2001 11-01Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting November 1, 2001 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday November 1, 2001 by Chairman Keith Borup. Members Present: Keith Borup, Sally Norton, Bill Nary, and Jerry Centers. Members Absent: Keven Shreeve. Others Present: Larry Moore, Steve Siddoway, and Will Berg. Borup: I would like to open our regularly scheduled Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for November 1st . Commissioners in attendance are Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Nary, Commissioner Centers. Commissioner Shreeve is absent and Commissioner Borup. I might mention, and this information has gone out to the Commissioners but for any of those here in attendance and there are signs posted out on the doors. There was a little bit of problem with legal noticing, with the Statesman. Because of the noticing requirements, it was not done in the timely manner that was necessary. So, all the items that were scheduled for November 1st hearing have been moved to the November 15th . So, the same items --. Right now, we’ve moved the whole agenda to November 15th . Yes, and that’s the notices out there on the doors also. But, as also a legal requirement to, I mean, this is our regular scheduled meeting so we will be opening the meeting. The item on the agenda is the minutes. So, actually, we have 2 sets of minutes on our agenda, September 27th Planning and Zoning Special Comprehensive Plan Meeting and then our regular meeting from October 4th . Any questions, comments on --? Nary: Mr. Chairman, the minutes from the September 27th comprehensive plan meeting were pretty lengthy and they’re critical in some of the discussion of that we’ve had. I wondered would it be all right if we simply delayed the approval of those minutes so we can have some opportunity to finish those. I think the other ones were pretty straightforward. I guess I was going to move to simply approve the ones from October 4th . Is that what it was? Borup: Yes, October 4th . Nary: October 4th meeting and maybe we could set over to the November 15th meeting the comprehensive plan minutes. If that’s not going to be a problem from the City Clerk standpoint as to when those get approved. Borup: No that should not be on the comprehensive plan. I think I agree with that too. I wasn’t anticipating those minutes for tonight either. Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting November 1, 2001 Page 2 Nary: They’re pretty lengthy. So, if its all right, I would just move that we approve the minutes of our regular October 4th meeting, approved as submitted and that we I guess we can do a second motion to set over the other one after this. But, I just move that we approve only the minutes of the October 4th meeting. Norton: I second. Borup: Moved and second. All in favor? MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES, ONE ABSENT Nary: Mr. Chairman, I move that we set over, continue I guess, until our next meeting of November 15th the minutes of the September 27th Special Planning and Zoning Commission meeting regarding the comprehensive plan. Centers: Second. Borup: Motion second. All in favor? MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES, ONE ABSENT Borup: Yes, to November 15th . That concludes our agenda. We need a motion to adjourn. Norton: Mr. Chairman. I move to adjourn. Nary: Second. Borup: Motion second to adjourn our meeting. All in favor? MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES, ONE ABSENT ADJOURNED AT 7:06 P.M. (TAPE ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) APPROVED: / / KEITH BORUP, CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTESTED: WILLIAM G. BERG, JR., CITY CLERK