Encroachment Agreement Affecting Borup PropertyI~OtY®~u-f ~rramaiw.~~wrina..:e..~.~.~w~......~ ..r___.._ - {i-- I ra ENCROACHM8NT AGREEMENT *k~t*tr**d:*****~e*,a* 1ACtc c, tattwtFnno:;ER ~ Allofrwy at Lew U1tpP+G ftBH-IA~+1 }anx 973 333 :AST 1D.'+1'O MFR i J IAN , ! D.\F n fl3+iA2 This Agreement, made aid entered :into this .ry day o£ April, 1978, by amd beatween RONNI); T. HOPPTNS and GAXL,A Rf, liGPPT.NS, hus- band and wife, hereinafter +:a11ed Sellers, and MTC1iAEL L. ANDERSC and DC?NNA J'. ANDS;RSON, he.re,i.naftcr called Buyers, WTTNESSETH: THAT 'n1HEREAS, the Se7.le:rs are the ownexs o:f the S19 A SW a of Sectic>n 4, Township 3 North, Range 1 Wt:st, Boista Meridian, Ada County; Idaho, and WHERE.\S, Buyers ar.a b>uzchasing from Sellers the W?i w'-~ of the SWs SW~ of Section 4, T~~wr+srip 3 North, Range 1 West, ;3oi:te ' Seridian, F,da County, i+~ai•+o, and WliERE,~,S, this purchase by th~ Duy~_rs Erom the S.ell.ers. is bea.ng made withuui: a fo:^ma.l survey of the property being conductec at this time, P10W, THERET'OF.E, TT TS HEItEBX AGREED by and between the partie hereto as follows: l.. And :Fences or other improvements erected or constructed after date .if this AcireE~tnent, •~uhich if subsecluenc~.ly detc;rm.ined by survey sha:l-1 encrc>ar_Y+ u,~aa i the property af. the other party shall be moved or removEd at the request of the owner o:: \;hose property thtr e:ncroachmer.t oc+.urs. Tn •~1SL event that the fence o.r other i.ml~ravelnents shall trot bo xogta';ced to be removc:cl irtune- diatel.y following the suxv+sy it is unc9e!cstood ar:d ,agreed that t:~e £e~nce oz' othcar impxovemeat is heincl ,termitL-Ed to retr.air+ with the consent o!: l•he other p,art.y, and that there sl;al_ lie no adve.rsc ,~osse~sion zga~inst the property of the p.trty upon wlaasc property the encroacl-ment a:tilts. ?. Huildinys which ar.-e existing at the date o!" execution of ~~ w~t>Mn~t~R~i~lIUI11rr1i~rAi~l. ri~r~+.~ :JL.iJr ~a~ th~.s agres.ner:Jt shah. ~ havo a ~exmaneni: Qaeament to ao ~:r3ma1•n as situatarl ae lon ! 8 ae ;the bu~.ldinge >:arnain and are apt ha t:heix ~reaent pee, wlti.cJh ~~~eeJlteni: ahaX~. a7,eo nc~.udv an a41d;1:L*iorts], ten (10) iaet: around; the Z,exi.dJeter urL the anexoaehmant, whaoh aha be usQd i`c~r accelae on~.y. 3. 7'kJ~.a a~.reelte~nt ~Iha:ld. >ae b~,nd~.ng upon i,:ha he:J.r:r~, euaaaaaq assigns d11d paraona~ rQlarer>enl:ai:~.ve o,~ the paxfi~,ea he~retU. IN w,[~TrSSS WEl.~OIi>•gA, i:Yle paxties have exocutsc3 this agreameni~ thc~ clay a„y~] year. ak~pvs w~:~,t:ton. ~~ ~. ~s r ",7 >~ ~ .GA laA li. 1IQAnxNS r~lA], p e P7.3:4[.TAl1iL 7r. AN17Ja12SOA'( ---~ . , ~~ r ~ LtONNA ~T: ANI))aRESQN 13liyca«Fa ,~, STAIN Or IAA130 County OE Ades Fla. On L•hia ,~Iay of April, 1978, befora ma, the undar:Jignecl, a Notary Public in and zor said Stai:o, peraonala.y aP_poa>•ec] RANNI>~ T. FIOPPINS and GA',YI;,A R, F;i)PPINS, kns~wn L•o mo to ba tho ~,AJ:rions whose names arcr subscribed to the i'orogoing inetrumsnt, zJnd ack~ nowledged Ira m~J t'hat they oxecuted I:he »amc. VdI7D11J6S M'l HAND AN:O aLAL thq~ ~1~I~~d yaax Lirsi• above :vzitta~ ' ~ ]s:~tary Public for Ic7aha (`~'~AZ''~ Tt'Jaidillg eti:: ..~ ~~ ~ ` :• i PACK C. AIDCLEhAOSBR ~ttornoy JS Low 'lJ0l1L~ BA8-1891 oX 373 33 EFlST IDAHO EAIDIRJr, IDR110 03G42 .' I J ---•~..~,....,~u~ a~',7ra:~ :~.i~,~,~o -3.. STATE OF SJ}AFIO ss. { County of Ada i r i On this ~,.d,ay l!o:E A ~t, ~ 1 a Notary public in at~d fox ,tiaid~Sta~te'~efore .me, the nt7rersigned, MSCFIA>;L L. ANDEFt5O1~ ~nd I)fJNtfA ,I, , ,;~oorsonaJ.ly aPPearoci personr3 whose names axe sub+acribed tdEt~` known to tn~i .£© be the and acknawl.edced to ` h foregoing it;strument, the that they executed the same. 1 11":LT~:ESS D3Y AANf~ iAND SEAL the ,~aax and yeax first above writte , ~, i% ~ ~• },',if~t7f ~~ `~~.•J`t~~ 1. ~ l~J r . ' _ Notar ~"'1----.. .~ -(SEAL) ~~ Y Public for Idaho -~ - ~ Residing at: ,'„ i 1,1 , j ~ . `;~. ,/ ~ ~'.'~ stATE of Innl+Ir. COI1i7TY OF AUA, ss. PIONEEit'flT1.E C4„ Fila1 for iceord al 1 raquesE al._._.. - 'p . Od yyj~, ~g C _,.u'CIG411 Id Uris . ~.Aap o!~ f ]0, s . ~(///-~~ J-1RE~ p~~Rocardat f ~~ cY ~} . ^- .41CIG C. Ii1C1~IND;ifi Attomay et Low PEtONE 888-19')1 808 373 333 EA.S'P xDAit0 ~:~axoxnrr, xnnEfo 83G92