Presentation of Parks & Rec Commission Recommended PathwaysExplanations, Meridian City Pathways Priorities Goal: Improve Five Mile Creek Pathway Segment G, which runs between the Bud Porter Pathway intersection with Meridian Road and connects to the existing pathway in Destiny Cove, as pathway continues on to the pump house near the Fothergill Pathway, by adding signage, on - street crosswalk striping, and solar in -pavement flashers, and by widening the existing pathway to ten feet wide at James Court Drive. Purpose: Clarify pathway status, improve functionality and safety. Rough Cost Estimate: $150,000 2. Goal: Connect Settlers Creek Pathway Segment A at Destiny Cove to the Fothergill Pathway. Purpose: Connect two existing pathway segments by adding a relatively short segment. Rough Cost Estimate: $100,000 3. Goal: Improve the "interim" Five Mile Creek Pathway Segment F (designated as "interim" because it is on the west side of Linder Road and in the long term it will travel down the east side of Linder), where the Bud Porter Pathway crosses Linder Road, by adding signage, on - street crosswalk striping, and solar in -pavement flashers. Purpose: Clarify pathway status; improve functionality and safety. Rough Cost Estimate: $200,000 4. Goal: Widen South Slough Pathway Segment A to ten feet where pathway enters Crossfield Subdivision; and widen the sidewalk connecting the Pathway to ten feet; continue widened connection east of Summersby along north side of creek. Note: Discussions are underway with Crossfield developer to make this improvement. Purpose: Connect existing but disjointed segments of pathway; improve functionality. Rough Cost Estimate: $50,000 5. Goal: Improve Ridenbaugh Canal Pathway Segment F at Eagle Road crossing near Victory by adding signage, on -street crosswalk striping, and solar in -pavement flashers. Purpose: Clarify pathway status; improve functionality and safety. Rough Cost Estimate: $200,000 6. Goal: Beautify and landscape Bud Porter Pathway. Purpose: Enhance existing, well -used pathway; increase pathway use and awareness. Rough Cost Estimate: $400,000 7. Goal: Work with ACHD and the Bridgetower Homeowners' Association to construct proposed Five Mile Creek Pathawy Segment E — 1.06 miles of pathway — on the north side of Five Mile Creek near Bridgetower subdivision. Purpose: Extend Five Mile Creek Pathway to the west to connect to existing neighborhoods and build on the success of the Bud Porter Pathway. Rough Cost Estimate: $500,000 8. Goal: Work with Homeowners' associations and/or subdivisions to construct Five Mile Creek Pathway Segment H, which will run between Fairview and Pine. Purpose: Extend Five Mile Creek Pathway to the east to connect to existing neighborhoods and build on the success of the Bud Porter Pathway. Rough Cost Estimate: $500,000 '410 ELVHA dAVSIOE v -0 _ o X BLACK AT �II PUMA ;9IPI(LE)�3REEW t O n E5 �" s O �. M ES (12 m LF1+ 3 �'� 1JII MERMAN 3NON01 oSNbi'a Ai �y ;IAL&& O ED m �rnn CD )Va dd J m a S g F:OBIE VA LAM M n "tccs TEN MILE aROM�i U} p 4) n O m 3 A x VICTOR C- O N O O i" q S� i❑ rn MOREL {Fj M CD C6 p•r�_ CD W O c -.,..,. ZY SKUSIKCD � O U DESTO E URd ^ y O I m p 0 i. LINA R Z� t rt = m Q f 8 FiL9'. o fi 1 4 m T1 x 11TH N�OL� EST 11TH '::. USCoJY iP< m Q ..��.. x —BEA t F4181 ^ O— m VEF4elE JJ t } 3Ei3 � �� TSFH m Z / W i�1 TdTH PJPT'IDE c �'y� � .� ti x o I WEST211ICE r .� MER D k, °ka k WES T1ST m � o � m 0BLP.G#SPU G3 S r fSTRf m ST21f2-AT Rd r 1 ' _ a'� Kh PIDUvTRI` :ASTSTH tAZi dTSTH "JAWIE P Q m ;CRT r G{l RT - I kiESA.3Ol` kF:E m }?aj .r__ �� K RK ��i y i_P NATE TEARE R SnWW—I c 0p AOKINS G4F46L a mc 3 G7.;.agyhSi R4 LST N '� AM411 ST p r�i N x N. LA mo ,.Ly � I x DIXIE -I QkRIDGE y � ■ :-� � � m, 9 �� z 6 L MM ERC �r m USThW# RY m 1R07CEL WELLS >I S } r�S z p x 2 0 m jusri _ `_.: T I� JI)DER � A `OREP T� o OLY ALLEN � 4 r CLUE E F x ifovlF navt5 s i' i m ADE Q b Q ;aALLVS x WORTHDUANE — PAZ 3� IHgPLE (T ROLLING HILLSm m =1 gFWLA m Q _ vrW rURG a I . �1 CER DU Po Ty4wi CLIN CL E� AiW m. ti g- 1-�� — � �' rn Lj � SS22�tt i � m 4 BUIIPTE� _- — ML ho NOME mosoll Fisom Im!- 0 U) (D Q - O (D (D 0 07 F 0 L< �D (M CD CL (D ML ho NOME mosoll Fisom Im!- Lu LU AM I l� �II 0 �a o o � m r co rr O LO O 3 CD CL S� r�r CD O r�r `C Lu LU AM I l� �II BLLI E SPRINGS ,ell Of 'NEST 15TH O ` W 0 (D Q o (D X O K, i 3 3 3 CL ,I i z =r� m BLLI E SPRINGS ,ell Of 'NEST 15TH 0 FT -- -0 o co CD 0 (D (D 0 o 7 =r F-3 0 (a (D rn (0 M CD CL =T (D 0 (D 0 )1lop- z LTJ 4r - M. a o 0 3 m r ID r -r Crj O (D Q �--� (Da) r-1- O r - 3 y� i1L C O c (D Sly 4r - w 0 w • ■ whir L� Wol �z 11 1 -'1,-..-- JIM 1/I PENN WATIO N OVE CD m 4 Lil