1993 08-10 ~~! ORIGINAL MERIDIAN PLRNNING 8 ZONING COMMISSIG;~! AGEM1JDR TUESDAI', RUGUST 1P, I99~ ?: Q1 F'. M. CZTI' COUNCIL CHAMBrRc MI"dUTEE OF THE PREt!LULtS MEETI"dG HELD JULY 13, 1993: {APPROVED) ;. FINDINGS ^F FACT RND COPdCLUSIOfdS OF LRW ON REI,tUEST FOR R KETONE TO COMMERCIAL !iY OPF.iNG HRVEN HOMES: {APPROVED) ._. FINDINGS QF FACT AND CQNCLUSIQN5 OF LAW ON REQUEST FDR VRRIRNCE OF GROUP ChIILD CARE IN R--rt ZOPdE WITH A CONDITIQNRL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW GROUP CHILD CARE BY CARQLYNE P.IDGEW/`Y: {FINDINGS - APPROVED; RECOMMENDATION TO DENY) .,. F'UPLIC HEARING: DP.AFT COMPREHENSIVE F'LRN, F'RESENTR?ION PY PLA,'dNING DIRECTQP,: {WORKSHOP TO BE HELD RUGUST 16, 1993) • • QRIGINAL MERrDIF3N PLA*JN11vG ~ 'DNTt~=G auG~sT 13 199v The Reg~.rlar~ Meeting of the Mer^idian planning and Zoning Comm.ss:an wa=_. called Y.o order by Chairman Jim Johnson at 7:30 P. M. Membe:^s 6~+resent: Jim Shearer, Charlie Ro+.+ntree, Tim Hepper, Moe AlidJani: Other^s F+r°esent: Liavid Lewas, Carman Mayes., Will Aerg, Wayne Forney, Wayne Croo4;ston, Richar^d Donahue, Greg Johnson, Raleigh Haase, Dares ^liason, Arnold Stubbiefie3d, Michael Coven, Ruth Miller, George Yost, Retty £ermensolo, Virgil Smitchger: MINUTES OF pREVI0U5 MEETING HELD JULY 13, 1993: The Motion was. made Gy Rlidaani and seconded by Ra+_+ntree to approve the min+.rtes of the previo+.rs meeting he3tl July 13, 1993 a=_. written: Mot i ors Carr^i ed: Al l Yea: ITEM #l: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSION OF LAW: REQUEST FOR A REZONE TD CDMMER.CIAL PY SPRING HAVE P: HOMES: The Motion was made by Rountree and seconded by Shearer that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Roll Call Vote: Hepper -- Yea; Rountree - Yea; St>ear^er - Yea; fllid,aanr - Yea; Motion Carried: Ali Yea: The Motion was made by Rountr°ee and seconded by A]idjani that the Meridian planning and Zoning hereby recommends to the City Co~_mcil of th+e City of Meridian to approve a rezone for the property described in the application with the conditions set for^th in these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and that the property be required to meet. the water and sewer requir^ements, the fire and life safety codes, and the Unifar^m H+_ulding Code, and other D+°dinances of the City of Meridian, including that all parking areas shall be paved. Motion Car^ried: All Yea: ITEM #~': FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: REQUEST FDR UARIANCE OF GROUP CHILD CARE IN R-4 ZONE WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW GROUP CHILD CARE PY CAROLYNE RIDGEWRY: Johnson: Rny discussion regarding the Findings of Facts MERIDIAN PLANNING d ZONING AUGUST 10, 1993 PRGE The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Rountree that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission her^eby adopts and approves these Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law. Roll Call Vote: Hepper - Yea; Rountree - Yea; Shearer - Yea; Alidjani - Yea; Motion Carr^ied: All Yea: Johnson: Any ~^ecommendation for the City Co~.mcil? The Motion was made by Rountree and seconded by Hepper that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends that the Conditional Lase Permit requested tty the applicant for the property he denied. Motion Carried: Hepper - Yea; Rm_mtree - Yea; Shearer^ - Nay; Alidjani - Nay; Johnson: I'21 oppose the recommendation and break the tie. I'm voting against the motion. ITEM #t3: PUHLIC HEARING: DRRFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, PRESENTATION HY PLRNNIN6 DIRECTOR: .Iohnson: A4 this time 1 will open ttie Public Clearing at this time and invite our Planning Dir^ectar Ma^. Forrey to come forward at this time. Wayne Forrey, was sworn in by the attnr^ney. Forrey: I think with the publicity, must people know that the City Is. in the midst of a moratorium on new s.ibdivision applications and that has been a wonderf~.il opportunity for the City to catch ~.tp and meet with people to lack at development sssues. We tried to accomplish tht^ee things and we're almost there. First we wanted to update the City's Comprehensive Flan and that's the ma,joT° topic to discuss tonight. Secondly, we wanted to r^eanalyze the c~.trrent 2aning and Development Ordinance and look at any changes that are needed in that Os^dinance because it's the working document that guides development in the Clty and the third thing then wo~.tld be to analyze development fees. Pecause ofi a lot of concern in the Community at~aut providing MERIDIRN PLRNNLNG & ZONING RUGUST t@, 1'193 PRGE 3 police, fire, park and recreation services that directly affect o:.n^ q'.rality of life. We've had excellent comm.nity suppor°t. Have had two solid weeks of public workshops to help draft the Comprehensive Flan and the f'.rtr.u^e land :.rse map that's up here, and I' m going to just rrrn trn-o,.,gh a series of slides I think rt will take abo:.rt ten minr.,tes to just crpdate everyone on some of the thinking and policies behind the pr°oposed Comprehensive Plan and then we'll have a good gr.,estion and answer session. By the way if you have had a chance to look at iL, this is what the draft Comprehensive Flan looks like. We have had copies available at. the post office, the library, here at City Hall and 3 know score of you have pur^chased a copy as well. There's thirteen chapter^s in here and each one of these elements or^ chapters is r^eq,.eired in the state local land use planning act. The old Comprehensive Plan did nat. have some of those chapters, so we feel goad about it. In fact orre of the chapters that's new is schools and the impact on schools and that's been a roa.~or concern in the community. We feel good abo'.,t addressing that issue and also park and recreation. First of all tt:e Comprehensive Plan we're looking at. tonight is really a mixture of a lot of policy and planning documents and I j:.rst thr^ew a few on the table a took a photograph. The Co,.mty Comprehensrve Flan, our^ water and sewer master plan, facility plans, o'_rr^ coning o:^dinance, the pathway plan from Rda Planning Rssociation, a lot of things have gone into this draft Comprehensive Flan, but one thing that kept carving up over and over in that. two weeks of c3trzen inp,.rt was "quality of life" and just the other day as I was taking these photographs I was out on Ten Mile Road out by Fuller F'ark and this family was out picking beans ar;d I thought that's pretty neat because it looked like some teenagers helping. ]t's hand ir: my family at least to get the kids to da that.. Sc. 7 asked this lady if I could take a pict:_rre ar,d what. was her interpretation of quality of life and it was a garden. They chose this location because they had enough roam for a garden. This Comprehensive Flan looks at that issue. You might think, well how does that relate to planning br_rt really lot size and open space is really isportant to same people. ^thers it might be schools or parks ar quality of housing or the width of a street or taxes, but we've sncluded all of the that in the Comprehensive Plarr. The dar^k harder aro!,nd the yellow is the current area of impact. It's quite small, in fact tRat yellow that yo,.r see is about a year and a half old. That. yellow is the City limats, the gr^een is the co,_,nty property and the black ~s the area of impact. We ar^e right now, today, approving projects that are o,_,tside of that black ba,.,ndar^y. So we ar^e going outside MERIDIR~! PLANPdIRIG 8 ZCNIN'u' AUGUST 10, 1993 PAGE 4 of an ar°ea of impact that was negotiated several years ago with the Co!mty and we of ca+.:rse need to renegotiate that and enlarge that sa Meridian can laa4: at the growth ise.!+ee. aro!€nd the Community. Ya!r've heard about houses spr°inging up like earn, here's a picture of one. This is out south of the City, G!;t there are some real concerns about interfacing between the rural lifestyle and the !n^ban lifestyle and this plan does have policies in it that pr^otect farm+ng as welt as respect the apport+.mity for land development and the need far that in our community. The plan goes into pap!rlation projections. We reali=_.tically took a ten year 1004€ into the f!rture, although we've gut forecasts that go out to tt:e year^ 2035 and in the water and sewer area we go out to year 2045, Meridian is growing so rapidly we thought let's take a ten year lock. Ya!€ can see by looking at some of the numbers that by the year 2075, just twenty years from now Meridian will double to about 40,000 people. 4Je're c!rrrently at about 18,000 population right now and those building permit numbers that yo!r see there, this is based on analysis with First Security Rank and Idaho F'0wer Company, Rda Planning Rssociation and the City's awn forecasts. We looked at. building permit activity and you can see that between now and aL the year^ 2000 we're looking at aGola 6?0 to 700 homes per year that's good healthy development economy in the City. Cne thing that drives development in any community, but particularly in Meridian is access to sewer. Rased an our sewer master plan we developed some drainage areas. Some of you might notice that ther°e's a lot of development acc!rr r^ing on Ustick Rd., south of Ustick which wn!rld be on t:he east side of Meridian and in the Locust Grove Raad area, that's this area in Grown fshown on slide). That's the south slough tr!m}€ line and that is under construction and it's almost to Eagle Raad, planned far installation next year^ clear o+.et to Eagle ROad. This corner right here is within the Meridian Impact Area Gut based an our sewer master plan we car+not provide gr-avity sewer to that area, Poise City can. Sa we're proposing to give up this area right here to Rai =_.e City for fut. !+re sewer service. This area up north !€p McMillan Road, that's the North Slough Sewer Tr!mk project, this right here is in the Finch drainage sewer trLmk line area, this area in pink right here is in anottrer• sewer drainage area and in order to get sewer service inte ttn=_. area ir: pink we'll take a lift station and constr!cct it hare, this area in yellow we'll LaF;e a lift station and anything in this gr^ay can be severed today. Cur- trunk system has capacity to handle development in anything in the gray far f!at!ere sewer- service. Cne thing that's important to paint o+.rt is this ar°ea in green MERIDIAN pLANNING 8 ZONING AUGUST i0, 1993 pR6E S her^e and r^ight here the City of Meridian cannot provide sewer ser^vice to those areas. I thintt the City of Nampa ar Star- Middletan catald pr^ohably provide sewe:^ if tha± ever - just because of the dr^ainage the way it's going back to the Aoise River, it's .just not feasible for the City. Now this created an important basis then for planning where the sewer^s can 6e and the type of growth that wo,.rld occ!u-. One of the things we did is we looked at tr^,.rnk line capacity. Anything in g:^een that you see there, based on a~.rr twenty year pop,.rlaLian farecas+_ and o+_tr ;and use forecast out twenty years. those areas rn green are not overloaded. Those areas shown in the orange, those sewer limes are at capacity. So o,.u- c!u-rent sewage system has capacity to accommodate the growth that we forecast in the plan far the next twenty years. Sewer^ lines last longer than twenty years so we went out or. a 45 year population foremast arrd you can see that those areas in green are still can handle the flaw br.rt when you get in closer to town those orange lines are over-capacity and so 45 year°s ft°om now the City is going to have to ,_rpgt^ade some sewer pipes, but that's an excellent opportunity for this community, most Ctty's could not say that. Meridian's been fort,.mate that we've gat large pipes to accommodate growth. Our sewer master plan has gotten very specific, if you own property anywhere in that impact. area that I looked at. we can tell yo,., the depth of manholes, the size of the pipe, the elevation of the manholes, everything, very detailed sewer stl:dy went. into this Comprehensive Flan. The ar°ea in purple is a!u^ c!,rr^era area of impact. The area in orange is all of the areas that we car, proti•ide sewer service to, either^ now ar in the f,.aur-e as tr!,n4: sewers at°e extended. The area in green we cannot pr°ovide sewer service to and so we have nut included that for development in the Comprehensive Flan. We've scheduled that far agricultural development or^ continued agr^icultur°al operations. Now there are some special areas in the community that need spec"sal planning assistance. This area happens to 6e or, tt:e sotrttc side of Fairview an the very edge of the City and there's conflicts here with commercial ar.d indc:strial development, tt~e highway, tr-~affic, homes p..shing into ttrat area, we're propo=.ing this far mixed planned development. So everything is planned for compatibility and eval!,ated by this commission so we don't b!,ild in conflicts between competing land uses. Another area where there's a var^ietty of land ,.,ses. and this is in the Locust 6rovefFairview area, t:ere ya!e see com®ercial, ind~.istrial, some office in there and re=_.rdential, this again would be a planned mixed use development area. A special review for compatibility. The MERIQIRM17 ^L_RNNING 8 ZONING AUGUST 10, !993 ~'RGE 6 Comprehensive Pian took a hard lank along Franklin Road and I'm sitting on Eagle looking back towards the west, this is the back of those homes that front an Franklin Road and we've got high q:.rality industrial development on the low ground and +.rp high is the old t^esidential fats and properties along Franklin and this again wa:.tld be a mixed a+se area planned far quality development b:.rt to respect the people that are already then^e and to minimize traffic impacts. This is Overland Raad another critical area in the comm~.mity, it's an entrance to Meridian. It's a growing part of our- City, the interstate is in the bacbrgr^ound and here we have agriculture, residential, commercial, industrial, again it's going to be tY,e policies in the plan are oriented to visual enhancement. We've gat to protect the interstate the way it looks a=_. yna come thro:..gh Meridian b+_rt also allow development, So it wo+.rld be a planned use development area for a mix of uses. The Comprehensive G'lan is really oriented to increasing the City's .job base and tax base grad that comes from cammer^cial and ind'.rstrial development, this is the east ind:.,strial area to retain that as a light industrial area because of the homes that are there an the north side of the tracks but we've created a new generally ind:.rst r°ial area and we call it the west industrial review area and tt,is is - well I'm am Ten Mile Raad looking towards Nampa, yo... see those water tanks ir: the backgra+.rnd, that's the City of Nampa j'.rst aver the hii2 there, tn,t this area is proposed far gener°a3 ir,d~.rstr^ial development and wc'_tld tie into a new interchange that's proposed pit the Ten Mile Inters+. ate 84 area. We took a look at the Rda Planning Rssociatian long term traffic projections, we incorporated all of that planning into the process. Here are those interchanges, one thing that is critical to the City is getting good northlsouth movement. We have fair^ly goad east; west with the Inter=_.tate and Fairview, Cherry, F:^ankiin and Overland. We already have the existing Eagle Road Inter^change, we're proposing ar'; over^pasc. at L.ac+.,st. Grove, enhancement of the Mer°idian Raad Interchange, a new overpass at Linder, a new inter^cY,ange a-* Ten Mile, improving the existing overpass at Al ackcat and then at Mc4ermott, right here, would be the proposed east Nr,npa Interchange. Ril of those traffic calculations have been plugged into tyre model and by the way 1 might mention, I'm always asked the garestion, are we going to have a one-way couplet in downtown Meridian using East First. and maybe Meridian Road fur the two movements of traffic, this plan does not forecast a need for a downtown ea~.rplet system and that'. based ~.rpar. these improvements that yo'.< see here so that we car; have north/snr_rth movement using existing roads with maF;ing a significant change in the downtown. Again, the Inters*. ate is f9ERIDIRN PLRNNIFJG 3~ ZONING auGUSr :~~, 149 ~`f1GE 7 really critical, this i=_. the west entrance int.. Meridian. This is in the Ten Mile - Inter-state 84 area, this area will be s~.,b.ject to a design review or a significant review by the Commission and the City Council to make s'.rre that the '.+ses. there are attractive to the people that '.;ve there and will pass by in their cars. One tM ng that we have done is to incur^porate the ^ar°k et irao the Comprehensive Flan. We _:nderst ar~d that the market worke. as it does in every City and it's not proper 1 thrnk. in a Comprehensive F'lar. to dictate hard and fast rigid r~_+le=_.. This piece of property ye'.; can see the owner has advertised a variety of things that co~.rld happen and that's all allowed ir• this Comprehensive Flan. The important tP,ing here is to make sure it's q~:ality development, whether it's. commercial or technical or light ir~d,.,strial or even residential, it could all work if it's Mended and ccmpatible and planned with the =_.~.rrrounding area. D'.;r waste t:^eatment plant has capacity now, we're making improvements to keep that capacity there for new developmera. There are some problems, I'm at the Waste Treatment Plant looking back towards the City and yo,., can see the roof lines of homes steadily coming toward the waste tr^eatment plant. A waste treatment plant is j'.rst like an airpor°t, it needs c: ear canes, a need far protection from er;croachment., this Comprehensive Flan identifies an agricultur^al preserved area ar°a~_md the waste tr°eatment pi ant to make s.n^e t!+at. that plant car: operate 45 years from now at. the capacity we anticipate. Schoo:s are incl'.rded in the Campr^ehensive Flan ar,d in yellaw there yap: see that mast of the schools have a certain percentage of over- enrollment and it's a little bit like the chicken and egg =_.yndrome, do you have people first. and then the schoa] or tt:e school first and then the people. It's a to~.rgh q~.restion but I wo~..ld ask you to think abo~_,t this - Jim Shearer, a member of the Commission :ses this analysis and I think it's good. Everyone camplained aba~_,t Meridian Road oar^th of Cherry and that that two lane road needed to be improved b~.+t the Highway District didn't imprave it i_+ntil there was ena~.,gh s~_r6divisions out there to +•~ar-r-ant the investment so in that case it tank people first and subdi•.•ision and then the road improvements came and maybe that's the way we o-.eght to look at this in terms of =_.chcols. That it *_akes g:^owth and development ar:d then tt:e schools come. We pr^obably all wo,.rld like it to be fast. A,.rt this Comprehensive Plan recognises that growth ;., occ~_u-ring and that we will support schaol development in this comm,.,nity. Speaking of schools and parks, one of the things the plan has treavy emphasi=_. an is teaming and co-develaping schaol MERIDIAN PLARINING & ZON[NG AUGUST 10, 1993 ?AGE t3 sites and neigF:bo:^hnod park sites and liberally throughout the area ar°e small neighborhood parks five to sever: acres combined .•aith Elemen#ary and .7,-color and Senior High School sites and we've on the map the school district Eras lncat ed generalized areas fnr- new schno2s, that's all incorporated. Tyre pathway plan, Roisr started the process, it. me+ved into Me:°idian and it's now even moving into Nampa and we're in tFre middle of all tF;at, we've provided tF:e linkages nn the east and west edge. of the comet,-rr,ity t.o incorporate m,.rlti-use paths. and the bicycle-pedestrian. and even equestrian ,.rse thrn,_rgh the community. Line thing that's been gratifying through this Comprehensive Plan Process is. developers are now coming to us and saying we want to b,_rild a path thrcugh our subdivssion. This is one we got j~_est the otFier day so it's been good that tF:is ~lan+-,ing process ha=_. heightened tF:e awareness of the need for good amenities in subdivisions. 'ia:.r know several montF;s ago that was not ncc,.rrring b,.rt tc:dny it's happening and it's because of citi:.en involvement and yo~.rr efforts to the Commission and the Counc.l to req>_rir^e these things. This is a proposed regional park concept, a c;tizen volunteered to sketcF: a proposed par~•k near Ter, I'file ar:d Ustick. We felt that was a ,.remendnus oppor°t,.rnity fur the City, we've ider;tified that area as a p~-oposed regional park site. ?his is j,.:st a concept but there's a lot of energy in tF,e community that we're taking advantage cf to get things dome. This is the Ttrlly F'ark if yo~.n, fani2iar with that. lt.'s on Linder Read abn,_rt lit mile north of Cherry Lane along Five Mile Cre;=•k. The City p,.:rchased that a year and a t:alf ago and in the next years budget 1 think it's S15C1,000.00 proposed to improve this eighteen acre site. There's no q:-restion Me;°idian is behind in development br_rt it's costly, ver^y costly to b,.nild City parks b,_rt we'.^e making some headway and one of the tFrings the play, does is encnr_rrage developments to provide the land to tFee City and then the City would develop the park ar;d that will help. To tie thir:gs together, the Comprehensive Plan incl'.rdes a financing camponer:t or a capital improvs•ment plan. St's sever°al pages long and 1 er+co,.rrage yn~.r to thumb thra,.rgh it, in fact we're in the budgeting pr^ncess right now. Z1,.et just for an example, citizens d:_,ring that two weeks of workshops said we need mnr^e pc:lice and fie-e to enF,ance our q,.rali#y ^f life and that's :n the Comprehensive Flan and you see that in the ne:a year b,.rdgrt there's a proposal fur 160,000.00 which world basica'.I}• hire ±wo additiar:al police ar:d two addit; onai fire officers. Then-e's a lot. of tF:ings sch ed,.rl ed of co~.rrse_^. tFis but it's important that the f.scal side of development and taxation being incl,.rded in the planning process and we've done that. This is the final slide and tF:is is the hlFRIDIRN fiLRNNING 8 ZONIFJG RUGUST 10, 1993 r RGE 9 same map that yor_: see hanging over here an the easel, it's the Coml+rehensive Plan map, it Ianks at f,.rt•.ar^e land ,.ese designations, it's ger:eralized. If yon.: see a hard and fast line please 6e aware that that's srabject to change and movement, it's nct a rigid system b:.at it designates wher°e tha fut+.are fire stations wo:.rld be, parks and school=_., bi ke• paths, commercial ind~-rstria2 mixed ~~.ase, residential, all typee. of develapmer.t. think it's something we need tc debate and discarss and it creates the framework for planning in the Cammunity. Mr. Chairman that's my comments. 7ohnson: Thank you. Rny G,.aest.ior~s of the Cc:mmission for Mr. Forrey before we mc:ve to the public? Rlidjani: Cr+ a portion that. yo:.: we;^e showing as slide regarding the number of permits given far 6+.ulding at the present time in 2993 was abo:.:t 900, what ,s. t`:e reasor, of pro.~ectian that these n~_rmbers ga down to 2041 or 400 nr 300"' Farr^ey: I think it goes dcwn to about 67~ and that's based :,:pan - and those are in five year blocks. I mean tY:at would 6e annually lnaking o,.rt to year X000. Rlidjani: Under wF:at. ealculatan do you project it's going to less nat mare^ Far^rey: Idahn Pawer Company, First Security Pank, Rda Planning Rssociation and the City cf Meridian all working together laoked at +.he ecnn.omy of Rda Ca~.mty and made some forecasts and the ecanomic farecasts indicate a tapering off in 1996 and tF;er, a slow decrease aut to the year 2000, not a significant decrease but eno,.agh of a drop we felt the permits may level off to aba~,a ?0L? in the next five years_ Jahnscn: Thank ya+.:. Rnyane else to testify^ Bavid Lewis, 2494 Tanninger Way, was sworn 6y the attorney. Lewis: First 1'd Mayor_ I saw for I didn't see it incl,,rded? Forray: Tt,e p2a co~.rld 1 mean tyre the policies he:^e like to complimer~at Wayne and the City and +_he the first. time an euisting f,.:t+.rre sewage lines, in the camprehensive plan, is that to be o Itself does nat e,pecifically inc-1,_:de it, it map, the backgro~,.rr,d infar•me+tinn xs included in and we s'_:re co+:-:ld incl+_:de that m~;p. M[~IDIfl:"1 PCANNICdG 3 ZCINING AUGUST ItZ:, ! 99.3 t'AGE ;0 Lewis: The reason why I'm saying that i=_. yo:.r had a pict!u~e of a piece of property on tt:e southeast corner^ of Eagle and Overland Road, whic!-, is par^t of a panne;°sY;ip that I`m ;n on 8C~ acres and `. or the last 1P or 19 months we ha~~,re recei•:ed in e:.cese. of 9@ xnqu;ries aGu!rt that: property. rJ+,et of that °, t? we have s,_rGstantial people who have locked at that pieta of property beca!cse it fit. within their^ agenda buL it duesr.'t address the sewer and wate:° qualifictaions ttsat the City of Meridian: may want to impose on it. In that process, such people as LJall Mart, PMC West, Micron 7rchnulogy, Micron Censtr;.ction, Poise Cascade have _nq!u red about it.. Tt:ey say we12 when can we get sewer and water 'here and I have tc say that I dan't know that answer^. The tax base that I thought wn!:ld have Geen coming into Meridian has gone •1=.ewhe~r^e_ 1 wo,.:ld 'khink that it wu=.rld be pr~.:dent for the City to cons.ider~ the fact tt;at ;f ycu cvt.Id put. an existing and the possibility c:f where ya!: were goring to go with the fut!:r^e sewage out then^e to accammadate something like ours ar,d also the property to the west cf us. Also addressed the traffic data ;nfor^mation -- see tape fur f!rther expl anatior~: and :-eco,r,mendat or: s. 'ohnson: Tt,ank yo!r. Rrryunc~ else t.o testify"' Carman Mayes, 3''1Cn E. Franklin Rd., was swcr^n Gy the attorney. Mayes: Pasicaily three areas of concern. _ live on Franklin Road Getween Eagle ar,d Cloverdale and according to the plan it's a princip3e arterial road and Mr. Forney mentioned that traffic _~ moving fine in tt:at direction. There are many suGdivisions proposed and already tieing G,_rilt :..p an Cloverdale and the s~_n-~+^vur;ding area. Concer-~ned that northing is listed in this pla;r ter' ±he Comprehensive elan of Ada County for a widening ofi Fr°ankl in Road. I wo+.rld likt• tc see something included there for 'his. Addressed Gicycle safety, ir,spectiun and registration of. I think that designated small side lar:es as bicycles trails are n u', safe procedu:^es. Also concerned abuta the side harrow-Pits or, the roads, pollution: ar:d weed control. (See tape for f~_rll e::planation7 Also concern aGout the incl:_rsion of the Ada Cu!mty Recreation District being ir•corporated with the City, although I ~.rr.der=_•tand the thinF:ing there it was my under=_,tanding that presently that includes the Meridian Fir^c• D-is.trict as .t'~ boundar°i es, Tohnso:-,: I wm.,ld like a cl:r~ifiicatiurr on your last statement recur'ding Western, Ada Recreation District. MERtDIaN ~Lar•r!utraD s ~orilydr, auousT Im, 1a~3 pAGE 11 Mayes: My cancer°n is arr. I :.rader•sto;!d the Comprehensive p7 an 'h,t the City is going tc tr^y tc incorporate t`:e two ir;tc one. I gut the impe^ession that the City .s gaing to be xn charge and since I am not presently in the City and am par°t o` thi=_. district you know I'm just worried about what's fining to t,appen there and .)ust e>•.actly why Meridian ww.:ld take ove:- areas o~_,tside the City. Johr,san: Thank you. Anyone else? David Lewis.: Just a clarification fer the lady that. wa=_. talking abo~.,t Franklir+ Road being expanded, I talked to the state a ca~_rple of days ago ar,d thc:•re is going to he an expansion of Franklin Road from Penjamin Str^eet, which is.~to the immediate east of Maple C,rove, it's gaing to fin fr-nm a five lz+ne• e>:pand t.a a seven lane at the intersection of Maple C,rc;~~.,e and Franklin and :ed,_rce back dawn to a five lane gaing ap:pro+timately ~000t feet to the east cf Five Mile, appra>:imate'_y :4.13D~ feet un F.ve Mile and to the Fddy's Pakery and that's sometime in October. Johnson: Thank yo;.r, Ar,yor.e else:' Dor_s Dl-asan, pane Street, was swnr^n by the attorney. Oliason: I live over here an Pine> Street in the Ca,.,nty. I'm here be•ca~.rse we have property out on the Eagle Rand Interchange. We have not had very many inq+.eries to G,.:y e:r,-' land 6eca,.ese of wtrat the Transportation Department did Y. c; ,.is ire 09. They just p,.rt one road irao o,.u^ place and I want to a=_.k yc~_,, i=. it a req..rirement that we have 'ka have twc roads that would link oi:r place onto Overland^ It's very difficr.alt to soli our parcel cf lard the way it is. Johnson: We dor;'t know what +.t,e Ce..u-ay will wart to da ir. tt:at instance b,.,t we will pass that ir,fnrmat.ic,r: ar: and ya~.rr testrmany s•Jill be part ~f the record. Dl:asen: Well b'.at. i±'s ir; the Meridian Impact A2-~ea. ohnsan: Yes b,_rt we have nu cc+r,tral over the streets. We do maF;e t^ecommendations but we ha•:s~ r,u a!sthnrity aver s:.t.reets. That wot:ld be Ada C'o,:,ir.ty Highway Distr°ict. Oliccan: I understand that the City of Mer~.dian will nat. allow any developmer:t unless the:^e are two accesse=_. into a partic,.rlar piece of deve:apment. RiERZDIf?fi F'LR~IPdIhtG 8 ZUPJI3VG AUGUST £VJ, 1993 rRGE 1c` Johns~~... The City of Meri~'iar. does make t'-~' derision but ir: most uses your right there'., more than ane entran::e into ~; large development. Rlid.~ani: Fcr many years Saennybraak Farm ~;-:bdivision ha=_, only `tad ane =~r;tr-erce. ~~Iaason: We are left in a very diffic~.:lt ~:t::atian the way we have that read Dirt t°.ler^e. Johnsen: Whet, tt;ere is development and there ,~ plans and those pla^s a; e s~.e6mitted far review, at ttsat point probably someone will want more tl-,a:r cne er,tr~ance in then-e. That's the time that :•rill be addr-~essed beca~.rse it's a fire and safety co^eern and t,hat's w!-,at Grir:gs. ~::aor.:t mot°e that; one E7'+tr--once. ^lason: Ada Co~.rnt:y is aba~.rt the worst making place in the who'_e State of Idaho far- weed.,. I have appeared before thr Mer^idian City Cap-rncil, 1 bare appeared before the Ce•~.rnty Commis~,oners to do something aGai:t them ar:d nobody is doing anything abo~.rt it. This reeds to 6e and .:d ed in the r'omprehen=_.ive Flan. lohr:sor,: Thank yo~.r. We dc+ have r weed ordinance in place, it may need some refining, we may need mae^e ma:raes e:rpended i;~i that. area but it's a good paint. "J'_iasor~: Ordinances don't work, it. takes to lang. Johnson: Thank yc~-+. Rnycr;e else? R~.rth Miller^, 70~1~ S. Meridian Rd., was swa+'~n by the attorney. Miller: Z .j~.rst have a few rr~.restions, Where sewer•• service a=_.n't going to be available tc a=. far awhile wi L' we still be allowed to split five acre parcels? .. r'OaF:st.Gn: Y:r 1, r" ]n the va~.mty^ P?il'.er: Yes. Cranks.tc^: T.. my L:naw2edge they are allr:wir.g splits. t•9iller: Of ten acres p*^esently. CraoF;stan: Na into Pave ages if yap-:r ... the impact area. MER1oIAn1 r~nMwlMr, s zonlllvc SIUGUT. i4'?, 1493 PRGE i3 Miller: The other q,.rest.ion I hc,ve, I noticed Chet yc:u have in the long range plan to hsrve two parks rarthwest. of Meridian, what ar°e the plans so+.+tte of Meridian because we have a lot of _. ,_+6divi=.ians going in a~.+t the:-e too' Torrey: E-,plained on map where prck;ased park area=. ar^e. Miller: I wo;_+ld like to a2sa talk about the weeds. It is a real p>°ot;lem in this Co,.+r•~.ty. ~chrssan: Tt:ank you. Rnyone e'. se to test ify~ MiF:e C_.v:zr:, 6°~.?=+ Ear,•view Aven•.+e, Poise, +•aas sworn by the attcrne-y. Coven: 7t:e are: that I'm addres~.i,-;g is in the area of impac*. of ~.dj~astment. in the northeast par°tion of the map. Passed map out to Commission memGer-s. Read letter s,.+bmitt.ed to Commission - Iet.ter ar+d map on record with min;.+tes. .Iohnson: Thank yo,.+. Aryane el se^ 6earge 1'os.t, Hc>; E,86, Emmett, wat. swam, by the attorney. `i cst I represent also my brat her, he ar:d I owr. tagether° own 45 acres in this area that their talking abo+.+t now of changing from impact ar°ea f:-om Meridian to 0aise beca,.rse it can be served Johr.san: Where is yo,.n- property" Post: The property is located an L!sticl• Rand between Cloverdale ar:d Eagle on the north side of thc• read. What is the progress ar the steps that are taker if there is a cf-,ar:ge ,`ram the one area of Meridian to Liaise? Has that been disc,_+ssed with Poise, do ya~_+ ri 1iGW~' '-orrey: Explained an map t.a Mr. Yost -- see tape fa:^ e>:planatian. We car:not provide gravity sewea^ service to yattr area b~.+t Poise has agreed to include that area in their sewer service area and in the'~r area of impect s+.+bject to p+_+blic testimony at tonight's p~.+blic hea,^ing ar,d the September 7, ?~±9~ City Cc,~.+ncil F`,_,bIic Hear~ir.g, it's, a p~+^apostil <+'. t.`,i[--. point. Raise City can sewer^ it, ?",e*^i d'. an canr;at sa we think it^s practical that the two City's cooperate ar~d define those areas and that's what, we've dare. ^:E`2IDIRhf pL_pN!'dfh:G ~ ZONI'JG pUG'J8T 10, 1993 FAGE 14 .cst.: My statement !';er^e tonigY;t then v+ould be that m~;• brother ~':ar:^y ar:d l reNreserting these 4S acres right in that ccr-ner would have na n6,je~t:inn to this ct-:ange of j:_trisdictian. Tohnsun: Thank yau. Anyone else" Re'ty P•ermrnsniu, i97Qf Canonero, Raise, was sworn by the attorney. Rermensulu: I'm taming t;ere tt;r,ight as a member of the So:_tthwest. €tda Ccurty Alliance and our gr-n:.:p ._ r~nr:~e~;-ned abo;.:` g:..owtt, iss:.tes. in the emir^e southwest Ada Ca,_rnty. I want. to thank 4Jayr,e F::,..,...ey and Tammy far act,.utlly extending the plan, and tt,e -~orung n:~~dir:ance to o,.rr^ grntEp, it's been vex^y helpful. Reca,_rse it is p:-eceder;t srtting I r'~eally would like to compliment Wayne on the fact that there a+^e policies and language that I hope since I live j~.,st east of the Meridian Impact Area might yet adopted into the Raise C~mpre*.en=_.ive Flan e+nd :'m n^ that s~.rb-~committez as v+el 1. I did talk with 4Jayne e;:t ensively abu:.,t the need for language that discusses b,.:.`ferir:g tech:-+iq~-res fur existing neighbort:~od residential tt:at wn,.t?d be ab--:ttcd with -,~ ba-: density's. ?hat the lang~.+age sho:.tld be very clear- and specific abo!tt. hew tf-:at transition wo~.rld occur ar;d I hope that it does gn much f,.rrther than I had anticipated and yet I hope t~,at v+e ca;: expand it a little f,_tr°ther. I'd lFce to see ir. one of the 'Jrdir:ances that indicates b.RLP, ner+ urban density s+.tbdivisians which ab:.rt t^ e>tisting t^u+^al +^ee.idential land uses shall provide screer:ing ar,d transitional densit. ~ with larger, and 1'd like tc. insert "more comparable" lot ,..es t.:~: b~.:fifer the ir.r:er face bet w,-err ..,rhan level density'e. ar:d r;rral resider:±ial density's. I '.hink the wording "more cumpa:°at:ie" clew^ly defines to the develaper that if there i=_ a five acre or a one ac:°e parcel that the land that he is planroiny on placir:g immediately ab~-rtting that parce•1 s.ha:.:ld be cemparat+le_ (Examples given and feu^ther -xplar:atinn - see tape} The next one, 6. 4U - F'ropnsed 'Jrbar, Der;sity Development whist; ah:_tts or is approximate to existing residential deve; opment s!-,al'_ tie secbject tc+ design review committee approval and I'd like to add "with representation and inp~:t from the existing resider,tia2 de:~elnpment_" I really feel that that's essential r;aw. Feels residents .^ area she~.,ld have an inp~~_tt. I would like to see pus=_~ibly ar. affidavit in place that v+o.;ld, J'.,st like the school dis*_rict o>^ water resources, be a Fn°e-req!.isite that tt:e applicant contact. tY:e ea~.isti;:g neig`':borhoad and actually disc-_,s=. the project 6efure a Planning and Zoning date wa> put into p'_ace_ I tF:ir.k it wu:,tld def,-:se a `.1E`? I'J T_!a"•1 F'~R^fP; IhG 3 ^N':.`du ?UGUSr 'N, 1.993 PtaGE ? 5 lest of sit;.:atinr:s that er.d +.rp +'_ Plannir:g Y. ?nni:~,g before hand. Their cor:cerns are as valid as the schools concerns and I think n off ida~.it of t;;is r+at~_u^e i=_~ r.ot it+app:^apriat e. I'd like you ., :; think aba~.:t tS'rat. _'. o.'-n-+snn: What's yc~.n^ r-ea=_.on fa:- dairy that.^ R wise developer. does. that, ncrw, ~.:-e yo'.+ war:ting tha*, mandated? Rermensolc: I am rat seeang it as something that yce_. an a=. often as it should. '. think that if it yeas mandated ,~,.+st. as the affidavit coming Fram the s.chcc.l dist;-~ict it cn+.:'.d be fur the :^ecord, You kn:,w the concerns t-hat the deveiapmr:~r;t had a<_, well a*_. the strcny points that that development mig'-rt affe>~. It. may give the F'lannir+g and 2or+ing Raard a better ide=; of what. to asF; the applicar:t to maybe incorp:arate intc t-+is plan. t!-~ink ;t ja,st represent.:. ar, oppnrtr_tnity to yet a more totes? pict:.:re n` develoF:mer+t as it goes forward. -ce=. tt~-at answer yes,-+r gtire=_.tion^ .Iahnson: It answers my q,.:e st:on, I don't see it war°kir;g. won't see it working beca+.:se I don't think `he homeowners in a. lot of a:^eas a:~e grope.:^ty repro.=.ented, I tt:ink tt-;ey wa!:ld be '.-reading on grn:.;r:d they wo~.:ld be totally unfamiliar with in a lat. of cases and ? see it being very restrictive. That's a personal opzr:ion. Eter^mensclw Well I hope that. it wo,-:ld po^ove to be ar. asset. rather than ri dete^imS•nt to the prace~i:~=.. don't know anytt-„ny t~; bout. kind p]ar:nir:g 6~a when it come=_, to your back yard yo,, become as knowledgeable as ya,,r po=_.sibly can er:d o+_:r gr^oup wo+.;ld afford people in tt-:e say-rtt-rwc-st. ar; oppc,^t unity to at least better represent themselves. I'd like to offer ar:other^ ;Jrdinance arc. Call .. 6. 12U, b'.Et I'd 1.-:e to see that. new ~ r :an ensi y Jevelcp:mer:t. shall inclt:de creative open landscaping techniques that p:-eserve the feeling and r:.u°al atmosphe:^e. I'm thinking xore in terms of open fencing, yon., kr:nw Ct:ain link verses ce•~+a-:~ board. This might be incorporated in pr.rt. in 6.9L1. Rr.ct.her one L. 13U :~+here agr~ic~.:Itur^al land wi tP,in t!-:e Mer°id; ar: Impart. Rrea i~. being ~.rsed in this capacity, the City of Mer~idan wil'_ protect. an:l offer ,ncentives to tt;ose ir:dividuals wt:n rr:ca,.:rage and „minimize the lass of prod+.:ctive ayricult,.n-ai land:." Tt:e reason that's q+..oted is becar.tse it does came from the C.nmpr-~eher.sive Flan and I thin{~~ it's a ve:^y important element in t`+e Cnmpreher;sine Plan. need to ask a few q:.;estiar,s t`tat. Wayr;e ca,-+Id answer. Re`ore the mnr^at.orium I knave t!:aL samethir;g _ame out that. indicated hove ;nary Tats were c,_,rrent'.y on bald pending ccr+pletion .f the Ccmpret•+f'nsive F'1a°+ and l wanderer? if I m.yht have tt:at n,.:mbe r. • M>=~rDrnra ~~nn~rilra~ s zotltri:, n~`=~ 1 is ahnson: b3hat dc, yn;.: mean by on he'd? Yc::_: mean in the land bank _,, to speak? Aermer.s.olo: Rigt-at cn tYre pipeline. _7ohnson: Tt-ra~t have already been app;'~o~~ed ar~d ready ...r development and only neede. a tn_:ildir._--g pe;-m;t, .; th_s` what yc.. mean? Aermensolo: Well t!":r ones that we:'~e di=_._~.rssed as pending. .Lahr;son: That's anothe:~ set of fig•._ir-e,. 4lhich one do yn;.r want"' Aer^mensolo: Well I'd li}<e the ones that were ... I g:_,ee.s there wa=_ m.rmbe:° in pi ace that was q;..oted in ~~- ]ohnso:~: Thrre are a lot of lot. th.t already have been approved yu!r E;nr:w and the ma~o^atur-i;.rm does r:ct affect those 6ecacrse all it took was a b;_:ildir.g permit to development these. Ther^e were applications s~.:bmitted that Wayne can address that are kind of ire stages cf be: ng held until the moratorium :_ lifted. Did yc~: .~~ant to Fcr:ow the numbe-;^9 P;ermer,s.elo: 'fes th:e n:.ember of lets t?-:at that represented that could go`urwar~d with requesting b._rilding permits. Farrey: Tn :-cued nr.rmbers about. 3, 2t@k", total lets but it broke dnwr: tF:is way. About 1,0@0 lots are already approved platted subdiv_sions waiting fer b~.rilding permits another I,iQs@ in the process for final plat appr-o:~al before the City Council and ar~. addi±iinal 1,4~G.1tn that. is right now muvsr.g thro!;gh the system that. gave been thrc!:gY; at. least .,;-.e p:...,.~ hear;ng v;itF; ti'.e F'lanni:-;g and Zoning Commission and that final I,L?•t'!2i the:t. I'm +.all;ng about. will be heard by the Meridiaan Gity C:, ,.:r.~l or-r A:.:g-.rst 17, 1993. Bermensolo: Tt: an4< yar_r. How m:.rct; •dac~ar; t. land is c:.:rrently available for developmen+.? Ada F'lar:r.ing Rssociation refers to vacs. r:t land as. land that. is ~cned resident _al, ccmme:^cial or Indust:-ial that is within and L4^ban Ser~~ice area and I was .-;terested to kr;a.; how mucl-: of that area un the Meridian Impact 1•-~ea is denoteC as vacant land c~.rrr^e-;tly? r1~al~*~rt pi nrtr:Ir;s s zeralrl~ fl llULcJT 1~.~%, 19?3 Torrey: rd,_at-. best gtte=_.~. ,;tat dt.:iny a gcrick ar-:alysis of the land -_tce pattern .._, aho,_rt 40X c` the Mer~idxan Impact Brea i=_. ccn=.idered L1r^bar: Development ar in the precess or in the graces<_. _,t^ a-r;tici ported for L'r6an Development, E.~tX i=_. in agri~irlt~.rr^al u:^ I g~.:ess weeds. Bermer.__.u: C>tt:y ..~ a*~~.;`. 60X of .!. i:, agric_:lt~.u-al. man yo:.. !ell me what .:,axed resident: al mear:s"• for°rey: Mx>;ed resident ial is a pl ar: ring term and it's ..sed _,: the sewer flow analysis. [very time yon: `rave a land use category 'here' ~ a certain sewage _~untrit~_:.ttic:t t.. that which went .ntn t.h~^~.:e sevaer mGdels t!"sat. we preser.`ed torsi 3`:t. T`,e mixed -es.idential varies: from a der:sity of aba:.tt tt:ree Lc; five dwelling :.:nits per acre. It cc::.tld incl.:de rnenufact,_rred t-:o=.,sir:y, m_>bile !-:D~.tsir;g, condomi~..:.tms, single family`, ":fig,^. q•.:al.'.:y mingle far.:.: y. ~e vel Gpmei:t, xt~S a m: kt'.ire 'w!.1 Cll wot:'_d be di Ct atE•ij b'y lei r:d :.15c pOllCi e=., the mit"}:et, de Jei Opm ent pi''fi~ed Ur'eS at. ~~:at t.: me. It' _. ar: .r,ditation that there's a mixt:.u^e of housiny that co:.:ld occ~.rr fir. ±hat area. Fiermensclc. Pr.:t it tends tc be higher dtra=_.ity t.t-.an the _inyle fa^:ily tuft n~u use of - ~Gr..;°.ey: Sligtat?y h:i gher than st r~ai ght, single fan:i2y. The single family density that was ~_tsed in this Cnmprehen=.ive Flan is at '..h+^ee ..nits faer acre. r',ost of tt:e• sir:gle family deve2opmen±=_. --~tC:.fir^rir:g fight nGw in Met^idian at^e abott"t ~.5 dwe?ling :.traits per acre b•.tt. we :_tsed tt;e mi>:ed des-:gnation to :^e`le~_#. tt:at thet^e a:-e a need for d~.rple;:es a:rd fa.tr pie•uus ar:d m:.:lti fenny projects .and !'fiat of to~.t r'se h~.s a higher- s~-wage f1Gi: ar;d that wa= G:i It .ntC the sewage model. Sermer:solo: O}.aq" but. in thr.- mixed residential c-npac-ity yu~_: cannot have a temmer*~ial mode car anything' I'm refer:^ing I y:.:ess to the area that.'=, desigz,ated a. mixed re~,idei;tial whit''; is sG:.rth of DverY+r,d and east of Eagle. It's fens'•ly 1ae'ge Arid it's vide caper: space r_yht nuw arrd I'm comfortaLle with that. intensity. ? g:_:ess we wG:_rl.-". wart to know cr. what basis t`:at mired residential was needed. 1 mean if there a:^e derncgrapl~:xc-. tt-: at. state that. it. wo~.rld be reG:;xred. I ±hinl: t!,at. ":at. wc~:ld certain/y to snmett_ing that we'd like to k.^.ow bGUt. fat t'-:i=. puint, We wu::ld li};e a y:_ti et. ;:[-igh L'O'a^ nr:d ... t:-: ~:! at"Pn if we':^e t~,l Fiir:g a~:G _, t. for:cern=. ;~;e feel tt:at ttsat is an a=^ea that cer^tairsly c~:.;Id y,: residential, xt mould go a n:_tmt,er o` Way`s blit I thin}c that we. i °*'.FPIDI!?F! ^'LflFl^:IP:G ~ ZGrNIk1G r?UGU~T ItT, 199 n~r;c t F wo,.:id. SiF.e to see a a~:iE-t neiyt,Gar-. Z don't 4.r:aw wt:ett~er^ there' demogi..ar,F;ics that :'"tally <.. ._lpF,p.:--t, tst tt:is rutr, ~., ':a^::r,g `,. tint Iarge of ~.,ncentration of mixed re=_.ider:tial ..~_. really am <.. t•eginr:e. at this and I hope that peaplt ,_:nder st and that I'm `r.ying to interpret a lot of t`:ings. From what 1 can gee the lard -.sc a'_locat i.,,.~ naed to Ge ~:alar:wed t~ the pop-.,lat ion, p;~~cectior,s. Nc.a ~.lrban grown; sho_:ld to a s,.;fficient sire to accommodate only the urban gr-~ov:th p>°n.}ected to ccc~.lr n~'er' the =_,,.lcceeding twe:;ty year pl ;r, r:;ng period, t_+F:ir:g .r:+.c ~cc~,.lnt tF-,e fc11Gw-.n^y CGr,_ldt'1'at1Cn_. wh1Ch wlll lr:fl!:enC(- tt':e amGtli,t n` laud which ..: .. =_. t. be designated far ;st_b.~:r: g~..ow+..`,. Semc• of these ltrms ::.,:,lld be lard with :.atonal r-ansir~air;+~., srs~ch ~.- cr:ti_al a~°e.:.s, e;-lvi-ror,mentally st•?ns.stivt larr;;, air^ic,_llt:.lral land to Ge preser'vtd. tF,_;r~"thtr~ erpia-nation - see tape; .Iohnsan: We're rrc,t: rezor:ir:g anything. Did yo,.: mentlnn rezane^ Rermensclo: Fedesignating lard ,_lse, I':r, sorry. 4Je're Find of .,string t>,.u^selves, wt:at are the c+.lrrent ~ammercia'. t: residential . atics :,aced ,-;Fain, especially in tt:is mixed ..se area. F;naw 'ha' t~.,ese are a int n` q,-lestin.,s 6_et I tho~.lght tt-,a,. 'hose are sntsr tF:ings that we might want to explc=^e, especially the mixed ~.l>e aria beca..se tt:at Cuerlarld car,^idnr, whlc!; p:°esentiy is in residential as wel. as some ind~.;st,'ial needs to be har:dled ve:^y r.a•^ef:,liy. I fee; it's retllly lmpeT^a±i•re i^ terms of putting mi>:ed ,-lse ~.:p against ehis}ing residential that we cnr.tinue tc :-"e_ally 1:,04: at the ~°atin cf commercial is residential ,.lse in those a--er:s. I g~sts_ t`.e:,e seems. t=. L-e a 1,:,'ge n21oc_;ti.,.. of land along Overland that' ~ designated mi,;rd planr;ed ,.,r;lt. development a;~ea ar:d again tt;e acceptable r~a'ios wi*.hin this Cist riot, what are tt,ey a^.d wi'ho,.lt an adopted ratio „':r real rea,.. i= =trip cemmerc~ial. Jot:nso^:: 1` yo..: ;^tad '..tie .^.ompreher:e.ive Flan yw.l know that. tt:e malty __ oprosed *_a s±r^ip commercial and sn states. Ben-mensal o: I feel that I'm j ;t's .mperative that ±tle City .'-~r..m~. c,f ac:dre=_.ir;g ratios, 7ohnson: 4:hat. do yne: mean by yc;u talking pcuple, are yn LaIF,i^g' lst. making crimmen±. that: I feel that. of Meridian; put ~., many specific that it g;:aT°antee some kir:d cc - - ratio" Define rat.ic for mt. Gyre : tai F;ing ac~r cage, what are y'cs. Permersalo: I'm talk:.ng a ratia ~` land being .,sed fol.. =n^me...cial as opposed to r^e_.identla'_, as. cppc:sed ±c _nd:-,stria?. MER'_7If%!'•: 4''L'1h1PdIN 8 ZDNIt~1G rR^r i`? lohnsnn: Far•+p yeu ,just tralirir:g arr'eaye? ~ermensalo: Well prrobal~ly t.hc overview of that particular ;,re;ec", yeas. I'm sure Wayne is familiar catch some of those -•atios b+st we wsuld ,j+sst have a fetter- idea o` what kind of mi:a rruu:.d ~~~ur in that ar-ea nur'th of f]verland if t:~:ose figures wr_r.e in place. I'd just lit<e to mall; yc., through somethir+g that came as a s,arpr-i~se. t;:: me. I y-.ie•_~ it 5oea back to some of the question=, ask. In or.e square :nile which constitutes cr.e of .`:ose bin_cS:>, it e;y:sat~e:-. to 640 acre=.. and if you p~.st an average cf fc~._r• +snit~s to ar. acre it come=_ ±ap to 2,561 snits. If you molt it ly tt~:.at by a ~. 6, which __ the average cumber of people ir. a unit, yLLL would rime oast .with E.,G56 people. If ynu take that . ig:;re ar;d yu;a loch at the pr-o,j ect ion fur cur- '.?015 wF+ich is the ~P,00Ln~ we gave a difference right now of about 2©,000 people. So if you take that 2°,L'~00 acrd ai'.'ide 6,65G people .t says that you ~auld r-o~~.tghly di,persa `ho>~ people ever 4.3 •aq~.aar-e mi.__. tJhat m;e'':e acne I `eel by incorpcrat~r~g sucl-. a large extent of ag:-icultur-al lard at thi~ pcir.t _~ not really, in my estimation, _~ not .~ desirable thing to do when wr could ce^._entra:e in developing tF:e yrcwth mere pr-ox:a!al to the City. (Further- - see :.ape) Johnson: Excti+ae me, I'm going t.a have t.c ask you to wind up in tF:s• rre»t three rcin:aes :•:e have ct.t:er people th=rt r.red tc testify .sir:d :,e don't want to to here all nigt;t. We wa+.+ld app,•-eciat.8 yo~_+.'. commentu ir, wr:t,ng if yu., have anything additior:_i2 yo:.r can't get ... in t`s:'ee mim.<te5. ne,^mensc+I o: "d like tc+ q+.+cte f,-om the Compr^eh8nsive Plar,, pays. 30 and 3? tReading from p..,ges ., ., stater." --- wee t~.f.e; s ohns~~n: Than4 yo•... piny one e'.s_ t.U te.'. ify? L!irgin Smitehger°, 4315 E. L'st.icl+ F,d., was ssao:-~:~~ in by the attoz^nc•y. Smitchger^: I'm cane-er-ne T_!oi5e on the other side -=.~+.as +.,p agains'._ Ustick eagle nv_d er~.c:ep'. in the hind t° sett i-.y ahr'..•.e by rot that 1`:a-_ anything _c,:'_d be se:•..v~ed `u8tter~ •^ a `.. ? 4-; ~'. ~"; :. ~. ": d ~ E e w tl a ~. ~, wau a+ith the gro,.rp t.~:at went into cf lJstic-F: Road. ? have 3'' ayes that pct:ool. There' s nothing bet v:8 en me and 1'4 mile that i5 alr~ea~~y s+.+hdivid8d I'm myself. rva~.:ld like- to g:; _r.to Ro_,e, against Mer~id~a:., b.+t I fee: my pr°cpe:^ty by R=;158. I wc+.,ld hc• 'he boa:•d tr,. t t1By Cc... dC:. '^ER.1DIt~h! t'L.Rh!?1Ih{G E Z©4:IhlG `iUGlJST '_~, 1993 f-Urrcy: 7hc~ Grc,pe:^ty tt,atl Mr. E.mitchger oc~ens ~ withit: the Scn_,th ~lc~.:gt: S=,wv•. dr^ttirage ~srea of tt,r City of Meridian ;and that tr:..r:t; ._' has CUSt m; ll ion c. cf --7~llati_ tc '-.:!:e• Ci'..y a^d ds-r•l cp ~ and it wt~:=_ u.zs•d 3,.:_._ like tf yc-_t p:a+. a spr~,nklirig system i-; yc,,.,r hGme. YC'.: p'.:t 1^ :. .'E`:"t Wit. :. ~.ze pl p[, ~. C; gE^t 3 C'e.'a y_'ri aT:Jltnt Lf water .;.. spri r: F:le yU::r gr is ~.. __,ae Ming wi+`: .~...- _E'wagr t; :n4; lines. Yc•-: calc,.zlate all cf the ft,r^m gro:-.nd cr ds••;elopment. gr"aup '.hat ;,o.-:Id g:, rote that pipe and yo:.t size ;n acccr^dinglr. Hi=_. `arm was ...^.cl,-,ded :n that cal c:-:l at icr;, it' part sf the ~'it y's :-rues±mer;t ar:U' o-:e .r:ticir,atc at _.i;.r.e~ pc:ira ir: ±he f~a:.,re hi=_ pct erty way:!d sewer .. r;tU 't':at. t. r~~.;ril: Lne. His p:-aperty .; :: ..ut go .;~;te the Tloise City sewer- system, we've confirmed t.`:at with ]ohr ':ins.-;:, the Re. e.i ct ant Eui se _i*y rr.:yl :e,•~ ,`eel ~c. r;- f:,r Mr~. =mitct;ger he' ~ or. the ecd o` a lcrg se:•:c•r~ ._,._ ~~.:'-. t' ~ at:c~... rigt:t ..:w 3,'4 f a mile f;°om hi=_. prokrrty ar,d ir, fiat it migt;t he tt;e*.e hut. he' ~ definitel, .n o:.tt- sewer- servic=_• area end there' .. ^_''`';:'t^ we ~'ar, dU at]U~-It th3f. _'c`:-.son: Thank. yon.:. 4)e're going tc re~e~s for five m_r. .rtes. '*leeti^g c.=.lled 5,,ck tU ~r..dr',-' I_ `f,ere an,or.e e?se t~ tes':_fy^ =im Shearer", .~'C9 ~.. ._'.., ....: =_.wc:~., ~~, the ~:tt=~-ne'y. Sheave,": .'d like to ..ddre=.s the design re;:e:: pe rtiur. of ,, ... Comprehensive F!1 an. lt.' _. scmett-ring '-hat. think ~ re:~~.,i red fur play:r,ed ',mit development and other, t`::ngs. fl=_. it c~.:rr^ently ._ stater{ in there every cc.r.,mercial or industrial pro.,~ect that gc,es thra~.zgt: the City of Meridian. ~.c.tld g.: be `ore tha design review. 3a-o_:p, which means that. e~.ery p:°c;-ject t:+.:ilt in tt,e ~.:',-y of Meridian 'frc,m now on, an a lot that is alrer.dy zoned fot~ that use`- tt:i=_. wo~.rld add 4~ days t. :: e.•ery pro~e_*. mi:~ia~.:m ;.U g~ to des: gr. review for ~, cemrrercial h~:ildirsg. Wt;at v.e er:d :..p with is horsiness. people, ho,-zser:ive s, wt;aeve-r __ cn this design review commit.ter. di~kctting de=.igr. t:: ar: ..;~chitect who !-:as had five years of forme:l design training ir, college mini m:..m. Ir. otF;e;- wards we have azmate~trs tell:r;g pt°a`esscnals 1-:ew tc d:-sign therr^ L:;.;ilding. T!-ere z.. _ se•er~al o:"dinances. v:itt: regard to landscap;r:g, etc. t!;at :3 r: hez ~;r tc t•e adder.=..sed Lc,t the=.e car: Le addt"essed try the r'1~:r:nxr:g ??e partment at staff level emd :gill c_nsiderably speed uF, the p:-~UC_s.~.. ?he two pa-otuems T ftavc• . _:,e that are have a..te-., ., tt•ll~-:g profe=.~iUr;a`_s huw to design `•-:e.. _.,nldi -:gs ar.c: _~_„ndly we have great time delay:. i t. `::nip these F: t;. ...~.;lar- items :vher: tt:c lot _~ ~aree;dy _c;::ed aho~ad nc:~L be :',.rn the°or.:gF ~e=_.igr. .-e':'e;•, fc*.. that ~,_~rticr:. ~!EeIQt~;ra n~rarara[r7~ s zaralr~tr fiL~`~'U~? 10, 19`?, ^R~E ~:! ]0t:r.son; I F:nr:w ya'.t've ape*..ated wit'-rin areas 'r:hBr-e they :rc:vi• d-•sigr: and re•:iew _omm;t.tse•s :r: plr.-~. Wt~,a'=.. I-::a=, beer: you:- per~0r.s,'_ enpericnce rega'-ding yu.:.., t.w0 fc•a'•-~" ~~heare> E..,e;^y p:^0je~t that's gene ±0 Eloise of 45 d:iy~ c,..o:n tr;e time the plar:s we;'~e cum~:le a:•. t*':e a:er_rgu r:.:n 6C:1 days. ??-:e 0t.`:er- tt:ir:g the', E• pl an5 l•Jei E' tr1 :t tri F!"e wc':^e a~ a~pY. C'~: eriC: C:p' E's _ S$f tapB\ has been a mnim:.t r,. that I'vr fc: ~.tnd ir. .. ~'le .-`:3r ^yE ~. !('.:cave Re=:r:tree: Wn:.tld y0~-t he _:.;pp~rtive 0f more srecif'_.. design ~:^iteri~. in ertr:er tr:e S:.,bdi'.._~or: ^rd,nance ar ~::me f_:rm 0f ar. ordinance a•:itt-:in tr:e City that ,^_it,• Staff wo::ld :^?:iea: z. pro}ect _:~._::n~t, -ter:'.: e. .r. ~ty far old town. ^heare-': pre y0:: talking ir; terms 0f ;:rch:Cect ~-:~^r.l de s: g-: of ndivid~.:al b:.r_idinge. or ~.. ~ y0:.t talking s:.:bdvi_1cr: design' Eu::ntr^ee: I'm talkir:g abo:a ~...i*er.a ee.tablished`ur ~er°tta:~ areas ur certr.in type---. f ~c^.PS. "r:ea:^e:-. :•lher, ., de s.g-,ed the ~-..-.-r~r.t da:-: •,tawr; pla^, w!'::ch .: ~•,__~..~ ~f t'l~ ,+"oeC-_.~:~.:~., +;-.e.>=., ~~!-:_ td ...ck wDrFt i^ :r; E• v .:e Wal., S, f.re Str E•B„ 1._y~.±.r'gf pt:_., t: e _:~,)~it ~f that. Was th. at. . ~r had f,.-ar. ae~sthet i~ pc.7 n+. of ..ew i=_, r.~ hay{ a b~.mcri of di ffa;-ent b:.:ildings, sll d-.II`r. e::' ~;r:apc-., t .~; c.=: of ~cr. s'..r '_...0r:, =•:erythir;g wa=_, differe-:t tray: e-:_ryt.hiny el=_~•, :•:e h~;d •„ c0^air:':i`y +`:ro~-rgh the t.oa:r;. °}~ takir:g the p'.tblic ways and de: elapiny the bloc}; wcr'F., ttie .-e>petiti0n of the tr-ees, the r~epetiti0n cif Y. r:e ~,tre ei. liyh t.s and t.yps~ of str°eE•t liyh+,.=_. _. -^.d .._ c:n we tried to tie together.. this. .nta a com~::..r:it}~ -_jrd le-t tr:r h'.uldings 6e ir.d;vid'.r,i in amongst tt~,emsel:es. thin:-; that that is the Lest ap,.,z-c~;ch beca:-ae 1 don't. t.hir:k that. gcve.,..nmer:L '`-~0~-,lc .._ heL',ng indi yid'.: ~:? pr caper ty at•-o: -, :a!; tat kind of ~-:i .'.dl .g 'the}~ st-:c~.:ld b~.tild, wrest tt-:e `,-:iidiny st;...id 1004: !:ke, r•:hat n~,at.er;_'.=_. *_h_;' ~t sh0,.rld be made a:..t o` and t*:at'~. c.:actly a,hat'~ !+appeniny :nd I don't trine: the:t th.,,it' ~ r-ig`-:t fi'cm tt:e star:dp.-~=,~~± .>f 9tve:^nment. 1 thir:kt it is their pc.sit.ion to dictate the p~_t61i . Drys ar:d the• p'.tb11C :ght of wa~}s, Pt c. ~:~d tr:e•t type of thing and in that manner they can tie these tF:ir:g=, tuge•t!~:e:-. I ha•~.a ~::-: 0b~e•ctsorr tc: people wits: r:a ar~hitect~.lr°al s~.<ps.-:^'.ii•nce tellir:y r;e :vCat.. I st-r U:_ald desigr~ fa;^ ar: arc r. o:' ar:y other.. ec =. c'-utec+ `ar t';at. :gat. t. e•r. Eve:^ybody- r:as their 0aan ideas. t^E?I.DI'?"I ^L;^;hi"`t'_h:r' a,. Idn:?N ^~ Jr: ~` R .,n±r"ee: I ~ ir: ~_:';dErstar:C ,.a ,r. -: r" sn :i~:g arC ca.. tell tht+' ;, c'J F:_r.e a str"or;g r,. r.: o-. tC:erE t'~.:t s~^ie o` the p a:l i~~ has .. prey.-. ;' :t r"org off:; ..i or *. u_ ~t.: :.:t ~., :a. thir:gs tt: at, c.;me 6efo:-e ther; ir. i:. F:,.if::r hearing. Bo y:; _, peel tfic._ the p,.rG•li~ her:rir.g proc-es=. __ .,-:fplcient'.~;.. the p:.:61i_ tc. have inp,-rt ir-:to design =;.:sld2raa icna ~.: p-:'-c.~ec-t_ c.~ cpp::sed to haeing tt-,at. and then In _~J it;. ':aVi;~:g t.!~:e design ;°e::Ar. coa.sr.ttee !.jpB app- ac!-:^ Shea:"cr. t`:lr:k tF:at .•+e `;c:vL 'he _.,a:.. t~:at ,•:e ~.`=:ld .`: _.. _. _T r. a p' -t-.., _'d ,.trait. de-.Elcpr.~Er:t, wti~h . ... .: r..,,_, ~,1 t`:ing that needs _..;me design: rericw t ,ome pint by ~.c,me of-;e: gr~.,.,p, ;:then. *h:s g-~':.tp or a desiyn re-:ie~: gr'o•_tp. I --~_'an see nothing Jlct b,.,r"'_'a'.iCl°ary teing crewed `_,y de r,:gr, :.. E.:i~..>: cf any lndlv.d.:al t~~.u?dings. ? think if a mc:;; u~.ry[. ~: t:loc%; ;,, `_!~:z City of Meridian and wa*,t.s. to tear dews th,FSe cld ~'-,.-:ky h,-:i:Cis:g~., he v.ai;t~. ±c spend ma.~or- dolle.rs '_~. t:,.;y a lot, ~r,d spend a large ame,-ant of :oncq' v, p'..a a neaa t~Ji ldi^g the:°e the, s'cn'!. +~;: r: F, t!-:.r `_ th._ r~.oa•..d or° the City cr the City, Cc .;Heil _, :.t'_d ~e tc.i'_r.g h-t Y`:c `. kir::J ~f b:-::ld:.ng hz she.;'', t:.:.ld. _:ohnsc, r:: Th.ar,k yon.:. Rrry or:e else^ Dreg Johnson, C4_~ Can--~lda Rd. , V: Fis sworn by the a'. t _..,Ey. r+t."en TL:h~I_f- `r F ~_ t!':- " y ° J::: .L_ "E'Pbe 1.r.:p3c ees or' r.eW c•VB. CpOi[rs d d:'c dic_tssed ir, th:s package. ? thi:-: F; t`:e City of Merid~.ar. does -.zed c. :epic?e fcr raising f:,r;ds `c. s~hcols, pa..F,s, etc.. ?t ..er'ns tc be strongly 5eir:y favored that an impact fee be cons,de-'ed. _ think from my' st a dpoint if nc,thing e: se can be arranged then _... .r^pact fee is wetter' than ,..;othing. I wo'.:ld _'-tppcrt Clore .har; a^ :mpact`Ee. 1 wo..clC ;'.tpport a trans~.`er fee ~`__ - -crr:s. ^n 1¢pact. ee .;nly genes"ates inoome nom r-~ ~c..~tr-~.tct__... By p,:tt_ng .^:pa__t fE~~ J:,r.t .... :ev. de: elopmei-,r y'c„ create ~. windfall for e,:ist'_r;g property o.rr:ers 1:F~e myself. 'c~t"~ o+ tai £' ~E IS?at'.it"E' t:; :':e _T _ t _ ?.,}•, _. ^y_ g g- lacz;. opt i., .. ~a .:es _.nd e. yet _t ~-ea? e~tette transfer.. pee. R tra:n_.`er fc-e we all absort~ ~..: -.,' we a-. '_:e;.epit frr_m it. The _-'r..:er' t,-'..:.g ., like t. :, ° _.c'.t~_ _~ `he mi;;ed re~.identia?. ?!-:e on?y areas that it'. proposed __ ir: the area alor:g Eagle Road so'-1tF, of dver~land and o•.er along FranF:li., g,ing west :,` town. _s ..`:at ^crrec±". Forrzy: Rr:d :,.. So,.ah Ten Mile ~c:_ah np ?-8=:. rn f'!'Jrr.jr, •_~ ...,~ Af.j w<.j. n,j r; .°, ZOh!I!'•:~ <qCr -~ ~~ ..,,~eg Joh:-;~..,,. ~!as ar,y ~onsiderat..~:. gi.en tc t'~;e nr.-.th=_."r setc;or, cf .. •_~r.J r:"' We neev .,;eas _: :ewer den'sit} single fermily :-eside:~t_ G~-tt p...i~~e. are p~.:s~,iny up. Single family lets ~:':°e not 'o to re:d .;nde•- 42~~2~@ rea'_? a, ,a,c c ,., Me. __._,r:. We reed to `,e ,'_:'= '- :zl^- .'.-.,, `-.:i `er der;~:•.. _.tiu homes fcr r-~etired hC:^,er °_:" SmBI_ St. a't't $' fE:.^..=1P= _...~ '.`.nt t'::= ~f t.`:1Cg_ ... 1y cp..~i,.n '.hc ,:•lar: .dEVe1.:F:me ., f:.. tctF. reside-r,t._... and commerral _., ve:-, good_ ? a_~:..1:J l:k;• .:~n,e can s.uJc:•r~aticn y:~.-c^. tc +`r c, ^.or*_he~n ?-r'' .~` tf:e ~it.y. Rddre=_.sed the need for lese .T.ot~nson: ?hank ym.:. G2nyorae else"' Raleigh !""awc~ >fi }:?1`ie '~eron _n., s_.u ~r; 3',-r; ty ,. `; c. ac'.t C:~.'~ey. !'awe: _ ,.a~,e had ~.. ~G;ort_....*, .. '.;._„ .:it!--. .-!_,yne egarc:""~ .g t.`._ ~~,^.:p:-~a'-:er;save F'1 an ar:d addr°es~.ng r^p:.lati:Jn ~er:ters and cor:cer',tration~. Mired ~.rse densty's as t?-;c- ~". ~ of the City ._ de: e.rped ar;d as the Ci+y pcF~.:latii;n cente:^ ,nte~.~_.,__ and that _~. ;nys ir:t-., ±he ,,..,;ed ...e a~ zas cf things. I ~:dn'± f.nd are} ....~~.i .. =. r- dcsigr-.atior; r:ort.`. of Che:'t-}, Lane. 1 feel tha', thi_ e.hG~-:ld to addresss~d and ps•rhaps yu--: gerale.aan car. C_t4e a lock c,±. t':: ~.. J ~h r: .an: ?t,ar:%: yc!:. Arry cne e', s<. t. c: ',.-e=.t ify^ U~e":s Cl:a~.cn: terl:. there svrrz of t'he developmer;ts are pla~.ing ,.,..ts ing to ~1 ~e tegethe~i'. ?his -refleC'. .. _... ._:r q,_, <:; :ty of .-.`t•. t-1hy a...~ y0!: dC:r:g t!5 t" _`cFn~:sor:: ':':r. not z: deve'c:per. ~~. anythir;g tut we have ordina^.ce= ,eq~::r-.-.g ce-:.'ter:.. set bacF, re, c;~-_.,er_r;+e. _.. ter.,.., c` fee'... Those StF ~3 j ~ nYd _.. ..e ei C~CC:t fl""e`d5 3l lmc Jr'BJ"' .,, ldc~h J. Tt-,aek y~_. rr: y'GRB e15B~ Carman. Maye=_: ^".} c'_ncern. .. th_:t ... t!:ese a:^eas of impact w''.ere w~•':..e nut-. F'c::"*, of t`~re Gitp and wc'r_• part of the Co,.mty erred yet ;~xe ge tc the Fda Cu:,t l-rty F`l annirry e; r~:d Lu::ny~ #.her; tt;ey come tc +he Me,=id:an F>lanning arrt Zc,ning, tt,er, they yr: to the P,dur Co;.:ray. ~~n~n:'i=,<`.:ner's.. Njcw, t; r;d Mr. rc: r.r~^y .Ji?I va+.:c`: cr: Lhi ~ t r. : :cd r~anp times to get ±^e Ada Co:~snt }~ Pl an ;~r, cd 4r=d Zc:ning 'to send 1rrC,"^~Ci t:.'~in ~.. tt-sr CiiyPVi etrJ ~E. t: at[5 d:'.d a5 `ar',a3 I t,fi Gw t',e -;e•'.,er.- d.d _ce:~:e err,} :nrr._matic^. '_:: tt:e meanti^~e '_ wee;! *~_: +t:r Ada ~~.., y ", it n:. G~e; ~ Arid . F!u};o t. c'f ~.i: t~. (: .,, a':.,a Ms. 1?. G't•JC'.:tt ;tia'_. '.F-.c-~ _ a-:d ~~: ~, g``~'_ ;ne t~.e T,e=.~age fry^: M.. cc,.. .. ~, tE f~.'~e .~.~ ~~ r nrr ~.-. ~,. ~~ =ema,:._,~.G:;ers, r'aiw she had spGker: ~r, !-,ic stepp:,s._dly and Gur +..';-.;E.= :e:~'E• .,mE::le#.ely differF'-.' ar:d since the^°e w-[s r::; message frGm~S`tEt°idian tile:°e aiid S don't r.~:lly }~t;ir:N i2. vla=. Ms'-. cGt"t°=y''t. fa'~.:lf tG~'.3,;Se there ,va=. t.`.F cl-,-a;,}•• 1~. r',ler4:, e:t that pGlnt an trt ~:, t~.e. e :!c[=_ all Gf t.'., i'., o:.[^:er:'.. na1tJ-i thr T.,a <i......-.... b,.t`. _';.^. J'-::t ..:.:r:'[g ttetlt t.'ik't'c•':. .. 1El[Ck t`•:c;'e' ._. rr~.u._o- •~.,~"~ "'Er/d/cr. c:^ }~.[ '.::[..}. Gr wt t'.t:at 1:vF .:. the .c;.;a~t ."£~;. I j: st thinFi that wa r;Fed ~•.ippor*, from the City, a ~-=_.tFCen± w"tat ._, a o,_:r ~-_itior.. _'Ghn=. c:n: T!-.c _,e pra;-edr_: r'cs ai°e ir, plc;'F and t~:e enrrr>pG r:de::'_a d~ E~ take pl~:~£'. 1 t~:ini[ Li:e• hi c.'.::r-y wi 11 `_. Y:_1-: i f ) itCi cheer'; int ~hE' t"~~Cra !'ti Lt nr`y .., _:~ Mfd :'1ri aC _~ ~C'y jean- ~ _., t`e 3t^E'@ Gf 1mpaCt aT'.d aBfS..p t:"~:^.g t_. h=:'.:y i:'.t:. fill Of .::. r:E' Cct?+ .._:p:±= sGn:e G:;pla ttat ,-!c'.'.'_ l~:;s t_ y__ __ [~11 ! 'i.~;._2. R_ _. _. giving ..'tpG'._,...± g;.e~=. _!_. drF:E:.d:. ~,r: y., .., p...-a cif .__.,. _3'. tell yG., far a fact tY::.a he ~.. `,y of Me r'di~. warts _:n`.. ] GvB•• c P`'yt ~:/': '~ that +`: F'j _Gi:~i'aEr tG bE' .r, t.hei. ^pa~t. a;'-ea. f•~G+ _., tt`::l .^:eCFS.ct."11y .fi:a W£' d, V1B^.i. il:.;S' 1`".~::.it dr:~ t:, have ~ .." gay. ^'=yes. lr: t*_- pa:r'..icr_elc. ...st~.r'.~e _`:ere ~:~~,_. a^, R-:' p-u~;:,:ed alGSg ~'_.^.klir Ra_:d, there :ass eti':er .:ildi'iy ..=...-i:: ._ :.rd I felt definitely that there^- Was .i~..st ..~ ~ac4;ir;g tin ±.fat par..t_~~.:lar o„•.la. .G1.15C: wC'..... li•: E' tG __ty ti': ~.. .r, ~GT'il 'y :?"Gam ta'^:en ~... fa:^.., l~,r:,-S wGUid like t= :ec `_hc C:ty take a pos:tl~.. t.`.[,_ ~.(:"gE=_ +!-,Em tG iief'p .-:"i"l~at1G:". tG eF.~C` ilGTe_ +i":at 3:"E' ~llll... . :'c-allj fee: t,`.at that ~~hG::ld t:c ~:~mewher^t is^, this plar'. t`rat yell shG'_.ld 'aF:F a pGSitiGn that fa:_m ?rtnd rcm:;''.ed °rG.., f arming ~c_.ld -e`.al~. `.,hat. :'_lGt Gr;l y, Fa E•(. aLlSe Crr t+.~ ~;"_.. !": Ca, W.t e;' LJ ~..t ~~C•CaitSe Gf !"~:c ei' .EE? and )'=t8C 81:5 £' e>f t~:2 [,4^~"', E'f :+': "E ~-yr i':ody'y`E'15 fa"J;B 2 Y'Y'1 ya'i.TGr: iti at E'C. ..'; Off':7;5 ~~... 1t~5 lTit @C'@:a ii:g ~'la. ~, lu}. of pF:i~]1 £' dci'.'t. wt""a. lt. ??ayes: £':.tt .lr if ym.t wo~_ld er,cEr..,rage ti'.em A-:it,': the f::ect t',at .;~e,r gr'o,.(nd wa'er depend=_. :_:p=.,-~ this irr'iyat iGr. It also has a r^ec;"era '~.;na[1 r_:_21iFie•=_. paid y ti"ie. ar:d when. peuplK' ccnF .a... :.o t:.=.: they' have tG pay £~:~.9t:? s,i:.. t!-:Fir' wat.e~:-.r well we pa a '~h.:sar.~ and some d~' '~. -. Gn a:.u'- far=m ar:d dan' !'~ar"dip cake that _:~. ...,_ f~..^m. ..~h',..r.. Thca. __, a .`try _.~.,t. ... .,..'. .._. ... G !:,._[n_e=_. are ,.. r71 _, _'e ... z`y dli,y It'r :yNt-,.. 1~i ;t E''~ d:(.i~ rJe L~ .rGt !~. c.r_ ~':risd".ctiGn -` _G'.rr'se t!";e .. ;gati.;-, d str.ca=, do b--_+t r:e have tr: ~U1" Ot'~ina^.r .. 1P is ~;t""c lt.' ;F_F . _l:""j t_ ~lth?, p42t ... ne P_3'.R':~Bu It ,'1 Oc,tlGrl v. 3Jf'F _.leP2..'":at.c E:nd v._ dG^~r d _lpt a _ f" 'r v1;B .... ~..1 gilt... ~. '!at _. a` ~ gG_.. C; ... St`".. T.. au~usr r~r, l~~a ~nr_r_ c._ !'?d'Jr E'_.. .., ff:3. .:: tt;e ~6Htp'"E!ler:El V4 fri_~-) _. _.:,:,¢u-,. ^J c: ., .r. `. F:e Qr-d_n3r::_e-. v:!-I:~Fi .~ a st ror',ger df:C:.,nc:.t. '':e ~om;. e.:e;:s:ve ~'lar: is re~:ll; -, g::ide and t';e DI'^'inar.ces are _..:. ^2 .yep: Ent t!-: e' R:"c:l*.•.inces ::ly en~.Iy ,.. <, t':r C_~. ::r. '! _.ee t'... ;.:, t. _.. `..h? ~~ty _-~hns_:n: ?`:ank y/... Rny or.? e'. se "' ^?o E' R'_id ja':n'_~ :'3~'~ ?.irr: _:e1~r y, a.as sl-aeri: by the cJttorney. pl 8i: _ [tG f'8~B 1~ i. c'L!, .:hat t. e.d E. 3E t!": l+_ t~rC ^_!±~ .. J' J ` '^er°i[_'_ :n f:.lt ~.~ c_:pp,rts 'he Clept embel_. '9^.~ :~f~nd =1ec'i~n. '~-•t G..,~. reai 1, `e[? lf. t!:at I r.1:5t,'. t'.e F:er-.cr,.c~I?y a'. r~r?e:ng wl!:h t.`:at. `'BCn..~c Ty C`:.ld CGCIeB :~UTe B\C.._f d=l'f CJ CrT ~~: Si.._^.y ~: +JJLa t!,_ ~..~r_',ed ~..I .:;Is. I b?IievE _, _+:. "idivl:i~..=r'. ~_:+.. :y E' ,it :.:p ...=...E. d_. 0001 f"`'_~SJ'+~ I de'l'i '~:'?:eve t., ~tCj F'a' t~:9 )l. Shc Ct=., tC ~,.Ippor' the t~:~rld e'iect.a*: th:a. has irct eve-; Seer, iF:ere yet. fr el f;e: ~'~r.a:' a ~Cc..ni _: _.. ,,.; .: the . _. ~' thE: cit i.err. cp .he tcl•Jr:. I° ::e hav?r:'t t:eard `. !;e tuwr; t, ,.,,. d.. ::e .,.~_;v ::ha:t thEy. _..e gc. ':~ t... ~ay ? bel.eve t.h=:+ +h: _. s`',~ :Id ~-.y Taybe encc.;rage i`. t_:.a .-. :''.. fully .. ~.Ippor+, :t_ R'_=_.c ,.,, the .amec o:"de: ,,,. Fs:ge lf:, ~.?'_ (read - see t--~e> - Rlso an the poi.^.', of des:g-. _,_e:,., n C'~ i.hr. .. W'_' ... C'd:ily UhOr.II 'i"i't r:..t _... ~3iC ... _. ':i ": ', ...,a Y:8 `.. E.? l _. rr Y. p£.:^+y Jl•, ~r o-:!: i t G d.; .N: t.`. {!-iF::' t; f`Orre :..C /"1- Ids ,y.C the WGr'.' yh",:: u' be irrC ~.."may CRtf i;t .,, C"_'. r.ctt lti.It ~ ^: SC ..,. ~`d CAE' °, I hf,.e =c.r.m~r,t aSo::t !fee tape f:,. f',:rther er;planaticn). Johnscrr: ?hank yc::. Ur: the 1Tf;8Ct fi?e S. Rnycrrr s' el.e^ r' !:+:": Bf diy"2 C' :alb .. ~.3t _, iC~ :'':'U:; r: Ct_: `_Gd ;~..pi as at lGn ^yl`.~^ _. tee? tEt'JB: Rit'yGne E'ISf^ Fo,':"e•y: ?_,st: - point c` c?arif:.-_'atian~ Mr •:. Maye=. trro~i~ht this. "tU Ty Turd. Tf~f. ~d^ r. .': :.: "!t }' C09:".. _,. 0^, '_' 3 rdJ 'r Oa ,..aCC ~r~l?e a vEi'y 1 -try<~ ,.u'[•=: -,f i;a pact ~Ir~lnc'. th;' City of Mer': d. ac, .-. fact it'=. :y '.tE ..;all. T......, of L d:,n!.: ~!' 2u1."1. t`rt' whu:e ... the m: ddle i=. '~:e: r° `:lei4 Of Jlit' ..°.: rraC'.. u'..e.i :-.!'i'i"e K[' E''.: `J. C; R. ~"'ltl t't!1111.3 RI :.:CF-~ _-t"[i'F (,'•. E` (3~ }Elc .__: `rC Er r:tf v!O :". E'E':': tU .ri:.+C':'t. dr r,C _ t~•1_ '~ O (. ,:. ~". f : ; o. ] ,~, c f 1 ..-i ~I .-r,..j ~. r. ~. e r l a , L r. ~ 1 c:1.. ~, p. l c ° f, ~. r. f i n. ~ - .+ { 4, r~ -. . r F. r. y i _,. rJCI Y: ., _. _in n.. _. Cc_;^+y ~...,-.e..ltly :'ec_pyr:z£`s. n u ..,~nr7Ir~~.1 PLAN"t*r.!~ u ~nr,rnlG ~, ~ -~,..r~ _ n _ ,..,:. Th_'..n }"_-.. P.r,y.~nc e:=~e'' Aia r~spc-,se. ? :~.;' -.'- F'.d-.,r t,.. e'e': ~_:~'. .-. ~,.-,+ ...p ='~:. f_=at.r,-., '.:!. :. ... ~. -. J`_ r,.r .., _. ~"' ~Li l":°B}' ii`=, Clot n.~Ob: hc4: t~:i r2.~:d iy Jf ~CtCt w2i1 Y:Gt'ti ltit0 thi-. yet. tJe ha,:e ~c!;ed'_,Ied ~ p:_:blic t~e~,:i:;g or, the 'raft r,e,~~t,..et,e _.'.'e. "lan a'.c .t,~, cE.F,,,_m.,r:,.. '~+, .- ~;..} C~ _.:c'il mce'i-:g. T ~":[ m_Y_t~J:"'l:-.. 1°_ SUFI P.'i.-a c'~.` tb tir 1:: ft r_. i.: D•-: "n Ft. [.^~tf, tt~21-i ",'.i P-. expectt,.:sn :-:na tt;at. the p'. an >a~:t'_d b in dlr. _ cr dawn the ^oa~'. f~a-' er-c!-:gh that t,re mcratcr-'i_:m ca,-,id b~ lif'2d :-:it." ~:_.rtfi~'ence ••~.^: we I-!ad ~ome pal2c2es In place }. r, a`.c• ., t. t: r, :,. ,:*_ fl ch .af _I 'pi2~3tU71 b. -_ .:t tr:l& `].. . ;lt, .l r;d (.d ,~~ ~'"%de r:lj rey?:1 _~ t':•10 p,-tb12~ `iear'i:~'.gs, ene befcr-c the Com,,isnr. ':d ~:..-- be•f;;r"e t`:e .fit't r~-: '..'1021 r::.°.'J Y. tJ ~dG~a 'i Or.. _, ~,~,_te-.. !~Ir:d; ~= of Cact .:e'ed t:, be prapa.-'ed and aCcpted br •~. c' :'~ .. :.. r ct _'ms j'-:nct'.r-e. ~ct~-.all} tF:er r:erd tc 'ae .~.onc. Lc`bc-e m~;ke a rc ,.__ ;' :; ~'.,.., to t`:: ^_.1`_y Cc,-inC11. ;vF ..-... ~:: W'c' ~-1 t`v C' tt. ~ Ci(~ l ~,JE~231 _,.e Bt.:?.~ t~:e'. fG'" t~":i+" ,..;at. ",e or!1} o-a.'p wB -s.. ma4e t :. ..ete .s..: :t. Cr°c.'k:st on: Thc<t' _ ccrr~'r"e^~t. ehr:sor:: :dell tt~:is ._ "c*_:aily a ree~-tit ~` ,.. ;:cr~.~hop. '?=-,rtree: ".~:~ =bout t'iGU' ~, ;~-;e,'io',s, e*~. _':oh,:s~..- _ :-:de~~.',and t.hc; !. b:.a !.hak' __ one th2ng tF;at ye:., cl1!ad _'~~~ m'~:';e Inta the Clty Co-r:c2l te-.:~ir:=, cc~..id^`! ys.,.,"' "'JGrt_.t C: rl: if ..: 5lIP 15 cf t~":B .. .,iT;: c, i~ .t~ ~ :. t. tF:@ 7~'-~ _~e!:I ng _:' p:"c'`-,abi at r:et L'e2r.~ at:'_e t~. mare t. t•. ~,t t'e pt emt_: ~,cet 2r.g that p'O:_:'l`e stot iced. '-_'he_.,..~.r..: T`;it yam. ±~:at ar.e F. , ~,iy,.,,. :Ing=. ~..at. we Sri^~ '_tr:, wt: ., c'hr,r,~'r up 'i -, thic p~sblic hearir:g and _. the~t a,;..d r: !. whit pain`-, D~ t. c. -,l:e ,n}• cf `hese c :a",ges (u~"'. .'.. _... .-. .: ..:~ il'e;C ^. wee ...._ .'tp'-., t. v;e'c yr:t t!i::l CPub' =i: ,,ped F_:rm .. we ~ar._,ie.. ... i '^E:?=D'_!;'~t ^L'-lh~F'l:~lG :3 ~Or.;;n.!.r. "'!1~~ _ I'r a:;k ~t ~.,. If y";, _: _-;_3nye It ._y-~: Fj=~:'.t~i Y_:,, !':n.c `. .d:E ~'~c au°eT^: rtyre:.. .:i t. h; Mx;e -_bo:_rt h:~in7 a c.ar4:shop tc di>~-. .., ~a-.d ',. ., .~r.',: _ th. _,, tw ~~ ...t :; '_d t:1ke this 'eery ser~xa_a2,+ and du thi=. ~~~.t ~. s;d dG `"_r r. l,n ^. 1. ~D`: irp rat r:. `:er'e, I dcn't •`.hinS; anybo-!y F',ae, _;r,Y 3: rr.c`,'.. ... _, r:ith th ~ r:lar: _t~ 3 ~:tz^t, C'Y't: 1J z: t)Tj t~''.2 mo=.t r'::1d ::-n ~' tFiPy W3~ t~;P t=O71 fC F'~w i -,de _„ -..eyard t~ de.-~gr: ,-_~ier and thtst tyke of t`..s~g. 'Di ~~..~,_.,.. he'__ ar: h~. ,'i:,g a ~.ac!.. =.h~p` .he" M.;t;_r~ v,as made, . q.-~~_~ i*'"i•c [,~.[, .__ ~:ded :7p Ai idje,ni t~ F~,uld rt, ., -.!-rip arr r*+ :![<y~ R'..g:",~± :E', ~°~"~' ,:.?Lr ;'. M,. ~.~t'_". ~arr;ed: Aii Ye•zi: ehrser.: T`iere o-u'.; need to t•e r.;,ti~e ftu, a ~~e-,_ial ?"e'etr.g `or ^'-^.d_:y, G'.~:;st ?-,, ?9?~ *.+ e:t'1?' P, M.. Ode ne'd :n;n+_aos done ~,..: _ ... w_a ,_. Tt, E. Mpt der: 112.5 T7 r.%? ~:1 tr'i :"; i_L'.t ;"'[ 3^;~ _'.':J ;":d=_~=~ ~; 'y ~!'. c. st e.;.. }y ed"j ~su-'n e.t 1~: St" Fr. Ph : w Gt :: Can ~=t)"T"l rd: ~~!. ~r E'~i: !T. r^. ~`C (~a.. C?'f [' fjc T~."!~- r C'p!If'E'~`yl...,rrr.: r"? APF'FLI;!ED c~~, --~-'"" J ,;rc~T. ~, ~ ~ ':!I`i [inn^, ''IT)' r_~PFr. _.. .