A Step Ahead PreschoolG~~"~` NOTE: This is not a Building Permit E IDIAN~~-~- Prior to anv construction, you should contact Buildin¢ Services at (2081 IDAHO 887-2211 to verify if anv additional permits and/or inspections will be required. CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: February 12, 2010 Project Name/Number: A Step Ahead Preschool- CZC-10-007; DES-10-006 Owner: Dave Evans Construction/Setlers Crossing LLC Site Address: 3348 N. Meridian Road (Lot 44 and 45 Block 7, Sundance Sub. No. 5) Proposed Use: 5 313 square foot Preschool Facility Comments: Conditions of Approval: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and rezone (RZ-06-001), development agreement (# 106133465), preliminary plat (PP-06-014) and final plat (FP-06-042) approved for this subdivision. The issuance of this CZC does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for this site. Certificateof+Occupaacv: All required imprnvarnarts must be oompiebe prior b a All changes in occupancy resod to cony widl<the r+equir+~trentsof BuiMing Srervice~. it is urA1s#Q ~+a~ii any building or structure until the Building Official has issued a certificateo#loa*.uprttcy: A° or temporary certificate of ocaipaiicy is ob~ined from Building Serviceaj{2t~ Es? 221.1 after illil~e~wr aerei complete and the field inspection recmd is r+~raed bo Build Services. Development of this ate dutfi sh-o ooaapiy with sli of the apeciric auc 11-43-9, including the folbw~iag: - The hours of operation of the sub,~et daycare altnll be >rdw~r tla lYs~n et5 ssr~ aiwiK - Prlor tQ i~esse of oocnp~acy for tiia site, the spplicsot or ewnar sia~' 11~' bsclegronnd checks sod ~ hespeetien oertl;icaitea sa reQitir+ed ~ Thie 39, GMpMr:>~itIir - All outdoor pby areas ahsll bs eompietdy eotisaed by f-~t trrY ~~,~rlletr~=til11 secure a`alnat e=ltlattry 6y aatali si~dree and ~ ages sbs pt+opre#ieR - Ogtdoor play e9iiipeatt v~e>;' 6' ` heir shsl! slot be ieealad i s D+ak yard. - The nssziarum camber ~ sllis~rribie a cored for dnrl~ the dif ~ rmt Prior to relaase of occap oey fsr this she, the appikaot slab s alpy of tM '~~ll'~t resaltiag from the pro~eriy bo>rndsry sd,~au~a~t rimed sa! the site pb>ti. Upon approval of tho Settjers ~'aesbon sp@gattiatt wY`~1 Department for the reconbtioo ai s aslw- ~-I~OOt wso s~omaet -lrb~ Ia- ~ niM~t ut ~ it baildiog. Landscape Plan: The Landscape Plan prepared by Toothman Orton Engineering Company on 2/11/10, labeled Sheet 1, is approved (stamped "Approved" on February 12, 2010 by the Meridian Planning Department) with no changes. The approved landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No field changes to landscape plan permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. Prior to final inspection and sign off for this project, a written certificate of completion shall be submitted to the Planning Department, prepared by a landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscapeplan. Site Plan: The Site Plan prepared by Dave Evans Construction, on January 8, 2010, is approved (stamped "Approved" on February 12, 2010 by the Meridian Planning Department) withthe following changes: 1) Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved site plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. Elevations: The Elevations prepared by Dave Evans Construction, on January 19, 2010, is approved (stamped "Approved" on February 12, 2010 by the Meridian Planning Department) withno changes. Irrigation: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to allandscape areas per the approved specifications anti in accordance with UDC 11-3A-15. Protection of Existing Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Per UDC 11-3B-10, coordinate with the Parks Department Arborist (Elroy Huff, 888-3579) for approval of protection/relocation measures for the existing trees prior to construction. Any severely damaged tree must be replaced in compliance with UDC 1-BB-10-C.5. Parkins: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordancewith UDC 11-3C and 11-3B. Project engineer/architect shall certify that the number and size ofhandicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance per ADA and signed accessible. Curbing: Per UDC 11-3B-5I, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices. Curbing may be cut to allow for storm water runoff. Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with 11-3A-17. Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainage: Storm water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3:1, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with UDC 11-3B-11 and UDC 11-3A-18. Lim: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development and comply with lighting standards as defined in UDC 113A-11. Signa~e: No signs are approved with this CZC. All business signs will require a separate sign permit in compliance with UDC 11-3D. Trash Enclosure: All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC-11-3A-12. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Handicap-Accessibility The structure, site improvements and parking areas must be incompliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. ACRD Acceptance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodatethe ACRD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Plan Modifications Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved Site Plan, Landscape Plan, and Elevations, stamped "Approved" on February 12, 2010, are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No significant field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. Bill Parsons Associate City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. E IDIAN~-- iDAN Planning Department CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Application Checklist Project name: ~ ~'~p 14t~~1q-() ~~:~1, File #: ~Z~-lao0'~ Applicant/agent: ~' Cp tt ~p~~C(1`Y ~~,-~1' c~ ~/,AIyS c'vNs~ucT+ awl All applications are required to contain one copy of the following unless otherwise noted: Applicant Staff (,~) Description ,~) Coin feted & si ned Administrative Review A lication ---~ Narrative fully describing the proposed use of the property, including the following: _ - Information on any previous approvals or requirements for the requested use (i.e., a licable conditions of a royal or Develo ment A Bement) Recorded warrant deed for the sub'ect ro ert Affidavit of Legal Interest signed & notarized by the property owner (]f owner is a corporation, submit a co of the Articles of Inco oration or other evidence to show that the erson si nin is an authorized a ent. Scaled vicinit . ma showin the location of the sub'ect ro ert Fire Marshall a royal for access and turn around (stain ed, full size site plan) ~„' J " Sanitary Service Company approval for trash enclosure & access drive (stamped, full size site ~_„ / Ian) Civil Site/Dimension Plan - 1 full size co (folded to 8 %z" x 11" size •-'- ~~Q A photometric test report for any light fixture(s) with a maximum output of 1,8001umens N or more (see UDC 11-3A-11) Co of the recorded fat the ro ert lies within (8 th" x 11 ") Address verification letter from Public Works (898-5500) - - Site Plan-4 copies (folded to 8 r/z" x 11" size) ~ The followin items must be shown on the site fan: ~ • Date, scale, north arrow, and ro'ect name (scale not less than r'=so') • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm re grin the fan • Parkin stalls and drive aisles •• Trash enclosure(s) location • Detail of trash enclosure (must be screened on 3 sues) ,[ ` • Location and specifications for underground irrigation (Pressurized irrigation can only be ' ~ waived if ou rove no water ri hts exist to sub ect ro ert ) • Sidewalks or athwa S (proposed and existing) • Location of ro osed buildin on lot (include dimensions to property lines) • Fencin (proposed and existing) • Calculations table including the following: x - Number of parking stalls required & provided (specify handicap & compact stalls) - Building size (sq. ft.) - Lot size (sq. ft.) - Setbacks - Zonin district • Reduction of the site fan (8 th" x 11") ----- Landscape plan - 3 copies (folded to 8'/z" x 11" size) Plan must !rave a scale no smaller than 1 " = 50' (1 " = 20' is preferred) and be on a standard drawing sheet, not to exceed 36"x 48" (24" x 36" is preferred). A plan which cannot be drawn in its entirety on a single sheet must be drawn with appropriate match lines on two or more sheets. `"' The followin items must be included on the landsca a fan: • Date, scale, north arrow, and ro'ect name F~ G•aT ~P Job 5~~1 $a~ I povCv tnnaSalr ~i12.--3V~ ~a 3qq 9 ~1~ 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 • Meridian, Tdaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm re arin the lan ~ • Stamp/signature of a landscape architect, landscape designer, or qualified nurse man re arin the lan / • Existing natural features such as canals, creeks, drains, ponds, wetlands, N ~ flood lains, hi h roundwater azeas, and rock outcro in s • Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches or ~/ the ground. Indicate whether the greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above /~ tree will be retained or removed /'/,rFi~ ~ A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed to be retained will be rotected from dama e durin construction ,~ ~~ nl • Existing structures, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fences, berms, ,~ parking and loading azeas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, stormwater detention azeas, si ns, street furniture, and other man-made elements /~ • Existing and proposed contours for all azeas steeper than 20% slope. Berms shall N be shown with one-foot contours i./ R' • Si ht Trian les as defined in 11-3A-5 of this ordinance • Location and labels for all proposed plants, including trees, shrubs, and ~/ groundcovers (trees must not be planted in City water or sewer easements). Scale Shown foi lant materials shall reflect a roximate mature size • A plant list that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, common name, minimum planting size and container, tree class (I, II, or III), and comments (for s acin , stakin ,and installation as a ro riate) • Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all re uired standards d Desi n drawin (s) of all fencin ro osed for screenin u oses / ~ • Calculations of project components to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including: - Number of street trees and lineal feet of street frontage - Width of street buffers (exclusive of right-of-way) - Width of parking lot perimeter landscape strip - Buffer width between different land uses (if applicable) - Number of parking stalls and percent of parking area with internal landscaping - Total number of trees and tree species mix - Mitigation for removal of existing trees, including number of caliper inches bein removed Reduction of the landsca a lan (8 t/z" x 11") ---- Buildin elevations showin construction materials - 3 co ies (folded to 8 t/z" x 11" size) .~-~ Reduction of the elevations (8 t/z" x I 1 ") ~-- N n 1`S If applying for approval of a public school, provide additional information as required by the Public School Facilit su lemental checklist er §67-6519 Fee (If this ro'ect had rior a royal on a site lan, reduced fees ma a 1) ~" ACHD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACHD as they pertain to this application. All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Your building permit will not be issued until ACHD has approved your plans and all associated fees have been paid. THIS APPLICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL STAFF HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION. 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 Website: www.meridiancity.org (Rev. 4/03/09) E IDIAN~~--`- IDAHt} Planning Department DESIGN REVIEW ^ Application Checklist Project name: ~ Sr~ >~~',~ P/~5G/~ (~ Concurrent File #: $ ~~~ A licant/a ent: `- QUA~NS GoNS'~YL~~'10~-- All applications are required to contain one copy of the following: Applicant (~) _ _ Descnprion Staff (~) Completed and signed Administrative Review Application (If also submitting a concurrent ayplication for Conditional Use Permit, design review will ve processed alotzg with that applicatiotz. Therefore, an Administrative Review application is ~.... not tzecessary in this case; just check the Desigzz Review box ozz Conztzzissiotz & Council Review Application and submit the information below.) Completed Design Manua] Compliance Checklists (B. Urban Design Guidelines; C. Urbatz/Suburban Design Guidelines; D. Suburban Design Guidelines; E. Residential Desi n Guidelines) as a licable. Provide in a narrative letter, how the proposal addresses guidelines contained in the / Meridian Design Manual and UDC 11-3A-19: ~ ~( 1. Architectural Character: / \ a. Facades. ~. b. Primary public entrance(s). c. Roof lines. d. Pattern variations. e. Fenestration f. Mechanical equipment. 2. Color and materials. Please provide color chips or exhibits of proposed colors. 3. Site Plan and Building Layout a. Building location b. Parking areas. c. Access d. Street layout and/or internal circulation. e. Pedestrian walkways and facilities. A complete set of scaled plans including building elevations, with building materials, colors - and textures s ecified and site lans. Reductions of the elevations (8'/z" x 11") ~'' Fee ~ l~1 ,/' All requests for design review apyroval must meet the procedures set forth in UDC 11-5 and the criteria set forth in the "Meridian Design Manual ", as applicable. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS ON THE CHECKLIST ARE SUBMITTED. 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org (Rer. 03/Z3/09)) E IDIAN~:-- EDA(iQ Planning Department DESIGN REVIEW Design Manual Compliance Pro'ect name: ~ V~. QJ~ File #: ,~5~{b-'~~ 6 A licanUa ent: (/ ~~ G~~ ~~/ 1.0 Site Character Objective: To encourage attractive and functional neighborhood-oriented developments that are compatible and integrated with adjacent uses, including existing and planned residential areas. Y N N/A Design Guidelines' ' Commems2 Staff D- Proposed developments should establish appropriate orientations to surrounding uses and... D- Develop a concept plan to demonstrate compatibility with adjacent uses and the... D- Where appropriate, coordinate with adjacent uses and residential areas, including single... D- Avoid piecemeal and fragmented development that detracts from the establishment of... D- Use appropriate methods to reduce and mitigate development impacts on adjacent uses that... D- Anticipate the addition of future transit systems to the transportation network and plan for... D- Coordinate routes, placement of facilities; and infrastructure improvements with the appropriate... D- s Where possible, incorporate and enhance significant natural features as site amenities and/or... D- Appropriately address the critical issues of site layout that influence development character... Qbjectives: To promote the interconnectivity of the community and reduce the impacts that vehicle access points impose on roadways and the physical and visual character of developments. Y N N/A Design Guidelines Commentsz Staff D- Limit direct vehicular access off major ~ O~ us7?G(G roadways, including highways, principle arterials... S` `See corresponding item in the Design Manual for fizll test. ` Insert comments or esplmzatiozts relevant to the projects compliance ornon-compliance. s hzcoz posting this guideline nta>> help offset non-compliance with other gzridelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org 12/4/OS) Y N%A Design Guidelines' Comments? Staff D- Provide vehicular ingress/egress from secondary roadways for sites adjacent to major... D-]. Where secondary roadways cannot be provided, coordinate and combine access points to... D- Limit access points on arterial roadways to strategic locations, such as residential and... D- Developments should anticipate and coordinate vehicular ingress/egress with adjacent... D- Use shared access points, secondary roadways, or internal circulation to access corner... D- Site entryways, primary circulation patterns, and connections to adjacent uses should... D- Provide safe and attractive connections between developments and adjoining uses, including... D- Developments should connect with adjacent existing or planned developments and integrate... D- Street stub extensions, roadways, and vehicular drive connections to adjacent... D- Connections to residential areas should be designed as attractive entryways to the development... D- Where appropriate, coordinate and align ingress/egress points, cross access, and internal... D- Access points and roadways used for site entry should align across primary roadways to form... D- Integrate pedestrian routes with site circulation patterns that converge on building entries... D- Plan for access and connectivity to future transit facilities, including, but not limited to... D- Coordinate with the appropriate agencies and organizations to ensure successful integration of... D- Provide adequate pedestrian connections from adjacent uses, public spaces, building entries... ~ ~ i Objectives: To ensure that site organization, including, but not limited to, the placement and orientation of buildings, structures, and public spaces, as well as the location and layout of service and parking areas, establishes an appropriate neighborhood-oriented development character. Y; N/A Design Guidelines Commentsz Staff '` D-1.3.3. ] .Developments should establish an ~~j~ /' -" ~ organizing framework of roadways, primary drive... / D- Locate buildings to establish an appropriate development character that enhances the... See corresponding item in the Design Mancral for firll text. b2sert comments or explanations relevant to the projects compliance argon-compliance. Incorporating this guideline mad- help offset non-compliance n•itlt other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org Y: N N/A -Design Guidelines'` Comments2 Staff D- Bring buildings up close to roadways to establish a street presence and orient primary... D- In addition to the establishment of a street presence, developments should create appropriate... D- Limit the distance from buildings to roadways and the distance between buildings... D- Multibuilding developments may place buildings away from roadways if a minimum of 40... D- Use buildings that incorporate articulated facades and architectural elements to anchor site... D- Provide clearly defined building entries and onnect them to roadways, pedestrian walkways... D- Primary building entries should face roadways, pedestrian environments, or adjacent... D- Retail buildings with multiple entries or that occupy a prominent location, such as a block D- Strategically locate public spaces and site amenities, such as common open space, transit... D- Organize buildings around public space and site amenities to establish destinations that... D- Use building facades, enhanced ~/ streatscapes, or other appropriate enhancements to... D- Orient public spaces and site amenities toward roadways adjacent to building entries... D- Spaces designed for courtyards, outdoor seating, dining areas; or other such spaces should... D- Locate parking toward the interior of the site and integrate parking areas to support the... D- Parking should not be a dominant feature along roadways. Place parking areas away from site... D- Use a parking strategy to minimize the land area devoted to vehicular parking; include, as... D- Distribute parking into smaller areas around, between, and behind structures to shorten... D- Where possible, coordinate the placement of public spaces, site amenities, parking areas, and... D- Locate site services, building utilities, and mechanical equipment to enhance the attractiveness... / D- Place and orient service and loading areas, ~/ mechanical equipment, and utilities away from... D- Where possible, place service and loading areas behind buildings and provide access from... ~ See corresponding item in the Design Manua/ for ful/tent. hrsert comments or eaplmtations relevant to the projects compliance ornon-compliance. 3 Luorporating this guideline may ITelp offset non-compliance with other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org Y .N NIA Design Guidelines'. CommentsZ Staff D- Coordinate the placement of freestanding site services and mechanical equipment to eliminate... D- Place utility lines underground and away from planting zones whenever possible. .~ ~ _ Ob'ectiue: To incorporate parking as an attractive, integrated element of development and address issues that influence the physical and visual characteristics of parking areas, such as the appropriate location for parking, size of parking areas, paving materials, landscaping, and screening. Y N N/A Design Guidelines' Comments2 Staff D- Parking should establish appropriate circulation patterns that accommodate and balance... D- Neighborhood-oriented developments are encouraged to use parking configurations that... D- Coordinate vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns to delineate travel lanes from... D- Provide pedestrian connections from internal circulation to public spaces and adjacent... D- Design surface parking as an integrated and attractive element of the built environment that... D- Break up parking into smaller separated modules and arrange parking to minimize large... D- Design and lay out parking to avoid long, unbroken parking bays. Parking bay lengths should... D- Limit the amount and depth of parking between building facades and roadways to 50 percent... D- Neighborhood-oriented, small-scale anchors oriented along roadways should distribute... D- Use trees, landscaping, hardscapes, and architectural elements to provide shade, create... D- Shade pedestrian walkways and parking, including stalls and drive aisles, with the,appropriate... D- Enhance the attractiveness of parking with berms, landscaping, walls, architectural elements... D- Distribute and integrate appropriately scaled lighting to provide safe and adequately... D- Where appropriate, incorporate and arrange on-street parking to produce traffic calming effects... D- Coordinate the use of on-street parking, including the design and location, with the... D- Where on-street parking is provided. or where vehicles are circulation is directed' in front of::: See ca•respor:ding item in the Design Manua! for firN teat. Insert comments or explanations relevant to the projects compliance a•non-compliance. Incorporating this guideline may help offset Wort-compliance with other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org Y N NfA Design Guidelines' Comments2 Staff D-1.4.2:4.3 Design parking areas, or portions thereof, to accommodate other uses, such as markets, plazas... D- 3Structured parking facilities should be designed to coordinate- vehicular ingress/egress and... ' ~ ~ ~• ~. Ob'ective: To provide a variety of attractive, usable, and integrated public and open spaces that enhance development character, encourage pedestrian use, and contribute to community life and the positive experience of daily activities. Y N NIA Design Guidelines) Comments2' Staff" D- Design public and open spaces as destinations within individual developments and... D- Provide appropriate types and sizes of public and open spaces, including development... D- The physical form of public and open spaces should not be created from residual land areas... D- Clearly delineate the edges of public and open spaces. Use building facades, materials... D-L5. public and open spaces adjacent or in close proximity to transit facilities, building... D- Where appropriate, use public and open spaces to create compatible transitions between... D- Design public spaces to provide visual interest and pedestrian scale that enhances... / D- Incorporate pedestrian-oriented amenities ~/ that promote various active and passive uses within... D- Use decorative pavers or other materials suitable for hardscapes that endure well and add... D- Incorporate plantings, trees, and other plant materials to add vertical texture and variety to... D- Provide adequate seating for gathering spaces, along the edges of public and open spaces, or... D- Incorporate public art as a feature or integrated element of the public space. Where... D- decorative details and elements, such as banners, flags, signs, and plante;s, which... D- Where appropriate, provide pedestrian- ./ scaled light fixtures that provide adequate lighting... D- Public and open spaces should maintain pedestrian and user safety and provide secure... ~ See cor•respondirrg item in the Design MarTCralfor•fidl te~7. z Insert convnerzts or explanations relevant to the projects compliance ornon-compliance. 3 Incorporating dais guideline reap help offset non-compliance with other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org Ob'ective~ To encourage the attractive and purposef ul use of plants and ether landscape materials to enhance development character, puhli¢ and open spaces. parking .uras. required buffers. screening.:md pedestrian environments. Y N NIA Design Guidelines' Comments'' Staff D- I .G?. L Use an organisational strategy fir landscape plantingsto ptomutr aesthetic compositions that... D-' Use formal planting arrangements, such as regular :;nr! linear intervals ;md geometric patterns... U- l . Use inlit7nal platninc arru;gemeuts. such a~ irregular intervals, random paucrnsand groupings... D-1.6.2..2. Integrate Imidscaping to rstalaiish a consistent apliearance and aesthetic chan~cter for... D l .h.?:?.l. Use apprnnriate classes of trees liar P~~%'f~r/ ,I.ve Q.. L~ ~ ' ~:ui.ing areas. buffers. screening; public and open. . .s! ,s.~•ti '~ ~'~ sr . ._ Air ./ D- Lf-.2 '? Z. Consider tree heitht and canopy diameter at mature. growth 1'or spacing. a~td aesthetics as ~+ell:., D- Landscaping should encourage -the ~-• w/ ~' ~~- appropriate and attractive use of xeric drought t~1,Elar.Jl/~~A ~'"~`" , ,.. ..s- .~ i~-1.6.2.?..=4. lncor}xu•ate various plant:~nd non- vegetative materials that pruviae ~ro;u,dcrn•er and... D-1.6.2,2:5,' Use Planters and planting arrangements that feature seasonal plants, flowers, and ornamental... D-l.(i ?,3, Where'appr~~priate ox advantagemis to promute;pec[estrian activity, integrate street.~cape... r,r D-l.fi.2.~. Where possible, development shoultI rcrordn;afe iandsc.tping with adjacent propertieti to... O 'ective T<~ enaiurage visually aesthetic building designs that pt•omote quality architectural ch;Irtcter and establish built environments that are compatihie with existing. plttnned..tnd/nr anticipated adjacent land uses. Y N NIA Design Guidelinest Commentsz Staff D- Building designs should tippt•opriately address building scale. mass: and torn;, and the use,.. D-?. [.3.2. Use fundamental design principle.. including bul not limited t;-, campe~stian, order... r 5rc• rrn•+•t•sprnrt/tug runt iu thr• Ur:riAn +llunrrcrl li,r •(ull re.v. " Iretrrl rrnunrc•ute rn~ ray,lrrnruinrt+' rc•lerdnt to the prujrrre r•unq,liurn~e ur rant-r~,nrplinnr'<•. ' Inrrn/,aretinx tlri.e ~nidoline u+ur help u%Js<•! Harr-cnurhliunre with uther;;tridelinrx. + Appr'upricrlelr erc<• fur+mrl and/ur rr{lr,rntnl plrnurttq rn•r•rur~enu•ntr to rnr•rl tlre~ ,~nrrlr•linr. 33 E. Bn,atl~~a~• Ave. Meridian. 1Jahr~ $36.13 !'lmnr: t?tlSl RSd-5533 • Farsinulc: t?Qt;) S3S-fi85$ V~ret+sitc: www.mcridiancit~.r,rg Y NJA Design Guidelines' Comments2 Staff D- Design building facades that express architectural character and incorporate the use of... D- Design all appropriate sides of buildings, including facades that face public roadways, public... D- Building design should enhance public and opens spaces, articulate aesthetic character, and... D- Design buildings to enhance the attractiveness and appeal of developments, define... D- Where appropriate, incorporate human and pedestrian scale as integral components of the... D- Use building design and architecture to promote mixed-use and denser developments as... D- Building designs are encouraged to use horizontal mixed-use forms to create compact... Objective: To encourage building designs that appropriately use architectural and human scale to establish compatible physical and visual relationships with adjacent and surrounding developments and reinforce a cohesive architectural character. Y N N/A Design Guidelines' Comments2 Staff D- Proposed developments should use proportion and scale to design buildings compatible... D- Infill, greenfield, and redevelopment proposals should coordinate the placement... D- Multibuilding developments are encouraged to produce innovative and creative... D- Where appropriate, group or incorporate smaller uses that introduce building modulation and... D- Design and configure buildings to reduce overwhelming and disproportioned architectural... D- Development should consider the scale of surrounding buildings, including relationships to... D- Use variation in building form and proximity to other buildings, including, but not... D- Where appropriate, establish a hierarchy of building scales that transition from intense to less... D- Incorporate human scale on appropriate building facades to support an aesthetic architectural... D- Use human scale to emphasize fenestration patterns, architectural elements, proportion... D- Pedestrian scale is required at the ground or pedestrian level at building entries, along... See corresponding item in the Design Mnnual for firll test. hrsert cornnaerrts or explanations relerant to the projects eonrpliarace or iron-cornplianee. Incorporating this gcrideline may help offset non-compliance frith other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org i ~ ~ Qbjecti~-e: To enhance the visual interest of building designs and promote quality architectural character. Y N1A Design Guidelines) GommentsZ Staff D- Articulate building forms, including, but not limited to, massing, walls, and roofs, with... D- Building facades that face roadways, public spaces, and pedestrian environments should... D- Incorporate visual and physical distinctions in the building design that enhance building forms... D- Use divisions, fenestration, architectural elements, details, accent materials, and human scale... D- Where building designs incorporate multiple stories, or equivalent building heights... D- Use horizontal and vertical divisions in wall planes to organize fenestration as integrated... / D- Design lower stories to visually anchor V buildings to the ground or street and appropriately... D- Design the uppermost story or facade wall planes to complete the building design... D- Building designs should establish visual connections that relate internal spaces at ground- or... D- Use architectural elements, such as doors and windows, details, and materials to articulate... D- Facades at ground level should average 30 percent transparency along roadways and adjacent to... D- Where multiple stories are proposed, building designs should provide proportionally taller... D- Building roof types, forms, and elements should provide variation and interest to building... D- Building designs should incorporate appropriate roof forms with primary and secondary... D- Where appropriate, modulate and/or articulate roof types, both flat and sloped, with roof... Objective: To integrate architectural elements and details as components of cohesive building designs that enhance the visual interest of building facades, support activity at and/or near ground level, and provide human and pedestrian scale. Y N/A Design Guidelines Comments2 Staff D- Use architectural elements and detailing, including, but not limited to, fenestration patterns... See corresponding item in the Design Mancral for ful/teat. Insert connnents or explanations relevant to the projects compliance ornon-compliance. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org Y N N/A Design Guidelines' Comments2 Staff D- Design and articulate architectural elements using proportions, divisions, detailing... D- Provide architectural elements and detailing that emphasize human scale throughout the... D- Where appropriate, provide building overhangs or other similar features, such as canopies... J D- strategically located elements as focal. points in building designs. Focal elements... D- Building designs should not create blank wall segments along roadways or adjacent to public space... D- Organize and locate building service equipment, including, but not limited to, mechanical... D- Use integrated architectural elements to G(. N provide adequate screening and appropriately... f~L /~ti ,(~(~ D- Screen service equipment at ground level from pedestrian and vehicular view to a minimum... D- Screen service and building equipment that is attached or on top of structures from public... J D- Use screening techniques, architectural elements, and materials that are consistent with the... Objective: To encourage the use of quality materials that promote aesthetic building designs and appropriate contributions to the development of a timeless community character. Y N N/A Design Guidelines Comments2 Staff D- Buildings with facades that face multiple roadways and/or public spaces should use consistent... D- Use complementary material combinations that contribute to a cohesive building design... D- Select a combination that emphasizes a finished composition and enhances human scale for... D- Concrete masonry that provides texture, interest, and detail may be appropriate for building... D- Use well-detailed, proportioned, and durable materials that will weather and age gracefully... D- Create interest and variety in facade design to establish attractive architectural character... D- Provide pattern, texture, and detail in the building design and distinguish field materials from... D- Where materials transition or terminate, provide detailing to express the natural appearance... See corresponding item in tlae Design Manual•for fiell test. Insert contme~tts or explanations relerant to the projects compliance ornon-compliance. Inco~poratittg this guideline tna>> help offset nar-compliance with other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org Y N NJA Design Guidelines'. Comments2 Staff D- Use colors that complement the use of building materials and support innovative and good... D- The use of subtle, neutral, and natural tones for field materials should complement accent... D- The use of intensely bright and fluorescent colors, as well as the widespread use of saturated hues... D- Materials or colors with high reflectance, such as metal or reflective glazing, should be... .Objective: To encourage the use of signs and architectural lighting as integrated elements of building and site designs that contribute to the atmosphere of quality, aesthetic built environments. Y N%A Design Guidelines' CommentsZ Staff D- Where appropriate, use lighting on building exteriors to promote safe pedestrian environments... D- Coordinate lighting fixture spacing and height along streetscapes and roadways to avoid... D- The use of architectural lighting is encouraged to be energy-efficient and easily... D- Lighting fixtures used orr building exteriors should be integrated with building design... D- Signs should complement building designs and be integral with architectural elements and... D- Provide signs to identify individual storefronts, buildings and uses along roadways... D- Use corporate and business logos to identify developments and businesses along... D- Use appropriately scaled signs that incorporate logos, minimize or eliminate the use of... D- Where buildings are brought up close to roadways, pedestrian environments, and public... D-':3 Decorative flags andbanners should promote the identity of place and enhance the... ~ See corresponding item in tl~e Design Manua! for full teat. z Insert comments or explanations relerant to tl7e projects compliance ornon-compliance. 3 Incorporating this guideline nrah help offset non-compliance iridt other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org '~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' Ob' ective: To encourage the appropriate development of Neighborhood Cen[ers throughout the City as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan, including the incorporation of higher residential densities, integrated public space, and small-scale commercial within amixed-use environment compatible with the surrounding area. Y N N/A Design Guidelines' Commentsz Staff `' D- Develop Neighborhood Centers under a single concept or master plan to ensure a unified... J' D- Where a Neighborhood Center designation consists of multiple property owners, the applicant... ! D- Concept or master plans should identify ~/ the size and boundaries of the Neighborhood Center... J D- The concept or master plan should clearly communicate the following: site access, internal... D- Use the Neighborhood Center Concept Diagram in the Comprehensive Plan or a similar... D-3. ] .4.3. Provide compact commercial and office developments oriented toward the daily needs of... D-' Core areas are encouraged to use vertically integrated mixed-use forms that reinforce... D- Commercial cores and mixed-use areas should be centrally located to allow convenient... D- Use appropriate densities and mixed-use environments to provide and distribute a variety of... D- Appropriately use residential housing types to transition from higher densities at the... D- Provide public uses such as parks, plazas, and common greens, as well as public and... D- Provide a large plaza or green space adjacent to the commercial core as a focal element... / D- Create and distribute smaller public and V common spaces throughout the Neighborhood... J D- Connect public and common spaces within an overall circulation system that accommodates... D-3.l .4.6. Develop a recognizable, formalized, and interconnected street network that provides... D- Street networks should converge on site access points, core commercial areas, schools, parks... D- Provide safe, attractive, and accessible street crossings throughout the Neighborhood Center... See corresponding item in the Design Manual for full tent. Insert continents or explanations relevant to the projects compliance ornon-compliance. Incorporating this guideline naa>> help offset non-compliance aritla other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 Website: www.meridiancity.org Y N N/A Design Guidelines' Comtrients2 Staff D-3.].4.6.3. Where roadways connect Neighborhood Center development with adjacent uses and... D- Orient commercial, office, and residential buildings along roadways and/or adjacent to public... D- 3 Neighborhood Centers are encouraged to design a "main street" environment to anchor the:.. D- Building orientations and site layout should frame public and open spaces to create view:.. See correspondnzg item in the Design Manual for full test. htse~7 comments or e~plnraatians relerant to the projects compliance a• non-compliance. Incorporating this guideline may help offset non-compliance with other guidelines. 33 E. Broadway Ave. • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org ~ Planning Department E IDIA a ~~ ~ p p, N ~ ~ ~ ~Q ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION ~~p~ ~s~:~.. c-d~4 ry~''``4i ... ~n~' s;.~`i: Type of Review Requested (check ail that apply) ^ Accessory Use ^Alternative Compliance Certificate of Zoning Compliance ^ Certificate of Zoning Compliance Verification ^ Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification Design Review ^ Private Street ^ Property Boundary Adjustment ^ Time Extension (Director) ^ Vacation ^ Other STAFE: LJSE ONLY:; ~'' File numl,er(~): C~'~' 007 ~ ~LS !0 -00G, ~: ~,_ _: .Project name: `~1 ~~ ° ~e ~~~ 3 . „~ Date file~~: /-20 - l D ~Date'complete:~ ~ ~~'t!~i ,~ Assigned Plaiuier,.' ~ 1 ~~ ~otl~'4pprt,s' ~x Related file,: (2,Z ~ OG~'~~ ~~' ~ ~1..- 0(c - O/`{ eA ? ,ice ~P , 06 -=~12 ~''~D.~ ~ ~ ~p6 r 33~(G's~: Applicant Informnnation Applicant name: I~- ~~ A tk~ P21:~eac~ot_ Phone: Slob - 5d 58 Applicant address: 7i0 ( ~ • USTI L1L ~ . Zip: '~ 3~`~ 2. Applicant's interest in properly: ^ Own ^ Rent ^ Optioned ^ Other Owner name: ~ ~ ~ E~ Ati' S Cd N 5T2~ GT1 U .r.~ Phone: ~ S3 ' 12y 3 Owner address: ~'I (vl W fL1 V!z•'7LS{~DC% lam. '~ lQ') Zip: ~ 371 `F Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): S~'~ CoR~C©`s' - ~E~ ~i Firm name: DfIV~ ~l~NS (.d'N ST2t) L'C2 0 ~ Phone: `t~ ~ ~'-I Za 'y Address: '~~ (2L W• (L1tt1d'Y~St~G ~~ -~r0~ Zip: $3Z Primary contact is: ^ Applicant ^ Owner Agent ^ Other Contact name: 5 Co •R ~ a-~P`C E-mail: ~~-~-~-a C~ d~-o~n5 c.a~.s+ru~-h~n CoM Phone: ~jS3" I~Ll~. Fax: 85 3" I Z 2 O Subject Property Information Location/street address: ~`t a ~ ~,1 ~lL~D1 '~ j~'YLIDIPrtJ ~~ ~, ~e~12. Assessor's parcel number(s): ~-~~ ~~ 001 d ~ ~ ~2 3~ D O ZO "' Township, range, section: HfV I E ~I ~ Total acreage: 6.259 '~' 0 . /~`~ ~ ~~ ~S~ Current land use: iti i~2E l.f~ N !7 Current zoning district: ~' a 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org 1 (Rev. 11/9/08) Project Description Project/subdivision name: 5V t~ ~RtJC~ ~~ ~ General description of proposed project/request: ~~.~'~ Sr ~~ ~t,tkod l.- Proposed zoning district(s): Vii' ~ ~E1C 1 ~Tl ~l(~) Acres of each zone proposed: ~rj ~ ~c 2.CS 2l ~ Z~ ~F Type of use proposed (check all that apply): ^ Residential~Commercial ^ Office ^Industrial ^ Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): /~A Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? ill e"~Z~ C.(LOSSIIV(D. CLL Which irrigation district does this property lie within? ~ ~CiM~J(~~M,~2\17 ~ t'4~ ~{L~i (QA-71a-~ Primary irrigation source: ~D l y~ ~~Stln~ Secondary: Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of connection is city water): Residential Project Summary (if applicable) of residential units: Number of building lots: Number~fcommon and/or other lots: Proposed number elling units (for multi-family developments only): 1 Bedroom: Minimum square footage of structure(s) Minimum property size (s.f): 2 or more Proposed building height: _ Average property size (s.£): Gross density (DU/acre-total land): Percentage of open space provided: Percentage of useable open Net lty (DU/acre-excluding roads & alleys): Acreage of op ace: (See Chapter 3, Article or qualified open space) Type of open space tded in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): \ Type of dw g(s) proposed: ^Single-family ^ Townhomes ^ Duplexes ^Multl-family Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots: t Other lots: Gross floor area proposed: S , ?~ \ ~ SG Existing (if applicable): ~ ~ u Hours of operation (days and hours): ~ a.m ~n n . ~• Building height: ZS - 0 Percentage of site/project devoted to the following: Landscaping: ~ ' ~ (O Building: Z~.H °~o 0 Paving: O Total number of employees: ~(~~ Maximum number of employees at any one time: 8 Number and ages of students/children (if applicable): 1N'P1ft~ 'Io (?~ t{(l,. Seating capacity: f2 F . (,0~) Total number of parking spaces provided: ~_ Number of compact spaces provided: Q Authorization Print applicant name: ~re-s'r ~oQf~u`r ~ 1'~AN~ ~v4~S Cc~NST. ) Applicant signature: Date: ~~ /°f - /Q 3 E. Broadw Av ue, uite 210 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 Fa (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org 2 ~£~ ~u W roxrvsm ~ ,naz»t awce r x><sr arni S0~ N. .{lERIDIAIV ROAD fzaw.as/ --- --- __ uxrr --- ~ IW R7MMSNN i AC1P/!R RuL"E r FAST 1 llKtl`3l "JO?•I ~T__ ~~~ ,~~-..T"--- ---- xarstrt --- - T T ~ I ~ I ~~ ~ ~ +.zBS i pI7 fsav'e,:soin d lt+2a+7 A ~ ~' I 'ti .1-O ~iM ~ SUNDANCE SUBOINSION N0. 4I ~~ 1 ! I C ~f / ! ~$Y a \ P.6 GY. Ptl. ,4321-~M4] ~~ `b G 4 G ~-yS ~ '1ZZ~ ISUNDANCE SUBDINSION N0. I4 e ~ ®- I ~~ I O ~ I P.& !9, P4. 10338-1M31 \ / ~ ~~ n wt's ~ ~ p®~4~a 4 ..~# sa: ~m ~~ ~~~~ 5~~~~a~~~~~ q~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ ' i ~ ~ ~~ pal ~~ypk~ ~pi ~ ~ ~j 4 ,py~~ ^7 J a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ a : g ~ `" ~ (~~Sy0 l~~4 0 y b ~` ~Q y yyG y yy `7 ~ }$$( yO df Z~ [~~3P ~ ~ P QN ~~f O~ I¢FR(~~ ~ ~N ~~ra$ R ~. zs ~ 8 ~---- \\ \\.~- . h ~~ ~~ b~ ~b ~O ~~ ~~ II' ~~ ~~ n ~ ~~~ n ~o~ ~~ t~~cn ~o~ o ~~~ o ~c~°' ~ ~~~ N O'A ~~~ b~~ ~~~ ~7 ~~ y~ b ti O ~~ ~o ~~ i~ ~~ ea: ~ ~ ~~~ E~ ----'`r-~r~. ~- - I~et ~ ~ ~~ '~ -~~ - r- 3~ - ®~o ~~ 0 .~-~--- l'~'~'r(r~ ~S;~n~~r~)~~'f ~~ ~~~ ~$ ~~ W W1~ I 4 I I ~~ ~I ~ ~ ~~ I ~~ I I I ~ `y~ DIY WI rst ~~1 ^il~+~. _~ ~~~ °~$ ~ ~g4 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~~ ~$ I ~ I ~ ' I~~ ~ ~ Inftl ® I N i v yQ 1- ~~ ~1 - - J ~ ® ~ g 1y5~ FIN { ~ b P . w y y ~V'V 1 SI b~ ~1 ~~~~ ~~ 'Y~ s C~1 W W 4i r s~; (S00'Sl'SO'Wf ~ (pd.Bff Q I a~ I ,d a_ °~~ ~~ SUNDANCE SUBDIVISION NO. 4I I ~ E I ~ ~E ~ ~ fia ~~:g ~ ns. w. va Imze-lau> I ® \ ISUNDANCE SUBDIVISION N0. I4 ~ ~ ®- \ ~~ ~~ ~"~ ~~ 5~ ~~ ~.:~ N~ S~~ ~JS ~~ G~I ~B ~a ~33 ~G ~~ ~~ ao ~o u. uH ;~i ~ ~ ~~ .~ ~~ 3 •~s „3. .tom . F o ~ ~ ^ a e ~' H !`/MFR ~ycp I I I Y~ ~ ~~ o ~,• o• e• ~~F i i i i i ~~~ ~I~ it ~Cy~yJ, x aT o ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ H~~~ ~~ o ~• ~ ~ m,.,.~.,,...,y,,.•.,..,... x ~ 8 "s O I IA ~''0°'011°~ N. AfERIDL9N ROAD rzaw.as~ 10M-KMIP f .vLiPJ)/. 24W.=' l MESf N005/~2TE _ MSR1R' (~~E IDIAN~-- ~- IDAHO FORM PW100 DATE: 01/05/10 MayorTammy de Weerd City Council Members: Keith Bird Joe Borton Charles Rountree David Zaremba The following property has been researched by The City of Meridian Public Works Department. Project Name: A STEP AHEAD PRESCHOOL Address: 3348 N. Meridian Rd. Suite #: Zip Code: 83646 Lot/ Block Subdivision: 44/7 Sundance #5 1) The address has been assigned based on available information. This address should be considered temporary (Development process has not been completed, so the address may change) 2) This address will be required to connect to municipal services. X_ Water and Sewer mains are available for connection to the Municipal System. This property does not currently have services available. (Development process has not been completed) 3) This is an existing structure that is connected to municipal services. EACH SET OF PLANS WILL BE REQUIRED TO CLEARLY REFLECT THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND SUITE NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE). Terri Ricks Development Services tricks@meridiancity.org Development Services . 33 E Broadway, Suite 102, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 208-887-2211 Fax 208-887-1297. www.meridiancity.org ~EVANS C O N S T R U C T I O N January 20, 2010 City of Meridian Planning Department Meridian City Hall, Suite 210 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho 83642 Re: A Step Ahead Preschool Design Review/Certificate of Zoning Compliance The proposed project is a 5,313 square foot single story preschool and daycare building. It will be located at 3348 N. Meridian Rd., Meridian ID 83642 also known as Lots 44 & 45, Block 7 of Sundance Subdivision No. 5. The zoning designation is Limited Office. This new project will require a lot line adjustment. The survey work will currently be underway and submitted to the city and other agencies for review and approval. The site plan attached shows the existing and proposed lot lines. The preschool and daycare operation will run Monday through Friday from lam to 6pm. It is anticipated that there will be as many as 8 staff members working at any given time. The total number of children cared for is unknown, but will not exceed occupancy limitations as regulated by the 2006 International Building Code. This maximum occupant load will be 120. The site layout is based on the approved preliminary plat and development construction plans for the subdivision which is intended to house an office park. The front entrance will face the parking lot to the south and .will address cars as they enter the development off of Ustick Rd. An outdoor playground area exists to the east and north of the building with playground equipment. This area will be contained with an existing six foot wood fence and new six foot cedar fence to the south and west. Trees meeting the city's landscape buffer requirements line the north and east property boundaries. Some of these are existing trees that will be removed and relocated to coordinate with the outdoor play area. Please refer to the landscape plan for additional information. DAVE EVANS CONSTRUCTION 7761 W. P.iverside Dr. Suiie 100, Boise, Idaho 83714. (208) 853-1203 . Fax (208) 853-1220 ~v~row.devansconsiruction.com The building design responds to the city's adopted design manual. After comparison to other suburban projects submitted for Design Review and studying the surrounding environment the applicant chose to use the Suburban Design Guidelines. All of the facades are designed to address site influences as well as building scale and form. This is done with the use of a predominant main entry for the preschool and secondary entrance for the day care. These entry features are supported by columns clad in stucco and manufactured stone. The building's facades include consistent window layouts and additional manufactured stone accents at building corners. The roof is hipped with its fascia line broken up by the gabled features over entrances. The materials used tie in with surrounding architecture and help provide articulation to the facades with a three toned stucco cladding system, manufactured stone, and concrete roof tile. Mechanical equipment will exist along the west and north elevations. This will include air conditioning condensers mounted at grade and a gas meter. All of this equipment will be screened by landscaping that is incorporated into the landscaping plan. Please refer to the attached submitted materials for additional information. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to contact me with any estions. Rob Powell Dave Evans Construction DAVE EVANS CONSTRUCTION 7761 ~N. Riverside Dr. Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83714. (208) 853-1203 . Fax (208) 853-1220 www.devansconsiruction.com ASS AM F.RI~. ~` 'ti WARRANTY DEED ADA COUNTY RECDRDER J. DAVID NAVARRO AMOUNT 3,00 1 ~ ~ BOISE IOAH010/3DI06 04:46 PM II 11 tt DEPUTY VicklAllen III I~IIfII'll~l~l~l'll~ll~ll~ll~ll~l) For Value Received RECORDED-REQUEST OF 10617166© FirslAmeAcan . GE, LLC, an Idaho Limited Liability Catpany hereinafter referred to as Grantor, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto Settlers Crossing, LLC, an Idaho Limited Liability Ca~any hereinafter referred to as Grantee, whose current address is 5561 N. Glenwood Street, Suite A Garden City, ID 83714 the following described premises, to-wit: Lots 21, 22, 2S, and 26 in Block 7, of SUIT SUBDIVISION NO. 3, according to the plat thereof, filed in Book 88 of Plats at Pages 10,025 and 10,026, Records of Ada County, Idaho. THIS INSTRUMENT FlLED FOR RECORD SY FlRST Af~~.~1i110001AMCQ ONLY. TT HAS NOT BEfN EXAMINED AS Tt3 ITS i EXECUTION OR A3 TD TT8 AFFECTSUPONTHETTrLE. ' ~ HAVE AMID 4U HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor does hereby covenar-t to and with the said Grantee, that Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said premises; I that said premises are free fran all enc:anbrances except current years taxes, levies, and assessments, and except U. S. Patent reservations, restrictions, easern-.nts of record, and easarnnts visible upon the premises, and that Grantor will wazrant and defend the same fran all claims whatsoever. Dated: October 23, 2006 GE, LLC r BYe Gaxy Voigt, snag' ember STP.TE OF IDAHO ) ss Gt~lkYl"~t OF n,u,K [J~,f~ ) On 4his.• day of October, in the year 2006, before me, a Notary Public in and for said Sta ,personally appeared Gary L. Voigt, lawwn or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instnunent as the trenaging member of the GE, LLC, w;h}~i,,c;h~ is ]mown or identified to me to be the entity whose name is subscribed tq. ,•,~rU"""" instrument as the trenagang member of the GE, LLC, and acknaaledged t,Fs~n~~E..,~~Tr;limited liability company's executed the same. z::apTAAY'•; N + J : p~B~-~~ ~ `0 1 L •• ; •~.: ' Notary Publ' or I ,~~'rT'9TE OF ~OP,• Residing at: •G.Ur1 ''~.,...~••'~ Camussion Facpires: ~~~/'~~ First American Title Company of Ida-h'r'o~ AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO ) COUNTY OF ADA ) (name) (address) 8b1St ~~i~G7 (city) (state) being first duly sworn upon, oath, depose and say: 1. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: S~o-rr Cvrza-~~ '~~l cv. Ra~~-slob ~~. 'C~~s~,~o 83~iy (name) (address) to submit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. 3. I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application(s). Dated this ~ ~ day of J f1 r-~ , 20 [ U ~.•'tiG`~'.•••....,~',9`'..,~ s (Signature) SU)~~RI~AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. • ~•~ ; ~, ..oG ~N'~'•. BLIC ~~ ~.` ~'~'•., QF IDP+~10•`•••~ tary ublic for ho) Residing at:~/_,~il» -~- -,~,~ My Commission Expires: Ste' 7~~~ 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 210 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org Report Page 2• Registered Agent and Address No. W 43965 Due no later than Oct 31, 2009 (NO Po sox) Annual Report Form Return to: WM DAVID EVANS SECRETARY OF STATE 1. Mailing Address: Correct in this box if needed. 7761 W RNERSIDE DR 700 WEST JEFFERSON SETTLERS CROSSING, LLC SUITE 100 BOISE ID 83714 PO BOX 83720 WM DAVID EVANS BOISE, ID 83720-0080 7761 W RNERSIDE DR SUITE 100 3. New Registered Agent Signature:* NO FILING FEE IF BOISE ID 83714 RECEIVED BY DUE DATE USA 4. Limited Liability Companies: Enter Names and Addresses of at least one Member or Manager. Office Held Name Street or PO Address City State Country Postal Code MANAGER WM DAVID EVANS 7761 W RIVERSIDE DR #100 BOISE ID USA 83714 5. Organized Under the Laws of: 6. Annual Report must be signed.* Ip Signature: William David Evans Date: 11/30/2009 W 43965 Name (type or print): William David Evans Title: Member Processed 11/30/2009 * Electronically provided signatures are accepted as original signatures. http://vvww. sos.Idaho.gov/servlet/TransformXMLDoc?URL=%2F20091130%2FXMLPO... 1 /20/2010 Page 1 of 1 THIS MAP NOT INTENDED FOR NAVIGATIONAL USE Step Ahead Preschool Site Plan 1/19/2010 A Step Ahead Preschool Site Plan O o cv ~ Y1~ u ~~~ ~~ woo~uopomtsuoasuensp•~.~nM OZZL-ES9 xs! £OZL-8S8 aoyLp YLl£B OI'asiog ,a aP~e,e~~a'M Lacs JNISSO?~~ S2~3111~S y `o ~ ° u o~q~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ y : ° ;~ O ^ ~ ..c~ ~~ ~~ ~p >g ~ NOI10(1 LI1SN00 ` ~OOH~S321d _ ~; c t a as Dui-i-15~ ~~w ;<~<~~ N~ a ~ ~B ~ r oar ` d2 SN dA3~ . d~d3Hb~ d31S d ~ Q H w LL w Q y ~oo 3nda <~~~~a~~~~~ Y »~~~e~gs8 .~i qq a ~$ g ~ F3~j ~g ? 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