1976 06-21 Meridian Planning and Zoning June 21. 1976 M sting called to order by t Cha man, Willard Howley. M tubers Present: Owen Frost, Anne to Hi riche, Jack Barbee, illar kowl y, Pulley Absent. 0 hers resent: Mr. & N;rs F B wn, Vernon Schoen. Dar ng Prehearing ueetin the ronk owns proposed annexe ion s dis ussed. H s res dential address is 3 W'es Fr lin, land area consi ting f ap oximately F ve ( ) acres, ad3oining F ankl (bet een the Farmer's clu and stet' ary Clinic. Th s wil be discussed at the ear g let r. N rthga a Villas # 11, wasp sent d in a form of an A-95 R view. Thi area is t e lan that was originally rese ted f r trailer park zest f t Seni High S hool n Cherry Lane and Li er, 'th t e exception of the C miner ial c rner, A r zone request was pre nted from he Gountq 76-bb-fc, This land ea fronts o Locu t grove South of Fai iew d in an L Shape fronts on East Pine pprox 1/8 E st of the present City Li s, pprox 1400 set oath of irvi cres) Th a matter was address to y the Chairman after confa ring with he Commission tubers 1, This area dose not ve G ty Wa er or pity Sewer ava labl at t a time. e eve opm®n as Health and Safety a anne well ~r as tr uni a per acre, cou ffic congestion on P c e b d Let st Grove, 3, as we as azrview It is recommended t o t th us s req ove, est for Rezone be de ied t thi time, Th un i more p ann g se three items were an twat pro ed to e o pro ec e s the Ada County Plann ro g n d Zoni e~ ng, G eenhi Estates ~ 3 wag d case d: La d owned by Leon Tayl to a dev loped by Howard Jenk s, ocate 500 feet S uth o Franklin on Weat ai a so ~th Ea le Road. This land ea s out ids the __ osed Cit I act Area an be o d the 1 Mile limit. No ac ion as tal on. Th Commission entered a he tin oom at 8:00 P.M. Th mat er of N.r. & Mrs. B wn wa discussed. Mr Frank Bown stated t the desir d to sell his proper y at some uture tip, felt that it would be mot val ble i it were annexed to he C t F e was making u his nd concerning the visa iit fit being Residenti 1 or Comme cial. Hi land lies 305 W. Fr nkli is to b Acres in size d co tains one house, i whit he is living at the res t t He was informed t at m tipl x type c nstru ti on could be rovid d in an "A" residential. He ha thou ht t t this must C _ 2. Meridian Planning and Zoning June 21, 1976. llowi g some discussions M Bo deci ed that he would con ider this tter d pos ibly return at a lat r ti for ction, This matter 'll a hel for later esent tion by the land own r. It as pointed out that his opert uses the Cit Water Util t at this time that the Cit would desir that his o ert be a rt of he C t as oon s sible es Chairman er cc• & Z Comm' umner; Schoen; AIC; Zo CCG; ACRD; Ada Commissioners; _ ank Sown Annex; Nor hgat Vill x{11; r Ada County Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda GENERAL INFORMATION ~~ L/~' X-g Any person unable to remain for the entire meeting may call the Planning De- partment tomorrow after 9:00 a.m. to obtain information regarding the decl- eion of the Commission on any item. TELEPHONE 345-9510 Appeal to the Board: An appeal from any action, decision or order of the Commission may be taken to the Board by any person or persona, jointly or severally, or any taxpayer or any officer, department of the County, to the Board of County Commissioners and the Commission within fifteen (15) days from the filing of the decision of the Board. THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE NO- TIFICATION OF PERSONS AS TO THE ACTION OF THE COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM. THOSE WISHING TO KNOW SUCH ACTION, OTHER THAN THE APPLI- CANT, MUST CALL THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT THEIR CONVENIENCE. APRIL 29. 7976 ADA f.DIINTY CDIIRT HDNSF 700 n_m_ COMMISSION MEMBERS James Amyx (Vice Chairman) R. Gail Heist (Chairman) W . P . Bienapfl Jerry W . Korn Frank Bowles, Jr. Donald C. McCarter Ruby German t0 ~' J Z ~ ~ ~ = Q~ O z ~,~ cu ~ V ~ ~ R' a 0 z c ~~ r ~ ~ W _N Z1 _ z $ - _ N O~ ~ ~ ~ -- :~ . ~ 4 w : QZ ~o® ~ S S f~ ~ Z i Z bs a Nyl _ O ~ Q Z N W LL M K / Q Q YJ PO 6 Pv w Asa s M'My ~. r V a " - - ~ - ~;, NS - . ~ 0: by ~ F ~ a: - -~ ~' ~ y Otl x art, b ( ~ ~~ ~ i _ - 0 3100 ~ = I " ~ ; P ~ N 'Ni 1 J 3nOtl0 '3~ ev gL ¢ f 30X5 lIN W Q g Q ,~ Qb ~ b3nOl0 I ~ g I i ii °¢ e Otl v c ~ 3rJtl3 i °a g ~ ~ l 3M I1M0 r Ob • Z O r W $000 ~ : ^ e • ; - y Otl s: N• Ib3N •NIIM a / ~ _ ~ ~ z Y ~ tl dtl N b3 0Ni~ ~ V C x Otl IN X31 N JN~re ~+ i 113NN3 „~ ' atl 1rJ r N 1«4 A i I ~ ° z oy .8 g 'N£1 ~ ray. wvo ~N2 1 l YYY • = as ± boss - ~ ~ 1 NS 1 ~^ _ b vcv-NV O~ t [~ COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 76-10-CU DANIEL G. GIBBON ress of Applicant: 507 W. Idaho Location: NW;, NE; Section 9, T3N, R1E, except the north 493.41 feet by the east 757. 74 ft. EXPAND AN EXISTING CEMETERY AND PROVIDE FUTURE CRAVE PLOTS 76-11-CU LYNN M AND SHIRLEY SANDERS ress of Applicant: 8824 Goddard Place Location ;mile east of Five Mile Road on the South side of McMillan Road WEDDING CHAPEL WITH RECEPTION HALL 76-13-CU TREASURE VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. _ ress o Applicant: 5371 La ti go Drive Location: Lots 8, 9, 10, Glenn Ellyn Sub. east of Five Mile Road on Glenn Ellyn Court. CONSTRUCT THREE DUPLEXES IN A R-1 ZONE 4. 76-14-CU ROBERT M. WEST Haaress or Applicant: 4501 Columbine St. Location: NE of the junction of Bogart Land and Hill Road CONSTRUCT A COMMERCIAL KENNEL 5. 76-15-CU ROBERT FARBER Address of Applicant: P. 0. Box 2753-c/o Fred Shoemaker Location: Approximately 150 feet NE of the intersection of Garrett and Marigold Streets CONTRACTORS YARD 6. 76-16-CU 76-38-ZC & 76-39-ZC LYMAN WINCHESTER _ ress of Applicant: Rt. 1 Kuna Location: South side of Kuna Road and West of 10 Mile Road C ~ • ~:~~ COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 7. 76-32-ZC J. V. OTTER pp cant s Address: 906 Houston Road Location: NW corner of Ustick & Meridian Road D-2 to R-5 8. 76-33-ZC SAMUEL R. TEARE ~~ _ ress o 1, °'`'r Applicant: 1500 Timothy, Meridian Location: NE of the intersection of Timothy Street and Overland Road D-1 to R-4 9. 76-34-ZC ELWOOD WHITE Aaaress or Applicant: 3576 S. Cloverdale Road. Location: ; mile south of Victory Road on the east side of Cloverdale Road D-2 to R-5 10. 76-35-ZC CHARLOTTE B. ACKLEY Aaaress or Applicant: 2231 North five Mile Road Location: i mile north of Fairview Avenue on the west side of Five Mile Road. D-2 to R-2MH 11. 76-36-ZC BEHRMAN BROS., INC. Aaaress or Applicant: 4275 Ridgeview Road Location: SW of Interstate 80 North and ;mile West of Five Mile Road 12. 76-37-ZC JACK HOKE Aaaress or Applicant: 3720 E. Clement Road Location: writ of the existing Strawberry Glenn Airport and north of the Boise River ESTABLISHMENT OF AN L.F. AND A DISTRICT