2009 07-23 SpecialMeridian Planning and Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Special Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of July 23, 2009, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman David Moe. Members Present: Chairman David Moe, Commissioner Wendy Newton-Huckabay, Commissioner Tom O'Brien, Commissioner Michael Rohm and Commissioner Joe Marshall. Others Present: Machelle Hill, Ted Baird, Anna Canning, Bill Parsons, Scott Steckline, and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance: Roll-call X Wendy Newton-Huckabay X Tom O'Brien Michael Rohm -Vice Chairman X Joe Marshall X David Moe -Chairman Moe: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to welcome you to the special meeting of the Planning and Zoning for July 23rd, 2009. Like to call this meeting to order and ask the clerk to call roll, please. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda: Moe: Good to see all present. Good to see you tonight. Next item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda and there are no changes to that, so if I could get a motion to accept the agenda, please. Marshall: So moved. O'Brien: Second. Moe: It's been moved and seconded to accept the agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 3: Consent Agenda: A. Approve Minutes of June 4, 2009 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: Moe: Next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda. We have one item, that would be the approval of the meeting minutes of the June 4th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Any comments? Can I get a motion to accept? Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 2 Newton-Huckabay: So moved. Marshall: Second. Moe: It's been moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Moe: At this time, if we had a larger audience, I would explain to .you the -- kind of the rules of Planning and Zoning. I'm just going to go real quick with this and that is we will go ahead and open the meeting -- the hearing, we will ask the staff to give their overview of the project. After they are done, then, we will ask the applicant to come up and explain themselves and any questions that we have, we take care of. After that there are sign-up sheets in the back. If anyone signed up to speak to the hearing, they would be asked to come forward. After all the applicant -- all the signed is done, then, will ask one more time if anybody else would like to speak. tf not, then, I will ask the applicant to come back up and, basically, just answer any other questions that had come through in public hearing and, then, at that point the Commission would, then, make a determination. Item 4: Continued Public Hearing from June 4, 2009: CUP 09-005 Request for Conditional Use Permit for a Public Education Institution in an R-4 zoning district for Willowcreek Elementary by Joint School District No. 2 - 2500 W. Tango Creek Drive: Moe: So, on that, then, I would like to open the continued public hearing on CUP 09-005 for Willowcreek Elementary and, Commissioners, because I am a partner in the construction management firm that may be dealing with this school, I will now recuse myself from this hearing. Newton-Huckabay: Thank you, Chairman Moe. We will begin with a report by staff. Hi, Bill. Parsons: Good to see all of you. Newton-Huckabay: Good to see you. Parsons: As you know, this project has been continued for quite some time. We were waiting on ACHD's comments and we have received those recommending comments and have attached those to the staff report. The application before you tonight is conditional use for aprivate -- excuse me -- a public educational facility. The history on this site -- basically this property was annexed and zoned in 2004 and final platting was in 2005 as Silver Oaks -- or Silver Leaf Subdivision No. 3. The property is surrounded by single family residential to the north, south, east and west and has a small portion of Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 3 commercial on the east side as well, which is part of Lochsa Falls Subdivision. Access to this subdivision was approved with that project in 2005 -- the final platting in 2005. Here is the site plan that staff reviewed for design review, as well as alternative compliance application. Again, the bus turnaround area will be off from North Long Lake Way, so that is separated from the school -- the faculty area parking and the parent drop off area, which take access of West Tango Creek. The one unique item about this property is even though it's on a corner, it's not -- it's hard to really call it a corner lot, because there is a 50 foot landscape buffer adjacent to the eastern property boundary that's part of a separate subdivision. So, even though they have a road on each side of them, it's technically they don't touch a public street. But the applicant has done a fairly nice job, because there are some existing easements along West Tango Creek, the applicant has proposed to do wider buffers there and, then, there is also currently a 50 foot buffer here as I mentioned to you and they are also proposing to add an additional ten feet with an eight foot pathway coming off of West Tango Creek to add some pedestrian connectivity for students entering the site. Also on the western side there is a micropath that connects to the site and the applicant's proposing that to connect to their site and open up and allow students from that subdivision to take access from there. Staff has approved this site -- or has recommended approval of the design review and CUP as well. Here is the landscape plan that they are proposing. Again, the applicant added a 20 foot buffer along the western property boundary. It isn't required by code, but I think the applicant wanted to make sure to provide some of that -- at least be consistent and mitigate for some of those residential homes along the western boundary. So, they have done a nice job there. The 35 foot landscape buffer along -- adjacent to Chinden Boulevard was approved at the final plat. That is bermed as well. The applicant is not proposing to change any of that. The one thing that I would bring up tonight is the fact that because of 50 foot landscape buffer adjacent to the eastern property boundary is part of a separate subdivision, there is some fencing that runs along that property and the applicant is asking to remove -- if you follow my arrow here, they are asking to remove it from where they take access to North Long Lake Way and moving south to West Tango Creek, remove that portion of the fencing, so that they can have visibility into the site and that would be consistent with our code as well. Staff did condition the applicant to coordinate removal of that fence with the homeowners association and so, hopefully, we will get something from them stating that they are in agreement with the removal of that fence. And, then, also the applicant's proposing to add -- to double fence the property, so along the western boundary they are proposing some dark brown powder coated chain link fencing that will run along the west property boundary -- run along Chinden Boulevard or at least inside of a 45 foot landscape buffer and, then, also running along the remaining portion of North Long Lake Way and, then, stop at that access point for the bus drop off area. So, I think they want that to put, basically -- keep them from getting -- at least the neighborhood fencing and just add some more security to the site. Here are the elevations that the applicant proposes. Again, we did review those with our design review standards. Staff found that the building elevations substantially complied with those requirements and staff has recommended approval of those elevations as well. I did receive written comments from the applicant today. They are in agreement with the conditions of approval in the staff report and with that I will stand for any questions Commission may have. Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 4 Newton-Huckabay: Commission? O'Brien: I don't have any. Rohm: I have none. Marshall: No. Newton-Huckabay: Would the applicant like to come forward, please? Thowless: Commission, my name is Wayne Thowless, LKV Architects. 2400 East River Walk Drive, Boise. 83706. Here tonight to speak on behalf of Joint School District No. 2. We appreciate your hearing this matter tonight and I would just like to add to -- a few things that Mr. Parsons has commented on and give you a quick overview of some of the -- what we view as critical design elements and issues related to this project. The school itself will be very similar in design and construction to most of the other Meridian school district's elementary schools that have been built over the last decade or so. This particular design was modified somewhat. We shortened two of the wings and elongated the other ones to fit on what is a relatively narrow site in overall configuration. The size is very appropriate for a public elementary school and ten and a quarter acres. The building itself is 64,000 square feet. It will accommodate between six and seven hundred students at build out. We, of course, were given, with this site, based on the platting process that had already occurred, the two driveway locations and for safety and to minimize congestion at warning drop off and afternoon pick up times, we have designated the driveway in from North Long Lake on the east side of the site as, basically, a bus drop off and pick up loop and the other driveway coming in from the south off West Tango Creek is primarily the parent drop off loop, visitor parking lot and faculty parking lot. The area that this school will serve is, basically, the quadrant within the city bounded by Chinden on the north, McMillan on the south, Ten Mile on the west and Linder on the east and so it is a neighborhood school, even though it's abutting a major arterial, it truly does serve the neighborhood and so we have oriented the building to face that intersection of North Long Lake and West Tango Creek and really open it up that way and facilitate not only vehicular circulation and access, but pedestrian access from of the south, from the west, and you will notice there is also a pedestrian pathway that has already been platted and planned for at mid point on the western boundary. The -- a question you may have is is it really appropriate to put the playground adjacent to a major arterial with a 55 mile an hour speed limit. If you have been by the site you know that there is quite a large berm that was developed by the developer along that north property line. It is well landscaped on the north side of Chinden Boulevard side of that berm already. There is a six foot solid wood fence along the top of that berm presently and as Mr. Parsons mentioned, we are going to be protecting that existing wood fence, as well as the vinyl fencing that is being erected with the development of homes to the west by a dark brown power coated chain link fence on the inside of that existing fencing to keep the little rascals away from the wood and vinyl fencing and hopefully preserve it. But anyway -- so, between the landscaping, the berming, and the Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 5 solid fence protected by a chain link fence, there is no -- not even any visibility between -- or ability for kids to see Chinden or people passing by on Chinden to see the playground and that fencing wraps around on the east side of the site along North Long Lake all the way down to that bus entrance driveway. It's from that driveway south to West Tango Creek that, as Mr. Parsons mentioned, we will be speaking with the homeowners association with regard to removing that fence, so that once you're into the subdivision along North Long Lake, there is visibility to the school and it feels like a neighborhood school, it feels like the school is part of the neighborhood and not sequestered or secluded behind a big tall solid wood fence, which exists currently. We have made provision for one of the unfortunate inevitable realities in the Meridian School District and that's portable classroom facilities. You will notice on the backside of the school there are two rectangles that are dashed in. If overcrowding becomes an issue at some point in the future, that's where temporary relocatable classrooms would go and we understand that we would have to go through design review and certificate of zoning compliance process for those if they are required, but in terms of conditional use approval, this will be sufficient, if I'm understanding the staff report correctly. So, I think that covers most of the salient features. We are providing slightly more than the minimum required amount of parking for the facility, off street parking. ACHD has stipulated a good deal of no parking sign designations along North Long Lake and West Tango Creek to prevent public from parking at those locations. But for after hours use, in addition to the 135 off street parking spaces, the loading zone areas in both the bus loading area and the parent drop off area, can be used to supplement the parking for special functions in the evenings where you often get a lot of parent visitors to the facility. So, I'd be happy to stand for any questions you might have. Newton-Huckabay: Any questions? Marshall: There on the west side you say you're going to place the brown chain link up against the vinyl fence. How much space between those two fences? Thowless: Well, it depends on -- on how closely the vinyl fence has been placed to the property line, because we have to put our fence on our property line and about six inches off the property line is typical for a chain link fence, so if -- if vinyl fence is also six inches off the property line, that would leave about a foot in between. Marshall: How does that area -- how is it maintained? Thowless: That is an issue. In terms weed control, that can usually be handled with spray to keep the weeds from growing in that area. It can become a challenge if somebody loses a ball or a shoe or something like that in there. Oftentimes they will not put the chain link all the way to the ground, so at least one can reach under there and remove debris and whatnot. Newton-Huckabay: Any other questions? Marshall: That's all I had. Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 6 Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Thank you. Thowless: Thank you. Newton-Huckabay: We do not have anyone signed up for public testimony. If there is anybody who would like to speak to this issue, please, come forward. Having -- I got one no for sure, so we will move on. Discussion? Rohm: -Well, Madam Chairman, I think this is a very well designed school and a great layout. It kind of makes me want to go back to school. I don't know. Pretty nice. Newton-Huckabay: I think there is criteria. Rohm: There is criteria. Yes. Okay. Nothing else. Marshall: Having previously seen this site, I agree that the berm and the fence on top of the berm completely shields all the kids in the area from Chinden Boulevard and any mishap that might happen there with people going off the road and things like that. I think they will be well protected. I do like -- I am impressed with the layout, because it is a little bit of a challenge with the shape of the lot. My only concern, though, is being able to get in between those fences. It's a great layout and I'm very much for it. O'Brien: Madam Chairman, yeah, I think it's a great design and I do like that -- the berm idea. It's a lot better than what they had around Lowell Scott, which all they have is a chain link and that's it, you know. So, I was always worried about that when I was going to work in the morning, having somebody go through that. So, that's a great idea. I'm all for it. I think it's great. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Get a motion to close the public hearing. Marshall: Madam Chair, I make a motion that we close the public hearing on CUP 09- 005. Rohm: Second. Newton-Huckabay: We have a motion and a second and the public hearing is closed. Rohm: Do you want to vote? Newton-Huckabay: You want avote -- we want a vote. All those in favor. Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 7 Marshall: Madam Chair, after considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, move to approve file number CUP 09-005 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 23rd, 2009, with no modifications. Rohm: Second. Newton-Huckabay: We have a motion and a second to approve CUP 09-005. DES 09- 009 and ALT 09-012. All those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Newton-Huckabay: And I would say at this time we could request Commissioner -- Chairman Moe to -- or -- yeah, Chairman Moe to rejoin the meeting. Canning: I was looking forward to saying Madam Chair. I haven't said that in a long time. Newton-Huckabay: I answer to Your Highness also. Canning: Okay. Marshall: Yes, Your Highness. Newton-Huckabay: If I ever got called that I would answer to that. Canning: I'll remember that, Your Highness. Item 5: Public Hearing: Request for Street Name Change for the portion of Meridian/Kuna Meridian Road which extends south of Overland Road to King Road be officially recognized as Meridian Road by Meridian Public Works Department: Moe: At this time I'd like to open the public hearing for the request for the street name change. Canning: Chairman Moe, Members of the Commission, this is, again, a request to have you act in that unknown position you have to -- to approve street names within the city and this was actually prompted by 911 dispatch. They are having issues with the naming of Meridian Road as it goes south off the freeway. At portions it's called Meridian Road and at portions it's called Kuna-Meridian Road. And, then, to further complicate the matters, Kuna is on a different grid than we are, so their north and south aren't in line with ours. So, you might have a North Kuna-Meridian Road that's actually in Kuna and a South Kuna-Meridian Road that's in Meridian. So, try and figure that one out. So, the request by the Ada County street naming committee is that you support the change from the portion that has the Kuna Meridian to just call it Meridian Road and, then, that will go before the Ada County commissioners as well. So, a lot of those Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 8 stretches are actually in Ada County, so it's a joint effort on the part of the three jurisdictions. Moe: Okay. Canning: And it does say for you to conduct a hearing on the matter. You won't have findings to approve or anything like that. Terri Ricks and the Public Works Department will send just an action letter to Ada County letting them know what your action was on this. Moe: Okay. Any questions? Marshall: Yes. Would the south designator be dropped? Canning: I believe that that issue lies with the city of Kuna, because that's where the street grid changes. So, I know that the Ada County street naming committee is working to get it resolved the full length, so that emergency responders can get to the correct place at the correct time -- or in a timely manner. Marshall: So, there would be no South Meridian, it would just be Meridian up and to -- up to the Meridian city limits? Canning: I'm not sure where our north-south starts and ends, so I'm not sure on the exact answer of that. Usually it changes around Franklin Road. Marshall: Right. Is there any idea on what -- is Kuna just going to maintain the Kuna-Meridian Road or -- Canning: We have heard that they are not -- they weren't too excited about the proposed name change, but we haven't heard anything official from the city as to what action they may be taking. And Ms. Ricks might know more. She wasn't able to come today, so we thought we'd bring this before you regardless, but if you'd like to wait for her to come back, that's a possibility, too, so -- I guess that's my way of saying I don't have all the details, Commissioners. I apologize. Moe: Okay. Any other questions? Rohm: Just a comment that I think that we should step forward and do the right thing by the safety of the community as a whole and if, in fact, our safety people want to see the road designated as Meridian Road, I think we should support that and move it forward back to Ada County Highway District to take the final action. Marshall: Also a comment. I'm in absolute agreement with that. My -- I like the idea that a single road a single name and I'd like to see it called Meridian Road right through Kuna, but -- Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 9 Moe: Okay. Well, there is no one signed up. There is only one person in the audience and I don't see him just jumping up to want to talk about it. So, therefore -- and we did open the public hearing -- Newton-Huckabay: We did? Moe: So, Commissioners? Newton-Huckabay: I move we close the public hearing -- this doesn't have a hearing number, does it? Moe: I'd just call it the street name change. Newton-Huckabay: On the request for a street name change for Meridian-Kuna Road. Rohm: I'll second that. Moe: Okay. It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearing on the street name change for Meridian Road. All those I favor say aye. Opposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: I move we adjourn. Moe: No, that was to close the public hearing. I would like someone to make a motion to approve the change. Rohm: Well, I don't think we have to approve the change -- Newton-Huckabay: Yeah, we have to -- Rohm: Recommend support -- wasn't there just the support of -- Canning: There are portions that will be changed in the city of Meridian. Rohm: Okay. Baird: Mr. Chair, you have -- Marshall: I move that we approve support for the name change of Kuna-Meridian Road to Meridian Road within the city limits of Meridian. Newton-Huckabay: Would that be just -- are you looking for endorsement? Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 10 Canning: There are portions where -- some of the examples that were raised in the letter from 911 are to Walgreens and -- because that has a Kuna-Meridian address officially, so there are portions so we are looking for approval within the city and, then, you could say in support of approval to the -- throughout the length. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Rohm: Second. Moe: I'm getting alook -- no, from you, Joe. Marshall: Oh, from me. I guess Commissioner Rohm had brought up that should it be within the area of impact and my knee jerk reaction was I believe that's still Ada County and their jurisdiction, but our planning area and I think we only have jurisdiction within the city limits. That was my -- my reaction to him and I started questioning whether was right on that or not. I think I am. Moe: I know somebody that can probably tell us that and he's ready to talk. Baird: I am. Mr. Chair and Members of the Commission, I suggest that you make your motion with regard to approval and that motion will be effective within the city limits and with regard to anything that lies outside the city limits, it will certainly act as a recommendation. I think you're safe with just a blanket motion. It sounds like you're moving towards approval, so if that's what you want to do, I'd suggest you go there. Marshall: My motion still stands. Moe: Okay. Rohm: And the second. Moe: It's been moved and seconded to approve the street name change. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Moe: One more motion, please. Rohm: I motion to adjourn. Marshall: Second. Moe: It's been moved and seconded to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? That motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Meridian Planning & Zoning Special Meeting July 23, 2009 Page 11 Moe: Meeting adjourned 7:28. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:28 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APP ~ ~I I~ DAVID MOE - CH RMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: ~~,~(~~c,--~~',~.. JAYCEE L. HOLMAN, CITY pr `~~ p4POgq l~r. ~~ rFO ~ ~ ~ ~~AL o z ~, ~, °°' rn R~' T 1st' ~O ~*~ ~~~NiY , \0