Bear Creek Restrooms Bid No. 2 Aug-20-03 11:45A P.02 cole I associa1es architects, P .A.. 960 BROADWAV. SUITE 240 BOISE, ID 83106 (20B) 331.32t>O 'FAX (208) 331 emalJ cBaCcoleltrch.rom .3244 Doug Strong Meridian Parks and Recreation 11 W. Bower Street Meridian, Idaho 83642 RECEIVED AUG 2 0 2003 August 20, 2003 City Of Meridian City Clerk Office RE: BlIar Creek Restroom Mr. Strong We have receIVed a protest to the bid from Golis Construction. Their protest is against the. low bidder Haemker General Contractor because they listed a HVAC contractor, Iselman Plumbing, that is not a licensed Slate 01 Idaho Public Worl<s HVAC contractor. Haemker General Contractor did not list the State of Idaho Public Works Contractor number on any 01 their subcontractors or themselves. Haemker General Contractor used the old bid proposal form and did not use the correct bid proposal form that was issued in addendum #2, which included a revised Invitation to Bid requiring that they include the State of Idaho Public Works Contractors License number. Also Included In addendum #2 was a revised Bid Proposal that had an appropriate space for the Idaho Public Works Contractors License Number and the Idaho Contractors Ucense Number. Haemker General Contractor acknowledged receipt of both addendum #1 and #2 on the Bid Proposal Form. According to Tide 67 Chapter 23 of the Idaho Statutes by nollisting these numbers Haemker Generat Contracto~s bid proposal is unresponsive and void. Golis Construction, being the naxtlowest bidder would appear to be the contractor awarded the bid, but according to the same section of the Idaho Statutes that Golis included as an attachment to their protest, Title 67 Chapter 23, it would require Galls Construction to Include the Idaho Contractors License Number for each 01 his subcontractors, which he did not include on his Bid Proposal, making his bid unresponsive and void. The only contractor to complete his Bid Proposal correctly and include all of the required contractor license numbers was Elsworth Kincaid Construction Inc. It is Cole I Associates recommendation that the contract be awarded to Elsworth Kincaid Construction Inc. See the attached Titie 67 Chapter 23 from the Idaho Statutes If you have any questions please give me a call at (208)331-3200. Sincerely Kirk Morris COLE \ ASSOCIATES cc: Elroy Huff 08/19/2003 21:34 2089384204 GDLIS CONSTRUCTION PAGE 01 <f@ q?~,IS c:oNSTIIUCTlON HANAGIYlS . GINEfIAL CON'llUlC'lOU August 20, 2003 ~. Stan Cole Cole Associates Architects, P.A 960 Broadway Ave. Suite 240 Boise ID 83706 RECEIVED NJG 2 0 2G03 City of Meridian City Clerk Office Re: Bear Creek Restroom Dear Stan, Oolis Construction, Inc. would like to protest the public bid on the Bear Creek Restroom project iftbe apparent low bidder, Haemker General Contractor, is selected as the sue<:essful bidder. The reason fur this protest is Haemker listed on their bid furm Inse1man Plumbing as both their HV AC and plumbing subcontractor. Inselman Plumbing is not currently licensed by the State ofIdaho Department of Building Safety to do any type ofHV AC work. They are Iicelllllld fur only plumbing, trenching and boiler work. I have enclosed, fur your reference. a copy ofIdaho Statue 67.2310. This document discusses the DlIIJling of subcontractor:$ on bid funns. Please review and discuss this issue with the City of Meridian. I look forward to your response. Call me if you have any questions. Sim:erely, Golis Construction, Inc. ,:t!:uv a. ~' Thomas B. Golis CM President Cc: Doug Strong, Meridian Parks &: Rae. Fax contains 2.pages including this'letter Telephone 208-938-4202 . Fax 208-938-4204 . P.O. Box 2559 . Eagle, Idaho 83616 08/19/2003 21:34 2089384204 GDLIS CONSTRUCTION PAGE 02 IdIho 5lal11... bllp:!/ ..Idwr,_.id.uslcgl-binl"",,;dot'1Sdid=-67023C " Idaho Statutes RECEIVED AUG 2 0 2003 Ta.. kIIbo Code IIIII.de available 0111 tl:Ie IDttnlet by the Idllho Ulblatun: Il.. INIblll! servlc.. Tbif I."............ alllN ldo~o Code alaY 101 IN ultd fur ......er.... p.",..... _".Y Ibill d."_ be publiJlml or I't\IOCIIJClld fur ....me....I..1< wllboul apt... writie. perm_.. Available Reference: Senrcll f"s,ruc'i(ln.~. City of Meridi:-n City Clerk OffIce TITLE: 67 STATE: GOVERNMENT AND STATE AFFAIRS CHAPTE:R 23 MISCE:LLANEOOS PROVISIONS 67-2310. S08CONTRACTORS TO BE LISTED ON BID OF GENEQAL CONTRACTOR. Hereafter, befo.e the state of Idaho, the separate co~nties, cities, towns. villages o. school dist.icts within the state of Idaho shall let eont.acts for the constr~ction. alteration or .epair of any and all buildings, improvements or publiC works. and such construction, alteration or repair requires plumbing, heating and ai.-conditioning wOrk, or elect.ical work, the gene.sl contractor shall be .equired to include in his bid tbe name, o. names and address, or addresses, of the subcont.acto~s who shall, in the event the contractor Secures tbe eontract, subcontract the plumbing, heating and ai.-oonditioninq work, and elect.ieal work under the gene.al contract I provided. however, that this act shall not apply to the const.uction. alteration or .epair of public buildings under the jurisdiction of the board of regents of the Unive.sity of Idaho; further that this act .hall have no application to the prepa.ation and .~ission of plans and specifications pursuant to section 50-1105 [50-316), Idaho Code. Failu.e to name subcont.acto.s as required by this section shall render any bid submitted by a gene.al contractor unresponsive and void. Subcontractors named in accordance with the provisions of this section must possess an apprQP~iate licen$e or eQ~tificate of competency issued by the state of Idaho covering the cone.acto. work classification in which the 5u~contractor is namQd. The Idaho Code is the property o/the state 0/ Idarw, and is copyrighted by Idaho law, Le. 89-350. According to Idaho law, any person who reproduces or distributes the Idaho Code fOr commercial pruposes in violation of the provisiom of this stamle shall be deemed 10 be an itifringer of the state of Idaho's copyright. 68/19/2663 15:61 4638551 IN5ELMAN PLUMBING "II ---- ---- .- PAGE 61 '~~K, p,: . --...., BOB INSELMAN Plumbing & E~avatiDg Co., Inc. Mechanical Contracting SemeD & Repair August 19, 2003 Or'" RECEIVED ,AUG 20 2003 To: Haemker General Contractor Re: Bear Creek Park - City of Meridian City of Meridian City Clerk Office Attn: Jim Haemker Jim, We will supply labor and material per plan and spec for the above mentioned project to include Division 15 Section 15100, 15200 & 15300. Our Public Works 1# is 11949-AA-4 Hobson Sheet Metal Public Works # is 1 023 I-AAA-4 Our PIll)Jlbing Contractor # is C99S6 Total Price of $1 7,989.00 Sincerely, o/'~ c:::3:..?t Lane Rich .. :1' ~', ~ ' I'" , '" t. . ~1 ~ ,-r r t' ~~ ,~\ " \' '" , ", Aug 19 03 08139a Design Air 208-467-5233 p.2 -----" DESIGN A.IR INC, 1427 SOUTHSIDE BLVD. NAMPA. ro 83()86 (208)467-7231 Estimate r.... . ~~TE . I E'~I~~TE No.1 . 6119120031 1866 I I. . .~.._~_ _. ____ I NAME I ADDRESS II1IWt'OU;hlt PARK Rlt'ITRIl()MS' .-.._.. . , I -.. '1 I City of Meridi!lD City Clerk Offlc~ RECEIVED ,AIIG 2 0 2003 .CO~~~~.~~M8~~ I RVAN(a)~7J.otrIII . '--~.__.._-_..-.. I" ;. SA~ESMAN I . , I I . tPROVii)F.' AJi.. lAOOR. F.Q'iiirMM. ~~=::-MOCM^TF.R'Ai:"~m'i.XJMM.v.m . ~ '~~~_Ii ~~:o . i -""-.~;~:.oo WORKJN(; ~JVAC SYSTUM M:CORDING TO PLANS AND l>1'1'.cs. ' I; , , , . . , ADD $400.00 fUR AIll BALANCl; . 400.00 4IlO.110 " I........... ....................... """""'" Ok"""""",""" .... I .... i i I I ' i I I : . .0.., .. ._. TI-'ANK YOU ,.'OR THEINQUlRV. I , I I . ....._.__,l_._j . _....1__.. . ._1 ss.'IIlII.nn I ; TOTAL . . __.L.:____ . .. .- 20.00 FEE ON Rf,1lIRN CHECKS. A~~ 1\CCO\l\\I'I'S l'11A1'nr.coM1i 1)/,l.INQIII;N'I' MA v 01; SUI~f.(,"r TO ADm1'lONt.L CIIARGI'.s. E!ITlMA11lS WILL BE HONORED FOR W DAYS ,.1tOM DATE OF IJSrlMA'J1'. Melidian Parks & Recreation Memo RECEIVED AUG t 9 2003 To: From: Date: Re: Mayor and City Council Doug Strong /Q.j August 19,2003 Bear Creek Park Restroom Bids City of Meridian City Clerk Office The August 19, 2003, bid-opening results are as follows: . K-J Corporation .....................................................$121 ,821.00 - Addendum $2,500.00 . Wright Brothers ......................................................$127,763.00 - Addendum $3,577.00 . Golis COnstruction.................................................$118,805.00 -Addendum $3,422.00 . Haemker General Contractor................................$111 ,762.89 - Addendum $1,496.25 . Ellsworth Kincaid Corporation ...............................$126,879.00 - Addendum $2,565.00 Recommendation will be made to the City Council on August 26, 2003. ,~ %~-g$i'tl UJ~~~.'tl %15-:S(i';cb'-' ~~ ~O ~~~~ \"' .. ~ '" Ji! ~ ~ 1% . ~ 1\1~~ ~.~%~ 8 ~~ a:~ Sji8 ~$ .J io;, i ~o;, 00;, Qw ~w. g~ ~~ 4:~ 6(!) a Q'6 ~ro ~ro ~ro '" /' ,\ '/' I \ ~, G. 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