Water Easement with Wright, Ronald A. and Sherrie J. for R/E Builders, Inc.Y - i' ~ ' 5 :r ~- ~~~ ~~+[ aar~R i:a5~ THiS tND~RTttRE. made this ,~„F~,,,,.,, !ia.Y of „~,~Q,~~-' 19~ between ROtIALt) A. 41R1CitiT 5MkRR#~ J. GtRtOMT lit10 Rl~ E ,, lli<~~,. the part„ ofi they fitrst part. and hereinafter ealisd Lhe GranUar_, and the City ofi rrruntat~ -, State afi Idaho. a t-~tnfoipat carpnratian. the party of th* s+scpa+d paw, surd hereinaft+~r cat led the Grantps; wtrri~ss~rM. MMEREAS, the GrantarM, desires to provide a water right of way across the premises and property hereinfifiter par~kicularty bounded and desert bed; and 41MERfi11S. the water is to be proviti~-d for through an underground pipeline to be construet~ed by the Granttll; and ilMEREAS. it wilt be necealsary tq ia~intain and service said pipeline from tires to ti-r-a by the ~irantee; tiOMt, TMERE>:ORE, in eonsideratipn ~pfi the b+rnefiits to be reeeived by the Grantorw_, and for the sum ofi One ~-tler (#t.l~Q} anti ether good and valuable consideration. the nrantor~,, daub hnrn~lat+ give, ctrant and convey unto the tirantee the right of way far an ees~+o~rt ,far the construction, operatton end n-eintenance aP a water line aver and across the Following deseribed prr,perty: A strip of land ~(1 heat lri ~rtldttt lyinei c"~ Fork Ea~Ccr'1y o~ an+! ad,}ac:Qnt ea she S`olitawinc~ dascr°tEicd liru~: ilt+r~innin+~ at the trorthoast career of lth~~ ilia l~Q c-F "iectfic~r~ t2, luwiishi{l 3 tiilrtlr, lt¢~riele 1 Wa!st~ tUoise Wtsridian. Ct~le County, lrlar+o„ tllr!t-c ~+tr~rth 11"~Ct'3t3° lease Gg5,g6 feast alonsl tho Paat€rr°tit hour-dery tsF tho ::aid ,i~ 11d of :~eEtii7n l1, which iu also a portion off tt+e F.ast~srly btru+lstary of ~Itrso+i ~lctdielon as t`ilnd for r~eoo-°d in the c-fNicr of th-2 14da Ct-unr, E?taeia-~~t~-° Claise, tciaht7 in E3ac-k !~? of 4~tats at ri1ij~, ~CJiI, taf ~- irK~int r~,°trkin+~ ins rklr~l-° east Corner ~l tttdtl~l~5 S~C9C>d Addttlpn as frlC`ii t=ilt recorr! ill eh!'} pt'ftP~' +P~ the Ada County 1FOCUrcl~r, Ctoise, id.rho rn kloak, k!I of Mti~ts at: t'agc ?`~~r tl-~r-cer South h~r'~A~'J," 4lerst i,~h;t.i5 tout along 'Ghat Scutt-orl;, b+n~'~ara~ oP thr~ said 6ri':elr- A-fcficinn a--d she Wi~r~tt+erly boi-nila--y oP the said Mirtpy`s 5ncor-d Add `. t.tetn anal the trortr-orl,y bcunilary of IE~t~teern S-,r-div:~tan r.+ tileMd t`ilr r'oe~or~t rn she offtce? ue the: ~~1a C+aeinly K~+i:~zi~+~+-rf ttoiso, tdahrr~ in hook 7~, ot" ptacs a[ P~~)~~~~ iP~~~~i and ia4l~ to a p+)ln! nia i:he o~eendrt~t ta~rraa r litre al' ~iesE fo.~rth `~,lr-~~~!, theme 5€-uth ~b`lH'iS" base ll~i. #oa+t d~fo~~-t ttrir yard e!xte--d~*ri risnker 1 ins crt i#e~t t'~o,~r•th SL-~oPt Y~i a point barln~~ t~`~:e nLlll. pi:~liii pF e3CG'~lt#rililG; tht3n-;e '.ic~uth EI° It5' l~" ~~~,C „n.:'Mc~ feet along tr ~ exten~ted cer-C.~+r tier! c-f ac?*st. r~i-urth :~tr~~t to tht~ i-otnt +ad~ ending pfi the abt+to dt~~cr~hed 1?it-"Gk€1~.~'na Hilt+'F" ttaSE~`?+~flt. ,t ~'. ----- The easement hereby granted is for the #aurpose of construction and riperetion of a water tine end allied tar#iitias, toge'~h+er raith their rae#ntenence~ rape#r, end replecnt et the cgi-veMen~ce of the Gr~nteei ii#th the free right of access to such ~ocilitl~ls et any end alt tfines. TO NAVE ANO TO l10R~t1, the said ee~ehwnt »itd r#qht cf way unto this said Grentae, its successors end easipni- i`ar+av~~r. iT [S EXPRESSLY UNt1tRSTE1bD AND AEOIEEO, by end bet+~en the parties hereto that the Grantee w111 timi+ly coing~ritr~ the ~irM df leytng the water line and restore the pram#sea u+i+i~ therefor to a fond#tign coitapereble wtth that existing prier to exercising this eeseia+entl that in n,eking future repe#rs the Grantee wilt expediently tapioca end restore the pre~ises to e condition comperabie to that extatent prior t+o undertaking such repeiF~s end rrspiacements. THE GRANTOR hereby covenants end egrot+E, that ~he~wili net piece or allow to be pieced any pemrenent struCturos ran th4~ area described for this easearent which would 4nterfera rich l,he use of said described easement for the purposes stated herein, 1T tS NEREt1Y FURTHER AGREEp that the Grantor, dd~o,„ hereby give and grant to the Grantee the right to use during initial canseructlan en additianel strip of land described as fpi1nwst A strip of land 1(1 fact in width 1ylrig Castrrly of and adlaeent trr the shave descrtbed permanent water easement. IT CS UNt)ktISTO©U that the strip of lens{ described in the gr-evious paragraph is for the purpose of constructing ;cold water 'line herein describe~t the same to expire when the initial constr~uctlan is campieted. lr IS Uli0ERS70Ut1 and agreed that the Grantee 'wttl restork said strip ,. ~;» ,. ,~ .-, 1D a canditipn eaa+per'ehte tt- that exiat~ltt prllar t0 'Ehe understaking bf the cpnstructian pf each water tine. The Graator~, da;ri hereby tnvelHlrtt wife#r tt-a Gr~tRe that hn_ .,~,..,.,..... 1ar+futly seised and possessed tit the af~renan!~ioned end described tract of land, and that he_ ha;~ a ggod and t~wful aright to convey said eesarnent, and that phe~,will warrant and farever ttdtan>GF the. title and quiet poysessibn thereof against the lawfui ctalras a4 ii~t p+t:w~~Qrte whosrsoever. of the first Part iu~_y hereunto tN 1iYTNESS WMEtZEQf ~ the said party. subscribed hts_~ si'~gnature_ the daY amf year first ipereinabove written __..~ ~~ it4lPiAt.tJ A. 4IRIt3tIT '~RES~Ip~NT ~,~ *~ ~~v ~~. ., SEGRY;1'ARY swEttRl ~atsx~ t' i STATE Of litANQ) ~~ County of ~ day pf n M in theyear tg~,~before me the tfi this „~,., undersl#p~ed, a Notary Public in and-for said State- personalty appeared„,., .»~.. ~. ~ n ~ r~ V<npwn to me to ba the per•sanw., whasa na~_ m.~..i~s.- --° scritaad to the foregping instrurnant, end actenawte4lged to m!s that , he,„, exeeuted the same. s YN WITNESS WHfAEtJF. t have ~reunto S+et CRY hand and afi'fixed pU' official seat the day and year first shave writte,t. ~~ ~ '~~. ~: tar~~~ i'~y {Ni fir. +*4~~1~ a .~, ~ f h t, ~ Residing at ,__. .. ~ ] h .. ~" -y " ~" a 1. ,'~ ' i ,~__.__,....P-m.._-- __ ,.. .A /t ~~ Ci~lMi'Y ~~` ApA } On thisl~~ day of~;~in th4t xcar l5' before nic the under- signed, a lfotnryy ubiic 'fn an or said Sfiate, per~cxtally appeared 5herrle J. Wright, known to me to be Ghe person o+ftose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrurmutt, and ackn~n+!'teged to me that she executed . the same, Iti WITNE5S WHEREOF', I have haregnta set w~ hand and affixed m,Y offiGiat seat the day and year first ~ arit+ett 'teary ~a~T ~r t e toe 4 ha Residing at,~,,~ Ida STATE Of It1AH0 ss COUNTY OF A15~i e.. -T 575, before, the uncle si ned, a On this ~fc~day of ~' ~ ~ ... . N Lary Public nand for sa a tr , persant~1ly appeared _~n~.. ~ . E. ~ tarn. to nun to be the . I ,.?._, ~.a.. ~. nd . r~treGtiv~ly of !!/E gcxilders, ~n~.y a cr>~~nu-`etiaA~ ~,.~ ~. , acknoiwedgedcto~me that they#ex~tGUted~~ats+imsuinQlsaid~GOrpuratio nnamcnd !N WiTNCaS TNEItEOF, T have hereunto 5tst 1qY fti9nd and affixed n~ official scat, the day and Year first above wrtttem ry u G or ~is~ 5 fps e a c~ `h~, Residintl at "~'~.~~.:.~.~,~,. ~...wt.~~ idalro .. -'~ 1, ~~ ~' '"~'~•~ .~, ~.. ~.''~ r «. IYMD ~,`pN4L`N'! 1'Gr 11tl41.iZlw413 Ot~ ~t~CK'fS Ulit~l , ~+ the underei~rArtd+ haw xndoved eo~aun~+taiion troy the GITY ~y? ttltAIDIAN, a eopy o! which ie attached turd p~a~reuent Rhiretr~+ uacyscuted a ,,,,,,,,,,,.. ite haw had explaSaed to us her Jaiu+ 0. iF3tit~ipt~C+41ds Attamwy at Law, reprearrat- ing the City a! Meridinn+ tha taet abet Kcaiaoad,a geveZope~nt Adpt;,nilstratiotr Grant irrusdo bawl beea received by ttaa t2ity spy !h-rdie~r and+ therelore+ rre aro entitled to the betratit a! thr Ugilnz~- hgleaatl.on Assistance end peak t+roperty Acquisition Policies !nr Federal and l~ed~rrelly Astrest~sd Frogrsmas. We have had read and explatned to ue by Ht. 1~3rsjs-srul.d the iJn~.lox'pi Resl propeety Ac;rrisi~ Linn t'o1iCy o! sai+: Federal Act asrd our ris~tte th+sxeunder. ~'~ have bed ~ planed to ~~ by fir. yitmgereld Gh* pro,xi,si,~ons ~+ the Aelocatian Assistance Act o! the 9tatr o! Idaho and our ri~,h~hta thereuwda~r« its have iurcher had ' explained to us that subae~ueat to nur exec.utinh the a~ ` stator iine Ra~ram+ent ,...~ + the City a! k#aridian approw°d ilar~r-letins+~- iiovertrin~ isalocatiorr Aasietarrce and itaal property Acquisition and tits provitissrs tirerenf. gpe~.Eicaliy+ ve hews hrd ertpReinud to un by ?ir. 1~its;gerald our tti$htss to obtain an appraisal of the value of os,t ,~,., eater ltna eAesmw .~...~,...~ the right to eccaq,pany an appraianr dur#.rrg his i±aa~peckian ofF our ,,,~„,.,,,,,,,,,;,,.._,~... eater tSne aASement: ,,,~,,~, , the r~trt to bane a written afat+knent and nwttnp korth thrr identifying our vake34,,,1~...~AJIiURt~14L~....,.-,..y-^ amount of our just compansatian th~,xctar, a. copy of tiro appe~~inera report to datsrrarit~e ,lust campensAtian, our xtght tc, roqu»re~ tho City of riarldian to ac- quixe remaining pardons of our 1~nnds i.! ihay wet'e unecanomi~: retatranf$. which ehc:y are si~at. our right to have the City oC Meriatian acquire fhe land by negotiatian, rather than eondewr-aC.lan+ and our r~•Qht oof to !caws the Cite of Krsxidiasn campel us in a c,~erci uatr-re to coove~r the `~ek,,~„ec ~in+a 4re+tmenc,,,~,,.,, and our rigkrk to campensadan. IN~o~rt~A coast ro ~t.~se - ~. ~,+v~' ` After all o! this a~-la~rati,aar rs hi~raby w,-tva ~- rights rmla! the tfnifhm Raloeatan Aaaatance~ and itaax P~'ays»rty l-squ;l++ikion ftalicy fax FMderal and Fmdarally Aaeiatnd 1Pragraaa, our Yxghts-~~der th~t'~tuiocation Ase~atancs Act of the State of Idaho. and vaivtib oux ti~ht• -d#'t cha itagulakiand Cvvernl.n}t 1Ralaca~tian pssiatancR itsal Property Atqutsitl.an c! t.N-a Gi~Cy of Neridten~ saac~kec~ aulsasquant ko the exacutiatt aiE our '~a~ ~~~;`e...,s,:~Re~ Wei further va~.va all of our right tts ~cfaipaflaat,iam lar said wrttar 11na aaaan _ ---~-~..~.a.~~.....~,~. ..~-~- sad draira to auppart the City a! lfetid~~n Prehjeat ~IDa 01~t1wp1600 br the eaeti esributian vithvut camp= asatiaa aQ aur~ , _ a-~-..............•.• waken xina easemaat ..~~ Finally, xs stets chat tbart mbd na bualneaa an our real praparty a which the maa+emattt granted waa a part,. da paeakoaal. praparty whicts aaa z+equlYa to Wa ramavsd and na rsaides-ca vhi~oia ree~~riwrad to tis raaaid ar a result a~ the _wt~knr litta aaecm~aat ...,.«~.....,-~..-..~,~.~.~ to the nary of ~taridian~ >,A,.,.~ ~ . , .. ~ ._ o,._ .. ~~ ~1ata~ - ,~,,,,., • 191 ~, Ftt3F1A1.~1 A. 4lRIGk4T s w~a.;-".-~;i~.~~. ~<. "~--M'-=-~~ INf0R3t~~ C4tiS~N'f 1'C1 LLA"a~ ~ 2 ~"za~sa!e ~~. ny nt~atR~ C t1 „,~„. Yn canaidazstian o! i'it-an~ a>iaain~Aeul~ ~;oade~emd and let br rendered by the Ycamm~tc Devslapewnt Adrtiniettl-Kian, W.g. 1Uepeattestnt ai Caaswsres ~har+ti-' inaf~tar cs~lsd the "6aae~zsasat"} tnrn~arnrC~.at~ ~~i r 6taet Stii~e M@M1~18t~t S,s NE 1/A of Section t~h~,3 Nartfi, aan,,,1 tke laemtion at ~ehich Ike ewers parkiaulaxly~ d~seazlrad an Sx3siDit A attached karate and incarparated herein by tkio cetetz°snca, all ar part of which sill be to the use mad benefit at the desat:lbed ~ae~ls art tks ttnds+taigned, the vndar signed dace kszebp cr~wnant add e~re~ e1aaG ~>rs o>r a auaaemsaz satle[Mntary' tb the Government, will retafu titia t0 eiaid 1.~-nda ward to tka facilities to bs aanstrueted, tharacaa by the pxa,~act Lvr tisa~:z sawtral life, karain determined br the partiaa to ba „ yaaral i~d th.kt such tactlf:cias will bm dsvatad tke public purpoaa tar mhlck the t`.avNt't~+A~~ rasatatoae van raadazad and that. suck fanilitlea wall p".avlde aa~ae ~ritha~-!t dlsctimnatia+a to all persona aithaut regard to tkaf.r teen, cnla>rr ~eligf4, s+eac ar natias-x1, ar3gtn+ 7h#R covenaata mad reatrictians heraln aGt~taittati shall ztrn or#tk tka deearfbs~! 1~-nd and maq ba termLnatsd ar auapaaded dr~ziax lien later ksreat aaly uparn the pziaz ~rrittea caaaaAt o! the Gtrw-rnmeat« Hera: ,,,,,~~,""'""~"'+~.~ ' 1517 ~ , „,~,~~lsi#.a~ Ownarj ...~..._....,.~.. g ~ ~:.~ p~,r*ay 'Titlss ~,,,,«,,, tla ar COVLtiA.*iT ' 1 `' _ - ~a.c~ , sre~rg ter itaaxa ~. •~~, Cst-nty s! ,fir pm this dry sf ,~, .x+ in thr gran e,,,L,°„~„~~,....r -- brio-xr osr~ 2M r Y: t a""r hrrr 1n~trrcC thr n~ qu#ltty sf ebe sitle~ perssnrllq rpRrrrrd tna (sr"prsvrd to mw sa t4-r sr~th sf ~„~., si~~ is br Ha sr , titlr ~0 phi nificar.) CttY aF Harld~rrr _.._.~..,...,.--,~~ s^'--'teat ~tv~sd~~.~,~»» ~~ -~---»~----~'- crrtr~'q, ataca agr4cy. p (t7amr sf px'ivatr or public corp and rc{UAS~rlydgwd is ~ tlrrtt +~urtb ,;,_,,,,, ` h "~'"'~, o privat~a or public +tsrparation,,. raa-su~rd thr arms. rtsta rgracy, sz polittrrl subdivirsu~ 1 j ~ - RexWa. V,rzw+c,xd,. ytOf~tl ~UVENAttt 2 • ~~~ , ,,,)-~»~ If=f4t3ttV(~t° FiS. IhiG. ssaa a,snru~ Hasa ~ xowa. we++s r5.rai Prajact: 9165_4 Docot 6ecahar a, 1975 n~~~~t~r~rta~ 1t+~a A ~tT ~"C1C?T PEiRktANgtiT 4fl11'6;R PAS$N~` FtIK EtCh'tAI.L1 A. IJAIP~FtT FPUt'~g't"'I A P~RTT.U'M t°3S~ 'Cttl< tiliAtlbr S6CTIilN Z~r "C. IN. ~ R. 140, , 8, tt, , AI)A C~OUNx'y, YYtAfl~t A strip a€ iaexd 2q faoC in width iyilxtt 2Ct fnot Easterly zaf and ad;{scent Ca. the fatlvt+intt Aetecr,ihad lines go$tnninis at Chia Northextzst Comer of the NEt/~ of Scae•tiun l2, 'C, ~ti, , tt. I,Si. , 1S. At. , Ado Cvunty, Naha i thence $auch t}°2C3"~0" ftxaC 69.'+,9b fohC plon~g artiansCOfithc6F.asCarly at the satd N$I.I4 of Section 1;~, which ix re,teo a p 6vundary of Wfloe>n AddtCcsn idaha~iCt Koot~~2o~f 1'l~t~reut~p~$o ~~$~hta Acla Caunty Recordrar, twine, pcri.nt marking tho licxrthetast corxxar a# N3drxyz~ Saoond rRdditian aaa [iied icrr record in tlzo affice of Cho Ada ruaunC~ Rccordor, Beri.acx, [dabs in 0e>qk 11 of Plates ae pa$e 594; thence ~~uttr 89'4"x'35" twat L~6l~l~r ftaaC n~ton$ Ghe uChtRrly ba>,nct~ty of tho staid tdtl~c+n AddtCion and Ch+x tinxChe~at NetsCarttx Sxabdivlaie+ndnsifiiad Sre;ond AddlCion exnd the Hartharly bvundt-r'ykecaxater, ttoice, Naha in Ttaak ~ far record in Che o[fi~co of the Ada County of Plats aC pa$on 149t} and 1499 to a tavigtt zxn Ch+a erxtended cpnCOrline of WeaIC gaurChatrraC; thancero ~rtnch CtptB'i"S" Est 1t4.~ ~N~t ntanit: Cite ~znid xtxCozutest rcntarlixx>;r ctf NnaC Faurch ScrreC Ccr a t+«ynC hying khe ttt:~. PCJt.t~ Ott' 1tkCsiytttNC:: Chencc Sauch C?°1&'I5" tnzevin~t.pC) endinglvft~thte?a+zlrtavonzlaere~eith~,drltne of NrAgC Yvurtt, Strut cv Cho p permanent w€srrr e;ae+z:ms~nt. tC) F't)C1:' 'PFSfp41gAN:Y l`:trti$'iR11C:'~'[t1;1 tAS~~ii?.tt" A strip of '..ztt~i lyin}I taztaCerly of anct czdi~a~cenC tv Ctxe' ut>{:rvr, ctew~e;r4tred perscmae.nt cr,xtc,r z~yrse*ae~¢^.nt:. t A ('r ^taf F~rztpartLd ta'ye ~.s ~,,,,.-~r „r tc,tr~ fr_ hU-p t,Ctt,iN~FR;t, lac. ,~ i~ , _ C . eJ r ~,f` ti ~ t..::r,, a . 1:atrq L. Etcr~donspiet., "" ~ ~k ~ . 4zy ~ .~.