10-717 PY 2008 CDBG Action Plan AmendmentCITY OF MERIDIAN RESOLUTION NO. 1 ~ '~ ~ ~~ BY THE CITY COUNCIL: BIRD, HOAGLUN, ROUNTREE, ZAREMBA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM YEAR 2008 ACTION PLAN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST THE SAME ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is required to prepaze and adopt a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan for each year the City receives CDBG Entitlement funds; and WHEREAS, the City adopted, and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsequently approved, a CDBG Action Plan for Program Year 2008 (PY2008) on August 5, 2008; and WHEREAS, certain activities identified for use of PY2008 CDBG Entitlement funds did not advance according to prescribed timelines; and WHEREAS, HUD requires timely expenditure of Entitlement funds by CDBG recipients; and WHEREAS, the City proposed a substantial amendment to the PY2008 CDBG Action Plan to allow reallocation of unused funds to new or continuing activities; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Citizen Participation Plan, the City held a public hearing on the proposed substantial amendment to the PY2008 Action Plan on February 9, 2010, and held a public comment period on the same amendment from Februazy 9 to Mazch 23, 2010; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO: Section 1. That the Program Year 2008 Action Plan and its certification documents, incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby aze, amended as described in Attachment 1. Section 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be, and they hereby aze, authorized to respectively execute and attest, through this Resolution, this substantial amendment to the PY2008 Action Plan for and on behalf of the City of Meridian. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. . ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this ~ day of April, 2010. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Idaho, this ~' day of April, 2010. RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 1 of 13 APPROVED: Mayor T de Weerd ATTEST: `\`\~~~~i~ ii a i-i~iii~i .~ of ~~~ ~~s By. o~Q1~r q'~0 ~, Jaycee olman, City Clerk \~ crp ; s~~~ _= 9! ~p~ `~ ~. ~-9 QP . RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 2 of 13 Attachment 1: PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Substantial Amendment Summary and Staff Report STAFF REPORT Hearing Date: March 23, 2010 ~~ 1L1CSl'q l®AH® TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Matt Ellsworth, Associaoe City Plant>cr SUB3ECT: PY2008 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan Amendment, Public Hearing & Comment Period 1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S REQUEST Several activities proposed for the 2008 Program Year (PY08) did not move forward according to predetermined timelines or came in under budget. In order to maintain compliance with federal timeliness requirements, the City proposes an amendment to the PY2008 CDBG Action Plan to reallocate these unused funds to new activities as follows: I-~unds Front ~~~~ Z;tnrds To Project Amount Project Amount Habitat for $~~~ ~ Senior Center $14.795.00 Humanity (Public Services) Code $11,000.00 Food Bank $18,271.96 Enforcement Senior Center $16,791. Housing $15,000.00 (Public Facilities) Authority Unallocated $275.00 (Design) otks $40,000.00 I O`l~:aL w~8,l~G6.yb ~~ 1~O i .1 t; 823,0(y6 vr, Note: Activity seannearies are available iet echibits 1 and 2. 2. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the following: a. That Council close the public hearing and comment period that began on February 9, 2010; and b. That Council approve the amendment to the PY2008 CDBG Action Plan as described herein. 3. PROCESS FACTS Published public notices March 8, 2010 in the Valley Threes and /daho Statesman. A copy of this Atrn'ndrtrent is available at the °Senior Center, Library, City Hall; and online at; http://www.meridiancity.ornJplannina.aspx?id=4418. PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23, 2010 -i- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 3 of 13 5. EXHIBITS A. "Funds From" Activity Summary B. "Funds To" Activity Summary C. Public Services Activity Schedu~, Meridian Senior Center D. 3C Tables 1) Senior Center Pablic Services 2) Senior Center Public Facilities (Revised) 3) Food Bank 4) Ada County Housing Authority 5) Infrastructure Design 6) Code Enforcement (Revised) PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23.2010 -2- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 4 of 13 EXIiIBIT A: "Funds From" Activity Sammary ~~~ m ~~ ~ ~ ~~ o ~ m~ ~S g~ ~° ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , L t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ ® a$ ~ . ~ O m ~ ~ ~m s -~ ~ ~~ sd ~~~ ~c ~ m ~ ~ ~c o ~°~~ ~ ~ Qg o_g3 ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ° ~ -o ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ o ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ m 3 0 . ~~ ~ ~ _m ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ g ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ g ~ ~_ ~ ~ (QQ ~. p~ O ~ Q PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23, 2010 -3- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 5 of 13 EXHIBIT B: "Fends To" Activity Summary pfOj@Ct(AC~tV~t~f QI~fOC;atl0il ~SCflP~tO[1 To aBSISt the ~~ Cetrtef in pubttc servfoe BCUvIUes for Senror Center (Pubis Servloas) $14,795.00 itis members. Prapos~ activities inchtd~ descxlbed in EXhtbit C. Food Bank $18.271.96 To purchase food and eupp~ee related to provision of services at the RAeddian Food Bank. To pravkie homebuyer asststan~ (mortgage principal Ada County Housfig Authority $15,0.00 buy daMm, downpaymeM, or cbstn9 00~ to eltgtble LAAI Purchasers. Publ~ Works Infrastructure ~'~'~ To des~n water and sewer Ilse n~phacarment in reskien#i ~gn parts of LMI area. PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendanent March 23, 2010 -4- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 6 of 13 EXHIBIT C: Public Services Activity Schedule, Meridian Senior Center ART EDUCATION: Contact Carl Goodwin ~ 888-6846 (Each Class will run three weeks a month. W e will bin the classes in March 2010 ark go thti Juty 2010) 1) Pastels: $10.00 per student, ($100 ir~tructor fee. (Umtt 10 people) Thr~ classes: COST: $400 2) Watercolor. $21.00 per student, $100 instructor fee (Umtt 10 people) Thr~ classes: COST: $510 3) Acrylic: $30.00 per student, $1 ~ ir~structar fee. (Umtt 10 people) Three classes: COST: $600 4) Wood Pulp: $10.00 per student, $100 Instructor fee (Umtt 10 people) Three classes: COST: $400 5) Drawing: $15.00 per student, $100 instructor fee (Umtt 10 people) Three classes: COST: $450 TOTAL COST FOR ART EDUCATIONAL CLASSES: $2,360 BLOOD TESTING: (Pending the Dr's ofticre schedule, begin the bk>~ testing in April 2010 and run through May 2010) Cholesterol screening would insist ot: 1) CBC: Evaluation of weakness, Fat~ue and cholesterol sues 2) CMP: Evaluation for diabetes, liver, ark kidney functions 3) LIPIDS: Cholesterol and tr~lyceride evaUation 4) TSH: Dated thyroki function 5) UA: Evaluation of various symptoms' and I~nesses 6) Hemogk>t~n A1C: Glutmse testing Cost per indivkiual: $100 (Umtt 50 people) Contact: Zelda, Idaho Minor Emergency 514-4401 TOTAL COST FOR BLOOD TESTING: $5,000 MAMOGRAMS (DIGITAL) Pending on SL Luke's Mamm~ram schedule begin March 2010 and run thti April 2010) Cost per individual $117 (Limit 55 people) Contact: Gana: 706-5680 or Jude: 706-5684 St. Luke's Mammograms TOTAL COST FOR MAMOGRAMS: $6,435 SHIBA PROGRAAA: We will begin this program March 2010, pending the sdmdule of our SHIBA contact) This Is an an going pn~ram, once tt Is set up. Addttionel costs whk:h may not be ~vered by the initial program $1,000 Contact: Genii: 3344352 The remainder of the CDBG funding $1,996.96 we give permfsslon to tits City of Meridian to re-alt~® to another orgardzaUon whk:h has app®ed br CDBG funding. If passible we would tilts this amount to ga to the Meridian Food Bank, If they are on the grant fistlrrg. ""NOTE: The above given monk assigned to each program can charge tt the instructor or provider wards them to ocau In some other month. We ursierstand that funds wi© not be released urttfl the end of Feb. 2010 and need to ~ used by the end of Aug. 2010. PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23, 2010 -S- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 7 of 13 EXHIBIT D.1: Jarisdiction's Name: Priority Need: Project Title Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects City of Meridian, Idaho Public Services Senior Center Public Services Description The City will provide Public Service assistance to the Meridian Senior Center to provide services ranging fmm health and wellness to recreation. Objective category: ®Suitable Living Environment ^ Decent Housing ^ Economic Opportunity Oatrnme category: ^ Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ®Sustainability Location/Target Area Citywide as applicable. Objective Namber Project ID SL3.3 HUD Matrix Code CDBG C1taBon OS 24 CFR § 570.201(e) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Subrceipient LMC Strart Date Completion Date 03/16/2010 09/30/2010 Performance Indicator Annual Units # of it~ividuals served 30 Local ID Units Upon Completion 30 Funding Sonrc~.c: CDBG $14,795.00 ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula $14,795.00 Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $14,795.00 T7~ primary purpose of the project is to help: ^ the Homekas ^ Person with H[V!A@S ^ Persona with Disabilities ^ Public Housing Needs PY2008 CDBG Action Plan At~ndment March 23, 2010 -6- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 8 of 13 EXHIBIT D.2: Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: City of Meridian, Idaho Priority Need: Public Facilities Project Title Senior Center Public Facilities (REVISED) Description The City will provide funding for the Meridian Senior Center to update their phone system. Objective category: ®Suitable Living Environment ^ Decent Housing ^ Economic OPPor<unitY Outcome category: ^ Availability/Accessib~7ity ^ Affordability ®Sustainability Location/Target Area 133 W. Broadway; Meridian ID 83642 Census Tract 010322, Block Group 2 Objective Number Project ID SL3.3 HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation OS 24 CFR § 570.201(e) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Subreci Tent LMC Start Date Completion Date 03/16/2009 09/30/2009 Performance Indicator Annual Units # of i~ividuals served 30 Local ID Units Upon Completion 30 Funding Sources: CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $3,208.04 $3,208.04 $3,208.04 T~ P+~Y Po~'Pose of the project is to help: ^ the Homeless ^ Persons with HIV/AIDS ^ Persons with Disab~7ities ^ Public Housing Nerds PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23, 2010 -7- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 9 of 13 EXHIBIT D.3: Jurisdiction's Name: Priority Need: Project Title Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects City of Meridiaa, Idaho Public Services Meridian Food Bank Description The City will provide Public Service support to the Meridian Food Bank for general services, food supplies, backpacks for kids, etc. Objective category: ®Suitable Living Environment ^ Decent Housing ^ Economic OPPo~ty Outcome category: ^ Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ®Sustainability Location/TargetAraa Citywide as applicable. Objective Number Project ID SL3.3 HUD Matra Code CDBG Citation OS 24 CFR § 570.201(e) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Subreci Tent LMC Start Date Completion Date 03/16/2010 09/30/2010 Performance Indicator Annual Units # of individuals served 600 Local ID Units Upon Completion 600 Funding Sources: CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prior Yeaz Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $18,271.96 $18,271.96 $18,271.96 1'he pricey paipose of ~ pmjed is to help: ^ the Hamehss ^ Pecsoffi with HIV/AIDS ^ Persona with Disabilities ^ Pablie Housing Nerds PY20D8 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23, 2010 -8- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 10 of 13 EXHIBIT D.4: JurLwlidion's Name: Priority Need: Project Title Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects City of Meridian, Idaho Affordable Housing Homeownership Assistance Description The City will provide funding for the Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority to provide direct homeownership assistance to help LMI individuals purchase homes. Objective category: ^ Suitable Living Environment ®Decent Housing ^ Economic Opportunity Outcome category: ^ Availability/Accessibility ®Affordability ^ Sustainability Location/TargetArxc Citywide as applicable. Objective Nnmber P%~ct ID DH 2.2 HUD Matrl$ Code CDBG CitaBon 13 24 CFR § 570.201(n) Type of Redpient CDBG National Objective Subreci ' nt LMH Start I?ate Completion Date 03/16/2010 09/30/2010 Performance Indicator Anneal Units Housing Units 1 Local ID Units Upon Completion 1 Funding Sour: CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 71re primary purpose or the project is to help: ^ the Homeless ^ Persons with HIVlAIDS ^ Pen:o~ with Disabilit~s ^ 1'ablfc Housing 1 PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23.2010 -9- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 11 of 13 EXHIBIT D.S: Table 3C Consolidated Plan LisBng of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: Priority Need: Project Title City of Meridian, Idaho Public Facilities Infrastructure Design Description The City will use CDBG funding to design replacement water and sewer lines in the residential portion of the LMI area around Downtown Meridian Objective category: ®Suitable Living Envirotttt~nt ^ Decent Housing ^ Economic Opporttmity Outcome category: ^ Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ®Sustainability Location/TargetAren Census Tract 010322, Black Graup 1 Objective Nttmber Project ID SL 1.1 HUD Matriac Code CDBG Citation 03J 24 CFR § 570.201(c) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Entitletttent LMA Start Date Completion Bate 03/15YL010 09/30/2010 Performance Indicator Annnal Units Faci3ities 2 Local ID Units Upon Completion 2 Funding Sources: CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prior Yeaz Funds Assisted Hausing PHA Other Funding Total T~ Pn~Y P~ of ~ pmject is to help: ^ the Homehss ^ Persona with HIV//11T)S ^ Persons with Diaebr7i0ies ^ Public Housing Nfxds PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment Mazch 21, 2010 - 10- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 12 of 13 EXHIBIT D.6: Table 3C Consolidated Plan Listing of Projects Jurisdiction's Name: City of Meridian, Idaho Priority Need: Sustainability of Suitable Living Environment Project Title LMI Area Code Enforoe~nt (REVISED) Description The City will use CDBG funding to reduce deterioration of LMI neighborhoods through proactive Code Enforcement activities. Objective category: ®Suitable Living Environtt~nt ^ Decent Housing ^ Economic Opportunity Outcome category: ^ Availability/Accessibility ^ Affordability ®Sustainability Locatlon/TargetAren Census Tract 010322, Block Group l; Census Tract 010322, Block Group 2; Census Tract 010321, Block Group 2 Objective Number Project ID SL 3.1 HUD Matrix Code CDBG Citation 15 24 CFR § 570.202(c) Type of Recipient CDBG National Objective Entitlett~nt LMA Start Date Completion Date 03/16!2010 (i9/30/2010 Performance Indicator Annual Units Cases/Activities 2 Local ID Units Upon Completion 2 Fondi~ Sources: CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Total Formula Prig Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $9,0()0.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 T~ Pn~Y P~ or the pmjecK ie to help: ^ the Homeless ^ Pe,smv4 with HN/AIDS ^ Per~m< with Disabt7ities ^ Pablic Housing Needs PY2008 CDBG Action Plan Amendment March 23, 2010 -11- RESOLUTION AMENDING PY2008 CDBG ACTION PLAN -Page 13 of 13