Bear Creek Restroom Bid Sep-04-03 03:05P P.02 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed proposals will be m:cived by: City ofMeridinn - City Clerk 33 East Idaho St. Meridian, Idaho 831\42 Attention: City Clerk Subject: Bear Creck Restroom fur the const:ruction of a n~ frcc..standing 1,905 sJ. restroom and mamtenance fucility. All bid proposals will be accepted until 3:00 P.M. (Mountain Standard Time) 9/2412003. Bidding participants will be notified of the results and selection oftbc Contractor-willlil.ollc. III of sul!IIIIi~~ .y;_.- - 7- f'- C_'.""-<..-I-OY CJn"-w..u:.~. One set of docwncnts may be obtained by Owner approved and selected Clencral Contractors and by their subcontractors fur a refundable deposit ofS40.oo. Documents may be obtained at: Cole I Associates Archilccls 960 Broadway Ave. Suite 240 Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 331-3200 tax: (208) 331-3244 Bids will be n:vil:wed under all current state statutes. All work shall be performed under Title 54, Chapter 19, of the Idaho code governing Publie Works Contracts. Each bidder shall identifY his Public Works Contractors State License Number in the space provided on the Bid Proposal Form. Each bidder shall idaltif} his subcontractor's Idaho Public Works Contractors State License Number in the space provided on the Bid Proposal Form. Each bidder shall identitY his subcootraclDr's Idaho Contractors License Number in the space provUled on the Bid Proposal Form. Incomplete bid furms will be considered unresponsive and void. A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount, including any add alternates, is required. END OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bear CrHk Restroom ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AB-1