1993 04-13 MERIDIAN PLANNING E ZONING AGENDA TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1993 - 7:30 P. M. COUNCIL CHRMBERS MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD MARCH 9, 1993: (APPROVED) 1: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR L.B. PROPERTIES TO ALLOW AUTO REPAIR AND PRINT SHOP: (APPROVED) 2: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: REZONE REQUEST FOR JIM BANDUCCI AND BEDELCD FROM R-4 TO R-8 TO RLLOW DUPLEX UNITS: (APPROVED) 3: FINDINGS OF FACT RND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: ANNEXATION & ZONING BY CHERRY LANE DEVELOPMENT: R-4 ZONING, PORTION OF CHERRY LANE DEVELOPMENT. (RPPROVED> 4: FINDINGS OF FACT RND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: PHEASANT POINTE SUBDIVISION: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO R-8 WITH PRELIMINARY PLRT: (APPROVED) 5: PUBLIC HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SCHOOL PLAZA SUBDIVISION: 4 LOTS, ZONED R-15: (MOTION DIED FOR LRCK OF A 2ND) 6: PUBLIC HEARING: ANNEXATION AND ZONING REQUEST BV HIMERICH 8 DORADO DEVELOPMENT: (FINDINGS TO BE PREPARED) 7: PUBLIC HERRING: ANNEXATION RND R-8 ZONING REQUEST CONIFER SUBDIVISION WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT AND VARIANCE OF CULDESAC LENGTH TD 790 FEET: (FINDINGS TO BE PREPARED - PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED) 8: PUBLIC HERRING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING WITH PRELIMINARY PLRT FOR WINGATE SUBDIVISION: (FINDINGS TO BE PREPARED - PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED) 9: VACATION OF EASEMENT FDR MICHELS AND MICHELS: (APPROVED) MERIDIRN PLRNNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 The Regular Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Jim Johnson at 7:30 P. M. . Members Present: Moe Alidjani, Tim Hepper, Jim Shearer: Member Absent: Charlie Rountree: Others Present: Bill Brewer, Raleigh Hawe, Gary Lee, Dan Wood, Ruth Hunter, Wayne Crookston, Jeff Huber, Bob Angel, Raleigh Howe, Larry Sale, Becky Bowcutt, Greg Hon o, Gary Kuhn, John Douda, Natalie Boyer, Richard Bayer: MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD MARCH 9, 1993: The Motion was made by Rlidjani and seconded by Shearer to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held March 9, 1993 as written: Motion Carried: All Yea ITEM #1: FINDINGS OF FACT RND CONCLUSIONS OF LRW: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR L.H. PROPERTIES TO ALLOW AUTO REPAIR AND PAINT SHOP: Johnson: Any comments or discussion about these Findings? Wayne Thowless, Lathom & Cron Architects, in reviewing these Findings of Facts that were received by our client, we noticed one item in here which we have a question about. It did in fact, as we looked more closely occur in the original Findings of Fact also and it was just missed by both us and our clients. It has to do with the landscape screening around the perimeter of the property. Item D an Page 8 says that the vegetation shall not be allowed to grow more than 20' tall but shall be watered and fertilized to encourage as much growth as soon as passible. You will recall that in our revised development plan we proposed the use of Ponderosa Pines as landscape screening. I think we're all aware that Ponderosa Pines grow much taller than 20' at maturity. There didn't seem to be any objection to Ponderosa Pines when they were proposed and our client would like to not have to go out there after a few years and keep them pruned at the 20' height. Our question is I guess why that is in there? Crookston: The reason that that's in there is because of an interference of view towards the mountains from the houses. Johnson: We appreciate your comment and that will be passed on to the City Council also. The Motion was made by Rlidjani and seconded by Shearer that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. MERIDIAN CITV COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 2 Roll Call Vote: Hepper - Yea; Rountree - Absent; Shearer - Yea; Rlidjani - Yea; Motion Carried: R11 Yea: The Motion was made by Alidjani and seconded by Shearer that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that the City Council review these findings and, if desired by the City Council, change, alter or amend the conditions stated herein, and that if the conditions are agreed to and met by the Applicant, the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that the City Council approve the conditional use permit; that the Commission further recommends that all construction, new and remodel, including buildings and vegetation planting, be subject to Design Review; that the conditional use permit be reviewed annually for compliance with the conditions stated herein, and if there is not compliance, that the conditional use permit be revoked. That as an additional condition all irrigation facilities must be maintained such they continue to deliver water as it was delivered prior to development and if there are irrigation canals, drainages or other means of conveying water, located on the property that they be tiled. Motion Carried: All Yea: ITEM it2: FINDINGS OF FRCT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: REZONE REQUEST FOR JIM BRNDUCCI AND BEDELCO FROM R-4 TO R-8 TO ALLOW DUPLEX UNITS: Johnson: Any discussion? Hepper: Stated in Findings on second to last page that it states "hereby denies" and it should be "hereby approved." Crookston: It's just a carry over from the previous Findings in this matter, it should be "approves." The Motion was made by Hepper and seconded by Shearer that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. Roll Call Vote: Hepper - Yea; Rountree - Absent; Shearer - Yea; Alidjani - Yea; Motion Carried: All Yea: • MERIDIRN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 3 The Motion was made by Hepper and seconded by Shearer that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that if the Rpplicant agrees with these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law that a Development Agreement be entered into which includes the provisions of these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and recommends that the rezone Application be approved as modified above. It is further recommended that if the Applicants do not agree with these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law that the Application be denied. Motion Carried: All Yea: ITEM #3: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CDNCLUSIDNS OF LAW: RNNEXATION 8 ZONING BY CHERRY LRNE DEVELOPMENT: R-4 ZONING, PORTION OF CHERRY LRNE DEVELOPMENT: Johnson: Any discussion? No response. The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Alidjani that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. Roll Call Vote: Hepper - Yea; Rountree - Absent; Shearer - Yea; Rlidjani - Yea; Motion Carried: R11 Yea: The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Alidjani that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the annexation and zoning as stated above in the Conclusions of Law for the property described in the application with the conditions set forth in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and that the Applicants be specifically required to the all ditches, canals and waterways as a condition of annexation and that the Applicant meet all of the Drdinances of the City of Meridian, specifically including the development time requirements and the conditions of these Findings of Fact and Conclusions and that if the conditions are not met that the property be de-annexed. Motion Carried: All Yea: MERIDIRN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 4 ITEM #4: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CDNCLUSIONS OF LAW: PHEASANT POINTE SUBDIVISION: REQUEST FDR RNNEXATION AND ZONING TO R-8 WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT: Johnson: Any discussion? Hepper: It states in Findings of Facts that the annexation and zoning be to an R-8 residential subdivision and at the last meeting we discussed the minimum square footage of at least 1350 sq. feet and I think we also need the stipulation that there not be any multi-family housing allowed even though it is R-8 zone. The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Alidjani that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. Roll Call Vote: Hepper - Yea; Rountree - Absent; Shearer - Yea; Alidjani - Yea; Motion Carried: All Yea: The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Alidjani that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the Annexation and zoning requested by the Applicant for the property described in the application with the conditions set forth in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and that the Applicants be specifically required to t he all ditches, canals and waterways as a condition of annexation and that the Applicants meet all of the Ordinances of the City of Meridian, specifically including the development time requirements. Motion Carried: R11 Yea: The Motion was made by Hepper and seconded by Alidjani to approve the preliminary plat. Motion Carried: All Vea: ITEM #5: PUBLIC HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SCHOOL PLAZA SUBDIVISION: 4 LOTS, ZONED R-15: Alidjani & Shearer - Stepping down due to conflict of interest. MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 5 Johnson: I will open the public hearing at this time. Keith A. Loveless, Loveless Engineering, 3330 Grace Street, Boise, was sworn by the attorney. Loveless: I'm here representing Mr. Alidjani. The property is the old school grounds, the remaining portion that didn't go into the new post office facility. We've attempted to split the property such that the original school building and two other buildings exist there continue to be used on their own without being multi buildings upon one lot. We've run into an apparent problem and one of your comments and we're going to have to ask for a variance in setbacks. This is in Gary Smith's comments where we are talking about. It's an existing lot line with which we're trying to put a lot line between two buildings and we'd have to request a variance from the City Code at that one point. We've also, as of today went out and done an assessment on the street lights, there's one at 2 1/2 and Carlton, one at 2nd and Carlton, one at Washington and 2 1/2 and another one off the northeast corner of the property about 75', at that point there's also a fire hydrant (explained location of other hydrants). The Fire Department has addressed a concern for the setbacks also and he they bring up a potential problem with the basement of the building, which I don't think should affect the plat but only the occupancy of the building that really needs to be brought to code when he gets an occupancy permit. I'd be glad to answer any other questions you may have. Hepper: It shows on the west property line I believe there was a notation on one of the plans there for some fencing. Is there going to be fencing all around the property? Loveless: Not at this time. Hepper: Could you tell me where there is going to be fencing? Loveless: There's existing fencing between us and the post office all the way on the west property line. There's not fencing up front next to the parking area but only in the parking compound behind the building. Hepper: There wouldn't be any fencing down the property lines for the various lots or anything? Loveless: Not at this time. If they decide to do that it would be from the owner of the lot. n IJ MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1993 PRGE 6 Hepper: Is there any landscaping or anything like that proposed? Loveless: Not with the subdivision. Hepper: Over by the main school it shows a pretty large parking area, will that parking be included in there? Loveless: We drew that up to show that we can provide enough space on that site to provide a parking lot for the square footage that exists within that building. Johnson: Do you have any concept regarding the ultimate use of the lots? The application states combination of use. Loveless: We anticipate under the R-15 zone probably a potential multi-family development or some sort. We have no plans for one at this stage now. Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? Bill Brewer, 105 E. Carlton Ave., was sworn by the attorney. Brewer: As many of you know our property consists of a mortuary across the street. We've been at that location since 1957 and I go have an on going interest in what occurs with the school property over there. In watching and keeping up with the property I still cannot help but believe that the greatest potential for that property would be that it remain in one piece. A nice large piece of property that could truly be usable for something down the road. (Further explanation - see tape) Johnson: Anyone else? No response. I will close the Public Hearing. (Discussion Held - see tape) The Motion was made by Hepper to approve the preliminary plat - motion died for lack of 2nd. To be scheduled far next Planning and Zoning Meeting. ITEM #6: PUBLIC HEARING: ANNEXATION AND ZONING REQUEST BY HIMERICH & DORADO DEVELOPMENT: Johnson: I will open the Public Hearing. Is there someone representing the applicant? MERIDIAN PLANNING 8 ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PRGE 7 Jeff Huber, 1109 Leadville Rve., Boise, representing Dorado Development, was sworn by the attorney. Huber: We have an application before you tonight to annex and rezone some property on Meridian Road. We're not asking for specific approval tonight. There was some confusion in the staff report as to the site plan fitting the property. It's a conceptual plan that we added to our application to show the City what we had in mind for that particular piece of property. Another item in Mr. Smith's comments in your staff report referred to the annexation of the house parcel on the property. This is an oversight on our part and we'd be more than happy to add that to the annexation prior to the City Council Hearing. We envisions a lot of growth in Meridian occurring over the next few years and we envision a need for multi-family housing. We'd like to build a project here that Meridian would be proud of. (Presented pictures to Commission Members) We're requesting that we receive a zoning designation of R-40 with a restrictive covenant far 25 units per acre instead of 40 per acre. In order far use to build a quality project like this with all these amenities, we plan to have a basketball court, a volleyball court, a swimming pool, and playgrounds for children (Explained further - see tape) -In order for us to build a quality project like this we need a higher density than the R-15 would allow and we don't need the density that an R-40 would allow. So we are requesting that the developer enter into a development agreement with the City that we would be restricted to a maximum of 25 units per acre. Johnson: On this conceptual, it looks almost identical to the N. Five Mile. Huber: It is. It's the very same plan that we are using over there. We are working with the Ada County Highway District regarding the Collector Street now and the adjoining property owners. Ultimately I think the decision will be up to the Rda County Commission's. If we cannot locate a Collector there we would access this project off of Meridian Road. Rre there any questions? Hepper: Is this the concept of what you have in mind out there or is this actually what you plan on doing? Huber: This is actually what we would plan on doing but at this present time we're not asking for conditional use approval. We are sharing with you a concept of what we want to build there. n ~.I MERIDIRN PLRNNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE B Hepper: How many units would be involved? Huber: At 25 per acre, we would be in the neighborhood of 175 units. Hepper: Would you build to that density to the 25 per acre? Huber: Once the Collector issue is settled we would have to lay it out and I don't think that we quite get to that density. Hepper: Would you do this in phases or all at one time? Huber: I think I'd have to defer that question to Dorado Development for that. I think we might phase it depending on the demand, in two phases maximum. Hepper: Do you have an idea on the time frame of those phases? Huber: Mr. Angel from Dorado Development will address those issues. Johnson: Any other questions for Mr. Huber? To clarify your earlier comment then, your agreeable to some sort of restriction imposed by the City to the 25 density or less per acre. Huber: Yes. Johnson: Anyone else from the public? Robert R. Angel, 35 Horizon Drive, Boise, was sworn by the attorney. Rngel: There were a couple of questions with regard to the phasing or the density that maybe I could answer. Our company came to Meridian a little bit over a year and a half ago and constructed what we call the Cherry Lane Apartments. We felt that the one thing that maybe would be lacking would be a top flight apartment project with amenities. We are also aware of the fact that it is a small market, the multi family market is very strong as everybody knows all over the Treasure Valley. For a project in this size we had contemplated doing it in two phases. We would go ahead and put in all our improvements. The first phase not less than 75 to B0 units. The second phase would be the balance of the property. In terms of timeliness, I would say not later than spring of 1994 to begin construction. Rny questions? MERIDIAN PLANNING 8 ZONING COMMISSION RPRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 9 Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? Raleigh Hawe, 530 Blue Heron Lane, was sworn by the attorney. Hawe: I own the property to the east of this development and I have no adverse comments about the designs that are being proposed. However I am interested in the proposed Collector that is an east west Collector on the south side of this particular property. Rs I have testified in the meetings prior to this on the properties to the south of there conceptual project here I find it a necessity to have a Collector through that area to serve the properties to the east and to connect to the streets adjoining my easterly boundaries of my property. With the numbers of people that are in this particular area and are proposed to be in this area, a Collector for the services that are required for this particular project and the ones adjacent to it including these properties to the east for fire services, emergency services and traffic movement, the Collector area should 6e a required situation in that particular area. That Collector will serve the Willowbrook Street and I believe it's now called Blue Heron Street on the east side of the properties that I have. This service of course will involve not only the general services of emergency, the fire, police, etc. but it will serve the traffic movement to Meridian Road. Rre there any questions? Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? Larry Sale, 318 E. 37th Street, Boise, was sworn by the attorney. Sale: I'm the development services supervisor for the Ada County Highway District. In our review of this application and the review of the previous application by Bridgewood Subdivision, which is just immediately east of this parcel,the Highway District imposed a condition for the preparation of the traffic study between these two properties and the dedication of a Collector standard street from Meridian Road to the East boundary of these properties. On behalf of the Commission, I urge your inclusions of our recommendations in your Findings and pass those on to the City Council for their consideration. Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? No response. I will close the Public Hearing. The Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Alidjani to have the attorney prepare Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Motion Carried: All Yea: MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 10 r1 ITEM #7: PUBLIC HEARING: RNNEXATION AND R-8 ZONING REQUEST CONIFER SUBDIVISION WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT AND VRRIANCE OF CULDESAC LENGTH TO 790 FEET: Johnson: I will now open the public hearing. Rnyone to testify? Becky Bowcutt, Briggs Engineering, 1111 S. Orchard, Boise, was sworn by the attorney. Bowcutt: I'm representing the applicant in this matter. As you read in your packet we are requesting an annexation, a rezone to R-8, we have a preliminary plat and a variance of the 450' maximum culdesac length. The subject pareel is located on the south side of Pine Rve., approximately 700 feet west of Linder Road. We are proposing 23 single family residential lots on a 4.72 acre parcel. The surrounding land uses around the subject property include to the north we have Meridian High School, to the south we have the Union Pacific Railroad right of way, to the east we have like a mini storage type facility and I believe there is a single family dwelling to the east of Pine also. Explained current zones of surrounding properties. Central services are available. We believe that the R-8 zoning designation that we are requesting is consistent and compatible with the adjacent zones. Our density is 4.87 dwelling units per acre so we are not maximizes that R-8 zone. One reason that we needed to go with the R-8 was the fact that this property has a very narrow width. It's about 222.25 feet in width and we also are proposing manufactured homes on the property. Now the City of Meridian does have a new residential provision within their code that has been adopted a few months ago which has provisions for manufactured homes to be treated similar to your single family dwellings. The proposed development will meet or exceed the new requirements under Meridian Zoning Ordinance for manufactured homes. All homes will have an attached two car garage and the garage will be built on site. (Explained further on descriptions of materials to be used - see tape) (also presented sketch for Commission to view) Minimum square footage in this development to be 1200 square feet with a maximum of around 1600. The estimated selling price for a lot with this home would be around 580,000.00. The developer intends to provide a landscaping easement along the two lots which abut Pine Street and it will have a landscaping sign with Conifer Subdivision on it. We will be providing a 6' cedar fence along that south boundary where we abut the Union Pacific Railroad. MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE it All streets will be built to public road standards and will be dedicated to Rda County Highway District. We'll be providing 36' of pavement and 5' sidewalks on both sides. The minimum square footage on the lots in this development are 6,544.3 square feet. The average lot size is around 6,776 square feet. We have requested a variance under this application for section 9605B.6 of the Meridian Code which states that the maximum culdesac length shall be 450'. Basically our culdesac is around 790', we were concerned when we started design of this because the property did not have a lot of width with the 222.52 feet of width, we are restricted. We have met with the Fire Chief and discussed this culdesac length with him. One option that we discussed with the Fire Chief was a stub out to the adjacent storage facility. They currently have a chain link fence that runs the length of that property, the applicants have discussed the possibility of putting an emergency fire gate in there and they seemed receptive. (Explained Further - see tape) - We feel that under the requirements of a variance, under State Code, there has to be some type of site characteristic which prohibits compliance with a specific design standard. We feel that the site constraint because of our width obviously limits us in our design. We don't have any alternative here. We feel what we are proposing is compatible with the adjacent single family dwellings. Do you have any questions? Johnson: Did I hear you say that you were planning on some manufactured housing or all? Bowcutt: The proposal was all manufactured housing on all 23 lots. Rlidjani: Where would the proposed gate be between your property and Meridian Storage? Bowcutt: Explained on drawing where to be located. Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? Greg Hono, 1903 W. Snyder Rd., was sworn by the attorney. Hono: I understood her to say there was going to be a buffer between the railroad tracks and our subdivision and I was wondering what type of fencing was going to be put up or a wall? Johnson: Thank you. Rnyone else to testify? MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 12 Gary Kuhn, 712 N. Rotan Avenue, was sworn by the attorney. Kuhn: Our property is directly adjacent to the west of this proposed subdivision. Voiced concerns about property values. Are these homes going to be all the same designs? If there's going to be some type of landscaping covenants with the homes there. Concerns about homes being to close to property lines. Would like them to consider putting a wall and not a fence. Proposed a park area be dedicated in the name of Jack Niemann. Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? John Douda, 788 N. Rotan, was sworn by the attorney. Douda: My property also sits abutted up against the property proposed to putting these homes. Like Gary just said, we're going to take an extreme hit as far as if they don't put in a wall. Explained concerns about the proposed development being so close to property lines. Also concerns about property value. Johnson: Thank you. Rnyone else from the public? No response. So Becky would you like to comment. Becky Bowcutt: We had addressed protective covenants in our discussions with the client. We will be providing protective covenants to the City of Meridian for their review. We'll have covenants just like they have in a normal subdivision which addresses a certain type of landscaping, specific uses, no junk cars, etc.. It was brought up buffering about that west side of Merrywood Subdivision. I failed to mention that the developer would be running that 6'cedar fence wrapping it around here (explained on map). We do want to provide some type of a buffer that will satisfy both parties. Concerning set backs, we are not asking for any variances on the set backs, we'll be meeting the standard set backs for the R-B zone which is 20' on the front, 5' feet on the interior side yard, 15' on the rear and I believe 20' feet on the street side. We have a 48-51 foot building envelope on those lots to position these homes in. They will set with the front facing the street, they won't be turned side ways in any manner. We have been discussing possible landscaping of the lots being done when the unit goes in immediately or leaving it up to the lot buyer and having the protective govern what that landscaping is. If the City has some suggestions I'm sure the developer will be open minded. Johnson: Since it is R-8 zoning are you contemplated any duplexes or rental units? MERIDIAN PLANNING 8 ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 13 Bowcutt: No. Johnson: Anyone else from the public? Nancy Pine, 690 N. Rot an, was sworn by the attorney. Pine: This is going to bring additional traffic to this area and that is a great concern. I agree that we do need a wall in the back yard between us. Shearer: Does your property abut this property? Pine: Yes. Shearer: How deep is your lot? Kuhn: 130. Pine: I'm right next door to Gary. Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? I will close the Public Hearing. The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Hepper to have the attorney prepare Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Motion Carried: All Yea: The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Alidjani to approve the preliminary plat for Conifer Subdivision. Motion Carried: R11 Yea: Johnson: For those that don't know what we do here I'll explain. Our function is to gather testimony and pass it on to the City Council. This body doesn't maNe decisions on the application, what we do is make recommendations to the City. We kind of act as a sounding board far them. Everything presented tonight will go on to the City Council in approximately a month. ITEM #8: PUBLIC HERRING: REQUEST FOR RNNEXRTION AND ZONING WITH PRELIMINARY PLRT FOR WINGATE SUBDIVISION: Johnson: I will open the public hearing. Is there a representative for the applicant that would like to address the Commission? • MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 14 Gary Lee, .IUB Engineers, 250 So. Beechwood, Boise, was sworn by the attorney. Lee: This application tonight is for annexation and preliminary plat far Wingate Park Subdivision. The property is located just south of Kearney Place Subdivision and directly east of Mirage Meadows. It lays north of a proposed Cheri Meadows that is under consideration by the City at this point. The property consists of about i9 acres of irrigated properties. Right now there's a single family home on the property and also a mobile home rail unit. There's access provided to the site by N. Wingate Place off of Kearney Place Subdivision at the northeast corner. As shown on the preliminary plat there is two planned future access points. One that will connect to the proposed Cheri Meadows at the southeast corner to a future Collector Street that will service this portion of this section. The second access is a connection to a street to the west, Oakcrest, going into Mirage Meadows. That particular access point would be made at same future point when a parcel is developed. It's excluded from this application. There's about an acre in the southwest corner of the site that is under a separate ownership. The rezone request along with the annexation is for R-8. The project will consist of 74 single family units which results in a density of just under 4 units per acre. The minimum widths of course in the zone is 65' with 6500 square foot lot areas. The average widths on these lots of about 70 feet and they vary anywhere from 66 to 74 feet in width so they are considerably larger than the minimums. Lot depths vary anywhere from 100 to 112 feet with an average of about 105. The R-8 zone in our estimation is desirable in this area. It's surrounded by R-8 at this time. The improvements for the site - sanitary sewer and domestic water is available at several locations. The streets will be public streets constructed to ACRD Standards and also include 5' sidewalks as required by City of Meridian. All storm water systems would be built to retain storm water on site. There's an existing irrigation ditch along the southerly portion of the property that will be tiled in accordance with the current subdivision codes. Have seen comments from City Engineer and have had a chance to discuss these with him. On the annexation there is a 20 foot wide strip that separates Mirage Meadows and the Monroe-Barker property. This particular strip of ground at this time is a gray area in title. That 20' strip is also Dixie Lane, a private road. It's Gary's understanding and my feeling too that this probably should be included in the annexation. The MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 15 owner's representative is working with the title company to see if we can get clear title on that to make that annexation feasible. The second item we discussed was the access points. ACHD has their standard policy of 100 units for any development onto local streets. Kearney Place right now, the total design was for 79 units and that leaves room for an additional 21. However there's one phase in there where the Woods live now that won't be developed for quite some time and I believe that consisted of about 6 lots so there's roam for some growth on that 100 unit limit that ACHD has for one access. That one access will be N. Wingate Place. The sewer facilities was a question as well. There is sewer on Wingate, we did make some preliminary measurements to make sure there was going to be adequate cover and we could supply sewer service for that first phase onto Wingate Place. That phase would really 6e limited by the sewer depth. I believe the lot count there was right around fifteen lots that would be in that first phase on the east end. (Further explanation - see tape) - Rny questions? Hepper: Does the proposed Collector Street, does that lot going to the south does that line up with the one in Cheri Meadows? Lee: The way it was presented on the preliminary plat, it's in the vicinity and we're still trying to decide how that will come together. I think we will modify it just a little bit to more conform with Cheri Meadows requirements or at least show on their preliminary plat. Hepper: Square footage? Lee: Square footage would be 1300 square feet minimum, similar to what we did in Kearney Place Subdivision. Johnson: Did you get the copy of the letter from ACRD dated Rpril 7, 1993. Lee: I don't believe so. Johnson: We'll get you a copy if you didn't get one. Dan Wood, 2119 E. Chateau, was sworn by the attorney. MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PRGE 16 Wood: Tim to answer your question yes I do plan on doing 1300 square foot minimum single level with the plans of doing the same way in Kearney Place, 1600 square foot for two stories. 7,000 square foot lots, price range of the homes is from 585,000 up to about 4120,000.00. Explained location of ditch and stated it will be piped or tiled. The other one on the other side this has already been piped. That's all I've got unless you have questions. Johnson: Thank you. Rnyone else to testify? Natalie Boyer, 2200 N. Laughridge, was sworn by the attorney. Boyer: My question is regarding what the proposal was. I need it is right at the end of Dixie Lane only other comment that I would seems to be growing so fast an keeping up with that growth. Dixie clari so it like ~ we Lane. I don't understand fied for me. Our property is of concern to us. The to make is that Meridian don't see the facilities Johnson: What facilities do you have in mind? Boyer: Grocery stores, etc.. Johnson: These are things we don't have control over. Boyer: We have had some very serious water problems, even to take a shower. Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else to testify? Richard Boyer, 2200 N. Laughridge, was sworn by the attorney. Boyer: My biggest concern is not only because of the water pressure that we have encountered in this town being a lack thereof. My concern is with Dan's subdivision right now, the only way you can get in and out of it is Chateau Drive. When you add this new subdivision in the only way in and out that I can see right at the moment is Chateau Drive. That puts a great impact on that one street. What happens if there's a fire in there and there's also an accident at the same time? Concerns about additional impact of traffic. Johnson: I agree and thank you. Anyone else to testify? MERIDIAN PLRNNING & ZONING APRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 17 Larry Sale, from Ada County Highway District: The intersection improvement for Locust Grove and Fairview is scheduled for this year. The questions of access which the gentleman raised are very appropriate. I think maybe in this case, the City of Meridian has done a great job of controlling your growth. We are kind of over-using Chateau and some of the local streets in the area to the west and north. This project and the one immediately south of it will start to put the rest of the jig saw pieces together and get some additional access out to Fairview, primarily a Collector which is badly needed, which will serve the eastern portion of this project and the project immediately south of it. When Cheri Meadows came through we didn't require anything of Dixie Lane. When Dan and Gary came through with this project, we decided we should do that. So we've asked them and it appears their going to graciously exceed to our requests and provide some right of way for Dixie Lane. I've talked to the developer to the south about the same concerns and he's indicated that they recognize the need and will cooperate with us to get some additional right of way on Dixie. The property to the south of Cheri Meadows appears to be going to develop in some kind of commercial or industrial style and we will have to rely on you people to grab that right of way for us when we recommend that we can get it with the subdivision plats. Johnson: Thank you. Dan Wood: (Explained on drawing about Dixie Lane - See Tape> Gary Lee: I wanted to comment about the water pressure. Currently the Department of Environment has a requirement of all City's to provide adequate water pressure obviously for fire protection and for domestic use and there are certain guidelines that have to be adhered to. One of those is to develop a study of the water system or model that they can look at as these new developments come on line. That's one of the things that your engineering department does for you on all these proposed developments is they analyze their overall network system to make sure that whatever impact the new development does does not put you in a place where you have a deficient water system. Johnson: Thank you. Anyone else? No response. I will close the public hearing. The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Rlidjani to have the attorney prepare Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Motion Carried: All Yea: MERIDIAN PLANNING 8 ZONING RPRIL 13, 1993 PAGE 1B The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Alidjani to approve the preliminary plat for Wingate Subdivision with agency recommendations being included. Motion Carried: All Yea: ITEM #9: VRCATION OF ERSEMENT FOR MICHELS RND MICHELS: Steve Michels, 1630 E. Paradise Lane, Meridian: I would like to vacate the easement shown on the papers given to you. Our plans on that property is to build one or possibly one large building with the easements located like they are there's a good possibility that they would be under the building. What we've done is dedicated an easement across the northerly boundary of Lot 3 and across the easterly boundary of Lot 3, a ten foot easement rather than the normal three foot east side boundary line. This will allow service of all public utilities. The Motion was recommend approve Michels. Motion Carried: The Motion was adjourn. Motion Carried: (TAPE DN FILE OF made by Shearer and seconded by Alidjani to al of the vacation of easement for Michels and All Yea: made by Alidjani and seconded by Shearer to All Yea: THESE PROCEEDINGS) APPROVED: IM TOHN ON CHRIRMAN ATTEST: _~- W F REY, C TY CLERK