1976 02-24 Meridian Planning and Zoning February 24. 1976 Meeting called to o der Don oberts~ Acting Chai an i the bsence of the irman v r. em ers presen ar ow e ; wen os ; on o er s ey Pre-hearing discuss on. Traffic and Water w re di cuss in relation to the ex tion f Tromburg- o The water lines woo e a d be on aid b s airview. the developer at su h t' a as hey need in the annexation. p ise wa e o se r is a anvo ve s a sa e o a extension to the Ea emp t to o ocust ep an n error roa Grove for Gruber and y av Badl a y. or e e via a the roadway at diff conge rent ion ocati n air ew y eac ns. sine s yen ore en a uig 8:00 P.M. came. Th Comm 'ssion entered the hearing oom. Others Present: Le d d Cl ore McFadden; Allen ent ; Jo Tromburg; Ri ane hard ; owe illi ien ; aurence s; Richard Orton. e; arv~.n o ine; two buildings in th Town Subd vision. Mr. McFadden stated that here s a 60 foot roadway rovi ed of West 4th veloped He has the promise f om Pac for an access to Ch rry e. This would Mr. McFadden wants o bur d on of 6 and '] without 1 avi a ro dway access - a e area o es Mrs. McFadden state o s that in o she f is proper y ying to It that they should the of b s . requ red to e an access a Mr. Roberts stated oss t t e e fac a ua a property. that Mr. Towne had of pr ovide an access _ - - -- - ime o is to block an access sag®i~Ited ou length. Without an Mr Riddlemosrr v im cces n sin rtant actin to W oiler ou no a good p a to the esthetic valu "des require ~ '7th Streets the blo y~as~o~`-tom owne ing oY oo ~ k le ubdi o a is ren or e th w Sion ow a u ding aining land. s s oc c old be i +ti,n+ __ ___ _ ____ the McFaddans shoul a r w be r quire this. to give up good sal emeut able lots o develop ----- __ _ Mr. McFadden does n wan to c ange lot 6 and 7 in ny w y and this is within - --- - his-3egal~rights -Dx: ~ni3~q eta a the Towne Subdivisi -- ac esses 's is are--Ziin3ted n r. a narrow piece of gr a and n pro hat i er y-~~ boxed in -- -- by ext o see an access at this t' i£ a fo sure the woo e o c ood of his or any of an ers - goo tore prow e development - 6~" . Mr. McFad~_s - _ Mr. Towne. He did t fe 1 the it was his requirem nt t pro de access. Mr. Williams a Coun limited 'loran in at endance stated that herr Lane will be a ___ - ment of the MiFadd4 the_aCaess i:n ~7+h ran cool be impaired if not ompl tely topped without Meridian Planning and Zoning .2. February 24, 1976 Mr. McFadden stated that i.s PI' perty and Pack props ty s ould evelop at the same time, and hat a cess ould a works out a ime Mr. iddlemoser sta Cherry Lane, what w ed t uld b t sup the se Mr. c a ifference if these 1 a ro is w way re o ccess o ed by separate individual Th 's que ion was scusse , u n en i e y reso ve . The Motion was made by 0 n Flo t and seconded by Dr Lee Palle that e ommission oes It should be presen no ed to ve the C rig o ru a on ty Council. s ma er. Moti®n passed: Robe ts, y a; Frost, yea; Palle , ye ; Row ey, abstained Dr. Pulley remarked that his i a legal problem and not matt r of the ing an oning look carefully at h' o e s fat i e. a de a era on~.s a elopment of his larg par c a el to o make sure he no ox se time there are no v in y sable no p acces ovi an access ro areas to these gro way ds. hat a a presen e owned by . cad an. -carve ~~' Mr. Lane, Tromburg to request the anne n e tion try of th re presen w t owe it property; 150 fee bac en , from n , the frontage o e oromere Mr. Lane indicated , he~ a int balan nded a to be residential. o use call of his 1 d as a Co ercial evelopmen The The Gentry parcel i ize i also 90 f 90 fo o ront by 0 feet t front by 250 feet deep esp. Troroburg stated the s Comro mmer6 reial ' ~ to Gruber would suit a.t,e a.,aa ., ax ~..~. his lens. that this would int it a escri tion of an uneven pi ce o land was iscuased t2~ parcel of Mr. Tromb car rg to shou some d be given to leave uture time. All Co on r erci 1 o 1 mig e ergs t open the oor o some ~.ng u esar e. - e o ion was ma e Planning and Zoning y w eco eh os end t an secon e y it the City Council th and Cit ow ey anne e - and zone - ~TCT' ommerc a by Lane, Gentry and ee i Tromb ep g, t ron ing on airm.e e balance to be zone o "A" e pr Resid per y owns ntial. Motion passed: All ea, ley, yea; Rowley, y a; F ost, ea. It was pointed out at t e cos s of annexation are o be borne by the land ---- - - - owners. It was decided to s it t e cos s three ways and the the City Jerk should _ b'iS1-eac~i-owner se a e -- ~ ey e a ism e. - _ - -- Larry Sale was pres nt to discu s the area of impact that will a discussed The several propose cons 'derat ons areas were press ted. - -- - T_ - TFie w o e for the Ci erz y to car ssume a is rict area wtuc seem d ergs --~s~ tom Ustick on ck Ca he No th -- -- Locus Gro Freeway on a on the S he Fa uth t Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission .3. February 24, 1976 3• 3/4 North of Ust ck ou o ve 1/2 Fast of Locu an t Gr e es o ac a This is an area that coul puss' ly be served by gra ty f ow by the new The Motion was made y Ow Fros and seconded by Wil and owlet' that the begin negotiations th t Co e y y Commissioners to oun 'tis a alt e i y rnate #3 City of Meridian, ge eral desc ~ s ibed as: a o 3/4 Mile North o S Usti k 1/2 Mile East of Locus Grov I stood adjourned. - - c ing rm s - '- _ - cc: lanning & Zoning Com issio Ma r & Council• _ - umner;~da Zori3ng entral Health; ACRD; ector Nam ; Comm Meri ssioners; an Irr' ation• - - cizoen; Fitzgerald; M' aul Pack File; McFad nutes en Fi (City e•_P ; Towne Sub; k View Sub• e er u Fale; Tro burgs Gentr & Lane Annex.