1976 01-19 Pls~ing and Zoning Commission ~' Jannarv 19. 1976. eet a W S embe re n Ox Fro W e D Rob a• D Le 1 Othe a Prea t: Francis Frost len daon R, D, Mittich, Linda Mitt ch, ene Rosa, _ Lar Sale Sumner Johnson Ric C, Sill a Ric Orton Joe G r ranci Frost was resent a the re-he rin of the Commisai to ene a e the C aion o recommend to the C t C oil o make an effort in he N w Su ivisiona el ter t e mail boxes makin llow ce f the sidewalk to re n e en ngh for o odes rian Lraffic as xell as t allo the mail carrier to ro ly di tribute the dai mail. Wi liana was resent to stet ' that he natal de rtment has atru Led where and the boxes should be lac d- en t a anbdlvision was Yi at o cupie Now the atal a runt instracte hat othe wa must be rovided ow to will thin new char a be in of et? Will eh a ro a th a sam roceedure in t fut e? This was answer d t t no a can fortell what t e Yu ure ea and re- ati a mi ht be. M Fro t stated t t more it ca ~_be_d livered from a vehic e a curb side cluster f bo s th a welkin delive ouae to ho ae. This char a is a mesa re of econoaq. 6 eothe ueation was raised Th as r sent boxes are plac and ill b lacod a blic ht-of-w Who ha the autho itv to approve those hin in a blic _ _ right of x ? - _ .-- -- -- I was ho ed that a co trac sr wo d be able in anew bdiv aion o lace a cut t in_ he_sidewalk t0 place a _cl ater f mail boxes and to add a corre ondin _ ___ diti nto he sidewalk for the ~ ,ccea and ravel of the destr ____ _____ _ M Wil isms stated that the l is _ _ time la ae involved and h be invo ved. The ontra for w uld build the cluate are , and later the resident ca ea a .on t install the 1 ox. This whole program n eda o hav a eon lotion time i ior t o occu ancy by the aid t _ t was Yelt the the acbdivi er s ould eve these deai a dr in o the plena, and rove b the Meridian Poa mast r tiri the ostmaster bsin r red t quote the tatut that requirea_the instal tins in o er to resent liabi St the City and others invo in he__p_lan review. _ - Mor a _ ~- i. ~~ Merid ian Ylanniw Snd_LOASD~,__. _ __= -. _ . _._._-- _-, u. 1•', t7iv. _::_ etor • bu din This area doe not inclu a the residences on ins, at o Linder, on t Sou Side. The ea involved is Bioath of th Rail oad tracks alon L er t the "rthxast, Thar xas seuaaion of the need toe end oadx across this ro ar t .. t was ho ht t it xould not be net sea for his The r_ neat for a rsconside atio of_ he_Zone request that a a tad u on at the last month' s met xsa discuss d. his o rt is located at he N rth W at intersection oY F antl and Linder exteridin to t ra osd tracks and re Bated a rea s to M-1. It a rea tad that this area i bor Bred residential, and t at th _se pe plc should have soma onaideration.__ Mr. W lliama stated that du to ~he Ci i act area and co _ rah give lan not bein tom eted rho s this ar a eh I nld a t be rezoned until i is oxa t the band use s ould be. No action s t en is this matter. The re u_s_al f the re neat ati st The t a from the last meets e of the public hear a g ~ it me an¢ _ the commission ante ~ ~ ed_t hear _ _ nE room. _ glen udaon xas present to epre ~nb__a Zone_ChanRe request o M- brae nted from the ount Zonin Commission. _ This and ie located on Lin er i orth M eat of the Railrod t - ack, end - to Pine Avsnu This re uest does of clude~ the ro art frontin on ine A anus. Mr. udaon resented the Count _ is xh ch xas not in favor f th Zoni g. __ _ _ S ver stated that the c~ oncerY : of _t am a commission xas the effe it _ uld have on --- _ the -- Mr. recr beta loin - udeon tiona as he g property oxners. ~ stated that in the a type equipment. He is epeeifYing the ua M-yi Zone F- plica~ion t krould'~ xij in the appl alloxed considerable e regneat xea fora .ling to accept a cos ication. type tore itio of d • war al us lopment. ------ house for permit __ __ It wa pointed out that th ' ~ t is ~ot xh ~t he is applying for _ - It xa pointed out that it j appaa} ~ed th ~ -- t xith Bob Mittich -___- - llin -- to ax adjoining -- - ine a ~ Linder it mi ht be - - ' . _.--8----- ~ advis -- ble t -- - ueat annexation -- - o th -- City of Meridian. - nd The oning ~ by tion xae made axe -- -- - Ci~iaaion recommenti ~ Froa ~ to th ~ and -- -- F- Gity~ ~ econded by Don Rober Council that the lan a th be t the a Planning and coned c rcial for the property oxn~ by ~udson and Mittich at the c rner~ of P e and Linder ezts ing t the railroad tracka ~~ Motion Paaasd: Frost, Yea; Roberta Yea; Roxley, Yea; Pulley Nay. 3. Meridian Planning and Zoning Jannars 19. 1976. Dr, ley explained why he vot Nay (bec use he did not feel that ammer ial was the orrec zone to perform wha lfr. ndaon desired to do). The 0 inancea were review Dr The Lion x a F moti be eacinded. Moti was seed All Yea. Ths m Lion was made b Don Ober s and seconded Dr. Lee 1, that the planning end onin Commission recommend to t e Cit Council that the d lwc Led o f Linder to t e No hweat of the Railroad tra a sd b Hudson and t ich sane and zoned Indu trial for the ur se of wa shoo a ato a o recre tional hic ea h a etri alon Pine remainin "A" Rea den a Moti Paa ed All Yea Brad ax eur ~ 0 t o A treat },r~t ~ngt Fe wh ch C _all uwing. 4Q0 F t ing_ _ me tea S i $ - cy e_ C B _ SS~L it ~ va-olatt~_ __. _-- _ I _L She developer~raa- ~ -__ t ation of~ochure_ Sh roblem __ at a la me time. er - - -- _-- _ It xa _ the feeling of the __ ~o~i sion hat an approval oft con apt p --_-_--- -- an had alre dY be n approved in a prey ous etin - . - Eugen Roas was present to' -- disc as th A & C Annexation wh ch is ad~ac nt to hie ro rt Hie land lien to the Weat Thi land has no access, is d aturbed that the d velopment of this h d w 1 clo a ua arty access he ht va. t the present time a doe not use the A & C 1 d f r acc as he used the ditc b righ of way, which mi~ not suitable for a roa xay cceas _ _ It noted that when f her evel nt of the property is p sent , it xould t' - - • 4. Meridian Planuin¢ and Zonine w January 19. 1976. Sump r Johnson , the Cons ting Engin er was present to di cues th t e Commission the goals to be accomplished P ord rly g owth of the area. Ths resent codes do need o be revia d to kesp pace with rase trsn a. Dense t s of evelopmenta are not c ver in t e present ordinance. An a ea of at needs t ben otia ed with the Count C mmias onera in the he fut • in fact b Janus 1 1 7 1 as than a ear from ow. t d be better to o thi noon. It s hinted out that it wou be i 11 to take advantage of th ae el cted officials the are es onaive to the Co it needs Mr:. kiver stated that the C scion had tentatively set love ale R ad and the Eas line oP the area of i act to old t o line and discourag any cro hment from thi aide of our owth area. he o her 1 to were considered as t e R3;v on the North; the Count Line on the Weat; an Lak Haae on the South. Mr. ohnaon cemented that hie a ppear d to be too large an area to po ce and au rviae at this time, but iP prop r att ntion could be given the- it w s proper. It w a noted that the area sale - -- tad - - re the name ae the W - stez Ada ecreation Dia rict; the Meridian Free Pu , is L brary District, the Wester Ada acre ti on District; and the M ridian Rural Fire Dia riot Th a could be a valid r aeon as an impact area. Mr, ohnaon introduced Lar S s a M ember of hie firm wh at tad t at the are of i act is a matter oP n gotiation th the Ada County C mmia inner The larger the area, he more parcels that will be pr aented for the area onai erati A ems ler area might be the one le 1 t beyond the City. r. S e stated that the C rah naive ateerin committee r cow nda area of Loc st Gr ve; Black Cat~he Brat to an Uatick as an impact area for t e City of Mer dian, ich is basieally t are that can be served by the New ewer z•eatmsnt Fac ity. his would leave a t o mil atri of agricultural lan Pro Locu t Grove to Clo erdal (The Weat Bound o the ice act area. . Road a are not good div ing inea ecause the utilities are n the street, then wha shoo the other side oY t e atr et. For onaideration it was onaid red: Mile west oP Black Cat; 3/4 M le North oP Uat ck; 3 4 Mile Eaat of Locu t Gro e• 3 Mile South of Overl d.( This ea can poeaibly ve etats 80. 5. ner iaian rlanni ana 'LOni Jan u 19 1 6. Mr. S le is to continue xo king alt rnativea xith augges ions, was couraged to form the Ada County Comma, aione a tha effort is being mad to sad an impact sre to d acuas xith them sa a- on as posai le. The delive xas dia eaed a sin became no action h be tak revioam~. The otion xas made b D Robe a an econded b Owe Fr at t t the Commissioa C C t ex v o a not be a owed until a letter re caved om the Meridian Po t Of ice a ovin the dra a a o m e o t t S anorovsl ha re o t a M o P F R t Y Att at: Chairman it Cler Co s Sen : __ __ _ __ -- _ P1 Cit Wing Counc _ _ _ d Zoning Commission 1_, __ i komprehenaive Plan B x A May JUB r da Co t3 Director of Zon _ _ Ada ACOG eunty ommiaeionera ACH C - D - _ -- t~ He t --- Namp Di.~ erid innte an Irrigation Distri t - Fitz Houa erald Numbe ____ i~street Address ___ o Hnds r F Ind lin-L trial Anne= nder_ N.W, Intersect' _ _ _ Crea Cre ood # txoal 1 entre_Va _ A & Anne tion i~ EXCERPTS P LOCAL PLANNING ACT OP 1974 67.6526. AREAS OF CITY IMPACT - NEGOTIAT(O\' PROCEDURE. - (a) The governing board of each county and each city therein shalt, prior to January 1, 1977, adopt by ordinance following the notice and hearing procedures provided in section G7-6509, Idaho Code, a map idrntitying an area o(city impact wi[lrin the unincorporated area of [he County. By mutual agreement, this date tnay be extended to January I, (975. The ordinance identifying an arcs of ty im act shall also provide Cor one of the following: (1) Application of the city plannand ordinances adopted under this chapter to the area of city impact; or (2) Application of the comtty plan and ordinances adopted under this chapter to the area O( city impact; or (3) Application of any mutually agreed upon plan and ordinances adopted under this chapter [o the area of city impact. i Areas of city impact, togcthcj with plan and ordinance reyuircnrrnts, may cross county boundaries by agreement o(thr city and county concerned if the city is within three (3) miles of the adjoining county. (b) !f the requirements of section G7-GS'_Gfa), Waho Code, are not met, the county eommissionen Cor the county concerned, together with three (3) elected city officials designated by the mayor of the city and confirmed by the council, shall, within thirty (30) days, xlect three (3) city or county residents. These nine (9) persons shall, by majority trote, recommend [o the city and county governing boards an area of city impact together with plan and ordinance requirements. The recommendations shall be acted upon by the governing boards within sixty (60) days of receipt. if the city or county fails [o enact . ordinances providing for an arcs of city impact. plan, and ordinance rcyuirrments, the city or county may seek a declaratory judgment from the district court identifying the area of dty impact, and plan. and ordinances requirements. in defining an area of city impact, the ~COllowing factors shall be considered: (1) trade area; ('_) geographic Cactoa; and (3) areas that can reasonably be expected to be annexed to the city in the future. (e)' If areas of city impact overlap, the cities involved shall negotiate boundary adjustments to be recommended to the respective city councils. If the cities cannot reach agreement, the board of county mmmission:rs shall, upon a request from either city, within thirty (30) days, recommend adjusnnen[s to the areas of city imp.,ct which shall be adopted by ordinance by the cities following the notice and hearing procedures provided in section 67.6509, Idaho Coda. IC any city objects to the recommendation of the board of county commissioners, the city shall, within sixty (GOl days from receipt of the recommendation, xek a declaratory judgment from the district court adjusting the areas oC city impact. (d) Areas of city impact, plan, and ordinance requirements shall remain fixed until both goveming boards agree to renegotiate. In the event the city and county cannot agree, the judicial review process of subsection (b) shall apply. Renegotiations shall begin within thirty (30) days after written request by the city or county and shall follow the procedures for original negotiation provided in this section. ' (e) Prior [o negotiation or renegotiation of arras of city impact, plan. and ordinance aequircmcnts. the goveming boards shall submit the qucstion5 to the planning, zoning, or planning and mnin, commission (or rccommrndation. Each commission shall have a rcatonablc time fixed by the goveming board to make itsrceommcndations to the governing 6oanl. (n This section shall nut preclude growth and devclopntrnt in areas of any county within the state of Idaho which arc not within the areas of city impact provided for herein.