2008 CDBG Amendment ChecklistSTAFF REPORT Hearing Date: February 22, 2011 TO: Mayor and City Council E IDIAN~-- FROM: Lori Den Hartog, CDBG Administrator 1 D A H C} (208)884-5533 SUBJECT: 2008 Community Development Block Grant Amendment Public Hearing 1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, CDBG entitlement communities received additional funding for the 2008 Program Year. The City of Meridian received $64,584.00. In June 2009, Council approved one project for use of these funds, the 8~' Street Bridge and Pedestrian Pathway Connection Project. This project was completed in August 2010. The final project cost was $24,565, leaving $40,019 remaining in eligible CDBG-R funding for the City of Meridian. Staff is now proposing an amendment to the 2008 Action Plan Substantial Amendment for use of the remaining CDBG-R funds. The proposed project is to design and install energy-efficient pedestrian lighting on W. 8`h Street between Pine Avenue and Cherry Lane. The project will install new lighting fixtures where none exist and upgrade existing deficient fixtures, for a total of eight (8) fixtures along the approximate 'h mile roadway segment. This roadway segment is a Safe Route to School corridor for the Meridian Middle School. Currently this roadway segment has non-continuous sidewalk, and the Ada County Highway District has a project scheduled in 2013 to fill-in the sidewalk gap from Carlton Avenue to Pine Avenue. Staff solicited project ideas from internal City Departments and staff. The proposed project most closely fit the goals of the Recovery Act guidelines, as well as the budget and timing constraints of this funding source. Project ideas that are not being presented for consideration for this amendment maybe presented as part of a future action plan or action plan amendment. 2. SUMMARY OF BUDGET Staff is proposing utilizing the entire remaining amount of the CDBG-R funding which is $40,019 and approximately $4,457.00 of City funding to complete the project. The City funding is proposed to be paid for with funds already allocated for street light maintenance and electrical costs. The use of energy efficient lighting is consistent with the direction the City is going in terms of environmental and cost sustainability. The City funding is proposed to cover the higher initial cost of the energy-efficient LED lighting. Standard lighting for this project would cost approximately $16,800, and the energy-efficient lighting is estimated to cost approximately $21,200. The energy and maintenance savings from use of the energy-efficient lighting will pay for the difference in the higher initial cost in approximately seven years. 3. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends conducting the public hearing on February 22, 2011. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidelines for the Recovery Act funding allow for a reduced public comment period of a minimum of seven (7) days. Staff opened the public comment period on February 11, 2011, and staff proposes to have the Council close the public comment period on February 22, 2011. 4. AMENDMENT A. Staff proposes amending the 2008 Action Plan Substantial Amendment to add the following project: 1. Design and install pedestrian lighting on W. 8`" Street between Pine Avenue and Cherry Lane to provide awell-lit Safe-Route to School to the Meridian Middle School. City staff proposes designing the project in-house and using energy efficient lighting as part of the project. A copy of the full report can be found online at http://www.meridiancity.org/planningmzoning/community development/index.asp 5. PROCESS FACTS A. Published public notice February 7 & 14, 2011 in the Palley Times and in the Idaho Statesman on February 8 & 15, 2011. 6. EXHIBITS A. Project Vicinity Map B. Newspaper Notice C. Table 3C of New Project EXHIBIT A -Project Map 1~U. 8th Street Pedestrian Lighting V1(. 8th Street Pedestrian Lighting EXHIBIT B-Published Notice Pa 16 Valley Tiaras February 7, 2011 Nonce fN' P[sBLIC MEerD/c t@ g a l Notice s FOR rn~xo ^ M PD Supervisor's Media Log Frfiay, Jnaeary 28184 2N t • CaCbmtce CTatery. 21, was ar- rmaed fa D WP. • Harnarnmt, 30 bbdt of E. Bmadwry Avemt. • John IetJaoey 45. was sassed m two wmranA. • Rchd Kdrey, 23, was acxsmd fa DLII. • Fritz Mc1nmA, 46, wn asea~ f¢ DWP, rro vlrtraturr ami seen cm- feEU'r. • PHSaetaion of treerijttarea, Lmtst Clove and Ftapttin rmtti. . Jactb 9ergstm, I4, was araxted fa mirror tcnxtagftim otakobol and fakir ml'orrtaatioa. • Mary Mr:Katlter, 45, was a- re.9tdfar DWP and m a waamt • YvtmM SIaK, 31, was ttaesled fa OIAI. • DomeYit- vebal, 400 bbdt of E WaskingWn'Staet. 9ahrtlay, Jueary Splh, 2011 • 7'ktR, 506 black of E. Sent Av- etne. • Soert MacArtMr, 41, was a- reaed m Ibree wartmda • klaiical ax~42460 bk]cl ofN. FieWNOna Way. • Poaaestim dmarijtaam& pata- pbvnalia, Facvirw and Ret.ada • Robert StJtnridL M, wasarccwbd mawmmt • Doatetic- vedai, I030bbdcof E. BDtLU4 • Posaessmt of tkug par~hena- kd Pate Asetme and E. Stlt Strett • DWP end possasim of Mtg narar0w+malw F mariirtawe 1-R4 wrae- TAR WG4TERN ADA RECRRATION D[SIRICT NOTICE [S HEREBY GNEN m all itatrtNed parries that fht WESTERN ADA RECRFATIQi ~STRICf ,. a duty conti[uud atuanm dimke d du Stan oT Idaho, wtFl b!d as mmthly bur~®ess meaiog m Fkbrmry IQ, 20t 1, at the Meridian C.iry Ha11, 33 E. ermdwry Avnae. Meddin, Idaho, a m< hmr of 7:m P.M. The prq+naed a¢ada rum iadnde thr fdbwing • Agenda appoval. • Cmmae Agenda I. ),Hoary m, 201 I meeting tmnmea approver. ?. Ftoaedal mpart approval. 3. Bins paid appmrd- • Distumim d Pollcr Pads iuou. I. Sttpanmrndem report. T. Bid rcstrlb - Parkway pmict. • Diacrosion d Mcridin Swimming Pcnl i1Cas. • Other tnisedknmos basiturs iuan. AY ORDlTt OF THE BOARD OF D¢ECTORS GuY South. SecrtasrYJTrrawa Wmum Ada Recreation DiNdet PNNNa: Febrtm} 7t4 ml t NOTICE OP PUBLIC REARING AND lUBL1C COMMEM PERIOD Regardfq MeaidirY Caaa,aalty Devempmeaa Rlact GraN /CDBCy ha¢an Pn m nand /rrty 7, 2mp, me U.S. DepaNmem d HaraNng and tkbaa Dudapmmt (fR7D) aaapkd Ne City d Maitktt'a SabsYamid Attatadmeat m itr 2008 Aetim Piro for the Commmity Oavelapnrem Htak Gnnt tCDRG) Program. This stdNamul amendment ioccrpaated 6nditq Trom the American Recovery tend RtmvcmneNN Act d m09 (ARRA). lbe Cuy erig®sYly prapo,r4 mly am prajaxt tar tar d Weae and4 sad mat pro]acr war cmgdad undm budget The City ie now papaNtq(a ,strati project Ter use tithe mmainder d Nc ARRA Pmm,,RntatmatdY 506.663. 'This 9wnad Pr%+O wilt itmait energy eKticnt ridrwallc hgMmg alagt 8• StreN between CTuwy Lne ten Pine Avemr arang , Safe Rotor Schod corridor. A PUBLIC BEARING WILL HR RELD ON THE SLBSTANI'LkLAaS.NDMENT ON F[BRUARY S2, 2!1 i AT 7:N P.M., w MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL C.H AMBBRS: MR RIDIAN CITY RALI~ 33 E. BROADWAY, MBAIDIAN, IDAHO- Copies of rie PY08 plu iacorporatitq tht stlsnand ,meWmeta, err ara6aMe u Pot Meridian City Ckvk's Ofdot, }3 E Hmadw ay:. Meridian Pudic Likr9rv, 1326 W Cherry Laee: Meridian Sttticr Cetaa4 I33 W. Btwdwsy Aremet: end oe she Ciiy's web eat, mtp:l;www.metWiercity.atg, by Ftbttrry It, mli. AR cttiran re mvibd m revkw Pot pins nd provvk wntea tr oml cmimetNS at He publec hautng. Maidi>e City Wil k a hntdicapped -----'"'- fxility. Itedividuda rrNtirug ucanmodatiox oT phraicN, aighL m hnariag impbmtau err langrtage idapmiatien m revkw the pl,as or participate in ma po61k hearing, pkue comca the City dark at (208) 838-043}. A PUBLIC COIIBNENT PiRIODON THE SU~TANI7ALAMRNDMENT WILL BE AEI.D FROM FLBACARY it, 2111 TRAOCGR PEBRUARY 25, 2811. Dining rhia pariad all mmmmta should b< Wdetmed m CDBG Adttamtm~kor, Lrti Dn Harm} win may be mnlaetd by mNI: Pixy d Mtridian, Pkmiag D<pmm~ed, 73 F.. RroadwaY. Meridian, ID g3A4?; by pbon: (ml~ 354-5373 (Diet 71 t 6r TTY):: by tea: fm3) 838-ti35i: ar by cataic ttkMaNagWaamidi>aciryAR. Pddltk Fehrnry 7th d rOth. 2plt naw,.n:• _ w.avt rl.»+rr 1 n.w • Rt]bert Sbwttieb. 32. wax ar- NOTICE of ®JSRING oN PE-iT1'ION POATIIE ANTLRATION OF PROlE]CrY TO EAGtE S[WER D24TAtC7' NOTICE S HEREHY GT'EN that thr petitbn d He Tdlowieg kxtod propery owns mr the aantxNim of cutain area km the Eagle Sewn DirirwY, dryeef m mMnims imposed by me Dietria', !bard d Dacasa, w01 he heard by rbe Bond an We YY• day d Fc6raary 267 E, m &00 p.a N tht o~ d the F gk 5twa DwrkL K Nam PekmNtq Eagle,. Id,ho. A+Y Pt°0a, or parcN°. Wporeg thk aAaesatim ahNl. iow came, in >Abi>M, if say They hare, why the ptitim sgmdd .aY b< gmaaed: WriDm cammenR 'R ht actspmd Ming me R'Nrlar wakes hums dEagle Stwd Dis-ict antiI4:06 p.m. m Fehmary 14, 2611. Amiliary aids as sarNxs ho permms with disabnities tae Ire ntme erNlBblt by ®Iling ffis ^ixak:t's &adaam MaNger (p}40t 321 at Imst cant a,ya paior to dre nddst h<N;~ The faiWrc at any peram u show arwe, in wridW, ahsB D< deemd as as asxra m tae ameaenon of strh ktds Ida the DiNrtet as prayed is me pettma The Hmrd ah,n har< inn di,<rcxion m determinr if the pnirim xhan h< graded Thr prapmed anrNaNim ayeament ix wide. Bodily-Bmdernn, LLP, eod Ihrad! R. rd Mry K BnNeraa4 r0 Marlyn L aM Sandra L. BesBy SG6l2 RMer HNgW Drive kkritkaa 1D 83M6 The rtal pmpNty mat bee been peantmed mr nnhtsioe nd anoeaatian ivm Figk Sawa tasain. Ntnead b Ark Cmmy, INhn, a deacdbed mmr pm[imkrly as mlbws, m wit: S~ ATTACRHD E7LRIrT °A^ Fshihn "A" eotaitas d 16.86 aces. Thu ptpeary u bcRed in the nart6taat nmm d Sink Hi~tway m and LTnhr Rend The pmpaaed sac fee this pmpaty N missd uat rcaidemkl sad comaex'•ul. Lyme SeAao k. Boaioeea h6anga P~lii: ynnuy 31 N ad Pebruuy 7th, 261 I EXI~Ir 'A' fJ3CiAL ~BC181PI1DId FOR AId B.AIgL! BB1NfJJi. DISTRICT ANIdmfA'fTOld A Ow<a~of lui mbylot it Rack 1. dtodtr W aenMwnSpdrgi SNrnnlaoa rot. m remrdad'n pat eeG~ [6k raps50.3F and 5®37,takYt awapsd Ada W4TY. kaM.andrartl 1 dRetttddb 5iavtyfa Nor. aM slmtd meM N4e](A reaw4veVadsenion N, tawrnroo a rtotnt aary• ] Hk9t Peise Neamn, roew~tr, wNm aid merq tsmepNttuwWrlncrnrtla,eNmw~: WrontnGryN • uau W rclavNnrrrt nwkM¢tMma6awst cwrwrarraid RwyaN tlw Rti']J4{wtfa [nrnn}dSaNOn Y4,Mwwr aluq tfiawan ked NA 5atrmlt y1p•N]'11"W a tStNitt. N3m,Opfee[tea pidntfram wbidi snaMniwm rapwewunera msti^6 the ao~etrrxt<mmerN Nil SeAbnN bens SaP]P]F'rY ammrcem Y30Ad trR fwaa kaAi3seN west Ira NLB56'33'2 a4Rtwwr a axanr•ci N ,pare nraRra marorm.~ea*rArna.a we ten 7e.ro aw PDaatoreaearaams: Imme awnt uencmwrtr IM m see tat n wetdbwae tlrmwseu.~ x1B8`Sa9)"F atlltW~wd QS,mteHeos paM: Tgwwv Rarmll"w a dtNawe or 3U.a]ket m a w.m; TM~ SaaSp]a"ter dat+nwa` 3f411f hat m a ptirn. iNe~ax 135"161R1ad4un<or L91]2 ketma+aout.' inen@ ea9'37a64 edNVOeN 55.51 M ro apwM.. rMnse S!a'YT13tadamrad 3R.A9 leer to aw..m manr3vwrwnnwau wrmrofaeid tnt ]J: Tnanap kgwdmiMerlr iMema NaNtxe+au erne MseMlnt £1 CU'P6`arwadsrwrenf )6d.b3+eer m apwre m+hf,hremm.aN w+rcrdsNd t+n z]; taenae LvM[sNaNrilareaad,aaRine flu3~ awN sne lttY3 RR3'S9'lt'we ~YKe M 1]AaahH:ta a poNn marlaN Ywnwthwvat tw.wrerled tot Z1; U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2506-0117 and Urban Development (Exp. 4/30/2011 Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: _ City of Meridian, Idaho __. Priority Need infrastructure Improvement/Public Facilities Project Pedestrian Lighting Activity Pedestrian Lighting on W. 8`" Street, Cherry Lane to Pine Avenue Description Install pedestrian lighting along W. 8t" Street between Cherry Lane and Pine Avenue to provide enhanced pedestrian safety along the Safe Route to School corridor to the Meridian Middle School. Objective category: ®Suitable Living Environment ^ Decent Housing ^ Economic Opportunity Outcome category: ®Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ^ Sustainability Location/Target Area: Census Tract 010322, Block Group 1 1507 W. 8'" Street, Meridian, Idaho 83642 Specific Objective Project ID Number SL1.1 HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 03K 24 CFR 570.201 (c) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Recipient LMA Start Date Completion Date 03/01/2011 09/30/2011 Performance Indicator Annual Units Completed Facility 1 Local ID Units Upon Completion 1 Funding Sources: CDBG-R $40,019 .......................... ESG ................................ HOME ................................ HOPWA ................................ Total Formula ................................ Prior Year Funds ................................ Assisted Housing ......... PHA ................................ Other Funding .$4,457 Total $44,476 The primary purpose of the project is to help: ^ the Homeless ^ Persons with HIV/AIDS ^ Persons with Disabilities ^ Public Housing Needs CDBG-R SUBMISSION TEMPLATE & CHECKLIST The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("Recovery Act") was signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. The Recovery Act awards $1 billion in CDBG Recovery (CDBG-R) funds to be distributed to cities, counties, insular areas and states, of which $10 million has been reserved by HUD for its administrative costs and $10 million of which will be awarded to Indian tribes. Recipients of the remaining $980 million of CDBG-R funds will be the approximately 1,200 jurisdictions that received CDBG funding in Fiscal Year 2008. This template sets forth the suggested format for grantees receiving funds from CDBG-R. A complete submission contains the information requested below, including: (1) The CDBG-R Substantial Amendment (template attached below) (2) Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities (see http://www.hud. gov/recovery) (3) Signed and Dated Certifications (see http://www.hud.gov/recovery) (4) Signed and Dated SF-424. Grantees should also attach a completed CDBG-R Substantial Amendment Checklist to ensure completeness and efficiency of review (attached below). THE CDBG-R SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT Jurisdiction(s): City of Meridian, Idaho Jurisdiction Web Address: • www.meridiancity.or CDBG-R Contact Person: Lori Den Hartog Address: 33 E. Broadway; Ste. 210 Telephone: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 Email: ldenhartogz(a~meridiancity.org ENSURING RESPONSIBLE SPENDING OF RECOVERYACT FUNDS Funding available under the Recovery Act has clear purposes - to stimulate the economy through measures that modernize the Nation's infrastructure, improve energy efficiency, and expand educational opportunities and access to health care. HUD strongly urges grantees to use CDBG- R funds for hard development costs associated with infrastructure activities that provide basic services to residents or activities that promote energy efficiency and conservation through rehabilitation or retrofitting of existing buildings. While the full range of CDBG activities is available to grantees, the Department strongly suggests that grantees incorporate consideration of the public perception of the intent of the Recovery Act in identifying and selecting projects for CDBG-R funding. A. SPREADSHEET FOR REPORTING PROPOSED CDBG R ACTIVITIES Grantees must provide information concerning CDBG-R assisted activities in an electronic spreadsheet provided by HUD. The information that must be reported in the spreadsheet includes activity name, activity description, CDBG-R dollar amount budgeted, eligibility category, national objective citation, additional Recovery Act funds for the activity received from other programs, and total activity budget. An electronic copy of the spreadsheet and the format is available on HUD's recovery website at http://www.hud.gov/recovery. 2 B. CDBG R INFORMATIONBYACTIVITY (COMPLETE FOR EACHACTIVITY~ (1) Activity Name: (Grantees should follow the same order that activities are listed in the Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities -this will allow HUD to easily match activity narratives with the information provided in the spreadsheet.) W. 8`" Street Pedestrian Lighting Project: The project will provide energy efficient lighting along a currently sparsely lit Safe Route to School Corridor. This project will install new lighting fixtures where none exist and upgrade existing, deficient fixtures, for a total of eight (8) fixtures along the approximate % mile segment. Sidewalks recently were constructed on this segment of roadway between Cherry Lane and Camellia for a Safe Routes to School project by the local highway district, and additional sidewalks are planned to be constructed between Carlton Avenue and Pine Avenue under the same program. A vicinity map is included as Attachment 1. The lighting project will provide enhanced safety for the many middle school children walking to Meridian Middle School (located at the southwest corner of Cherry Lane and W. 8~' Street). During the majority of the school year, the morning walk to school is in the dark. The proposed project will create/sustain jobs in construction and government, and will provide safety enhancements and improvements to existing and planned public facilities. (2) Activity Narrative: a. Title XII of Division A: According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (Docket No. FR-5309-N-O1; Notice of Program Requirements for Community Development Block Grant Program Funding Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), "Title XII of Division A of the Recovery Act requires that in selecting CDBG-R projects to be funded, recipients shall give priority to projects that can award contracts based on bids within 120 calendar days from the date the funds are made available to the recipients" (pg. 26). The W. 8`" Street Pedestrian Lighting Project can be designed and have all necessary non-HUD environmental clearances within 60 days. A contract can be awarded for construction of this project within 120 calendar days from the date the funds are available and approved by HUD. b. Section 1602: Docket No. FR-5309-N-O1 further states that "Section 1602 of the Recovery Act requires that grantees shall use grant funds in a manner that maximizes job creation and economic benefit. Section 1602 also states that, when CDBG-R funds are being used for infrastructure investments, grantees must give preference to activities that can be started and completed expeditiously, including a goal to obligate at least 50 percent of the funds for activities that can be initiated within 120 days of enactment of the Recovery Act" (pg. 26). The City of Meridian successfully completed the first and only identified recovery project in a timely manner, and since that project came in significantly under budget, the City is submitting a second project. The proposed project will benefit the economy directly with job creation and preservation (as described below). Since this is the second amendment to be submitted, it will not be initiated within 120 days of the enactment of the Recovery Act, but the project is estimated to have a contract awarded within 120 days calendar days from the date the funds are available and approved by HUD. c. Preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery: The W. 8`h Street Pedestrian Lighting project will have a positive economic impact by utilizing local contractors and laborers to complete the construction and installation of the lighting. Depending on the selected construction contractor, this project will require approximately four full time construction workers and one project manager for roughly one month. City 3 staff, which will coordinate with the selected contractor, will spend approximately twenty five to forty hours during pre-construction and construction on this project. d. Assisting those most impacted by the recession: Low-to-moderate income families and individuals are substantially impacted by the recession, and this project will help by enhancing apedestrian/bicyclist safe route to Meridian Middle School (located south of Cherry Lane) and creating/sustaining construction jobs. e. Providing investment needed to increase economic efficiency: Economic efficiency occurs when the cost of producing a given output is as low as possible. In the case of this project, there are several economic benefits or outputs. Job creation/retention is one. Without factoring the pre-project or City coordination retention benefit, this project will create/sustain approximately one job per $10,000 invested (FTEs for the duration of construction). Creating a safe, non-motorized route to education (Meridian Middle School, etc.) for children in the area is a second. The W. 8`h Street Pedestrian Lighting project will produce these benefits within the amount of available CDBG-R assistance and in a manner consistent with direction provided on pg. 21, Docket No. FR-5309-N-Ol ("HUD encourages grantees to use CDBG-R funds for discrete, stand-alone activities whenever possible.") The slightly higher project costs due to the use ofenergy-efficient LED lighting are to be covered through the use of the City's General Fund. There are no other funding sources, which will increase the ease of administration as well as transparency. f. Investing in transportation, environmental protection, or other infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits: As previously stated, this project is an investment in transportation in that it provides a safer non-motorized route for residents, particularly students, in this area to one of the local middle schools and to commercial and other services in the surrounding area. g. Minimizing or avoiding reductions in essential services: This project will not reduce any essential or nonessential services. h. Fostering energy independence: This project proposes to use energy-efficient LED lighting which will reduce the long term electricity and maintenance costs of the lighting for the City. (3) Jobs Created: (Report the number of full- and part-time jobs estimated to be created and retained by the activity (including permanent, construction, and temporary jobs)). • Temporary, Project Coordination: '/z - 1 FTE for 16 weeks (pre-project through construction; coordination) -City Public Works and Planning • Construction, Full Time: 4 for approximately 4 weeks (4) Additional Activity Information: (A description of how the activity will promote energy conservation, smart growth, green building technologies, or reduced pollution emissions, if applicable.) The new pedestrian lighting will promote- energy conservation by using the energy efficient LED lighting which uses 37% less electricity than standard high pressure sodium lighting. (5) Responsible Organization: (Contact information for the organization that will implement the CDBG-R activity, including its name, location, and administrator contact information) 4 Organization Name: City of Meridian, Idaho Location: 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, ID 83642 CDBG Administrator: Lori Den Hartog Administrator Contact: Ph. 208-884-5533 ldenhartog~a,meridiancity. org C. PUBLIC COMMENT Provide a summary of public comments received to the proposed CDBG-R Substantial Amendment. Note: A Proposed CDBG-R Substantial Amendment must be published via the usual methods and posted on the jurisdiction's website for no less than 7 calendar days for public comment. Re~onse: 6 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Vicinity Map 2. Project Aerial Maps (2) 3. Revised Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBGR Activities 4. Detailed Budget for Proposed Project 5. Certifications 6. SF-424 7. Table 3C 8. Notice of Proposed Use of CDBGR Funds 9. CDBGR Submission Checklist 7 ATTACHMENT 1: Project Vicinity Map 1N. 8th Street Pedestrian Lighting ATTACHMENT 2: PROJECT AERIAL MAPS (2) 10 1111. 8th Street Pedestrian Lighting VU. 8th Street Pedestrian Lighting Vicinity Ma ~~» F .~ ~~ ~ ~._ ~. Legend W. 8th Street Pedestrian Lighting Project 11 ATTACHMENT 3: Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities -- ( Name Activi I ~ Activity Dasariptron F! g b Gry N eronaf CDBG-R {Rog tory or ~ Ob)actrve Ffoject 1 ~ Addido taJ Rooovery ~ Other Levoraged I Total Actty ty ty HCDA C ta~ion) , Ceta;ion Budget 15) F nds ($) Funding (5) Budge! I _ _ __ __...____. _____ _. ___ _ 111111 -i ... _. ___ -._.. _ .. _ - ~,uletetl _ 0 Gie k Lh ugh 8th St Perk, to t d at 2235 N Jd 8th Sire t [A d an. to t t existing d elks on d/ ent local tlways Th p Chway will CFR 0 5]o.2ol tel. CFR ~ 5]o zoetaln l: Five Mile Creek nnect area residents to schools, churches, the PubBc Library, parks, and wbr~ Faznme: a~a tawmoaerare in=o~re. 0 24 565 Bdd a/Pathwa commerdal, medical, and retail services. ImVrovemems wea ne~em 24,565 , The proposed project will install new lighting fixtures where none exist and upgrade existing deficient fixtures along W. 6th Street between Cherry Lane and Pine Avenue. This lighting would be along a Sate Routes to School location and CFR § will be in advance of a future sidewalk construction project along this same CFR § 570 201(c): 570.206(a)(1): orddor. In connection w[ih the recent and future sidewalk construction, the Public Facilities LowMloderate W. 8th Street Pedestrian lighting will provide a safe walking route to the area middle school located on 8th and Improvements ... .~ I^ come, A ^ea ___ ¢A^ ^ e 46 d5] 44.47fi ~~ ATTACHMENT 4: Detailed Budget for Proposed Project Detailed Budget W. 8th Pedestrian Lighting improvements and Design Work [in-house] ~ $370.00 Install 8 light poles w/LED fixtures & bases $21,200 Install 1,590 ft of conduit and wire $15,890 Bore 60 ft of conduit under roadwa $1,320 Idaho Power service point installations $2,295 Continctency 10% $3,401 Note: The full reques~dentitlementwdlbenefifLMlresidenls. Norequestedfundswdlbespent on publicservices or administa6on. 13 ATTACHMENT 5: Certifications CERTIFICATIONS (1) Affirmatively furthering fair housing. The jurisdiction will affirmatively further fair housing, which means that it will conduct an analysis to identify impediments to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting the analysis and actions in this regard. (2) Anti-displacement and relocation plan. The jurisdiction will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4601), and implementing regulations at 49 CFR part 24; and it has in effect and is following a residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan required under section 104(d) of the housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, in connection with any activity assisted with funding under CDBG-R. (3) Drug Free Workplace. The jurisdiction will or will continue to provide adrug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; 2. Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about - (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph 1; 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will - (a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (b) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant; 6. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: (a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or 14 (b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; 7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain adrug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (4) Anti-lobbying. To the best of the jurisdiction's knowledge and belief: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions; and 3. It will require that the language of paragraph 1 and 2 of this anti-lobbying certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. (5) Authority of Jurisdiction. The jurisdiction possesses the legal authority to carry out the programs for which it is seeking funding, in accordance with applicable HUD regulations and other program requirements. (6) Consistency with Plan. The housing activities to be undertaken with CDBG-R funds are consistent with its consolidated plan. (7) Section 3. The jurisdiction will comply with section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u), and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 135. (8) Community development plan. The jurisdiction certifies that the consolidated housing and community development plan identifies housing and community development needs and specifies both short-term and long-term community development objectives that have been developed in accordance with the primary objective of the statute authorizing the CDBG program. (9) Following a plan. The jurisdiction is following a current consolidated plan that has been approved by HUD. (10) Use of funds. The jurisdiction has developed activities so as to give the maximum feasible priority to activities that will benefit low- and moderate-income families or aid in the prevention of slums or blight. Additional activities maybe included that are designed to meet other community development needs having particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs It has complied with the following criteria: 15 1. Maximum Feasible Priority. With respect to activities expected to be assisted with CDBG-R funds, it certifies that it has developed its Action Plan so as to give maximum feasible priority to activities which benefit low and moderate income families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. The Action Plan may also include activities which the grantee certifies are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and other financial resources are not available); 2. Special Assessments. The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBG-R funds by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low- and moderate-income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements. However, if CDBG-R funds are used to pay the proportion of a fee or assessment attributable to the capital costs of public improvements (assisted in part with CDBG-R funds) financed from other revenue sources, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG-R funds. The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBG-R funds, unless CDBG- R funds are used to pay the proportion of fee or assessment attributable to the capital costs of public improvements financed from other revenue sources. In this case, an assessment or charge maybe made against the property with respect to the public improvements fmanced by a source other than CDBG-R funds. In addition, with respect to properties owned and occupied by moderate-income (but not low-income) families, an assessment or charge maybe made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG-R funds if the jurisdiction certifies that it lacks CDBG-R or CDBG funds to cover the assessment. (11) Excessive Force. The jurisdiction certifies that it has adopted and is enforcing: (1) a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and (2) a policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location that is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction. (12) Compliance with anti-discrimination laws. The CDBG-R grant will be conducted and administered in conformity with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-3619), and implementing regulations. (13) Compliance with lead-based paint procedures. The activities concerning lead-based paint will comply with the requirements of part 35, subparts A, B, J, K, and R of this title. (14) Compliance with laws. The jurisdiction will comply with applicable laws. (15) Compliance with ARRA. The jurisdiction will comply with Title XII of Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. (16) Project selection. The jurisdiction will select projects to be funded, by giving priority to projects that can award contracts based on bids within 120 days from the date the funds are made available to the recipient, and that will ensure maximum job creation and economic benefit. (17) Timeliness of infrastructure investments. When the jurisdiction uses CDBG-R funds for infrastructure investments, the grantee will give preference to quick-start and finish activities, including a goal to use at least 50 percent of the funds for activities within 120 days of enactment of the Recovery Act. 16 (18) Buy American provision. The jurisdiction will ensure that all iron, steel and manufactured goods used in construction, alteration, repair, or maintenance of a public building or public work project assisted with CDBG-R funds under the Recovery Act must be produced in the United States unless the Secretary finds that: (1) the requirement is inconsistent with public interest; (2) those goods are not reasonably available or produced in sufficient quantity in the U.S.; (3) or the use of the goods will increase the project cost by more than 25 percent. (19) Appropriate use of funds for infrastructure investments. The Governor, mayor, or other chief executive, as appropriate certifies, that any infrastructure investments have received the full review and vetting required by law and that the chief executive accepts responsibility that the infrastructure investment is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. Alternatively, a grantee's chief elected official certifies that infrastructure investments will receive the full review and vetting required by law and that the chief executive accepts responsibility that the infrastructure investment is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. (20) 70% of CDBG-R for LMI. The aggregate use of CDBG-R funds shall principally benefit persons of low and moderate income in a manner that ensures that at least 70 percent of the grant is expended for activities that benefit such persons over the life of the CDBG-R grant. Signa e/ uthorized Official ate Tit 17 ATTACHMENT 6: SF-424 OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 *1. Type of Submission: *2. Type of Application * If Revision, select appropriate letter(s) ^ Preapplication ^ New ® Application ^ Continuation *Other (Specify) Add additional project ^ Changed/Corrected Application ®Revision 3. Date Received: 4. Applicant Identifier: 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: *5b. Federal Award Identifier: State Use Only: 6. Date Received by State: 7. State Application Identifier: 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: *a. Legal Name: City of Meridian *b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): *c. Organizational DUNS: 82-6000225 028 451 367 d. Address: *Street 1: 33 E. Broadway Street 2: *City: Meridian County: Ada *State: Idaho Province: *Country: USA *Zip /Postal Code e. Organizational Unit: Department Name: Division Name: Planning f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Prefix: *First Name: Lori Middle Name: *Last Name: Den Hartog Suffix: Title: Organizational Affiliation: CDBG Administrator *Telephone Number: 208-884-5533 Fax Number: 208-888-6854 *Email: Idenhartog@meridiancity.org Ig OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 16. Congressional Districts Of: *a. Applicant: ID-1 *b. Program/Project: ID-1 17. Proposed Project: *a. Start Date: 03/01/2011 *b. End Date: 09/30/2011 18. Estimated Funding ($): *a. Federal 40,019 *b. Applicant *c. State *d. Local 4,457 *e. Other *f. Program Income *g. TOTAL 44,476 *19. Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? ^ a. This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on ^ b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review. ® c. Program is not covered by E. O. 12372 *20. Is the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If "Yes", provide explanation.) ^ Yes ® No 21. *By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications" and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances** and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U. S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001) ® **IAGREE ** The list of certifications and assurances, or an intemet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions Authorized Representative: Prefix: *First Name: Tammv Middle Name: *Last Name: De Weerd Suffix: *Title: Mayor *Telephone Number: 208-888-4433 Fax Number: 208-884-8119 * Email: tdeweerd@meridiancity.org *Signature of Authorized Representa e: *Date Signed: ~ ov' ~~ Authorized for Local Reproduction // Standard Form 424 (Revised 10/2005) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 19 OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 'Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation The following should contain an explanation if the Applicant organization is delinquent of any Federal Debt. 20 OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 "Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation The following should contain an explanation if the Applicant organization is delinquent of any Federal Debt. 21 ATTACHMENT 7: Table 3C Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: City of Meridian, Idaho Priority Need Infrastructure Improvement/Public Facilities Project Pedestrian Lighting Activity Pedestrian Lighting on W. Ste Street, Cherry Lane to Pine Avenue Description Install pedestrian lighting along W. 8th Street between Cherry Lane and Pine Avenue to provide enhanced pedestrian safety along the Safe Route to School corridor to the Meridian Middle School. Objective category: ®Suitable Living Environment ^ Decent Housing ^ Economic Opportunity Outcome category: ®Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ^ Sustainability oca ion arge rea: Census Tract 010322, Block Group 1 1507 W. 8th Street, Meridian, Idaho 83642 Specific Objective Project ID Number SL1.1 HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 03K 24 CFR 570.201 (c) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Reci Tent LMA Start Date Completion Date 03/01/2011 09/30/2011 Performance Indicator Annual Units Completed Facility 1 Local ID Units Upon Completion 1 Funding Sources: CDBG-R ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $40,019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,457 $44,476 The primary purpose of the project is to help: ^ the Homeless ^ Persons with HIV/AIDS ^ Persons with Disabilities ^ Public Housing Needs 22 ATTACHMENT H: Notice of Proposed Use of CDBGR Fund Paec 16 6a/lev Times February 7, 2011 a• IDAHO • MPD Supervisor's Media Log FtiBay; Jattrary 78th, 2tl t • IaClceace ('lerey, 23, was ar- redted fQ DWP. • Maraaement, 30 bbck of E. Btoalway Aveatk. • bhn hcleoq 45, ass atrerkd oil two watsnn. • Richaai 1Celaty„3, ass aneYnd for` DL9. • Ffitz Mclntmdv, 4q wap areatal f[r DWP, tm eewtsrute avd vPeD rtn- niner. • Poaseasina of mmiptaim.I.ocuet Caoveaad Frlathv rreht. • ktcab Br`rgotm, I9, was arreskd fa mrmot ams>ayttim ofeleohot atm fable id'otmmioa. • May McKerthr, 45, wr a- reated far DWP sad m a wxtrant • Yvoare Slue, 31, vvae siteattd fa DUI. • Dofeetlie- vefbal, 400 block oP E. wglviegbn Street Sadertlay .kmBWry 78Eh. 21II -Theft. SOD bbtkofF.. SeueAv- CtInG • Seeve MaCArtIW, 41, paD u- Intleel m dvec waRaldt • Medkal ntact 2900 bock. ofN. Fkldtlone way. •Poskaai0ltdtztmjiema& paa- phematia, Faevievr sad Recede. • Robert Schmidt. 24, w'uatreatod an a wuumt • Dotmedbc - Yarbil, i DOD bbcknf E. Bormi. • Poaxauiav of hug pasphmra- ku, Pea A4etue and E. St6 Skeet. • DryVP add pm4eat6on of drag vvwmbnmrSa R mvriirvmrx 1-Rd wrvt- NOTICH OR TUBI.IC MEHTING RO! 71IE irESTERN ADA W.CIIA710N D14rRlCT NOTE'E IS HEREBY G1VEN m alt ivrereated parka the fir WESTERN ADA RECREATIGPf tBS7R1CT . a ddy aomeatkd mtreaxim di>mkt aF th Stec of Idaho, will bb itr marthly btnhwe maaing an February lQ 29tt, ar th Meridean City Nil, 33 F.. Broadway Avmae, Msaid'm, ldab, tl dte tear of I:/p P.M. Th proposed ageade itum nehpdr th idbwng • Agmde approval. • Costal Agenda I. Jwary 20. SOI I neeeeag miawes approval. 2. Finatitl report apprasal. 3. Bitk paid appvwtl- • DiacYriae M rwlFw Pad irmm. !. Supeemendm reeve. 2. Bid rewln - Padnery pojen. • D'atmbn of Maridiar Switmviag Pool itaavr. • fNhr mi+edtanavun desires- items. BY GRDFR OF THE Be3ARD f7F DIRF.CRgtS Guy Saetlti Secretary+Treawrer Wwtem Ada Reacaeion DiAect PWtek. Fetruvy 7th, 2011 NOTICE OF PL7LIC H[ARD9G AND PUBLIC COMMH:Yr PERIOD Rpardlag Mertddr'a Cenmaaky DereMpa.ear Blast Gnat (CDBG) M1agram f}a w a,ama rely 7, 2009, mn v.s Drydmcm nr liore+iag and ik6m DeY~dapmet IIR1D) acctpmd the City of Meriaan's Sadaamitl AawuOmmt m is 7A0g Action P]aa for dve [ommtmity Developmee 81ock Grant (CDBC,) Program. 7tis stlpatmuul. amsdwevt iacurpwaied tvodiug Gom the American Ru w'cry aW Rebvestmant Act of 20119 (ARRA). Th City arigioaRy proppscd awly Dee prajecr for we of daeve bads, sad that proj«e var coavpkved wake dtdga. 7h Coy k sow P^PvaK a arcmtl. pepject for are tithe remaivder of the ARRA (made, agam'imaut}' r4i),000. This seavnd project veO mraO t,tverHr effeieat ridewalk lighteU aiag 8• Strmt heMen CYvewy Lae awl Piro Arewe slang a Sdc Rovna Sebool soreda. A ~BI.tC ~ARIgIG W71J. 6H HELD ON T1R SU~TANr1ALAMENDMHNT ON FEBRUARY 27,. 2N 1 AT 7:M P.M., M MERIDIAN crrY COUNCH. CHAMQBS: MHRID{AN CITY IULI., 33 [.. BROADWAY: MERIDIAN, IDAHO. Capisa of th PY08 plan hvcwpvevdeg the suhWtitl •---'~^• acailaHe at the Meridkn Cixy Ckrt'a Ofgw, 33 E. Broadway; Mw:idm PMMic Lihray, 1326 w. Chery l.ne; Mwidka Sera Corm r33 w. Brawwa>~ ae.er. aM ao etc Ciry's web rifle. tap:1lwww.vv4videacay.wg, by Fmnrry I I, Ale t. Ali citlaea ec maimed m mwcw Mc plena sad poYids' w*irma w amt cannons a th puMk bmeag. Mmi&av City HeB u a t.fficapped ao-easibpe fadtity. Is~vidMtls requving accammvdation of pkyuetl, atgbt a leearmg impaknemn a kn®age imerprentbn m tevkw br. plan or pankdp•te iv tine paNk hcarmg, pFasc comact Poe City C3efk u 1208) 1Ig8I433. A PUBLIC COMMHNT PHRiODON TIIE SUffiTANMLAMENIMMENI'YYHl 6E HHLD FROM PHBAtiAHY 11, Yt1t THB(~:GH R[BRUARY SY, E81f. inrkg the pmiwt a0 mmmmn rhoub h addawA m CDBG Mmueatreor, Lori Dm Narmg wbo may h aontatkd by root: City M Maidiae, Namieg Deparemem. 33 E. Brmdway, Msridiaa., ID gM{Z; b} phone: (20g) 8g4-SS33 {Dist PI I br TTYj; by Caa: (20g) Sgt-6851; or dl o~ait: Ideatanagfa)meedkac ityaQ. PaMlst: Fehwry 7th 4 14th, SOtI . n.e.,..v _ ...,w.t r•h...., a «.. • Robert Semmirh. 32. was tr- Legal NDticeB NOTICE OP RHAB1NiG ON P[TTI'ION FOR TIE[ ANNEXATION OR PRORRf\' TO EAG18 SEW6E DISTRICT NOTICE R HEREBY GIYEN the the petirioa aI the fidbwiag listed praperry owner br th aaseaeiae aC terns area klo the. &tgk Saartt OiekkL abject m aosditias ioQOSed ty the FRatria'r Bond M ftrlaswa. will h head 6y tie 13aad oa th t!' day d Feharey 211.11, a 6:90 p.m. a be offwe d th Figk Saver Diwict, 44 Nwdv Pahael0. Eagle. ldab. Rey paraoa, a person, oppoeng thL aanexak. ahtll bow carne iv it any erey taaq wty th puuim rhwdd na h gamed. wrarm tammam wtiB h mmptad drit~ Wa ~ waking bars of Eagle Sewer Distki ami14:00 p.m. m Febrary 14. SOtL. Atniliuy a4h or savicos for peratas wilt dklilities m h erode aYelatk b}' mttmg be Dktricf'a auenem Maelga 1939-0132) at atl these dap peer to Me prblic. temiag. Tht h4Yvre of eR' puam m show Dave.., iv wriaag, t6at1 h rkemed as av aroeu m th amevatmn o1 snch lao6 mto ttc District a prayed n the ptuaon. Thr Baud chap hv<. btl dkcretioo m dnernevc if th pwitiau still be gamed. Tht propwcd aroexekrr aguareat i.s wi9t: Bodily-Bavduma, LLP, aaa Harald R ad Mary IL 8aadarra. s.A Merrya R. aN Bootie L B•Wy Y387 RN~a Helgtn Dr1Ya h4eridaa, ID &1x46 The neat pmpury that boa 6eea peeaamd br iacluaion std ameaatim inn Fagk Soave Dkteel, fibvekA ov Ada Canty, idab, a deKeibtd more parti4ularty as 6tbws, m wit: Sffi ATTA[TIHD R]DII81T "A' Ealulsa "A" saadsro of in.g6 acres. Thee pope4ry k bvcaed m ih4 northean mmr d5tam Highway 2D and Linde Rued The pupwtd uat 6r this prepety k mixed mra rea6dmenl sad emvvnrcial. Lyme SeAaaek, Rusinwe Mavvager PtNirk: 3aavvary 3/A aW Fsbrvary 7ffi, 21111 EXFi®R'A' IJiGAL DH$CRRIPE1DId PC)H AN RA©L@ l~WIR DISTRICT /UJ~CATICIM atvtetd Mnd tnW to z.~ swore, deadpraaa w+lawxaesa~,aedrtvon rmt an ramrdrd m ne gnmk t0anaes Searara 593].dRatre. ~cd MaCOaxy. Wnn,antlraa+i damned ei5avey Pn. XAI(eM vh,wM in aM n1ali/4d rm. Swt/edfanbn JA, iawnM'p.6 alvlh. eaKe f Wn4 BNr• NertlMtt MY[rrrtry,'itlYwaid heyrmwparetuMrry neavtee0askemros. Wmmerorg aedmnw orrorwmmt tasna'a tM aw9ae.nasrtwolwid nwlla d da SwaNlwva prneddSwaon 24, dared dad tMraa Nw dw47Anbn 2e R%I'A7l"W a eliWet d Mq 9Dks_ttoa pvinrram xbfchn dsn:rrm mp mmramn maM~are eeahwenowre. d wN SeMOn 3a tows SaV2QaalYe IXawet of l30[Mwe4,awia KsaNwau ne neB7a'Yl-taaswK+of )nac trerm apex mware e4a mva.+retramrr d rMd tw vs 4ad as s9mrageaawNa: Tme+ee eWitl artndNrerfr inedutl rot ZI tb traw+na 9•murser nss'ss31^caeataut dtns.sa rest as peat (sorts eL079L1"Na Qmaia a d0A'f kola a pone rneaw nrsPal^p a d4vawduo.av Mm mavarre- rrtena i35'10'10"ta tlntwna d 191.72 bee m ennrr; TMtmM far'3)'16"Fa datanmdlb553 Mee m a print Pomace nr121I"r m eatantad332.99 Nwt m mean, ma%aa aw.wnwra wrwrdswe to )!: awnew lrrrmesex.Y rortMrfy iaea+d ens tM eaa Nnc of ale for z3 SWagtSW a darwn d?teb9lrn pr ata~t weri,pua aarme,w eoawrdwd Un 2a; Tmena ImetaseldeaA Intard stag mM BJamt Mrs of 4ed rot 2i gg959']P'W a tlblMeedtJ34bt Met m a Prla+mariae aveeatrwm ran+tr d nE tot ]3; 23 Attachment 9: CDBGR Submission Checklist CDBG-R Substantial Amendment Grantee Checklist For the purposes of expediting review, HUD asks that applicants submit the following checklist along with the CDBG-R Substantial Amendment, Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities, and SF-424. Jurisdiction(s): City of Meridian CDBG-R Contact Person: Lori Den Hartog Lead Agency Address:33 E. Broadway Jurisdiction Web Address: Meridian, ID 83642 www.meridiancity.org Telephone: 208-884-5533 Fax: 208-888-6854 Email: ldenhartog,~a~meridi The elements in the substantial amendment required for the CDBG recovery funds are: A. SPREADSHEET FOR REPORTING PROPOSED CDBG-R ACTIVITIES Does the submission contain a paper copy of the Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities? Yes® No^ Verification found on page 11 Does the submission include an electronic version of the Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities sent to the email box CDBG-R@hud.gov? Yes® No^ Date Spreadsheet was emailed: Does the Spreadsheet for Reporting Proposed CDBG-R Activities include, for each activity: • amount of funds budgeted for each activity, including CDBG-R funds, any additional Recovery Funds used and total activity budget, Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s) 11 • the Eligibility citation (eligibility regulatory cite or HCDA cite), Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s) 11 • the CDBG national objective citation, Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s) 11 24 B. CDBG-R INFORMATIONBYACTIVITY Does the submission contain information by activity describing how the grantee will use the funds, including: • a narrative for each activity describing how CDBG-R funds will be used in a manner that maximizes job creation and economic benefit, Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s) 33=6 • projected number of jobs created for each activity, Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s) 33=6 • whether an activity will promote energy efficiency and conservation, Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s) 33=6 • the name, location, and contact information for the entity that will carry out the activity, Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s) 33=6 • evidence that no more than 10% of the grant amount will be spent on administration and planning, Yes® No^ Verification found on page (s) 12 • evidence that no more than 15% of the grant amount will be spent on public services, Yes® No^ Verification found on page (s) 12 • evidence that at least 70% of the grant amount will benefit persons of low and moderate income, Yes® No^ Verification found on page (s) 3-6; 12 C. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Was the proposed action plan amendment published via the jurisdiction's usual methods and on the Internet for no less than 7 calendar days of public comment? Yes® No^. Verification found on page(s) 22 Is there a summary of citizen comments included in the final amendment? Yes® No^ Verification found on page(s)- D. CERTIFICATIONS The following certifications are complete and accurate: (1) Affirmatively furthering fair housing Yes® No^ (2) Anti-displacement and relocation plan Yes® No^ (3) Drug-free Workplace Yes® No^ (4) Anti-lobbying Yes® No^ (5) Authority of jurisdiction Yes® No^ (6) Consistency with plan Yes® No^ 25 (7) Section 3 Yes® No^ (8) Community development plan Yes® No^ (9) Following a plan Yes® No^ (10) Use of Funds Yes® No^ (11) Excessive Force Yes® No^ (12) Compliance with anti-discrimination laws Yes® No^ (13) Lead-based paint procedures Yes® No^ (14) Compliance with laws Yes® No^ (15) Compliance with ARRA Yes® No^ (16) Project selection Yes® No^ (17) Timeliness of infrastructure investments Yes® No^ (18) Buy American provision Yes® No^ (19) Appropriate use of funds for infrastructure investments Yes® No^ (20) 70% of CDBG-R for LMI Yes® No^ Optional Certification (21) Urgent Need Yes^ No^ D. STATE CERTIFICATIONS The following certifications are complete and accurate: (1) Affirmatively furthering fair housing Yes^ No^ (2) Anti-displacement and relocation plan Yes^ No^ (3) Drug-free Workplace Yes^ No^ (4) Anti-lobbying Yes^ No^ (5) Authority of State Yes^ No^ (6) Consistency with plan Yes^ No^ (7) Section 3 Yes^ No^ (8) Community development plan Yes^ No^ (9) Consultation with Local Governments Yes^ No^ (10) Use of Funds Yes^ No^ (11) Excessive Force Yes^ No^ (12) Compliance with anti-discrimination laws Yes^ No^ (13) Compliance with laws Yes^ No^ (14) Compliance with ARRA Yes^ No^ (15) Project selection Yes^ No^ (16) Timeliness of infrastructure investments Yes^ No^ (17) Buy American provision Yes^ No^ (18) Appropriate use of funds for infrastructure investments Yes^ No^ (19) 70% of CDBG-R for LMI Yes^ No^ Optional Certification (20) Urgent Need Yes^ No^ 26