1993 05-11 MERIDIAN PLANNING R ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDRY, MAY ]l, 1993 - 7:30 P. M. CITY CDUNCIL CHRMBERS MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD APRIL 13, tAPPROVED) 1: FINDINGS OF RNNEXATION SUBDIVISION: 2: FINDINGS OF FOR SCHOOL tAPPROVED) 1993: FACT RND CONCLUSION OF LAW: REQUEST FOR AND ZONING WITH PRELIMINRRY PLRT FOR WINGATE tAPPROVED) FACT AND CONCLUSION OF LAW: PRELIMINRRY PLAT PLAZR SUBDIVISION: 4 LOTS, ZONED R-I5: 3: FINDINGS OF FRCT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: VACATION OF EASEMENT FDR MICHELS AND MICHELS: tONITTED FROM AGENDA) 4: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: ANNEXATION RND R-8 ZONING REQUEST, CONIFER SUBDIVISION WITH PRELIMINARY PLRT AND VARIANCE OF CULDESRC LENGTH TO 790 FEET: tAPPROVED) 5: FINDINGS OF FRCT AND CONCLUSIONS DF LAW: ANNEXATION AND ZONING REQUEST BY HIMERICH AND DORADO DEVELOPMENT: tAPPROVED) 6: PUBLIC HERRING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO R-8 BY EWING COMPANY: tF]NDINGS TO HE PREPARED) 7: PUBLIC HERRING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO R-4 WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT, SRDDLE VIEW ESTRTES, 73 LOTS BY DICK CON CORPORATION: tFINDINGS TO HE PREPARED) 8: PUBLIC HERRING: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 20 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX KNOWN RS CEDAR CREST BY CHARLES WARD: tFINDINGS TO BE PREPRRED) 9: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION RND ZONING TO R-4 WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT AND VARIANCE TO CULDESRC LENGTH, KNOWN AS LOUNSBURY LANE SUBDIVISION BY CRIS D. WILLIAMS: tPRELIMINRRY PLAT - APPROVED) (FINDINGS TO BE PREPARED) 10: PUBLIC HERRING: REQUEST FOR REZONE, 13.5 ACRES FROM R-4 TD R-8 AND 2.89 ACRES FROM R-4 TO LD WITH R PRELIMINARY PLRT KNOWN RS MIDTOWN SQURRE, 47 SINGLE FAMILY BUILDING LOTS AND 3 LIMITED OFFICE LOTS BY STEVEN K. RICKS: tFINDINGS TO BE PREPARED) ~. 11: PUBLIC HERRING: REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PIRT KNOWN RS CROSSRORDS SUBDIVISION CONTRINING 256 RESIDENTIRL LOTS, 5 COMMERCIAL LOTS RND COMMON AREAS WITHIN THE TREASURE VRLLEY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BY GEMTONE, INC.: tRPPROVED) 12: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONRL USE PERMIT LDCRTED AT 415 E. BROADWAY, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE FOR THE NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE BY SHRNE PORTER: tFINDINGS TO BE PREPARED) 13: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT RPPROVRL CONTRINING 2 RESIDENTIRL LOTS KNOWN RS CARNELIRN SUBDIVISION BY THOMRS A LYNCH: tPRELIMINARY PLRT -APPROVED) ]4: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO R-4 HY NELSON AND MYRNR BERRY: tFINDINGS TO BE PREPARED) n.t r i(\! is i?r n. ~ ~rp:^ •, [; r.•;~}: t ~; - - . : _ _y ..., tee'.-_ '~ ... .' ;'? ,z~.f„ _g ar' ~i .f 1.r . , ~ (.~ ~ [ ] ' _. - .. - i :. _ .. - r _ _ _. , _..,~ i. ~ .-, ., ~ .+rfl rTr^. ~F- 'uE:_ r.Jr y;*rzr,r p+c Erfn~C- [-gr r ..rfuT`_ ± ~ 7 'r-)3: "'1-. n'_'~ "r^. r t '4'3 ": E, '_j ni .i ~ j::.,:. a .., Win.[ ~C...f lj hj' C' _.; '. t C' !. _: i ~ _1 '.' r. c .. .; } ,7 ". `I f r _. :.^, E. s ti I ~1 CI ~ . r^ i 1 ~ .~ :: J, ~(' tt` r? 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C 1 i c r ~'t_ __ _ _ _... _ .. _ .. _. .. .. t j ... _ ~ . _-,•-n. ~r,lr ~' flc .~_' n..in r _ ,~r ._: C~ LS';~,. ter.;^;F .=,TIt?1.~ E r~i ~q ~r nilrl< nr. _'lir _T r'nq.rFc~ clrr~,r.ilr r n.~ r.;'~ nR!-_, P.: `; Flcr ~~~.T . _ _ i>__. r r; a/rzrl gn;rc r c r11,i ^1 c~r-~ '.. ['nu;'-}.1 7 .~ -t <r ;'T CCC' . ... _, G. ..a. =.o. r~ .,fir __~ C~ _..,.v -~~i. ir..Ci F,F ~.t'_S - 4t1` C__..vl ~ i~.v. ... _. t': y _. ~" ~ _ _ . • MERIDIAN PLANNLNG RND ZONING MRY I1, 1993 PAGE 3 The Motion w=+s made by Hepper and seconded by Shearer that the Meridian Plannang and Znnang Cammassion hereby adopts and appr.~r,ves these Findings of Fact and Cnnc L_+saons of Law. Roll Call Vote: Hepper - Yea; Ro+_+ntree - Yea; Shearer - Yea; Rlid._7ana - Yea; Mation Carried: R11 Yea: The Motion was made by Hepper and seconded by Shearer that the Meridian F'lannir,g and Zoning Cnmmission hereby recommends to the Caty Col:ncil of the City of Meridian that they approve the annexation and zoning requested Gy the applicant, for the proper°ty described ir. the applacat.ian with the conditions set forth in the Findings of Fact and Cancl!esians of Law and that the applicant e. be specifically req!ured to tale all Batches, canals and +•+aterways as a candition of annexatian, and that the applicants meet all the Ordinances of the C rt y of Meradiar: specifically incl!+dir,g the develapment. time req~.urements. Motion Carried: RiI Yea: ITEM tZ`_i: 1=INDINGS OF FRCT RND CONCL11S1CiNS OF LRW: RNNEXRTION FIND ZONING REQUEST RY HIMERICFi RND DORAD6 DEVELOPMENT: Johnson: Rny discrtssion? No response. The Motiar, was made by Rountree and seconded by Shearer that the "teridaan Plannang and Znnang Commission hereby adopts and approve, these Findings of Facts and Concl usi one. of Law. Roll Call 'Jute: Hepper - Yea; Rountrtee - Yea; Shearer - Yea; Rlidjana - Yea; Motion Carried: R11 `fea: The Motion was made by Ro~.rntree and seconded t;y Shearer that the Meridian FBI arming and Zaning Commission hereby recommends to the C'it.y Cc,uncil of the Caty of Meridian that they approve the annexation and zoning requested by the applicant for the par^ty descr°ibed in t're application with the condition=_. set forth in the Findinge. of Facts and Conclusions of Law in compliance with the Ch^dinance=_. of the Caty of Meridian. Motion Carried: R11 Yea: MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZLNINL tAA`t l1, 1993 PAGE_ 4 ITEM ~E~: PUBLIC: HEARING: REDDEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO R-& B'f EWING COMF'AtJY: Johnson: I will open the public hearing at. this time, is there a representative present"' C;ar^y Lee, JUB Engineers, 1?5~ S~_rmmertree, was sworn by the attar^ney. Lee: JUH Engineers is her-e tonight representing the Ewing Company an this annexation r^equest. The property ~_rnder review tonigtxt is located east of Meridian Rand Ju=_.t sxt~.rated north of what's known as Rlue Heron Lane. It lay=_. east of Tract S'r.r6division which is under^ development at this time. It'e. tror.tnded to the north ror.aghly by the South Slu:.rgh. The property an question is appruximateiy SQ acres. It^s c~.rrrent]y irrigated pastor^e land. It has one single family residence cn the property at this point. The property is adjacent. to City of Meridian corporate limits on the east and west boundary. There's stibdi vi si on j~.rst due west. across Meridian Road that are in the City. The property has access in several diffe:-ent locations. North Meridian Raad there is a piece adjacent tr. it that will provide access to the property for public road and the plan development in Tract, phase 4 of that. development will have an access at the nor^theast earner of tf-ve pr-aperty. The developer is regreesting an annexation and rezone to resideraial R-8. There was a conceptr.ral plan submitted with t1're application and I've bror.rght same extra copies if yore wu-.rld like another copy. The plan development consists of about 1d~21 lots. On tha± fifty acres that re=_.:.rlts in a density of =.?, which ,~ heiow the R-E. allowance for density. The main, purpose for the R-8 request is not sa m..rch the density q~.restion but the lot configuration and the dimensional standar^ds. On the proposed design we do have a few 6541Ft sq. foot lots, then yrrite a range of lot sizes from there. !Explained ftti°ther on lot sires, availability of water, s ewe:^ acrd other^ services - see tape) I'd be happy to an=_.wer arry q~_restiarrs. yor_r might have. Jnhn~.on: Did yo!: get a c•apy of Ada Cor_rray Highway District'=_. cammer.ts. Lee: Yes. Al id jar+i: On this plat that I s.ee there is like five entrance=_. and exit;, but really ther••e is. only one of them at ttexs time that i s 4lsabi e, i s tYu s cort^ect? MERIDIAN ='LfaNt`!SNG AND ZGNING MAY 11, t`~°,? PAGE 5 Lee: That's corn^ect at this ±ime. Alid.}ani: Do you have any time table far tY:is pro}ect? Lee: The first phase has about. eighty lets and it will follow the so~.:tt,. slo,.:gh sewer^ extension. The develapmerit if it gees well 1 wa+_:ld expect that they will do that size of phase about Every sax to nine months. Shearer^: Yoe-cr asP:ing far an R-8 which is carrsist ent with the other sr.cbdivisions ]rr this sectzan b~.: t. we did have a restriction on the ether sr_rGdivi=_.ians of a 1 300 sq,.care fact minimum hawse size. Wn~:ld this di sr^~.cpt your plane. if we trod that 1300 minim,.rm -_,n thi=_. development? Lee: I believe that. wo~.ild be acceptable. Hepper: Q,-cestsoned if there wo,-rld be landscapir;g at. the entrance way"' Lee: l'es. Croa4;ston; T!-,e at.her accesses that. you've shown an her^e other thar: off of Mer^idian Raad, are there an.y existing si_:6divisions t`;at tie inta this property sn t.hat these c^aads are aligned correctly? Lee; The ar,ly one t.hat's. ir: the planning nnw is the Tract S.-cbdivisian which ie. along the easterly boundary. The nor^theast. ~~orner of this property .is an exten~.;ian of the street that's s.t,.tbtaed in that planned development and that par^ticular phase hasn't. been platted b+_:t it's ~~cnder design rigt:t new. Johr,san: Thank ya,.r. Anyone else to testify? Milton Nieisan, 4~0 W. Washingtnrr, was sworn by the attorney. Nielsor:: My quest.ian is, what's the size of those small lots f ram ~ aratmd the t,.crn t: c. abo,-rt 12 ar 14? What. is the sq,.:are faat.agc= of each lot? TY~ey lao4: to small to me to put a ho~.cse on. tohns an: The frontage is E.5' and the mini m~.:m lot size ~e. E500 s.q, ft. ?hank yap.:. Arryane else to tr'=_,tify? MF_R[DIRN q'LANPJIPJG RND ZONING MRY 1.1, 1'?43 ~•AGE 6 Lee: The entry ]ot.=_. as ya~.i first. lef+. is 10s2t' depth, front.age is 9 the collector street.. That. lat. firs+. q'.rarter mile all those lots examples - see tape} 7ahnsnr,: Tt,ank ya~.r. Rr:yor,e el=_.e will claw the F':.:61ic Hearing. n U came ~n, the first to+. on the 4', is will not have ar_ce=.s to size carries on in. Far the are fairly sizeable (gave same to testify"' Na response. 1 The Motion was. made by R.:,:.,ntree and; seconded by Shearer to have the attorney pr^epare Findings of Fact and Concl:.¢sions of Law. Mot inn Carried: R11 Yea: ITEM #?: F'URLIC HERRING: RERUEST.FOR RNNEXRT7ON RNC ZONING TO F.-4 WITH pRELIMINRRY F'LRT, SRDDLE VIEW ESTRTES, 7,~~' LOT, BY DICH. CON CORRURRTION: Johnson: I will open the p~,:blir hearing. Is there a r^eF,resentative present" Ilan H~.r6ble, 955Pr Bethel Ca~.:rt, Heise, was sworn by the at.tor^ney. Hubble: Tt:i=. is the proposed Saddle 4iew Estates. It's located an Ten Mile Road about a half mile so~_rth of Ustick. It's immedia ely sar.eth of the new par~kwaod Meadow= S~_ebdrvision. We are here tonight to req,.rest tM^ee things. The annexation, a zone to R--4 and appr^oval for the preliminary plat. ?he praJect. -ncompassee. ~.:' ll2 acres and it includes 7 lnt.s. This rs a net densaty of ?.~ lot=_. La the acre. There are existing sewer facilities. j,.rst north of tt:is in that new F'arkwaod Meadows sa we would tie to the sewer and water to the nor-±h. RI1 streets will be pe_rGlic streets dedicated to RC:HD. We have met with the staff of Rda Ca~,rnty Highway District and they have req,.rested a sty-;t street to the east and to the south, sc: we will incorporate these .tr.rb streets. I might add that the developer, wtea i=, here tonigt,t, has also acq~.rir^ed the property t^ the east of this that goes all the way to Nine Mite Draan. He wo:_rld like to incorporate ±hat into this protect. The developer will prepare covenant ~. t.hat. will r~.:n w. th t.h:.=_. pr°o.3 ect which w.ll req~_u re each of the ]ot.e. to dc. same landscaping as well as. other restriction. on that. property. ]s there any q:_:estions"' f4ERIDFRN pLANPJiNG RfdD COMING iARY 11, 199 p^RGE ? Cr^onkst.an: The pr^oper^ty r-:ppar^ently to the so,.:th, is that. already N,,r6t:le~: No ~t is not., it's ~~:ndeveloped tu.rt. ~t. has been p~.:rchased and they ar^e planning to develop that property. Crnnkst nn: Yet you don't have arty ar_cess tt,ro,.rgh yo,.;r s~.rbdivision to that. property"' H~.rbble: We will. ACHD has req,_ies.ted ~. st:,rb a:.rt street to the so,,it h. We're strll ;n quest ian as to whether to provide that st,,rb o,.rt on the parcel to the ea=.t or immediatc•]y so,_rth, b,_~+. we will ties it. to the soot t,. Lrockston: ;Jo you know the name of that. developer'' !-1:.:bble: No 1 don't. Cro-akston: Haw long are all your c=_:ldesacs? Hubble: They will all tie eG,.ral to or- less. titan the 450 foot. r eq,_ri r^ea,ent. Hepper: Yo,.n° asking for an R-4? Nubble: Ves. Hepper: Frontage req+.rirement for an R-4 is 80 feet. I see several lots here that have a 7H' frontage. H~.:bble: D!e can adj,.rst to pro~.•ide a minim,.rm of 80 feet on all of those Ic,t=.. Hepper: Then or. sq:.rare footage it j+_rst says per Ordinance, de you have any idea? `?!:bbl e: The developer w,ll comply with the minim,_=m. Rnr.rntree: Yo:_r don't =_hcw a common area on the Ten Mile frontage, ._. there one gc=ing to be proposed ur some ki:-,d of a common treatment to try to tie it into the rest of the development. along Ten idile? H,_rbble: It. will De a combination cf berms and fences oat to exceed s+ maxim+.rm of 5' height. There will oat 6e any commonly owned otter: space, it will all be owned by t.t:e adjacent property c:wner-s.. ~J MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZLINING MAY 11, 19'-33 PAGE B Hepper: ldo~.:ld the fencing g!a right a:.:t to the sidewalk or^ would there be a setback from the sidewalk to the fence? H!tbble: I'm oat s!n^e. It wi21 F:roLably br r^ight an tt'ie property tine- which 3s going to be 4_°.' from centerline, which will leave comet!-nog like 9'. Johnsan: Thank you. Arryone else to testify? No respc:nse. I .•;ill close the public hearing. The Matian was m.ede by Shearer and seconded by Al idJani to have the attar^ney prepare Findings of Fact acrd Concl,.:siar,s of Law watt: a favorable recommendation far the annenatiorr and zanir,g for R-4. Motion Carried: Ail Yea: ITEM #S8: PUHLIC HEARING: REOUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 2+ifi UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX KNOWN AS CEDAR CREST RY CHARt_ES WARD: Johnsan: I will aper~ the F'!.blic Hraring, i=_. there a represer:tative pr^esent? Charles blar^d, 43~ E. Colr.+mbia, was swo:^n 5y the attar^ney. :lard: Presented draw+ing of proposed project. ?his property wo!+id front on Meridian Rand ar;d would be immediately west of Faodtown. Tt-:e request meets the density ratios for the Old Tawn ?oning and it wo,.~ld consist cif five, faun-plea .:nits. With the area behind far garages, parking and acces=. from behind sa there wo!:Id be no parking an Meridiar: Street at rll. Access for emergency vehicles wa!:Id be to da a break ae+ay hack ante Meridian Road. Ole would nat. anticipate using Williams Street at all. Each huildxng wu'_rld cc+nsist of or:e, two car garage attached. Fo!:a^ of the 6!rildings have a additiar,al single car attached and there wa!+ld be a minimum of two parking spa,,^e<, for each apartment. and the average sq!:are footage an the apartments is l,Q1t2!~ sq. feet. Mast of them are two bedroom, two bath. I have re•.:iewed all the comments and recommendations and gave r.o pr-~ubl em with arty ..f tt':ose. R.~~e there ar.y q~.:e stion s" Rl.d.jani: Could you explain at.,oui. the gar^ages again'" 4Jar~d: Each building has a two car garage attached, fa!+r cf the t:~.:ildings 1-gave an additia:~ral .=.ingie car garage attached. The one :'-wilding ir, the middle only h~:=. t:he am-, tx•;n c,:<r garage attached and thc•r: we' ve pr~avided far garages behind it. ~.+nattacheci. MERIDIRN PLANNING ,ND ZQNING MF~Y 11, 1993 r'AGE 9 Hepper: Sa ya!: wil', have a ±wo mar garage for each unit, Ward: Yes far each ~.anit. and then thr^ee additional single car garages. I may have mi=•-inforreed you there, we wall have some o!:tside parking. P!at there will be a garage fcr each apartment, either single cr double pl!rs the o!rtside parking_ !-1.epper: The outside par^king, would that be garages or carports' le~ard: Let's just make it garages. C.~raokst an: There ha pr'evi n,.aly Geen an application far develapment on thi_: praperty and I believe tfi,at there i=_. a sewer and water thr°a!:gf: tF:e prayer±y, are you aware of that^ :hard: Yes that was ..: the Engineer's comments. There is sewer aligned with the alley hetweerr King and Wrl3iams that come=. acrase. the property that p:°eseraly t.erm.nate<. an this piece o` property sa it doesn't go arty f!rrther^ to the west. iEr.plained cammt•nt.=. or, vaat.er~ fr~am Engineer - =.er tape •, - ahnsar,; Thar.k yo!r, Finyone else tc testif•}? No r^espanse. I wi 11 close the plat/ is hearing. The Mnt.ion was made by Hepper~ and secc,nded by ~~hearer•~ to have the att arney prepar-~e Findings of Fact. and Gonclusi ins of Law. Mohan L:arr:ed; pll Yea: ITEPt q9: PL',BLIC HERftIN6: R-4 DlITH PRELIMINIaRY PLRT .`'-'LUS VAr^.IANGE TG GUI_DESAC .'ahn son: I will open represeraat.ve present.". REr~UEET FOR RNNEY.RTSON Rh1D ZCINIPJU TO KNOWN RS LOUN~HLIRY LFiNE SUPDiV1SION, Et.I,TH, PY Ct-iRIS D. WILL.I/-1M5: the public ht:•aring, is there a E't-rri [a Wi l l i.ams, 4185 S. Linder Rd. , was sworn G}~ the attorney. S•3illiame~: I'm her°e to talk abort. cwncept.!ral design. of my e.!abdrv:sign. Lat.Pr•~ the E.^.g.neer wlli come• up and give spee_ifi^~.. le F:ave a Sri ]ct subdivision, average si<e square foot. on the lots a:~~~ between 12 and ?? tha!rsand squar°e feet per.. lat. The cover:ants are fairly re=_,trictive, ??C'I'i1 •q~_rare foot minim=.m home: for single storey and ~0r2~+1 for two star^y_ Presented ~~incept:_aal MEi?T_DLRhf P~LANP,tIwtG RrIC ZGPIING MA`/ lf, 149 :'.-'R.~'iE 10 dr^aw~r,g of project to Commi ss. an. landscaping _. s-ee tape) We are r°r.Guest t.o R-4 ar;d preliminar--y pla#, appraval c~.rldesac. {Enplained c,.;ldesac needing t,elieve that'. all I hate. l_~ tExplained sidewalk and ing annexatian and =:,Wing w, tt-, a variance for agar v,sr^ianr_e -~ see +. ape3 I Croakst an: Where is this proper°ty lacat ed~ Williams: It's north of Wat er-h,.u'y Park an N. tderidi an Road. `1r'PPer: Rr^e you still planning or, having tt-, r• ;.slar~ds i*~~. the middle of the road'' Williams: I've kir;d of backed aff ±hat. because of the maintenance ~rroblecr with RCY,I7. I think that 1 vain have an er:trance is?and, -; es. i'~Ea berms an the fr^ant h,.rt. I am gair:g to do a Crick wall which is simil<-. r^ to what yo~.r =.ar•~ :n the photo, separated by trees. Ro~.:r:tree: The concept is. considerably different from the preliminary plat we bad. Hepper: Have yeu seen the cammer;ts`r-~am tF:e ACHLI? LJi 1 ? i am=.: No I ha•: en' t ree~e i vex' tt:a=.e. He pper: Clkay what abo!a the City Er:gineer I thi,-;k Y:ad :a comment about tY:e length of the road being a straight line a^d ±he speed of traffic on that. We general3y try tc~ brea4: that ~:p. bJi 1 ] iam=.: I had the option of c~.u^ving the road through there, it d=dr,'t __ +,he pi e~ce of g:'oared is ver^y restrictive ter; plained - see ,~rkiel Johnson: ?hank ya~.r. Rr.yane else tc testify'' Davrc'. Gallins, Collin=. Er.gir,eerang, 3:,Qi Americana Terrace, Hai se, wa=. swnr•n b}~ the attarr:ey. r'ol l:ns: This; praject. is on appro>;imately ^. and u!4 acres ~~.rst earth of Cherry mane an the wee.".- side of Meridian Road. Pecaarse :,f the depth of the property, we had a 3ittle bit of difficarlty, ya~s've gat a Klock length limitation ar:d yaar al ..c have ar culdesac r!E~rplant F~t_flrarurar flNe zcr::In!c r!fav , . 1~~~ ., iimltation and then^efo:^e the req .:rs±. far the ~; r^lance en the c~-:Idesac length. I would like to point o,-ct that the 70~ foot length ._, the recommended maxim,-,m in tt:e Institute of Tr_+nsport.at ion Engineers de=.ign recommendations. for s~.,bdivi slur: st re•e~*.=.. :-.a it dc:es meet, fr.~m n tra'flc sta',dpGlnt, the ma>.: m~-cm engt h: on a c~.:l desac at 7^4? feet. !•!~ did cal. ..,_ F: re Ct;ief ,.nd d:sc~.rs=. u:ith halm his concerr.~. or: an e:caress:vely long culdesac and of c,o ~_crse `hat ~•Ja e. the hose react,, _:, u:e're p?^opc.s:ng a fire .'-,ydrant at the intense,,^_t _or, tc, ±he entry t=, t. t:=_ c,.?:desac as. well as one back ~~.+st befo?^e It goes. into the ci?-c~.c'.ar bal i. They don't '_ike them In the circ,-clan part because people tend tc par1; ne,:t tc., them. The stn^eet. design we worked bacl! and fc?"t h. q:-:ite a :itt.le bit and wit. t: the design of the rear garage concc pt. we felt there wo~:ld be adeq uat.e depth ir: the C;ri veways for v. =.l t. o:-. parL:ing and khings like that. Therefore, we're going hick to a ~6 back to Lack section: instead of the 4~1. The 40 was prepesed bec~a.:se it defer:itely provide- adeq~-:ate parking. There's water. st,.,bGe~d to the parcel on Me?--idlan koad and there is sewer available to the so,.cth and to the east coming up the so,-?th slo~.cg`: there's a 14~" st,.:b ova. and we are negotiating wi±h that land awr:er a=. to the routing. There is. abo,..t ?0f1 feet of off site sewe.- as.socxat ed with the p?-o je,.'. and we're going to ro,.rte lt. the way he's proposing his land de~~e1_ops so that once it's in the gro:-and it doesn't have to be dist~.:rbed it will fit his plan. on h1-. parcel of g:-o~.:nd. fare t. t: e,'e any gt:e sticr:~"' Fcc^rey: E>rplained a r~ecommendatxon he had f.:,r tt,e long stree*_ Collin=.: R pr"e:imi nary Iaok at the dra/nag c• well req,-,ire that it be picked :.,p abo,.+t. tralf way down that fir--st. stretch, about St~tO feet ir: and rather +_har. b!:ild to separate systems with sand and grease traps we _¢r: ea=_.ily cros_. the dr^a:nage to one c.ide and efFect;',•ely that slows traffic down to have that cr-~ossing In th=~ cent er°. Sn there's another way if your won^r:ed about. a drag str-xp affect, tt+at's one thing that. w1'_' inhibit. ths• drag strip.. '-lepper: -c yo,.; ha•:e any idez what the ,•,idt`-, of t. '-;e property ad.lacerrt. to this pr-operty to the sc,.,th is~` Collins: It's right. at abo,-,t 3PQ "Feet. flr:other thing that is it '. he covenants we will have ~5' or'~ greater set hacks In the front Jf the ho,.lLes lr, 7?'d eY' tC, p:"GVlde a mo?'e Open 1=:wr, butll FVai"d type i oot: and stall .^et ai r. eas.l l y a bC?-?.'1 foot hacE'. yard. .. _~!-:nsai?: Do yo>.i ha':e _opl ee, of ,,=:CNC? r^eq,.,lreme~as :=!FRI!)iAN rLAn!nJln~c AM^ zon!I!vc MAV 1+_, I~4~ BABE lL CoL' rns: 1'es. ?off, r,scr.: Thank yo~_.. Rnyone else to testify" 'oY, r: Homan, c°35 N. Me~~i:'ian Rd., was sworn by the att a:°ney. Human: I I~,~e at. X835 IJ. Meridian which .s the parcel directly north of the proposed s,.rGdi vz si nn. I have twc cane ern e. and they may be ;::st. matters of clarificat ion 5,-rt. I w:a^.t to be s~-me a6aut them. First car:cer^^, i.^.valves the cross-rand that.'s aba~-a !-:alf way thro:-;gh the s,-~bdivi s=or,r rt. wot.:ld Ge .J'-,st off t!-,e map he*-e. ^ty concern is whether or not. sanitary sewer and water zs going to be stubbed to the property ~~:st tc. thr north. ? imagine it wog-rld 6e .`,..:t a=_. ya,-, can see ur. this long narrow strip the sewer i=_. gong to be r:,mr:rng ;r: the new sto-eet. I ~~:st wanted to make s:-u°e there is a s3,.rb aut. to tP,e north that is ad eq,.rat e. The .ecend •_once~~n I ha:e .s. the ditch that runs an the north side of "~e rn-n_p.^~ty ar:d ate. yo,-r can tt:e proposed s~.tbdivi=. an is going tc. ~,:-rt. Lwer.ty lots alor:g the border sa that's gatng to be access for twe.:t.y dfferer;t Names watt; k:ds. to the ditch. The developer has said th,t he _: gaiag to handle the ditch in accordance with the =n'd:nance. Daes the Ordinance r°eq;sire t. F;r.t t`:e dltc!~: be covered, .._ed, a:' with pipe or h;,w is that going to he addre=.sed"' C'.roakst an: Is that an ,rri gat ion ditct:-~ !'omz,n: It's a live irrigatian ditch. "rook.stan: Does. it run year aro~-:nd-' '-loman: It r!:ns from April 15th to October ?°•th pro~~:ided that 'here is r,•at. e,.. a... ai la6l e. Craa!<st.on: If ,t. is an irrigation ditch, liF:e Eight Mi1r. L-at. er-~al nr somet.hing like that, .t's got to be tiled. Homan: I thank there's sc-ven ar~ eight down from the s.rbdivis.ian that receive their water from tt:is lateral. Crur,kE.ton: If the ditch ab,.:t-=, this property, measure=. will have 'n bi• _:ndert.aken to hive it t:lec7. Homan: Thank ya,_r. r~r_+=1QIArt ~Lr?rtratra~ t;raa lontl.rte ~iav 1 ? , 1443 -•RG~ 13 n L~ Tat':nson: Fanyor;e ,-•ls_ to test::fy? Na r^espanse. AT.=_.o, a~.r City. ~:-,gir:er.~.T'. tress :^eg,.:er,ted from t`-:c developer ar:d they have a capy cf #.`~:~.., ttrat they address the water, damesti.. water, lx^rxgatiar. ditch, fire hyda°ar=ts and street light items Sf they weren't addressed in tt-;e applicat2on. Cailir:=.: The sanitary sewer stub o~.rt. to t: `.? sauthwest of o+.ir project, __ an eight inc!-: st~rG and that will be r,.rn rota the prejec-t. througt: to this intersect.xor: and then stub to the ncrtt-: ,t a St3f" dxameteT^ and then of ca~.:r^se the eight inct': will r,.rr• ar,tc Meg^Sdiar, Rc;ad and dead end with a ^lean o~-:t. The wa±er camlr:g in ::ff t*,e Me-idea-, Raad is a 6" and Gary ha=_.n't ir.di~ated t`,at he :,ants It looped on this part SC,.,l ar parcel b~.rt it. wo,_,ld cer'..a5 n'_y be easy er;o'-,gh. I do believe in the f:-;cl;rt 1 showed a lcap to Shp north. ~;. the water I believe _. and tt,e sewer is going nc~•-+h. The irrigation ditch: on thy' pr^oper!.y lire I `,ave r,at do-:ne ..n act,.rai field on tF+e g..a•.md s:.rrvey of the parcel yet ar;d xr: Mr. ;•:illiams mend, at least he•' ;r,dlc.rted to me there might be same q:.res~tion =. ., to whether ±he ditch laye, on attr p~n,>='cl v:.~- whether^ it lays on the pai°ce: to tF~e n_:,^t h. ~bvia,.rsly i` i+ lav ~. cr: cn., T.. parcel we' 11 deal with it ;fer th.e or°dinance whxct: 2 tc, b,,.ry lt, and desigr, it to adeG,.rate sl_e. I' it lys to the nar~th then. it. wauld be f_=need off from ~,.rr project. 3ohnscr:: Tt:ank yes,.:. Fanycr,e else to testify"' _Ioe 11 m:_m2Ch, '?55 W. Ust 1cF; Rd., was sworn by the at.to:^ney. ~imu:-:ic1~: p`y main c'ancern is t.t-re xrrigartian ditch ^rr t`u_. pr^o„lect. That. ditch carries ,app;"ox2mately 2rTiGA ir.c't:es. crf water, z+. i;~~r-~i gat es at the present time probably 19>T acres. Tha man that was. ,jest z:p here s+.rggested ±`rat they will fence it if it's :sn the other property. There are r-asemen±r~, an the~:.e dtc`Tes fo,'. ~~-leaning them with ey,.,ipment. If they p~.rt. a fen:_e wi`hirT t..;o a:- tha^r=e fee} of ~khis ditch it. wi11 6e impassible to c-l e~~an It v,ith e,a~.ipment. Also the G::rning of weed e. which i=. lone there ;.ill destrcry these fences. These are thirxtd_=, tr:r+t need to be consldeT"Fd. 'at:nsc:_:: Tt:ank 'T•~~+~r. gnya:~,e else tc test.ify" ';,h:r~ Hams:: "J r: the questio-: of wt~a's pr-apert~ tt:at it',F duct-: lays o^, it's ,=ry cla=_.e to the pr°oper*y line. 1 think aL nne time it :•,.s set :.:p ,. _. 6e on tha:• propPe°+}, lirTC•. I+'~. sa clase I -t,i-.,}.; ±',at the h.zaltr: ar•.d _af et ~' can~_err,s moire still gaing to be `here. ~c:ncerns. of cl eanir:g ditch xf p,.oper°ty i. fenced, ter fr i i C._nn{nif.~.'." {]IN 1: ~?~~~?r~~_ °n n V ~ 1 ~ q +] Z _~ "1' ..,. r.. Lt. ~ '.'.~. .'_'ch c,_: -: t!: ,_ tot~.l ler.g'h c,n ;±-~ _, asks*or;: ?r ±. F. r-c°e a na^c. ~n +_ba' d.t~h"' _{; E. 4vt'y' _..-'c. ~.: _j ~. __.I _. al`^~_,..'~ 3P, C. .. ..~ i~.. JF __..- 4Jd'j _ -- ~ ~ ~. ~ 5 _ ~ _ .. ... .. _ ` ~' r _ 1°C+t. _UI; .vas '13'~=• ~,,, c__it'C'; ~. •.-i C". _1 °_G' Jy' r'C .~_. __ _ *?r!.+ yv~. FI~iT'~'C u~r. ~ji..~c ._`~II rCr r_n, [,r7~~,IC ~, prgr r'cnr.~ _. _ _ _ ~ _ ~ __,t Tr n n prt_ ~.. tJ S, prr[ s, r -one q_._ tl r~~ n ~.,i: -u ~ ~-lo[-~ .w.r,.iR ~e'~ ._. ~. t~~H CIA ~C [' rw?r~~'r pl CnI fit- ^1n I"i rlM~~ lr i]t ~ n? F ~ n-rr ..~r~ _ _,n+?Trr. '-r?~c' i `ITC. pv c-r .rrlJ }'.. F?~- .,. '~3': TC' {_I'r~ l }-L,i E~ ~'I^y -.:. ;(';y~ ...... R ... `: C' ... '.:z nC~: '~ >: 5 MrRIO[:?n: =~L.r~r:r~lyd~ an~e zrrr`:ln:c r.lAY l r land _, ^RGE 11 U Tor'in: The pe^c,+ect be~ere v_~4: t,~ri^y>•-•t ^ant.i;n~. _3 request. fr,r r-'ez Cne .... i parcel -;` g:_o4er:d ;orated .out t: a` G'hBr-ry Lane laying ~a r. '_he t-: a~st .Sde of 4th ~t root and on the East. =_.;de of the H:_rnt er ~.: ,it `, g4.esting a rezone from R-4 tc ._atcr"'81 .!^rlgEe, .cn .C... 4c 3'"-e r'e ~D far 3pprn:.amately ~.9 acr.P<. ir:~' R-8 re=_.ident~a. for the balance of agar^a.ximately 13.E ire=.. There .. ar; addit.ionil reg4lest of appro:•ai of i preliminc-u"y plat. by the name of Midtown `3quar^e 5-~.lhdivi s.i an. Tt:is proposed s:.:hdivi si an con±.,-,ins _. ~.,. :united offices ,ite., ad,}acent. to ;?,.~^y t_arre and the:^e ire 4, single family Intl, tt':e additic+nal lot shavled up vaher. we did ad j4: -.t CL1r^ ,=ccce5s, rnad off of Ct:rrry !_.ane. ?F're re=.;der,t.ia1 lot=. :gill he approximately 65-70 feet ir: width and ;s?L71-1,"-_'E'1 fr•~~r, deep. Mast. of the bats will contain mo,"e t. t:an 65~~ <-.quare feet. ar. -.-^eg4ure:3 `vy t.`;e R_g zone requiremer:t. cne t!-:_ng t!'.at I want to point. o:a _s there is i chinge tram the copy of the preliminary plat tt:at yuLt have regarding the .:cress rid that Zones zn off of Cher.,^v Lire, bJe ";ave moved at from the eae.te.°ly bc:.lr,da;^q to the west =.ide^ and t~:it was ~,ro:;ght zrbo:_lt L:y .cne d:<cuss>.~:n=_. wi'-'-' RCND that. better f:t att,er roadway zlignments an the na:'tF: side. ::e are ~,_sc wit`: tF;i_ nev: ;'rid al:yr:ment. we are =.t!:bb,ng irr the =. i.rec•+ +n 'he ad~icent. pro petty owner to ,.. `:e wee.t. The set•:er^ ..:11 be ~:ro:_rgh:t i;-: off Cherry !..one ar;d po=_.sibly off of 4t!-: Strut -r c:r th:e back pcrrtir: r, of the lc:t. We t-:a~;e not prepared f-: ~~:al engz~:~eerln.g drawings but we hzeve had sam? dis.^4:ssian; with yo:.u.. City Engir;eer. 4Jr:ter' linc:~.=. wiil `_.,e^ e;::tended to serve' tY,i~. project. R2 _? the street'_. with.. r, t!-.~=_. ;rr a~ac*.: i:•^e p4:blic and will be tr._ri It ter f1C!-iD Standar^ds. Thr min,imr.:m s.gr.li:^e f: ct age of the dwelling=_. wSll ':e 335th. Rrc there grey g4lest:uns'?. Ro4lntree: Thet°e's ~. p:+rc.e'_ tc ttse ~c:41th, thrt appra;-~s F.o b_~ lindlo~f;ed ar :~ gc=ing tc to tough tc access. lt'=. off of W. !•1ae.tur,gt.on. 'er-fin: Tr:c mar: that I hove lndi dates that it. h~~s. fr°or: t.age or: L:e ct !dashing'an. !Disc41'.'.lC'.: abG4lt aCCE'.'. - SBF tapei r-!epper: !•lith cne s+:.b s*reet :.:p tawa;°d _, Ch~z,..,~. Lane, yc.l' •: _ 't:ll gat a piece of proper+~ ±he,.e that's only got or,e access T n.'fli.. He a1=_~o. his i_ces_ ants Ghe•'r`y ,_ane. l '~_ir,dr•r-=_tinC that. tre r.,:su c, t•:r:s tine c.f the lets, arc!.•r;d the Perimeter «o th.=• west of «:15 prCpf^"tV- ^lE!?I^",'!1!`! FLS`.r!yd:"!G P.NC ZO^!'NE p'RG~ ! F l{E. ripe r'": Ir, ;'E'f E^`er:^i' tU i..`:err'y ._B?:e ~. ~;at.'q JB E.:i=d1{}' wh E'.'. E• yC; :., `. ,. cess comes ,::, _ dnn'! =.ee w'-t e•-.-e two acr'essC=. with.n thcrt prc:,imity ?crfin: G~:•:e e::planaticr. an ~~.^r_esses -- see tap=. 1c`:rsc.,. Has. FiCHD _een yc:,.;[- rr`..sed p'_-at- n: l'ea ,ey ".,.r:e and .-err -.'.a`f had n~ pr~G em with .t. Disc!:E.s:_.,_ a.: e gcir:g to com :t ~, small ditch, acts-.ally The di±ch ., located ,`f the .!-.. ,-:e `:a~-. _ a ='1 foot et.seme up ah.~:~.:t the =',:.enter ~ ate;'al, which.. it wo,-tld ;_;ro,`.:abl} tale an ld" pipe. pr°ope-~t y ar:d ol_; r° rnt ent i s. t o fence nt frc,.u the cent er~lir:^ of the di'. ch. :,oh'I ~~:,... ?hank. yn~. ,. G^.yar:e ei_.. tC. te;t.:ry'. Edward Pru_:ge s, -~9 Chem r'y A. `.`Erg:.te, way; savor-: t,y ±!-:e a`..t orr:ey. £.auyes: haae a cap:ple of cancer::s. ?he o^e conce••n ._ W. Ott: Vii. ;'C•F't the:"e [":.'innlr,g Cltt tC i. t_r'r'r }' Lane, tt!lt''. ^yC lrlg tC. accomm ~d ate lot mere +r'-affic thar. I feel that the area cy ': p;.:e ~+ to handle a' the mC;me-: '.. Can crbn:..* --dd!-.J + <;ff i and ~.~:e,..~.r.owding ,che.ol=_.. ^pp.-:`--' pr?sect. . ~ohnsn:-I: ?hank y~:, .t. Anyone else to test zry~ ~aYr"y ~:al e, De`; F'Upm~n' der"'bi::e=. r'1 j:;eYV1 GC: Y' fGY"' Ada ~.G ling !'i ghway Dl strict, ...le E. ~7tt: 5t_, Daise, was swUrn by tt:e ~: t. !, ~ . ?'ley . Saie: In ."espc nse to the f:rr•'. ... _.. gc[al~m_r,'s comment=,, after adv: ,_ng some residents of ±he area `ha: `_ we werE probably gnin.y 'c ;'aq.t:...e she ~•~.~.tC^.~.ion ~•f ri•r.: Ctr^eE•'. .a'~.t '_c: Ch.ert'y L_.ne, we ch_rgrid ri err mi^.d. i•:e are gtun~ to nlloi: the t?t'mr .at;un of 4?. F: 't Y'r L-!. Lit thB ^Crt!-; t;a:.tnda:-y Df ,....,-, fl"CpFr }'y 1:": a pcvE•d ._... .. aro,.tnd ct=_. a part of this preje~t .and not era end 4th St;..eet o^. tc r:raa'.st nn: Ar-er.'t there tomes al rc ady sl nng 4th °_.t,-'eet that ha~.`e t.c get tG Cher-'y La.^e gar the_• ac~ce=~. Sale: ?hose game:. presently do hr-rve ~,cce•~,s to Seth Sirc~r'... ~'roc~.stan: ~~,c, 4th ~t.reet ~s~il_ ter..,:nate t,asically v:hat ? ~,..-;::. ^a' : the ..crt.t:e~:ea h-c:-mdc:ry 1 ine. T., a , s n ~J ra~Rl>?IAr~ r~Arswlr:r arJn z~tvlrrlc ~s~~r 2- * h;: ~. :: r.. Th _cn }: y;: r.,. N'~;y[.n+ ~ !c `.E :`.:,`y'. L'~'ore~, F+.tller~, 454'1 W. Wash~:-rgton, was savor-n by the attorney. Fuller: I hate t:o sez~ this rczened from ar. R-4 to ern R-c d o:.ih, ir..g t!-.,e ,~_: cibe: c.f people that c:::n b~ .i r: rti:. P.-e, v:hi~h also T a'r.e_. for =_m:;i ier ,._: :., _.ir~ c. r:d n: _,iry rr.-e ,~.!-~. ldr en. ?`'io _' n~a. gO;":5 tCO ;.'c fLY l!-:,d..i`~, ti`5 'y'J~:'J is F;: r,^.:.:~E'r,. ~On[nri:ed abo~.:t i^:par-k. schoo3=:. Wor.:ld l..:e fcr :'`., tr: ._..,, R-4 __r:e. F..,,. ~,,... ?f;ark got.. f;nyr ..~ __-_e !._ !. ,. s`. :1 Fj.". Ron C'n°', !~„°, W. 4th, wae. sv:n rr: by t!-.e a'torn F~y. ~: °f: I !-:ave a tone e:-n abo:.:t the traffic cc:ming o~.lt of the. so:.,theal'.. ~or..e~r of that ..ubd;..,,.on. It w.il e:tt:er `:ave ro go ont. ~_ Mapl_ _.. ,-eet. to LJ. c.:rJ or ;t. ..: '.: havE• t;,. _-ume so _ah on W. ~. t.!.. Ro±'; 'hoee ...rc et c. arc ~:ot very wide_ ^~_:r _rrigat:o-. ate,-aI cr,mes off 'hF H..r:~ter _at.eral and is or. nine day. *.u'=.*ion ar~.d tt:is p:"cperty t.a fa~.:r drys of thc;t. rntaticn. What. a:-e +hc~y going to do aGo:.lt it right ...^.w"~ 6Ji11 the water re-main. _ot-:nson: Thank yrrrl. Anyone elee s,.om t.,`:e ~r~.ibl:_ >-•: o:^y ~_: iv n, I:, Q!? i-0. 4t `:, wd5 ~. v, r'r t`r: ~~~ thr_- a?;COr^Tiey. L oi•:e: I :.:st want to ar'~Nl~, ,.ed '.he de:.x=_-. on f:^nm ,. `-:c (i' Co.: r:ty ~+i g2-,way Dis+_rict. r_oncerrr. ;;g 4th-, °+.:^eet. The one q,-ie s`..ien I had ~'+:as regarding m'; irrigation. c..__v_ c:Iong tF;e .~•-+'-.ea:', bo~.:ndar.;. _.r:e. ? stiff? want tc. :^r:r.ain !-:~vi^.y t'~~,~ to `,.hat lir.gr:'.-lr~r_ ::. ch. _'c~hns c.;. ?`~~ank yo:_:. An yar~e else' ohnnie ~'`.::.,t^pt.on, Inc, t•J. 4th, war:. sworn uy t'-... attorney. Shar'p'. !: r:: M~.~ ~ crncer^n i ~, where t!-: ; ~-. tf ::" _ ., nrr *, he Gott om i s w!:e:-e _ _.:e. I i.as tld the:+. '....sE wasn++. going tc. L::e tak,., :'.. t...:±. _.~ c.>~d:ir:g t. c: t! n s,:r..eyor'. *akc=. t:h~,t. !-:nr.:se w.ll he taken o:-It and -. _. .:ill t!~:e lot. SeaondlY ? ~,.~,, ~, lr-r-e :;ith an r.r,t.on t ~ b~_ry ft. *. fi~~,_ years a:hich wasn`t hon ore::! h:y t.';c I~ir:dlc: r;! ~.r;d =..o :..nail z F,, E:t, r, ~E.}}.lr.G i PJ ', :.:ld :1°L: t!-:e `'O.T.m:°. ^n tD ± '";";1 ff - _ _ _ lE'd5t_ Ct p _.. this. I do !..,+ve a Signed rc:py of tyre l:s>-<• :f you wi.:_t '-d li}•e tc ee : `_'. • ~ .n~o QI^ry (-•L_f?n1'V rnlrl El P'^ Z1~": i. h"I. : ~ - i `4 ~1Y 11., :r~nz ryFrc ; t.t ar:~: t•.e '3^ yE~ ;r-t c. t*;at.• ~--y.Jne e• e t-' <estify`+ r,!.^ , =.Ftvr +~. ^';r. To `: .. wa_tld 'yer; addJ'e..=. roan ?Ut-'Fi,.~. The G..er.ti:.+r, c, e ring c;+Y; qt ,..E:ot ! 3; begirt z,.<,v:ered. 4;e ar"e car .e'='ter:g to e;,.isting Ovate mains wither the. - ,.. !. + ~t' E" iaee•. -~n th_;t. 1're got • !:: ~ YJUti1L t-r r- ,-l It i` 'r~15 _ :Fie=. c r t`ar ~. .n: € 1 '~ ;r'ts' ' e ,. :ri. _~ r. r, CCn,r- `-. p .d ~ +, + r ~c.:n-r -:,_on`. T.e,..e v :-. t: .,a e~~r: t ~.+ed ~:~.:+ r ffi -,n "tFte ~+reet ±.h .1~. the Jay. -+ -. + ~t r'~t eo rle will +_~ ~,' t`:a ,.ro~ec+. : -, te.. - gr e 1 ttra f:;• 1 e mu p G F t,e FY,.E :f'__er ~'.ttct~ r!let y Lary!' [ it l.,i f'r' tt"!.:: rr f"E•3i1d E'["a r:y tF YE).t J!-.: ,. ~+.r;9 U.,`?E.r YrE-iSt-~-~.hcr,:ss. T`.e !,,2F,E. e.,zn~.aon it +r"rts .• + ttC: vi aor: walz pr vide yUCd 'Y a:a. r°• , _ s; t_iun _'Jn~e E. e:fT ,:f 4Lt, ~'3-.r E+ and _-.tt .'.+E.-rY ~ not t" ''1 ..'..l Fi'. ..~(.. Y' i.. 1..1~:t.1 Cr r: vJ ;... ° .~.r i.J i'.. +.he ar^ea.. The l~,s~t y':t'er r-. tt:~ __ ifa~_ .. ,. E'. ,t.ir.g homE~ and i* a=, wither 'bd< 'on ;nd be~ie ".=tt 11 be _oGld M,sc +~ .. ~.ie pE-. ~u:i tha t. holta '~;P ir'?'.e •~~ ,F 4ii sig t'G. [+m P^+ lti?tY: him. :+ - f" abCUt t'E'T.D `. rtl of ±!-a •_, T c!:n s..... '}u yo•.: ,. .ow a`;y,. t:.,.::g ~, pE__.., _... ~: D .T. E' ~' *r , t!-.c ev„,t.i:, home. Olc p,.,, ter: the. F` ~.: .tc , ,a-,=-. t rem z e ._ - 9 ...+aor: we ~,., r:ct ~'ar ' :.:t. _:; tho water^. We d:: not. plar: ~~;, ~n ds'+°upting yar.tr a'~r^agatnun wt:+A.' at. al i. ,~ + ... ~'Ol. ^.t Ye l.i~~ P Jll `c L..Bd .nt rr +''~B:: t' (: ~.. rrt rQt. + r:..'.e :d h.. t..e ti f .. ~t _'E nt and ._r. "-b t~. e. n1C' ~.,Lcd t`, c, ~:-tr 5t: ~,. w..y 6`.t, .~+ .a1 ~ g-.: and _.idevua:St .,, that +ri~:nity"' ?pr'f:'~. iae did Y:6:t^^ t!".8t. gF>L'C'1f1C daL..a`.`-...,.. 165t 4JE'BF;. e?:eve the iaighway. n .;+,.-.~• g3.,,. r.ts +:.Yt. uF::t.ir*': '.~o t".._•t frrn'' or ' + a t.. .a a v ~, ..id th0°.e -'IDt: t'~vF .en.-c. 41e` _ nCt •rl 'fie ~. __~ ,. _. ?Uhn son: ?h an'~: yo+.t. F!r:yone el=.e t. ci is++_.ti fy~? Ido response. ~'o:mt,°~e: In t:.e°-ms of di se+_ts=_.i or= T-'d liS:.e tc ._,eE. i± r^emain !'-~4~ :D,scr_tssiot; - see tape) The '^o+io^, ., made b~y "~ a:-c. i':~~.d .. ~ e.dz,, by notn....ee ~~ !-rr-:e ' Y e a ` ~ C... n e .y r [.. ; r `y ,.. ~ F a n d -. y _. ;. r: i - -: C' t . -. ~ ... _ ^ _ ~ 1 i i -: ~ o f ~ y :-J . ,q wit ..ii _C.:`t":E'er: ~~? ~{`c'i: ...LArC,1Rn.; nl_.pn!M1J?^!G !=: r17 Tnn,l.,...: C:i n~^f-' ; o 'aF,n*.o^: t•Je' 11 ta!-;e a five m~n,_tte break before contin:.ting. r nr_;w •. ?Uh::'.-, i.... "1?2t:r:y .^8in,a .1,X44 JG ~~r-<'_=_'r. i TCM Cti1 P!_,.n' i~: ~iE t"1FIIVG; Cc piiFc: Fncy pc~E +{.+;:t~;RY FL.gT :!r.r. it..! ,i:=. C P,C~~;ROr:I`.r ci lpglt,,I ~i C}ti ^(lr!-. F.~i r.,ai!lr~, ~ f.. t1ccT. gc^!?Ill.. LC!?'-' _ _ _ _,, ~CMMERCIpL LCI?c pr.Jg rnpgMCt•1 R'?ERS 6:I T,FiIFJ ?HE 'REgSURF VALi_EY F'LA"d^lE'_7 Unll-r gcLtc_~rrMEp27 E?~' rEM7Lp.,J~, I'.Jr. -_". u'.'; r: ,. _,... _ taxi 1'_ ope^ t*:e F,ut~lic `:ea;^.ng, is there a. ,-e. F,. r..e;er:t [~:ti~,'e ;,re Jent^ '_?c-'. H,.tbt:le, t'1~.:::bMle Engineer.^g, _.~_ E+_t. _. :.rt.., P..:'~'.c, .._.-. =_.wcrr. b, t~,e at tc+:-~ney. -"!:bbl e: We a:^e here tonight t. c. a=k yo~.r ,_anc..derat:c~n far a rrel :.T.:': d.^~ r;l _,! _:n a F~i c. ~. ~, _,r p_..up=:°ty loCaL eG! a• .~c: ''erg=:.-'+inr: of E_zg1F: Rcad zinc '- rview. ....~ ... thr ;o~tt!:e._is'-. _-,. -.[. ~f th~.t ~~,+L, ~",e~t.lan. .'.a ,y F' ,f. <.Fr,t F.i anrt •: ~.~ ~. ,:r(_' .,Er t ape' The ert _ re p- ..'e'_ i =~ r,t:c a. 16~? _. ?h-: _. Fr'oper.+;: ... _~.~.r rerit:r _'; r:ed pgG, C'.: .:..;: f,::I I`e'.~r :.-~p.r.e .t v. k,ne ^_:1 ~t-~. :1 w!-:a' :ae'... ~. _..-.4nr:g torigt.t ._ appra:al of F...>•'limi _:r~ plat .r. ;. m:aed ;,=~e -une, _: _. ;~e've get tr,e .znglc f:,i;~:?•; rr ~?~,,' ._ ft? :.bo-'' Y:::f o` t;-ie ..ite ,nd tr,er, ~ cc,mmercic--:'. .mot>;. Tt. ~.i 12 tal: c' c'ce~s from at. leapt th'>^ee Iac~itic,r:s. Or:e >:iL' be fr-Um F~,r~'ic':a a1",_~? tvJO _,ff ..f Engle !?rac+. All Gf t.!,e,r: s±;-,Etr, gull fir. F, r:-_:lic rt.rcE.}~.e _.ar,ed a r,d :aa. nt ai ned t: 3~ Atl ~, C'. c•~-cntr '-ti ~`:,a,y Lt_st:"ict.. .ii +`.:°ec- 8 r: t, Y'ariCeS vJl ll 4t Ctve rt ,.,:ill T. l; ~: of tt'JU iaFieS n'it anCi--. ~:'U bab'. }' ~~YiC 1~"~[" .... ?`tPY'e W:II r^e d.`::d~"_' Er:t :'l E'~ ,.. `. F,. .::L`-. far. t. --~1~a ~:d5. :^eet ing .,i the ': `:2 =t Bff -.f ^:~c r^ .;},, h~ g~. ..Jay .. _ ~trl ~i , ,•-te:i _..J:_:7~'.t ..r ct ^y ttc+i cF. _. .,f i`.c __ _ - n-: '.= 7"5L L"'.-"'....~. T hi C; `-. ~ ~. 1 T. t F: e l p r: g !' B :' .., ~': - 3 ^, ~. ~..1 ti,. E' y rJ - ~ . 4: e .. RI =: 4 c' _- .,.--~..- fO t--.. -c:.._~t.rn. -, ,. the--=, c:.:dit:_n .~ .f the } g~, lti 2: _,' nl5'!"';=t i•J1;; pei'f J:m _4 tr"af` - $t. ,.ed;: t" dE}C!"I: rtP tL..e ?~+.__. ,-,lnr: a r:d +.he ~r-.ral i, i'ie:,ds c` tG3t c'ornect:on. Llpt,n t!-ie _'Gif. r!.Gr C ~ tr-:d>. _t ~,..+~. a... ~,. :-ll? :,EtV E' 21 r ~:,. ,_'. - i c._tp:e c,f or'-.ions ,:hat '.-.hei. rc`rys:esting ythi=. ae':e3cFer ,o do. .he goal ._ to :. 1 .+ r, t t1 c: ~ ['. L :' i 2 C't a Y' _, `. Y r_• f:' t .. . a :'.3 £..,. r, . ' 1'? @ ~:J L. ... 2: r {, E ' . a r 5t r'PBt C,nneC*. S, $ tS. '~~". J1the)"iy -,.t flndaY"y C:f th:: F:rGF-: r_. Y't y• M. 4; ,a:1- F:el^e tarri g`,~a ..i ;I ws' xe ~ _,.g ~t~ wa*.. Ji with tP:e ~tafF of .r.e `iighwti S' D. strict nn the comet e*:_,n cf tl-, .,, +-'ff.L ,.r,,tuy ana `.D ~.1 ,l: .;;;r +n F: crt.3 E 3C= .. _.:'-~ g~~:'.. O:~ tJ:t j' _ _: g71T: 'y tT ,mac -nE?i_'!lnl ri_~a n!,:rn!G R'.?r. .'.Q*.:i.._. ~:~rr`- a t r~... _',).ei: :. T`.: -•p.r i(' CUTt`_e~l i. !'tf"". F. lq t..~, Y;>•'U ,ld LI i ~' ~f vpE'n sr,at='E'. ?E',ere i•Ji 11 ti (r o~ie^. =_;,ace, hnpe fu? 3 y, a'..~ the nai- ^° 6•'r'ET j' l C .. bJ s. F,a'd :r 'r' y':=." L+ ~..+ i r. E. C'.'<; t. tti,E... (. =-Ja~.il-~` G,... -,ume cper. s.~~ce ~-_ _~, tc '.!-:e Ett.3.-:-~e =.LreEts ?sr,.u _., ,,.Tr: ~,^d e>cpl:._ ,ed). The _:e^-r'al ,"„ lot. .. c: . ... ct m,.•, Y.,=.. .. fEC't ~:.tt thC. 1_f :1 ^i_i .. ... - ~tiC~ 2'r v3. ::'~ tle .:. ~t.iv(' :'t .. •.. .. .. .,. dL. ~.. :;° ?41 fEEt. b!e y:t ~. .:;a<'-'. a. :._ ., .. M.r. r i. _;' 3j i`'o L`'at i' t•eot:ld 7e ni'_e to d'~.ign *'-:e=.e a=. R._.y lc~~_ •ih~-h ~.:,~. 31C -~... t~~3$ b!E' r:EBd 8 Tt i T'.t^ V:1'_'h ~'. ~ Cj ~T T@C'tt :: lid-. 'rJi'I __4E tU'.U' -'UfiEldf13t.1 Ur1 f, =iSEd C1n ±`: i' _: f:{-~rl .~,J9 C:P9: r,!`O"c Yt l'd =t^.J ~, 'tq FCC .,,. t!':P .•._..ed ,.tsE• pla^, here tCi _-Gr.r.;i!er" thi~ wl*.".-. lot tndth:. ::f ~ .-. ±_ _. ilnlfi'.:9 of '76` feet. taater and _e,~rr servic-es ~:re arl ~-ylE Road and we ..,ill e:~,Ler:d :*.e~m t?-tr '_.~?-; t,t--E prel~e~t. :7e'',v `'ad _. 'C;cE C.' t.U ~?^U :=:de aC'~:E'-".c t_" tr-!E. ozt 1:_."1 ). ~:: Y. Lip ,. `.. T,, rcc'.V[ '^'L...~E,E ut ..its:. t!-:at. dE"v E•1 it f~_•,.. P:.L a'}d :. ': sy r^C._.dt•J F;~ Mr: ~~. .,. id? thi c`.. ar-~e_e. <llc.,_ +`t, ~roa::t;' ri=_.';"_~. o-woald iF:,e t.c, ~-:.a've at e[, ..t 4 ric Uf ~, .`.E =.E ..L ro EtS Stil Ci `;2Ci ., `._. E' .. :1t2-i f~Y_~ ~ t,0 :.. ddt"~ W!tll: !'~ z'u''.lid t; :. <:re a-t~ _~•.^. -legit e-d !o +~-I _v t. Pi-I ~'?E^:srv;ld cor. r'.ee'cr. T,ha` 'G ~:C'l t:dr _, G.. r' _=. e.a c+?._~ d^'_1 lid :+E' ~'I ci ~T Y!'j t0 a^,SW2:' d-., ,y' y:;-;- 1.d1"r"'t S2:'E,t I-'ia ~l [! r_ L;. .,.°. .'-E1 E'tx ';...i-'~ ~ 5Y 7. ..;E PE:. wa'-, ~. w-err It*or"-n c•r. E:a'.E. l•J[' 8~:1::Cy:.._ F_.. ..dt art,±..., _•:.:r" ~UT!Pf^,tE, tC jrtl: Bc IiBY. Thi. .~ r_ rat r.er^ ^emFr.-eher'~.'.e F (,jFCt and 1~ '..nek _. a dad EI1-. }:.., tr. C~p~:: a`_ :;. ~_. St PIn+:J' lr; r. ~;.. TF::.hErli a-~. c, d.: !.1 CJ'=. ~. +..hE tr: t. 'r ... Lty't'..t o` the r."_; ct. ;-0' fE-~t': 1*. ~ ~ We.. _z--,c c.n:. r:. Ob.-~E~ 3 ^yO Ld \'a":c^t~ cf 1t 5. F.t^i~=c"~ ~ .. r~p T. T. _~C, :_r _ -. ::~ t~If ~;nC't l'Jn9i ~tt"E:.'i f -r .51 $1C..4 ~.1C ~'nB:J ~ ...-r I.:•. ~ - - - t.~. • _. 1 Tl . t l l' P ~', !' _ .. ... ,./ :~ P r 3 l ~. _ ~ _ .. .. . f y :: E" ~ ~ i _ _ } ' 1 d _n C L _.. , 1 ] ~: E ~ W ~I _"!". 1 E, t. !", E' _ .... i F F ,.• ... ~ tT ...,.. s. '1' -: E' :, t h ?r sec:. ,.'.1C'-`. r, _,I~Id EssE'ntial3'y be ar: _ .*_*..,_:clr: of ~mera'_~ fi-gym L--'~€` east and Fine fray t.`,e '^ity e` Meridian. S° We ~r_.t.r',"re ghat L4' (^8ilt t0 t",.n .'::i 6;t L~ t. !'t[ mld be_~'. : li'I E t`E:~ a~- 1 ~.°+ tea.. Cc ~`: ur. r 3.he ri gh:*. of Way wc::?d nEed to ccsm =. ~~.' ~f t`ris prnE,er+. ,' T":r:'r~ _.^e ~_ .Er:`.al l~ tht^ee ort _ ~.. f.=. the w'.. ..-.. .` t`.. -. C.;, rt':dEl -' _.nd th•; ni^g: I': ~E ro'E hlf +•-E y!-..: c~ W ._ fr.. i nm tt~tl_ r:YO)Er'+ fl.•d .~.c 1~ ^i. CUr,S ~:"CIC't ~~._ ~`- ...c.. F SI'.. . _'~~':•_i\' i•J I,=C. rl L*. E' "JC,C_.^.~E" ~..~~ •=. l' ..._ ~.._ cZ '.. -. .~_• ±~ C~,~? 'aJ ~~i . Il ilC _':'S'. OnB Of t`lB Lt•:U C'., r.. 1..E l.t '.j ri"..., ~, ,,. c. o,'+,~ .r... C: :':d ('rtl?tl ~ th_ =. i_.c E'- 'nt 1_:llj _._ the r:. _'t J':e~ •: E .. .ld (t :'y':/'-E' "Ir' t': ~`:' '... .w ~,,.; ~ ~ .nn -r r '.11 1t '.~,= t.~ lE bc;t t'',st Je w '_d n.t ^:clt i ~ - ~ _!Ic ^.,<.d'Jay lr,d t`_ *.le':rinF.E-J°- : t•.:ld cu *~inl tc r _s i=iT't ~F': rG £.~. f.P. ih_lt h:c .`.tO+J r,_:..^..77?.y Oia' ! .r.. .• l t t'."'. 8.,~ }!.'.G ~f t'~ Ort .. .. , _ WP _i ~:.._ ch;i:i G:.:t' n'jv., dnI :~rF J.' ~J!'_ a:JBy 3 .:.~ 4iL ~ J. ti, a ... ~: r i-. i r I E 4 ~ '_. 1 ~ i ^. r: £ ` .:; h F :_ + E• ~.. , l- E y ,..; £ + ,.. i;£ d ~£'i ,'. C; I. _. :, t`:at. I:. dl c_.1._-_..., lv. {. !' ,;a: ?rrI,C 3r}~ -. E• st.:fF +,a5 d£t.E ~ .r, ,, t`. t: `.. ±~__. maf:r ...;._ ,-,hl~ `~ ~ .. _, Yf '!It?_" ..~ i..E !`. £r9 -t, =... .'s f:~i [' .."tJ3fF ".: r:iCY r'y ~,. rl',.::!£:~ ... _..: G:'. 1L.t .. a-1 f~. E_."-aij .';d 'I° _.'1Fa .a dFE Vt' V.C ...i. _~,.: ... Y. i. d£t ...';e r, ...t/ _ +~_~ ^?^~?: ~*o3nt SAC. -.id ~£ _7:n. .:: :.t . c t'C (" ;. FiF ,~'E`a :° !"}o;' '-__.,: ~ Za S:i CS crt f. .~. ,:.t CtI 1C~l•.^,1£il. .. ~:d' r~ln.._.. f G!?rs>J. Tr,e d: scls acon s, w£^vE' .Gad E, iiv£ r£=_', ._;IYed lr. tlE fpi.. v.:ing: 7F?E Hi yt`.wr1 ~' P. .',.r Ct ,;ill f•^d a ti iffier i^r:dc:" ~ud'> tF?ai.. w: '.? adds .~ ,~P c}:.:s t,o c f '!.tsFr al l~n::er:`, and -.tat'.1-. Gf I~t T'-;a n. .'-,-. _. r.•.., w ~ ,.q •. ': E'.. a~:.: r; Jf 'l. f:{.' ',F' m:r:~~ `ate _ ~. __ -r r, :. ;. ._~.i'. of ha4 t:.tdy, •t:l.}"; W'ii rr+.3 i°1 PL' ti.£ uFfc. _c t... t.GjE. C.a ~. .+ f _... •...£ y.,..•E, yl S,f Sa-GT,a '~i,q! E~'. 3'?s'.._ ?'_.. .. .. C'- -. , Ft J'-~.Y G. t`3 .. 28. !~!~.; _[;Tr Io~3O" ° `.h..- Y _;dr ... ,., ~ ~'_'.._ m - Y r i addl:;cna:l rr,q~.ire:.:~ra` t.. /m ~.a Ga.sed ~n ':`.__." :-. ~'.~__.. y .. G..~.:mi^ r,`..a, +!-:£ a?ign:ne^t. of Eme~°ald ine eI,'i':'£'_y ^_lose ~, t ... ct~;? ~:,_;th J,.;.mdar..f u. th= ~: _je.-•~ a-.~ .v.,.:Td 'P~'..~E.,v +E,.c.:c ..-. `:p'r. E-'ar: :'s tc E:gl£ a shG;' ``i i.~ no:'+`: ay,£ed. bie Ch~'n h-id _.s!:£d '.tu ";',::b a °;trE~r.^[ tG t'^o eyst to^q Fier,}ar 11;1 E' C: tR £;eF x-'_ 111 !.?-,P l ,_.w ~:2.,..... holf r.;f tf'.£ r;".Or n;"t `ia +hat ... ... `.. £r:tat.l ::e Cu:n l'.:iOr ~ 'dir:o ~Gre d.~~.t= lorry with a _'.. ~.,. ~._:_.,.: .?'?:. '..i-:e y:,...D~_;-.r,~. Y:: !.`tc «.St. ~t~~E^y !':.;r..< iS•'£':77`-al'i 31'"x.: ~=. `. E_ Y. ,`, .it sr.:Ep ,Jar: t' dr_, ..: nl Gp {, !'; 6':. •.a./"_ ~.__.U.31':'ii ~fc,.5 E-':"FS f%: r' Ch Ott C'h _ -?it B+~ t_. 3^. ~. th£} L'Or;lt >JHnt t.aF _d~.:t-.'n-;3i _.^e£>. _,c r'es_. '~,i;}, ~.,. }-{:"t~G:e :nd~~a+.ed tt?a`. ~ c,`£~ .. , '. df t, E. R SL r.Paf '. £`1_ ___.." t~.e ,'.: Y"hE :`.t __.. ^£... Gc -r4-. ...~ r ,~E, ...t i,~ ] dtr;) t +`,. _ ''/.E J v'1, L t1: at ~ ;~_~ ~ .-'Ptah tha'. .`' .:.,.". ,: t!:8 _.C. ...3 i3 :':: Ta-!.. ;' YB "t)ti: o.-.+ ,F.~a~ !'i£ SpG!<2 Ji. 'rTiny~f ']fig •F:£ Pc,S~: is 7i.F. ,Jer-J~ Sttt!i I:-tv _ '.h8 Jn(' j;J _: 8:r-r~_-.£' ?_:. t.Gn g!". ?-.. T_i9 Q_' at ~:.a ?. r.r* f,, ,- yir1 ..... ., .. .,_~'.` ~: m;'. e' -.I££p. ? `.. F~.ir}: :~Je w.:l r'„_}...urt• +r7 t-.: L; c. ':er:. .; :...* #.c *!-:e ~:`. F; -r:J corm PCt. with En,e._a]' a3 `.£•~ •~~r., r. l;n:r!r~ .t s, t.:°e.'t 1n':u +~,' F:': _`~e:.±. 7~rP^. wr,+C! i5}c e,.~ •..•£ '~E", e ~r:r" .. ._;,. ^.t (~I `;' w: i1-: E: r:y P'~1.. ."Err. E"'.t i. Of 1. de: tl0 Ti•.e` ~)._.^t 2. ._ ~. r'F._a•.v .^.t £'1±- It ~., E--• ~ .'r'r'i `C. air. ~~i R' a^'i a:..i t ~.. ~. r7~.. Y:*,. c'P T ~'.P1;"-1 1f.. E• ~: tl=.~~ j'"...-, •, l {'. f'd dt1 :1 '.I t. f:;. CCl'!li: ... -..-".: ~::'n '_:,.k v=~,-. 't. ,.-. r• '~4.;.. ... J,.,~ ~, ,..Ea .-,..,r ar tt; y_„~r. 'nr ^,.11 <<-; ~,~ ^!`:PJ ;. GIC3 t?^!p `~]....f r*uli' _) ~.R`~ °a?ec ''_;}, a!. *.t:1=. ti~:n. WF'.-. g~i-;g +E, ;s,+ }.`Ie '~~.acc>mc'. ,,~ ".o t, affic ;t ~.tdy ~i mtt e>'Rei n=• +.;_:':. I^ ap~r'.-.=-5 there' ~ :fit l:: nr_ ..rrectly F;ir~d nr .l;.:st Sti~.ttvt G1- tt.e msd sec~t.io; ._-~e ~., tha ~~c;t. ~id~ _.c eagle FED,-a ra) ;ihiC'`; v:~t.tl,d ~:rc3?" tc; i,., } t•-, .~ t,-'. i'_=`~~r. ~f . r ~ } f c...... E' C + . _ .. h 5 t ._ .: r' r. _. r r..: _. _ C '...: ~ a r. ~ 8'. ° t t-. -. _ ~ f ~~ _ _ r ~i:'rleC•t. G'r. .~'e9: L!f'.: C~' Y.C%.?C! .~._ 3 _._ _. ::.!:^.t ;f RI ~:9i]t ., the I3)=... 3a?e_ ,p cEll.~?c. 'F Sher- e..~Ir.,.atic;ra see tape` Cr .~: s:. t.=... P-:. Ltm i;~ ~h. ct+ f>: ..: ... _. .. ..~. st i'~ „-~c: C't .C._:t _,.. E, Ei~Cr; PJ •. f:a.r`) tdhas. 1"f, ;:'.='t. ....~ _. ~'[ }'J4+ ~1:: `'!~ tv ! 1.':6 tC C. C'C'e L. ~-: t0 }...tea F .F _ ;1- F.-s • _,i1 c .. _. ,: G` t`.. ~.. C}i L']_,_.. .) r..;J _I~CP.~ P:1 1 t ~, .~t_t. .. .. _. '. 't t r_ '_ '~ r ... - ... i `. t. t. F '.. i a! ~. t~ ! `I C.' F _S i ~ J `vr ~i l l . e T. } i _.~ ~. _ '.. p G. _. ~". J ~ rl ~' eq;iirE- ~:~c E~,.1'•is ..fr'e_•t a~;•c<_.s cr=.I r, this Frrejact. to the `zc'iltS L!e t..`_:'.d enc'cr'..r ise tt-e ,gin st '.;~t:i _-': c` ra Ger;n _n the r~esidera:al ptoFel°t.te= <"<nd that r:cilxty. ~f b'1s~r=»__ ~~~;tE- 3:, ^J {. a!C wi :. C'C,. r7s?(, E' i "E _.'.E ,c. u~ .~~tt _t_ r _.C=:\>:. tG +Gtl: . ._ str°ee*.~. . ...arsl~tflct.,.. ;here mar 'e' .ame t`riva',.c ~acce= c_- allowed J:.l l.'. .. [;t i~. d VE;'j ;!"F~;.1E"I t. :rl [~. _. "E~r!ii [,{_. ~ ~ti'C ~~ i} l.i f. n. $E L.`.. ':vv'f' ~. S}S'3e} 3C•'CC ~~ :. r: ~' ~`"_i._ ~'.:tJ c' v!E Ala? (' uC) t. ;lG'.::Id F..J _:'.P K ~C:. _i _.. ".f r`i.... tom. ~~-;! `-"~t_te Li.yt:'v.~} °_-ye.te;n -t. ~sg~c ,~"', ..:d ,^.d gCro:.' eas!.'WeLC CIE^"}: rr. ^:'p.. .~i0 fI1F {:.!n;n _. ]r,, t. t:B y.°r.,a ±M.n 4J. yb{9ly Tf . .... ^~_ !l .aS L~_.-. _. ,_'.Y.ed dt F, e. n... "! U.JP.t^` _ _..~: ,.'.. _. }..gFf:C' =.+`: C!j i? i_. ~E'Pi'. _ ., ~J '_•.~ed and t.1'.F 't. ., ~~__ :a ~e~-'- _.., ~. p. ride: y _.:~~ :~ rt=_~me of the' °=. a :?e:a, .. d._ ~.. t'.in}:. '.. t:a'. f the .. :mi~~. ~I .. t,c Esc. t.:. -. rrr -C_ __. i`r ..T_4'i- FGr^tva'd ~..~cC_t }E iF.- C:i v-; r1yE. ^f ±t',t ~,. ';ySe: 1' _ my •°e~ommpr:'ator, that the _ i^trnjc'_ a:~ aan 1'~o':e ?r:'.1 ct ".d. l t. t'1`: 'G j:'i eit the It rr. *'tP n}2UP !'13t. f0'.., ti lVe) tt,, t' :fang!=~ tF:_:t ,,.fight =8mr_. abo~,rk: ~ `'wBert thi pr'eli r' .a=_, and :.. c , v.. r-(i? ... ..~G', F3 1`_f E. yam: l'f1'd_.i ~ ._..: C11: Ati: ut j'. .. .. E~It:~ aO~ y ... L.J MC^'P ~.. n1 rtr,rnii~lr nt,~~~ -•r~p.jrr.:iC - i '_': e,^., rc:-, cp :J!-:a! .s +.. !';e tim:^g _... t`;e ti°aff c *. ~.t.~~" -.a _' .. ~. ~ba~:l ~ ~? ~+`± G'::'j ~, f c eF-a.°=•, _. c .~.' c ... .JBek~ ! c,. _ uo4,e'__n': `{.'o-. ,~i,• ~. ~.. a:~r,'r=e a +r°~f~_c- =t •_:c!y f~:r _ ~~;d '-hat' ~: .. ... ~_' c .. _'O!~; t'; ' .. TFI Eli: r; yO~.t. P'tPl y'U';B P, SB ±l; !e~'~1tyC" ". .UF:~t _. :. ,-1 f;_a~ _• Mt•. y, e-.. _: •, fir. f~`'C' .. `~^~_ ~' _; .^.; tl,r _?m°Fa_ _.11 iPa :=~.tr ~,.. te: .e ~ °er,t :ctl" .7'.l iit"1 ,+ _u1c w. .'.dg!';U _- .,_, r. .. ~. f: r, _~_ '. n.. rv y'_'. t.: :f. r--3 ,"* 7vT";e;" _r (`, _.m ,'-,ntl., _.._ DN. r~E•:.. `r +i-_ '.,..Ut, E`r`_ ,_ ~F;C' c; `~ 'aE~ _.- ~i'-. r ,. U~lSt uri'_ Cy.c ~...~ _~ T PJJI:I ~i l}. SA'17_~1: _~1 UU1: E.t ..•.. ~rl*~~~'. Fii,`_d U.-f C'^'mf".. '.1 .:. c yU_. JC+1 nL] t.U Bile c..~Y Ui" }he;t' s IIUS yo:rg tc .F.1,=•..re,..r• ;nJ.?+ o-.,~~ LT:} i::-; l.._':~" ..-i~*':t L1e'r yc:i;g _.. ~ ....-<~.t. :.is .. cclcr, `..e_9~~t'> `-..--~, _&1"d SC3~„~.i~v I:gfa: yv .~~.., _ 0; "-ri'~:' .}__"':~ c-t _.~ 1;. _.-rd P•.. ±.: i,-~`.f'~=t. _.^.d _ n55_~._= r~.~:~.tc:c^ ±,._o t= '_!c. *:.:.,. b: E• .:.•'C 3:?~., m.~ j !; ~d; ,: j' 1' d Wit. . _ _ _. ~ c•. T 'rJ _'-.I d _al: .. _ ] y~..~ ~., :T. E" x.81 X^C" r. _k[.. .-. !J."~;e, ... nd Df ?ct : ,... ::pi_,y t>r. .tier E. ~C: }•n..t ~-.E~ f-^Om ±t-C ~Uf', ~IIE _c.. 8:l ilt+l^.y ih=_ Y_e ]~P!'13i~' 11. LJ'!lt ;dE w("~ 22~}t au Fa IJY'r,li] c; c1,.!.:2.° OF d's f'ic "Bri r. ..p P: aYYl II_:~ Fer,~ing, berm:*,. g, *r^ees, s;,:r,e CUm'_"Ir:ati pUs*:iu'ly U` _..1 t`:ree. $=_rf`?t,: :de ° Vt .'c'C E~P,t ly f. c:'_i E:, =~jE' r .. tr~!'B ''e t.~B:'B ~ `_. ~~een .~ r: -l "~ :'B _ ]d ^.t ] . b._ 1'1~E .ry tai v- ff-BTi. :: t"p':B`"'tj ::r.E .i'"!."' _ .. _ . , _ _ ~ . ..1 . r ~ ' ' E.+ 'F FI -C FP.° a ~.. .- - e"C K: ~ d:-;~ Il ~IC fI ' t:". . i .-.... ~t . . .. ~ .. __ . , . . , . ~ ., , .., ..._ _.. .. 1+ ` 3 =~. ..m E' ...E r: _ i[ ...^ '~ ..~ ~ .J..., ~.nn ~_.s _-.;~± ~•_.+ _riy +.-, ~.. .:.l G-~ +!-,: !~_r ;i 2, li., ,. ~: +. .:E^~. +~•.e ; r=. '.U . .: a'_ ^Ai=,,?'n~t]I+,f C•`6Pfhf Tl+,ffj C4Gf'J ?~"htin.i(; . ~ _. r g'.~: !I:J T. e~ 1 ._11+ +~.. ill ~:. N:1..:_. !l3 r. ctl'. Zr:~~iC .~.I[,.. r f. ": !.~j _:_ c, _. ..'`e: !t r. -. .,se f!-:cse ~:-E- ,^'"r. r:t ~_. t:t 1 .:.. -..ng +1 _.,. -c'~ :.i. ets '..~' ~~:!:c'. _a;. :.•;sr..c. ;de',-_e tF'.1:`!i:'ty more ~f ._s.e 'i:--:E~ of t ~I i _ T `~ . t : k \ t . .. ~: j .. _ E ~ r r ', r`f ~ q rl :... F.. E' . .•.. 1 C 1 CJ E. T!-'~_• ~ .c,. :- .,; e.de b ~h'e ar-z r' !.~ h=we thz _:'tcn -:er F:re{a..c _ ..Stn ' ; .•f ' l ti ~. i ; r d U° ~ r: ~ 5 ~i " f J' O _: g J :. ^. y f J h :. _ ... t !l e : " - !tr/ght bfc ar'e =.s1<.: cg s._r" i ~} ~ t .. ......c tJ.. ~ _ `: [' =.~ ICr._'' y..t.;; ..._ 8+.. K1 tF'~ 3 ~: ..t~l 4;i'a±1-1 ,.c ~i^' r8e~ T.._". ".: r',"n.,,~l., ~,.r'C :f &=. ~'r~. t ti. E' rllyY `:~ 1"d LG.,_-,g ~C.. _~- ~ :_ _:~ :- fc. ~. ,___ ...E._J;::TE'r, '._I _•t1 G.. !:_ `.Ilr_ E'lty r:J .tP.,, J': }F:.. drt~l _~,?. G~: Viii ~- a~, ~J^dl`.~-, ~~._._ ]OfR E' =',F t~iP y'.:PL_ J'". E. t""t1 ~E'd '~'=..: y~lt ~e _9^SWt' per. .'r^' #: .. r"..tR_:~. HF "1 F.. !'i•• ~'E~;"F _. ~L'° .. .CC`'D'~`nnf n: `: c,r rro~•;- .'111CTgl~1 L. ~rnJC rnn 'rub .. nr ^~rt-T', ,^:T 4 j c. ~'R;I G~ :!Q ffv 1 =rrJ. .. ~~. .. .f S.DoTu~.fr..T : ,r.frtwnn; r"r!1 ~ rrr (?'{ cflgn~r C'[.IRT[r. i Fi:. O'1 i 4r_ :.•. ~r i'1 s.. f:f r...~. .._ lP i•'1':y. i5 ~F - _ d l ~ •. r.... r'!:_t '.':: }'::: el 1, :EIEt °..nrl _, E. R:r.!, n..l : e, :•ul~. :...a..rn ~. J. +>•.. c. at orney. ~ ~ - i. : ::•, ,. 6JE -1 "'c^ .J '.t : t. t"E'::j .: E's C L.^y -. '>:: ~. ":uf ','.: ~K,.',.l E, ~~~ •' .. ._ ~ .. - - ._.s.;~ rl '_ ;::c'izycr .,c: c:C ed +' tt-IZ ~?at •-~ .:': r~l--=_. c.. Tt.,_,..c wns ~. .C .i, ~. ~,. .. ~.. ..•cA. .•. .. ~ i 1 YluiL`5 .,.,:1~ i't""T. :':..L~~ ,. ni.:'i r "'a`~ LIT..' a~. o; C,Ye ?-~.m .-y.• . r' T~. ,1. ,J,... -,.~> .t.':~ rent . •;, ac..F... t .c. ,.,rr•~ _ one ,,.. u .,tL~.nrt?". ;''L~?hi'....~. f-'n.ZC inn air M ~.~ { { 1 a7? _, ~' :.t. ... ,. ,... ~,J I-ic+ •-.,-E. :..~ +Fi .,-.cc.c L, r.' • a.. } n. jF's:'. ~' '!o.fe": -There wiZ_ L:e ~~ `.-_:der~t=. -..~,e:;.y `._.;_..~ nfunths. - t{•:c _ _. 5, P ~_ 'r.', c Y' 7 ee 3. ^ . tur'ocbtst or,: 4d`=,*. 6+.ti ldi ng at^e we +,t. F;;r:g ~,:_a `•e:-E.. `-?a~.~1Z. n;g•.t .:cry i`, got t'-+~ _Sec~c a:gr ,... ,... Zt' .,'.._. __,st { , . ; ..... T a.: v.' E' y' :, '... (.?': C. ^, r r, r ': E' _~ ?', e ~ ..: o J ° '~ J r E. _; ~ E. r. •-, P . _ 1 ., . 'rlb ~'!G`1:.. ..:.~ .:~."+_, E' j F!_~:_i f; t. l"CE' r. '~ .._ ...}CfB~} Lj ur'Yr,_' t- ':C' `.. ~'.c ={•'., ;iP j' ~ r a~ r . i;;~: `.~[ f :,~~. ., f.~ _.. ^.r .. _...~. J ~ LdN ..1t~-: . TCM f~__ f'~L~:-~L~C. ~~EF ~iP.Jf_': rCi f',;l{: T {. `I~l ~r , ?^Zn.; nJr ~_ ^reZDE^'?Zf.L L_ r{~ F..y~, ;'! q~: ?or -, ., _;ri: ? new ale-: t,~ie _;Gi :._ ntr`. Ye"t.P __vF3rC. C., ! ,_r.E~Zt;~~ ~•:g11,~o ~ ._~I«W,i.; G'"'( fl: , ' ' -COAL rncanJcLS'}py Sr~9~~'JS:D!d F.,-. ._G VC~ C"_= b; c''rF here th:~ E'cer;ng >::tF: _. _.+.t'= ~:ece •',' .~r.dlcc~.e? r:'.-~~,e;_^.y ±`:~t - _.cc'.erec; .+he^ d_:~ tt:E' gF.r1-~y~tr:. _, q,. _,, a~-,~ °='Kr. '" Ct ~ r, Et+ yr ~~,F c.4 ~-. Ca'"E[. '. lard C,-. tt., {, ,f.-E, -=t _.. eZ a .-_ F ~__fz~e _.'.. :d`"la. ... ..{. ~, E.,. E. it C:d; ?'._ _.. f __. :a -.J _ .. .. :.., _ _. .8r1.'G fem. :B ~ .t 3gE ._.__ tom, _ _r:y 1 +. .-. - ', G` ..:+F. a:. 1-.. E' ~[~yi: 2. ~:cC :.~`. J_:='~iL 4.. wF: '. ~ _ , . A c., r F r.. , ~ _ r: ~ :" Y r' ' :'t +. ':. (.' t t .. , t ". .... _ _.'.- 9. '_' C .: A ... .. _.~ E {_~. F' .E.. ~ .^,eCi ~:r f." t~'.. ~'.~' -, i.'_: ~' .z ~ ,.1;._ .`'.t :'C^_ - ir. {~r' L'.":' _.ng r£.^m T'.-.. ?he '_ot -tre ... E',~e,s rf iS, t-, ~.;,, sG. faet wt(-^ I ^ ~ ~l".t ~ ^~`.~~.; t.lf'. nhl!1 `1"~h;? nIC ~'RC[ cF: u rc. l- .. ,,. T!'iA^It yC~.t. F}'.-1 :~L;e .: c':5 mss- ° __, _ '`jt- ~_3 !.J .1 ..aJ ~__.~ ~'~ CGrl l.d?,ii i f~~ :aYS _.Y{~1.._ 1-,.J ~~.~ c4A~C"!'... t"y. r: _ ~ _ ~.. "'.' ti. ~ - _. r'f .:}_.f! a':r .` t-, Jq FFIe ~•^`1 }aC__t~ t^r.7: 1pt .,u) `.~d:e 1'cI :CPC Gt '. :'. LS +tle i't" Ct:~". :Jr ~. Fc's"~~' :. :~ imlC }f;e 'f GOt .,=~-IS_:c. T`~.nk ;e'.. R;-I~c+•.e c.se ... hest:°}' .~ _'.,,~. _ T4 M, 1 - -, ,.1 ~-.,. r. ~ rt v ay„ { .,e ~.. . .. wa- ~~. ~, .s _y .. _~.~~.,_ a;'-rc or:dec .- y ~t:uFn'~[: ._ .9Nr r-_.c '.he -..Ft _.,. . 716 t;~='4 F_~f~ Ci S"'r '_.. t, ~''.: C':~ii .._iCn. -,T ,,, ill l:, r.~in~,_,r ~.jc. n7r,; 5~: FrCr c r..F R!`1";E Xt-: ?~I'~"v R!'~.T) _'.`')^1_.,;C TC.' _:- r A'r' f=:n' ;'lfd ,~*r`T1 ^1S`~t Yr3 BCC?k',~ Tit. J:. iJ (lt I ..i i~ ,'. rl E':'t f. !°t C' tJ .J: :._ 1'E "., .':~. T~ ~+..: _.C G rer.rese-.+_vt':~:e rre=._nt_.. ._ ,_,.. Pert-y~ _. _ nl ~.~.~!'....u'' R~_.~, .~_. -, Y.~.;:-.`r t:~ `.t~- a+, '. _. rep. Tir - 'r L,. .. _;: ..2o-' ..d4. . y t';. .. .... _. ~,~ 'IC _ .. L~."1^y .BI , +~_ ~c~..._":~ Wd .>~... ~, e :. :'..Cl v_~.. :J 71 .'Cl kll 2i. y.p ,:£1 j: +~,, E, .~~ _i~ :.~~ T' , ... t2"'j': T.y ~~u .__ .~ ~ =Zt1. -_ c._ t ~. ... CC .... .,. rl_ z._~ C'_. __ t`.=:; (f'j ~~.-~ .. 21 r: . _._i_. .., ..-]a ih .E .. .. 1 .9 i,. wav *~h~, - -~?=~,Tm_rnd_a ion Y. Y::e~t I ~rlas~ t t.e _t :__~ .~y _'. ~:f =._•}~ -. 4 M ~: L, i .i _ c t' : + ..' {. 1 r. d S T = ~ ~ ! .. T ~ l 1 .. y L t. 1 _ T _ .. . .. .: _. _i .. .. I _. t . _ • ~ . ~~,: tJ~. Ll~-~ ~., C. 1_L ar..+y~Jn _ ~+~..la - . ? v:C.::' -. _i _v.. ~..:') .~'.~E. _'. '..!'., t. [: ° .~~: C-'ty }. ., -; '?.~E .. _...t +.-_.r at.,e '. _: :~C {. VJ C. _..- _- _., _ .~.. ~,~ _ . „ r- ~. , Qtr is ni ., r. ~~± i.-:~ Wr _j ,:. ~. .. tt-.u+ +1.- +-. `._ '-'4i __.~~~._.. C, 'E.3?_... :vl".. a:.°c, ,,t ~~ 4f', C:SB ' v:. _ .. .: '!t=~yt; y i~:' :r: e•1'ty` o: ...~ 4:Cy .. .. ~a `.Ot•J. T!`. _ c. ,_.~ri +t.tc1;'. r-~_ i. !'. !: ,~':','.: .?_~~. .. _.' ID{ rp..:_.+:'".y !' Ti' _. `.~ .m}' ": _ tl'. ',.S e"' EtCtj ? .. c.y;°Pe ~C lJ ~.,, , ~ ;, !, .., ~, i'c'y.; T., ~, r~ :.. .. .`_~1 i' i FlI ESE. .'~]~, .,2::'_. ~ _ _. <tF la ,... 1'~Ctl f~ • '. ~ + ~.. . ~; .., , r~i C•41 r. ~ ._ C ::~. 'lyL ,... ~c. _.~ .. f. C.`f .t _..+ .:F ~. .i u , _. .i ~. .. _.. r..a. _ i. l [~~l G _l: f::G~-... .. -.C ~, .: E., :C~. -rrrr r ...... _ s .. _. - ~;+, ~~,nn'l ,!c~ ; ~ ~~ I i PUBLIC MEETING SIGN-UP SHEET NAME: PHONE NUMBER: -- 1 >~_ ----f- ~-- -- --- - ---- - ---- --- ------ --- `- ----- ------ --- - ---------------------------------------------------=------------- -- - -~1----jf--- ------- //---f----------------------------------------------------------- ... .,~,