TNT Fireworks CZC 06-099G+ fey. l~- ~tECEIVED .1u!~ a a 2aab City of Meridian City Clerk Office CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: June 8, 2006 Project Name: TNT Fireworks -CZC-06-096, CZC-06-097, CZC-06-098, and CZC-06-099 Owner: WLDC, LLC, Thrifty Payless Inc Fred Meyer Stores Inc and Wal-Mart Stores Inc Site Address: 1601 S. Meridian Road 1600 Main Street 1850E Fairview Avenue and 4051E Fairview Avenue. Proposed Use: Temporary Use for four (4) fireworks stands from June 20 2006 to July 8 2006 with approved 600 square-foot tem orary structures (tents - Zoning: C-G, C-C, C-G, and C-C Comments: Conditions of A,p royal: • This temporary use is allowed from June 20, 2006 to July 8, 2006 (UDC 11-3E-4A2) • All structures and/or the display of merchandise shall comply with the setback requirements of the district within which it is located (UDC 11-3E-4B1). • Temporary structures and merchandise shall be displayed so as not to interfere with the clear vision triangle. In no case shall items be displayed, or business conducted within the public right-of--way, unless otherwise authorized by the Transportation Authority. • A maximum of one (1) structure per location shall be allowed and may cover a maximum ofsix-hundred square feet. Furthermore, on June 6, 2006 the City Council approved the maximum up to seven-hundred and fifty square feet. However, standard tent sizes do not include an option for seven-hundred and fifty square feet. Therefore, the applicant has amended his request to allow for a maximum of one (1)six-hundred square-foot temporary structure per location. • The use shall not result in the construction of any permanent structures that would not otherwise be permitted subject to the regulations of this Title ([JDC 11-3E-4C2). • Any temporary structures shall be portable and completely removed at the end of the allowed time period (CTDC 11-3E-4C3). • The applicant shall obtain any necessary building permits (UDC 11-3E-4C4). • One (1) caretaker unit in a trailer or recreational vehicle maybe allowed on the site only for the purpose of security and maintenance of the site (11-3E-4D1). Furthermore, the unit shall be completely removed at the end of the allowed time period (11-3E-4D2). • Adequate off=street parking shall be provided to serve the use (LTDC 11-3E-4E1). • The use shall not displace the required off-street parking spaces or loading areas of the principal permitted uses on the site (11-3E-4E2). • The entrance and exit drives shall be designed to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances (11-3E-4E3). • All surfaces used for parking at 1601 S. Meridian Road, 1600 Main Street, 1850 E. Fairview Avenue, and 4051 E. Fairview Avenue shall be constructed with paving, vegetative cover, or of a dustless material (CTDC 11-3E-4E4 and 11-3E-SE). • All sins erected in association with the use shall be in compliance with the regulations for signs, Chapter 3 Article D SIGN REQUIREMENTS of the Meridian City Municipal Code (UDC 11-3E-4F~ __ • Compressors, fans, pumps, and other motorized equipment shall be located or shielded to reduce noise levels to adjoining properties (11-3E-4G). • The site shall be returned to a clean condition after the termination of the use, including free of debris and garbage (UDC 11-3E-4H1). • Fireworks stands shall be prohibited in residential districts (11-3E-SA). • The applicant or owner shall obtain written approval of the Meridian City Fire Department (11-3E-SB). • Dates of fireworks sales shall comply with Idaho Code § 39-2606 (11-3E-SC). • Applicant shall comply with the standards for access as determined by the Transportation Authority (11-3E-SD). • The use shall comply with any guidelines, regulations and permitting process required by any authorizing public agencies, including but not limited to, the Central District Health Department, Transportation Authority, and Meridian City Departments. Contact Joe Silva, the City Fire Marshal, at 888-1234 for Fire Department standards and regulations. • Comply with all other applicable City Code. • This approval applies to 1601 S. Meridian Road, 1600 Main Street, 1850 E. Fairview Avenue, and 4051 E. Fairview Avenue. a `~ v Kris Vigil Assistant City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., Idaho Transportation Department, etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. June 3, 2006 To Whom It May Concern; On May 23, 2006 at its regularly scheduled meeting, the Meridian city council allowed for the variance requested by TNT Fireworks to operate larger than five hundred square foot tents for the Fourth of July selling season. While TNT Fireworks requested a variance for up to fifteen hundred square feet, the council allow for a variance of up to seven hundred square feet. We would respectfully request that are temporary use permit and variance be amended to reflect the tent sizes to be utilized at six hundred square feet. Standard sizes of tents are six hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, twelve hundred, fifteen hundred, and twenty four" hundred square feet. To fit our needs and to abide by the councils decision, we will be placing six hundred square foot tents atahe following locations; Wal-Mart 4051 E. Fairview Ave. Fred Meyers 1850 E. Fairview Ave. Rite-Aid 1600 N. Main Vacant Lot 1601 S. Main We also met with Chief Anderson and Deputy Chief Silva that same evening, regarding the use and size of tents in Meridian. We have tentatively scheduled a meeting in late July too address this issue and work together to provide the council a recommended size that will work for all venues utilizing tents. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 208-562-0909 or 503-703-8613. Sincerely, 0 ob ro Area Representative AMERICAN PROMOTIONAL EVENTS, INC. 2120 MILWAUKEE WAY • TACOMA, WA 98421 SEATTLE (253) 838-1099 • FAX (253) 830-2930 www.tntf Ireworks.com ~F z ',~. e. :;(a ,~ .~, "+en ••, ~ "Q: ~ ,ti ~ ~ ~. ~~~` tlf ~y1i9j ~Jy~~~C~G~~...,._ q~;.... s'°rN~~f,dr:~'!~i w-" ~ a,] ,~ ter,„~;.~~~Mf S ~;;I ~~~~'~ yl~/ 1~ .._.. ---~I,~~__.iii!~'j1~T_~..______~~~~~~'~1'.k;ci~~,~,'_..._. r.~~~^ ,~ m ~~y ~ ,~ ~~ ` Cr7v OF y~Y ,~,~o • ~, ~ of ftevie•vv Requested (check nIl thAt I] Accessory Use d•Alternafxve Compliance - D CoxE,ific3.te'ofZoning Compliance O Co~aditional Use Permit Minor Modification • - ^ DesigA ,Review - d 1?roperty Boundary Adjtistmont .. Oy~Jiott Paat Ternpotary Ise Certificate ofZoniag Compliance D 1`ima L7x•~naioz~ (Aireetoz) .. d Vaca#ion . [3 Oilier . -fit e~A~Ya"~IS395%rry ~ .... .. ~~anning bepartmeht ~~NISTRATI'~E .~v1E~- ~ N A~ ~~ . cl. ~ 1 ~ PI~~~F~w?~ol~i • ~ LLB.: ,. ~,~ ~ ;,Si .~ - - :~ A•pplica~ttlnt'ormation ~ ° ~ °••.~ ~~~_ ;~. Applicentz~ame: American Promotional Ebents-dba-TNT Fireworks Phone: 406-5$6-190.1 . Applicant address: 16' North 9th' Ave. , ~ Suite # 6," Bozeman, ~MT Zip: 59715 . .:A.ppi~oant's 9riterestin properly: ^ Ow.ot ^ Rent ^ Optioned ~ Other. Temp/ -Fireworks tent • Ormeri~ame: Rite Aid @ 1600 Main, MMEridian - thane: Owner address:. Thrift~_ Payless Inc., 14880 >~ 24th St .. zip: - ' - R~dmo~d, WA 98052 (Ck.'Lease': Thrifty orans Rite Aid Stores) Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, ev'eloper, representative); ~~t~,1,m'~xrcwn/ Sa~~ E~~F. . Fists name: American Promoti oval vern P$ono: _ 406-586-.1901 •Addeess: l 6 North 9th AvP _ _ tti #k Rn9omni; M'~' ~ ~ • • ~~ - _ Zig: -59715 ... ' Primary contactis: ~© Applicant D Owner D Agent ®Other_ Sales up~esenta~tive : ° . .~ Contactname: Bohi. Brown ~ Phone:208-562-0909 (Office) ' E-snail: Information l,ocationlstreetaildress; Assessor's parcel number(s): _ -,,. .... r • ••Tovvnslup, range, section; Currentland use: ~i~v~ nr1 i~~~c;•. l .• _ Fax: Total acreage: Current zoning district: 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 •. Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208} 884=5533 • Faesimi]E: (208) $SS-6834 Website:vurw~,v.mcridiancity org i nn ~..~. . ~~~ cm• of . z ,~ ]Ib1H0 V bye . ~'>laaning bepartment ADNLZNISTRATIVE .RiJv1E~,A,ppLICAT~orr Type of $eviewv Requested (check all thAt apply) - - ^ Accessory Use L7 Alternafxve Compliance O Co;tif'icste of Zoning CompIiossoe C7 Comditaonal Use Permit Minor Modification ^ Desigq,Review Property Eoundary Adir'ustmcat ^ ShOrt 1?lat , ^ Te~,porary>;lse Certificato ofZoniag Compliance ^ TYmc Lk~nsion (Aireetor) , d Vacation ^ Other :A.pplics~tt Xnformation Applicant name: American Promotional Events-dba-TNT Fireworks Phone: 40b-586-190,1 Applicant add'[ess: 16- North 9th' Ave. , ~ Suite # 6," Bozeman, ~MT Zip; 59715 Applioaat's interest in property: ~ Ow.a D Rent ^ Optioned ~ Other Temp/ -Fireworks tent Ownerasme: Wal Mart Store, Inc. 2?honea Owner address: Corporate Office @ 1300 S.E. 8th Street -Zip: Bontonville,.AR 72716-0850 Agent acme (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representativb): Finn name: Am na Phone: /t06-586-,1901 Address: 16 North 9th AvP _ _ >ti 6 _ Rn9_PmaT1 ~,.~ MZ Zip: _59715 ,,,,, Primary contact is: ~ Applicant ^ Owner ©Ageipt ®Other esenta i e Contact name: Boli. Brown Phone:208-562-0909 (Office) &mai1: ~ ., _ Fax: Subject Property Ynformation Location/street address: Wal- Mart East Fai ie Ave. Meridian . Assessor's parcel number(s): _ ~ 7 3 ~~~ 70 2 p C7 . ~•Townsbip, range, section:OZOC7 0-'~ Lor'2 ~~ ~< r Total acreage: Curreatland use: ~-bm r~l ~~ G~.Q Current zoning distinct: 660 E. Watertower l,2ne, Suite 202 .: Merid1an, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884=5533 • Facsimile: (208)$88-6834 Website:vuyv+,v.mcridiancitv.ore QQ 7C1HJ ~ ~11^Tr1R I l l l Tf-JLL>r-. r~r~.+~.+ ri •.-'r. ~.~.~..~. .~~ ...~ ~' `~1~ar't~V~IS~~7353 , ;. ~ ,~~. Pro,~ec~ Deser3ption , _. Prbfect/svbdiv~sioax~ame; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . Qeaeral destxipfaon ofproposed.project/request: __ ~~21C-5 ~°SI~-~J`(~~ Proposed Zoning dIsrrlot(s)s ~ ~ . Acres of each zodo proposed: Type of use proposed (check ail chat apply); ~~ D Retsidentla] ^ Co~ercaal CI Office 17 Industr]al D ~Other~ _ . A,me~aities provided with this deuolopmeAt (if applicable): NLA W]ao wil] own & maintain the pressnr]zed irr~aiion•system in this deue]apment? ~ N/A ~ . 'DVldch ~irrlgation dls'd ict.does this limjierly lie wlttua? N A ' ~ . Pragaty irrigation source: _ __, N/A . ~~ ~ Secondary: ~N/A Square footage oflandscaped areas so be irxxgated ()fpiimary oisgcondarypoinrofomm~cdon is GXtywator): N/A . ' . . ResldenrlalPmJectSambn~rp (i~Fapp~lcabte) Number: ofresideutial ~: ~ ~ ~ Nnmber o#'bnilding lots: . Nucabar of oommon and/or' other aotg: Proposed number of dwelling unifs (:for~zanlti-famt~y developme~orts only): .. . 1Hedroorn: .2~ormotol3odrooms: .lldinimum square,~footsge efstrnchue(s) (excl..garage): ' ~oposed banding b~e~ght; ~ . 'Pro'A~Y see (s•fl~ ~Avorag~e pro}ierly size {s.~): . Cirosd density p~U/aero-~[ lead); ~ -~ ~ ~ Net density (nti/aa+a~exelu~in$ `o•as 6t aucys?; Percentage of'operi:space provided: ~ ~ Acreage afopon spsoc:~ ~ _ Parat~ge.ofuseable open spade:. ~ ~ (See Chapter.3~ ~Aaticle~G~ for qualif`icd open spaco) Typ® ofopen spade provided m acres (ie.. Xandscapiag, public, coz~unon, etc);. ~ . of dwelling(s) Proposed::. D Single-fen~~r Ci Towabo~aes :0 Duplexes : ~ O.~ult3-family . ' . Non-resideni3al Protect Sn~mary r1f applicabae Numberofbuilding lots: _ Other lots: N/A~ =-- - - Gr~ss. #loDr area proposed: ...- .. :: Existing: (i~,applicable): N/A ~ -. . Hours~ofopezation(daysandhours): gam-llpm Buildimgbeight: Percentage ofsite,/projectdevdted to the t'ollowing: . .T~aadscaping: N/A ~ Building. N/A ~ Pacing: NIA Total ~nabar of employees: 20 Maximum rawnher of employees gt any one time. (Z . Nµmberand ages ofsbudents/children (if applicable); _ N/A Soataag. capacity: N/A Total number. ofparking spaces provided: 5 Number of cozr~pact spaces provided: N/A Authorization prtxitepp]icantneme: American onal Evets=dba-TNt ~FireWOrks Applicant signature: - -- .Date: /'~~ G wire 202 • 1v.Cerldiaq Idaho X3541 PHone: (208) 884-5533' . Facs]nai]e: (208) 888-5854 • Webslte: ww;vmeridiancity org . ~~ 2 -~ ~a~ .. • ' - ~ .• - IrlcomB DOVe~prrlB - - • ~ ~ ~ ~ - '~ . ~ 1300 S.E. $~` Stnaet•~ • ~ . . - ~ ~ .. ~ Berttonvill~, aR .72716-ET8,~i0 ~ , Gary Withrow - .' ~ ~ - ~ - . - i°}irector Leasing O~eratlons &~Other Income - G~y.Withrowlcr~vval-mart:corn ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ - • - .Phone: (475) 277-5433 ~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . • Fax: 0479) 2'T3-4[00 ~ ~. - - ~ . . - ~. ~.. January 19y 200fi ' ~ . • ~ ~• ~ • . • To 1r~/Ihom #t•May. Concern: ~ ~ • . ~ • - ~ - . - - . • . ~ .. ~ .American P~romotionai• Events, lric: dba•'TNT® Fireworks is an approved Seasonal . - - .~ ~ .. - • Trave#ing supplier for tie year of 200fi~ to conduct for Freworks• sales on our stores ' • . -parking kits where this•type of promotion is legs#. Events usual#y run 7 to 40 days with ~ - - -set up beginning approximately 5 days prior to the ®vent.:. • . '. ~ - ~ - - • - ~ . • An American Promotional Evens, inc: dtia TNT®~ Fireworks representative wi#t calt^~o~ -• ~ ~ • • ~ - . yoi~ to. introduce the company and discuss your participation irf the -event: ~ Participation - ~ ~- . . . ~ ~ in this event is not •mandatory but does add additions! income to .your boftom line profits: -. - • • • Upoai approvei•by store ri~anager of yo>,rr.store's participation and placement on the ~ • - - . •, -parking iat of the selling.un~ byatore stamping-,th® Pre-Sala Survey, th® Traveling .. ~ ~ - . • ~ - ' Supplier.~oordinator vWtl schedule- the event &i the OASiS system as final approval.' ~ - . .. TNT Fireworks is responsible for'obtainln~ aif necessary permits and/or licenses. arid•• - _ .~ : • ' -: • must display such permits and/or pcenses at each location. ~ • ~ : - . ~ . • - . --.. • • .Thank you in advance for your rooperatidn in this matter and If you .have any question; - ~ . • •~ please coiztact your Traveling Supplier Coorclirtator at .(479) 277--999 3. ~ • • - • • Sincerely, , .• .. • . • : ' .. ~ ~ , . •. ~,. • . ~• .: • _' •. . Gary Wi row •~ . • . - - - .. • ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ' ~ ~ : ~ .. • . ~ ~ •- - ~ - ' •Dii~ctor of Leasing Operaltions & •Otltier income ' . . ' ~ • . •. - .. • . A~iuiriess C,';~t~tide~ui<tl ~ ?f~)3 W.~l-~fnrt S totes, Ttw..311 rigttta n~t~;;~l. • • ~ - I` I.>' I- I~ I ~ I~ I g:~~~'a~~~n~ii e I e ~ 's 1= ~ s ~ g ~~ I~ I~ I g I l I I' I ~I s: l~ l "s 1 4 1= 1 :i 1 3 ~~--a' I ~I `~~~. Lwat~.::._..rr ' ~p / ti ~......,~,~~- _ 1 JUZ' d nJ - SCIF. E S "[Oa^S'c .IS rl"U110'1 LJ ~. uuaueiYw ~i32 G (,I[I ~ ~C'G =' ~ ~ T -~. 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L7.19' ~ t~' 1E MDI: uauxwa slhrs ; I I ~ nl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t'~ ~ ~, r •I ~~Ot hua7NEP17N1IDa11ENr ~ I i_~ ~ ~~'~ f' j A N r NN7etx roalxls r_ 1 I ~ ~ 3Y: I Ir°T~ I '~~ _ - _ ..• _hPh Cp1NY1' NIai1MY lNa'IPoCT • - _ _L-la ~ ' /'~ W Jrt L '~~!I I ' I~ I ~ ~9K~IID7EE ~&IIERIfE 10x,20' (~' ~ l:~ ~ ~pf ~3 1 ti 5 J ~~qJl ~ ~+I i j I l J I~ ~~ r! ,~p A! ~1 f I qOI L'' 5aS.110' ___ ' I III I I ~ t.l I I el S~Q ~E ~IH.4~l__ ' __._.......____ __N~_____•..1 I~ I I~s~T~,rmwfmEhSEtlEwr €f ! l 0721E 1 ~ + ,III d l A1ER OP an 6F 11D515AN I I F 1 SIW95~P1 E uoe.w -- `~ ..0" f ~~~fl~~, j ~I `SEVp iWI~'N11FJt EAS[LIFNt - - _ • •. ___ ~-~ ~ -~ $ ~~ ~A ~ I v F. a rhrar Iz 5nv a Nglwlb _ - ~~- --- -' ~-`~ I+Irolr I L~~ ~~ E057A77 !E WAY 0 Po1R't 'A},~SFY~ITJ I 14 1~ ,W I ~ i I •srtuuENTNO.~171wPss7 $I III III ~ I~-~ I j I I~ t sNlm ~~r li~~ ~~\~ I I I I I ~` ~~~~ 1~ 013 ~I~I =11 III \~ I b1t ~I ~ ~1 ~ i b' uw :, § ~ III ~ ~$_ ~ t ~'~ I I I ~, 1 I ~$ ~ fiI l ~ I F~ ~ I i I I f ly I I f`~i I I E 0~]IrP00UD UAl1TY ~ I ~~ ~ I I ` 76' zv° =.1 I' I I~•~1' I ~ I s E l a L__._____.__.__ ~ ~_._1 I EwO151C 00'DhiS IVYER LV'.EFElIT ~ _ _-N 0E95'2f +1671kY---'~---~-•-_ Na1hllElT I10. Uf017158 I ~ ~ _ _ -.~7705Y --__ -7LI.OI/_._",1__ OW~1 7S• 2y. - --~il~i~~s~i° w bea.a~"_--. - _. --'-'- ~1 ° N s~~:s'zn• it"" s4ai~ ' cwnsS~oAOS ~ uwP~.litTEo surll117r15HON wo. es ~~ - --' CClitvf. DA~1'k ~--~~'~ '~ 10' ~ H. 10' i~10~ ®!C! ~_ 197Y N id'fR~Y' V i!0'7YA6_ • TO' 11, IV y.1, 7Y S l!CfM'a7' E Or 1Y.al_ ar e+.rv' ' r.1,vD' x¢'?La~STN ..au'Ir Ts nm' °'~la' au~Il'eE_ el•la'7r .At J K ~ '~ ~ 7i N r. ~: uF ~: h .;eE a /[ <3 YI O Y~~~~dilN~D~@Z'!1°P!~a C7 a 5CALE: 9" +11 ; pQl' ®: Ili F` IEGE~ ~ FouuNa aRASS cA3 IRaFIw,-Y RNN11'~DF-'AAY NDFNIkIENI' 6 F'CUND SRJS.S CAp Nt1N11WFF11' • :1?T 1i Il' M: VD' IRON PIN tNTN usTlc cu', PlS Tole • 9ET'I M 24'lTCN PN INiH USitC CAF+, PLS 7015 ® f,'hECULAIEII POWT •- ~ '- ~• f7NP£R1Y'lClNFOARY ---.-_ LQT UFE •-------- fNOH'f-OF-NNIY UNF. - -. - - -- tFECTE7N iRe: -- - i~NTEPINIE /' a 1) .• I.OT NEEIBER ~ _;. ~~_ SEWFR AND DATER EAS~EYEFIT _ __ _ _ _. _ _. '- IN FAVOR I1F GT" AF MEIIIDIIIN " ~ 1. wes :•XpSNNpI E115•tPCT n ru AEOIwN7NNTS OF w[ .+rgNldnO DCIIOIIMMl1 D•E IplllT hlq ALL 5Ea1NEliEN1:1 a' 711 arwxuExr haNlmel'r N[alNlm la /6NNpIT uD laausTea 7: ILN.r110 tNl•171E IdN DIaWIgNL Srwtarps R wlla IOBpYANON sXNi eE N ~kIrLV11NL MINI 1NE reluuENE:auxo aEaulAnn+s eK 7NE arr ~ Nel~uw, DN he hLL•5ED er taa7alw. u7E Il' Te u' rn lY N ss~r 11„~+e~v eD'zs'sr . •- ~ a wrr rc•.auNauNr a nFS naT SiNU. oarsY raal n~ wF11DlEl:E moNnl Iruuunals u11~scT NT !NE 1IINi 2 K l Y ~ • r 9 ~ u 1 1---i I~^T'R5 :'~-'~ ~~P11.tttleric+sl Subdivision P• .. /~ . Plats - 13k$0 Me s.n.u w_~r.e +r ne irr...r.e e• riu r~rw~v r~u k m. w Pg8~654 RECO]1DS Ei~ST' S1J6 x'eY I~, . -7c.:a.1e;: 1 inr_h = :L.72 :[aches z/ a7 I 9f'97'EE ~8U 37T.] L-l0 M/f'99 p"f tx.Pr --~1'37_E ~M1 IC'_~-II •l1 S M'974r h T1, 7P /r>•' E 7M IR~y L•le N ar/Y15' ~E ffi07 ~ 391x' E ~Mi iil' ~ L•13 M10'EI'1T E sft Or 57'37 EE MI,/IT ~ E•11 M 81'77 e3Y3' d R6 C0_ NAMTAOlD AT AE iVIEwE AIWaRABN~ INI IUVIp1/.E' lBIRIP. 111Ff$ OA g6011NCw1101 lIALL IE FVA~ WiNIN'WP ~GgiPR IL AE IMNN7: <f EMQI W, N:Nib NHEII Ih~l! M4 NMI•V'ADN/9RWIAOE IaD34 mf 1!E'I~ ItWIM61¢ Fdl 'ON. YABNOIMIIfE TIABAF. aEFE9 aNw IE115NMEOY K 115VMBD In NI a7rww51ulww15E dsaar. a, m 11g1'wIY FiL"MwON a snllcwul IarwNls earl, IE tT N I•pIBY a' 12 hors uatE nc IWN'SI Ig461E awE•o XATEN EIEYNipll. 0, LAN09CdPE IEIBIg09 lidp fNRVEw AIEIMN; K VENSN[ 95NET Mp KM wtaalTY IFlO 3NALL R (TrmmT 75.P5 rtn qt NO we»5rn 5r THE arr >F 1[IVVJ7i. A~~~v ~ f~~ ~~' ~_~ ~i . ~~F..F.1 Asr# '73~i5o7, .Kiiif- OEYELt~ER; ,a~rca~~s ~rl~v,~~cn~ ~r~~~na~c AW DNIO Ct)RPCRATICdJ 99•-~50 SHEET 1 GF _w_-rt_5_::~:~tii7-..~..~-e-~-~..~..-..-e-~-.-.~~........~..-,.e..~~~-4~....--...-~-~-e-.....~...-..-.~-.~-...~-.e.~.._,-..,....-.~~.~-~.....-.. P'\~JT!! aV , GVVV viTV of meridian JJ Lajr idahv A~e IUarirlir„~1~~ ~~ $3b~2 Regarding: A narrative proposing Tne use 631 lr+~ fullV,~rrry rr „r~........- rrurlrriirg ~ ~~.u..y .,.,~.f,.,....":5... , Arileric~lr r~i'vi~'ivtivi3 9 4•>erts i5 p:'^~^.i~5iSt~ prnlnn~ati91'1 Q~1 rUnntnQ OUr ,Temporary Tents for tha selling of "Safe and Sane Fireworks", like we have done in many of the previous years at: Rite-Aid on 1bU0 Main, 11Vni~-Mart at ~c3~i Cast rairview ~+we. r Tea nn+~~err-s ~ a vv ,.~ ~ r M....~.. _ c~cca~pation oT` the a~ovl< lrca#ions will ~e a~•~'~•here -from dTUi'!e 2n #hru .duly $tn. * ~:=ts will he set a.~d severs! days Ic+ter retailers will stock those tents with "nonaerial com!!tonfiewQrks ~- * In a Went and orderly fashion retailers wil! start sales of "Safe and Sane Fireworks from June z3 ~ i [:uu midnight till i ~:Ov inidniy h t ~ uij- 5t~. Thies entire time they wif i mainTitirt the ui~u ui! in;lii%i e t iii t 2i $ i.°a erected. G• 1 T r..F ...all {~~ h N'lnver~ AC1/'I ~~~ P~OF1!•IE rlo_ft1'1QC9 Ud bV Tei~lpfi~•cir~y r ii-G`rVvi-rs ~ ern .......~ . 2................. --~ t 9 •/`M1 ree•e•r, n~ 'Pt ply f!*" 1 4 •'V V ..MV.. v• V w. `Ir'e know that Many church groups, school ;roues nnr~ families count on the p:•oceeds fs-;,+~, selling theme fireworks to help out in many churches for those special needs, or "fund raising pro,~ectsr' in our schools. Nat to mention families trying fio raise enough money to help their children to 9a to Loiieye. it is our hope that this appiiCatioii will ~c ucceptGd ss that those gro::rs ~;;a - ~:..•J 1_ 1_..L ~...,... +.. r.n+t,en ea/senrs to nnthae• "tn the bf`~Ce!'aS they 1!1{11YFLIlJUi, 11la~1' rVVr1 1 yr ~~ii ~ rv Q~.v...•.. ~........... '_..._. ~. r~~r,! t~ ~Frrf'Fill thnco gloac~C_ T6,n.,tr ...,.. ...~..:,. y~.~, ~Ittlerlcan !'rOlttOtionai events Je_ _ tea IT C:.........«.L.. -LlL7~l- 1 1~1 1 1 n-cwva n~ AMERICAN PROMOTIONAL EVENTS, INC. q^. gpv ,~ _ on~Gaaeu aRS sori~_t?aa IR~:~~~-~~ID®~ ~A~~~l ~~Jil~!~r~9~~1~ KIeIO1M ALL I~EN BY TIaESE PRESE:NV~i: DE:1~Et.C)PERS 1)11~E:RSIIFIE;D REAI:~Y t;O'RPC~!A'PlOltk, AN OFIIO CC)F!PORATIOIJ, YV~~L••MAF!T'REAI. ESITAIE EIUSINESS 'TRIJST, A DEII~AW'A~RE E311SINE;SS TFtUS'f AN'D TERRACE: I.AWu~I f,EE:MOIRU~I. GJ~RDENS, IN'C.,, AF{I: 'THE ~OH'hIEFI:> OF 1'1'1E PROI'I:R'TY IQESf~tl~61=D AS Ft)11t)INS; A PARt~I. OF iLAiVD LC+cATE4 JN '11tE hIW1~4 4t' THE WB:1/'4 AND TaNE NE1/4 t)F TIVE: NNf1/4 Ol' SECTION 9° T.3}I., R.1E„ .tit.,, {)1'TY (IF MERIDIAhI, AI)A C~9UNTY, IClAFIO, +r~tV4 A RESUBDIVI;~OIV OF' A P+DRTId~I I}F TE'RIRACE LAYrM I~AIEJAiNtIAL dIUIDENS, 1, PLATTED CEIaIE"IERY, RECORIDEI) 1N tlOGh; 19 Af' PLF~T5 AT P~IU~E;i 122~D - 1:~.D,1, OFFIICIA[. RECORDS C+F SAID AI)A i)Or,INTY iWORIC PaJ~TIC~ILARLY DESCRI@~ED .AS FC+LLDMfS; COMMENCING AT'P41E N1/~4 C~+RNEF! CF SAID 'SECTI+DN S) f'A,C+M WHICH THE iVE CtDRNER +DF SAIO SECTCCNd 9 EIEJIR.S 'S+DU'M 6tl'22'32" EA'S'E, 285fl.1~ FEJ:T; TfBDf{;E ALI)NG THE MCNBTH-SOUTI4 MIO-SECTI'CN UNE +>F SAID SECIIDN 9 SOllll{ 8tD°4b"14" WEST, 4p.74 IFg~'f 70 !1 PCNN'E ON T}•IE SCiGiTH RIGHT-DF-WAY JJNE OF FAIRI~:IN AVE (US NIGt•IMfAY 3D), S1kID PCNN'E ALSO S4:4NO~TI'E' REAL P41f11' OF BEtisNNING; THENCE Alt)NG SAID 50UTIi Rll~i'f d)~ tYAIE 1JNIE S+DIJTH 89 "6:S'2~}"' EAST,. 7D~6,~85• FEI7; 'I41ENC~E LI:AIRIVG SAID SCNJTH 1RIOHT-~D~ ~f~11Y tJNE 90tJTH '14",9t!'32" NEST,. 278,x17 J~EE7; ltlENf~: St)U1H dND'46"1~}" MIES'I", .i5~4,tIEi FlEI:7; 'Ttlil]JC4: NC'E'TH ~89'35'24" YYE~T, 640..79 F'EE'T T4 A P01ld11 OVd Tlil; hlt)RT1V-SOUTFI MID-SECTION TINE t)F 51U0 SEC'RgV 9; THEFIOE; ALCNVG SIAJD bJl0-SEC'i1CNV UNIE StlU1N OD"46°14' YIE~"E, si.d19 FETE TO 'IHE MO~RTHE~~ST CORNER OF CROSSIR+DAI)a SUBOIE45101N IVt). 8, AS X3;0 Iti BGOK 76 DF FLATS AT PAGES 7941 - 794;2, RECdNiD;i OF SAID JU)+1 C{)UN1Y; 1FIEN~C9r NORTH 69'3b'32" WF~:>T, ;i69.;)3 FEET ALONG °fHE NORTH lJNE OF SAIO (~IOSSRGADS ^SUBt)IVISION N0. 8, 'EO A POINT' ~ON 'iHE: EASTERLY RIOHT•pIF-WAY UNE OF N, RECORDS AVE.; THIENd~: IILON+G SAID R60HT•-CN'--WAtiE LIUIE F'C+R TFIE F'C~ILOWIhIG 5ENEN C'ClU61S~E5" 6419 FEET ALCNVG Il CUiRVE T'0 THE LEFT Tt) A POSIT, SAID CIIF!VE HAVING A ftJ1Dl1J!i CIF' 236.45 FEET, A CI~EITA OF 20'13'4EI" AND A LONG CHORD tiEA~RJND NORTH '14°07'53"' WEST, J63.75 f"EET; TitENCE NORTH 2276'38' WE~'G 28S! FEET TO A POINT; 1FIENCE 1+4.3+6 MEET JU.OtdC A CURVE TO 11HE FGdi7 TO A POINT, SAID CUIR°JE NikViNO A, RADIUS OF 143.7ti FEE1r, A DELTA tIF D3°43'31" MIO A !LC>fdG CHOftC+ BEARUNIG NORTH 'IF~'0+6'32" WEST, 1~4.3~6 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00"25°00" EAST, 478.44 FIEEI° TO A R(NN'f; TIiENCE NORTii 02'37'33' EASE, 142.BCI FE1ET TO A f'd)IIVT; THENCE NORTH 04"25'00" EAST, 78. St0 FEET TO .A PdHNT; TH!EN~ hKIRTH 4~"J'31'2B" EAST, 40.92 FEET Td) THE SOUTFI RbC,ti`fT•.OF.-NLA'-' DIVE t)F' FAIRVIEW AVENUIE A5 CRE,ITEII 8Y WARRAPITti' DEED N7'TH INSTFIUkIEidT NUMBER 990126+54 CN° ADA COUAIT>'' RECI)RD;M THENCE ~~t.4NG~ SAID 50Utt~l IRIt)HT~•OF~-WAY DIVE :'~UTN 69)'22'10" EAST, 567..2) FEET"EO THE NORTH-.>C!U1H MID-•;IECTGON UNE t>F SAJD.SECTION A; TENENOE ib&.ONC SAID Adl[!•-'SEC710N UWE: MCNZTH OD°46'14" EAST, 10.28 FEET TG THIE RE',A,L POINT 01" BEGINbIIIVO, CONTAINING 23.53 ACRES biDRE OFt fl.t:SS. lT IS T1~F: IINTEPJTION t)F THE UNDEF,SI+~NED T'O hIE:REf3Y INCLUDE: SAID LAPID IN 1NIS PLAT AND 'ft} CNED9CATE Tt} 'PTiE PUBLIC THE PUEILIC STREETS AS SF{OWT~ ON '(HIS PLAT. 1NE EAS>T~IEN'fS SHOWN OIJ 11iIS PLAT ARE NOT' DE;DIC:ATTc.D TD 1HE PlIE1L1C, BNT THE; F!I+~HT' TO 11;3E !iAID E:11SEI+tENTS 15 HEREBY P£RP'ETUALLI' RE:SE•:ItVED E~DR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SUCH (1~NER USES AS DESM~IA~TED ~{E:.FtI:+~N AND IJ,O PE:Rf~IANI:NT STRUC~TUF!ES ARI: TI) ~IiE ERECTED YW1TiUV Tl-IE LINES t~ ;iAICi EASTi6~ENTS, A11. LISTS W1'INIPI THIS PLAT VYiLL BE ELIGN9LE TO RECEIVE 4dATER SER',~CE FRO1~ TH{: L"7TY OE" MF:RI41,4N'S I~IJNIt:IPAL WA'TE:R SYSTEM" AND ~lil: qTY CIF >~IEI~rDIAN HAS AOIREED Ihl INRI111JG TO SERVE A1.L 1T~IE LOTS 1N THIS SUBDI"JISIOIV. DEVELCPEFIS DIVETISIFIED RE~~.T"t ~rORPORAT1O~1, AN OHIO Ct>RPflRA71ON NAM[: ~~- ~;Ld~~d, TITt,~, tireE; ~s ~~'~&9v,)~n~7' STACIE OF_ ~°" ) '+) , S.S. COUfJTY O~F;~loc,A Wa1L•-MART ftEAi_ ESTATE E3USINFSS 'TRUST, A DE:I.A~YARE EII.ISINESS~gTf~U/ aT r % / NI1ME:l~ob~c~.f r~~ b~r~ 71'il.E;: ~ Iii ~,~ S- ~tLtdl~ Tt;:RR~4CE LAWN MI:MORI ~ GARDENS, INC. `,, I TINiO11°('r T. GIBBON, PRESiDE~IT __..,..~_~-~.. C-N ~IH1S~ .~~1 ~. D+4Y OF ~~'~r~_.. , {Zveao ~ BE;FOF!E ME~ THE: UNDEEiSI{~NIEO, A IV~OTAR~' PUEILIC IN AIVD FOR. SAID STATE, e~essctni~+w, + v ennc'aiaen . ~~Sa,nJ ~.; t'~t~~ioo>5, Kh1f1YUAl l11t Ih+FAl1!II:'IFf1 TY} kRE 'i0 BE TIVE:yiICu ~~!}~lid}F' 71-IE {:ORPORAl1ON CITY OF e~l~lcn 33 E. Idaho Ave. ~~~ Meridian, ID 83642 w~ x _ * M1 5' ,.. ? ;~ _ 3 ~'~ , ~ r`~ .~`, e f. ~:~: '`~ ~~:~ i`ii' ~% ~ ~;r'` } r~ .,. ~ 4 ~ .i .. 6 s ~c m+' ~, .. e .p ' 1 :.~ ~,;~ ~t ~ ~;~ > >. z ~~ ~ ~ ~ ;; _~ .~ ~ n 0 cr H w ~ , , ,~ ~. . ~ ~ ~7 J LC m ~ -, Cli `. , ~, Z ~,rq ~. r ~ ~i -p =i ~. ~ ® ` ~ . u. D 1' w ¢ a w Q r„ ~~'~ 0. ~ o T ~ r ~'l /1'~ _ Date `Y ~ O~ `~ w 'j~ t i^ Applicant ~ ~~ 'I ~rn~ ~ ~ "'~- Address ~/' ii ~~~ !-~~ l~ Phone V i ~ -g14~JFF CHECK # NAME ON CHECK IF DIFFE ~~ ~ f r~ I U~~~ ~ ~ RENT THAN APPLICANT ~ I ~~ 1 I "fin ~ ~~ I I 1 I // /~/I /~ `^ v ~ (/NCwV 1 ' D~ 1 ~. O ~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~l I OSI ~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PAYMENT DOES NOT INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION TAX 7 2 2 0 Received By TOTAL ~ i d 55748 ~Ji~ZGI/uv y/~~ 2' •~ tit>"t ~:s ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ a0 . d0 ~H30kJ0. ;~,~~- Z~9~8 QI N'dIQ1~T7Ii aNlol ~~,: _ ~`~ 1~~ ~ 07. "?ZIi1~ ` `~NK`I 23~MOS.2I~ZtIM ~ Q9"+ y S rJNI ~~;II,?~ I1NK`3d I~IQI23~LI 30 f,T,IO, !: m Z ' . ~. H a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ?- ; T OuZioo : ai~z ~I3 ~~IS~r~s a~aNnx a J~bd o ~~,,, ~ ~~~ : 9 ~ ~ ` \ p V ~ ~~ ~- ~ 4 < ~"~ ~ ~ ~ N3 r ~~~~~.: -_~ ,. ~ ~ . 40485 • dF11 • eu~onei `~ - ~~fd!--, ~, ESESBLS:EBU48S~805SLSS~OOd8ES9 'ON 1N31tld 'S'fl - __ ~ - 3 Py ' ~ ~ ~~.,p ~ e i i ~~~ :~' l ; ' : 1 N J~; 3 .,~~ a~ ~ ~J ~ J ~ ~ i Jr ~~ _ /~ ~ i Y 1t~f10V~'d3k~~ ,+~" ~lb'a _R24`, ~: _ ~~~ ` }• _ ~s.ea...~~"'~ ~ ~ .~,r:; _~--,'~-~ ,.. ',mss ... ~_~~ ~~' ~.. ~~ ,/' fJTY OF y~~~'I ~_/VCPl'1G~I~YI ~ =''~~ {l Il)AH('l )~~ \~"i>~1 ~ y`Y `~y= ,~ i Y .19& ~' Planning Department TIIVll'ORARY USE CERT)FTCATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Application Checklist Project name: File #~~ Applicant/agent: All applications are required to contain one copy of the following unless otherwise noted: Desenptton ' (~) Staff i ;:: (~) , Com leted & signed Administrative Review Application -~-"' Narrative fully describing the proposed use of the property, including the following: - Information on any previous approvals or requirements for the requested use /,- (i.e., applicable conditions of approval or Development Agreement) - Dates} tem orary use will begin and end Recorded warranty deed for the subject property -•-`-' ~, Affidavit of Legal Interest signed & notarized by the property owner (downer is a corporation, _,,,.~, submit a co ofthe Articles of Into oration or other evidence to show that the erson si is an authorized a ent. Scaled vicinity map showing the location of the subject property (can be obtained from the ~=- ~ Plannin D arlmerd ,~„ NiA Sanitary Service Com any a royal for trash enclosure & access drive (stamped site plan) Site Plan--4 copies (folded to 8 '/z" x 11" size) The followin items must be shown on the site Ian: ~~ • Date, scale, north arrow, and project name (scale not less than 1°°=so°) • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm reparing the plan • Access oints to ublic street • Parking stalls and drive aisles • Trash enclosure(s) location • Sidewalks Oi pathways (proposed and existing) • Location of proposed building on lot (inoluae dimensions to property lines) • FenCing (proposed and existing) • Calculations table including the following: - Number of parking stalls required & provided (specify hanaioap & compact stalls) - Building size (Sq. it.) - Lot size (sy. t}.) - Setbacks - Zoning district Structure and/or buildin elevations (photos are acce table) C Fee '; ~ ACHD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements ofACHD as they pertain to this application. All impact fees, if arry, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate theACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be sarbmitted to the City of Meridian Planning Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Yozrr building permit will not be issued until ACHD has approved your plans and al! associated fees have been paid APPLICATION WILL NOT BEACCEPTED UNLESSALL ITEMS ON THE CHECKLISTARE SUBMITTED. fi~ 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-68s4 • Website: www.meridiancity.org