1976 04-26lJ Meridian Plannin¢and Zoning April 26. 1976. sting came to order, the irst rder f business was to f 1 th vac cY of he Ch irman, if, D, Skiver o ha sub tted his resignation from the C esion. T ere was some discuss on as to wh should acts t this osit on. D Palle nominated W Hard Rowle This was seconded b en Fr at. otion assed All Yea, D n Roberts made the m tion hat a unanimous ballot be ast or Wi lard Roxl f r Tem or Chairman of th Zon and Plannin Commision ha w s sec nded en F ost. Motion assed all Y a. illar Howls o sped the Z in d P1 in Meetin . mbera resent: Annetta Hi richs Don oberts Dr. Lee Pull W' llard ovule Jim Grant. 0th ra: ichard Williams T e land owned Hoe McGe ee wa discussed, Thia r ert is 1 Gated be- t een oad and Pine on W t Id o in Fast of the Gem stat s th land f rmer owned b Ro Woods. Thia ro ® t was eaented as ar el to be divided to 6 ota facie Wiest Idah tha wool be develc d. Ox n Frost stated that is i ~~rea nt an un latt ed Gel of d that has b en in the Git for man a s• d tha this should be enco a e to b developed. Do Roberts mentioned t t th tom ehensive lap should be w rked n to et i tom eted. Owen Frost st ed t at at the resent time it a e ed t at the compreh nsive lap needs the ac area selected and acted u on f rst, Ri hard Williams stated hat he Im act Area is bei~st died b th Ada Count omris icnera at this time, La J. Nasman is re u t~ a '!C" commercial for her o er lot ted South __ f the Lembke Heatin ro a on the at Side of East Firs Str et. his matter as be n~eaented previous in 1974 and waa denied th P1 in nd Zon- co ssion and b the Ci Dr Pulley stated that he c ssi n should have a oli or lan o adhere o to id in requests of th' s kin , Zt was ointed out that the c ss on had ruled in this area befor and had o ted a stance that this ea s old r main residential in sthe is su oundin f r the N rth access to the it There is commercial to the~ Nortl th the rea- z. A it 26 1 6 Meridia n Flann~.n ana Bonin r e Tim thy subdivision pro rty s dia uased, Thia land ar a li a on a Over- d R d Weet of Locust Gro a and eaten ing to the Freeway. ~L s po ed out hat t is area had been app oved or Te Hepper for 5-acrea ract with over- to rovide for proper de elopm nt to smaller lots at a la er t me, was t ought that this should be c ntin ed fo aqy future developm nt. It was pointed out that in so po tin the future, th+ are cool become a part f the City and use c y se vices F ved streets with Gutt rs s ould a required as this i dev loped. L coat View Heights wa next disco aed. This is a requ at f r 1-a a lots. T ere i already 1-acre lots th s are being developed now It as t ought that t e pro er approach to this a to exami a the aorroundin ar a an main in a sim- ar gr h. IS this seems t be he sa develo er as is de elo th resent- s ounding area, then ap rova wool be considered. Th parcel located at Us ick d Me idian Street re nest n a zone han a to R 5, wa discussed. This is 1-.e R rth W st corner of this >n erse tion. This is a reque t for 3 dw®lling unit per acres which is a dense are for septa tanks en at an interrim measure o snl tion. I was pointed out that ther is 1 d closer to the sew r de elo t of the C ty of eridian. Streets sh old a pro ided and d lines s ould be in. talled be- f rthe treeta are placed. The Shenandoah aubdivisi n wa dlac ssed. This is a 146 acre arcel consisting o a~pr matelY 457 lots. _ _ ____ It a ointed out that his s a 1 r e ro osal. The B iae star orporation i to f ash the water and t e Ci of oiae is to Furnish t e Se r ac ording to heir sentation. one of t mos im o tant uestions not dyes ed is the addi- t onal et on the Schools. Thi matt r should be thoroug a lored On of the Commission m bars state that Boise was Earn shin the tilitiea, t the work out_the proble of t e ova crowin of the sehoo a. Mr Rowle stated that the hear that is to 'follow his etin there will a re oast for the locatio of a Churc . within the Git in "A' resi ential. his i an area a roximate a resi size located at Lin er d Wes Fine, u n 3. w...s ain.. Pl~nninn anti `I.tmin0 April 26, 1976. "~O• lYloia FARIN 8.00 P.M. - ttenda Ka nce: Leon yldrich the A ldric LeR Atwood Ra d G. Wolfe Ro er , McGehee Ron Co to Ed e J Nasman L ura J . Nas K D, Hartwell Donald Bri am R Shoe aker R St~o~ ll o h ch ld for a Naz e e t L d & P cal ed Eu ne Kindred. T e ar 1 is a roximatel 6 0 fe t on inder and 0 Feet o Pine The r re oast f r the lacement of a church Buil in asium and Educati al U it(S d School as di ussed. D Pul stated that ch ch c be built in an "A" aside tial ecordi o the it Ordinances. The a we a no favorable remarks c ncer th 's use or th ro rt and this se w s e tted M .Shoemaker was infor ed t at if t was used fo mul ur a use other han f a church this wool hev to c e before the Commis ion. Ro r McGehee and gon C tte _ w re resent to discus the ro os 1 . McGe ee for develo ant o 8 Q cal ehind the House iron in Pine which . McG ee reaentl owns, his arcel lies East of the Gem Eata s bet een Pine Bro w and would conta to a fac n Weat Idaho Avenue whi woi be da- p ed and im roved for a o to 00 feet Eaat of the ortia deve o ed b _ e Ge Estates. -_ Mr Cotterman displayed drs _ ~ t at indicated the r el t be di ided in- t 6 lot to be used for Malt le welli the same as exist to a Wes t of him ____ well s to the East in th Her Sub ivision. All develo meet s to ace the _ __ rove nt of West Idaho Ave ue. He at tad that the maximum dens' wo d be to -Plex. Dr . Pulle~ated that he d awin does not indicate th dens it d that air for discusaior. had b en t k of t cons ruct on. 2 ozs dense d velo nt needs more time t st W ter Sewer and surr d' ro rtiea 'l1 be involved. _ Mr . Roberta re uested re d ffini a dens t answers a d s fo water and ewer. Mr. McGehee was in truc ed star th more detai s. 4. Meridian Planning and Zoning April 26, 1976. han a for her ro ert Sou h of embke fleatin on th Eaat side f East rst S teat. Her desire wa to c ange he Zone for the prop rty N rth the House t at is resent on this 1 A orti n oP the lot in ques ion ' s zone C now, d e to he zone ehan a allow to nott Pine Pro ert on the Wnst aide this treet Their South ro er lin was arried on across the stre to uare up t e des ri tion and to inclu Le ke He ti in the "C" Comm rci Zone. Mr Nasman explained the the have a b er that wants t is o e lot o build L Atwood e Dined hat des ea to purchase this lot o bui a parts ouse n this 64 foot front a l0 15 eat of which is alre y z ned " " This sines would be o en thew k d sand not o en on Sundays, and ould a an in out customer rocess. S me of the ad'oinin ro er own rs ha been contacted by t eae evelo era, some o them did not object but 1 se mad t feel that if this w re a owed it would a ma ter of a iece by pi a ch ge o the, properties on d t e str et. Dr Pulley agreet that is i _appr ved could open the d or t furt er re- eats or change of zone, is i an a tractive area of tea dent al h ea now, d pre ants a pleasant appe ance as an entrance to the town and fits to the p annin of the commission, a in revio s discussions. Mr Atweod stated that t is ea is "C" to the Nnrth and need to b cleaned u into a better looking co rcia area and that his buaine s wo ld no increase e tra fic in this area. D elo ant i other areas of the own, could change the affic flow. Thia area sui ed th m due to the traffic flow tea y the e. It was suggested that t e dev lower c~.rculate a petiti to he re idents thin 00 feet and if 75% o more were favor to come bef re t e Cit Council. his a tion was withdrawn, ecau it w a the belief of Dr, ull that the mem- rs of the Commission shoul giv these people an official es o No. That s is a definite atri co rci ro sal and has not work d in other places the County, The tentati a co rehen ive plan calls fort is ea to remain r siden ial. _ he Mo ion was made b Don ober and econded by Ewen Froa the then people ircul to a~etion to the oin ro art owners to asce sin he pe cantata av T r wn • 5. Meridian Planning and Zoning C~ April 26, 1976. e mot on was made by Dr. L e Pal eq an seconded bq Owen Fr at t t th Commission comma d to the Citq Counci that the r quest for "C" Commer ial or La ra J, amen denied. Yi tion asaed. All Yea. e Mat er of the Timothy su ivis 'on fo further division of prop rty t 1-acre is wa presented. It was pointed out that this as or ginallq approved for 5-ac a par els, and at at that time an overlay had b en re aired to make sure t at s ructu es did n t blo k future roadways, d to facilitate breaking up into lots at a e later int time. he mo ion was made bq Dr. a eY a d seconded by Annatt H icha, that the quest for 1=acre lots for he ~ othy Subdivision be dissa prov d. otion passed. All Yea. en d if development is pprov it hould follow the on anal inten , with c o er old b tilit oadwavs. and utiliti a art of the -Cit es at th e t e s,~ later place but If This is definite hat it is be and the in dove area omen that of the It was o t d o h bd' ones ed this t e -_ _ _ T e Locust View Hei ht matt r_was d acnssed~_ his a ears to be a parcel hat a su ounded on three side an cool be con- dare to e e t _~@ 0l4 he C as on that __ _ ~ elope _3t rnu ~ - -- _,-- -- Sat. oII~f9I'__roadwTv}..cur ~nd_ p4ea ~ - -- --- - Th _motion was x A et e H rich hat this ___ _ ved d._ that _.adecuat~_ s~ 1 qea- - pI' _ -- nn . $ e a ea an mi ht race ve c t ter nd se a e s rv' t la er t e, he Citq 6 Meridian Planning and Zoning April 26, 1976. s not ble to su th s ea h hat r and or sewer at th s t e and the ommia ion would have an ob ecti tot is dense an area on a ent s tic a There a so ands ose to th of t e c t th t sh uld b con- dared before this are F D R b t th s zone D- o R- a o otion assed. All Yea. S enand ah heat was diacusae xaa oted that Cit of Bo se au the sews a treatm nt d th Boise ter C oration will su the ter he co s on thou ht t at th s was b t who au lies the s hoo An a t s lar a choo District t at is ahead overcrowded It s th t t th s t ld h ve an adver e e fo t o t sch d tr ct b t t ro 'de o r ucati n for the chi dred t. at w d c to an ea Th commisa on recommen ed t t t d t the s hool ucsti n roblem can be o ad A test: emporary chairman, C ty C1 rk • ity Minutes;AIC;ACOG ACRD; entr Health . _ da Commissioners; Ve on S hoett; t ourses 3rd; ark~a Proposal;She doah; azare a Church-