Elementary School Peregrine CZC 99-020HUB OF TREASURE VALLEY Mayor ROBERT D CORRIE A Good Place to Live LEGAL DEPARTMENT . (208) 884-4264 Council M b CITY OF MERIDIAN em ers PUBLIC WORKS CHARLES ROUNTREE 33 EAST IDAHO BUILDING DEPARTMENT GLENN BENTLEY MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 887-221 I RON ANDERSON Phone (208) 888-4433 • Fax (208) 887-4813 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT KEITH BIRD (208)884-5533 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: A~ri120, 1999 Owner: Meridian Joint School District #2 Address: West Waltman Lane (between Franklin Rd & I-84) Proposed Use: ~~ W' ~t Zoning: R 4 Cam"-~ ~ 0~ Comments: No signa~e is~ermitted in the ACRD rii;ht-of-way on Waltman No portable signs or tem~orar~si~naee permitted Any future si~na~ge must be located outside of the 12.5' by 40' sight triangle on Waltman. At least one (1 ~, of the five (~ handicap parking stalls shown must be van accessible reflect 8 foot wide access aisle as der note on site plank Neither the landscape plan dated March 1999 nor the irri atg ion plan show underground irr~ation serving the grass sod or plantui~ beds An underground pressurized irrigation stem must be installed to all landscaped areas includini; all turf areas on~lay fields All trees must be planted as depicted on the approved landscape plan Landscape ~an not to be altered without .prior written approval of the Planrun~ & Zorun~ Department No field changes to site plan permitted;-prior written approval of all charis;es required. Lighting shall not cause glare or impact traveling~ublic as determined by City. Site plan dated March 1999~Sheet 1.1Lpproved. Shari Stiles Planning & Zoning Administrator *Receipt of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, etc. This certificate shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. r'-VL ~du (..,ountc~ ~icl~ cvuct oLJi~trict Sherry R. Huber, President 318 East 37th Street Judy Peavey-Derr, Vice President Garden City, Idaho 83714.6499 Marlyss Meyer Roulson, Secretary Phone (208) 387-6100 Dave Bivens, Commissioner Fax (208) 387.6391 Susan S. Eastlake, Commissioner e-mail: tellus@achd.ada.id.us April 14, 14c)c1 l.calhairr do Krohn Architects 1735 Federal Way BOlsl;, Idaho 83745 RE: MSPR-IS-99 // W. Waltman /Meridian Elementary No.2 P~.nNti REvlEW COMMENTS I~or the Ada Chanty }~li6ttway District tc~ accept the plans for the above rcli:rcncc:d prc~•ject, please complete Lhe following requirements: Nvr'c': AC'!IU hug nw t~et crdul~led lhrt ll9J ~ditior- oj~hc' L,1'.l'.I~',(' ~tll rc~c>rc'nres « rc+ made !n the 199 erlitio-r. f . At this parcel, it is not necessary to pipe right-uf=way drainage under the sidewalk as a mcarts ufcunveyance. However, it appears the. cxistine, ditch is an irrigation wastewater ditch that serves locations on the cast side of Linder which transports the wastewater to a point just west of the southwest earner of this parcel and crnpties into an irrigation ditch. 11'this is the condition ,then that portion of ditch along the parcel GontaLC will nctJ to he piped at a location outside ul'the Puhlic. Right-cif--Way. 2. I'rovidc a system to retain right-ol=way storm waten' drainage, Ic,cated in the public right- of-way, as per AC'Hl) manual section ~tUUU. 3. Please provide four copies of the revised civil drawings, Standard Requirements: I• Utility street cuts in new pavement less than five years old arc not allowed unless approval in writing by the District. tl. Relocate all above ground utilities and other obstructions from the curb, gutter, sidew~rlk and street areas unless specifically approved by Planning and Di;vclupn~cnt. !-I. nil irri~,ition l~icilitics must he local~:d outside the public right-of-w;iy unless otherwise approval by the District. IV. Replace d;unaged curb, gutter, and cidcw;tlk with new curb, gutter, and sidcwtilk to match existing iml)rpvonlCntS. v• nil (aciGtics to he constructed with a proposed development, and to be uwnetl and maintained by the District, must be constructed according to the latest editicm cif I.S.P,W,('. ~„,~ the District's Supplemental Standard Specifications. APR 16 '99 13 35 1 208 336 3680 PAGE.02 sap f d 11U /~KU1-11V 1-LVU-JJV-JVVV r _VJ V1, nny wurk in the ~uhhc right-~~f--way reefuire~ a (?crnllt ICOIIl /~(•FfD <'anstructiun S~rVICCS. X11. An en~,inecr rc~istcrcd in the Slate of l~lahu shall rrefiare and certify all imprcwcntcnt plans. If you have ~„y questions or concerns, please Icel I~cc to contact me at 3R7-f~l 7(,. Si cerel LcJ~.. Icff Lo hlanninr and !)evcl~pment cc: Pacific Land Surveyors APR 16 '99 13 35 1 208 336 3680 PAGE. 03 LETT~ OF TRANSMITTAL .® DATE: ~ • "^' • ~ f __~__ Leatham & Krohn PROJECT: r`~14'j~lA~ A R C H I T E C T S ~~~MG~T~~Y ~ Dar-e!I Leatham. Architect ~~~~~~~ ~.w ~e~ • Kent Krohn. Architect ~~/ ~Vavne Thowless. Architect n VIA: MAILED O To: MGII~--tYJI DN ~~ !-~ FAXED O ~~+~ ; ~~~ DELIVERED PICKED UP O O THE FOLLOWING: ~ l ~ Cop`( y~ ~rCi~ ~ ~I,at~l . ~~~~a~ FOR YOUR: OUSE O APPROVAL O REVIEW & COMMENT O INFORMATION O RECORD O DISTRIBUTION O FROM: ~P `V~J~ Y~~ ~G~~ • CGPIES TO: /f enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 1735 Federal Way, Boise, Idaho 83705 Phone (208) 336-3443 Fax (208) 336-3680 • t1i ..M 1` 1' S.~°I . ~.~ ~ ~ ° 7 / .`i CEI~FICATE OF ZONING COMCE & PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Dept. Project• ,~~. , ~u~.mQ ~ (~y~,,, Review Date: ~/j~/~ Contact: ~,~,~~,- ,d-~(~„~. Zone : ~-Y copies of site plan submitted .~B'Calculations table, including asphalt area, parking, landscaping, and building s.f. ~opy of ACRD approval letter (if applicable*) - G. Inselman/J. Lowe Site Review/Conforming Elements Comments O.K. ~ 1. Zoning District (permitted use, CUP, AUP, variance, etc. 2. Flood lain District ~/ 3. Landscaping a) # of Trees (1, 3" cal. per 1,500 s.f. of as halt ~ ~'~c 21wwa- _ ~"c•A. ~ b Plant S cies Listed c Re aired Stri s/Screens 3.Off-Street Parkin a~~.} ~) qty . t a) # of Stalls (dimensions, etc a ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ , ~ ~ _____ b) Handicap Stalls (van accessible, aisles, si ns) 1~- ~~ aS ~ ~~ ;. ~ ~K-Ne .~~ ~ c Aisles 4. Trash Areas a Location b 3-Side Screenin a 5. Underground Irrigation** ~~ ,,,,~ ~ 6. Sidewalks/Paths ~ 7. Roadways (R-O-W dedications, etc) ~ 8. Lot Requirements ~ ,~. ~ S~ 1 a) Lot Area ~/ b) Street Frontage c) Set-backs ~/ d) Coverage * ACHD approval letter required for curb cuts, road widening, any new projects. ~`~ - ~-3 s6 - as ~rLO ~.~ -- a a i~~.- ' ~ ~.-- ~aq ,~ N,aaeE 3 c~v¢a ~. ~.~s.. ~e~ .~„~~ A ' S~~ X kp o z ~ 7Kp ~- * * Pressurized irrigation can be waived only if no water rights exist to subject property or developer deeds to City land for a well. * * City permits a 1-time hook-up to municipal water for irrigation per site. * * Trees must not be planted in sewer easements. ~'~" C:\P&Zadmin\Forms\CZC Checklist -- - ---_- . ~ l ~ i ** TX STATUS REPORT ** DATE TIME TOiFROM 10 06109 08 53 1 208 336 3680 200 E. Carkon State 201 Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: (208) 884533 Fax: (208) 887-1297 • AS OF JUN 09 '99 08 54 PAGE. 01 PUBLIC WORKS MODE MINiSEC PGS CMDkt STATUS EC--S 00'43" 002 192 OK To: Darrell Leatham, Leatham & Krohn From Brad Hawldns~larfc F~c 336-3680 Pa®®s: 2 Phen®e D®tee 06/09/99 Re: Handicap Stags for Waltman Scholl CC: O U~+gent 0 Por Re~Wew ^ Please Comment O Please Reply ^ Please Reeyc!® Attached is the Certificate of Zoning Compliance for the elementary sctrod you rolled about this marring. I believe I faoced a Dopy of the certificate ip Amber in Apnl. Note that the City is requesting just one (1) of the five (5) total handicap stalls to be van accessible, not the ivuo (2) I merdioned on the phone. AS we discu,SSed, the van accessible steals should be a total of 17 feet wide. The standard handicap stalls should be a trial of 14 feet wide {5' access aisle). Brad ~~K~