to be no less than three inch diameters. If three inch caliper trees are not available, smaller caliper trees can be installed (2" cal. maximum), matching total inches of caliper trees, plus 110%. Example: total (73) 3"cal. trees are required =total 219" calipers. Using two inch caliper trees computes; 219"x 110%=240" total / 2" _ (120)-2"caliper trees required. As a minimum and if the City of Meridian approves two inch caliper trees per installed, contractors are required to provide a credit back to owners. 2. Many types of trees are changed. We are mostly concerned with the use of the Flowering Dogwoods and Magnolia trees azound the south and west perimeter ofthe site. Considering the type of zoning, soils, solaz orientation and experience, the survival rate of these types of trees is very low. We strongly propose changing these types of trees. 3: Work to be completed; trees to be installed at north area of building and along the freeway, irrigation, planter beds, finish grading and lawn. Mulch material at planter beds is to be minimum 3" deep. Much of the planter beds azea bare with little of no mulch material. 336-8380 356 M November 16, 2000 McAlvain Construction Anell Slavick 5559 W. Gowen Road Boise, ID 83709 RE: Western Electronics, Project 0707 Plant Substitutes Anell, w In reference to my meeting with Dan Bradshaw and Walt, Monday, Nov. 13~'', below are the following tree substitutions I recomended to meet their preference. The main concern was there were tree's in the North/Southberm that reached above 25 feet. They request their signage and building to have the best visibility, therefore, no tree's above 25 feet. I will follow-up with Sherri Styles with the City of Meridian for their approval. REQUIRED PLANT * ACER RUBRUM AUTUMN BLAZE * FRAXINUS AMERICANA AUTUMN PURPLE ASH 12 Required * QUERCUS RUBRA RED OAK * PYRUS GALLERY ANA ARISTOCRAT PEAR * MALUS ROYALTY ROYALTY CRAB * MALUS SPRING SNOW CRAB * PINUS NIGRA AUSTRIAN PINE * JUNIPERUS HORIZ. BLUE CHIP JUNIPER * CHAMAECYPARIS PF, ARUEA NANA, GOLDTHREAD CYPRESS SUBSTITUTE PYRUS 'REDSPIRE' 4 ACER PALMATUM (EAST SIDE) 8 CORNUS FLORIDA, DOGWOOD (SOUTH SIDE) MAGNOLIA LENNEI PYRUS 'REDSPIRE' MALUS 'ZUMI CALLICARPA' PRUNUS `MT. FUJI' BLUE SPRUCE ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI, KNICKINICK TAXUS REPANDENS Anell, please let me know if you have any questions pertaining to the above information. We look forward to completing this project in a timely manner. Thank you. Pat Raymes Owner w w w w SUBDIVISION EVALUATION SHEET Proposed Development Name Treasure Valley Technical Center File No. Date Reviewed 11/9/00 Preliminary Stage Final X 1 Engineer/Developer Marilyn Fuller, DBSI Group of Companies II~~S~'4^ EkcF«r~csJ The Street name comments listed below are made by the members of the ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE (under direction of the Ada County Engineer) regarding this development in accordance with the Ada County Street Name Ordinance. The followina existina street name shall appear on the plat: "W. OVERLAND ROAD" The followina street name has been approved• "S. TECH LANE" The above street name comments have been read and approved by the following agency representatives of the ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE. ALL of the signatures must be secured by the representative or his designee in order for the street names to be officially approved. ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE, A,B~EN,~Y R~ESENTATIVES OR DESIGNEES Ada County Engineer John Priester Community Planning Assoc. Linda R City of Meridian Meridian Fire Dept. Date ~1- 9 - B~ Date ~~^ 9 ~ ~ _- ~ ,, Cheryl Sable ~ ~ ' ' Date ~/~~-d7~ Representative ~ Date ~ - .3' ~ NOTE: A copy of this evaluation sheet must be presented to the Ada County Engineer at the time of signing the "final plat", otherwise the plat will not be signed !!!! Sub Index Street Index 3N 1W 13 Section NUMBERING OF LOTS AND BLOCKS TRISUBS1Small Cltles.FRM t ~~ REALTY CORPORATION Quality Investments in Real Estate R~CE"~D NOV 1 5 2000 CITY OF MERIDYAN PL,A,NNING} ~ ZONIlVQ November 15, 2000 Ms. Shari L. Stiles Planning Director Zoning Administrator City of Meridian 200 E. Carlton, Suite 201 Meridian, ID 83642 Re: ~~m E1ie+Ctt`t~nkts 8uitdt~ Occupancy HAND DELIVERED Dear Shari: As per our recent discussions, we are not able to deliver copies of the warranty deeds granting right of way takes to the Ada County Highway District, as a corxiition of - occupancy for the Western Electronics building... However, the right•~of•~yray issues with ACHD have been folly resolved. As you may be aware, the Ada County Highway District Commission, in a mePt-ng on` October 4"', elected to defer spending the money for this right of way, since. a doea riot. now lie in the District's five year work program. ACHD planner, Mr. Larry dale, :old .the Commission that this money could be used on other projects. ACHD staff pointed out that DBSI "agreed with staff recommendation and are willing to negotiate ors tl}e price for taking the right-of-way, (but) they simply want to get fair market value of the developed property." The valuation of the takes was questioned since DBSI had submitted the most recent appraisal on the property, which was reviewed and initiated by Key Bank. The bank appraisal was an accurate determination of current value. This was not an inflated value for the proposed takes, since the bank conservatively granted DBSI equity based on that valuation, which was in excess of $4.00 per square foot. Please note on page 5 of the meeting transcript that, "the developer (DBSI) prefers to sell the property now, but is willing to take the risk of the value changing in the future". For this reason; we respectfully request that delivery of warranty deeds for ACHD takes tr~_irernov~ct as a condition of occupancy for the above referenced building. We have insl~ajied si~ewalks behind the proposed future right of way and as agreed upon with your office. In addition, we request that DBSI be allowed to bond for the hydro-seeding proposed in the landscape plan until seeds will germinate in the spring, and for the 28 trees required to be planted on the westerly half of the drainage swale until June 2001. We have attached documentation from our landscaping contractor to help determine the amount of this bond. 1070 North Curtis Road, Suite 270 • Boise, Idaho 83706 • (208) 322-5858 • 2 We sincerely wish to express our continuing thanks to your office for help in achieving occupancy on this facility on our fast track schedule. Without your help and attention, and that of the staff in Meridian public works, this would have been entirely impossible. We plan to platt the rest of this high tech park, so that, once completed, it will become a welcome employment center for the citizens of Meridian. Best re ards, ~••----- D n Bradshaw D rector of Construction cc: Mayor Bob Corrie 11/13/2000 MON 10:17 FAg 208 939 2476 NEW WEST LANDSCAPE • ~ 001/001 NEW WEST LANDSCAPE SERVICES Submited 70: DATE NW Change... 11/12/00 ~ t Request For Change Mcalvain Construction Inc. 5559 W. Gowen Rd. Boise, Idaho 83709 Project Name WESTERN ELECTRONICS L. DESCRIPTION Iiydroscsd installatioa (AT ALL TURF LOCATION'S AROUND BUILDING) Plant mattrial installatipn -CREDIT: ALL TREE'S WEST F.ND OF RETENTION SWEI.1.. TOTAL fi,S00~00 -7000.00 ; Authorized Sign~%~ TOTAL $-13,500.00 71 5~1 W. ST,gT~ 5T. SUIT[: 39~ 6()1SE IUA}-!(~ x337(33 ~ (20t3) 377-fi3()0 1,x./07/2000 13:51 208-387-6393 ACRD PLANNIN~ PAGE 02/03 Commission Me~ig _ October 4, 2000 Page 4 • John Rimbey, 441 Rene Place, Eagle, expressed concern for pedestrian and bicycle traffic which must use the street as there are no sidewalks in the neighborhood. Commissioner Eastlake mentioned the option of forming an LID to construct sidewalks far the neighborhood. Further discussion followed about the typography of the site, the location of the gravel pit, which lots would be built first, signage for the construction road, policing cons#ruCtion traffic during the construction period, etc. Ms. Richardson said the applicant submitted a traffic study; at full build out, there wiU be 300 vehicle trips per day using Sadie Drive. ACYIDN TAKEN: Commissioner Huber made a motion to approve the staff report with two amendments: to correctthe streetwldth and to add a Special Recommendation No. 2 to the City of Eagle to reviQw Sadie Drive with regard to streetllghta. Commissioner Bivens seconded. ~Discuasion followed. Commiaaioner Huber amended the motion to include a Slte Specific 13 to add wording rQgarding the covenants. Commissioner Bivens amended the second. Motion carried unanimously. WESTERN ELECTRONICS - APPEAL Of= PURCHASE AMOUNT FOR RIGHT OF WAY ON OVERLAND ROA -tarry Sale, Planning and Development Supervisor, said this is a request to alter previous conditions on this application, MSDR-15-00. The applicant has reviewed the staff report and wishes to propose an alternative. Eric Bolind®r, 1070 N. Curtis Road, Boise, said he is general counsel for DBSI and Western Electronics. Additional information surfaced during an appraisal of the property to obtaining financing for construction. That information was forwarded to staff and the dollar amount for the right-of--way take is in question. Essentially, they agree with the staff recommendation and are willing to negotiate on the price for taking the right=of--way; they simply want to get fair market value of the developed property. At this time, staff is recommending that taking the right-of--way be deferred and money for. a sidewalk be put into a trust fund. The applicant has budgeted for a sidewalk; they are proposing to put the sidewalk in now, back from the future right-of--way. There was further discussion of when the right-of--way will be needed, right-of--way costs new and in the future, how the District might use this money on other projects, staff's concern about setting a precedent, when the developer bought this property, when and #or what purpose the appraisal was done, future plans for this portion of M Overland Road and where it is in the Five Year Work Program, how this sidewalk will 'match up' to sidewalks on adjacent properties, ACHD's requirements for a sidewalk, clarification of the location of this proposed sidewalk, impact fees, etc. 1/07/2000 13:51 208-3~87-6393 ACRD PLANNIN~ PAGE 03/03 Commission Meeting -October 4, 2000 Page 5 Mr. Bolinder said the developer bought this property in 1996; the appraisal was done earlier this.year, by the applicant, for financing purposes. Staff obtained comparables. The developer prefers t4 sell the property now, but is willing to take the risk of the ~. value changing in the future. Mr. Sate read the following changes: to Fact and Finding D add "However, since the District is not going to acquire the right-of-way at this time" the applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the future right-of--way to Overland Road a minimum of 4$ feet"; to Fact ~ Finding E: at the end of the current language add a comma and the words `or construct the sidewalk on the developer's property and provide a suitable easement to allow the public to use the sidewalk. If the Commission and the developer concur on the latter alternative, the developer should be required to coordinate the location and grade of the sidewalk with pistrict staff'; modify SRe Specific No. 2 by striking the requirement to provide the deposit or provide the same alternative: 'or construct a five foo# wide concrete sidewalk on the developer's property at a location that will be no more than two feet inside the future righ#-of--way line and provide a proper easement to allow the public to use the sidewalk and coordinate the location and grade of the sidewalk with District staff-' ACTION TAI(EN: Comrr~isaioner Eastlake made a motion to adopt the staff report on MSPR-15-00 revised to include the changes read into the record by Mr. Sale. Commissioner Bivens secondod. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY FOR ANNE FRANK MEMORI L TO CITY O OISE - Milce Churella, Right-of--Way Agent, said this is the sale of surplus property for the Anne Frank Memorial to the City of Boise. Commissioner Peavey-Derr noted that a groundbreaking ceremony has already taken place at the site. ACTION TAKEN: Commissioner Meyer made a motion to accept the resolution authorizing the sale of surplus property to the City of Boise for the Anne Frank Memorial. Commissioner Eastlake seconded. Commissioner Eastlake noted that this is an example of a cooperative effort on the part of many agencies; ACRD worked hard to accommodate a request made by the City, at a minimal cost to the City. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST ~'O RE EDULE THE ME T'ING DATE FOR R CONSIDERATION OF FRED MEY~R/DRH00-0101/FRANKLIN ROAD >4~ ORCHARD STREET-Terry little, Traffic Manager, presented a letter from Larry Durkin, the applicant, asking that the Commission defer reconsideration of this application until October 25, 2000. .~ , 1.~ / 0712000 13:51 208-~ -6393 ACHD PLANNIN~ PAGE 01 / 03 OGLf2t G Gi/GG L~~f^LC~ Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Givens, Vice President Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-6391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner E-mail: teAus~achd.ada.id.us PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT BATE: i (1 ~ -T bELIVER FAX NAME OF COMPANY: TITLE/DEPARTMENT: RECEIVING FAX NUMBER: ~ - ~ (~ CONFIbENT1AL: YE3 NO r'" NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover sheet) _ RO HW Y D TRICT NAME: TITLE/DEPARTMi~,NT: COMMENTS: "}}. Please call if you have any questions or if you did not receive ali pages of this fax. You may call us at 387-6170 • • November 30, 2000 MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 2000 APPLICANT DBSI ITEM NO. 1 1 REQUEST Request by DBSI for approval of a private road "South Tech Place" AGENCY COMMENTS CITY CLERK: CITY ENGINEER: CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: CITY ATTORNEY CITY POLICE DEPT: CITY FIRE DEPT: CITY BUILDING DEPT: CITY WATER DEPT: CITY SEWER DEPT: MERIDIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT: MERIDIAN POST OFFICE: ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT: SANITARY SERVICE COMPANY CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH: NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION: SETTLERS IRRIGATION: IDAHO POWER: US WEST: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS: BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: OTHER: Contacted: Date: Phone: Matertala presented at public meetings shalt become property of the City of Meridian. ~~1U-30-00 THU 08:17 PM DBSI GROUP OF COMPANIES FAX N0. 3225861 P. O1 ;~,- . DBSI REALTY CORPORATION DBSI (~~roup of Companies QUALtTYINVESTMEIVTS INREAL ESTATE, 1070 N. Curtis Road, Suite 270 -- Boise, Id~o 83706 Phone: (208) 322-5858 ^-- Pax: (208) 322-5861 DATE: ~ 1` ~-' aU ~ pages, including cover sheet TIM~• j ~- ~ ~... ATTFNI'ION: ~'~-~ ('~ ~ ~ ~=~~T1l.~,S COMPANY: ~`;~~~ O I~ W~l~ f,21 IJ I b~- / V SU$J'~'.C'I': ~:.:.~~/1Xc~.~' ~'U Wl ~U~~~, ~-- vc3 (~g~~ ~ .._.._. COMMN N7'S: 'a~-~~r~~r~i ~~~'~M~~ ~~ ~ :+ -30-00 THU 08 17 PM D~SI REALTY CORPORATION .duality Invcstmants In Rcal Gstatc November 30, 2000 Ms. Shari L. Stiles F~lanning Director City of Meridian 200 E. Carlton, Suite 201 Meridian, ID 83642 VIA FAX: 888-6854 Dear Shari: As per our conversation this date, we respectfully request City Council approval on Tuesday, December 5~', of the private street, designated as S. Tech lane by the Ada County Street Name Committee. We have built this street according to Ada County specifications with inspections done by Strata Engineering. Please help us nave a street number assigned, as we will moving into the Facility before Christmas, and need to notify our customers and vendors as soon as possible. We also need to have our letterhead stationary and business cards, etc., printed at the earliest date passible. We are excited for our new manufacturing facility and hope to see you, the Mayor, and Council members for a tour in the next couple of weeks. This facility will be a world class employment center for the City of Meridian. We appreciate your help as always. t3est regards, D n Bradshaw Director of Construction D•BSI GROUP OF COMPANIES FAX N0. 3225861 P, 02 10/Q North Curtis 12oad, Suite 270 • 13c~i,e, Idaho 63706 • (208) 3?2-5fi58 t , -01-00 FRI 10:31 AM DBSI GROUP OF COMPANIES FAX N0,~83225861 09/19/2000 10:25 343-3124 COLLIERS -,. ~ ~ ~ ; ~{ ~ ~ , `. s 'n `I i ~ ;° d P, 02 PAGE 01/01 !C~ it g ~}}}}~} ~~ ' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ o Q ~~ ~~ i I ~, ~. ,~ ~ , ~, ~ '~ ~ 0 ~i ~~ ~oN C~'7'rU ~?-C... ~cl ~ c. p i,~16 ~G ~4-s(/ S oil/ .~~~7`2~~1V (C ~ ~~~jG C°pw~ P I'll •~MK~n~IM ~ . ~ ~~f V~~ ~N ~ ~ ~ ~ • a..,,, ~ w r NOV-30-00 THU OB ~ 17 Phl DBS I GROUP OF COMPANIES FAX N0. 3225861 P, 03 .•. ~~. SUBDIVISION EVALUATION SHEET Proposed Development Name Treasure Valley Technical Center File No. ~_,r Date Reviewed,~_,~~,.,,~„11/9100 Preliminary Stage Final X FngineerlDeveloper MarilXn Fuller, DBSI Group of Companies __ The Street name comments listed below are made by the members of the ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE (under direction of the Ada County Engineer) regarding this development in accordance with the Ada County Street Name Ordinance. The followingexisting street name shall appear on the plat: ~ ~ _ _ "W. OVERLAND ROAD" The following street name has been approved: _ "S. TECH LANE" The above street name comments have been read and approved by the following agency representatives of the ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE. ALL of the signatures must be secured by the representative or his designee in order for the street names to be officially approved. ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE, /~N,~Y RIP tESENTATIVES OR DESIGNEES Ada County Engineer John Priester ~~ Date ~~-9-84 Community Planning Assoc. Linda Ritte ~ Date ~~^ 9~d~ City of Meridian Cheryl Sable ~ Date ,,~/~dl~ ,_„ Meridian Fire Dept Representative _, C3j,~}~-~ Date ~ .3f ~ NOTE: A copy of this evaluation sheet must be presented to the Ada County Engineer at the time of signing the "final plat", otherwise the plat will not be signed 1111 Sub Index Street Index 3N 1 W 13 Section NUMBERING OF LOTS AND BLOCKS TRISU6S16moll Cltl"a.FRM ~r ~ CITY OF MERIDIAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: July 17,2000 TO: Craig Callaham Quadrant Consultants, Inc. FROM: Brad Watson, PE Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Western Electronics - DBSI, #2000-490 Enclosed aze the following: COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 2 7-12-00 Review Approval Plan Sets (civil) 1 7-17-00 DEQ Approval Letter 1 7-12-00 Redlines 1 7-17-00 Copy of email from Shazi Stiles to Brad W. & Rick C. These aze transmitted: ^ For Your Information ^ For Review and Comment ^ For Your Use ^ As Requested ®For Action Specified Below Remarks: The two review approval plan sets are based upon your original water line design. As Rick and I understand from our meeting 7/14/00 with you, you intend to modify the water line design to provide fora `loop' around the proposed building. The redlined plan set comments aze based upon that `loop' concept and we will need to review those modifications after they aze made and prior to its construction. This approval is being issued without a landscape plan stamped `review approval' by Meridian Planning & Zoning. Please see enclosed copy of email from Shazi Stiles. The drainage Swale and appurtenant landscaping along I-84 must meet the requirements of the Planning & Zoning Department. CC: Rick Clinton, File Signed: ~~~'~~ Daunt Whitman, Bruce Freckleton Shari Stiles 200 E. Carlton Street, Suite I00 Meridian, ID 83642-2600 Phone: (208) 887-2211 Fax: (208) 887-1297 • Brad W. From: Shari Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 10:26 AM To: Brad W.; Rick Subject: Western Electronics Drainage Swales along I-84 I met with Dan Bradshaw and Dave Koga regarding the drainage swales along I-84 for the above-referenced project. We are requiring a 50-foot landscape setback. I am confident that Dave will come back with a plan for approval that will be acceptable for this area. The swales will be planted with some type of vegetation, and trees will be provided on the southerly boundary of the 50-foot-wide setback. I have no objection to a building permit being issued on this project and will fonnrard any site plan changes to you when the revised landscape plan is submitted. ~-,-r~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 2000 ..,~- i,,~.~i1Lt~.~y Cl i.. • • August 10, 2000 Department Report MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 15, 2000 APPLICANT City Engineer -Gary Smith ITEM NO. 25-B-1 REQUEST Western EIP~trc~ni~c Cite - WrytPrlinP FrycPmr~nt AGENCY COMMENTS CITY CLERK: CITY ENGINEER: See attached CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: CITY ATTORNEY CITY POLICE DEPT: CITY FIRE DEPT: CITY BUILDING DEPT: CITY WATER DEPT: CITY SEWER DEPT: MERIDIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT: MERIDIAN POST OFFICE: ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT: CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH: NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION: SETTLERS IRRIGATION: IDAHO POWER: US WEST: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS: BUREAU OF RECLAMATION: OTHER: Contacted: Date: Phone: Materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. ~ . : City of Mer idi an Publ ic Wor ks De pt. Memo To: Mayor Corrie Firom:Gary D. Smith, PE CC: file Date: 08/04/00 Re: Western Electronics Site -Waterline Easement • ~~L -~1~~.~ '~'.i; ~~ Cr~ OAF ~ ~~~ ~® `~RIa ~v Mayor: I would appreciate it if you could place this waterline easement before the City Council, at their next. regularly scheduled meeting, for their review and approval. Following their approval, I will transmit the original document to you for you and our City Clerk to sign. Thank yo Gary Fns the desk of... Cary n. snriti,,1'E Meridian City F.n~neer Meridian Public Works Depattnierrt 200 E Carlton St, Suite 100 Meridian, Idaho 83642 2600 • Page 1 (208)887-7211 Fax ('208)887-1297 • • WATER MAIN EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this 25th day of July, 2000, between DBSI Industrial Limited Partnership, an Idaho limited partnership, and Meridian Freeway Associates, an Idaho limited partnership, both of which have an address of 1070 North Curtis, Suite 270, Boise, Idaho 83706, jointly and severally the parties of the first part, and hereinafter called the Grantor, and the City of Meridian, a body politic and corporate of Ada County, Idaho, which has an address of 33 East Idaho Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642, the party of the second part, and hereinafter called the Grantee; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, DBSI Industrial Limited Partnership owns the property described on the attached Exhibit "C", which by this reference becomes a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Meridian Freeway Associates owns the property described on the attached Exhibit "D", which by this reference becomes a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the said Grantors desire to provide a water main right-of--way across the premises and property hereinafter particularly bounded and described; and WHEREAS, the water main is to be provided for through an underground pipeline to be_ constructed by others; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to maintain and service said pipeline from time to time by the Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be received by the Grantors, and other good and valuable consideration, the Grantors do hereby give, grant and convey unto the Grantee the right-of--way for an easement for the operation and maintenance of a water main over and across the following described property: As set forth on the attached Exhibit "A" (legal description) and "B" (drawing), which by this reference become a part hereof. The easement hereby granted is for the purpose of construction and operation of a water line and their allied facilities, together with their maintenance, repair and replacement at the convenience Water Main Easement Page I • • of the Grantee, with the free right of access to such facilities at any and all times. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said easement and right-of--way unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that the Grantee, in making future repairs, will expediently replace and restore the premises to a condition compazable to that existent prior to undertaking such repairs and replacement. However, the Grantee will not be responsible for repairing, replacing or restoring any permanent structures, lazge trees or brush placed within the azea described in this easement. THE GRANTORS hereby covenant and agree that they will not place or allow to be placed any permanent structures, large trees or brush within the area described for this easement, which would interfere with the use of said easement, for the purposes stated herein. THE GRANTORS do hereby covenant with the Grantee that they aze lawfully seized and possessed of the aforementioned and described tract of land, and that they have a good and lawful right to convey said easement, and that they will warrant and forever defend the title and quiet possession thereof against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part has hereunto subscribed their signatures the day and yeaz first herein above written. GRANTORS: DBSI Industrial Limited Pa , an Idaho limited partnership By DBSI Prope ies imited Partnership, its General Partner By A Genera Partner Meridian Freeway Associa Idaho limited partnership By DBS c., its eral artner By Douglas L. wenson, President GRANTEE: City of Meridian By Robert D. Corrie, its Mayor Attest: William G. Berg, Jr., City Clerk Water Main Easement Page 2 • STATE OF IDAHO ) ss. COUNTY OF ADA ) On this 3'~ day of August, 2000, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said State, personally appeared Douglas L. Swenson, known to me to be a General Partner of DBSI Properties Company Limited Partnership, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general partner of DBSI Industrial Limited Partnership on behalf of said partnership, and acknowledged to me that said partnership executed the same. IN WITNESS ~IEREOF,,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and yeaz in this ~aeicif Cate first alioye written. w .... ,_ . a ~~ .. ~ ~•.~ t;r ~ ~i .~ ' w • ` ... v :" .: ° ~ ublic for Idaho '- t ~ ~' Residing at Boise, Idaho -,,, .~ ~``~; ,,;,., . Commission expires 1 ~ -~ ~ - ~-~ STATE OF IDAHO ) )ss. County of Ada ) On this 3'~ day of Asst, 2000, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Douglas L. Swenson, known or identified to me to be the President of DBSI Inc., which corporation is known or identified to me to be the general partner of and the partner which subscribed said partnership name to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same in said partnership name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above writte~~~ ~~ e v~s~a::a~.oesi ~ " 3 ~ ~/~ -m s Q .~~~ `~ ~ Cam. ~ , ~ ^ ~ ~, ".., r ._ ~btaryPublic for the State of Idilfio Residing at Boise, Idaho Commission expires b ~- ~ -~04 Water Main Easement Page 3 • • STATE OF IDAHO ) ss County of Ada ) On this day of August, 2000, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho, personally appeared Robert D. Corrie and William G. Berg Jr., known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively of the City of Meridian that executed the within instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation and acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at Comm. Expires: 08/03/002:23 M1l~DBS13~SYS\SYSTVOLIIWPFQdAMCL'1~ENp$ALEV~¢RlpprY~,+~$~,'~.~y7R,~ Water Main Easement Page 4 August 4, 2000 Page 1 of 2 ^`~ ~^ ~uadra~# Consulting, Inc. EXHIBIT A DBSI INDUSTRIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP WATER LINE EASEMENT A 20-foot wide water line easement located in the Southeast '/4 of the Southwest '/4 of Section 13, Township 3 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, .Ada County, Idaho, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8" pin marking the South Quarter Corner of said Section 13; thence North 00° 11'52" East 48.00 feet along the east line of said Southwest'/4 of Section 13 to a point on the north right-of--way line of West Overland Road; thence North 89°26'27" West 57.34 feet along said north right-of--way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said north right-of--way line Due North 144.38 feet; thence Due East 41.33 feet; thence Due North 20.00 feet; thence Due West 41.33 feet; thence Due North 201.84 feet; thence North 45°00'00''. West 150.67 feet; thence Due West 32.89 feet; thence Due North 13.34 feet; thence Due West 20.00 feet; thence Due South 13.34 feet; thence Due West 409.73 feet; thence Due South 467.26 feet; thence South 89°26'27" East 20.00 feet; thence Due North 57.51 feet; thence Due East 86.29 feet; thence Due North 20.00 feet; thence Due West 86.29 feet; thence Due North 262.17 feet; thence Due East 86.74 feet; thence Due North 20.00 feet; thence Due West 86.74 feet; thence Due North 87.77 feet; thence Due East 434.34 feet; thence South 45°00'00" East 134.10 feet; thence Due South 226.12 feet; thence Due West 59.90 feet; thence Due South 20.00 feet; thence Due East 59.90 feet; thence Due South 111.62 feet to said north right-of--way; thence South 89°26'27" East 20.00 feet along said north right-of-way ~Mp a 7~.Y '` 6 ~ t~, ~ ~ "F T~ ~F ~~A JQ A, H! LO'3Nc'~ to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 405 S. 8th Street, Ste. 295 • Boise, ID 83702 • Phone (208) 342-0091 • Fax (208) 342-0092 • Internet: quadrant®micron.net Civil Engineering • Surveying • Construction Management JULY 27, 2000 PAGE 2 OF 2 N90 00'00'W 578.50' ---------------------------- S 13.34'~~ EXHIBIT B CITY OF MERIDIAN WATERLINE EASEMENT ~~ Q ~ U ~ O~ ~~ Qp ~W Q ~ W ~ k¢ Z~ Q~ p W i~ z ~~ • ~ ^^ Quadrant Consulting, Inc. 20.00' E 434.34' N I N. T.S. ' W 20.00' ; I ~1 13,34'-----------~ W 32.89' ~ PROPERTY L/NE~; rs~ s ~ ~ sue. ,,.~ ,`~ ~ 'J: i~, , 20' WIDE WATERLINE (PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT II ~~ ~~ a .N ~ 3 I~ ARTNERSHIP ~~ N ' "" ~ ~Iti11TE0 P 34346 iv/ z I o ~;~ STRIA ~ p00 ~ o ~o p651 WARRANTY DEEO ~ ® I ~ z to 2 ' W 88f~6/2JJ9~' G%~~L,G'll//!~-N 20.00' ' E 86.29' -N 157.51' /W'41.33'~ ' N 20.00' W~5~9.90' E 41.33' 5 20.00' -~i11/ E 59.90 m .y/~n ^U ~ , ~z E 20.00' 57.34' ; E 20.00' o N8976"27'"W 577.79 0 POINT OF BEGINNING _-_- a -_-_ ------- WATERLINE EASEMENT --- ~ N8976'27"W 577.72 - fL OVERLAND ROAD (SECTION LINE) S i/4 SECTION 13 T.3N.,R,iW., B.M. • EXHIBIT C Property owned by DBSI Industrial Limited Partnership A pazcel of land situated in the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 3 N., Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8 pin marking the South quarter comer of said Section 13 and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 00°11'52" East 547.89 feet along the East line of said Southwest quarter of Section 13; thence leaving said East line North 90°00'00' West 578.50 feet; thence South 00°06'51" West 542.31 feet to the South line of said Southwest quarter of Section 13, said line also being the centerline of Overland Road; thence South 89°26'27" East 577.68 feet along said South line to the POINT OF BEGINNING; - ' EXCEPT that portion situated in the Overland Road right-of--way. maerooi isos,u.~c:~wntn+,wce~eermsu.~wrwiwesi tmmiw ~r nosey ~.aoe • EXHIBIT D Property owned by Meridian Freeway Associates A tract of land situated in the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, Section 13, Township 3 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8" iron pin marking the South quarter corner of said Section 13; thence North 89°26'27" West 577.68 feet along the Southerly boundary of said Section 13, which is also the centerline of Overland Road, to a %2" iron pin which is the real point of beginning; thence continuing North 89°26'27" West 248.39 feet along the said Southerly boundary of Section 13 and the said centerline of Overland Road to a %Z" iron pin; thence North 31°06'24" West 421.43 feet along the approximate centerline of a canal to a point; thence North 81°09'35" West 286.31 feet along the approximate centerline of said canal to a point; thence North 0°06'51" East 718.08 feet to a 5/8" iron pin on the Southerly right-of--way boundary of Interstate Highway 80; thence South 89°53'39" East 1,325.21 feet along the said Southerly right-of--way boundary of Interstate Highway 80, to a 5/8" iron pin on the North-South quarter section line of said Section 13; thence South 0°00'00" East 694.94 feet along the said North-South quarter section line to a 5/8" iron pin, which is located 433.94 feet North from the South quarter corner of said Section 13; thence North 87°10'49" West 577.46 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence South 0°06'51" West 456.23 feet to the real point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: A parcel of land situated in the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 3 North, Range 1 West, B.M., Ada County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a 5/8 inch iron pin marking the South quarter corner of said Section 13; thence along the East line of said Southwest quarter of Section 13 North 00°11'52" (formerly shown as North 00° 00'00") East 433.49 feet to a point being the Northeast corner of a tract of land described in Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No. 95085854, records of Ada County, Idaho, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said East line • • North 00°11'52" East 114.40 feet; thence leaving said East line North 90°00'00" West 578.50 feet; thence South 00°06'51" West 86.08 feet to the Northwest corner of said tract described in Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No. 95085854, records of Ada County, Idaho; thence South 87°10'49" East 578.96 feet along the North line of said tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING. r SUBDIVISION EVALUATION SHEET U(,~~ i~12t~1 Cc.~Gf2ovi~h Proposed Development Name Technical Center File No. Date Reviewed 9/28/00 Preliminary Stage X Final Engineer/Developer Marilyn Fuller DBSI Group of Comoanies The Street name comments listed below are made by the members of the ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE (under direction of the Ada County Engineer) regarding this development in accordance with the Ada County Street Name Ordinance. The following street name has been approved °TECH PLACE" The following streets names are not approved because they are dualicates: "COMMERCE COURT" "PROGRESS PLACE" The above street name comments have been read and approved by the touowing agency representatives of the ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE. ALL of the signatures must be secured by the representative or his designee in order for the street names to be officially approved. ADA COUNTY STREET NAME COMMITTEE, AGE Y REPRESENTATNES OR DESIGNEES n ~ ~~ Ada County Engineer John Priester Community Planning Assoc. Linda City of Fire Dept. Cheryl Date ! ~ ~~ Date l ~~~ 4~?~ ,/.~, Date ~ - Z~-~ Representative ''~~ (` Date C~ -' 2 ~- C~ ~ NOTE: A copy of this evaluation sheet must be presented to the Ada County Engineer at the time of signing the "final plat", otherwise the plat will not be signed llll Sub Index Street Index Section NUMBERING OF LOTS AND BLOCKS TRtiSUBSISmeN Cities.FRM J,~,s~, °~.~~ ,~, . ~; ~LLGG ~OGCl2~G ~CG/2L000 ~L~~/^CC~ Judy Peavey-Derr, President 3173 tast :iitn Street Dave Givens, Vice President Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-6391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner E-mail: tellus@achd.ada.id.us June 28, 2000 TO: Craig Callaham Quadrant Consulting 405 S. 8th Street, Suite 295 Boise, ID 83702 FROM: Penelope Constantikes, Development Analyst Planning & Development SUBJECT: MSPR 15-00 (Revised) Overland Road w/o Stoddard Road ~. I~"'" R~ ~~~ J U L - 7 2000 crrY o~ ~R~~~v The Commissioners of the Ada County Highway District on June 21, 2000 acted on your application for the above referenced project. The attached staff report lists conditions of approval and street improvements, which are required. If you have and questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6170. Cc: Planning & Development/chron/project file City of Meridian Construction Services -John Edney Drainage -Chuck Rinaldi ~T • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Planning and Development Division Development Application Report MSPR-15-00 (Revised) Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant An application has been submitted to Ada County for approval of an 80,000-square foot manufacturing plant. The application has been referred to ACHD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. The 6-acre site is located on the north side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estimated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. The Commission previously approved this project on June 7, 2000. The modified application reflects a change in the Site Specific Requirements to include moving the Kennedy Lateral to outside the right- of-way. Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ACRD Commission Date -June 21, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 1 ~ ~3~" iv a ~ a ~ ~.~,~/ ,r 9 i ~ ~ f y'i ~ c ~< E E l i r= ~~'~,, 4 _~L ' I 1^ I• ZI• ~ 1. • I~ ~. F y 1. '! _ 1 s ,- s - -~ , .-;~ ~~ s i '~ i o E I ~ ~ ~: - ~ t i _. ~ - ~ •- 'lid ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~. / _ 1 ~ ~. ~_ ~ ... ~~ ~~- ~ ~ o ,. .. ! iy ..... - ~ I .. `~ ....w ' t ~ ~ I `~ ,.• .-._~~ 9a : •'. ~ y{~ ,- w ~ -- .. . - - •---- i~ - -- I lk _ I j ~` , L s/ ~ _ I v ~~ i ~q w~ 1~7 '~ k~ ' '~ . ~.~ ' I ~ i ~~,.~ ~ x i ~, ..•~~ , ,,;,. I - ,, ; ~ i 1` P ,may ~ ti J / _ ~. ~ _ .: ~.. z0'd 2600 zb~ 80Z '9NI `JNI11f1SN09 1Nt+~IQdf10 90:zti 0002-OZ=J.dW ^ .. ~0'd ~d101 «~.. ~ ,oKC, - a, ~.sc a.o ~ .•b a.. av aw.~o vN 'J U 'd Y ~ i ~ ~~ 1d3aN0~ QMO~ GN-'7M3A0 4 _ ~u Q~ p ona ~^ n+r'w ~rYo~ 3.us O ^^ S~I-~1~373 N~I31S3M „~ z~-a-~.~ ~.~. ~: r ~ ~ 1 S 1 ~ . I 2 ~~~ ~'. /~ £0'd z600 Zb£ 80Z 'ONI `JNIl~f1SN00 1NdbQFif10 LO:zS 0002-0T-J.tiW • Facts and Findings: A. GeneralInfornlation Owner - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callaham, Quadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 576 -feet of frontage(approximate) 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet from centerline) Overland Road is improved with 22-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Stoddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. B. On May 17, 2000, the District Planning and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On May 19, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. G The Kennedy Lateral nuns through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to Overland Road. The applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the new right-of--way of Overland Road. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Paee 2 D. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. The sidewalk should be located two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. E. In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACRD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more infon~nation contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. F. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enhancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation programs and forwarded to the ACHD Commuteride Office. G. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private road meets the required 440-foot offset requirement from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing an island separating the lanes of the private road. The applicant should locate the island on a separate lot and not in the public right-of--way. Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilize the private road, the applicant should be required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the building. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. H. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located 10-feet west of Stoddard Road. District policy requires the driveway to align or offset 220-feet from Stoddard Road to the south. As a condition of approval, the applicant to the east of the site, MA- 7-98, was required that upon redevelopment of their parcel, they would be required to align a driveway with Stoddard Road. The subject applicant should either eliminate the proposed driveway or work with the property owner to the east to construct a shared driveway in alignment with Stoddard Road. The shared driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that the developer shall by to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 3 • (or other required permits). The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east and west if they are the subject of a future development application. Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct. approved name of the road is required. K. ACRD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. L. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACRD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. M. As required by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road may be placed on future development of this parcel. N. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. O. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this report. The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval: MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 4 • • Site Specific Requirements: Dedicate 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with Section 15 of ACHD Ordinance #193. 2. Construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. Locate the sidewalk two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. Locate a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. 4. Construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection prior to occupancy of the building. The turn lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. Pave the private road its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs inay be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct. approved name of the road is required. 6. ACRD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstn~ction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 5 8. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 1 ~-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). District intends to obtain a similar reciprocal agreement from those parcels. 10. Relocate the Kennedy Lateral to outside the new right-of--way. 11. Comply with requirements of ITD for State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Contact District III Traffic Engineer Michael Garz at 334-8340. 12. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road is prohibited. Standard Requirements: A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACHD Planning and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identifv each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. The written .request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for ACHD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACHD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its original decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. MSPR- l 5-00(Revised).cntin Paee 6 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Ser-~~ices procedures and all applicable ACRD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585} at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of--way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACRD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 8. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusion of Law: ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted bv: Planning and Development Staff Commission Action: Tttne 21 2000 MSPR-15-00(Re~~ised j.cmm Page 7 HP LaserJet 3100 SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner City of Meridian 2088886854 Jul-5-00 9:26AM Job Start Time Usage Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode Status 146 7/ 5 9:25AM 0'36" 2083225861 Send .............. 1 / 1 EC144 Completed........................................ Total 0'36" Pages Sent: 1 Pages Printed: 0 Meritllan Clty-Rural Flre Department 540 E. Frenklin Road, Meridian, ID 83842 Phone 208-888-1234 or Fex 208-895-0390 May 25, 2000 Meddian Planning And Zoning 200 E. Cadton, Suite 201 Meridian, ID 83842 Re: Weatem Electronics To Whom It Mey Concern:. ~~YvED MIAr Z.6 ~ ~~~otiun+ At this time, the Meridian Flre Departrnent wW accept the fire Bow et the new building elte, as bng as all buildinge are fire apdnklered and meet all Codes. If we can be of any furtheresaVetarae feel free to call. ~Y~~~C/,`J-O Re nd L. Voss, Fire Marehel Meddlan Fire Department '. -- ~-. <. 3 ~-: ~- • • ~~~s~)i. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT ~ ~ N 1 ~ 2000 Planning and Development Division CjTy OF ~a,~;~jj~j~~ Development Application Report MSPR-15-00 (Revised) Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant An application has been submitted to Ada County for approval of an 80,000-square foot manufacturing plant. The application has been referred to ACHD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. The 6-acre site is located on the north side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estimated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. The commission previously approved this project on June 7, 2000. The modified application reflects a change in the Site Specific Requirements to include moving the Kennedy Lateral to outside the right- of-way. Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ACHD Commission Date -June 7, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 1 ~! 184 w 0 z_ J SITE N W~E S WALTMAN IN OVERLAND z Q 0 W DERWOOD Facts and Findings: A. General Information • Owner - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callaham, Quadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 576 -feet of frontage(approximate) 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet from centerline) Overland Road is improved with 22-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Stoddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. B. On May 17, 2000, the District Planning and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On May 19, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. C. The Kennedy Lateral runs through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to Overland Road. The applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the new right-of--way of Overland Road. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cnun Page 2 • D. The applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. The sidewalk should be located two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. E. In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alternative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACRD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. }~ F. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organization (TMO) is formed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip f reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking - enhancements). An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative transportation programs and forwarded to the ACHD Commuteride Office. G. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private ~ road meets the required 440-foot offset requirement from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing an island separating the lanes of the private road. The applicant should locate the island on a separate lot and not in the public right-of--way. Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilize the private road, the applicant should be required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the building. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. H. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located 10-feet west of Stoddard Road. District policy requires the driveway to align or offset 220-feet from Stoddard Road to the south. As a condition of approval, the applicant to the east of the site, MA- 7-98, was required that upon redevelopment of their parcel, they would be required to align a driveway with Stoddard Road. The subject applicant should either eliminate the proposed driveway or work with the property owner to the east to construct a shared driveway in alignment with Stoddard Road. The shared driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that the developer shall try to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east and west if they are the subject of a future development application. MSPR-15-00(Revised).c~nrn Page 3 Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct approved name of the road is required. ~ ~--~ J`~ K. ACHD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. L. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACRD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. M. As required by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road maybe placed on future development of this parcel. N. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. O. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this report. The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval: Site Specific Requirements: Dedicate 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be compensated for all right-of--way dedicated as an addition to existing right- of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone, if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with Section 15 of ACHD Ordinance #193. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 4 2. Construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road. Locate the sidewalk two feet within the new right-of--way of Overland Road. Coordinate the location and elevation of the sidewalk with District staff. Locate a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. 4. Construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection prior to occupancy of the building. The turn lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. Pave the private road its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct a~vroved name of the road is required. 6. ACHD does not make any assurances that the private road which is a part of this application will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign ¢ ~ and reconstruction costs maybe necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. 7. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACRD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACHD requirements. 8. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). District intends to obtain a similar reciprocal agreement from those parcels. 10. Relocate the Kennedy Lateral to outside the new right-of--way. 11. Comply with requirements of ITD for State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Contact District III Traffic Engineer. Michael Garz at 334-8340. MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 5 12. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road is prohibited. Standard Requirements: A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACHD Planning and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. The written request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9.00 a m on the day scheduled for ACRD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACRD Commission action, any request for reconsideration ofthe Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its orieinal decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of--way. The applicant shall contact MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 6 ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 8. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. ~ Conclusion of Law: ACRD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted bv: Planning and Development Staff Commission Action: MSPR-15-00(Revised).cmm Page 7 ADA~OUNTY HIGHWAY D STRICT Development Applications Commission level approvals Tech Review -June 9, 2000 Commission Meeting -June 21, 2000 12:00 p.m. A -AGENDA Ada County: Preliminary Plat: Al. Israelle Heights 00-19-PDR-NF/00-11-PR A2. Southfork Estates 00-18-PDR/00-10-ZC Boise City: Preliminary Plat: A3. Harris Ranch -Modified A4. CUP00-00063 A5. CUP00-00065 A6. DRH00-00103 5854 W. Victory Rd. 5800 S. Cole Rd. Warm Springs Ave/Eckert Rd 209 Latah St. 1787 N. Cloverdale Rd. 1000 E. Park Boulevard TAZ: 290 TAZ: 89 gECENED JUN 1 5 2000 CITY OF MERIDL4Di Lots: 2 Lots: 34 TAZ:50/51/218 Lots: 419 17 Unit Apartments Conceptual Commercial Development Plan Retail Building Garden City: A7. 00-OS-08/CUP & DR City of Eagle: Preliminary Plat: A8. Country Estates City of Meridian: A9. MSPR-15-00(revised) B -AGENDA Final Plats: B 1. Acadia Acres 9601 W. State St. Condominium Office Complex State Street/ Ballantyne Road TAZ: 235 Lots: 96 Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant nw/c Overland Rd/Cloverdale Rd TAZ: 284 Lots:6 1 Page of 2 1liNE' IOO.DOC s ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Development Applications Staff level approvals Ada County: 1. 00-39-CU 2. 00-04-SP/00-02-V Boise City: 3. CAA00-00097 4. CAR00-00024 5. CUP00-00059 Tech Review -June 9, 2000 Diamond St./Banner St. 8303 Vincent Street 1917 Madison Ave. 1501 Euclid Ave. 1111-1115 Grant Ave. 6. CUP00-00062 923 W. Idaho St. 7. CUP00-00066 5200 E. Grand Forest Dr 8. DRH00-00103 1000 E. Park Blvd. 9. DRH00-00116 8897 W. Barnes St. Meridian City: 10. MCUP-00-032 nw/c Meridian Rd/Overland Rd Boarding Kennel Storage Facility/Setback Variance Modificaiton Rezone Telephone & Data Service Building Parking Lot Storage Facility Two Retail Buildings Dental Lab Park-n-Ride 2 Page of 2 JUNE'_IOO.DOC ** TX CONTION REPORT ** DATE TIME TO/FROM 15 06/15 18 05 PUBLIC WORKS 16 06/15 18 08 2088886854 AS OF JUN 15 '00 18=11 PAGE.01 CITY OF MERIDIAN MODE MIN/SEC PGS CMDtt STATUS OF--S 02'43" 010 134 OK EC--S 03'04" 010 134 OK ADA CUUNTY HIGY3WAY DISTRICT Development Applications Commission level approvals "Tech Review -June 9, 2000 Commission Meeting - Jtme 21, 2000 12:00 p.m. A-AGENDA Ada County: Preliminary Plat: A1. lsraeJle Heights 00-19-PDR-NF/00-11-PR A2. Southfork Estates 00-18-PDR/00-10-ZC Boise City: Preliminlry Plat: A3. Harris Ranch -Modified A4. CUP00-00063 A5. CUP00-00065 A6. DRH00-00103 Garden City: A7. 00-OS-08/CUP & DR City of Tsgle: Preliminary Plat: A8. Country Estates City of Meridian: A9. MSPR-] 5-00(revised) B -AGENDA Final Plats: B 1. Acadia Acres 5854 W. victory Rd. 5800 S. Cole Rd. Warne Springs Ave/Eckert Rd 209 latah St. 1787 N. Cloverdale Rd. 1000 E. Park Boulevard 9601 W. State St. State Street/ Ballantyne Road TAZ: 290 TAZ: 89 REC~~~ ~ u ~ ~ 5 zQOo CPl'Y OF N1ER,IDlAN Lots: 2 Lots: 34 TAZ:50/51/218 Lots: 419 17 Unit Apartments Conceptual Commercial Development Plan Retail Building Condominium Office Complex TAZ: 235 lots: 96 Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant nw/c Overland Rd/Cloverdale Rd TAZ: 284 Lots:6 P~~•~ or z n~nF~~~ ~>nr ~d~ ~o~,2t~J~~~l~wu~ ~~~t~~~t Judy Peavey-Derr, President 318 East 37th Street Dave Bivens, Vice President Garden City, Idaho 83714-6499 Marlyss Meyer, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Fax (208) 387-6391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner E-mail: tellus@achd.ada.id.us WPS~I/1 ~~'~(,-/' ~~~~ October 6, 2000 TO: Quadrant Consulting Attn: Chuck Christensen 405 South 8th, Suite 295 Boise, ID 83702 FROM: Christy Richardson, Principal Development Analyst Planning & Development C ~ t/ SUBJECT: MSPR-15-00 Manufacturing Plant Overland Road west of Stoddard The Commissioners of the Ada County Highway District on October 4, 2000 acted on your application for the above referenced project. The attached staff report lists conditions of approval and street improvements, which are required. If you have and questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6170. Cc: Planning & Development/chron/project file City of Meridian Construction Services -John Edney Drainage -Chuck Rinaldi <- • • ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT Planning anal Development Division Development Application Report MSPR-15-00 (Revised) Overland Road west of Stoddard Manufacturing Plant An application has been submitted to Ada County for approval of an 80,000-square foot manufacturing plant. The application has been referred to ACHD by the City of Meridian for review and comment. The 6-acre site is located on the north side of Overland Road across from Stoddard Road. This development is estimated to generate 420 additional vehicle trips per day based on the h~stitute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. The Commission previously approved this project on June 21, 2000. The modified application reflects a change in the Facts and Findings and Site Specific Requirements in regards to right-of--way dedication and the construction of sidewalk. Roads impacted by this development: Overland Road Stoddard Road ACHD Commission Date -October 4, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 1~9SPR-1 ~-00(Re~-ised2).cnun 1'aae 1 MAY``-10-2000 12 06 QUADRANT CONSULTINGI INC. 208 342 0092 P.02 .~ i , :f • ~: ,. ,, . ~, f. .,. E ~ ~ ~ -s~rov~Ri _._ - a _ .~-: ~' 1 /. _ y •. ~ ~ i~ fir. ~ >~``.. ~,~`~'.~'~.~ ~'+i-- k~ 1 ~~. .. f rte. ` ~ ~' `"'~e . ` ~~ ~ _ 1. .rt.1817. {. ~t ~ .~ R STpppAR 1 i ~ ~ i _ I 'c ~ :' ,. ~ r '+rulow+.~.,• R ._ 1 0 ~ '~- t t. ~....~ ~ ~. .._._. t e _....__._.._._. ... ... z ~ ~- ...~. •' ' • ~ ~~, ' t t ~ ..: M.•..... ~ . Iri9Ylli wn^-n ~ ....... ~1 ~ ~ :` II 3 E 55 1 N' - ...._,... ,, i - ~ i I :.~[,~. ....r. ~ ...... ~.~. _._ I`1 - _. , - -~ _w= _ ITT' + ~ , I' ~--,..... i • ~ ~. __.•.. ~ i ///~~~/// n"M ~ fi . ,i .. j R ~., / ... ~ 1 s ~, ~ ~~ ~; ;~ ~ - _ . 1F ~; ~~ F- tl,,, , ... ;. ~ , ~ ; e r I a 2 1 3 7 5 ~_ ~ !. y ` I ,^' 1 ~---f- -. _ ............ ,. .. _ 4 1 MAY-10-2000 120? QUADRANT CONSULTING, INC. ~ /~ ~•;~',a ~ 2 I' ~ I ~ ~ s 1 € I ~ 208 342 0092 P.03 ~~ ~ ~- - _= _ ~~ °m R WESTERN ELECTRONICS SITE CO>~ItEPT PLAM OVEIPLwMO ROND CONCEPT ^^ ^^ Quadrant ConsulYin¢!nc ~~ W Irk VIII! ]~•t I,Ot W J9~ IY ~~ TfiTAI P A~ CJ Facts and Findings: A. General Information Owner - DBSI, Western Electric Applicant -Craig Callahan, Quadrant Consulting, Inc. IL -Existing zoning 6 -Acres 80,000 -Square feet of proposed building 0 -Square feet of existing building 288 -Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) West Ada -Impact Fee Service Area Meridian -Impact Fee Assessment District Overland Road Minor arterial with bike lane designation. Traffic count of 5,963 on 6-9-99 A -Existing Level of Service A -Existing plus project build-out Level of Service 576 -feet of frontage (approximate) 50-feet existing right-of--way (25-feet from centerline) 96-feet required right-of--way (48-feet from centerline) Overland Road is improved with 22-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. The Kennedy Lateral abuts the site. Stoddard Road Collector road with bike lane designation No traffic count is available 0-feet of frontage Stoddard Road is improved with 24-feet of pavement with no curb, gutter or sidewalk. B. On May ] 7, 2000, the District Planning and Development staff inspected this site and evaluated the transportation system in the vicinity. On May ] 9, 2000, the staff met as the District's Technical Review Committee and reviewed the impacts of this proposed development on the District's transportation system. The results of that analysis constitute the following Facts and Findings and recommended Site Specific Requirements. C. With the original approval of this application, ACRD required the applicant to dedicate 48-feet ofright-of--way from the centerline of Overland Road for future widening. The applicant and District staff have not been able to come to an agreement on the purchase price of the right-of- MSPR-1 ~-00(Revised2).cnun Pa~~e 2 • way and therefore, staff is recommending defen•al of the right-of--way acquisition at this time. The original offer made to the developer by way of an Impact Fee Offset Agreement was for a value of $1.00 per square foot of new right-of-way, which was the cost the developer paid for the property and which is in accordance with other comparable industrial developing property. The developer responded by providing an appraisal of the property indicating the market value of the property was $3.40 per square foot. After Right-of--Way Division staff reviewed the appraisal, District staff concurred in this valuation and sent a new Impact Fee Offset Agreement reflecting the new value of $3.40 per square foot indicated by the appraisal. Upon examination of the proposed Impact Fee Agreement, the developer telephoned staff that another appraisal had been performed on the property, indicating the value was $4.10 per square foot. Staff believes that a cost of $4.10 per square foot defeats the purpose of the Corridor Preservation program and there is no benefit to the District and the public derived by purchasing the right-of--way at this time. Further, staff recommends that the District wait to acquire the right-of--way along this property until an improvement project is in the design and right-of--way acquisition process. This segment of Overland Road west of Stoddard Road abutting the site is not funded in the Five Year Work Program. The segment of Overland Road from Locust Grove to Stoddard Road is in the Five Year Work Program for widening in 2004. D. The Kennedy Lateral runs through this site adjacent to the south property line and parallel to Overland Road. District policy requires that the lateral be relocated out of the new right-of--way. However, since the District is not going to purchase the right-of--way at this time, the applicant should be required to relocate the irrigation ditch out of the future right-of--way of Overland Road, a minimum of 48-feet north of centerline. E. In accordance with District policy, the applicant should be required to construct a 5-foot wide detached sidewalk on Overland Road abutting the site, approximately 576-feet. If the Commission agrees with staff's recommendation to defer the acquisition of new right-of--way, there will be no place to construct a sidewalk that can be salvaged when Overland Road is widened. Therefore, staff recommends that the applicant be required to provide an $11,520 deposit to thePublic Rights-of--Way Trust Fund in lieu of constructing the 5-foot wide sidewalk, or, construct the sidewalk on the developer's property and provide a suitable easement to allow the public to use the sidewalk. If the Commission and the developer concur in the latter alternative, the developer should be required to coordinate the location and grade of the sidewalk with. District staff. F. In order to reduce trips to and from this development it is recommended that Tenants occupying the proposed building be required to provide an Alterative Transportation Program for employees and provide an annual report to ACHD on employee participation. Commuteride staff will coordinate the Alternative Transportation Program with the applicant. For more information contact Pat Nelson at 387-6160. G. A Transportation Management Association (TMA) or Transportation Management Organizatirn~ (TMO) is foamed with a coordinator that works as a liaison between businesses and private and public transportation providers to increase the use of alternative transportation and other trip reduction measures (shuttle buses, bus pass programs, vanpools, carpools, bicycle and walking enhancements). MSPR-] 5-00(Kevised2).cron~ Pa~~e An annual survey will be required of the TMA/TMO to monitor participation in alternative tra~lsportation programs and forwarded to the ACRD Commuteride Office. H. The applicant is proposing a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. The private road meets the required 440-foot offset requirement from Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing an island separating the lanes of the private road. The applicant should locate the island on a separate lot and not in the public right-of--way. Based on the anticipated volume of traffic to utilize the private road, the applicant should be required to construct a center turn lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection. The turn lane should be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. These turn lanes shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the building. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. I. The applicant is proposing to construct a second driveway on Overland Road located 10-feet west of Stoddard Road. District policy requires the driveway to align or offset 220-feet from Stoddard Road to the south. As a condition of approval, the applicant to the east of the site, MA- 7-98, was required that upon redevelopment of their parcel, they would be required to align a driveway with Stoddard Road. The subject applicant should either eliminate the proposed driveway or work with the property owner to the east to construct a shared driveway in alignment with Stoddard Road. The shared driveway should be constructed as a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers. District policy states that direct access to arterials and collectors is normally restricted and that the developer shall try to use combined access points. In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east and west if they are the subject of a firture development application. K. Graveled private roads abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. The applicant should be required to pave the roadway as proposed and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant should provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40- feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The suns may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the con-ect, approved name of the road is required. 1~9SPR-I ti-00(Re~•ised2).cnun )'a~~e 4 L. ACHD does not make any assurances that the private road, which is a part of this application, will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the future. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. M. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the mininnun ACHD requirements. N. As required by District policy, restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways on Overland Road may be placed on future development of this parcel. O. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file numbers) for details. P. The existing transportation system will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated by this proposed development with the requirements outlined within this report. The following requirements are provided as conditions for approval: Site Specific Requirements: Dedication ofright-of--way on Overland Road is not required with this application. Provide an $11,520 deposit to the Public Rights-of--Way Trust Fund for the cost of constructing a 5-foot wide sidewalk on Overland Road abutting the parcel, or, construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the developer's property at a location that will be no more than two-feet inside the new right-of--way and provide a proper easement to allow the public to use the sidewalk. Coordinate the location and grade of the sidewalk with District staff. Locate a private road adjacent to the site's western property line, approximately 480-feet west of Stoddard Road on the south side of Overland Road. Locate the island within the private road outside the public right-of--way. 4. Construct a center tu~7~ lane on Overland Road for the Overland Road/private road intersection prior to occupancy of the building. The tui-~~ lane shall be constructed to provide a minimum of 100-feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. N1SPR- I ~-00(Re~ ised2).cnun Pa~~e • 5. Pave the private road its frill width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of Overland Road a,nd install pavement tapers with l 5-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. The applicant shall provide a plan showing how the private road grade meets the public road. District Policy requires a design approach speed of 20 MPH. and a maximum intersection approach grade of 2% for at least 40-feet. Street name and stop signs are required for the private road. The signs may be ordered through the District at the cost of $240. Verification of the correct, approved name of the road is re uired. 6. ACRD does not make any assurances that the private road, which is a part of this application, will be accepted as a public road if such a request is made in the firture. Substantial redesign and reconstruction costs may be necessary in order to qualify this road for public ownership and maintenance. 7. The following requirements must be met if the applicant wishes to dedicate the roadway to ACHD: • Dedicate a minimum of 50-feet ofright-of--way for the road. • Construct the roadway to the minimum ACRD requirements. 8. Construct a 30 to 35-foot wide driveway with 15-foot radii pavement tapers on Overland Road located to align with Stoddard Road to the south. 9. Provide a recorded cross access agreement for the parcels to the east and west to use this parcel for access the public street prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). District intends to obtain a similar reciprocal agreement from those parcels. 10. Relocate the Kemiedy Lateral outside of the future right-of--way, a minimum of 48-feet north of the centerline of Overland Road. l 1. Comply with requirements of ITD for State Highway I-84 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building pe~7nit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Contact District III Traffic Engineer Michael Garz at 334-8340. 12. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Overland Road is prohibited. li\9SPR-1 ~-00(Revised2 ).cnun P•i~~e 6 . ~ ~ Standard Requirements: A request for modification, variance or waiver of any requirement or policy outlined herein shall be made in writing to the ACHD Planning and Development Supervisor. The request shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include a written explanation of why such a requirement would result in a substantial hardship or inequity. The written request shall be submitted to the District no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for ACHD Commission action. Those items shall be rescheduled for discussion with the Commission on the next available meeting agenda. Requests submitted to the District after 9:00 a.m. on the day scheduled for Commission action do not provide sufficient time for District staff to remove the item from the consent agenda and report to the Commission regarding the requested modification, variance or waiver. Those items will be acted on by the Commission unless removed from the agenda by the Commission. 2. After ACRD Commission action, any request for reconsideration of the Commission's action shall be made in writing to the Planning and Development Supervisor within six days of the action and shall include a minimum fee of $110.00. The request for reconsideration shall specifically identify each requirement to be reconsidered and include written documentation of data that was not available to the Commission at the time of its original decision. The request for reconsideration will be heard by the District Commission at the next regular meeting of the Commission. If the Commission agrees to reconsider the action, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the Commission meeting at which the reconsideration will be heard. 3. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #193, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 4. All design and constriction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all. improvement plans. 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Conshlictio~n, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant.to verify all existing utilities within the right-of--way. Existing atilities dammed by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 3S7-0190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. MSPR-1 ~-00(Re~~is~d2).cmm Pa~~e 7 f1 ,, No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confii7nation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 9. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property tulles awaiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. Conclusion of Law: ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Planning and Development Division at 387-6170. Submitted by: Commission Action: Planning and Development Staff October 4, 2000 I~~1SPR-1 ~-00(Re~~ised2).cmm Pa~~e