Task Order with STRATA for 8th Street ParkMemo To: Jaycee Holman; Tara Green; Keith Watts; Kathy Wanner From: Max Jensen CC: Steve Siddoway, Parks and Recreation Division Director Elroy Huff, Parks and Recreation Division Superintendent Date: 1 /20/2009 Re: Proposed Agenda Item for January 27, 2009 City Council Meeting The Parks and Recreation Division respectfully requests the following item be placed on the January 27, 2009 City Council agenda, under Consent Agenda, for Council's consideration: Task Order with STRATA - 8~' Street Park Pedestrian Pathway and Box Culverts -Phase 1 Attached is a Task Order with STRATA for materials testing and inspections associated with the construction of the 8"' Street Park Pedestrian Pathway and Box Culverts -Phase 1 project. The Task Order is for $1,792.40. Recommended Council Action: The Parks and Recreation Division recommends that City Council approves and signs the Task Order with STRATA. Thank you for your consideration. Please contact me if you have any questions. • Page 1 TAT ®RDER NO. Pis-os-oo~ CITY OF MERIDIAN (OWNER] AND STRATA (CONSULTANT] This Task Order is issued by {owner and accepted by the Consultant pursuant to the mutual promises, covenants and c•.onditions contained in the Master Agreement between the above named parties dated December 13th, 2006. CITY OF MERIDIAN 13t" Street Park P®destrian Patl~way & Box Culverts -Phase 1 PURP®SE The Consultant's scope of services and compensation shall be as set forth herein. Services shall generally be described as testing and inspections consulting services. TASK 1 - T®stle~s~ and Inspections C®nsulting Services Per the City's request, the Consultant will provide prafessional testing and inspections consul#ing services relating to the construction of the 8~' Street park Pedestrian pathway 13ox Culverts -Phase 1 project. These services are listed in STRATA's December 22, 2008 Cost Estimate {Attachment A). ,v r ~, C®MPENSATI®N The Not-To-Exceed amount for Task Order No. PKS-09-002 is One Thousand Seven Hundred Nine Two and 401100 dollars ($1,792.40). CITY OF MERIDIAN TAMMY de WEERD, MAY®R Date Attest: JAYCEE HQLMAN, CITY CLERK Approved by City Council: Date TASK ORDER NO. PKS-09-002 CITY OF MERIDIAN (OWNER) AND STRATA (CONSULTANT] CITY OF MERIDIAN 8~' Streat park P~+destriarr Pathway ~. Box Culverts -Phase 1 ATTACHMENT A s ,~ a x ~~~~ 1 rl~r•'1 r ~ ~1.:~ Al 1 'J: ~:"ir I I:ult ~ /. trill l tt .t ' . I i : •' Itll: ~y1(~'!AI!}r'f/PIr4 -/'~t'O ~OV11~ l~~ TO: CITY OF MERIDIAN QUOTE DATE: 12/2212008 MAX JENSEN PHONE: 888-4433 CITY OF MERIDIAN, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. FAX: 887-4813 QUOTE NUMBER: BP08469 PROJECT:- 8th Str®et Park Pedestrian Pathway 8 box Culvert COST ESTIMATE EST UNIT ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRI ION QUAN PRICE COST SOILS TESTINf3 8c INSPECTION• 1) Technician for subgrade & structural fill densi#y, per hr. 24.0 43.00 1032.00 { 8 Trips @ 3hr each) 2) Nuclear density gauge, per hour. 24.0 12.00. 288.00 MISCELLANEOUS 6) Mileage, 8 trips @ 54 miles each, 4320 0.70 302.40 7} Project Management 2.l} 85.00 170.00 8} Overtime surcharge, if over, 8hrslday, 40hrslweek, 0.0 21.50 0.00 9} weekends. or holidays, per hour. ~ 0.0 ' 0.00 ~ 0.00. The above listed services will be provided for the estimated fee of 7 '7112.46 Th® services described above are based on our review of th® plans. The cost shown are based upon the ®stiPnat®d +quantities Indicated and dependent upon the contractor's schedule and performance. These fees represent the amount of testing required from our knowledge of the project docum®nts. If the quantities change, a carresponding change in cost. will occur. All prices include supervision and report. The above scope of services will be p®rfornred according,ty the terms and condltlans described in the attached agreement for services. VYe utIII need at Beast 24 hours notice to schedule our personnel. 1 > ~ Brian Shetler, Project Manager IDAHO MONTANA NEVADA OREGON UTAH WASHINGTON WYOMING www.stratageOtech.com 8653 W. Hackamore Drive Boise, Idaha 83709 P.208.376.8200 F.208.37ii.8201 8th st box culvert replacement PURPOSAL