Easement with Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for West 4th StreetP ~~~V +K 1~)'f `f `s?~ I~ASCM~~•C• M~itit~Ct1N ~{JEti'C)ftA"C"t4~N C)t~ 'CHI is CtIJCt~FC C3~' j~su~ CFCCtC`i` CJC t.,.A"E"I`C?St-GRAY St\tN`t~, n corLao,erat.ion saC~+, fur at~et in catraidcza iott o£ C?rte t~c~tta~• j~,i.{~}) and other ~tC autd vailua.tale cctna-ida~atiatt„ Lttas x~catpt at which is herciJ}° atr.knrawted~ecC, htsreby ~rrrtnt.s to C1't'Y Cik~ I1~"r~CtCC)CAN, a tttttnicCtzttl eorparr~rtion c?f thtt State of Cdaha, ttq aruaceatrtt and naei~nra, any ~a~nrr~nt and Gtf~ht-of-Wary tca con~tttrct, opex•ate, trtaalntr-in tend reprtlr tav+pr and acxa~rar ttte property at Gz~~arst4rt,. in Adtt C;ctunty, Strtte of Cdnhra, a waters lore niang ttttsvY~et'st aside of Gratntor`~ pres- pex~ty, which irx rttorru pttrtCcuinriy tterac;ribed tta tc>iiawe: The tveet 3(t fit of than gailawin~ ctffiatcx'it~~d p'p`ty: t3a nntn * ~t n pcritrt cart ttte Section itns i~e:iwoetr S~ectican~ t rttxi l~, G62 feet Naarth ~'~°Si' Wept cat tttta cornet' Stiant+ C, fa, 7 attrd i2, 'Cawnship 3 tVorthw CtanGro i Csiratr acid i 44'grtrt; tt~~nce ;South G95. ~ ft. to n taoint, thence Narth ~9p~~' Vtte~~ F}i(Jt. C tit tin a paint, thetrce Notrth 0°q2' ~atet b~5.6 feet tU a paint c7n ittx: 1~x~th barrndat'y of ~aici Section i2; thence South 89"SC' Epic G4x).'7 feat tc~ tkte ptnre cr~f taet~Cn- trim. and nui•,jc~ct to the x°raad irigttt~ctf -wary on Cher SVcrrth and 4Ve~t, tttt: carne wing at part of tkre NT, 1/'~ of Lyra: ~triartaer. of Sec. i 2, 'i'wp ii N, >Z 1 W, C~tae M~aridipn~ ttr Aria Gotipty, The cct:at I(l feet caf arutd 3Ct fear is ttf tra frrt c:ernr~txuratio~t trut~txr~~:~ artly, and after the c:an~tructtnn nnci trlyin~ of tttc; wgreax tine its cctrnptetctd, r3atici Cot feet tca re- Vert tca ~rnntax. `t'o~tlrcr wrest a1C nG.cc~r~atry attd xog~artatiGCe ri~ltttr rtf ittrtar~ ttttti c~rc~~, to excatvatc arttrt rt~filt ctttchc.r r-nd tirrtir7st far ttrc ic>Gt+tiun rtnri ret~atit• c>f ~ttd wrttea lI nr<. }rnntc.cs, icy rrcce~tanc::c; crf arts c~rt~ears7c~rst, ctcrea Ittst•etay argtt"~c' tr,~ troic! ttrr. ~t•atntcar fra~a rtnri c:te~trt° ft'<trtt rtny clrrirn~ fort" {trrr,+ctie" , rrrtwtttir` ettre err the trt~t ratr`i crtx„r~ttcm ctf ~utci e~,t~sc::nusnt by etn~ ~;rrtttte:a cax tt~+ ~t~c.tttr+. Ltv WC"i'NG;`~S Wtit:Ctt::4;)t', ttre Clrantt~r It~~r Gxttrrr~d tttirt ccr,s~~: rnr:rrt tc~ tae cxccuteri c~rr it~r tx:httlf tlrtrr ~' ~_, d~Y at .Apxii , C"~7fi. i~;i~ 1f'7t~'~~i ~Clft('(~ii rlTtC)l~ C7t~ t't-C~: Gt iLJitC'.tt 4)~ ~ tat.~S ~,t"~~t~~1 ~' ~ t' L-,A~ ~$~t~ ~' t~A~` ;i2~~ t ~, u`t irtrrtrca ;~cas°pzrt'atican t~K~Cc ~'.trt~rtcrrsatiaat° r ` ,' s _.~ ~,~....~..,.. m.. ,,, ...~.~. .. , ....~~..r_ ~.~.~,,.~._.,.~....~.~.,..~...~.-.._....~_b..,. 5N rt ~n thin cfayzr4 r~pril ~ ~t376~ ~r~~~aatl~ ~et~p- ast'~d ~ • i~;for$ rr» Victar tt. &3~t~fuaa pux•~~~nui~y Fctc~wn c~ rt~c co b~ tii~. 8t~>x~s at tt~a iVi~rl~lt~ !'ir~t OY€~rd €~! 1l~~? C,hur~'h at` j~~,t~ Chrl~$t ~' i,.att~;r~tl,~y ~aittt~. ovtta~~iCtlc~~vlG~1~,~~1 to crrc, th ~r 1~~~ tzt~lt':1 tt tar+~~ain~ ltt~tr~~mant a~ C".,e~r~rttrati SC~l~ at t9~f ~ C~4ericfinn C,rsrpts~~t3,an of tt~a Ch~c~ch c>t j~su~€ ~Ihrlat cTf t ,itt~r-~~y ~f~fc~~ts, ~ ~ cat tn,r~~tftan ~~*}1rM, ~x~~ci tf~c~t~ttic~ ~~;a}~trnfax'~~:~a~cl ~~xn ti~m wi~hin ~In~trcuner~e is; Elu ,c~ni of aa{ci ca~rfxa~•~sriatt~ ~~ktttarvi<~tci < <t u~ srtt~a tt}i~t ttiu :aid ansi Atha. sairfi Yictran lk~. IlrirfuHS t; ; x. La'~}~c-r~at4~rn ~x~cuts~ci tkt~ t„ ~ccc~;. '` ' My c.+~rntrti:~~d~an c;x~ir~.'~ 4 .~.o~. y ~ ._e... ~., _- .._ _L~..;,._:~.:....:-.~..~__.._..,_..~.. '~Ir~t a r y k~i<' t ~; ~ lhs.~ r t a t t~ ti~ .. ;.F `, !' .~, ~ ~ ~~ +'~ ' ~~+ ii 1fn. F3~ ~ ~r'i ~ l? ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ U~ti1C~t .~Iy~~~~~ S 9 ~ , thc. undexaignad, have xac~ivad caenl~eatat- 1>`dtt the Cx'f'1 fif kBRIDIAN, a cagy of which i.a attached apd pu~xauaat thaxato, executed • ,,,~„„~,,.,.,. Wa haw had explained to ua by dahcc ii, l'it.~tzald, AtCaay at I,a+~, raptar~aai~ ing the Gity +af Meridian, the leek that L'caeroaia p+~velopment Adaal,niatraeioa ' Grant Punda have heaa rareivad by CLtY r>I ~~an and, thsreloza, we acs entitiad to tttie hanafit of the ttallazw~ ytlp~tat~iaa Areiataaea and ~eai 1'rapetty Aequiaition policies Eac Pedexal and 1-esfera.liy Aariatad l~za~raar-. Ike have hod read and explained to ua by Mz. gitrt~,htald the Oef.Yoxm Real Property Acquiaiw tion E"olicy nl eaiy Yedexal Aat ~d a~rz rigyhta th~~xeundax. ate have l,'rad axe plained to us by Mr, iritm~arald the pzovieiona of the Relnoation Aaatetanr:a Act of the State of Idaho and auz ri~hte tH.axau+~der• ~* have further had ajcptai+aasl to ua that euhorquent Ca one a*aeiutia~(~ itha ~~,,.~.,y„b,,,w,..,, • water line eaaetdaCiC ^^ raved grgulatl.ane 43~-wxtrin~ Raloaatinn Aaaiatance and the Gity of Mexidlan app Real propazty Aaquialtion acrd kite pxbvieiane tha~eegl. Specifically, wa have had explained to ud by Mr. yitrgaxald aur; ,~~~ to abtaixx an rppzaiaal of the watax llna emee~tel~ ,..~-»-~» valeta of aat '".,.~..'.." the xi$ht to accompany an apprutuax durir-l, hie in~apeetian of our ,,,_„~,„,_„.,,,,,,,~,...~.~ water line eaaamant the xi~tht ttt have r writt+kte ntatemeot and aattinR foxth the identilyinR our ~e ,^^~'"""~"" amoi~nG of our ~ua,t campaneatnu ttrwra~ox, a cagy of the appraiaarr xcport to deCCrml7r~ ~uat companeatinn, our xig11C to xaqui>;~r the Giey €_f M+?eic4lan to ac=s qulra re~malning portlana of our ian~lat if iay ware u~ncannn~,.c xermtiantec, which ~huy era net, rut. zij;ht to have the City <r~; Mazidia+r :rcaiuir~< t.ha land by neCe~t~.atiun, rattrar than candamnatiatt- and ottt x1Aht nr'+t to haves the Giey nl Nmxidlan carmpel ua in a eoexeiva r,rea~ra trt cas+w'y the wa„,~~t~~•,tln~~~+an,~,,,..~,~....~... « and our xfght to cp~naration. 1Ni'n11MlSY7 GOM9R@t1 TQ Rl:LLJ~B - 1 .. ,. .~~ ' n Ai ~~)~ 'r». ~~.~ » Afttar aik a! thin ax~-kNiaatt~ow rtu F~r~ra#Ir t~~a#va act~- rights uettar the tlnifartn gakaeattnn Anaiat+~cb and Itaai l-xaperP~- ACr~ui~lltion i~+~kiuy tat Ead~ra~, end ~adara,i:ly Assisted ,Tra~raaat~ our siahca w~dir the Aatacatian Ass~.4tanae Act ai' the Bcs~t~a at' idaha, and aaiva au~c righ~ea under the Reguiaeidns Cavarnin~ Rekacatian Aaaistanar~ gawk Prapert~- Atqutaitian of eha City at Mari,di,a~- anaci.ad subsequent to eha axacutiun aL acct valina aasr•ment tiIa turthar waive roll at our right to 'aalp~riy#a-tia1~ ft-r said +rattar I.i,na and desire to auppart the Cltjt at ttertdian I~~,~ajsac Nt+. tl7-dlk-{}I,6C1U blr ttta t+nti tribution withr;ut ca~ensatian o~ our » water Itna aesa~noant ,~« ~: rinakky, va state that chars vas as business an our x~aak praparey of ~rhich the eaeamtnt gzantad was a parks na psraanak Irrapereq wh.ieh wss required to ba remavad and na raaidanaa +shirh was raq~l,rsd to ba ref~aved as a result of ~a water Line aasarnent to the Gityi at ltar,Ldiaa» Aatet A~St-ia. .~._.. # k~iyd,~i 7l1f ?9E.~iC1t 4 !'~~.r#1~14'ti Dl )kr 11 ,~ .,~ ,~ ~+~ E:PrrI~A t Ttt,i ~+~1.~ ~~ } "'^"` ISiF4H2tZI1 Gp2iSE2iT 'Ct? RF.LPASY, - 3 4 #i7 ~~i 'Praggot at®. tt~~al:145~, cart lS lr ,~ ar xn conaidarakian of .<ztnanc3gx asr2rtknncg xtrtsdar+kd gad ka b+e rendered .r by t#tin Economic #?ewa'lapmsat Adminigtr~tian, ~l.d. t3apgxtsiestt at Camr+tirg+a, (#nese- inafter called the "iGawernmeat"? Yar cenatxuctian of in NE t(4 of Secriprn ~2, i`ownsttip 3_t~rth, tLsnn~ l Nast, Q~aise i~ridian the lacatian of which to maxu pax'ti~uiarly daagribgd an xh~lbit A gttachrd hereto and incarporaitod herein hq thig rafpcancg, gll or park of wtrich will be to khe use and benai'it of khs d4acrShdd lgndg of kha undersigned, the under- signed dose hereby ca~venant aad egxee thak i,.k, ar a eucceaaar aatiafgetary to the Government, will retails title to seid l+~nnda and to Cha facilitiaa to be canakructed thereon by the pra9eet fog: tbeta~ us~fut life, hernia determined by the perties to ha ._....la_ yaa-ra; ~ th,sl; at-ch 1Caclltkise mill be dawated ka the public purpaaa far which the Gavern~aent aaaista»ce wue rendered; sad that such fecilittea al11 pcowids aerwico trikhauk diecria-tnatian to all pearaons wlthaut raga rd to their rase, calQS, kaligtaMts, sex ar national origins, Z'he caveaaate sad reakric.tiana herein toataissa:d ahgll 'run wikh the daeanibed land sad may be tarmiaatedi ar suspended dsirlag d1g tern hereof aaly upon the prior written eaaweak of tk~e Gavernaiant. r" ~ ~ ~. BYs ~ta~~i. s~ Gor~y._..~,.,... T3¢les ~,„ i#a ar ~. COY4t1AN'(' - l .Y - •. ~., ~. STA~C OF YD."-..~~ .W i~a. Ctlunty at na,~,~ On this. ~ y ..~. diy of ,.W...~G'~F'~d~'L„'..~.K...,~«r in the yens .,~~a~._ e ha~atr ~ __khe „~ ~ar~ inaert t ,~ i~ lty of cha alEi~,ar ~.~.. peraon,~tly eppNared ,,,,,,~ M. Starry kttosrt- to -~.-,..r,~..» mr (ar'"pcovrd to pA titr oath o~ ,~,..,....~ (tip YY tlt ttt~ nttdiFar) Ctt of $Na~ of pri,vata aR publls onxp+~~+fk~3o~~. btate +-gan~;p, ak pv2itlc~l, at+bdi'viui~nn) Aclenen+lydgad to ror that auct- Nm din _. +1~ nt priv~-~a tl[ pub]ia aatpuratian, Mt,~tr r +rn "~' a++waRtt~d thr 1Aatpr, ~, pX pa,t t o~t~ su d iiaa,C~"" t'~ <- , t f; ,. M,1fNttTh A ~'r~~S!1 A"~n~ ~ 12 Mr ~.,,}e t 1 6.•.= s. _ ~ t, ~,t Li ~, .• ,~ l~'~H~a tu-nEm~~t,.a~~ e,_ ~~~~ ~d~tAt'C eat ~ n~:~~if 'nr~ '~ i~t~rm~r~-! ~4~?e~nt~r Wos~r ~da~me+tt ~ ~,)~.'~ ~. _ ~, by `~vr~*,A v ~ c.~sc f ~. ,,~ ,~~ ' ~~ ~,~ ~G; ~~ ,;, , ,, -,, ~ _ dye _ ~~ ~~ ,~~ r -: t4 1, i ~ ~ '~ ~ I i a -.,~ ~ „ ~~~r++ ~ ~"~' ~, may! ~ Vie. , # '~+ p •`~ •~I[.~ I ~ I +~` ~ \ 1., ~~~ ~ R W ' ~ ~~~/ p ~ F 1....-n ~~+~wr~ww~wAJ11 ~y t t W Hywvrnb~w.r..r~rwr.n~ a, f , }/' ~ 4 -' fit, ~ ~, ..fir-~ ,~1 , .: ~ *^~ ~ y ~ ~,.. ~ :, i ~ MY ~ ~ ~,~Ay ~~ ~ „~5 ~~~~ - a~ 1 ~~ a ~ _~..~-....,I ~ '~~ ~ m~.a 1 ~ .~ ~ t i j ~ ~ ~ .___ ~ _..~ ~ .... f ____,~,. ,. ~ ~ ~~_" "~ ~ ° ° _ _ .e._.,~ _....~ .~ .v r ~~ c~ r'0 ~ riy ~jr r~vr9~~i a ~ t...c~fK I~rt.+ ~ ~ ~A~~^-"~'";~ ~x ° tom.-. •r. ~r ' 9 ~ __.„-., { i ""' a r ' ~ " P~ '~" i ~ ~'~T~.rt t~ ~~ ~. .~. ~ z'''~` ..,. t ..~.__ . .=--r---...~.... ~~ ~{~~ f'1 U1 in C- C7 .'~.. ~ cz ~ ~rr~ Y Xy %0.1 ..{ nay ~, (") ~ 1 .~ '! ~ r , J ~~Y~ !/ck~,L ~, ..1-U-~ ~fVC31(VEEP"~£3, ItV4 ~soxr..arunan.o=rn;,.,iarww>aws Prof®ct: ~1GS-k pate: October 3. 1975 17E8CN I PTtg1i Y034 A 20 i"00'C P~Nk1Ali~l'f` ilATtrIE ~" POR TH8 MERxRF.1N GQR1bOIlA~'1fSfit O'H[lil t1~' Jt::>U5 G34RES'T (~E' 1.A'CT~Et Ui~Y ~.1TN'3 A F'ORTipN OF 'i"HT N~Jb, SI~G'tCAN i~, T.°iN., R.,1W.. g.M., ApR COUNT1i, 1pAtfNt A atri{x of land 20 f,~et in +afdeh lying 2~G tenet ttaaetrxlg of and ~dja¢ent to the tallcnaing duaecibad liner:, ' Heginnin$ nr th+e Nnrttraaat corner of then said NHi/k a[ Rkctian 12, T. 3N. , R. iw. , ~. n. , ed<a C:r~urct}~, ldahn thence Narth 89"Si'00" Waet 1,2$8.7b Fact atatcg Char Mar~therly uoundary of the estid NGifk at !9gctian 12 to a part lcctcxg the [CP~ll: 1'atlN'1' OT tl"ttR~iCNG; thanes Sauth O"472 `Ott" Weet 695.50 i°eet to the point a[ atnctl.n{ of the aGave described pa+rrr«ane!nt eater r.naereAat. t0 E'OOT T~tl'(?NI~i~Y GttiiS7'N:Gr:;9ClON E;AdF„~#~.N7' A stritC of land lO feet in vid.th lyfrc{, l~tateriy of nn<i nd9acont to the above described permanent enter eearerae#cc. ~ral}7RTkiQ ~Yy3 J-U-8 ~.Nf'sHtig~Rg, 1n~M, (tdcrq t..'grtdcmatCial. 1.. S. p?fPf.JDW: ectb ~~ ~: 4l~ w~ ~+~ i ~w~i,r6p ~~~~ ~,~-~ a~~ ' ~ '762U282 ~~-~.-~ EASEMENT MERIDIAN CORPORATION OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, a corporation sole, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is .hereby aclrnowledged, hereby Grants to CITY OF MERIDIAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Idaho, its successors and assigns, an Easement and Right-of-Way to construct, operate, maintain and repair over and across the property of Grantor in Ada County, State of Idaho, a water line along the west side of Grantor's pro- perty, which is more particularly described as follows: The west 30 feet of the following described property: Beginning at a point on the Section line between Sections 1 and 1.2, 662 feet North 89°51' West of the corner Sections 1, 6, 7 and 12, Township 3 North, Range 1 East and 1 West; thence South 695.8 ft. to a point; thence North 89°50' West 601.1 feet to a point; thence North 0°02' East 695.6 feet to a point on the North boundary of said Section 12; thence South 89°51' East 600.7 feet to the place of begin- ning,. and subject to the road right-of-way on the North and West, the same being a part of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 12, Twp 3 N, R 1 W, Boise Meridian, in Ada County, Idaho. The east 10 feet of said 30 feet is to be for construction purposes only, and after the construction and laying of the water line is completed, said 10 feet to re- vert to grantor. Together with all necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress, to excavate and refill ditches and drains for the location and repair of said water line. Grantee, by acceptance of this easement, does hereby agree to hold the grantor free and clear from any claims for damages arising out of the use and operation of said easement by the grantee or its agents. I~ R, ~ x ~ ~ ~. ~ • 4" INFORMED CONSENT TO RELEASE OF RIGHTS UNDER UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE ACT , WE, the undersigned, have received communication from the CITY OF MERIDIAN, a copy of which is attached and pursuant thereto, executed a water line easement - • We have had explained to us by John 0. Fitzgerald, Attorney at Law, represent- ing the City of Meridian, the fact that Economic Development Administration Grant Funds have been received by the City of Meridian and, therefore, we are entitled to the benefit of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs. We have had read and explained to us by Mr. Fitzgerald the Uniform Real Property Acquisi- tion Policy of sai~ Federal Act and our rights thereunder. We have had ex- plained to us by Mr. Fitzgerald the provisions of the Relocation Assistance Act of the State of Idaho and our rights thereunder. We have further had explained to us that subsequent to our executing the water line easement , the City of Meridian approved Regulations Governing Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition and the provisions thereof. Specifically, we have had explained to us by Mr. Fitzgerald our rights to obtain an appraisal of the value of oar water line easement , the right to accompany an appraiser during his inspection of our water line easement , the right to have a written statement identifying our water line easement and setting forth the amount of our dust compensation therefor, a copy of the appraisers report to determine ~ ust compensation, our right to require the City of Meridian to ac- quire remaining portions of our lands if they were uneconomic remnants, which r• ., w- ~( ../A f • 1. • After all of this explanation, we hereby waive any rights under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs, our rights under the Relocation Assistance Act of the State of Zdaho, and waive our rights under the Regulations Governing Relocation Assistance Real Property Acquisition of the City of Meridian, enacted subsequent to the execution of our water line easement We further waive all of our right to •compensation for said water line easement and desire to support the City of Meridian Project No. 07-O1-01600 by the con- tribution without compensation of our• water line easement • Finally, we state that there was no business on our real property of which the easement granted was apart, nq personal property which was required , to be removed and no residence which was required to be removed as a result of the water line easement to the City of Meridian. Date: ~P~l 12 , 197_6 THE h1ERI IAN ~~ ,. By : 111~~ CORPORATION SOLE SAINTS i • EDA Project No. 07-O1-01600 C O V E N A N T In consideration of financial assistance rendered and to be rendered by the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, (here- inaf ter called the "Government") for construction of a domestic water distributio line and appurtenances in NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 3 North, Ran~e_1 West, Boise Meridian the location of which is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, all or part of which will be to the use and benefit of the described lands of the undersigned, the under- signed does hereby covenant and agree that it, or a successor satisfactory to the Government, will retain title to said lands and to the facilities to be constructed thereon by the project for their useful life, herein determined by the parties to be 30 years; and that such facilities will be devoted to the public purpose for which the Government assistance was rendered; and that such facilities will provide service without discrimination to all persons ~_ without. regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The covenants and restrictions herein contained shall run with the described land and may be terminated or suspended during the term hereof only upon the prior written consent of the Government. Date: i-,'~ 0~1~, 197 G Citv of Meridian (Name of Owner) Don M. Storey ~~ ~ ~ ~ • STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Ada On this ~ da of in the ear Y s Y s before me the undersi¢ned (here insert the name and quality of the officer) personally appeared Don M. Storey , known to me (or'proved. to me on the oath of ) to be _ Mayor of (title of the officer) City of Meridian (Name of private or public corporation, state agency, or political subdivision) end acknowledged to me that such City of Meridian (Name of private or public corporation, executed the same. state ageacy, or political subdivision) a .,` ; KATHRYN A. McPEAK Motary Public for Idaho Residence,. Meridian, Idaho ° Commission expires_~~i£ _?~ J-U-8 ENGINEERS, ~N~5903 Franklin Road - Bofse, Idaho 83705 Project: 9165-4 Date: October 3, 1975 DESCRIPTION FOR A 20 FOOT PERMANENT WATER EASEMENT FOR THE MERIDIAN CORPORATION CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS A PORTION OF THE NE1/4, SECTION 12, T.3N., R.1W., B.M., ADA COUNTY, IDAHO A strip of land 20 feet in width lying 20 feet Easterly of and adjacent to the following described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said NEl/4 of Section 12, T.3N., R.1W., B.M., Ada_County, Idaho; thence North 89°51'00" West 1,262.70 feet along the Northerly boundary of fhe said NE1/4 of Section 12 to a point being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 0°02'00" West 695.60 feet to the point of ending of the above described permanent water easement. 10 FOOT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A strip of land 10 feet in width lying Easterly of and adjacent to the above described permanent water easement. Prepared by: J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. Gary L. /Rodenspiel, L.S. DMP/JDW:cab Ada County, id ~ ~ Request of DATE ~ `' 34 rfi M. CLARE a 7 ?` E A. PLANTING RE ORDER ~Y ~Auty ~~~ Od